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by Stanley S. Bass
N.D., D.C., Ph.C., Ph.D., D.O., D.Sc., D.D., Orthopathic & Natural Hygiene doctor
Information you can use to gain a com!ete
un"erstan"ing of #o$ t#e #uman %o"y $or&s in
#ea!t# an" "isease'
DRUG-FREE NATURAL HEALING ---- Dr. Stanley S. Bass uses this booklet as
reuire! rea!in" #or his $atients - to "i%e an intro!u&tion to !ru"-#ree natural healin".
What do you know about drug-free healing?
Is it possible to reverse cancer through diet alone?
What recovery method requires bed-rest and is popular in USA?
What recovery method allows you to work and is used in urope?
!an raw "uices help improve intelligence?
#ow can heart disease$ ulcers$ epilepsy$ asthma be naturally reversed?
%o you know when &disease symptoms& are &healing symptoms&?
Want to learn self-help alternative healing methods?
MIIONS O! DO"#S "#$ SP$N% ON D#&'("D)$#%ISIN' ( *HI$ D#&'(!#$$ H$"IN' IS "MOS% &N+NO*N
$)$N SOC"$D "%$#N"%I)$ M$DICIN$ &S&", P#OMO%$S D#&'S ( H$P SP#$"D +NO*$D'$ O! D#&'(!#$$ H$"IN'
IN%#OD&C%ION by Stanley S. Bass page -
%H$#"P$&%IC P#OP$#%I$S O! #"* !OOD by Arnold DeVries page -
*H"% S,MP%OMS %O $.P$C% *H$N ,O& IMP#O)$ ,O&# DI$% (original version) by Stanley S. Bass
page /
" MOS% IN%$#$S%IN' C"S$ O! #$CO)$#, !#OM C"NC$# ( ON ON$ M$" " D", ON " #"* !OOD
#$'IM$N by Wong Hon Sun page 01
H", !$)$# - excerpts fro !rt"opat"y by Herbert #. S"elton page 02
Do'nloa! this an! other #ree booklets about !ru"-#ree natural healin" at Dr. Bass 'ebsite '''.!rbass.&o(
#$M"#+"B$ #$CO)$#I$S !#OM S$)$#$
H$"%H P#OB$MS %H#O&'H
D$%O.IC"%ION, 3&IC$ P#O'#"MS "ND #"* !OOD
$t is *it" great anticipation and "ope t"at $ "ave gat"ered toget"er+ fro ore t"an ,- years of experience+ a collection of
soe of t"e ost and inspiring cases of recoveries fro a large group of diseases+ any of *"ic" *ere
classified as /incurable0. &"ese people+ t"roug" t"e use of ra* 1uice progras+ "ave eit"er copletely restored t"eir "ealt"
or greatly iproved.
W"ile in Aerica+ *ater fasting "as been popular+ in 2urope t"e use of ra* vegetable 1uices "as been preferred and used in
any large edically supervised institutions+ W"ile *ater-fasting re3uires ostly bed rest+ t"e use of 1uices allo*s one to
continue * since t"e use of 1uices provides soe nutrition interspersed *it" detoxication+ t"e reoval of toxic
aterials fro t"e body and t"e siultaneous replaceent of inerals+ vitains+ en4yes+ a liited aount of
carbo"ydrates+ proteins+ fats+ etc.
&"ere is sufficient energy present in ost cases and fre3uently ore+ since t"e body is spared fro t"e use of enorous
aounts of energy re3uired by t"e digestive processes. &"is liberated energy is iediately directed by t"e body into t"e
"ealing processes+ t"us allo*ing great c"anges to occur in a liited period of tie - ont"s and even years of regeneration
*ill anifest in 1ust *ee.s of tie. And all t"is can be done at "oe+ *it" a iniu of expense+ so t"at "ealing is possible
for all *"o "ave t"e *ill to underta.e t"e process.
&"ere is not"ing ore inspiring t"an to loo. into a irror every day and to see ore yout"ful c"anges occurring along *it"
better feelings+ so t"at eac" day brings ore "ope and encourageent to continue on till t"e goal of daily living is reac"ed.
5et+ at t"e sae tie+ t"e appetite can be reasonably content *it" t"e taste of delicious and refres"ing 1uices+ ta.en
periodically several ties during t"e day and carried in a t"eros *"erever you go.
After 1ust 6 or ore *ee.s+ ot"er foods suc" as easily digested proteins and fats ay be introduced into t"e diet+ allo*ing
t"e rebuilding and recasting of t"e body to proceed after t"e initial cleansing period "as prepared t"e proper foundation for
t"e reception of "ig"er 3uality and ore vital food aterials.
(sually+ *it"in a fe* *ee.s+ people feel uc" better and in , ont"s tie+ t"e body becoes stabili4ed and feels
consistently *ell. And *it"in a period of less t"an one year+ alost all "ealt" probles *ill "ave disappeared - even large
tuors and gro*t"s.
Wit"out furt"er ado+ $ *ould li.e to begin *it" a presentation of soe aa4ing cases of recoveries fro all types of illnesses
and diseases+ collected fro soe internationally faous institutions under t"e direction of **n edical doctors
*"o+ by using natural foods and et"ods alone+ *ere able to successfully cure diseases *"ic" today cannot be duplicated+
even in t"e largest "ospitals using t"e ost odern edical et"ods.
Dr. Stanley S. Bass
%e* 5or.+ April 6--7
The #ollo'in" $a"es are #ro( )The Eli*ir o# Li#e+ by Arnol! De,ries- by 'ho( I ha%e kin!ly been "i%en $er(ission to
re$ro!u&e. It is base! u$on e*tensi%e resear&h #ro( ./ sour&es o%er a $erio! o# (any years.
%H$#"P$&%IC P#OP$#%I$S O! #"* !OOD
by Arnold DeVries
S)$2%&$8$) )9$%$)A9 W!':
$ndividual ra* food "istories are iportant+ but even ore so is t"e applied clinical *or. in t"e field of science. Here also *e
find strong evidence of t"e value of ra* foods. $n Aerica t"is *as noted as early as August of ;<-=+ *"en an
announceent *as ade by t"e %e* 5or. >ost ?raduate Hospital t"at a cure for long-standing and obstinate cases of
consuption *as found in certain ra* foods. (nder t"e supervision of Dr. @o"n 8 'ussell+ eleven patients *ere given four
ounces of ra* vegetable 1uices eac" day in addition to t"eir regular eals. &"e 1uices *ere extracted fro suc" vegetables
as potato+ r"ubarb+ suer s3uas"+ beet+ turnip+ cabbage+ celery+ carrot+ parsnip+ radis"es+ string-beans+ and peas. 9ater
fifty additional patients *ere placed on t"e sae dietary regie. Wit"in seven ont"s t"e eleven patients *ere disc"arged
as fit sub1ects for a life insurance ris.+ and t"e fifty patients *"o started later *ere described as *ell on t"e road to recovery.
At a later period+ in )alifornia+ ra* vegetable 1uices *ere again used in t"e treatent of tuberculosis. $n t"is instance+ Dr. H.
2. :irs"ner *as placed in c"arge of 6-- tuberculosis patients for t"e county of 9os Angeles at t"e !live Vie* Sanatoriu.
Soe of t"e patients "ad spent as long as nine years on t"eir bac.s *it" very little progress to*ards recovery. &"e diet *as
coposed largely of spag"etti+ acaroni+ and ot"er coo.ed foods. Dr. :irs"ner added a glass of Agreen drin.B consisting of
t"e ra* 1uices of alfalfa+ spinac"+ and parsley+ to t"e diet of eac" of t"ese patients every day. 'esults *ere "ig"ly favorable+
and t"e course of t"e patients *as c"anged to recovery. Soe of t"e patients *"o "ad been considered "opeless *ere able
to get out of bed in six to eig"t ont"s. $n Dr. :irs"nerBs private practice+ ra* carrot 1uice+ addition to t"e green 1uice ixture+
*as included in t"e diet of tubercular patients+ *"ic" broug"t about ore rapid recovery t"an did t"e green 1uice alone.
H2A'& D$S2AS2+ A'&H'$&$S+ 92(:2#$A
Dr. :irs"ner "as also reported t"at ot"er c"ronic ailents can be treated very successfully *it" ra* vegetable 1uices+ ta.en
in soe cases in aounts exceeding t*o 3uarts per day. He "as cited recoveries fro "eart disease+ prostrate gland
disease+ cancer+ neuritis+ art"ritis+ and "eorr"oids t"roug" t"e use of ra* 1uices. $n one diabetic case+
iproveent *as noted *it"in t"e first 6; days of treatent+ and t"e insulin dosage *as reduced fro ;C to C units per day.
&"e ost case "istory cited by Dr. :irs"ner+ "o*ever+ *as t"at of a severe case of splenic leu.eia. &"e
patient in t"is instance *as given ra* carrot 1uice D sall 3uantities at first+ *it" gradual increases to very large 3uantities
D and "er *eig"t increased fro EC to ;7C lbs. 'ecovery *as coplete *it"in ;F ont"s+ and at no later tie *as t"ere
any recurrence of t"e disease.
&"e faous cancer specialist+ Dr. #ax ?erson+ "as eployed a diet containing large aounts of ra* vegetable 1uices as
part of "is treatent for cancer. Soe of Dr. ?ersonBs patients are given as uc" as ;E glasses of ra* 1uice eac" day+ but
ost of t"e are given soe*"at saller aounts+ including daily doses of , glasses of carrot and apple 1uice+ , glasses of
green leaf 1uice+ 6 to 7 glasses of calfBs liver 1uice and ; glass of orange 1uice. About =C per cent of Dr. ?ersonBs cancer diet+
including all 1uices+ is uncoo.edG t"e balance consists of vegetable brot"s and ot"er foods *"ic" are coo.ed by t"e least
destructive et"ods. Dr. ?erson "as reported gratifying results in about C- per cent of "is cancer cases+ *it" any
coplete recoveries. $ndeed+ Dr. ?ersonBs experience in treating cancer at t"e ?ot"a Hospital in %e* 5or. *as so
successful t"at "e *as called upon to testify before a subcoittee in t"e (. S. Senate in ;<,E. $n )anada+ Dr. ?ersonBs
counterpart ay be found in t"e person of Dr. @. '. Davidson+ forerly of t"e (niversity of &oronto+ *"o "as also reported
curing a nuber of cancer patients on diets *"ic" consisted of ra* foods and foods sub1ected to a iniu of
Aong ot"er foods+ Dr. Davidson prescribes rare eats+ ra* il.+ ra* vegetables+ and ra* vegetable 1uices ade fro
carrots+ celery+ and lettuce.
'AW @($)2S
$n ?reat Britain+ p"ysicians "ave been e3ually successful in utili4ing fres"ly-extracted ra* 1uices for t"erapeutic purposes.
&"e #inistry of Healt" and >ublic Healt" Service 9aboratory "as issued a report pointing out t"e value of using t"e 1uices of
cabbage+ .ale+ parsley+ and ot"er uncoo.ed vegetables in t"e treatent of a *ide variety of diseased conditions. &"e report
statesH A@uices are valuable in relief of "ypertension+ cardiovascular and .idney diseases and obesity. ?ood results "ave
also been obtained in r"euatic+ degenerative and toxic states. @uices "ave an all-around protective action. ?ood results
can be obtained in treatent of peptic ulceration+ also in treatent of c"ronic diarr"ea+ colitis and toxeia of gastro and
intestinal origin.A
&"e dental scientist+ Dr. Harold 8 Ha*.ins+ "as reported t"at correct dietary control+ *it" at least "alf of all foods used in
t"eir ra* state+ is of uc" value in treating t"e syptos of pyorr"ea+ including infection of t"e alveolar bone *"ic"
supports t"e teet" and gus. According to Dr. Ha*.ins+ in caring for t"e pyorr"ea patient+ it is Aessential to *or. out a plan
of eating t"at *ill include food t"at can be eaten ra* suc" as ra* il.+ ra* eggs+ oysters on t"e "alf s"ell+ ra* vegetable
salads and ra* fruit.A Dr. Ha*.ins states t"at *"en an ade3uate dietary is follo*ed+ At"e gu tone usually s"o*s a definite
iproveent in E- or <- days+ and t"e I-rays s"o* an iproveent in bone density in about a year.0
During t"e years ;<6<+ ;<7-+ and ;<7;+ Dr. #ilton &. Han.e+ * t"roug" t"e facilities provided by t"e (niversity of
)"icago and t"e )"icago Dental 'esearc" )lub+ studied "undreds of sc"ool c"ildren in t"e city of #oose"eart+ $llinois+ to
deterine t"e effects of adding t"e uncoo.ed 1uices of citrus fruits to a conventional diet. During t"e first year t"e c"ildren
*ere studied as controlsG t"e second year *as t"e test period+ and t"e t"ird t"e rec"ec. period. Approxiately ;E ounces of
fres"ly extracted ra* orange 1uice+ plus t"e ra* 1uice of one leon+ *as added to t"e diet of eac" of 7,; c"ildren on eac"
day of t"e test period. &"is broug"t about a s"arp increase in gro*t" rate over t"e control period+ as *ell as a C- per cent
reduction in t"e incidence of dental caries and t"e alost coplete disappearance of gingivitis. During t"e rec"ec. period+
*"en t"e 3uantity of 1uice *as reduced to t"ree ounces a day+ t"e accelerated gro*t" *as aintained+ t"oug" dental decay
again increased and ost of t"e gingivitis reappeared.
!t"er fruits and 1uices also "ave t"erapeutic 3ualities. &"e Agrape cureA is *ell .no*n in parts of 2urope and "as found
extensive eployent in t"e sanitarius and resorts of #erano+ $taly+ parts of 8rance+ and sout"ern ?erany. &"e patients
of t"ese institutions are fed alost exclusively upon ra* grapes for four to six *ee.s at a tie+ starting *it" about a pound a
day and gradually increasing t"e aount to five to eig"t pounds a day. @o"anna Brandt reported a nuber of cures fro
cancer t"roug" t"e eployent of t"e ra* grape diet+ and ot"ers "ave used it successfully in t"e treatent of constipation+
r"euatis+ catarr"+ gallstones+ ec4ea+ 1aundice+ alaria+ "eorr"ages+ and ot"er ailents. ?rape cures are even
recoended in certain ental disturbances and in *ea.ened conditions of t"e entire uscular syste+ including t"e "eart.
'a* cabbage 1uice "as been used *it" success in treating ulcers. Dr. ?arnett )"aney at Stanford (niversity
treated E7 ulcer patients *it" one 3uart of ra* cabbage 1uice per day+ and E- of t"ese s"o*ed pronounced "ealing. $n ost
cases+ t"e pain disappeared *it"in a fe* days and recovery *as coplete *it"in t"ree *ee.s or less. Six patients *it"
A"ugeA ulcers re3uired CE days of treatent. &"e t"ree patients *"o failed to respond "ad dense scar tissue in t"e stoac"
and liver daage before treatent started. Dr. )"aneyBs experience *as alost duplicated by Dr. Willia S"ive and "is
colleagues at t"e (niversity of &exas. Dr. S"ive found t"at ra* cabbage 1uice D as *ell as t"e 1uices of soe ot"er
vegetables D tends to prevent ulcers and to cure t"e. He studied ;-- cases in *"ic" t"e ulcerous condition *as so
severe t"at t"e use of t"e bland diet and anti-ulcer drugs "ad failed. But t"e of one 3uart of fres"+ ra* cabbage 1uice
per day by t"ese patients broug"t about ar.ed beneficial results. &"e use of ra* cabbage 1uice in aounts less t"an one
3uart per day prootes less rapid recovery t"an does t"e full 3uota but it is of definite value+ and even a glass of 1uice per
day tends to reduce or eliinate t"e pain in soe cases. &"e ra* cabbage 1uice is also an iportant aid to noral
eliination and it iproves t"e general "ealt" of t"e ulcer patient as *ell as prooting recovery of "is priary affliction.
S)'A>2D A>>92 D$2&
&"e Ascraped appleA diet is an old ?eran fol. reedy for bot" diarr"ea and constipation. #odern scientists "ave eployed
ra* apple in t"e treatent of t"ese sae conditions *it" very good effects. &. 9. Birnberg treated diarr"ea in c"ildren *it"
ra*+ grated apple and obtained copletely successful results in FF per cent of all cases. He noted relief fro abdoinal
pain ac"ieved alost iediately+ noral stools ac"ieved in 6, "ours+ reduction of fever *it"in ,F "ours+ and
disappearance of ucus in E- "ours. &"e beneficial effects of ra* apple in t"ese cases are attributed to t"e presence of
/"ydrop"ilic colloidsA in t"e food *"ic" absorb excessive *ater and furnis" bul. to control peristalsis.
'AW H!%25
!f particular interest is t"e t"erapeutic value of ra* "oney. &"is food "as long been .no*n as a Afol. edicineA for "ay fever
and ast"a+ and recent experiental studies conducted at t"e Willia Beauond ?eneral Hospital in 2l >aso+ &exas "ave
s"o*n t"at ra* "oney containing t"e pollen of t"e offending grasses or *eeds builds up a natural resistance to t"ese agents
in t"e body+ t"ereby offering relief to t"e "ay fever victis. Studies ade by > 2. Weesen of t"e 8rauenfelder Sanitariu of
2urope s"o*ed t"at patients given ra* "oney exceeded all ot"ers bot" in strengt" and "ealt"y appearance. Dr. >aula
2ric" tested ;-- c"ildren+ and found t"at t"ose given ra* "oney ac"ieved a ;6 per cent increase in "eoglobin content of
t"eir blood over t"e ot"ers. Dr. 'olleder gave a saller 3uantity of ra* "oney to CF c"ildren of an Austrian orp"anage and
noted a "eoglobin increase of F ;J6 per cent. Dr. Sc"ac"t of Wiesbaden claied to "ave cured any supposedly "opeless
cases of gastric and intestinal ulcers *it" ra* "oney+ and t"e celebrated 8at"er Sebastian :neipp rear.ed t"at Asaller
ulcers in t"e stoac" are contracted+ bro.en and "ealed by it.A Surprisingly+ ra* "oney "as even been given to treat
diabetes. Dr. A. 5. Davidov of 'ussia noted t"at it tended to prevent acetoneia+ and in spite of its "ig" sugar content+ its
use *as associated *it" t"e actual reduction of sugar in t"e urine. &"e Aerican p"ysicians+ Dr. 9. '. 2eric. of 2aton+
!"io+ and t"e late Dr. '. @. ?oss of #iddlebury+ Veront+ "ave treated "undreds of diabetic patients *it" ra* "oney+
ac"ieving success and vast iproveent in t"e *eig"t+ strengt"+ and appearance of any patients.
'AW 9$V2'
&"e value of ra* liver in treating pernicious aneia is no* *ell .no*n. As early as ;<6E Drs. #urp"y and #inot *ere curing
severe cases of t"is disease *it" ra* liver+ and t"ey claied t"ere *as soe unidentified factor in t"e food *"ic" stiulated
t"e gro*t" of red corpuscles. At first t"is *as called t"e Ared blood vitain.A $t is no* .no*n t"at t"ere are t*o suc" factors+
folic acid and vitain B;6+ bot" of *"ic" are destroyed by "eat. &"us+ *"ereas *ell-coo.ed liver is practically useless in
t"ese cases+ ra* liver brings about consistent and rapid recovery. 8or per"aps t"e sae reason ra* liver+ given to *ea.
and undersi4ed c"ildren+ "as been reported to increase vigor and iprove t"e rate of gro*t".
'AW #2A& >'!D()&S
!t"er ra* eat products are also of un3uestioned t"erapeutic iportance. W"en tuberculosis *as still a coon disease
in t"is country+ frail and consuptive people *ould be seen going to slaug"ter"ouses to obtain draug"ts of fres" blood+
*"ic" *ere believed to be of great value in suc" cases. $n countries *"ere tuberculosis reains prevalent+ t"is practice is
still follo*ed+ *it" reportedly good results. !n a clinical basis t"e celebrated 8renc" p"ysiologist+ >rof. )"arles 'ic"et+ *as
aong t"e first to use ra* beef 1uice in t"e treatent of tuberculosis+ and "e reported excellent results in t"is practice. #ore
recently ot"er 2uropean p"ysicians are follo*ing t"is sae et"od+ and t"ey apply t"e ter+ A4oot"erapyA to designate
treatent of disease *it" ra* eat or ra* eat-1uice. &"ey clai success *it" 4oot"erapy in treating any conditions+
including aneia+ neurast"enia+ debility+ convalescence+ and latent+ incipient+ or active tuberculosis.
8e* ra* foods "ave been as "ig"ly recoended as sunflo*er seeds+ s3uas" seeds+ seeds+ and *aterelon
seeds in t"e treatent of disease. Several years ago+ @. $. 'odale noticed t"at sunflo*er seeds+ *"en used in t"eir ra*
state+ effected a cure for soe cases of bleeding gus. After "is report on t"is sub1ect *as publis"ed+ ne*
evidence accuulated *"ic" indicated t"at ra* sunflo*er seeds *ere also useful in treating sores+ deratitis+ r"euatis+
r"euatic fever+ art"ritis+ and .idney disease. &"e teet" *ere said to iprove under t"e sunflo*er seed treatent+ as *as
t"e condition of t"e eyes. 'a* s3uas" and seeds "ave been recoended as *or expellents. An infusion ade
by dried *aterelon seeds in *ater *as an old $ndian fol. treatent for .idney and bladder infections+ and any in
odern life "ave also testified as to t"e efficiency of t"is treatent. &"e *aterelon seeds ay also be eaten in t"eir fres"
state *it" good results. W"ile uc" of t"e evidence in favor of t"ese uncoo.ed seed foods is in t"e for of testionials
rat"er t"an clinical data+ it is too extensive to be ignored. W"et"er *e consider t"e seeds as effective Afol. edicineA or 1ust
good food+ t"ey are doubtless of uc" value in odern nutrition.
$#>'!V2D $%&299$?2%)2
'a* foods "ave even been used to iprove t"e intelligence 3uotients and ental attitudes of bac.*ard c"ildren. $n
?erany+ Dr. 9ottner reported an experient in *"ic" 77 c"ildren+ "aving lo* intelligent 3uotients and attending a sc"ool for
bac.*ard c"ildren+ *ere given a ra* eac" orning. &"is *as in t"e for of Auesli0 an uncoo.ed porridge ade
fro oat il.+ fruits+ nuts+ and "oney. &"e c"ildren given t"e ra* brea.fasts rapidly iproved over all t"e ot"ers.
&"ey did better *or. in dictation+ arit"etic+ letter-canceling+ and dra*ing copletion tests. &"ey *ere also less restless+ did
not becoe tired as rapidly as before+ and s"o*ed better concentration in accoplis"ing t"eir daily *or..
CINIC" "PPIC"%ION O! %H$ #"* !OOD DI$%
$% )A9$8!'%$A
$f t"e siple addition of certain ra* foods to a noral diet produces suc" startling c"anges in "uan "ealt"+ it ay be
expected t"at a diet coposed entirely+ or nearly so+ of ra* foods *ould be uc" ore beneficial and ac"ieve ore rapid
and far-reac"ing results. &"is "as been s"o*n to be true at t"e >ottenger Sanitariu in )alifornia+ *"ere a large variety of
ra* foods "as been eployed for t"erapeutic purposes.
Dr. >ottenger *rites t"at At"e "ig"est grade of ra* il.+ ra* eat+ ra* vegetables and fruit products obtainableA are used in
t"e clinical *or.. He points out t"at A*e "ave been able to iprove t"e p"ysiologic response of c"ildren *"o "ave previously
been developing in a deficient annerA siilar to t"e experiental anials *"ic" *ere fed upon "eat-processed foods.
2ven defective facial gro*t" "as been iproved+ and >ottenger states t"at A*"en additional gro*t" stiulation is applied to
certain deficient c"ildren at t"e rig"t tie+ before t"ey "ave attained facial gro*t"+ aterial c"anges in t"e contour of t"e
face can broug"t about *it"out t"e application of surgical appliances.A
$% 2('!>2
$n 2urope a diet coposed priarily of ra* foods *as eployed in t"e treatent of disease as early as t"e latter part of t"e
nineteent" century. At t"at tie t"e A@ungbornA a "ealt" resort located in t"e Hart4 ountain region bet*een $senburg and
Hart4burg of ?erany+ *as opened. &"e director of t"is institution *as Adolp" @ust+ a p"ilosop"er and naturalist+ *"o
concluded fro "is observations of *ild and doestic anial life t"at only ra* foods *ere capable of building t"e "ealt"+
strengt"+ and vigor t"at are noral in nature. At "is resort+ #r. @ust provided sun and air bat"s+ special *ater bat"s+ and
eart" copresses as treatent in addition to ra* foods. &"e diet consisted in t"e ain of fruits+ berries+ nuts+ and il. in t"e
uncoo.ed state.
$n ;F<E+ #r. @ust issued a nuber of case "istory records illustrating t"e results of "is ra* food and natural treatent
t"erapy. Aong t"e diseases reported cured or benefited *ere inflaatory r"euatis+ consuption of t"e spinal cord+
tuberculosis of t"e bones+ dropsy+ incipient dropsy+ fistula of t"e rectu+ cancer+ nervous spass+ deafness+ and various
digestive ailents and sexual disorders. 'ecoveries *ere often rapid as *ell as coplete. 'ecovery fro severe nervous
disorders *as ac"ieved in ten *ee.s+ fro deafness in eig"t *ee.s+ fro inflaatory r"euatis in nine days+ and fro
incipient dropsy in less t"an a *ee.. ?reat iproveent in cases of different fors of consuption *as noted during t"e
first t*o *ee.s of treatent. $n alost all cases treated at t"e A@ungbornA soe benefit *as reported+ and t"e general
success *as attributed largely to t"e use of ra* foods.
During t"e year+ ;F<=+ anot"er great ra* food institution *as opened in 2urope+ t"is being t"e faous Birc"er-Benner clinic
and sanitariu in Kuric"+ S*it4erland+ *"ic" continues operation in t"e present day. Here extensive use "as been ade of
ra* foods+ and soe patients "ave been placed on an exclusive ra* diet for a liited period of tie *"en t"is *as deeed
necessary. &"e late founder of t"e institution+ Dr. Birc"er-Benner+ stated t"at Ara* vegetable food is t"e ost potent "ealing
factor t"at existsA *"ic" is able Ato bring "ealing to very any *idely spread disorders of "ealt" and serious diseases+ in
3uite astonis"ing fas"ion+ *"ere all ot"er curative easures "ave failed.A He called ra* food Asunlig"t foodA and referred to
"is delicious preparations of fruits+ vegetables+ nuts+ "oney+ il. and ot"er foods+ all in t"eir ra* state+ as Asunlig"t dis"es.A
&"e success of t"is sanitariu "as been so p"enoenal t"at it "as attracted patients fro all over t"e *orld. $t is best
.no*n for its treatent of digestive diseases. So astonis"ing *as t"e recovery+ on a strictly ra* diet+ of one supposedly
incurable patient suffering fro t"e Herter-Heubner disease t"at it attracted t"e attention of t"e c"ildrenBs "ospital in Kuric"+
*"ic" in turn introduced a ra* diet for its coeliac patients. &"e edical director of t"e "ospital at t"e tie publis"ed a
onograp" giving an account of t"e Astaggering successA t"us ac"ieved.
&oday Dr. 'alp" 2. Birc"er carries on t"e iportant *or. of "is fat"er at t"e clinic and sanitariu+ *it" e3ually satisfactory
results. He describes ra* food in relation to At"e five 4ones of its influence.A $n t"e first 4one t"e effects are noticeable *it"in
a fe* days+ *it" t"e Areturn of appetite+ rapid fading of unnatural t"irstA and Auc" better digestion.A $n t"e second 4one+
ebracing *ee.s of tie+ t"e circulatory syste responds to t"e curative effects of ra* food. &"e t"ird 4one Aneeds ont"s
to becoe effective+A t"oug" soe iproveent ay be noticed alost iediately. $t covers t"e endocrine glands and
etabolis. &"e fourt" 4one+ ebracing t"e capillary syste and secondary effects on all parts of t"e organis+ is reported
by Dr. Birc"er to re3uire one to t"ree years+ soeties less+ Ato s"o* t"e effects of its doain.A &"e entire four-fold action+
according to Dr. Birc"er+ Agenerally brings about a coplete c"ange in obstinate cases of any c"ronic conditions suc" as
stoatitis and ulcers+ spine+ aoebic dysentery+ labliosis and alaria+ .idney troubles+ 1aundice+ ec4eas and urticaria+
"eadac"es+ and sc"i4op"renias+ also in cases of varicose+ t"robop"lebitis and any ot"er conditions.A &"e fift" 4one
applies to t"e constitution itself+ fro *"ic" our diseases and infections originate. $t eans a fundaental c"ange in t"e
p"ysiological efficiency of t"e entire body+ *it" ne* vitality and vigorous "ealt".
At t"e 8irst #edical )linic of t"e (niversity of Vienna+ t*o scientists+ 2ppinger and :aunit4+ tested t"e Birc"er-Benner ra*
food diet as a eans of iproving t"e interc"ange of energies and substances bet*een t"e ends of t"e blood vessels
(capillaries) and t"e tissue cells of t"e body. (nder noral conditions of life+ t"e blood gives up its nutritive substances+ and
t"e cells give up t"eir *aste substances in t"is interc"ange t"roug" t*o fine ebranes and a narro* dividing interstice.
!ften+ "o*ever+ t"e cells lose a part of t"eir Aselective capacityA because of salt penetrating t"e cell *all+ distortion and
spass of t"e capillaries+ a stic.y coating of blood globules+ *aste products +being scattered around t"e cells+ and reduction
of t"e c"eical+ p"ysical+ and electrical tensions *"ic" proote t"e nutritive interc"ange. W"en t"is "appens+ cells cannot
re1uvenate fast enoug"G bacteria tend to ultiply too rapidly+ and t"e general cause of any clinical syptos of disease is
in existence. 2ppinger and :aunit4 studied t"is condition and tried every possible eans of restoring noral selective po*er
in t"e cells once t"is "ad been lost. !nly one easure *as found to be successful. &"is *as t"e application of an exclusive
ra* food diet Aexactly according to t"e prescriptions of Dr. Birc"er-Benner.A (nder t"e influence of t"is diet+ t"e life-giving
tensions bet*een capillaries and cells gre* and t"e capillaries *ere slo*ly restored to a noral+ vigorous condition.
$n Denar. an exclusive ra* diet consisting of fruits+ vegetables+ nuts+ corneal+ sprouted grains and legues+ "oney+ and
il. is given for all patients *"o visit t"e AHulegaardenA a sanitariu located near Hulebe.. Dr. :ristine %olfi+ edical
director of t"is sanitariu+ *as forerly associated in edicine and surgery *it" t"e )ounal Hospital in )open"agen
and also *it" t"e State Hospital in >ediatrics. During "er years of "ospital training s"e suffered fro *ea. digestion and
catarr" of t"e stoac"+ and in t"e *inter of ;<,- and ;<,; s"e observed t"e syptos of cancer. A trial icroscopy ta.en
at t"e 'adiu )entre in )open"agen *as positive+ indicating t"ere *ere cancer cells. Dr. $. %olfi treated "erself *it" an
exclusive ra* diet and recovered excellent "ealt". &"is success propted "er to open t"e AHulegaardenA *"ere not only
all patients+ but even ebers of t"e "ospital staff+ live entirely upon foods *"ic" "ave not been treated by "eating. About
one t"ousand patients annually visit t"is sanitariu+ and doctors fro Denar. and foreign countries also visit t"e place
and a.e observations *"ic" are later utili4ed in t"eir practice.
&"e t"erapeutic successes attained at t"e AHulegaardenA are said to be p"enoenal. Dr. %olfi attributes t"is to t"e
consuption of ra* foods+ and in particular to t"e use of ra* garlic and ra* potatoes. >atients at t"is sanitariu recover
fro all anner of diseases+ including cancer+ sterility+ obesity+ diabetes+ "eart debilitation+ "ig" blood pressure+
r"euatis+ epilepsy+ ast"a+ and any ot"ers. $n soe cases even grey "air dar.ens in color. According to Dr. %olfi+ t"e
ra* diet A"as a curative effect not only for a particular disease and on an individual organ+ but on t"e organis as a *"ole. $t
cures not only t"e diseases contracted during our s"ort span of life+ but also t"ose deterined by "ereditary
Dr. :. 2ier+ of t"e (niversity #edical )linic at #arburg-9a"n+ "as eployed t"e ra* diet in t"e treatent of any different
diseases. He reports t"at no gastric disturbances occur on t"e diet and t"at t"e relatively large aounts of cellulose in t"e
ra* vegetable foods appear to aid peristalsis. He found t"e ra* diet to be especially suitable in cases of renal or cardiac
oedea or t"e oedea of obesity+ *it" t"e eliination of superfluous *ater and salt being rapidly ac"ieved. $n diseases of
t"e circulatory syste+ t"e diet *as found to usefully suppleent ot"er treatent+ and "ig" blood pressure and diabetes
*ere found to be benefited t"roug" t"e use of ra* food. &"e blood *as iproved on t"e ra* diet+ and t"e al.ali reserve *as
raised an average of 6- per cent aong t"e patients. Dr. 2ier also reported t"at t"e refractive index of t"e seru
increased t"roug" t"e use of ra* foods.
!f e3ual iportance is t"e experience of Dr. @osep" 2vers in ?erany+ *"o "as treated E-- cases of ultiple sclerosis *it"
diets containing no refined foods+ and consisting c"iefly of ra* fruits+ ra* nuts+ ra* vegetable roots+ ra* "oney+ ra* grain
sprouts+ uncoo.ed coarse rolled oats+ *"oleeal bread+ ra* "a+ ra* bacon+ and ra* c"opped beef. Dr. 2verBs dietary
treatent *as set up under t"e controls of recogni4ed scientists and tested in different universities+ clinics+ "ospitals+ and
sanatorius. 'esults *ere surprisingly good+ and ,6 per cent of all patients s"o*ed iproveent or coplete recovery.
&"is percentage ig"t appear to be lo*+ but for ultiple sclerosis+ *"ic" consistently fails to yield to ort"odox edical
treatent+ a single recovery is *ort"y of ention.
$n t"e city of #unic"+ t"e ?eran p"ysicians+ 8riedric" and >eters+ eployed a ra* diet consisting c"iefly of fruits and
vegetables+ and sall aounts of eat. #any very severe cases of liver cirr"osis+ *it" ascites *ere treated. 'esults+
surprisingly+ *ere 3uite successful+ and a nuber of ost cases "ave been cited by t"e p"ysicians to s"o* t"e
value of ra* foods in t"e treatent of t"is disease.
!t"er p"ysicians and scientists *"o "ave studied t"e ra* diet in relation to t"erapeutic uses are D. ). Hare+ @. 8
:inder"eil.+ W Heupe+ $. :anai+ and #. :uratsune. Dr. Hare+ of t"e 'oyal 8ree Hospital in 2ngland+ placed art"ritic patients
on an exclusive ra* diet for t*o *ee.s follo*ed by a predoinantly ra* diet for several *ee.s. #ost of t"e patients began to
feel better *it"in one to four *ee.s+ *it" ar.ed iproveent continuing t"ereafter. :inder"eil. found t"e ra* diet to be of
value in avitainosis+ nep"ritis+ diabetes+ and c"ronic constipation. $n cases of cardiac disease "e noted t"at it prooted t"e
excretion of superfluous *ater and *as t"us "elpful to t"e patients. Dr. Heupe+ * at t"e (niversity #edical >olyclinic in
8ran.furt+ reported t"e diet to aid in t"e treatent of diarr"ea of c"ildren+ in "eart and .idney diseases+ and in obesity and
diabetes. :anai of t"e (niversity of Berlin+ studied t"e effect of ra* and coo.ed vegetarian diets on t"e oxidation of t"e
body. He noted t"at oxidation *as ipaired by coo.ed vegetarian foods. !n t"e ra* diet t"e urinary output of nitrogen *as
greater+ indicating better absorption+ and t"e *eig"t increase *as better. Dr.:uratsune+ of :yus"u (niversity+ @apan+ also
tested ra* and vegetarian diets+ and reported results *ere decidedly better on t"e ra* regie. Heated vegetables tended to
produce aneia+ *"ic" *as cured *"en ra* vegetables *ere eaten. !t"er diseases+ *"ic" "ad failed to yield to
conventional edical care+ responded favorably to t"e ra* diet.
&"e su total of all "uan experience *it" ra* foods "as t"us been rear.ably successful. As in t"e case *it" anials+
t"e efficiency of p"ysiological function *it"in t"e body+ as *ell as t"e proportion of bot" infectious and degenerative
diseases+ appears to correspond to a large degree *it" t"e relative 3uantity of ra* and coo.ed foods in t"e diet. $n t"e case
of ra* and "eated il. t"e evidence is especially conclusive+ particularly *it" reference to t"e gro*t" and bone and dental
developent of c"ildren. $n t"e clinics and sanitarius of t"e *orld+ *"ere a ra* food diet "as been eployed+ evidence of
t"e value of all types of ra* foods "as been obtained+ and t"e ra* diet is found to be of definite t"erapeutic value in t"e
treatent of any coon diseases. $ts value in t"is capacity is ost pronounced+ as it is associated *it" no adverse side-
effects+ *"ic" so fre3uently follo* t"e use of conventional edical treatents.
%H$ PO%%$N'$# $.P$#IM$N%S
>er"aps t"e ost iportant of all t"e anial experients *it" ra* and coo.ed foods are t"ose of Dr. 8rancis >ottenger+ @r.+
one of t"e *orldBs great p"ysicians and food scientists. &"ese *ere conducted at t"e long establis"ed >ottenger Sanitariu
in #onrovia+ )alifornia+ and covered a ten-year period. Bot" *"ite rats and cats *ere eployed. 'ats given "eated il.
suffered fro any .inds of deterioration+ and t"e c"ange in trabeculation of t"e bones *as particularly noticeable. Wit" t"e
cats t"e experients *ere reported in great detail and covered a large nuber of anials. A total of <-- cats *ere studied+
and coplete records *ere .ept of nearly E-- of t"e. &"roug" generation after generation t"e anials *ere studied+ and
Dr. >ottenger "as issued t"e detailed results of t"e experients as t"ey apply to gro*t"+ reproduction+ and all p"ases of t"e
anialsB "ealt".
$n t"ese tests t"e anials *ere fed upon eat-scraps (including t"e uscle+ bone+ and viscera)+ il.+ and cod liver oil. &"e
anials *ere divided into various groups+ depending upon t"e condition+ *"et"er "eated or un"eated+ in *"ic" t"eir foods
*ere given. Soe of t"e cats *ere fed entirely upon ra* eat and ra* il.G ot"ers *ere given t*o-t"irds coo.ed eat and
one-t"ird ra* il.. $n soe cases ra* eat and pasteuri4ed il. *ere used. A nuber of cats *ere also fed s*eetened
condensed il.+ evaporated il.+ or ra* etaboli4ed vitain D il. *it" ra* eat. )od liver oil *as used by all anial
&"e cats fed entirely upon ra* eat and ra* il. reained in excellent "ealt" in all cases. >"ysical developent *as
virtually perfect and t"e cats reproduced in "oogeneity fro one generation to t"e next+ aintaining large s.ulls an
t"oraxes+ broad faces *it" proinent alar and orbital arc"es+ broad and *ell-fored dental arc"es+ ade3uate nasal
cavities+ and large and long bodies. &"e cats *ere 3uite free fro verin+ infections+ and parasites. &"e ebranes *ere
fir and of good pin. color. All evidence of degeneration *as absent. Abortion occurred very seldoG t"e si4e of t"e
average litter *as five+ and all of t"e ot"er cats nursed t"eir young in a noral anner. &"e cats possessed excellent
e3uilibriu. !rganic developent *as coplete and noral p"ysical and ental function *as t"e general rule. Deat"
resulted only fro old age or in1uries sustained in fig"ting. %one of t"e cats died fro disease.
)ats *"ic" *ere fed t"e coo.ed-eat scraps *ere defective in any respects. &"ey *ere saller in build and t"e bones
*ere saller in diaeter. $n soe cases t"e bones *ould gro* out of proportion+ *it" t"e "ind legs being uc" longer t"an
t"e forelegs. &"e anials did not reproduce in "oogeneity+ eac" .itten being of a different s.eletal pattern. &"ere *ere
variations of facial structure siilar to t"ose of "uan beings. )onfiguration of t"e s.ulls *as different in eac" individual cat.
!ften t"ere *ould be ar.ed failure in t"e developent of t"e upper lip and in soe cases a andibular protrusion.
Dental conditions *ould usually reain fairly good in t"e first generation+ t"oug" gingivitis occasionally developed. Second
generation anials usually "ad uc" saller priary teet" t"an noral and t"ere *as irregular spacing of teet". Bleeding
of gus *ould increase considerably. Soe teet" *ould be lost. $n t"e t"ird generation loss of ost of t"e teet" t"roug"
decalcification and pyorr"ea *ould be coon. Dental developent *as generally so irregular t"at t"e developent of t"e
*"ole face *as interfered *it".
&"ere *as severe ipairent of bone coposition in all cases. &"e calciu content *ould fall fro t"e noral ;6 to ;F per
cent of bone *eig"t in "ealt"y anials to F to ;6 per cent in t"e first generation+ 7 ;J6 to = per cent in t"e second generation+
and finally ; ;J6 to 7 per cent in t"e t"ird generation. &"e p"osp"orus content also becae progressively less+ and t"e t"ird
generation t"e bones *ould be very porous and siilar to rubber. &"is resulted in bo*legs+ distorted spines+ and ot"er
'eproductive efficiency *as greatly lo*ered. Abortion ran fro 6C per cent in t"e first generation to as "ig" as =- per cent in
t"e second generation. Deliveries *ere very difficult and any cats died in labor. !ften t"e ot"er *as unable to lactate.
&"e ortality rate of t"e .ittens *as very "ig"+ any of t"e being even too frail to nurse. $n a nuber of cases t"e ot"er
*ould steadily decline in "ealt" follo*ing birt" of t"e .ittens and die about t"ree ont"s later. !t"ers "ad increasing difficulty
*it" subse3uent pregnancies and soe failed to becoe pregnant. $n t"e ales t"ere *as disturbance of genital
developent and descent of t"e testes. Sterility *as so coon t"at ra*-food ales "ad to be used for all breeding
Developent of t"e secondary sexual c"aracteristics *as incoplete. &"e degree of asculinity and feininity *as
lessened and cats of bot" sexes tended to becoe ore neutral in appearance. 8or instance+ I-ray pictures s"o*ed t"at
s.ulls of t"ird generation coo.ed-fed anials "ad neutral profiles for bot" sexes+ as contrasted to t"e difference in ra*-fed
anials. At t"e sae tie sex interest *as very slac.G in any cases it *as perverted+ *it" soe cats developing into true
#ost of t"e cats fed coo.ed eat *ere very irritable and *ould occasionally viciously bite t"e .eeper. $ntestinal parasites
and verin *ere very coon. lesions and allergies becae *orse fro one generation to t"e next. >neuonia and
epyea *ere t"e ost coon causes of deat" in t"e adult stoc.G a great nuber died fro diarr"ea follo*ed by
pneuonia. %o cats survived t"e sixt" ont" of life in t"e t"ird generation. Aong t"e diseased conditions t"at *ere found
upon autopsy *ereH osteoyelitis+ cardiac lesions+ "yperopia+ t"yroid disease+ "epatitis+ nep"ritis+ paralysis+ eningitis+
cystitis+ art"ritis+ ric.ets+ enlarged colon+ bronc"itis+ fatty infiltration of t"e uscles+ rac"itic rosary of t"e ribs+ and enlarged
)ats fed upon a cobination of t*o-t"irds pasteuri4ed il. and one-t"ird ra* eat presented uc" of t"e sae
deterioration as t"e ot"er anials. 'eproductive efficiency *as lo*eredG s.eletal structures *ere severely ipairedG dental
irregularity and gingivitis *ere coon+ and all .ittens s"o*ed soe for of deficiency in developent. )ats fed
evaporated il. *ere daaged even ore+ and s*eetened condensed il. produced t"e ost ar.ed deficiencies of all.
2ven t"e ra* etaboli4ed vitain D il. (fro cattle fed irradiated yeast) proved "arful. &"e ales s"o*ed osseous
disturbances follo*ing its use+ and t"e adult ales died *it"in ;- ont"s+ *it" t"e young ales failing to live beyond even
t"e second ont".
$n soe instances cats *"ic" "ad been fed eit"er coo.ed eat or one of t"e fors of "eated or vitain D il. *ould be
placed upon a copletely ra* diet+ *"ic" *ould be continued in subse3uent generations. $proveent in resistance to
disease *as noticed in t"e first and second generations in t"e AregeneratingA anials+ t"oug" t"ere *ere still allergic
anifestations and reproduction *as erratic. $n t"e t"ird generation t"ere *as considerable furt"er iproveent+ and by t"e
fourt" generation soe of t"e anials returned to copletely noral s.eletal and tissue for.
8ro t"ese experients as *ell as all ot"ers *"ic" "ave been reported+ results of feeding ra* and coo.ed foods under
laboratory conditions becoe readily apparent. $t follo*s t"at+ alost *it"out exception+ experiental anials t"rive *ell
upon an exclusive diet of ra* foods. Wit" general unifority t"ey iediately suffer fro various fors of deterioration D
p"ysical+ sexual+ and ental D *"en given various fors of coo.ed foods. $t "as indeed been s"o*n t"at ebers of
certain anial species fail to reac" aturity and reproduce if sufficient coo.ed foods are included in t"eir diet. &"e degree of
daage ay vary to soe degree *it" different anials+ but in no instance "ave large 3uantities of "eat-processed foods
been consued over a long period of tie *it"out soe "ar being observed. &"e contrast is clearly observed in all cases+
and t"e any different anials used in t"e experients s"o* t"at t"e results do not apply to only certain .inds of
experiental anials+ but ay be accepted as a general principle in all suc" nutritional *or..
The #ollo'in" arti&le 'hi&h I 'rote (any years a"o- an! 'as $ublishe! in )Dr. Shelton0s Hy"ieni& Re%ie'+ entitle! )1hat to
E*$e&t 1hen 2ou I($ro%e 2our Diet+ 'ill "i%e you a $re%ie' o# 'hat (ost $robably 'ill be in store #or you- an! the reasons
'hy- as you be"in your 3ourney to a ne' an! (ore beauti#ul li#e.
This is the sli"htly lon"er ori"inal %ersion o# the arti&le a%ailable #ro( (y 'ebsite '''.!rbass.&o(.
*H"% S,MP%OMS %O $.P$C% *H$N ,O& IMP#O)$ ,O&# DI$%
(original version)
by Stanley S. Bass
$f $ *ere as.ed /*"ic" is t"e area of greatest isunderstanding and confusion in t"e field of nutritionL0+ $ *ould iediately
be forced to reply+ /$t is t"e failure to properly understand and interpret t"e syptos and c"anges *"ic" follo* t"e
beginning of a better nutritional progra.0
W"at is eant by a better nutritional prograL $t is t"e introduction of foods of "ig"er 3uality in place of lo*er 3uality ones.
8or exaple - if a person replaces a protein ric" food suc" a por. *it" beef+ t"e beef ay be considered t"e superior of t"e
t*o - due to its easier digestibility+ lo*er and less saturated fat content+ etc. Siilarly c"ic.en is superior to beef+ and fis" is
superior to c"ic.en because of its ore rapid digestibility and lo*er saturated fat content. 9ia beans+ lentils or c"ic. peas+
*"ic" are eaten at t"e sae eal *it" vegetables+ are superior in all t"e nutrients needed to rebuild "ealt" t"an t"ose
already entioned.
As *e go "ig"er on t"e scale of 3uality+ *e begin to include protein ric" food *"ic" ay be eaten in t"e unfired (ra*) state+
suc" as c"eese *"ic" is ade fro ra* il. and unsalted.
&"en *e ascend to t"e nuts and seeds *"ic" are eaten in t"e natural state (ra* and unsalted).
&o suari4e - t"e closer t"e food coes to t"e natural state in *"ic" it occurs+ or t"e closer *e coe to its ra*+ unfired
(ra*) for+ t"e "ig"er t"e 3uality is.
$n t"is condition+ all t"e en4yes are found intact. &"e aino acids are in t"eir finest for. &"e inerals+ vitains+ trace
eleents+ carbo"ydrates and life force are present. &"is life force+ in turn+ is capable of reproducing tissue *"ic" is full of life
and longer lasting in structure.
&"is sae classification of 3uality *"ic" *e analy4ed in relation to protein ric" foods applies to t"e carbo"ydrates (t"e
starc"es and sugar-ric" foods)+ t"e fats and t"e ineral-ric" foods (vegetables)+ etc.
&"e 3uality of a nutritional progra is draatically iproved by !#$&&$%? toxic substances suc"+ as coffee+ tea+ c"ocolate+
tobacco+ salt+ pepper+ etc.
W"at is t"e relation of 3uality of foods to recovery fro illnessL
$t is t"is in a nuts"ell - t"e H$?H2' t"e 3uality of food *e eat+ t"e M($):2' *e recover fro disease - provided *e are able
to properly digest and assiilate t"e 3uality-level
&o t"is ust be added t"e .no*ledge of
A) proper food-cobining
B) proper order of eating t"e different .inds of food at a eal (e.g. t"e ost easily digested food s"ould be eaten first+ t"e
ore coplex one second+ and t"e ost concentrated ite last)
)) t"e correct 3uantity of food to be consued (of eac" type) in t"e eal
D) t"e correct tie for eating (*"en "ungry+ and not by t"e cloc.)
*H$N DI$% IMP#O)$S %H$ BOD, C"S%S O&% "CC&M&"%$D %O.INS "ND &N!I% %ISS&$S
%o* - *"at "appens *"en a person follo*s t"ese rules and a decided iproveent in t"e 3uality of food
' t"ings begin to "appen to t"e body (as *ell as t"e ind). &"e aa4ing intelligence present in every cell of t"e
body and t"e *isdo of t"e body in its operation+ iediately becoes anifest.
&"e rule ay be stated t"uslyH W"en t"e 3uality of t"e food coing into t"e body is of "ig"er 3uality t"an t"e tissues *"ic"
t"e body is ade of+ t"e body begins to discard t"e lo*er grade aterials and tissues+ to a.e roo for t"e superior
aterials *"ic" it uses to a.e ne* and "ealt"ier tissue.
&"is is t"e plan of %ature - of evolution. &"e body is very selective and al'ays ais for iproveent - for better "ealt". &"e
body al'ays tries to produce "ealt" and al'ays *ill+ unless our interference is too great. !nly t"en do *e fail to recover and
degenerate furt"er into disease.
&"e reedial nature of any conditions suc" as colds+ fevers+ cuts+ s*ellings+ in1uries+ etc.+ furnis" endless exaples of
"o* t"e body tends to*ards "ealt" - al'ays - unless *e do soet"ing to stop t"e process.
4*I%HD#"*"5 S,MP%OMS !OO* &S$ O! IMP#O)$D DI$%
W"at are t"e syptos or signs *"ic" becoe evident *"en *e first begin to oit t"e lo*er grade foods and instead
introduce superior foods - t"ose *"ic" are ost alive+ ore natural t"an *e are accustoed toL
W"en t"e use of toxic stiulant suc" as coffee+ tea or cocoa is suddenly stopped+ "eadac"es are coon and a let-do*n
occurs. &"is is due to t"e discard by t"e body of t"e toxins called caffeine and t"eobroine *"ic" are reoved fro t"e
tissues and transported t"roug" t"e blood strea to t"e eliinating organs. W"en t"e blood circulates t"roug" t"e brain
during its any bodily rounds before t"e noxious agents reac" t"eir final destination for eliination+ t"ese irritants register in
our consciousness as pain - in ot"er *ords+ "eadac"e. &"e let-do*n is due to t"e slo*er action of t"e "eart - t"e resting
p"ase *"ic" follo*s t"e stiulation or ore rapid "eart action forced upon t"e body by certain poisons called stiulants.
&"e ore rapid "eart beat (or pulse) produces a feeling of ex"ilaration and t"e slo*er action produces a depressed state of
(sually *it"in t"ree days+ t"e syptos vanis" and *e feel stronger due to t"e recuperation *"ic" follo*s.
&o a lesser extent t"e sae process occurs *"en *e abandon lo*er 3uality foods and replace t"e *it" better foods.
9o*er 3uality foods "ave undergone ore preparation. Spices+ salt and ot"er ingredients "ave been added+ as t"ey tend to
be ore AstiulatingA t"an less prepared and ore natural foods. Anial foods suc" as eat+ fo*l+ fis" etc. are ore
stiulating t"an c"eese+ nuts and vegetable proteins.
)onse3uently t"e *it"dra*al of stiulation *"ic" follo*s t"e abandonent of anial food produces a slo*er "eart action -
a resting p"ase - *"ic" registers in t"e ind as relaxation or a decrease of energy. &"is initial letdo*n lasts about ten days
or slig"tly longer+ and is follo*ed by an increase of strengt"+ a feeling of diinis"ing stress and greater *ell-being.
DON6% 3&D'$ #$S&%S P#$M"%&#$,
%o* let us return to t"e syptos *"ic" occur in t"e process of regeneration.
&"e person *"o starts a better diet+ stays on it for t"ree days to a *ee. and t"en 3uits *ill say+ A!"+ $ felt better on t"e old
diet - t"e ne* one e feel *ea..A He failed because "e didnNt give "is body a c"ance to ad1ust and coplete its first
p"ase of action - recuperation. $f "e "ad *aited a *"ile longer+ "e *ould "ave begun to feel better t"an before "e started.
During t"e initial stage (lasting about ten days on t"e average to several *ee.s in ot"ers)+ t"e vital energies *"ic" are
usually in t"e perip"ery or external part of t"e body suc" as t"e uscles and begin to ove to t"e vital internal organs
and start reconstruction.
&"is s"unting of uc" of t"e po*er to t"e internal region produces a feeling of less energy in t"e uscles+ *"ic" t"e ind
interprets as soe *ea.ness. Actually+ t"e po*er is increased+ but ost of it is being used for rebuilding t"e ore iportant
organs and less of it is available for uscular *or..
Any *ea.ness *"ic" is felt "ere is not true *ea.ness+ but erely a re-deploying of forces to t"e ore iportant internal
Here it is iportant for t"e person to stop *asting energy+ and to rest and sleep ore. This is a &ru&ial $hase+ and if t"e
person resorts to stiulants of any .ind+ "e *ill abort and defeat t"e regenerative intent of t"e body. $t is iportant t"at "e
"ave patience and fait" "ere and 1ust *ait it out+ and after a *"ile "e *ill get increasing strengt" *"ic" *ill exceed by far
*"at "e felt before "e began t"e ne* progra.
Success in recovery or iproveent of "ealt" "inges upon t"e correct understanding of t"is point - reali4in" t"at t"e body is
using its ain energies in ore iportant internal *or. and not *asting it in external *or. involving uscle oveents. Be
*ise - ta.e it easy "ere and relax. @ust coast in your *or. and social obligations until youNre out of t"e *oods.
As one continues on t"e iproved diet and gradually raises t"e food 3uality+ interesting syptos begin to appear. &"e
body begins a process called /retracing.0
&"e cellular intelligence reasons soet"ing li.e t"is - /!"O 9oo. at all t"ese fine aterials coing in. Ho* *onderful - no*
*e "ave a c"ance to get rid or t"is old garbage and build a beautiful ne* "ouse. 9etNs get started iediately. 9etNs get t"is
excess bile out or t"e liver and gall bladder and send it to t"e intestines for eliination. 9etNs get t"e sludge oving out of
t"e arteries+ veins and capillaries. &"ese selly+ gassy+ brain-stupefying asses "ave been "ere too long - out *it" t"eO
&"ese art"ritic deposits in t"e 1oints need cleaning upO 9etNs get t"ese irritating food preservatives+ aspirins+ sleeping pills
and drugs out of t"e *ay+ along *it" t"ese ot"er asses of fat *"ic" "ave ade life so burdensoe for us for so long. 9etNs
get going till t"e 1ob is done - till *e "ave a beautiful "ouse - and fro t"ere on *eNll .eep it a beautiful ideal odel "ouse.A
%H$ %H#$$ PH"S$S O! M$%"BOISM 7S&M %O%" O! BOD, !&NC%IONS8
1. During t"e first p"ase - called 5atabolis( - t"e accent is on eliination+ or do*n of tissue. &"e body begins to
clean "ouse - to reove t"e garbage deposited in all t"e tissues - every*"ere. During t"is period t"e body reoves t"e
as"es fro t"e furnace preparatory to getting a better fire. Here t"e accentuation is on reoval of t"e gross and
iediate body obstructions. Wastes are discarded ore rapidly t"an ne* tissue is ade fro t"e ne* food. &"is
becoes evident as *eig"t loss.
2. &"is persists for a*"ile and is t"en follo*ed by t"e second p"ase - called Stabili4ation. Here t"e *eig"t reains ore or
less stable. During t"is p"ase+ t"e aount of *aste aterial being discarded daily is e3ual to t"e aount of tissue *"ic"
is being fored and replaced by t"e ne*er+ ore vital food. &"is occurs after t"e excess of obstructing aterial in t"e
tissues "as been reoved.
3. &"is stage persists for a *"ile and is t"en follo*ed by a t"ird p"ase - a building-up period called Anabolis(- *"erein
*eig"t starts to go up+ even t"oug" t"e diet is lo*er in calories t"an it *as before. At t"is point+ uc" or ost of t"e
interfering *astes "ave already been discarded - t"e tissues *"ic" "ave been fored since t"e diet *as raised in 3uality
are ore durable and do not brea. do*n easily. Also ne* tissues are no* being fored faster. &"is is due to t"e
iproved assiilation and increase of en4ye efficiency *"ic" resulted fro t"e recuperation of t"e digestive
ec"anis - ade possible by t"e ceasing of *rong food-cobining. &"e bodyNs need for t"e usual aounts of food
decreases+ and *e are able to aintain our *eig"t and increased energies *it" less food. #any are able to function
very efficiently on t*o eals a day+ and eventually even on one eal a day.
As t"e body progressively increases in efficiency and decreases in tissue*n under exercise+ so do *e gradually
need less and less food to aintain life.
&"e "ig"er t"e percentage of ra* food one lives on+ t"e slo*er t"e rate of tissue deterioration *"ic" one evolves into. A sic.
body re3uires a gradual carefully *or.ed-out entry into t"is stage - *"ere one is able to live on a ;--P unfired (ra*) diet.
'eturning to t"e syptos *"ic" occur on a superior nutritional progra - people *"o "ave "ad tendencies in t"e past to
recurring ras"es or eruptions *ill fre3uently tend to eliinate poisons and "arful drugs t"roug" t"e *it" ne*
ras"es or eruptions. $f t"ey go to a p"ysician no* *"o is not failiar *it" t"is aspect of nutrition+ "e *ill diagnose it as an
&"ey as.. AHo* coe $N eating better no* t"an $ ever did before+ and instead $N getting *orseLA &"ey donNt understand
t"at t"e body is /retracing0.
&"e is getting ore alive and active. $tNs t"ro*ing out ore poisons ore rapidly no* t"at t"e body is building ore
po*er *"ic" is saved fro t"ose "ard-to-ingest eals *"ic" "ave been discontinued.
&"ese toxins being discarded are saving you fro ore serious disease *"ic" *ill result if you .eep t"e in your body too
uc" longer - possibly "epatitis+ .idney disorders+ blood disease+ "eart disease+ art"ritis+ nerve degenerations or even
cancer - depending upon your structural *ea.nesses. Be "appy youNre paying your bills no* on an easy-payent plan.
Wit" soe+ colds *"ic" "avenNt appeared for a long tie ay occur+ or even fevers. This is nature6s 'ay o# house&leanin".
(nderstand t"at t"ese actions are &onstru&ti%e+ even t"oug" unpleasant at t"e oent. Don6t+ but !on6t+ try to stop t"ese
syptos by t"e use of certain drugs+ or even assive doses of vitains+ *"ic" *ill act as drugs in "uge concentration.
&"ese syptos are part of a reedial process. DonNt try to /cure0 t"e reedial processO &"ese are not deficiency
conditions or allergic anifestations - not if youNre eating properly in 3uality+ 3uantity+ cobination and se3uence.
Here is *"ere experienced advice is of great value. (nfortunately+ t"ere are fe* boo.s present today *"ic" give full
guidance to t"e average reader. &ry to find guidance t"roug" a doctor or teac"er *"o "as t"e re3uisite experience in t"is
ost confusing of all sub1ects - %utrition in relation to "ealt" and disease.
BOD, P&#I!IC"%ION C"N B$ " ON' D#"*N O&% P#OC$SS
5ou ay "e eating perfectly in regard to 3uantity+ 3uality and observing all t"e correct rules+ and still syptos *ill occur.
&"ose *"o "ave lived better lives in t"e past - *"o "ave eaten better foods and *"o "ave abused t"eir bodies less *it"
overeating *ill "ave reactions ranging fro alost none at all or very ild syptos *"ic" ay be uncofortable or acute.
&"ose *"o "ave lived *orse lives and poisoned t"eselves ore *ill experience ore severe syptos - if t"eir liver+
.idneys+ or ot"er iportant eliinating organs "ave been daaged. W"en t"ey "ave been renovated to t"e point of fair
* order+ t"ey *ill no longer produce syptos.
Headac"es ay occur at t"e beginning. 8ever+ colds+ t"e ay brea. out+ a s"ort interval of bo*el sluggis"ness+
occasional diarr"ea+ feelings of tiredness and *ea.ness+ disinclination to exercise+ nervousness+ irritability+ negativity or
ental depression+ fre3uent urination+ also ay occur.
Ho*ever+ t"e great a1ority of people find t"eir reactions tolerable and are encouraged to bear *it" t"e+ because of t"e
any iproveents *"ic" "ave already occurred and are becoing ore evident *it" eac" day. &"is acts as an
inspirational force to t"e.
&"e syptos *ill vary according to t"e aterials being discarded+ t"e condition of t"e organs involved in t"e eliination
and t"e aount of energy you "ave available. &"e ore you rest and sleep *"en syptos are present+ t"e ilder t"ey are
and t"e ore t"ey are terinated. Be "appy you are "aving syptos.
Reali4e !ee$ly t"at your body is becoing younger and "ealt"ier every day+ because you are t"ro*ing off ore and ore
*astes *"ic" *ould eventually "ave broug"t pain+ disease and uc" suffering.
&"ose *"o "ave t"e *orst sypto-reactions and follo* t"roug" to t"eir successful terination are t"us avoiding soe of
t"e *orst diseases *"ic" *ould eventually "ave developed "ad t"ey continued t"eir careless eating "abits.
BISS!& S%"%$ O! H$"%H COM$S $)$N%&",

DonNt expect to go on an ascending scale of 3uality+ t"at iproving your diet *ill a.e you feel better and better eac" day
until you reac" perfection. &"e body is cyclical in nature. and "ealt" returns in a series of gradually diinis"ing cycles.
8or exaple - you start a better diet and for a *"ile you feel uc" better. After soe tie+ a sypto occurs - you feel
nauseous for a day and "ave diarr"ea *it" a foul-selling stool. After one day you feel even better t"an before and it goes
fine for a*"ile. &"en you suddenly develop a cold+ feel c"ills and lose your appetite. After about t*o or t"ree days (assuing
you donNt ta.e drugs or do anyt"ing else about it)+ you suddenly recover and feel better t"an you did for years.
9et us say t"is *ellbeing continues for t*o ont"s+ *"en you suddenly develop an itc" or ras". 5ou donNt ta.e anyt"ing
special for it. &"is ras" flares up+ gets *orse and continues for ten days+ and suddenly subsides. $ediately after t"is you
find t"at your "epatitis is gone and your energy "as increased ore t"an ever before. &"e ras" becae an outlet for t"e
poisons in t"e liver *"ic" produced t"e "epatitis.
&"is is "o* recovery occurs - li.e t"e cycles in t"e Do*-@ones Average at t"e beginning of a bull recovery.
5ou feel better+ a reaction occurs and you donNt feel as *ell for a s"ort *"ile. 5ou recover and go even "ig"er.
And so it goes+ eac" reaction ilder t"an t"e last as t"e body becoes purer+ eac" becoing s"orter in duration+ feeling
better t"an ever before+ until you reac" a level plateau of vibrant "ealt".
Here you becoe relatively disease-free and are filled *it" ever-increasing 1oy+ life and t"e "appiness *"ic" coes fro
s"eer *ell-being. &"e ind opens up and expands to ever-"ig"er "ori4ons and your soul *ill s"out for 1oy. 5ou begin to love
t"e *orld+ t"e universe and everyt"ing in it. &"is is t"e natural state of t"e ind - blissful+ 1oyful and at peace *it" t"e
universe - and it can only be attained by alignent *it" biological la*s.
&"e first la*s *e ust learn to obey are t"e la*s of %ature. We ust learn to eat siple pure and natural foods+ properly
prepared and cobined+ and our bodies in return *ill cast off all t"e evil *e "ave ta.en in during our lives. %o*"ere is t"e
principle of forgiveness of sins ore anifest t"an "ere - in our o*n bodies - *"en *e forsa.e our evil and destructive *ays
of eating (t"e defiling of t"e teple of t"e soul). ?od (or %ature+ if you please) gives us a *"ole ne* c"ance for a ne*
glorious life.
All repentance ust begin "ere in t"e body+ t"roug" pure diet and natural foods. &"en+ 1ust "ave fait"+ sit bac. and *atc"
*"at "appens. Before your o*n eyes+ you *ill daily see signs t"at *ill cause you to *onder at t"is vast intelligence in
operation t"at staggers t"e copre"ension.
&"e ysteries of t"e body+ t"e operations of %ature+ t"e vital forces * in %ature and t"e )osos are far beyond *"at
our inds are prepared to understand at present.
2very great p"ysician or scientist *"o ever lived arveled in a*e and "uility at t"e *onders of nature. 5es - *e are
A8earfully and Wonderfully #ade.A
9et us give ourselves a c"ance to experience *"at it eans to be really "ealt"y and fully A9$V2 - to feel t"e 1oy of living by
aligning ourselves to (?odBs) %atureBs la*s as intended for an+ t"roug" t"e eating of natural (noral) foods. &"is indeed is
t"e prie prere3uisite in anBs p"ysical+ ental and spiritual unfoldent.
Stanley S. Bass+ ;<=7
7ublishe! in Dr. Shelton0s Hy"ieni& Re%ie'- 8anuary /9:;
<N=TE> The abo%e arti&le is 'ritten to e*$lain the $ro&ess o# bo!y re"eneration- thanks to i($ro%e! !iet usin" natural #oo!s- an! is not to be asso&iate!
'ith the re&o((en!ation o# any s$e&i#i& $ro!u&t o##ere! #or sale. ?
Finally- I 'oul! like to in&lu!e a brie# &ase-history o# a (ost i($ressi%e re&o%ery #ro( )Ho' I =%er&a(e Ino$erable 5an&er+
by a Naturo$ath- 1on" Hon Sun- N.D. It is also in&lu!e! as A$$en!i* B in )Dis&o%ery o# the Ulti(ate Diet.+
" MOS% IN%$#$S%IN' C"S$ O! #$CO)$#, !#OM C"NC$# ON ON$
M$" " D", ON " #"* !OOD #$'IM$N
by Wong Hon Sun
&"e follo*ing is fro t"e boo. How I Overcame Inoperable Cancer by Wong Hon Sun+ %D+
*it" a for*ard by Dr. 'alp" Birc"er (2xposition >ress+ Hic.sville+ %.5. ;<=C).
At t"e age of 76+ Wong Hon Sun found "iself to be a victi of a critical for (anaplastic epideroid carcinoa) of nose
and t"roat cancer+ large and inoperable+ in ;<E-+ and by eploying principles of natural "ealing on "is o*n initiative+ ade
an unexpected coplete recovery (as confired by edical c" *it" no recurrence of any syptos of t"e disease
for t"e past ;, years.
Before "e began "is self-care+ "e "ad a lup at t"e bac. of "is t"roat *"ic" began to interfere *it" bot" "is speec" and
s*allo*ing. He *as constitutionally aneic+ "ad c"ronic nasal catarr" *it" interittent nose bleeds+ *as extreely
eaciated and undernouris"ed. He "ad radiation treatent five ties a *ee. for t*o *ee.s. &"is *as follo*ed by a biopsy.
After t"e radiation+ an agoni4ing parc"edness of "is out" and t"roat follo*ed by nausea caused "i to go on not"ing but
occasional sips of coconut *ater after *"ic" "is *eig"t dropped to =C lbs. His nausea ended after a t"ree day *ater fast
after *"ic" "e began fres" s3uee4ed pineapple 1uice alternating *it" liver extract every four "ours.
He soon recovered "is strengt". He began daily * to induce s*eating for /detoxication purposes.0 W"en "e returned
at noon-tie+ "e dran. large 3uantities of t"e liver extract (ade by steaing t"e liver) and fres" pineapple 1uice. $n order to
copletely eliinate t"e toxeia in "is syste+ "e believed t"at s"ort of coplete fasting t"e cancer patient ay "ave to
restrict "iself to one eal a day. /&"is Sin"le @eal Routine acted as t"e best natural safeguard against excessive nutrient
inta.e+ *"ile providing t"e iniu 3uantity necessary for noral p"ysiological function.0
/$t is also tantaount to a 6,-"our fast in its t"erapeutic effects+ can be carried on indefinitely+ because it vitali4es (provided
t"at t"e ensuing diet is of "ig" nutritive value)+ rat"er t"an *ea.ens as prolonged fasting does.0 &"e body adapts itself to a
reduced daily food inta.e by lo*ering t"e basal etabolic rate+ *"ic"+ *it"in liits+ is favorable to early recovery fro
cancer+ provided vitality is aintained. &"e resulting conservation of energy en"ances t"e bodyBs intrinsic "ealing po*er for
t"e fig"t against cancer.
!n t"e Single #eal 'outine+ "e too. solid liver+ about ;-- gras of ra* liver+ 7 ;J6 o4. in *eig"t+ e3ual to approxiately 7-
gras of protein) *"ic" "e felt "e needed for "is aneia and sub-noral blood count. Also+ "e *as unable to digest
c"eese+ nuts+ or pulses *it"out gastric discofort+ t"us necessitating t"e use of liver for tissue building protein and iron.
&"en+ too+ t"e use of ;--P ra* foods+ bot" anial and vegetable+ provided "orones+ en4yes+ and ot"er vital eleents
needed for regeneration.
&o a.e t"e ra* liver palatable+ "e iersed it in scalding *ater for several inutes+ *"ic" ade it taste en1oyably good.
He gradually reduced t"e scalding tie to a fe* seconds and *as able to eat it *it" relis". &"is "e alternated *it" ra* eggs
of various species+ but ostly "enBs. !ne day liver and t"e next day soe eggs. Since "e couldnBt "andle t"e leafy
vegetables+ tubers+ or nuts+ "e used fres"+ ripe+ and uncoo.ed fruits of a softer variety. He *as able to aintain "is nitrogen
balance on soe eggs one day and 7 ;J6 o4. of liver t"e follo*ing day. &"is *as rat"er since *"en "e felt
un*ell+ "e al*ays fasted on *ater+ so t"at "e too. uc" less t"an ;-- gras of liver on t"e average+ on t"e alternative liver
days. &"e balance of t"e diet *as ade up of fres" fruits *"ic" fored its ain basis. &o ensure an ade3uate supply of
sugar+ "e too. a fe* spoonfuls of "oney or olasses as a dessert. !n t"e ra* liver (or ra* egg) and fruit diet+ "e found t"at
"e *as able+ not only to aintain+ but gradually to increase+ "is vitality. And one day "e felt energetic enoug" to indulge in
running exercises in t"e open fields (ore t"an t"ree ont"s after t"e cessation of t"e radiation treatents).
He ran daily to s*eat out t"e toxins Q rested in t"e afternoon Q and t"en in t"e evenings "e *ent on a "i.e. &"en * up
a great t"irst "e *ould stop at stalls and "ave a "ot beverage of boiled 1uices of certain elons and "erbaceous plants
(leaves boiled and diluted *it" *ater). At nig"t "e too. a *ar bat" follo*ed by a bris. rubdo*n. He gradually increased t"e
running to one+ t*o+ and t"ree iles+ and t"e tuor gradually regressed+ and t"e breat"ing becae easier.
/#y diet of ra* liver+ eggs+ and fres" fruits provided e *it" a good supply of B coplex containing B E + vitain )+ iron and
lecit"in+ and $ furt"er too. soe "oney+ red pal oil+ bre*erBs yeast+ and *"eat ger as nutritive suppleents.0 $t too. ore
t"an six ont"s for t"e inflaation on "is face to subside copletely and ore t"an a year for "is features to becoe
noral. &"e irradiated areas eventually "ealed+ but soe peranent scars reained. /$ "ad to depend upon eggs and fis"
liver for y supply of vitain D.0 8is" liver also contains soe calciu and p"osp"orus+ but t"ese t*o inerals occur in
greater 3uantities in egg+ *"ic" also contain vitains A and D.
#"* )$'$%"B$ %H$#"P,
Wit" gradual digestive iproveent+ "e *as able to add ra* toatoes and cucubers and by dipping lettuce+ celery+ and
cabbage in boiling *ater for only a fe* seconds+ t"ey *ere ade palatable. He 1uiced "ard ra* vegetables li.e carrots.
Wit" advancing years+ "e reduced "is inta.e of liver+ totally excluding ot"er anial fles". He accustoed "iself to soe
c"eese in addition to eggs+ getting a good supply of essential aino acids. He t"en added plant proteins suc" as soybean in
t"e for of easily digestible curds+ adding a dressing of ground nut oil. Also added *ere legues+ ground nuts+ lotus seeds+
and natural suppleents li.e *"eat ger and yeast. As "is aneic condition iproved+ "e too. liver once a *ee. or t*o
*ee.s and relied ainly on sugar cane+ beans+ spinac"+ and ot"er iron-ric" plant foods. &"us+ "e gradually learned to
aintain "is nitrogen e3uilibriu *it"out "aving to ta.e eat every day.
!n "is alost eatless and lo* starc" diet+ "e *as constantly on guard against t"e developent of "ypoproteineia and
"ypoglyceia. !n soe occasions "e did experience ild syptos of t"ese conditions+ but by repeatedly ad1usting "is
enu+ "e *as gradually able to assess "is daily re3uireents of protein and sugar. He al*ays ade allo*ance for vital food
factors as yet undiscovered+ so "e follo*ed no fixed enu based on .no*n nutrients+ but constantly altered "is enu.
/'a* vegetable t"erapy+ *"en 1udiciously carried out+ could be a great "elp to t"e cancer patient in "is fig"t for survival+ but
for t"e t"erapy to be successful+ a sound .no*ledge of t"e nutrients Q particularly of essential aino acids Q present in
various types of food is essential.0
Wong *as convinced of t"e iportance of auto-psyc"ot"erapy+ *"erein t"e patient understood t"at t"e "uan body is self-
"ealing and t"e natural tendency in illness is al*ays to*ards recovery (called "oeostasis)+ provided t"at t"e causation of
t"e illness is reoved. 8ait" and deterination in oneBs recovery are essential+ and if t"e p"ysician can instill in t"e patient
t"e fait" in t"e intrinsic po*er of t"e body to fig"t off t"e disease+ and assure "i of t"e c"ances of a final victory+ t"e best
c"ances of success are t"en possible. Add to t"is t"e inspiration and confidence *"ic" coes *"en t"e patient sees
progressive iproveent in "is condition+ t"e gradual abateent and regression of "is cancerous gro*t"+ as *ell as t"e
steady increase in strengt" and vigor+ and success is assured.
$n "is recovery fro cancer+ all "is c"ronic afflictions *"ic" existed prior to "is developing cancer disappeared Q vi4. colds+
sore t"roat+ sinusitis+ gingivitis+ "ay fever+ indigestion+ and insonia. His sense of sell and taste gradually returned+ t"e
tuor continued to regress slo*ly but surely+ and *it"in eig"t ont"s "e *as copletely cleared of nasal obstruction. He
*as carefully exained at a "ospital and t"e doctor stated+ /5ou see to be all rig"t. &"ereBs no trace of t"e tuor.0
He learned to avoid t"e cancer recurrence *"ic" "e so greatly feared+ by constant vigilance. By "is 7Ct" birt"day+ "e *as so
iproved in "ealt" and vigor t"at "e *as able to 1og for "ours *it"out feeling unduly tired.
/And all t"e *"ile $ "ad ad"ered to t"e Single #eal 'outine Q a diet *"ic" gave e little ore t"an ;--- calories of energy
daily. !n t"e Single #eal 'outine $ "ave been able to aintain y body *eig"t constant at ;-- lbs. Q not an abnorally lo*
*eig"t for an Asian of average "eig"t. &"is aounts to a loss of only about ;- lbs. copared to y body *eig"t in early
yout"+ *"en $ *as eating t"ree or four eals a day. But paradoxically+ y reduction in *eig"t *as copensated by
increased vigor+ a .een appetite+ and Q ost iportant of all Q a gradual abateent of all y c"ronic ailents and coplete
eradication of cancer.0
8or t"e past ;, years since "is biopsy+ free fro colds+ "ay fever+ and catarr"al troubles and in recent years+ *it" furt"er
iproveent in "ealt" and vigor+ "e *as able to indulge in strenuous sports li.e badinton+ 1udo+ and *eig"t lifting in
addition to running.
/$ ust add t"at+ despite y increasing daily expenditure of energy+ $ "avenBt increased substantially t"e 3uantity of food
eaten daily. 5et+ during t"e past fe* years+ $ "ave been able to gain a fe* pounds in *eig"t. &"e ec"anis of "uan
etabolis is certainly ore coplex t"an can be siply explained in ters of calorie re3uireents. B0
&"e treatent for cancer does not end *it" t"e cure Q t"e cure is 1ust t"e beginning of t"e treatent. $t is appalling to t"in.
of t"e nuber of supposedly /cured0 cancer patients *"o continue to die needlessly because t"ey *onBt a.e any personal
effort to guard against recurrence of t"e diseaseO /#y recovery fro cancer is in no *ay extraordinary or uni3ue. &"e
recuperative po*er of t"e "uan body fro illness to "ealt" can only be described as little s"ort of aa4ing. &"e cure for
cancer ust ultiately lie *it" t"e patient "iself+ and t"e re*ard of recovering is only for t"ose *"o are prepared to
undergo *it" fortitude soe degree of self-denial.
/$t is one of t"e ost attributes of t"e "uan body t"at it can adapt itself to c"anges in "abits of eating and
living *it" extree flexibility. #y Single #eal 'outine+ initially eployed as a desperate easure to c"ec. a fatal disease+
"as no* becoe to e an establis"ed "abit+ inasuc" as $ "ave coe to loo. upon t"e t"ree-eal-a-day routine as
soet"ing bot"ersoe and tedious. $ still ad"ere Q t"oug" it is no longer necessary to do so *it" rigidity Q to t"e ra* food
diet+ as $ consider it a natural preventative against cancer recurrence.
/#y daily solo running "as lost its initial boredo and becoe a pleasing "abit. $t "as "elped e build up a satisfactory level
of "ealt"G it "as "elped e+ in y late forties+ to aintain y blood pressure at around ;6- (systolic) and to regain and
relive a yout" long lost to ill "ealt" and disease.
/&o t"ose cancer sufferers *"ose prospects of recovery see di+ $ *ould say Ras long as t"ere is still breat" in t"e body
and t"e *ill to live+ t"ere is al*ays "ope... t"ere *ill al*ays be "opeB.0
%he recuperati9e po:er o; the hu<an body ;ro< illness to health can only be described as little short o; a<a=ing.
$>cerpts ;ro< O#%HOP"%H, by Herbert M. Shelton
H", !$)$# ((( find ore excerpts at
Definition: This is an acute usua!!y recurrent and distinct!y seasona! in"!ammation o" the nasa! mucous membrane sometimes e#tendin$
to the con%uncti&a o" the eye and the membranes o" the pharyn# bronchia! tubes and 'ustachian tubes.
Symptoms: (hi!e de"ined as an acute in"!ammation which is sub%ect to recurrent and seasona! acute e#acerbations the catarrh is
continuous but is pecu!iar!y sub%ect to pronounced increase in se&erity o" symptoms in the months o" )ay *une *u!y and +u$ust. ,n the
-outh it may !ast a!! the year. .asa! obstruction with rhinorrhea and much snee/in$ are accompanied by con$estion o" the con%uncti&e
waterin$ o" the eyes itchin$ o" the eye!ids nose and pa!ate. There is headache and !assitude and occasiona!!y paro#ysms o" asthma. ,t
may be described as a se&ere co!d runnin$ on day a"ter day with no !et0up and o"ten $rowin$ worse "or the !on$er it persists in the
acute sta$e the more sensiti&e the mucous membrane becomes.
Etiology: 1ay "e&er bein$ seasona! de&e!ops !ar$e!y in the sprin$ 2rose0co!d3 and in the autumn 2autumna! catarrh3 and is said to be
e#cited or e&o4ed by inha!in$ the po!!ens o" certain p!ants and $rasses 5 ra$weed $o!denrod cedar timothy $rass etc. The condition o"
hypersensiti&eness to the to#a!bumin o" po!!en is ca!!ed anaphy!a#is or a!!er$y. -ince howe&er a!!er$y does not cause itse!" this theory
o" cause does not $o deep enou$h. ,t "ai!s to account "or the !oca! hypersensiti&eness to norma! e!ements o" man6s natura! en&ironment.
+!thou$h it is true that dust po!!en emanations "rom horses cats do$s birds etc. and e&en co!d air wi!! dri&e hay0"e&er su""erers into
into!erab!e su""erin$ this does not pro&e them to be causes o" hay "e&er. +nythin$ that irritates a sensiti&e mucous membrane occasions
a rush o" b!ood to the point o" irritation and the pourin$ out o" an e#udation to "!ush away the irritant.
(ithin recent years enterprisin$ doctors ha&e disco&ered that some hay "e&er sub%ects are a!!er$ic to their sweet0hearts and su""er an
e#acerbation 2a$$ra&ation3 o" symptoms e&ery time they &isit their !o&ers. ,n a "ew instances the source o" irritation was "ound in the !ip0
stic4 rou$e and "ace powder or e&en in the per"ume but in other instances emanations "rom the !o&er6s hair were b!amed.
The mista4e has been made o" considerin$ norma! e!ements in man6s en&ironment 5 po!!en and emanations "rom anima!s 5 as causes
o" hay "e&er7 whereas the true cause the basic cause is the cause o" the sensiti/ation o" membranes which norma!!y are not sensiti&e to
po!!ens etc.
1ay "e&er is simp!y a pecu!iar type o" chronic catarrh which on!y a sma!! percenta$e o" catarrha! sub%ects de&e!op. Two peop!e ha&e
catarrh to the same e#tent7 one de&e!ops hay "e&er the other does not. The sensiti&e indi&idua! is neurotic the other is not. 1ay "e&er is
chronic catarrh in a neurotic sub%ect.
The non0neurotic su""erer "rom catarrh wi!! be in"!uenced !itt!e or none by the inha!ation o" dust po!!en smo4e pun$ent odors or co!d
air. 8Hot dogs8 are the on!y do$s o" which , 4now that may he!p to cause hay "e&er.
1ay "e&er rests on a basis o" ener&ation and to#emia. The hay "e&er su""erer is made hi$h!y to#ic by his ener&atin$ habits which inhibit
"u!! e!imination o" norma! body waste. The sub%ect bui!ds his disease dai!y by 4eepin$ his stomach deran$ed with his meats potatoes
breads pies ca4es pastries butter brea4"ast "oods and e&en with his !uscious "ruits co&ered with cream and su$ar. These thin$s o&er0
stimu!ate him and produce a to#ic state o" his b!ood which "urther adds to his ener&ation and produces ner&ousness and sensiti&eness as
we!! as catarrh.
Prognosis: 9omp!ete reco&ery may be e#pected in si# wee4s or !ess in the &ast ma%ority o" cases. + "ew cases persist !on$er than this
Care of the Patient: :unnin$ away "rom the e#terna! sources o" irritation is mere!y a pa!!iati&e measure. ;oin$ to dust!ess po!!en!ess
ra$weed!ess cat!ess horse!ess chic4en!ess $oose!ess sweatheart!ess and sense!ess resorts does not correct the under!yin$ constitutiona!
per&ersion 5 to#emia and its resu!tin$ catarrh. 1opin$ "or the hurried comin$ o" the o!d char!atan practicin$ without a !icense *ac4
<rost to put an end to po!!ens wastes a !ot o" &a!uab!e time and causes the su""erer to endure a !ot o" misery. -earin$ the nose wearin$
air0"i!ters stayin$ a!! summer !on$ in air0conditioned rooms $oin$ on sea &oya$es etc. do not remo&e cause. )ost o" these pa!!iati&es
are "or the we!!0to0do on!y.
+ "ast "or the remo&a! o" to#emia wi!! end the catarrh in a &ery short time and remo&e a!! sensiti&eness to po!!en dust sweetheart etc.
:est "or the ner&ous system and a hea!th"u! mode o" !i&in$ wi!! bui!d up a hi$h de$ree o" hea!th and pre&ent a!! "uture recurrence o" hay
"e&er. <o!!owin$ the e!imination o" to#emia restoration o" norma! ner&e ener$y and correction o" the mode o" !i&in$ the e&o!ution into
$ood hea!th is sure and rapid. (Note:Raw juices can be used instead of - or alternating with - water fasting to also achieve detoxification.)
'"S%#IC &C$#
Definition: + circumscribed !oss o" tissue in the stomach usua!!y in&o!&in$ both the mucous membrane and the deeper structures. +n
u!cer di""ers "rom a wound in the "o!!owin$ ways= + wound arises "rom some e#terna! source7 an u!cer has its cause within the body. +
wound is a!ways idiopathic7 an u!cer is a!ways symptomatic. The tendency o" the wound is to hea! because its cause is remo&ed= the
cause acted but momentari!y. +n u!cer persists and o"ten en!ar$es because its cause persists and o"ten increases. The hea!in$ o" an u!cer
there"ore depends primari!y upon the remo&a! and correction o" the interna! condition o" which it is but a symptom. This done the u!cer
>uic4!y hea!s.
Symptoms: ?ain usua!!y paro#ysma! se&ere and !oca!i/ed thou$h it may radiate to the bac4 or sides is usua!!y present. ,n many cases
ta4in$ "ood induces or a$$ra&ates the pain and this !asts unti! the stomach is emptied either by &omitin$ or by emptyin$ into the
intestine. @oca!i/ed tenderness is o"ten "e!t. Aomitin$ usua!!y o" undi$ested "ood and acid "!uid which is >uite "re>uent usua!!y comes
on "rom one0ha!" hour to two hours a"ter eatin$. 1emorrha$e into the stomach with &omitin$ o" b!ood occurs in more than ha!" the cases
and is said to cause death in about twenty per cent o" a!! "ata! cases o" u!cer. There is an e#cessi&e secretion o" hydroch!oric acid
2hyperacidity3. -ymptoms o" indi$estion 2dyspepsia3 precede most cases thou$h in some cases there are "ew symptoms unti! sudden
per"oration into the peritoneum p!eura pericardium or intestine with hemorrha$e occurs.
Etiology: +s $astric catarrh e&o!&es the catarrh passes to in"!ammation "rom in"!ammation to induration 2hardenin$3 and "rom
induration to u!ceration. -tomach u!cer is the end o" a chain o" stomach disorders be$innin$ with irritation 5 indi$estion "rom
imprudent eatin$ or drin4in$ 5 which when &ery se&ere or o"t repeated causes in"!ammation 2catarrh37 and when the abuse o" the
stomach is continued u!ceration "o!!ows or induration 2hardenin$3 then cancer.
Becided!y ner&ous indi&idua!s who consume much starch 5 bread ca4e and pastry 5 are more inc!ined to de&e!op u!cer. (here there
is a decided acidity o" the secretion in"!ammation and u!ceration are a!most sure to de&e!op. Biscom"ort and o"ten $reat pain accompany
this condition.
Prognosis: This is &ery "a&orab!e in a!! ear!y cases. )any persist "or years then reco&er. :e!apses so common under re$u!ar care are
due to "ai!ure to remo&e causes. +d&anced cases in the pro"ound!y ener&ated may end "ata!!y in spite o" the best o" care.
Care of the Patient: The pa!!iati&e treatments in &o$ue are so unsatis"actory that a noted +merican sur$eon recommends that u!cers be
remo&ed a"ter they ha&e been cured nine times. +s in a!! other troub!es the "irst necessity is the remo&a! o" the causes 5 immediate and
remote 5 o" the troub!e. +!! ener&atin$ habits must be discontinued and su""icient rest in bed secured to permit o" restoration o" "u!!
ner&e ener$y. + "ast both to hasten e!imination o" to#emia and to $i&e the stomach an opportunity to hea! is essentia!. 9hronic
pro&ocation by "ood indi$estion and dru$s pre&ent hea!in$. <ood a!so 4eeps up the e#cessi&e $astric secretion. C
'&ery hea!th bui!din$ a$ent 5 sunshine e#ercise etc. 5 shou!d he emp!oyed as ear!y as possib!e.
Dperations are notorious!y unsatis"actory in u!cers. <irst the operation does not remo&e the cause o" the u!cer. -econd the u!cer is in a
"ie!d o" in"!ammation in the mucous membrane which in"!ammatory "ie!d may be >uite !imited or may in&o!&e much o" the $astric
mucosa and an operation wi!! remo&e the u!cer but there is a!ways >uite an area o" in"!amed mucous membrane !e"t a"ter the u!cer is
remo&ed and this in"!amed membrane tends to u!cerate. Two three "our "i&e and e&en more operations are per"ormed "or the remo&a!
o" u!cers as these persist in de&e!opin$. There is nothin$ to restore an in"!amed mucous membrane to hea!th when the causes o" the
in"!ammation are !e"t operati&e.
Dr. Stanley S. Bass in ABBA
0. correct nutrition 7in9estigate Paleo diets, :hich are best8 ? do not o9ereat, <ini<i=e carbs @ sugars
-. <ini<i=e to>ins o; all Ainds 7e.g. drugs & herbs :aste energy and :ill hinder healing8
1. to sa9e e<otional energy, and redirect this energy to healing ( learn $!%, $<otional !reedo<
%echniBues, ;ro< ,ou%ube 7e.g. :atch !aster($!% 9ideos8
C. rest & sleep & be patient, drinA :ater, eat <ainly ra:, obser9e the 9arious deto> 7disease8 @ healing
sy<pto<s :ithout ;ear, <editate
NOT: !or the latest understanding of "aleo diets# $aleolithic nutrition# %r. &ass reco''ends the blog of (ichael ades:
htt$:))www.$rotein$')dr'i*e) (+,-.)

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