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Embedded System Lab # 1

Introduction to Software Tools

MicroBasic Pro Compiler , PROTEUS, Education Kit
Eng. Wazen M. S!air
". To !e #amiliar $it some so#t$are tools li%e MicroBasic Pro , PROTEUS, and
e&periments %it.
'. To %no$ o$ to ma%e a pro(ect using MicroBasic and ten get te e& #ile o#
te so#t$are program o# te pro(ect.
). *o$ to simulate te e& #ile using PROTEUS.
P+C",-.//0 Microcontroller, microBasic so#t$are, Proteus 1SM simulation program.
Tese programs are te !ac%!one o# te microprocessor and microcontroller !ased
s2stems3 since using MicroBasic $e can !uild te so#t$are o# te pro(ect using Basic,
and ten $e can simulate te pro(ect 4irtuall2 using PROTEUS, #inall2 $e can
do$nload te program on te microcontroller and see te results practicall2 using
programmer . So tis e&periment includes all te %no$ledge te student $ill need to
get started to te programs.
1. microBasic Proram
mi%roBasic is a Windo$s5!ased +ntegrated 6e4elopment En4ironment, and is muc
more tan (ust Basic compiler #or P+C MCUs. Wit mi%roBasic, 2ou can7
". Create Basic source code using te !uilt5in Code Editor
'. Compile and lin% 2our source code
). +nspect program #lo$ and de!ug e&ecuta!le logic $it 6e!ugger
.. Monitor 4aria!les in Watc Windo$
/. 8et error reports
9. 8et detailed statistics :o$ compiled code utilizes P+C MCU memor2, e&
map, carts and more...;
!. P"OTE#S Proram
Proteus contains e4er2ting 2ou need to de4elop3 test and 4irtuall2 protot2pe 2our
em!edded s2stem designs !ased around te Microcip Tecnologies< P+C", series o#
microcontrollers. Te uni=ue nature o# scematic !ased microcontroller simulation
$it Proteus #acilitates rapid, #le&i!le and parallel de4elopment o# !ot te s2stem
ard$are and te s2stem #irm$are. Tis design s2nerg2 allo$s engineers to e4ol4e
teir pro(ects more =uic%l2, empo$ering tem $it te #le&i!ilit2 to ma%e ard$are or
#irm$are canges at $ill and reducing te time to mar%et. Proteus 1SM models $ill
#undamentall2 $or% $it te e&act same *E> #ile as 2ou $ould program te p2sical
de4ice $it, !inar2 #iles :i.e. +ntel or Motorola *e& #iles; produced !iran2 assem!ler
or compiler.
Em!edded S2stem ?a! "
Part1 $ %reate Proram for &icrocontroller
%reatin 'irst Project in microBasic for PI%
+n tis section , $e $ill create a ne$ pro(ect , $rite some code and compile it in
micro!asic #or P+C and test te result. Out pro(ect $ill ma%e ?E6 diodes !lin%, so it
can easil2 tested on P+C microcontrollers.
Te #ollo$ing diagram so$ te connection sceme 2ou@ll need to test te code #or te
microcontroller , $e a4e used common cop in our e&periments. ?E6 diodes are
connected to PORTB, !ut 2ou can use an2 oter a4aila!le port.

Em!edded S2stem ?a! '
Em!edded S2stem ?a! )
Em!edded S2stem ?a! .
Part ! $ Simulation in P"OTE#S Proram
A. Run te PROTEUS Program
-rom start menu cose te PROTEUS, and ten cose +S+S :!lue;.
To get a part clic% on 6e4ices :P;.
Write te name o# te P+C",-./'.
To get ?E6 $rite led ten coose 2ello$ led.
To get a resistor $rite "% and coose te #irst part.
B. Connect te circuit so$n in te -igure" !elo$ on Proteus +S+S program.
C. ?oad te :.e&; #ile to P+C",-./' microcontroller.
6. Con#igure P+C",-./' parameters needed #or te simulation !2 putting Processor
cloc% #re=uenc2 ,M*z.
E. Simulate te circuit using Proteus +S+S program.
-igures "
Em!edded S2stem ?a! /
PI( )iaram
Em!edded S2stem ?a! 9

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