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o M.

o Unawati
o Meli Mulyani
o Riskon Oki Ramadhan


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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ...
All praise and our gratitude Allah SWT, because over the outpouring of His grace and blessing
we can resolve this paper as an assignment that has been given to the eyes Language Lessons Britons
expected time.
We express our gratitude to those who have helped in the presentation of this paper. Especially to
Master field study that has provided knowledge and guidance, so that we can finish this paper with the
provisions and directives from him.
Finally, we hope that this paper can at least contribute knowledge that can be useful especially for
authors and for readers generally. Hopefully this paper can be served in accordance with the indicators
Kedondong.06 August 2014

( Constituent )


1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Formulation 1
1.3 Purpose 1
2.1 Definition of Technology 2-3
2.2 The Birth Process Technology 4-5
2.3 Impact of Modern Technology in Life 6-11

A.Conclusions 12
B.Suggestion 12


1.1 Background
History of Human Technology has two functions of the position in life that is as individual and social
beings. As social beings, humans needed a way untukmendukung everyday purposes either individually
or in groups. To create a strong relationship on the basis of these needs, men seeking, creating systems
and tools to support life
The paper is deliberately written with a colloquial style that is very easy to understand and be
understood. Mkalah are organized by chapters, so that readers can be made easy to search for issues
that have been read
In the preparation of this paper does not intend anything except encourage the reader to understand
the development of Modern Technology and Traditional Technology and the preparation of this paper
for memenui IT task group, hopefully we can understand the development of the technologies of
modern and traditional technologies
1.2 Problem Formulation
Knowledge of problem formulation results as follows:
a. What Definition of Technology?
b. How Birth Process Technology?
1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this paper is:
a. Readers know the meaning of Technology
b. The reader knows how the birth process technology


2.1 Definition of Technology
Technology is one defining characteristic of human nature that is part of history covering the entire
history. Technology, according Djoyohadikusumo (1994, 222) is closely related to science (science) and
engineering (engineering). In other words, the technology contains two dimensions, namely science and
engineering are related to each other. Science refers to our understanding of the real world around us, it
means the basic characteristics in the dimension of space, of matter and energy in interacting one
According to Sardar (1987, 161) is a means of solving the fundamental problem of every civilization.
Without science, further Sardar (1987, 161) a civilization can not sustain political structures and social or
meet the basic needs of the people and culture. As the external manifestation of an epistemology,
science shaping the physical environment, intellectual and cultural as well as advancing the economical
production method chosen by a civilization
according Djoyohadikusumo (1994, 222) concerns the objective knowledge (of space, matter, energy)
are applied in the field of design (including the technical equipment). In other words, the technology
includes techniques and equipment to carry out the design of which is based on the results of science
Technology can not only be understood as concrete objects, such as machinery, equipment, tooling and
so forth. As evident from the beginning he said, the technology is a science, the science to make a tool,
tooling, machinery or other concrete forms (as the application of the rules and principles of science) to
facilitate human activity or employment. Thus, the technology, has four major components, namely:
a. Knowledge, which is a set of ideas of how to do something
b. Purpose, for what "something" is used
c. Activities must be patterned and organized
d. Enabling environment so that the activity can be effective
In its simplest form, particularly on hunting and gathering communities and traditional societies, the
formation of a more technology driven by the demands to meet their daily needs. Humans need food
they make and develop spear and arrow as a hunting tool
At the present time, the principle of technology as a tool (an arm of) humans still continues. This
principle can be found in pliers, a screwdriver and a bicycle, although the nuance more sophisticated
than in the past. In principle, form and functionality, modern technology is growing very rapidly. That's
because the technology is the practical application of the principles of modern science. For example, the
incandescent light bulb and the telephone is a practical application of Faraday's theories of electricity in
daily life
In terms of usage, there are technologies that are individual and collective technology unisex
- Type of individual technologies can be encountered on a screwdriver, pliers and a bike. The principle of
this type of technology which is a tool or a human arm. Our hands, obviously difficult to pull out a nail or
plug nut. Since it was established screwdriver and pliers to facilitate the work. Similarly, the bicycle is a
tool to accelerate our journey
- The technology is technology that is collective in its use should be done jointly. Television, we can only
enjoy once managed collectively. There are events that are presented. There should be a television
station that broadcast the event preparation and broadcasting television programs show that the
television station is certainly involved many people. The collective nature of technology can also be
found at the factories that produce the goods. In the process of making a car for example, any
sophisticated technology that is used to involve a lot of people. There are some people who install
certain parts and some paint; while others do the finishing. In other words, in the process of the
collective technology terkaiterat with matter management or a production system

2.2 The Birth Process Technology
Technology found in the form of the earliest stone tools (spears, knives). In a further development the
technology found iron (metal blade). Until finally also found that processing engine technology power of
nature (water and wind) to drive him. The more high-tech machines, the less human intervention.
Modern machines should be controlled by a group of people who organized and trained. Unlike the
stone technology where technology is needed as a 'helper'. and iron technology where technology is
needed as a `friend ', then on, stage engine technology, the technology should be kept low so it can be
used as appropriate. In modern society. awareness of anthropocentrism, the driving factor findings of
various technologies, particularly materials technology.
Hence the birth process technology can be divided into three stages of the process, namely:
1 Technology in the Prehistoric Society
In the group of traditional hunting and gathering societies are familiar with the division of labor by sex
and age group. Men hunt while women gathering. The technology was developed at that time hunting
and gathering technology. Technology is evolving at this late stage is also called paleometalik, that
tradition early metal (bronze, and iron) to anticipate food crises they develop agricultural technology
shifting cultivation
2 Technology in Traditional Society
Technological developments in traditional societies is not too fast, though not later shifting cultivation in
the society especially hunting and gathering societies. The most important innovation is the traditional
technology of the corner of the base material and function. The basic ingredients are the traditional
technology of the metal, while the functions of traditional technology not merely as an extension of the
course, but it has become an extension of the whole body
3 Technology in Modern Society
In modern society the technology has been getting the form and meaning that almost one hundred
percent different from the traditional community technology. At least there are 6 main characteristics of
modern technology
a. Modern technology is a technology that has rid itself of the supply of natural energy (such as water
and wind). Modern technology is a technology that is capable of generating its own power source
b. From the aspect of motive, born of modern technology and driven by a desire to control nature.
Discoveries of modern technology has always interpreted the victory of man over nature. When modern
transportation have been found and developed (such as trains, boats junction, cars and airplanes) as
one example of a modern man feels as if it has managed to shorten the distance. Perceptions of
distance was changed. With modern transportation, the relative distance is not a barrier to modern man
c. Modern technology is also characterized by an all-round commercial orientation. Aspects mi is a
characteristic that distinguishes modern technology with traditional technologies. In hunting and
gathering peoples, traditional societies and the earliest discovery and technology development is
dominated by subsistence orientation-orientation to meet their daily needs. Commercial orientation of
modern technology can be found in the field
- Technology to be very valuable as it can speed up and multiply the result of the production process
- Technology becomes a salable commodity traded. In other words, accelerating the discovery and
development of modern technologies for the most part driven by market demands.
d. as a result of this rapid development, modern technology is characterized by a formalized system of
individual rights by the patent. Ownership systems on modern technology is compensation expenses to
be incurred in the process of finding and developing modern technology. This is because not all
communities are able to discover and develop modern technology. It takes a high education and skills to
be able to find and develop modern technology. With the proprietary technologies that other parties
should not imitate the new technology. Replicate and develop the technology without permission of the
owner of patent rights is a crime
e. Modern technology has a high selling price. That is why many do not hesitate to invest capital to
conduct basic research in order to successfully create and develop a new technology, hoping that if
managed to find and develop these technologies it will gain a huge advantage. Due to a shift in the
orientation of the discovery and development of modern technology, the development of science
(which is the basic ingredient discovery and development of new technologies) are also more practical
oriented. Science orientation is no longer just for fun. As indicated by Aristotle who drove his legend just
because he asked his practical uses of mathematics
f. Modern technology is one factor pendorongekspansi multinational companies that have exceeded
their state sovereignty. Various discovery and development of modern technologies associated with the
production process allows a wide range of multinational companies opening factories in Southeast Asian
countries after he introduced a system of conveyor belts on manajemenproduksinya

2.3 Impact of Modern Technology in Life
1 Impact on Transportation and Communication
a. Positive impact
Let us examine the human efforts in the field of transport and communications before and after the
development of Science and technology. Prior to the development of Science and technology, land
transportation is done by foot, horse, ox-carts, horse-drawn carriage, or camels in the desert. At sea, the
transport used sailboats, while through the air is not known. The way in ratas takes a long time, because
of the relatively low speed, so the distance of 100 km have been very distant.
As for after the development of Science and technology, one can create the transport infrastructure and
communications. For transportation on land, such as bicycles, motorcycles, cars, buses, trains, bridges
with particular strength in accordance with the needs of vehicles allowed in through it. For transport by
sea may have made ships with weights vary according to the needs equipped with infrastructure, such
as ports that can be entered ship of a certain size. In fact, could have also made nuclear-powered ships .
Transportation by air where before the development of Science and technology are not the aircraft
industry. With the development of Science and technology, can be created by the aircraft industry with
a speed greater than the speed of sound.

Similarly, if we review the results of the development of means of communication science and
technology such as radios, televisions, tape recorders, telex, radar, radio, CB, satellite communication
and others. The tool is arranged with a certain technology so as not to interfere with each other. For
example, the use of satellite communications agreements held by consumer countries, mentioned in
popular science (1982) there are 92 states with 110 station users, where users set by the International
Telecommunications Satellite Consortium, which is abbreviated by Intelsat. Radio is a one-way
communication tool where the listeners gain leverage in receiving information. Television set as a means
of communication can be unidirectional or bidirectional if set with certain equipment. In countries that
have a television that has the tools that can be used for two-way communication, a great teacher who
live in some universities [10] can give a lecture to some universities require. Students who attend
college can communicate directly if there are things you want to ask.
In the 20th century, people have managed to create a space shuttle [12] from the earth into space, then
in the early 21st century humans may be able to ride the vehicle for an excursion to the planets or
satellites are close to the earth, even if it moved there.
b. Negative impact
Transportation is a means of connecting one area to another. The contribution of technology to create a
wide range of means of transport, which has been used by humans to make accessibility of remote areas
that once alienated from the life of another human being. Now an extremely close distance first though
as if it is not affordable.
All the comfort enjoyed by people who take advantage of the negative impacts of transport will be
followed. Currently in Indonesian cities filled with cars like ants, because the number of vehicles
continues to increase every year, but did not increase following the path length in the number of motor
vehicles. As a result, the scrambling events often occur because haste led to the accident.
Moreover, an indirect result of the development of the transport system, which reduced agricultural
lands productive [16] because it is used to accommodate the need for transportation services, since
from the terminal, the runway to warehouse equipment and storage / parking of these vehicles
In the context of the negative, the more value is generated in the virtual world [18] and the increasing
levels of human dependency or a nation, the greater the risk that threatens the form of various types of
crime and attempts to control resources information by other nations with various purposes and
objectives. So it is very important for a nation that has been more intensive and extensive use of ICT to
always secure and maintain its information resources as has been the livelihood of many people who
from day to day will become increasingly important, high value and even a vital asset. Incident that
stands out among others: identity theft and data (information resources) as well as hijacking accounts
(email, IM, social networks).
Advances in computer technology and information, it also allows a person could be damaged her
personal life in a way that is not correct dissemination of information and images that are engineered
using computer and distributed via the internet. In some places, the existence of the internet was also a
negative impact on many young people easily access pornographic sites and information that is
provocative and incites from certain groups. And worst of all, the opening due to the rapid advancement
of information technology because of this information, which does not make them ready to be confused
to react.

2 Impact on Health Promotion

Developments in science and technology can boost the knowledge and facilities in the fields of
medicine, science is determined by an increase in facilities and infrastructure required. For the
development of medical science, the infrastructure is basic science (chemistry, biology and physics),
electronic tools and nonelektronik and field research professionals.
Supporting the development of science and equipment, causing a lot of problems in the field of
medicine that can be solved, it is appropriate to the nature that science is dynamic. For more
memustkan attention to a problem because the problem is very complex living organ then develops
branches of science in the field of medicine. For example, internal medicine (science in the field of
internal medicine), surgecy (anatomy), genaecolog (science in the field of content), obstesrics (science
problems of women and birth), Paediatrics (pediatrics), dermatology (skin health sciences), and other -
With the development of medical science and the facilities are more advanced equipment, it can boost
health services for the community. The new service results advancement of natural science and
technology such as: heart transplant, blood Laundering, cornea replacement, installation of a
pacemaker, use of electronic devices for people with hearing, Care IVF for women who suffer from
disorders of the organs of the body so it is difficult to get a child .
Technological advances in the field of medicine in line with technological advances in the field of
medicine, because these areas can not be separated. Existing medical problem prior to the development
of science and technology, just with a different system. Our ancestors were not familiar with natural
science and technology take medication or with a mixture of mystical herbs found in nature. With the
technology can determine the material composition of a substance, its properties even know the
amount of each constituent part of a compound. Treatment technology is not only to treat illness but
who have also developed preventive treatment.

Drug technology was developed in line with the advance of medical science. Various drugs have been
found to pharmaceutical or medical experts to tackle a wide range of diseases in addition, the plant also
makes various types of drugs to patients can choose the desired (tablet form), syrup powder or powder
injection and so on, and in accordance with the financial condition (expensive or cheap drugs).

Advancement of science and technology can not be separated from the negative effects, namely the
onset of certain diseases, either directly or indirectly, even there is still conjecture. Here are a few
examples of diseases which are ascribed to the development of science and technology.
a. Cancer, is a disease that until now there is no drug that can eradicate it, but only to prevent the
spread of the affected areas or extend the life of the patient.
b. Abbestos disease suffered by asbestos factory employees. The disease is thought to be caused
because of asbestos in the asbestos factories are many floating dust containing silicon.
c. Deformity disease, such as sedation (thalidomide) were taken of a mother during pregnancy, then
after the birth of children suffering from abnormalities in the body.
d. Diseases are caused by circumstances kesibukkan, concerns, which are usually very closely with
technology-related jobs. Diseases caused for example high blood pressure, kidney, liver and others.

Man Attempts to Overcome D. The problem

Human effort to overcome the problems of life such as looking for a replacement for petroleum energy.
We know that oil is a very important resource for the life of our day-to-day. I developed a new other
issue is also very vital issue of nuclear technology.

With advanced technology, people also have and continue to conduct exploration into space to look for
the possibility of migrating to another planet. But along the existing investigation, information or data
indicates expectations even more thinner than the original allegations. For example, on the planet Mars
is generally believed that there is life, it turns out the data that is quite different. Estimates of the
presence of water and heavy snow turned out wrong because there is only a thin layer of granular snow
that has no meaning to life on earth as well. Similarly, oxygen levels much less than previously thought,
even data that shows that there is no oxygen at all. Then only our earth is the only life expectancy of our
children and grandchildren in the future. Therefore, may we all share the responsibility for its
preservation, which means a hope of preserving the human race itself.
The problem is also vital, because it will determine the sustainability of human life on this earth is a
population problem. Imagine our world and not just the increase in size and the amount of land for
subsistence seems more narrow. For while it may still be able to find a way to come out, for example by
way of transmigration, or changing the way of life of farming became a way of life and industry in a way
of family planning.
The following problems are parallel importance to the population problem is a population problem is
the problem of environmental sustainability. In fact, some experts view these two problems into one
that is the environment including demographic or vice versa. But it was not us permasalahkan. Indicated
that pentinsemua action for the benefit of mankind kesehjateraan in the present and in the future.
Similarly, the expansion of informatics, knowledge and technological development was instrumental,
among others:
1 Satellite Communication
Domestic communications satellite or satellites can amplify microwave signals emitted from the sending
station him in the earth and in the same time re-emit microwave signals which have been amplified
earlier to another receiving station on earth in the form of telephone conversations, television
broadcast or national radio broadcast.

2 Phone encyclopedia
By rotating or pressing the phone number will get the right answer and scan on a specific topic as like
the encyclopedia in a short time and at any time.
3 Computers
The computer is a good tool to get information quickly and in large numbers and in a short time can
display the data or information required.
4. Robot
Human effort for the future by looking for non-conventional energy resources such as:
a. solar energy
Sunlight can be converted into electrical energy by capturing the sun's light with photocell thousands.
Photocell can be changed from one side silicone coated with barons and the other side with arsenic. To
obtain a high voltage and strong, thousands of photocell was connected in series parallel.
Sunlight energy can also be converted into thermal energy by means of a concave mirror. For the needs
of large heat made a big mirror, and intinsitas sunlight coming into the mirror to reflect sunlight
enhanced from elsewhere (a cliff) by using a mirror base.
b. Geothermal Energy
The heat from the volcano sourced from magma. If there is a backup of the magma near the water, then
it will get hot water, steam bursts, or bursts of hot water. If the waste is done where it will get hot water
steam or hot water that gushed just depends on the condition of the water reserves, drilling layout, and
so on. Geothermal energy in the form of water vapor it can move genelator panass electricity.
c. wind energy
Dpat converted directly into electricity using wind turbines connected to electric generators.
d. Tidal Energy
Can be exploited by using and with the doors opening adjustable water. At the time of high tide sea
water, the sea water into and through pntu-door water. When the water receded, the sea water will
come out, as well as through the doors of water. At the door mounted water turbines that can drive an
electric generator.
e. biogas energy
In principle is the use of waste from the body of life by means of decomposition with the help of
bacterial decomposition. Bacteria were obtained from buffalo or cow dung. Gas is mostly methane gas
produced is burned to the stove in the kitchen and other purposes.
f. biomass energy
Which is used as a fuel is organic waste. The heat is used to heat water arising or boiler. Arising steam
used to drive an electric generator.

Untu preservation of human endeavor that is by way of:
Four salient issues that need to be addressed for the sake of the preservation of human life in the future
1 The problem of energy instead of petroleum
2 The use of appropriate technology to break down the negative impacts
3 Issues population growth rate must be in the tackle, among others, with KB
4 Issues of environmental sustainability is a shared responsibility and diusahan
These four were the four key issues central to the preservation of human life in the future.


A. Conclusions
The development of technology becomes positive for modern society if they see it as progress that help
improve the quality of their lives. The development was evidenced by the existence of a change
between the people who follow the development of the technology is not. Therefore it is the era of
technology developments that can not be rejected because it can help us in the social life. Negative if
we do not prepare or the era of the development of this technology carefully, where the advantages
and disadvantages which will be
B. Suggestion
The author realizes that in the preparation of this paper is far from perfect, therefore it is very necessary
to criticism and suggestions from readers yangmembangun so that later writers can rearrange a paper
better than that now and hopefully presumably this paper could be a little of that many papers are there
for reference and comparison for the general reader and for students / the DCC Kayuagung in particular.
Finally, the authors apologize when preparing and writing a paper that is less pleasing and the Almighty
God please forgive the author

Michael A. Mirabito Moergenstern Barbara L., The New Communications Technologies: Communication
in the Modern Age
Michael A. Mirabito Moergenstern Barbara L., The New Communications Technologies: Technical
Foundations of Modern Communication
William L.Riveres, modern communications technology & society


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