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Human Resources

& &
Different Policy /scheme
For For
Hours of work:
The revised working hours from 1
January, 2006 are:-
Days A staff other
than !u"ordinate
&ther !u"ordinate
staff ''
10:00 A(
):*) #(
+:,0 A(
):)0 #(
** (such as drivers,
liftmen, cleaners,
electricians, plumbers electricians, plumbers
and gardeners.)
There is no -hange
in the working
hours of forty eight
hours over a si. day
%riday 10:00 A(
6:00 #(
+:,0 A(
6:10 #(
re-ess 1: ,0 #( to 2:00 #(
Promotion Policy for Officers - 2006
Promotion Policy for Officers was first
introduced in February1990.
The 1990 Policy was in place till 2006
Promotion Eercise. Promotion Eercise.
2006 Policy replaced the 1990 Policy.
The Policy is applicable for promotion to all
cadres up to and includin! "cale #$$ %&'(.
Promotions to "cale #$ ) #$$ are held within
* &$P"+ member ,os. and &$, ta-en
to!ether. based on a common seniority list
for "cale # ) #$ officers for all the fi/e
companies companies
Other promotions within the company up to
"cale # are based on all $ndia "eniority lists
of officers in "cale $. $$. $$$ ) $# cadres.
#acancies 0 are determined in each scale for e/ery
financial year on the basis of norms1!uidelines
adopted by the companies from time to time based
on or!ani2ational needs.
Pro/ision0 $n the e/ent of sufficient number of /acancies not bein!
a/ailable in any particular scale1year. it may not be necessary to
conduct the promotional eercise for that particular scale1year conduct the promotional eercise for that particular scale1year
3road criteria for promotion0 4hile promotion to
"cale #$ ) #$$ is based on the sole criterion of 'erit.
the other promotions are held based on the /arious
criteria for measurin! merits and seniority.
Elii!ility "n# $one of %onsi#er"tion: Sc"le &I ' &II
To become eli!ible for promotion to "cale #$ ) #$$.
minimum re5uirements are
Two full years of continuous ser/ice in the eistin! cadre.
Two full years of balance ser/ice remainin! before
attainin! the a!e of superannuation.
6owe/er. the committee of ,'7s of &$P"+ 6owe/er. the committee of ,'7s of &$P"+
,ompanies and &$, may decide the actual 2one of
consideration for promotion by restrictin! the 8o. of
eli!ible officers to certain multiple of /acancies
and1or up to a particular batch to which they belon!.
Elii!ility "n# $one of %onsi#er"tion: () to Sc"le &
To become eli!ible for promotion up to "cale 9 # cadres.
an officer should ha/e completed minimum : years
continuous ser/ice from the date of selection to the
cadre. as on :1
'arch of the year prescribed.
6owe/er. the 2one of consideration for promotion would
be as follows 0
: times the 8o. of #ac. For prom. to "cale $$ : times the 8o. of #ac. For prom. to "cale $$
: times the 8o. of #ac. For prom. to "cale $$$
* times the 8o. of #ac. For prom. to "cale $# )
; times the 8o. of #ac. For prom. to "cale #
Pro/ided all eli!ible officers belon!in! to same batch
ha/e to be included in the 2one consideration. e/en if the
total 8o. eceeds the abo/e proportion
"creenin! $nter/iew for "cale #$ ) #$$0
The officers included for promotion to "cale #$ ) #$$
are re5uired to appear before a screenin! committee
of *1; outside eperts in different fields. which would
submit their assessment1 recommendation to the
Promotion ,ommittee for final consideration.
4ritten Test for promotions up to the cadre of "cale9#0
The other officers empanelled for promotion to The other officers empanelled for promotion to
/arious cadres up to scale #. ha/e to appear for an
online test conducted by a professional eaminin!
authority %li-e 8$+( and pass such test %5ualifyin!
mar-s :; %:1.; for ", ) "T( out of 100( before bein!
included in the further process of selection.
Format for Examination for Promotion up to Scale - V
Promotion Type of Examination
<p to "cale > $$ 100? Ob@ecti/e
<p to "cale > $$$ 100? Ob@ecti/e
<p to "cale > $# 100? Ob@ecti/e
<p to "cale > # 100? Ob@ecti/e
Format for Examination for Promotion up to Scale - V
The ob@ecti/e type part of the Auestion Paper shall consist
of B "ections namely
%i( Fire and En!ineerin!
%ii( 'arine and +/iation
%iii( 'otor %O7 and TP(
%i/( 'iscellaneous %Other than 'otor. +/iation and
%/( Ceinsurance %Treaty. Facultati/e and +ccounts( %/( Ceinsurance %Treaty. Facultati/e and +ccounts(
%/i( Finance %$ncludin! +ccounts. $n/estment and $T(
%/ii( 6C %$ncludin! 6C > De!al(
The candidate shall be re5uired to choose any * out of the
said B "ections.
Format for Examination for Promotion up to Scale - V
Promotion Type of Examination
<p to "cale > $$
Each section shall contain :0 5uestions.
out of which the candidate shall be
re5uired to answer any 2; 5uestions
<p to "cale > $$$
<p to "cale > $#
<p to "cale > #
There will be one positi/e credit for each correct
response and 11:rd ne!ati/e credit for each wron!
response in ob@ecti/e 5uestions.
Criteria for promotion up to Scale V and
scheme of weightage to various
Parameter Scale
I to II
IV to V
Written Test
30 30 30 25
5 5 ! !
5 5 ! !
Wor" #ecor$
30 35 %5 %5
35 30 25 15
! ! ! 15
Total 100 100 100 100
%riteri" forPromotion *) to Sc"le - &
4ritten Test 0 :0? wei!hta!e for
promotion up to "cale $# and 2;?
wei!hta!e for promotion to "cale # is
!i/en on the total mar-s obtained in the
4ritten Eam.
$nsurance Aualifications 0 2 mar-s for +$$$
4ritten Eam.
$nsurance Aualifications 0 2 mar-s for +$$$
or +,$$ and ; mar-s for F$$$ or F,$$ are
allotted only for promotion to "cale $$ )
8o mar-s are allotted for D$$$.
%riteri" forPromotion *) to Sc"le - &
4or- Cecord 0 'ar-s are allotted on the
three parts of +nnual ,C as under for
different cadres and mean of total mar-s
allotted for last three years ,Cs are ta-en
as mar-s on wor- record. as mar-s on wor- record.
Part of )# Scale I to II Scale II to III Scale III to IV Scale IV to V
10 10 10 10
12.5 12.5 1*.5 1*.5
*.5 12.5 1*.5 1*.5
30 35 %5 %5
%riteri" forPromotion *) to Sc"le - &
"eniority 0 For each completed year of ser/ice in
the eistin! scale. beyond first three years. the
mar-s on seniority are allotted as per followin!
table 0
Scale -ar"s for eac, complete$
year of ser&ice .eyon$
-aximum -ar"s
year of ser&ice .eyon$
first 3 years
I to II 5 35
II to III 3 30
III to IV 3 25
IV to V 2 15
%riteri" for Promotion *) to Sc"le - &
$nter9se seniority 0 0.01 mar- is added
in the ascendin! order startin! with
0.00 for the last officer in the list of a
particular batch. if there is more than
one batch in the 2one of consideration.
$nter/iew 0 For promotion to "cale #.
the Promotion ,ommittee inter/iews
the candidates. 'aimum mar-s bein!
Promotion )ommittee 0
Promotion to
,ommittee 'embers
#$ ) #$$ ,'7s of &$P"+ ,ompanies and &$,.
besides one &o/t. of $ndia 8ominee.
# ,'7 of the company. one 7irector on
the 3oard of the ,ompany. &eneral
'ana!er %Pers.(. one ",1"T
Cepresentati/e ) one outside epert.
$$. $$$ ) $# ,'7 of the ,o.. two &'s of the ,o.
Eincludin! &'%Pers.(F and one ",1"T
%riteri" for Promotion to Sc"le + &I ' &II
Empanelled officers after bein! screened by the "creenin!
,ommittee appear before the Promotion ,ommittee for a
personal inter/iew. The committee. after ta-in! into
account the assessment1 recommendations of the
"creenin! ,ommittee. o/erall merit. suitability. &rowth
Potential. len!th of ser/ice. 5ualifications. ser/ice
eperience in /arious functional areas as may be assessed
from appraisal records and personal inter/iew would draw
a list of officers selected for promotion. e5ual to the no. of a list of officers selected for promotion. e5ual to the no. of
/acancies. which list would be published in order of inter9se
seniority in the eistin! cadre This list%G 8o of /acancy(
would be final. Promotion ,ommittee shall decide and
issue postin! orders or where/er necessary &$P"+ shall
forward to the central &o/t. to issue transfer orders as per
section 22 of the & $ 3usiness %8ationalisation( +ct. 19B2.
%riteri" for Promotion *) to Sc"le - &
Promotion committee ta-es into consideration the mar-s
secured in /arious criteria %includin! the wei!hta!e on
mar-s of 4ritten Test( by the empanelled officers. who
succeed in the 4ritten Eamination and draw a list in
descendin! order of a!!re!ate mar-s to the etent of B;?
of the total no. of /acancies %fraction of 0.; and abo/e
bein! ta-en as 1( for selection for promotion.
Thereafter. the remainin! officers are re9ran-ed in
descendin! order of total mar-s. ecludin! the mar-s descendin! order of total mar-s. ecludin! the mar-s
obtained in 4ritten Test and from the top of the list. no of
officers e5ual to the balance 2;? of the /acancies are ta-en
to constitute the other part of the promotion list.
3oth the lists are then amal!amated and the final select list
a!ainst 100? /acancies is published in order of inter9se
seniority in the eistin! cadre.
Decl"r"tion of Promotions
)omplete list at one /o
No re&ie'
No contin/ency
Special Pro&ision for S)0ST 1
+s per the instructions recei/ed from time
to time from 7OPT. &o/t. of $ndia. 8o
reser/ation is as yet made for ,lass $
2ppointin/ 2ut,ority for Promotion 1 2ppointin/ 2ut,ority for Promotion 1
)a$re 2ppointin/ 2ut,ority
Scale VI 3 VII )-4
Scale IV 3 V +-
Scale II 3 III 4+-
Effect of Supersession 1 Officers superseded in
three consecuti/e promotional eercises. shall not
be included in the 2one of consideration in in two
immediately succeedin! promotional eercises.
$n case of promotions up to "cale9#. an officer who has 5ualified in
the 4ritten Test or applied for bein! ecluded %only once( shall not be
deemed to ha/e been superseded for that eercise.
$n case of promotions to "cale9#$ and "cale9#$$. an officer who applies $n case of promotions to "cale9#$ and "cale9#$$. an officer who applies
for bein! ecluded from the process of promotion shall not be
deemed to ha/e been superseded for that eercise.
Effect of Non!acceptance 1 4hen an officer
declines to accept promotion. such refusal shall
be recorded and ta-en into account while
considerin! his1her case for subse5uent 2 yrs.
Probation on Promotion 0 Officers promoted to
the cadre of "cale # and abo/e shall be on
probation for a period of one year.
"eniority in promoted cadre 0 "eniority in the
promoted cadre is rec-oned from the date of
selection maintainin! the inter9se seniority in the
pre9promoted cadre. re!ardless of the date of pre9promoted cadre. re!ardless of the date of
ta-in! char!e. pro/ided. howe/er. the officer @oins
the hi!her post before :1
'arch of the
promotion year.
Promotion. howe/er. ta-es effect from the actual
date of ta-in! char!e in the hi!her cadre at the
stipulated place of postin!.
$. Etended Eli!ibility of Officers 5ualifyin! in 4ritten
Officer shall ha/e the option of appearin! in the
4ritten Test for the net : years Eercises
subse5uent to the one in which he has 5ualified for
consideration of his promotion and in the e/ent of his
5ualifyin! the 4ritten Test. the mar-s scored for the
rele/ant Eercise%s( shall be rec-oned for such rele/ant Eercise%s( shall be rec-oned for such
consideration.%Cef0 ,ircular dated 2;10B112(
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
The 3oard has appro/ed introduction of Fast Trac-
,hannel %FT,( Promotions. w. e. f. the Promotional
Eercise 201291:. in addition to the already eistin!
channel %H8ormal ,hannelI(. with the followin!
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%a( 20? of /acancies for FT, %fraction of 0.; and abo/e bein!
ta-en as 1( .
%b( 'inimum : years of continuous ser/ice from the date of
selection to the eistin! cadre. as on :1
'arch of the year
prescribed. besides possessin! the 5ualification of.
+ssociate of $$$ or e5ui/alent for promotion to "cale $$ or $$$. +ssociate of $$$ or e5ui/alent for promotion to "cale $$ or $$$.
Fellow of $$$ or e5ui/alent for promotion to "cale $#0
6owe/er. for 201291: ) 201:91*. minimum * years. irrespecti/e of his
possessin! the 5ualifications specified abo/e.
%c( 7esirous eli!ible Officer shall ha/e to apply a!ainst
the 8otice.
%d( Officer shall be re5uired to appear in the 4ritten
test and secure a minimum of 60 %;* for ",1"T
Officers( mar-s.
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%e( $f officers 5ualifyin! the 4ritten Test are less than 02
times the number of /acancies. the number of /acancies
shall be suitably reduced to ensure that the officers
a/ailable after 5ualifyin! the written test are not less
than twice the number /acancies. than twice the number /acancies.
The /acancies so released. as also any /acancy remainin!
unfilled under this ,hannel. shall be added to the
/acancies a/ailable under 8ormal ,hannel for that
particular cadre.
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%f( Officers 5ualifyin! the 4ritten Test shall be sub@ected to
assessment under the followin! parameters09
Parameters Scale I to II Scale II to III
Scale III to IV
4ritten Test *0 *0 *0
Aualification ; ; 8il
4or- Cecord *0 *0 *0
$nter/iew 1; 1; 20
Total 100 100 100
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%!( The allocation of mar-s under /arious parameters shall be
as follows09
4ritten Test09 For e/ery mar-. a score of 0.*0 shall be
Aualification09 "cale $ ) "cale $$ Officers possessin! F$$$ or
e5ui/alent shall be allotted ; mar-s. e5ui/alent shall be allotted ; mar-s.
4or- Cecord0 9 "hall be assessed throu!h the annual ,C.
after applyin! an appropriate factor so as to translate the
score from the 8ormal ,hannel le/el of wei!hta!e to the
Fast Trac- le/el.
$nter/iew09 $nter/iew ,ommittee%s( each comprisin! of
one &' as ,hairman. 2 7&'s and one ",1"T
representati/e. to be constituted by the ,'7. shall
inter/iew candidates.
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%h( The Promotion ,ommittee and +ppointin! +uthority shall be the
same as that for promotions under the 8ormal ,hannel.
%i( Promotion ,ommittee % Jthe ,ommittee(. eamine the information
and also !i/e suitable wei!hta!e either plus or minus for the
inconsistencies and 1 or ea!!erated remar-s. as may be obser/ed from
the confidential reports 1 wor- records of the officers concerned and
finali2e the total mar-s. finali2e the total mar-s.
%@( The ,ommittee shall thereafter ran- the Officers in descendin! order
e5ui/alent to the number of /acancies.
%-( The ,ommittee shall then forward the Promotion Dist to the
+ppointin! +uthority.
%l( The +ppointin! +uthority for promotion shall cause simultaneous
publication of the Promotion Dists both under the 8, and the FT, to
ensure maintenance of inter9se seniority of the Promotees under both
the ,hannels.
$$. Fast Trac- Promotions %Officers up to "cale $#(09
%m( Only 2 attempts shall be allowed to a particular cadre
under the FT,. which shall be counted within the o/erall
0: attempts for the purpose of determinin!
%n( Officers. if selected for promotion under both the
,hannels. shall be retained only in the Promotion Dist for
the 8ormal ,hannel.
To pro/ide opportunity in impro/in! competency. self9
de/elopment ) career path.
To !room up Officers for !ettin! hi!her ran-.
To achie/e o/erall Or!ani2ational !oals.
To ensure balanced manpower distribution for ,lient
ser/icin!. ser/icin!.
$t came into eistence since 1B11012002.
+pplicable to all officials up to the ran- of "cale $#
8ot applicable to officials posted1 deputated to forei!n
operation 1other Or!ani2ations ) in case of local
transfers%"ame office or same ,entre(.
&eneral Ce!ulations0
8ormal period of postin! %8PP( at a centre is ; yrs
%,ontinuous Postin! in a particular centre in all cadres of
,lass > $ ta-en to!ether(.
On completion of 8PP. transfer from the eistin! place for
scale $ ) $$. within T+, 2ones1+d@oinin! states. For others.
anywhere in $ndia . anywhere in $ndia .
Transfer e/en before completion of 8PP by the
mana!ement on office ei!encies and ,7+1#i!ilance ,ases.
Power of ,'7 to phase out such shiftin! from a centre on
len!th of postin! basis where no. is hi!h. This is done in
accordance with len!th of continuous postin! %Don!er
Postin! > First to consider(.
Ce/ol/in! Plan 0
Once transferred to a place. other than on
re5uest may be eli!ible for transfer to one of
the : places of choice after * yrs.. sub@ect to
a/ailability of /acancy ) replacement.
Kob Cotation0 Kob Cotation0
8ot to continue in a sensiti/e assi!nment
%7eclared by ,'7( for more than : yrs.
"hiftin! to admin. side on completion of
continuous 10 yrs as 7O13O in char!es. once shifted.
a!ain eli!ible for postin! as in char!es after : yrs. on
admin. side.
Ce5uest Transfers0
8o re5uest ordinarily considered before completin! : yrs in
one centre. 6owe/er. 3oard1 Personnel ) +dmin. ,ommittee of
the 3oard may consider etreme hardship cases before : yrs.
'a. 8o of Ce5uest Transfers %7urin! "er/ice( G : %To be
counted from 01.0:.1990 (
Ce5uest considered after ; yrs. in one place should not be Ce5uest considered after ; yrs. in one place should not be
treated as Ce5uest Transfer.
,ases of "pouse @oinin! ) Physically handicapped may be !i/en
preferential1sympathetic consideration.
Officers posted in difficult areas %7eclared by ,'7( shall be
considered for postin! one of : places of choice. sub@ect to
$f nos. of re5uest is more than /acancy then the principle of H
Don!er the stay > First to be consideredI is applied.
Officers due for retirement within 2 yrs.0
8ormally not ,onsidered for transfer. 3ut re5uests for transfer to
their declared hometowns1place of choice may be considered.
sub@ect to /acancy pro/ide no further transfer benefit shall be
allowed at the time of retirement.
Transfer 3enefits0
+ll benefits as per transfer rules. ecept re5uest transfers under
T'P before : yrs. T'P before : yrs.
Koinin! Time For Transfer0
1( 8ormally :0 days or the date specified.
2( Further ma. eten. for :0 days on representation on merit of
the !round.
Power to modify1rela the pro/isions0
4ith 3oard or Pers. ) +dmin. ,ommittee of the 3oard. 3ut ,'7
may issue clarification in case of any doubt.
,ompetent +uthority For Transfer0
"l. 8o. ,ases Of Transfer ,ompetent +uthority
"cale $ to $$$ 4ithin Ce!ion
%+dministration "ide(
,oncerned ,C' L
O/erseein! Ee. and in his
absence &'%P(
"cale $ to $# 4ithin 6O1 $nter
Ce!ion %+dministration "ide(
&'%P(L,oncerned &' 1
7&' of 6O 7eptt. or
8ote0 For this purpose 6O is considered as separate CO.
Ce!ion %+dministration "ide( 7&' of 6O 7eptt. or
O/erseein! Eecuti/e of
concerned COs
"cale $ to $#
%4ith 'ar-etin! Function(
&'%P(L &'%'-t!.( L
O/erseein! Eecuti/e of
concerned CO
"cale # and abo/e ,'7
Kob Cotation % 4ithin "ame Office ) "ame "tation (0
+fter : years of continuous wor-in! in a particular 7eptt..
liable for transfer to another 7eptt. of the same office
+fter ; years of continuous wor-in! in one office. liable
for transfer to another office of same station%8umber
shall not eceed 2;? ) 'inimum one transfer in that
8ote0 ,ontinuous wor-in! mean stay in a particular office1 8ote0 ,ontinuous wor-in! mean stay in a particular office1
centre in all cadres of ,lass > $$$ ) $# ta-en to!ether.
Ce5uest Transfers0
,an be considered but not before completion of : years
at present place of postin! %,'7 may rela(.
'a. 8o of Ce5uest Transfers %7urin! "er/ice( G :.
$f nos. of re5uest is more than /acancy. then the principle
of H Don!er the stay > First to be consideredI is applied.
Transfer ) 'obility% From one "tation to +nother (0
,'7 empowered to determine re5uirement in offices at /arious
stations from time to time.
Ce5uirement to be fulfilled throu!h @udicious deployment of wor-9
force by ma-in! necessary transfers
+fter 10 years of continuous stay. liable for transfer to another
7iscretion of ,omp. +uthority to limit transfers to 2;? of total class9
wise stren!th. wise stren!th.
7istance shall be ordinarily restricted to a radius of 1;0 -ms. from
present place of postin!. 7isturbance +ll. To be paid M Cs. *0019
p.m. 6C+ ) ,,+ shall be protected. $n eceptional circumstances
,'7 or +uthorised "cale #$$ officer may transfer beyond 1;0 -ms
and in that case 7isturbance +ll. to be paid M Cs. 60019 p.m.
'ay be transferred to earlier place %Ecept relocation( or choice
station %'a. : nos( after stay of : years.
Entitled to all transfer benefits on such transfer.
&eneral Ce!ulation0
Employees Cetirin! in : years 1 Physically
handicapped %7isability N *0?( 1 "ufferin! from ma@or
diseases %includin! spouse ) 7ep. ,hildren( not to be
transferred but liable for @ob rotation.
+ll employees on promotion to be transferred %within
promotion 2one( from one office 1 station to another promotion 2one( from one office 1 station to another
irrespecti/e of len!th of stay.
Transfer e/en before completion of 'PP by the
mana!ement on office ei!encies.
7epartment9wise. Office9wise ) ,enter9wise lists in descendin! order of
postin! for each 7epartment 1 Office 1 "tation. Transfers from top of such
+llowances lin-ed to functions to be withdrawn on rotation.
8o special pro/ision for Office 3earers of <nions 1 +ssociations.
TE#-S 3 )5N4ITI5NS 65# )7E)8!566 E9E#)ISE
1. T,e :nion02ssociation1
a("hould be an <nion 1 +ssociation re!istered under the JTrade
<nions +ct. 1926 or under the "ocieties Ce!istration +ct. 1912.
b("hould ha/e a formal ,onstitution 1 3ye9laws
pro/idin! for annual audit of accounts
c(,laimin! to represent more than one class 1 cate!ory c(,laimin! to represent more than one class 1 cate!ory
of employees 1 Officers shall ha/e to submit separate
applications in respect of each class 1 cate!ory of
employees 1 officers.
8ote0 For this purpose. ,lass $$$. ,lass $#. FT" and Part9
time employees shall be deemed to be one class.
The <nion 1 +ssociation shall furnish to the ,ompany. all the
rele/ant details in support of %a(. %b( and %c( abo/e. as the case may
be. in the +pplication for ,hec- Off as per prescribed format
TE#-S 3 )5N4ITI5NS 65# )7E)8!566 E9E#)ISE
2. It s,all .e a con$ition prece$ent t,at t,e :nion
"hall abide by the J,ode of ,onduct.
Cepresentin! ,lass $ Officers includin! ",1"T
Officers shall ha/e its 'embers enrolled from Officers shall ha/e its 'embers enrolled from
Officers up to and includin! "cale $# cadre only.
Cepresentin! ,lass $ Officers includin! ",1"T
Officers shall not appoint any Officer9in9char!e of
any Operatin! <nit1Office %3O17O1Etension
,ounter( to hold office bearer9ship of any le/el.
TE#-S 3 )5N4ITI5NS 65# )7E)8!566 E9E#)ISE
3. T,e Employees05fficers ;:p to Scale IV ca$re<1
6as to submit the irre#oca$le letter of
Aut%ori&ation for mem$er'%ip of (nion)
A''ociation as per choice. "uch authori2ation shall
be /alid for a period of t,ree years. be /alid for a period of t,ree years.
4ho submits +uthori2ations for more than one
<nion1+ssociation. such authori2ations shall be
in/alid. 6owe/er. it will be permissible for an
employee1officer belon!in! to ",1"T cate!ory to
submit two +uthori2ations. one representin! his
,lass and another representin! ",1"T.
TE#-S 3 )5N4ITI5NS 65# )7E)8!566 E9E#)ISE
%. T,e :nion02ssociation 1
"atisfyin! a minimum :0? %Out of total who
authori2es under chec-9off system( representati/e
stren!th of a particular class may be called for
structured meetin! of the particular ,ompany %for
,ompany matters applicable to that ,lass( or &$P"+
%for common matters(. %for common matters(.
Cepresentin! ",1"T cate!ory and satisfyin! a minimum
:0? representati/e stren!th may be called for
structured meetin! of the particular ,ompany %for
,ompany matters( or &$P"+ %for common matters( on
welfare matters relatin! to ",1"T.
TE#-S 3 )5N4ITI5NS 65# )7E)8!566 E9E#)ISE
;. $n the unli-ely e/ent of none of the <nions1
+ssociations fulfillin! the minimum :0?
representati/e stren!th. the <nions1 +ssociations.
which conform to the followin! norms in the order
of representati/e stren!th in the ,ompany may be
called for structured meetin!s1 discussions of &$P"+
le/el1 ,ompany De/el 0
called for structured meetin!s1 discussions of &$P"+
le/el1 ,ompany De/el 0
$n the case of <nions representin! ,lass $$$1$#
employees. the first three <nions.
+ll other +ssociations includin! representin! ",1"T
Employees1Officers17e/. Off.. the first two
Section 1( ;1<! If t,e )entral +o&ernment is of t,e opinion t,at for t,e more
efficient carryin/ on of /eneral insurance .usiness it is necessary so to $o= it may= .y
notification= frame one or more sc,emes pro&i$in/ for all or any of t,e follo'in/
;/< t,e rationali>ation or re&ision of pay scales an$ ot,er terms an$ con$itions of
ser&ice of officers an$ ot,er employees ',ere&er necessary
Section 1( ;(<! T,e )entral +o&ernment may = .y notification= a$$ to= amen$ or
(NATIONALISATION) ACT, 1972 (57 OF 1972)
Section 1( ;(<! T,e )entral +o&ernment may = .y notification= a$$ to= amen$ or
&ary any sc,eme frame$ un$er t,is section.
Section 1*2! ;1< T,e )entral +o&ernment may= .y notification in t,e 5fficial
+a>ette= frame one or more sc,emes for re/ulatin/ t,e pay scales an$ ot,er terms an$
con$itions of ser&ice of officers an$ ot,er employees of t,e )orporation or of any
ac?uirin/ )ompany.
;3< T,e )entral +o&ernment may= .y notification= a$$ to= amen$ or &ary any sc,eme
frame$ un$er t,is section.
HSc,eme@0 A)ore@ 3 ANon! Sc,eme@0 ANon!)ore@
,lass $9 &eneral $nsurance %Cationalisation of Pay "cales and
Other ,onditions of "er/ice of Officers( "cheme. 19B;.
,lass $$9 &eneral $nsurance %Cationalisation of Pay "cales and Other
,onditions of 7e/elopment "taff( "cheme. 19B6
,lass $$$. $#9 &eneral $nsurance %Cationalisation and Ce/ision of Pay
"cales and Other ,onditions of "er/ice of "uper/isory. ,lerical and
"ubordinate "taff( "cheme. 19B*. "ubordinate "taff( "cheme. 19B*.
The years of chan!e9 19B;. 19O:. 19OB. 1992. 199B.
+dministrati/e instructions
Pay "cales %3asic Pay in Cs.(0 ,lass 9 $
"cale #$$ ;221091*00%2(9;;01091;00%1(9;6;109
"cale #$ *661091*00%;(9;:610
"cale # *166091200%:(9*;26091:;0%2(9*B960 "cale # *166091200%:(9*;26091:;0%2(9*B960
"cale $# :**6091200%B(9*2O60
"cale $$$ 2O1609O*0%1(9290009910%6(9:**609
"cale $$ 2:1209O*0%B(9290009910%6(9:**60
"cale $ 1B2*09O*0%1*(9290009910%*(9:26*0
Pay "cales %3asic Pay in Cs.(0,lass9$$
4. 5. +ra$e I 0 121B;9B;;%O(91O21;9BO0%9(9
:02:; :02:;
4. 5. +ra$e II 0 Cs. O2O09;*0%:(999009
Pay Scales (Basic Pay in Rs.):Class-III & IV
A. Supervisory and Clerical Staff.
(1) Senior Assistant : 10670-755(4)-13690-840(15)-26290
(2) Stenographer : 10670-755(4)-13690-840(15)-26290
(3) Assistant, Typist, : 7640-440(1)-8080-480(2)-9040-540(5)
Telephone Operator, -11740-625(2)-12990-760(3)-15270-790(2)
Telex Operator, Receptionist, -16850-840(5)-21050
Punch Card Operator, Punch Card Operator,
Unit Record Machine Operator
and other equivalent posts
(4) Record Clerk : 7085-305(2)-7695-325(5)
B. Subordinate Staff.
(1) Driver : 7085-305(2)-7695-315(14)-12105
(2) Other Subordinate Staff : 6180-250(5)-7430-265(8)-9550-315(1)
Sta/nation increments1 )B2SS C I ;:p to S) C IV<
"ta!nation increment is payable to an officer
4ho reached the maimum of the scale of
pay. sub@ect to satisfactory performance.
For e/ery three completed years of ser/ice
after reachin! such maimum. after reachin! such maimum.
E5ual to the last increment drawn by him.
For scale $9 'aimum of : increments
For scale $$9 'aimum of ; increments
For scale $$$9 'aimum of 2 increments
For scale $#9 'aimum of 1 increment
Sta/nation increments1 )B2SS C II;-<
"ta!nation increment is payable to a 7e/.
Officer %3oth &rade > $ ) $$(
4ho reached the maimum of the scale of
pay. sub@ect to satisfactory wor- record and
is otherwise eli!ible for drawin! normal
!rade increment%,ost Parameter(. !rade increment%,ost Parameter(.
For e/ery three completed years of ser/ice
after reachin! such maimum.
E5ual to the last increment drawn by him
'aimum of : increments.
Sta/nation increments1 )B2SS C II;2<
"ta!nation increment is payable to a 7e/.
Officer %3oth &rade > $ ) $$(
4ho reached the maimum of the scale of
pay. sub@ect to satisfactory performance %8o
,ost Parameter(. ,ost Parameter(.
For e/ery three completed years of ser/ice
after reachin! such maimum.
E5ual to the last increment drawn by him
'aimum of : increments.
Sta/nation increments1 )B2SS C III 3 IV
"ta!nation increment is payable to +sst. ) "r.
4ho reached the maimum of the scale of pay.
sub@ect to satisfactory performance.
for e/ery : completed years of ser/ice for "r.
+sst ) "teno and 2 years for +sst. +sst ) "teno and 2 years for +sst.
e5ual to the last increment drawn by him.
For ,lass $#) C, 8O "ta!nation
For +sst. 'aimum of B increments
For "r. +sst. 'aimum of 6 increments
1 2 : ; 6B
4earness 2llo'ance1
3ased on the +ll $ndia +/era!e ,onsumer
Price $nde for $ndustrial 4or-ers %$n the
series 1960 G 100 ( as published in the $ndian
Dabour Kournal or the &a2ette of $ndia.
Ce/ision on 5uarterly basis for e/ery four
points rise or fall. points rise or fall.
For e/ery four points in the 5uarterly a/era!e
o/er 29** points one slab of 7+ 9 0.1; per
cent of 3asic Pay.
6ouse Cent +llowance0%+ll ,lasses(
Place of posting Rate per month
,ities of 'umbai. 8a/i 'umbai. Pol-ata.
8ew 7elhi. ,hennai. +hmedabad.
3en!aluru. 6yderabad. Pune. Faridabad.
&ha2iabad. 8oida and &ur!aon.
10% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.3,200/-
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs
except cities mentioned above,
Gandhinagar & all cities in the State of
8% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.2,700/-
All other places 7% of B. Pay
Max Rs.2,600/-
Place of posting
Cities of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Kolkata,
New Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad, Pune, Faridabad, Ghaziabad,
Noida and Gurgaon
3% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.800
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs, 2.5%
City Compensatory Allowance: Cl-I
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs,
except cities mentioned above, Gandhinagar
& all cities in State of Goa
of B. Pay
Max. Rs.760
Cities with population of 5 lacs and above but
not exceeding 12 lacs, State capitals with
population not exceeding 12 lacs, Chandigarh,
Mohali, Panchkula, Pondicherry, Port Blair
2% of B. Pay
Max Rs.590
Place of posting
Cities of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Kolkata,
New Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad, Pune, Faridabad, Ghaziabad,
Noida and Gurgaon
3% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.675
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs, 2.5%
City Compensatory Allowance: Cl-II
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs,
except cities mentioned above, Gandhinagar
& all cities in State of Goa
of B. Pay
Max. Rs.625
Cities with population of 5 lacs and above but
not exceeding 12 lacs, State capitals with
population not exceeding 12 lacs, Chandigarh,
Mohali, Panchkula, Pondicherry, Port Blair
2% of B. Pay
Max Rs.545
Place of posting Rate
Cities of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Kolkata,
New Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad, Pune, Faridabad, Ghaziabad,
Noida and Gurgaon
Min. Rs.205
Max. Rs.635
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs, 2.5%
City Compensatory Allowance: Cl-III & IV
Cities with population exceeding 12 lacs,
except cities mentioned above, Gandhinagar
& all cities in State of Goa
Min. Rs.170
Max. Rs.595
Cities with population of 5 lacs and above but
not exceeding 12 lacs, State capitals with
population not exceeding 12 lacs, Chandigarh,
Mohali, Panchkula, Pondicherry, Port Blair
Max Rs.125
Max Rs.510
Height of Place of posting
(Above Mean Sea Level)
1500 meters and above 2.5%
of B. Pay
Max. Rs.460
1000 meters and over but less than 1500 2% of B. Pay
Hill Station Allowance: Cl-I
1000 meters and over but less than 1500
meters, Mercara and places which are
specifically declared as "Hill Stations" by
Central or State Governments for their
2% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.370
Not less than 750 meters and surrounded by
and accessible only through hills with a height
of 1000 meters and over
2% of B. Pay
Max Rs.370
Height of Place of posting
(Above Mean Sea Level)
1500 meters and above 2.5%
of B. Pay
Max. Rs.370
1000 meters and over but less than 1500 2% of B. Pay
Hill Station Allowance: Cl-II
1000 meters and over but less than 1500
meters, Mercara and places which are
specifically declared as "Hill Stations" by
Central or State Governments for their
2% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.290
Not less than 750 meters and surrounded by
and accessible only through hills with a height
of 1000 meters and over
2% of B. Pay
Max Rs.290
Height of Place of posting
(Above Mean Sea Level)
1500 meters and above 2.5%
of B. Pay
Max. Rs.370
1000 meters and over but less than 1500 2% of B. Pay
Hill Station Allowance: Cl-III & IV
1000 meters and over but less than 1500
meters, Mercara and places which are
specifically declared as "Hill Stations" by
Central or State Governments for their
2% of B. Pay
Max. Rs.290
Not less than 750 meters and surrounded by
and accessible only through hills with a height
of 1000 meters and over
2% of B. Pay
Max Rs.290
CLASS - I Scale 1 & 2 910 ( 230 + 5.80 ), Scale 3 & 4
1200 ( 250 + 6.30 ), Scale 5 1350 ( 250 +
6.30 ), Scale 6 1400 ( 300 + 7.56 ), Scale 7
1700 ( 400 + 10.08 )
CLASS - II Grade II 615 (130 + 12.74 ) & Grade I
Fixed PersonalAllowance: W.E.F. 1.11.93
CLASS - II Grade II 615 (130 + 12.74 ) & Grade I
840 ( 230 + 18.68 )
CLASS III & IV Driver & SS 390 ( 100 + 9.80 ), RC 530 (
130 + 12.74 ) & Others 840 ( 230 + 18.68 )
$ncrement portion of FP+ shall ran- for PF and Pension.
$ncrement portion of FP+ ) 7+ thereon as on 01.11.199:
shall ran- for &ratuity and Encashment of Earned Dea/e.
Functional Allowance: (For Class III & IV)
Su.or$inate Staff en/a/e$ in eit,er as 8ey 7ol$er or for
carryin/ cas, to or from Dan"= as ,is re/ular an$ main
function= ',ere t,e amount of cas, carrie$ $urin/ a
calen$ar mont, is or$inarily #s. 25=0000! or more
#s. 3*50! p.m.
5t,er Su.or$inate Staff 'or"in/ as Biftmen= -ac,ine
5perators= 7ea$ Peons= Eama$ars= 4aftaries= 2) Plant
5perators an$ 7ea&y Ve,icle 4ri&ers= ',o 'ere assi/ne$
t,ese functions .efore 1st $ay of Eanuary= 200(.
#s. 1(50! p.m.
2ssistant ;or Senior 2ssistant= in t,e e&ent of non!
a&aila.ility of 2ssistant< en/a/e$ in ,an$lin/ cas, in an
a&aila.ility of 2ssistant< en/a/e$ in ,an$lin/ cas, in an
office= as ,is re/ular an$ main function= ',ere t,e amount
of cas, transactions $urin/ a calen$ar mont, is or$inarily
#s. 25=0000! or more.
#s. F000! p.m.
Telex 5perators= Punc, )ar$ 5perators= :nit #ecor$
-ac,ine 5perators an$ )omptists= ',o 'ere assi/ne$
t,ese functions .efore 1st $ay of Eanuary= 200(.
#s. (00! p.m.
Steno/rap,er to ),airman!cum!-ana/in/ 4irector= Scale
VII= Scale VI an$ e?ui&alent positions.
#s. *50! p.m.
6un. 2ll. s,all not .e counte$ for any ot,er ser&ice or terminal .enefits.
1. +#24:2TI5N IN)#E-ENTS 5# 2BB5W2N)E T5 2SSIST2NT1
;a< 2ssistant ?ualifie$ as a +ra$uate on or after 01.01.1G*3
an$ not reac,e$ t,e maximum of t,e scale s,all .e /rante$
t'o increments in t,e scale; 5nly one increment to t,ose
$ra'in/ Dasic #s. 20210 < '.e.f. t,e pu.lication of results of
t,e exam.= or t,e $ate of appointment as 2ssistant=
',ic,e&er is later= pro&i$e$ t,at ,e ,as not alrea$y recei&e$
?ualification pay for ,a&in/ ?ualifie$ as suc, /ra$uate or ?ualification pay for ,a&in/ ?ualifie$ as suc, /ra$uate or
any a$&ance increment on appointment= ot,er'ise t,an .y
'ay of protection of emoluments /rante$ to ex!ser&icemen1
;.< 2ssistant ',o ,as ?ualifie$ as a /ra$uate an$ ,as
reac,e$ t,e maximum of t,e scale s,all .e pai$ +ra$uation
2llo'ance. 1 year after reac,in/ maximum C #s. 300 p.m.
an$ 2 year after reac,in/ maximumC #s. 530 p.m.
No +ra$uation 2llo'ance s,all .e pai$ to any 2ssistant
?ualifyin/ as /ra$uate after t,e 31
Euly= 200*
2. +#24:2TI5N 2BB5W2N)E T5 #E)5#4 )BE#8S1
#ecor$ )ler" ?ualifie$ as +ra$uate s,all .e pai$
+ra$uation 2llo'ance of #s.2000! p.m. 'it, effect
from t,e $ate of pu.lication of results of t,e
examination or= from t,e $ate of promotion as
#ecor$ )ler" ',ic,e&er is later. #ecor$ )ler" ',ic,e&er is later.
N5TE1 T,e +ra$uation 2llo'ance= or any part
t,ereof= s,all not .e counte$ for t,e purpose of
any 2llo'ance or for any ser&ice or terminal
.enefit an$ s,all .e 'it,$ra'n on promotion of
t,e employee.
Technical Qualification Allowance: (For Class III & IV)
Sl. No
E92-IN2TI5N 0 2BB5W2N)E PE# -5NT7 ;#S.<
Insurance Institute of In$ia 5r ),artere$ Insurance Institute1
5n completion of1
i< Bicentiate 1 1F0 = ii< 2ssociates,ip 1 %G0= iii< 6ello's,ip 1 F20
Institute of 2ctuaries1
5n passin/ eac, su.Hect 1 1F0
Institute of ),artere$ 2ccountants or Institute of )ost an$
Wor"s 2ccountant1
Wor"s 2ccountant1
5n completion of1
i< Interme$iate Examination 1 350
ii< 6inal +roup 2 or +roup D 1 (00
iii< 6inal +roup 2 an$ +roup D 1 F20
5n completion of -aster of Dusiness
2$ministration of a reco/nise$ :ni&ersity or
Institution ;2I)TE appro&e$ course< 1 F20
T,is 2ll. s,all not .e counte$ for any ot,er ser&ice or terminal .enefits.
Technical Qualification Allowance: (For Dev. Officer)
Sl. No
E92-IN2TI5N 0 2BB5W2N)E PE# -5NT7 ;#S.<
Insurance Institute of In$ia 5r ),artere$ Insurance Institute1
5n completion of1
i< Bicentiate 1 1F0 = ii< 2ssociates,ip 1 %G0= iii< 6ello's,ip 1 F20
Institute of 2ctuaries1
5n passin/ eac, su.Hect 1 1F0
Institute of ),artere$ 2ccountants or Institute of )ost an$
Institute of ),artere$ 2ccountants or Institute of )ost an$
Wor"s 2ccountant1
5n completion of1
i< Interme$iate Examination 1 350
ii< 6inal +roup 2 or +roup D 1 (00
iii< 6inal +roup 2 an$ +roup D 1 F20
Tec,. ualification 2llo'ance s,all not .e counte$ for any ot,er
ser&ice or terminal .enefits.
OFF$,EC"0 Cs. O0019 Per 'onth. Payable to
officers other than who is in receipt of
any benefit1allowance under any of the
,on/eyance "chemes appro/ed by the
3oard of the ,ompany.
7E#. OFF0 'ar-etin! > +s per "cheme
+dministration > Cs. :B;19 Per 'onth
,D $$$ ) $#0 Cs. 2B;19 Per 'onth
OFF$,EC"0 Cs. *00019 Pro/ided that no Pit
+llowance shall be payable if such
officer has drawn such allowance at
any time earlier.
7E#. OFF0 Cs. 8$D
,D $$$ ) $#0 Cs. 100019. 8ot payable on
transfer from one hill station to
another if the same was drawn
at any time durin! precedin! three
OFF$,EC"0 Cs. 11019%Earlier Cs. B;19( Per 'onth.
7E#. OFF0 Cs. 11019 Per 'onth.
,D $$$ ) $#0 Cs. 11019 Per 'onth.
,lass > $# 0 Cs. 1;019 Per 'onth.
P2I2DBE 5NBI T5 566I)E#S IN )72#+E 56 D5045
3O $8 ,6+C&E0 Cs. B;019 Per 'onth.
7O $8,6+C&E0 Cs. 90019 Per 'onth. 7O $8,6+C&E0 Cs. 90019 Per 'onth.
7E#. OFF$,EC %'(0 +s Per "cheme
In respect of Employees ',o Hoine$ t,e ser&ice
of t,e )ompany .efore 01.0%.20101
10J of .asic pay an$ personal pay= if any an$
t,e increment component of 6P2. t,e increment component of 6P2.
In respect of Employees ',o Hoine$ t,e ser&ice of t,e
)ompany .efore 101.0%.2010 ;+s Per &o/t. Order 7t.9
20.11.2012< 1
No )ontri.ution from Employees.
6or Employees ',o are /o&erne$ .y t,e +eneral
Insurance ;EmployeesK< Pension Sc,eme= 1GG5= t,e
employerKs contri.ution is to .e cre$ite$ to t,e employerKs contri.ution is to .e cre$ite$ to t,e
respecti&e Pension 6un$s.
In respect of Employees ',o Hoine$ t,e ser&ice of t,e
)ompany after101.0%.2010 ;+s Per &o/t. Order 7t.9
20.11.2012< 1
Employees s,oul$ )ontri.ution 10J of .asic Pay an$
E?ual amount of 10J of Dasic Pay an$ 42 s,all .e
contri.ute$ .y t,e )ompany to t,e respecti&e Pension contri.ute$ .y t,e )ompany to t,e respecti&e Pension
Non # Core
Benefits Benefits
Leave: General Principles
Dea/e cannot be claimed as a matter of ri!ht
Dea/e shall be a/ailed of only after sanction. but one days ,.D. may be
a/ailed of without prior sanction in case of unforeseen emer!ency
$n case of ei!encies of wor-. the comp. authority may refuse. re/o-e or
reduce lea/e
7urin! the period of lea/e. an employee shall not ta-e up any ser/ice or
accept any employment
7urin! the period of suspension. an employee shall not be !ranted any 7urin! the period of suspension. an employee shall not be !ranted any
lea/e. 8ot applicable for 7isciplinary Proceedin!s
"undays and 1 or holidays may be prefied and 1 or suffied to any -ind of
lea/e. but inter/enin! "undays and holidays are counted as a part of
lea/e % Ecept ,D (
"aturdays. "undays. restricted holiday and holidays. whether inter/enin!.
prefied or suffied. shall not be counted as ,D
Leave: General Principles (Cont..)
O/er9stay beyond the sanctioned lea/e may be treated as
lea/e on loss of pay %DOP(
Ecept when an employee is on DOP. the increment fallin!
due durin! the period of lea/e shall be !ranted from the
due date
E/ery employee shall intimate to the competent authority
his address while on lea/e. and shall -eep him informed
about any chan!e in his address while on lea/e about any chan!e in his address while on lea/e
E/ery employee will ha/e to obtain from the competent
authority permission of lea/in! head5uarter
+n employee on lea/e cannot return to duty before the
epiry of sanctioned lea/e ecept with the permission of
the competent authority
Leave: General Principles (Cont..)
8o Dea/e shall be !ranted in continuation of or in
con@unction with any other type of lea/e. ecept the
followin! 0
*+ L ,it% Exam+ Lea#e- .uarantine Lea#e or LOP
/+ E L ,it% S L- 0aternit1 Lea#e- Exam+ Lea#e- .uar+ Lea#e
or LOP
2+ S L ,it% E L- 0aternit1 Lea#e- .uar+ Lea#e or LOP 2+ S L ,it% E L- 0aternit1 Lea#e- .uar+ Lea#e or LOP
3+ 0aternit1 Lea#e ,it% E L- S L- .uar+ Lea#e or LOP
4+ Exam+ Lea#e ,it% L- E L- 0aternit1 Lea#e- .uar+ Lea#e
or LOP
5+ .uarantine Lea#e ,it% L- E L- S L- 0aternit1 Lea#e-
Exam Lea#e or LOP
6+ LOP ,it% an1 ot%er t1pe of lea#e
Types of Leave
1.,asual Dea/e 12 days %:001.'in0112.'a0;(. 3alance ,D
remainin! unutilised as on :1st 7ec. each
year shall lapse. Q day ,D can be allowed on
not more than 6 times in a calendar year
2 days %this can be selected by each
employee from a list of Cestricted 6olidays
pro/ided at the be!innin! of each year. $t is pro/ided at the be!innin! of each year. $t is
6oliday not Dea/e
Dea/e %ED(
::.2111 days %1101 "ans ED ) "D( 'a.
accumulation > 2*0 days. 'in0 6 and
'a0120. "horter duration ED for two
occasions in a calendar year may be
considered and beyond that. only by ,C'
1C '
Types of Leave
:."ic- Dea/e
:0 days on half pay0 Pre/.1 year %"ans DOP(
'a. accumulation > 2*0 days%6P(
+pplicable to Female Employee ha/in! Dess
than : Di/in! children
'a 1O0 days 9 each confinement 'a 1O0 days 9 each confinement
'a 6 wee-s 9For 'iscarria!e
'a 12 months 9 entire ser/ice period.
1'3+ etc.(
+pplicable to all empl. $ncl. probationer
,o/er day%s(of Eam ) Kourney time
,D. ED or DOP may be !ranted for the day%s(
between two eamination
Types of Leave
6."pecial "ic-
8ot eceedin! 6 months %half pay basis( on
any of the nine ma@or diseases of ,ancer.
Deprosy. T.3.. Paralysis. 3rain Tumor. ,ardiac
+ilment. Pidney disease .'ental disease or
6$# if no credit of "D
Presence of infectious disease in the
household of an employee
household of an employee
$f an employee himself is sufferin! from an
infectious disease. no 5uarantine lea/e shall
be admissible
,holera. "mall Po. Pla!ue. 7iptheria. Typhus
Fe/er. ,erebrospinal menin!itis and any
disease declared by state &o/. are
considered as infectious disease
Types of Leave
"ic- Dea/e
4hen an employee owin! to !enuine sic-ness
1 accident is put on loss of pay. the case
should be forwarded to 6. O. for
consideration of sanction of +d/ance sic-
lea/e sub@ect to ad@ustment from future
accrual of "D %'aimum 6 months(
9."tudy Dea/e Officer with minimum period of ; years 9."tudy Dea/e Officer with minimum period of ; years
ser/ice may be !ranted "tudy Dea/e for ma.
one year %may be relaed( by ,'71'7. after
eecution of a bond if the same is beneficial
to the or!ani2ation
The period will be treated as H4ithout PayI
and no ser/ice and retirement benefit is
Types of Leave
+llowed to childless female employees for
le!ally adoptin! one child only below 1
year a!e
'a period0 2 months or till the child
reaches 1 year. whiche/er is earlier
Dea/e for ,D0 Proportionate for the year of @oinin! Dea/e for
,D0 Proportionate for the year of @oinin!
ED0 shall accrue at the rate of one day for
e/ery ele/en days of duty
"D0 shall be credited at the end of the year
Types of Leave
11.Dea/e on
Doss of Pay
'ay be !ranted when no other lea/e is
The duration shall not eceed : months on
any one occasion and 6 months durin! the
entire period ser/ice
DOP for more than 1O0 days is a DOP for more than 1O0 days is a
misconduct as per ,.7.+. rules
8o salary is admissible durin! the period of
lea/e on DOP
The lea/e on DOP. has the effect of
postponin! the date of normal !rade
+bsence from
1. <p to 6 days for male empl. For /asectomy
or salpin!ectomy.
2. <p to 1* days to a female emp. For
sterilisation operation
:. 1day to a female empl. for $.<.,.7.
*. 'aimum 1; days in a year for camp
duties by employees who ha/e been duties by employees who ha/e been
permitted to @oin 6ome &uards Or!anisation
or Territorial +rmy
;. 'a.of : days for in/i!ilation wor- at an
ins. eam. conducted by the $$$ 3ombay.
,hartered $nsurance $nstitute Dondon.
$nstitute of +ctuaries. Dondon ET,.. sub@ect
to a ma of B days in a year
+bsence from
7uty %,ont..(
6. %a( 'a. :0 days in a year if employee
participates in a 8ational or an
$nternational e/ent in sports
%b( 'a 10 days in a year when the empl.
participates as a duly sponsored candidate
of the ,ompany in any important local
e/ent in sports
Total under %a( and %b( bein! limited to :0 Total under %a( and %b( bein! limited to :0
days in a year
B. Employee thou!h willin! and fit to
attend office. is pre/ented from attendin!
the office by the operation of law
O. 'a of 2; days in a year for participation
in the Cepublic 7ay parade at 8ew 7elhi
+bsence from
7uty %,ont..(
9. 1 day and period of @ourney to attend
the conference of the $$$
10. The date of pollin! at the place of
residence of empl to eercise franchise
11. The period spent on election duty
12. 1 day special lea/e on the day on which
Empl. donates blood pro/ided they furnish
a certificate from the blood ban-. 'a 10 a certificate from the blood ban-. 'a 10
days per year
1:. E9ser/ice men may be !ranted up to
1; days includin! @ourney time to appear
before the 'edical Cesur/ey board for
assessment of their disabilities
+dmissible to confirmed employees posted in $ndia. +lso a/ailable
to $ndia based Officers posted abroad only durin! the period they
are in $ndia on lea/e. Only once in a bloc- of two calendar years
either to 6ome Town or to any other place in $ndia only
%+mended0 'entioned below ( . Employee must be on any type of
sanctioned Dea/e includin! "ic- Dea/e %,limate ,han!e( .
3loc- Rear Odd to E/en for Officers and E/en to Odd for others
,urrent 3loc- year for Officer is 201: > 1* ) for others is 2012 > 1:. ,urrent 3loc- year for Officer is 201: > 1* ) for others is 2012 > 1:.
JFamily shall include spouse. dependent children %le!itimate.
le!ally adopted or step children( and dependent parents residin!
with the employee. J7ependant means earned income not
eceedin! 'in. pension%:;00(L 7+%6;?( as per 6
pay commission
per month %ecludin! stipend or a scholarship !ranted for
educational purposes( .
Entitled 7istance 0 Tra/el to home town 9 actual distance from
place of postin! by shortest route. Tra/el to other place 9 :000 -ms.
each way .
Entitle$ mo$e an$ )lass1
OFF$,EC0 "cale $ to $$$0 $$ +1c "leeper. 3y +ir%12;? of Cail fare for $$) $$$(
"cale $#0 3y +ir%Economy ,lass( ) by Cail %$$ +1c "leeper(.
"cale # ) abo/e0 3y +ir%Economy ,lass( ) by Cail % +1c $ ,lass(.
7E# OFF$,EC0 3y Cail other than Ca@dhani % $ ,lass or $$ +1c "leeper (.
3y Ca@dhani or 7urantoo %,hair ,ar or $$$ +, (.
OT6EC E'PDOREE"0 Pay N O0;; "ame as 7e/. Officer. For ,lass $$$0
S O0;; 3y Cail %$$ ,lass( but $ ,lass or $$ +1c "leeper other than Ca@dhani S O0;; 3y Cail %$$ ,lass( but $ ,lass or $$ +1c "leeper other than Ca@dhani
in case of 8i!ht Kourney .For ,lass $# S O0;; 0 3y Cail %$$ ,lass( but
sleeper ,lass in case of 8i!ht Kourney .
Epenses on local transport or any other incidental epenses not
,arry Forward of "ubsidy is restricted to net bloc- only and partial
carry forward is not allowed.
Employee and his family may tra/el to!ether or separately in not
more than two !roups .
Kourney may be underta-en in employees JOwn con/eyance or in
hired ones. $n case of hired Tai Toll Ta. 8i!ht 6alt ) 7ri/er ,har!es
$f return @ourney fallin! in the succeedin! calendar year. DT" shall
be rec-oned a!ainst the calendar year in which the outward @ourney
Officer transferred to 89E Ce!ion may be !ranted DT" to /isit the
place of residence of their family once in a year . place of residence of their family once in a year .
2$&ance ! maimum 90? of the total subsidy. From 1;
+pril to
Kune and 1
October to :0
8o/ember e/ery year > 2 months
before ) rest of the year > 1 month before. "ubmission of claim for
reimbursement 9 within 1; days of completion of inward Kourney.
The employees promoted from the class9$$$ cadre can claim DT" for
their remainin! bloc-%s( in the pre9promoted cadre up to the end of
the eli!ible bloc-. Thereafter the employee will be eli!ible to a/ail of
DT" as per ,lass9$ cadre .
Manner of applying distance to Officers entitled to Air Travel:
1. Reimbursement of full air fare for 3000 kms. (economy class) of surface
distance each way for one block subject to the ceiling of twice air fare of Air India
for Delhi-Trivandrum route.
2. For employees posted in North East: When an officer undertakes journey by
air in full or part, the distance covered by air shall be the aerial distance. The
balance journey by any other mode, shall be calculated as per the surface rail
distance of the entitled class by train or actual expenditure, whichever is less.
(a) Where the surface distance between the place of origin of journey and the
destination is within 3000 kms. but no direct flight is available, the officer shall be destination is within 3000 kms. but no direct flight is available, the officer shall be
allowed travel by the shortest air connectivity available in that sector if in such
cases aerial distance does not exceed 3000 kms.
(b) If an officer travels by other than air modes only then the reimbursement would
be limited to train fare of eligible class for 3000 kms. of surface distance or actual
amount spent whichever is less.
(c) Where an officer travel partly by other entitled modes, reimbursement shall be -
Full air fare for distance traveled within the permissible limit of 3000 kms. by air
either onward and / or return journeys plus (ii) Actual expenses limited to the fare
for the entitled class by train for the balance distance traveled. The order of
reimbursement would be first for the distance traveled by air irrespective of the
order of air travel.
1. 6or class III 0 IV= 4e&elopment 5fficers= an$ 5fficers not
entitle$ to tra&el .y 2ir1
+ll confirmed employees will be allowed Forei!n DT". For one
bloc-. The entitlement per eli!ible person shall be two times
the entitled class fare for :000 -ms or actual epenses incurred.
whiche/er is less. 4hen the bloc-s are clubbed they will be
entitled for twice the permissible amount.
2. 6or 5fficers entitle$ to 2ir tra&el 1
entitled for twice the permissible amount.
2. 6or 5fficers entitle$ to 2ir tra&el 1
The officials are allowed to underta-e Forei!n DT". for one
bloc-. The entitlement per eli!ible person shall be two times
the economy class air fare for :000 -ms. %on the basis of surface
distance( by +ir $ndia on domestic route i.e. 7elhi9Tri/andrum
route. 4hen the bloc-s are clubbed they will be entitled for
twice the permissible amount mentioned abo/e.
General Clarifications:
1. The ta liability shall be borne by the employees themsel/es.
2. Tra/el should be by shortest route from the place of postin! and
the fare will be limited to his eli!ibility in $ndia as per this rules or
the actual fare whiche/er is lower.
:. $n case of employees 1 officers a/ailin! themsel/es of either
"in!le 3loc- or two bloc-s for Forei!n DT". only one trip to
forei!n country will be allowed and the balance unehausted forei!n country will be allowed and the balance unehausted
amount of the rail fare 1 air fare. if any. will lapse.
*. Forei!n @ourneys performed by "hip are admissible within the
o/erall entitlement.
;. Passport 1 #isa char!es are not payable.
6. +ir > port ta is payable within the o/erall ceilin! on production
of tic-et 1 receipt.
Note$ 2l'ays t,e Pea" Season 6are of #ail'ay may .e rec"one$ for t,is purposeL irrespecti&e of
t,e season in ',ic, t,e Hourney is un$erta"en. T,e increase$ limits 'ill also .e effecti&e for BTS for
un!a&aile$ pre&ious .loc" years as 'ell as for com.inin/ t,ereof 'it, current .loc" years.
Encashment of ED maimum up to 1; days
may be a/ailed of in a bloc- of two calendar
years and the lea/e account shall be debited.
3loc- Rear E/en to Odd. ,urrent 3loc- year is
2012 > 1:
Permitted only once in a bloc- of two years. Permitted only once in a bloc- of two years.
The bloc- cannot be carried forward.
Period of earned lea/e enchased. shall count
for the purpose of accrual of Earned lea/e.
$f after payment. the 7earness +llowance for the
period is altered. it will be necessary to
recalculate the encashment amount and to pay
or reco/er the difference as the case may be. or reco/er the difference as the case may be.
+/ailable to $ndia based Officers posted abroad
only durin! the period they are in $ndia on lea/e.
"alary for the purpose would be the salary he
would draw in $ndia at that point.
The salary for the purpose of encashment shall
consist of basic pay. special pay %if any(. personal consist of basic pay. special pay %if any(. personal
pay %if any( and other allowances as mentioned
7+. 6C+. ,,+. 6"+. Paradeep Port allowance.
"pecial +rea allowance and $ncrement
portion Fied Personal +llowance% FP+ ( alon!
with 7+ thereon as on 01.11.199:.
TC+#EDD$8& 1 6+DT$8& +DDO4+8,E O8 TO<C
4efinition of Tour1 Tour shall mean a @ourney beyond O
-ms. from the outer municipal limits of the head5uarter.
4efinition of eac, complete$ Hourney1 The epression
each completed @ourney shall mean that the @ourney is
completed when an employee reaches the net place of
duty. $f two or more @ourneys are complete on the same
calendar day from midni!ht to midni!ht. all such
completed @ourney shall be treated as one completed completed @ourney shall be treated as one completed
Bocal )on&eyance Expenses1 ,lass $0 +ctual %3y Tai1"hare
Tai(. OT6EC"0 +ctual %3y +utori-shaw1 3us1 Docal Trains(.
sub@ect to maimum100? of 6altin! +llowance at J, class
city rate for one day for each completed @ourney.
8o local con/eyance epenses shall be allowed to employees
on tour for proceedin! from the place of stay at the tour
station to the office or first place of duty and /ice9/ersa.
TC+#EDD$8& 1 6+DT$8& +DDO4+8,E O8 TO<C
Officers0 +ctual sub@ect to a maimum ;0? of 6 + %class J, cities(
for each completed @ourney.
Others Employees0 +ctual sub@ect to a maimum 100? of 6 + %class
J, cities( for each completed @ourney.
#eim.ursement of Drea"fast ),ar/es1
Officers0 +ctual standard brea-fast char!es reasonably incurred at
the same hotel. the same hotel.
Other Employees0 "tandard brea-fast char!es reasonably incurred at
the same hotel sub@ect to within the limit of the lod!in! char!es.
Treatment of lea&e on tour1
, D0 +llowed without 6+ and fare for return @ourney also allowed.
"ic- Dea/e or any lea/e on sic-ness !round0 +llowed without 6+ and
fare for return @ourney also allowed.
E D0 Tour comes to an end and no return @ourney
fare allowed.
-o$e 3 )lass of Tra&el 1 ;T5:#<
"cale $ to $$$0 $$ +1c "leeper. 3y +ir%12;? of Cail fare for $$)
"cale $#0 3y +ir%Economy ,lass( ) by Cail %$$ +1c "leeper(.
"cale # ) abo/e0 3y +ir%Economy ,lass( ) by Cail % +1c $
7E# OFF$,EC"0
3y Cail other than Ca@dhani % $ ,lass or $$ +1c "leeper (. 3y Cail other than Ca@dhani % $ ,lass or $$ +1c "leeper (.
3y Ca@dhani or 7urantoo %,hair ,ar or $$$ +, (.
Pay N O0;;0 "ame as 7e/. Officer.
For ,lass $$$0 S O0;; 3y Cail %$$ ,lass( but $ ,lass or $$ +1c
"leeper other than Ca@dhani in case of 8i!ht Kourney.
For ,lass $#0 S O0;; 0 3y Cail %$$ ,lass( but sleeper ,lass in
case of 8i!ht Kourney.
-o$e 3 )lass of Tra&el ;T5:#< 1;)ontM<
The ser/ice char!es re5uired to be paid to tra/el a!ents for
boo-in! Cailway Tic-ets throu!h them may be reimbursed to
the employee
$n case of employees tra/ellin! by 3us or Tai. the actual fare
by 3us or Tai but not eceedin! Cail fares for a ,lass to which
he is entitled to tra/el is payable.
Officers and 7e/elopment Officers entitled to con/eyance
facilities and ta-in! tour by their /ehicles shall be paid facilities and ta-in! tour by their /ehicles shall be paid
milea!e allowance M 12?%For Petrol(. 1;?%For 7iesel( and
;?%For 2 wheelers( of the fuel price. sub@ect to production of
cash memo.
The milea!e allowance shall be paid for the entire
distance of tour i.e. from the office 1 residence %from
where he proceeds on tour( to the place of tour. but
not for @ourneys within the station of tour.
6altin! +llowance0
T 9 For 'etros.
Period N 12 hrs
99 100? 6+
Period N 6 hrs but S 12 hrs
99 ;0? 6 +
Period S 6 hrs.99 :0? 6 +
O00 B00
S)2BE I T5
B00 600
Free lod!in! 9 U 6 +
Free 3oardin! > Q 6 +
Free lo!d.) 3oad.>V 6+ Free lo!d.) 3oad.>V 6+
"tay in &uest 6ouse 14ith
friends or relati/es > 1 6+
;+r C 1<
;00 :B; :00
S#.2SST 3
;00 :B; :00
The scheduled time of
departure and actual
time of arri/al of
train1plane1bus shall be
ta-en for calculation of
period of tour
)l C II;+r!2<=
2SST. 3 #)
:B; 2B; 22;
)B2SS IV :2; 22; 1B;
Dod!in! ,har!es0
"tay in 6otel %with or
without brea-fast( >
6+ will be reduced by
Cs. 1019
S)2BE VI 3
O200 *100 :600
S)2BE IV 3
*O00 2900 2*00
Taes. "er/ice ,har!es.
"urchar!es payable o/er
and abo/e limit but no
S)2BE II 3
2900 2000 1;00
2900 2000 1;00
S)2BE ! I 2000 1;00 1000
6otel where the chec-9
off time is fied at 12
noon and char!es
lod!in! epenses for 2
days thou!h the stay
was less than 2* hours >
Payable for 2 days within
ceilin! limit.
)B2SS ! II 1O00 1:;0 900
)B2SS ! III 1600 1200 O00
)B2SS ! IV 1*00 10;0 B00
Dod!in! ,har!es0 %,ity ,lassification(
T#2NS6E# DENE6ITS 65# 566I)E#S
T#2VEBBIN+ E9PENSES1 Tra/ellin! +llowance is allowed to
officer and family members %children below 12 years > ;0?(
as per tour entitlement.
SE)5N4 T#IP1 officer shall be allowed to ma-e another trip to
pre/ious place of postin! to ta-e his family and1or household
effects to the new place of postin!. sub@ect to prior
TI-E BI-IT 65# S7I6TIN+ 62-IBI 0 75:SE 75B4 +554S1
4ithin 6 months of the date of relie/e or the date of 4ithin 6 months of the date of relie/e or the date of
commencement of the net academic year for childrens
education whiche/er is later.&' %P( may allow etension for a
further period not eceedin! 6 months.
E5ININ+ TI-E1 $f no chan!e of residence is in/ol/ed 9 one day
%holiday bein! rec-oned as a day(.
$f chan!e of residence is in/ol/ed 9 si days plus actual
@ourney time. can be a/ailed either on first and1or second
TC+8"FEC 3E8EF$T" FOC OFF$,EC" %,ont..(
T#2NS6E# +#2NT1 one month basic pay and paid after
reportin! to the new place of postin!.
D2++2+E 2BB5W2N)E1
"cale $ to $$$ > +ctual sub@ect to ma. 60 5uintals by !oods train.
"cale $# to #$$ > +ctual sub@ect to ma. 90 5uintals .
3y road0 up to 2000 P's > Cs. 1.*01 tonne 1-m and beyond
2000 -ms 9Cs. 1.101 tonne 1-m 2000 -ms 9Cs. 1.101 tonne 1-m
P2)8IN+ )72#+ES1
"cale #$ ) #$$9 2;00. "cale $# ) #9 1O00 and "cale $ to $$$9 1;00
65#W2#4IN+ )72#+ES1 Cs.;0019 at each end
D2++2+E INS:#2N)E ;2ll ris" -arine Transit<1 +ctual.
5)T#5I 4:TI1 +ctual.
IN)I4ENT2BS1 8ot Payable.
TC+8"FEC 3E8EF$T" FOC OFF$,EC" %,ont..(
B5)2B )5NVEI2N)E1 Payable as per tour rules.
T#2NSP5#T 56 )5NVEI2N)E0 +ctual epenses by train1steamer.
$f by road0 Entitled Officer > 'ilea!e +llowance as per tour.
8on9 entitled Officer 9 +ctual fuel char!es for shortest route.
Entitled officer transferred to administrati/e side will become non9entitled officer
and /ice9 /ersa.
PET 2NI-2BS1 Transportation cost of pet animals is not payable.
-I4 2)24E-I) IE2# 2BB5W2N)E1 $f child%ren( studyin! in school or -I4 2)24E-I) IE2# 2BB5W2N)E1 $f child%ren( studyin! in school or
colle!e at the pre/ious place Cs. 6O019 per month is payable from the
date of @oinin! at new place to the end of the academic year.
6owe/er. officers posted at 89E Ce!ion%"e/en "tates( will be paid for the entire
period of their postin! in 89E Ce!ion if family is left at pre/ious place.
72BTIN+ 2BB5W2N)E IN BIE: 56 75:SIN+ 2))5--542TI5N1 6+
for :0 days%not necessarily first :0 days(as per tour rule ecludin!
lea/e or tour. Paid only to officers who need accommodation. as- for
the same but the company cannot pro/ide within :0 days.
T#2NS6E# DENE6ITS 65# )lass III 3 IV
T#2VEBBIN+ E9PENSES1 "ame as officers.
E5ININ+ TI-E1 "ame as officers.
SE)5N4 T#IP1 "ame as officers. not a/ailable on
re5uest transfer
F+,$D$T$E" O8 TC+8"FEC0
D2SI)P2I O 1%*(5 G3(( ! 1%*(5 PQ G3(5
$. 4$T6 F+'$DR %3R &OO7" 30 A<$8T+D" 25 A<$8T+D" 15 A<$8T+D" $. 4$T6 F+'$DR %3R &OO7"
30 A<$8T+D" 25 A<$8T+D" 15 A<$8T+D"
$$. 4$T6O<T F+'$DR %3R
&OO7" TC+$8(
10 A<$8T+D" *.5 A<$8T+D" 05 A<$8T+D"
Dy roa$1 up to 2000 8-s C #s. 1.%00 tonne 0"m an$ .eyon$ 2000 "ms !#s. 1.100
tonne 0"m
D. P2)8IN+ )72#+ES 500 500 350
). T#2NS6E# +#2NT 1000 *50 500
Dut in case of postin/ on promotion to anot,er station 1 5ne mont, Dasic Salary
,ompany 1 Dease +ccommodation0
$f ,ompany flat is a/ailable. the same may be pro/ided accordin! to the
eistin! allotment procedure.
$f ,ompany flat is not a/ailable. the accommodation on ,ompany lease or
Personal Dease %in rare cases( may be considered.
6 months ad@ustable rent ad/ance may be allowed in fa/our of the Dandlord
7eduction from salary 0 1.20? of the 3asic Pay at the lowest of the scale as
'onthly licence Fees ) 6C+ not to be paid.
,lubbin! of lease limits in 'etro ,enters for co9shared +ccommodation ,lubbin! of lease limits in 'etro ,enters for co9shared +ccommodation
may be considered0 3ut this will not apply in case both the spouses i.e 6usband14ife.
bein! employees of the ,ompany1P"< $nsurance1 Ce9$nsurance ,ompanies posted at the
same station.
,ompetent +uthority0
a( For 6O0 7&'%P( b(Other Places0 Ce!ion > in > ,har!e
c( retention as per rule in case of transfer0 &'%P(W6months or end of net
+cademic year. which is later. Further etension allowed based on circumstances X
Carpet Area entitlement(Officers)
Scale I & II - 75 Sq. m, III & IV 100 Sq. m, V 125, VI 150, VII 200
With Effect From: 01/01/2013
Cadre Metro City A Class City B Class
C Class
Scale I & II (other than
Branch I/C)
12000 9000 5400 3950
Branch Manager
12600 9600 5700 4200
Scale III & IV (other
than SDM)
14400 10800 6400 5050
15600 11400 6900 5700
Scale V
15600 11400 6900 5700
Scale VI
* * * NA
Scale VII
*For Scale VI & VII: 125% limit of Scale V for respective class of City
Kashmir Migrants Employees
Metros A Class
B Class
C Class
Cadre Carpet
Sq. ft.
Sr.Asstt 600 7200 4800 3600 3000 Sr.Asstt
600 7200 4800 3600 3000
300 - 450 5000 3300 2500 1950
RC 250 - 350 4000 2650 2000 1500
200 - 250 3000 2000 1400 1100
Metros A Class Cities B Class Cities C Class Cities
Cadre Carpet Area
Sq. ft.
Revised Limit Revised Limit Revised Limit Revised Limit
/ Steno
600 6000 4000 3000 2500
Employees Posted at Rourkela Project Town
Senior Assistants/Stenos Transferred on
Cadre Carpet Area In Sq. ft. Revised Limit
Sr.Assistant / Steno 600 2270
Other Clerical Staff 350 - 450 1815
Sub-Staff 250 - 350 1360
Society Maintenance Charge: Subject to production of receipts. Rourkela town will
be treated as C class city as a special case.
Metros A Class Cities B Class Cities C Class Cities
1000 800 600 300
;uarterly ;6inancial Iear<#eim.ursement on 4eclaration Dasis<
Per 2nnum Bimit In #s.; Ser&ice Tax Extra<
Scale-I & II AOs(D) &AMs(D).
*6600 3000 6000 15600
of BO/DO
6600 3000 7200 16800
Scale III & IV with
marketing assignment at RO/HO
*6600 3000 7200 16800
T+pplicable where facility has been pro/ided in terms of Para 6 pa!e no. 1O1 of
Part $$. Personnel 'anual. W1 for 7O. * for CO ) 10 for 6OX
marketing assignment at RO/HO
Scale IV (Admn.)
6600 3000 Nil 9600
Scale-V excluding CRM
7500 3000 12000 22500
CRM/ Scale VI &VII
Actual Actual Actual Actual
Regional underwriters below
Scale V
Nil 3000 7200 10200
Other Officers performing
special duties
*6600 Nil Nil 6600
TEDEP6O8E F+,$D$TR FOC OFF$,EC"%,ont..(
,ost of handsets are allowed to "cale # ) #$ sub@ect to
limit of Cs.1;.00019 plus taes.
The life of a handset is considered as : years and after that
a new handset may be pro/ided.
$n case the handsets are lost1dama!ed within : years. the
amount reco/ered from the insurer would be utili2ed for
pro/idin! another handset. pro/idin! another handset.
Cetirin! officers may be allowed to retain the handset on
payment of the /alue of the handset after reduction of
depreciation M ::? per year.
Officers on transfer may be allowed to ta-e away the
eistin! handset to the new place if he is entitled for
mobile phone facility in the new assi!nment.
TEBE)5--:NI)2TI5N 62)IBITI 65# 4EV. 566I)E#
7alf yearly ;6inancial Iear<#eim.ursement on 4eclaration Dasis<
Premium $ncome %Cs.(
for the precedin! year
'aimum +nnual limit %Cs(
%".Ta Etra(
S 1; la-hs 6600
1; la-hs to 2; la-hs B;00
2; la-hs to :; la-hs O000
:; la-hs to ;0 la-hs 10000
;0 la-hs to B; la-hs 1*000
B; la-hs to 100 la-hs 1B000
100 la-hs to 12; la-hs 20000
TEBE)5--:NI)2TI5N 62)IBITI 65# 4EV. 566I)E# %,ont..(
7alf yearly ;6inancial Iear<#eim.ursement on 4eclaration Dasis<
Premium $ncome %Cs.(
for the precedin! year
'aimum +nnual limit %Cs(
%".Ta Etra(
12; la-hs to 1;0 la-hs 21;00
1;0 la-hs to 200 la-hs 2:000
N Cs.200 la-hs 2;000 N Cs.200 la-hs 2;000
$n addition to abo/e 7.O. procurin! a minimum premium of Cs. 100
lacs in J,. Cs.12; lacs in J3 ) Cs.1;0 lacs in H+I ,lass cities shall be
allowed $nternet epenses %Dandline or 7ata ,ard or 3oth( of
Cs.;00019 per annum %plus ".T.(.
8E4"P+PEC ) PEC$O7$,+D" FOC OFF$,EC" +87
6alf yearly%,alendar Rear( reimbursement on declaration
basis for officers and yearly basis for 7e/elopment Officers.
,+TE&OCR Per 'onth Dimit $n Cs.
Officer <p to "cale $$$ 200
Officer %"cale $# and #( *00
Officer %"cale #$ and #$$( ;00
7e/elopment Officers 1*0
Lump Sum Medical Benefits (Domiciliary)
For Officers 0 %Kanuary to 7ecember E/ery year(
3asic <p to Cs. :1B2;19 Cs. O00019 Payable in 7ecember
3asic N Cs. :1B2;19 Cs. 1200019 Payable in 7ecember
Promotee Officers (from Class-III) would be entitled on a pro rata basis
from the 1
day of the month following their date of promotion.
Similarly, recovery on pro rata basis if already paid in Class-III cadre.
Direct Recruit Officer may be paid Pro rata from the date of joining , Direct Recruit Officer may be paid Pro rata from the date of joining ,
only after confirmation.
For 7e/. Officers0 %Kanuary to 7ecember E/ery year(
3asic S Cs. 2;2:;19 Cs. ;00019 Payable in 7ecember
3asic GN Cs. 2;2:;19 Cs. O00019 Payable in 7ecember
For ,lerical ) "ub. "taff 0 %Kuly to Kune E/ery year(
Cs. *00019 Payable in Kuly
Diagnostic Medical Checkup
Payable to officers in the cadre of "cale $# ) abo/e and the
amount reimbursable is 'a. Cs. 200019 per chec-up.
8umbers of 'edical chec-ups are as under0
+&E &CO<P 8o of chec-ups
3efore +ttendin! ;0 years One
3etween ;0 to ;; years Two
3etween ;6 to 60 years Two
E9+#2TI2 -E4I)2B #EI-D:#SE-ENT S)7E-E
Eli/i.ility1 +ll confirmed employees. 8on 9 earnin! "pouse
and 7ependent ,hildren
Bimit ;Treatment in In$ia02.roa$<1
6or Specifie$ 4isease only ;2t Present 2F nos.<
a( 90? of amount ,laimed %<nco/ered balance(. 'a. : lacs.
b( $f unco/ered balance is more than : lacs. O0? of the
amount in ecess of : lacs. 'a ; lacs. amount in ecess of : lacs. 'a ; lacs.
a( Twice durin! entire ser/ice for self or eli!ible family
b( O/erall limit for each occasion bein! ; Dacs. unutili2ed
portion of one occasion cant be used for another.
)ompetent 2ut,ority1 ,'7
The followin! benefits may be !ranted to the employees
%includin! probationers( meetin! with accidents whilst on
duty %period co/erin! the hours of wor- ecludin! lunch
recess or rest inter/al(0
Ceimbursement of all medical epenses incurred in $ndia by
the employees. the employees.
special lea/e to co/er the absence from duty on this account.
)ompetent 2ut,ority1
7e/elopment "taff ) Employee of 6O 9 &'%P(
Other Employees 9 ,C'
Note1 The benefits shall be a/ailable only if the accident is not
due to the ne!li!ence on the part of the employee.
Eli/i.ility1 +ll confirmed employees.
a( 6 days "pecial Dea/e to a male employee for under!oin!
sterili2ation operation %#asectomy or salpin!ectomy( .
b( 1* days "pecial Dea/e to a female employee for under!oin!
non9puerperal sterili2ation.
c( 1 days "pecial Dea/e to a female employee who had $.<.,.7.
insertion. insertion.
#EI-D:#SE-ENT 56 E9PENSES 1 Ceimbursement of
epenses. incurred in respect of #asectomy performed on a
male employee or Tubectomy performed on a female
employee or the wife of a male employee may be made
maimum to Cs.2;019.
IN)ENTIVE1 +n incenti/e award of Cs.2;019 is to be !i/en to
an employee ',o0 ',ose 'ife 0 ',ose ,$ has
under!one /asectomy 1 tubectomy operation
+#5:P -E4I)B2I- 65# E-PB5IEES
a( ,o/era!e starts from 1
day of net
month followin! confirmation.
b(Enrolment form for members to be
co/ered is to be submitted to co/ered is to be submitted to
concerned 7O1CO16O. Personnel
c( "um $nsured a/ailable from
Cs.;0.00019 to Cs.;.00.00019
d) Co. contributes a part of premium (66.67%
for Class-I & 75% for Class III & IV) up to
the under mentioned eligible sum insured
as per following Basic Pay slabs:-
Less Than Rs. Eligible sun insured Less Than Rs.
Eligible sun insured
Rs. 22,730/- to Rs.
Eligible sun insured
Rs. 29,001/- &
Eligible sun insured
e) Coverage available to self, spouse,
dependent children, parents &
Service Tax to be charged on each
share of premium as per prescribed
e) Additional coverage beyond the
entitled sum insured up to
Rs.5,00,000/- per member/individual
may be opted but at own cost.
A) Maternity Benefit
Cover is automatic
Benefit under the Scheme:
Cover is automatic
Admissible for normal delivery &
caesarian cases
Admissible for first two living children
Maximum Sum Insured Rs.50,000/-
B) Hospitalisation Benefits
Minimum Period 24 Hrs.
Pre-hospitalisation benefits 30
days. days.
Post hospitalisation benefits 60
days or till declared fit whichever is
(This period is unlimited in respect
of specified major diseases.)
Category Quarterly Limit(Ltrs.)
For GM 375
For DGM/CRM 300
Conveyance Scheme - 2011):
#ehicle in ,ompanys name. +!reement would be si!ned
between ,ompany ) user Officer.
Cunnin! %Fuel( reimbursement as under0
For DGM/CRM 300
RM s / Chief Mgrs 250
DO/BO in-charges,
Scale IV In-charge of RNTB &
Marketing Deptt. at RO
Development Training Centre
Metro Cities 250
A Class Cities 225
B Class Cities 180
C Class Cities 150
Conveyance Scheme - 2011):
'a. Dimit0 %8o pro/ision for hi!her price(
For "cale $1$$$1$$$ > *.; Dacs. $# ) # 9 ;.; Dacs and #$
) #$$ > B.; Dacs.%E9Fact. Price L'a 2;? etra(
<sa!e period0 ; years after which it will be
transferred in the Officers name without
reco/erin! depreciated /alue of the car.
Dife span of tyre ) tube0 :2000 Pms run after Dife span of tyre ) tube0 :2000 Pms run after
which cost of replacement will be borne by the
,ompany sub@ect to production of bills1receipts.
3attery replacement0 +fter 1O months.
Fied ,har!e of Cs. :0019 per month is allowed for
&ara!in!. ,leanin! and 4ashin!.
Rear 'aimum Per Rear %Cs.(
1 6:00
2 6B00
: B:00
Conveyance Scheme - 2011):
'a@or repairin! char!es are reimbursed to &'17&'1
7i/. $n ,har!es as per the followin! year wise limit0
: B:00
* B900
; O:00
TOT+D :6;00
$n addition to the abo/e yearly limits. ser/ice char!es
M Cs.10000! per year s,all .e paya.le.
D#IE6 )2SE 65# 566I)E#S04EV.566I)E#S
Eli!ibility0 Officer who has to fre5uently carry
office papers outside the office premises for
office wor-
Fre5uency0 'ay be replaced after : years. if
duties re5uire the same.
,ompetent +uthority0 For 6O officers > ,ompetent +uthority0 For 6O officers >
7&'1&'. Other Officers > Ce!ional $n ,har!e )
7e/. Officer > 7i/isional $n ,har!e
Dady Officers 1 7e/. Officers %entitled(. may be
allowed cost of Dadies hand ba!s.
)24#E ENTITB-ENT IN)B:4IN+ T29;#s.<
'+8+&EC"1,6$EF '+8+&EC"
OT6EC '$",. 3E8EF$T"
)on&eyance 2llo'ance for p,ysically ,an$icappe$
employees 1 M Cs. *0019 P.'. for all classes of employees
6unctional all. to officers1 $n internal audit deptt.1 #i!ilance
Cs. 6B;19 per month.
6unctional all. to 2u$it 2ssistant1 Cs. *6019 per month.
Staff $iscount 0 :: 11: ? Other than motor ) O/erseas
mediclaim insurance %incl. retired employees for life time(
Passin/ 7in$i Exam. for all classes1 Prabhodh Cs. 2;019. Passin/ 7in$i Exam. for all classes1 Prabhodh Cs. 2;019.
Pra/een Cs. :;019 and Pra!ya Cs. *;019%One Time(
Bo" 2$alat 2llo'1 Cs. 100019 within municipal Dimits ) Cs.
;0019 outside 'unicipal Dimits w.e.f. 0111010B
#etirement a/e 1 For all class 60 years.
6aculty 2llo'ance%Cs. Per month(0 Principal 8,$D >
1200. Faculty 8,$D > B00.Principal CT, > 600 and
+T, in char!e > *00.
Scheme & supplementary Loan available wef 1/4/12 are as under
6ousin! Doan0
,+7CE ",6E'E DO+8
$8TECE"T M ;? P.+ %Cs. $n
B.;? P.+.
%Cs. $n lacs(
"ub "taff :.;0 *.;0
C., *.B; ;.B;
17e/. Off9$
;.;0 %7e/. &r > $(
B.;0 %7e/. &r > $( 17e/. Off9$ ;.;0 %7e/. &r > $( B.;0 %7e/. &r > $(
"cale $1$$ B.*; O.;;
$$$ O.2; 9.B;
$#1# O.;0 9.;0
#$1#$$ 9.00 11.00
"econd Doan 0 7iff. 3etween "cheme loan a/ailed and
present scheme loan eli!ibility %twice in ser/ice(
Loans from Provident Fund:
1( Cefundable Doan 0
'aimum 6 times%For 'arria!e ) for other occasion :
months( of 3asic Pay L 7+ L FP+ %basic( L "pl. F.+.M
interest 1? more than the interest paid by Trust per
annum on reducin! balance.
Cepayable in *O installments %maimum( for marria!e Cepayable in *O installments %maimum( for marria!e
purpose. For other purpose maimum 2* installments.
2( 8on9refundable Doan 0
+fter 10 yrs. of ser/ice ) 'a. 2 times in ser/ice career
<p to 90? of accumulated contribution for housin!
purpose %not for 2
property( and 1 year prior to
$nterest free ad/ance of Cs.1;000 shall be !ranted to
an employee who has been directly and actually
affected by flood either at place of postin! or home9
town and declared by the ,entral1"tate &o/ernment
ecludin! those who ha/e obtained relief1ad/ance1loan
from any other source. from any other source.
"hould be applied to the ,ompetent +uthority in
prescribed form within : months of the occurrence of
the flood.
+ certificate as prescribed is re5uired for sanction.
"hall be reco/ered in 2; installments. startin! from
fourth month from the month the loan is !ranted.
$nterest free ad/ance shall be !ranted only to the confirmed
whole time employees ecludin! employees
"er/in! outside $ndia
+!ainst whom disciplinary proceedin!s are instituted or contemplated
who has already drawn a festi/al ad/ance durin! the calendar year
+!ainst whom reco/ery of the pre/ious festi/al ad/ance is outstandin!
uantum1 uantum1
,lass $ 0 Cs.20.00019 or 1 month !ross salary whiche/er is less
,lass $$1$$$1$# 0 Cs.1B.00019 or 1 month !ross salary whiche/er is less
Ce!ular PT" 0 1 months 3asicL 7+%On pro rata basis( or Cs. O;0019
whiche/er is less.
+d/ance shall be repaid in 10 monthly installments and
disbursed not more than se/en days prior to festi/al date.
Two wheeler:
i) Rs. 75,000/- for Cl-I & Rs.50,000/- for
Dev.Off (Admn.) & CL-III & IV (maximum)
ii) No. of installments 60
iii) Minimum eligibility 3 yrs. & can be
taken 3 time in Class-III cadre & 3 times in
Vehicle Loan:
taken 3 time in Class-III cadre & 3 times in
Class-I cadre
iv) Reimbursement of Ins. premium by the
Company during loan recovery period.
v) Rate of interest 5% p.a. on reducing
Vehicle Loan:(Cont..)
Four wheeler:
I) Non-entitled Scale III & IV are entitled to this facility
up to Rs. 4.5 lacs and for Scale I & II up to 2.5 lacs.
II) Eligibility: Min. Service Length 5 Yrs
III) No of repayment installment 120
IV) Rate of interest : IV) Rate of interest :
a) For Scale III & IV: 5% p.a. on reducing balance
b) For Scale I & II: 5% p.a. on reducing balance for
first 1 lac and rest with 7.5% p.a.
V) Reimbursement of Insurance premium by the
Company during loan recovery period.
Benefits Benefits
&ratuity payable to an employee shall be the maimum
payable under the +ct or as per the "cheme. whiche/er is
Under Act:
4a!es%3asicL7+LPre9re/ised FP+L7+ on FP+ ( 1;126 8o.
of yrs. of continuous 5ualifyin! ser/ice. sub@ect to ma. of of yrs. of continuous 5ualifyin! ser/ice. sub@ect to ma. of
Cs.10 lacs.%w.e.f. 2*.0;.2010(
+s Per "cheme0 For 1; years and abo/e0
For ,lass > $ ) $$0 Dast drawn basic pay %includin! Pre9re/ised
FP+( Y 1; L %;0? of last drawn basic pay Y no. of yrs. of
ser/ice beyond :0 years(
For ,lass > $$$ ) $#0 % Dast drawn 3asic Y 1; ( L % Dast drawn
3asic Y Q Y 8o. of years of "er/ice in ecess of 1; years(.
sub@ect to maimum last drawn 3asic Y 20
&C+T<$TR%+" Per +ct(
Retirement Death
6P2R42 on
6P2 < x 1502( x
No. of yrs. of
"ame as
;4eat, certificate
alon/ 'it, +ratuity
Nomination 6orm= is
$( +fter ;;
years of a!e
$$( +s Per
para :0%1(
of Pension
,alculation is
"ame as
&ratuity is
No. of yrs. of
su.Hect to
max. of #s.10
Nomination 6orm= is
re?$. to .e sent. In
a.sence of +ratuity
nomination form=
certificate 'oul$ .e
necessary for
settlement of
of Pension
scheme i.e.
after 20
years of
"ame as
&ratuity is
of ; years
of ser/ice
&C+T<$TR%+" Per "cheme(
Retirement Death
For 1; years
and abo/e0
+s discussed
1 to 11 yr0 ;0? of
last drawn basic
pay Y no. of yrs. of
12 yrs0 60?
"ame as
,alculation is
"ame as
&ratuity is
6owe/er. &ratuity
is payable after
minimum of ;
years of ser/ice
;91; yrs > same
as mentioned
a!ainst 7eath
12 yrs0 60?
1: yrs0 B0?
1* yrs0 O0?
1; yrs0 100?
For ser/ice of 1;
yrs. +nd abo/e.
same as
&ratuity is
of ; years
of ser/ice
Dea/e Encashment
The balance of earned lea/e due to the credit of
an employee may be encashed. sub@ect to
maimum of 2*0 days.
Retirement Death Vol.
(90 Days Notice
(90 Days Notice
3asic L 7+ L "ame as "ame as 8ot eli!ible 3asic L 7+ L
Pre 9 Ce/ised
FP+ L 7+ on
FP+%+s on
"ame as
%$f 7rawn( L
,,+ L 6"+L
"pecial +rea
"ame as
8ot eli!ible
PE8"$O8 ",6E'E 9 199;
Retirement Death
Pension Formula
;0? of last 10 months
a/era!e basic pay L Pre9
re/ised FP+ %3asic Part only(
Y 8o. of yrs. of ser/ice 1::
%full pension is admissible on
"ame as
% 'in. 10
ser/ice not
"ame as
%Under para
30- 8otional
benefit of
ser/ice up to
retirement( %full pension is admissible on
completion of :: yrs of
Employee Can commute max.
1/3 of the basic pension within
1 yr of retirement otherwise
Medical Examination required
(Restored after 15 yrs).
In case of commutation DA is
payable on full Basic pension.
ser/ice not
applicable (
ser/ice up to
fi/e years1up
to :: yrs. of
whiche/er is
8ot eli!ible
for pension.
PE8"$O8 ",6E'E > 199; %,ont..(
:2BI6IIN+ SE#VI)E1 'in 10yrs. $ncludes
probation. lea/e. trainin! and DOP on medical !round
not eceedin! 12 months durin! entire ser/ice.
3ro-en period of ser/ice more than 6 months shall be
treated as one year.
244ITI5N T5 :2BI6IIN+ SE#VI)E1 +n employee
shall add to his ser/ice for superannuation pension ;
years1 V of len!th of his ser/ice1actual period by years1 V of len!th of his ser/ice1actual period by
which his a!e at the time of recruitment eceeds2O
years. whiche/er is less. if the post to which he is
appointed is one of the followin!0
a(For which post9!raduate research1specialist 5ualification1 eperience in
scientific. technolo!ical or professional field is essential.
b(To which candidates of more than 2O years are normally recruited.
c( For which candidate was !i/en a!e relaation on account of possessin!
hi!her 5ualification or eperience.
,D+""E" OF PE8"$O8
S:PE#2NN:2TI5N PENSI5N1 &ranted to employees. who
has retired on his attendin! a!e specified in the scheme.
PENSI5N 5N V5B:NT2#I #ETI#E-ENT1 &ranted to
employees. who has completed 20 years of ser/ice and
apply to the competent authority to retire by !i/in! notice
of not less than 90 days.
Aualifyin! ser/ice will be increased up to fi/e years1up to
:: yrs. of ser/ice1up to retirement date. whiche/er is
earlier. earlier.
INV2BI4 PENSI5N1 &ranted to employees. who retires from
ser/ice on account of bodily or mental infirmity. sub@ect to
10 years of 5ualifyin! ser/ice.
)5-P2SSI5N2TE 2BB5W2N)E1 &ranted to employees.
who is dismissed1remo/ed 1terminated1compulsorily
retired as a special consideration by ,.+. and maimum
of pension is payable.
F+'$DR PE8"$O8
Payable to spouse %till death( or son %up to 2;yrs or
handicapped(or dau!hter %unmarried up to 2;yrs or
handicapped(in case of death of an employee %'inimum
10 yrs 5ualifyin! ser/ice not re5uired(.
De!ally adopted children are also entitled pro/ided
adopted le!ally before retirement.
Cate of pension may be :0? or 20? or 1;? dependin! Cate of pension may be :0? or 20? or 1;? dependin!
upon the scale of pay.
3ut if the employee has ser/ed not less than B yrs. then
the rate of family pension will be ;0? of the pay or twice
the family pension admissible %whiche/er is less( as
mentioned abo/e for a period of B yrs or up to the a!e of
6; yrs of the employee had he sur/i/ed.
PE8"$O8 > &E8EC+D ,O87$T$O8
+n applicant who retires on $n/alid pension or in receipt
of ,ompassionate allowance shall be eli!ible to commute
a fraction of pension after he has been declared fit by the
'edical officer appro/ed by ,ompany.
Pension is sub@ect to future !ood conduct.
There is a pro/ision of minimum pension. pro/isional
pension and nomination under the scheme. pension and nomination under the scheme.
$f the ,ompany wants to initiate 7isciplinary +ction
a!ainst a pensioner who is no lon!er in the ser/ice of the
,ompany. it should be done within * years from the date
of misconduct.
Ceco/ery of pecuniary loss from the pension shall not
ordinarily made eceedin! 11:
of pension admissible on
the date of retirement. sub@ect to minimum pension.
&roup $nsurance "cheme
&roup $nsurance "cheme %Ta-en from D$,$( is
in lieu of Employees 7eposit Din-ed $nsurance
"cheme %E7D$"( 19B6 under the Employees
Pro/ident Fund ) 'isc. Pro/ision +ct. 19;2
with D$,$ %4ithdrawn w.e.f. 0110O119OO(.
Payable to all classes of employees. Payable to all classes of employees.
,o/ers benefits arisin! out of death only.
whilst on ser/ice.
+mount payable is Cs. :1.00019 %w.e.f.
&roup Personal +ccident Policy
&P+ Policy co/ers all full time permanent employees a!ainst
accidental bodily in@ury resultin! in to death or disablement on 2*
hours basis with etension of reimbursement of medical epenses.
,apital "um $nsured%,"$( is :6 times of monthly basic salary or Cs.
:.00.00019. whiche/er is less% ,ir. 8o > 1*12001 dated 1211012001(
4eat, )SI 4eat, )SI
Boss of 2 Bim.s= 2 Eyes or 1 Bim. 3 1 Eye )SI
Boss of 1 Bim. or 1 Eye 50J of )SI
Permanent Total 4isa.lement )SI
Permanent Partial 4isa.lement
Specific J of
$n case of untimely death of employee. family members
are protected by this "cheme from Cs.1.10.00019 to Cs.B
lacs. as per the 3asic salary PD<" sa/in!s portion %B;? of
deposited amount( with interest. The employee opted for
&"D$P are entitled to this benefit.
B;? of the deposit alon! with interest is payable after
Cetirement 1 #ol. Cetirement ) Cesi!nation and Cetirement 1 #ol. Cetirement ) Cesi!nation and
accordin!ly sta!e9wise premium deducted from the
Cenewal date is 20
8o/ember of each year. but the
premium is deducted from October "alary.
Only Dife co/er Premium will be deducted for new recruits
from the date of @oinin! and full premium from October
salary. $f @oined in October. then full premium from @oinin!.
Basic Pay (Rs.) Category REVISED
Life Cover Monthly Contribution by
employees towards
Life Cover
Savings Total
&.".D.$.P.%,ont..( For Officers
49411/- & ABO!
" 7.0 Lacs #$% %&' $($
35661/- TO 49410/-
"" 5.6 Lacs #)# )&) ('%
25451/- TO 35660/-
""" 4.2 Lacs &* '&% )&'
17240/- TO 25450/-
" 2.8 Lacs $( #&( '$+
Basic Pay (Rs.) Category REVISED
Life Cover Monthly Contribution by
employees towards
Life Cover Savings Total
&.".D.$.P.%,ont..( For 7e/. Officers
Life Cover
Savings Total
25451/- TO 32755/-
""" 4.2 Lacs &* '&% )&'
13691/- TO 25450/-
" 2.8 Lacs $( #&( '$+
8280/- TO 13690/-
2.0 Lacs %, #%# #**
Basic Pay (Rs.) Category REVISED
Life Cover Monthly Contribution by
employees towards
Life Cover
Savings Total
&.".D.$.P.%,ont..( For ,lass $$$ ) $#
25451/- TO 35660/-
""" 4.2 Lacs &* '&% )&'
13691/- TO 25450/-
" 2.8 Lacs $( #&( '$+
7391/- TO 13690/-
2.0 Lacs %, #%# #**
B!LO- 7390/-
" 1.1 Lacs '$ ,* #+%
Retirement Death
&"D$P claim
form9; is to be
sent to 6O.
Pers.. 7eptt.
with rele/ant
"ame procedure
with death
certificate ) P.F.
nomination Form
copy duly attested
"ame as
"ame as
with rele/ant
i.e. eit
chan!e of
cate!ory. date
of entry
copy duly attested
is to be sent.
$n case of untimely death of employee. family
members are protected by this "cheme from
Cs.1.10.00019 to Cs.B lacs. as per the 3asic
The employee opted for Pension and &T$" are
entitled to this benefit.
Cenewal date is 1
7ecember of each year. but Cenewal date is 1
7ecember of each year. but
the premium is deducted from 8o/ember "alary.
8ew recruits are co/ered from 1
of the month
followin! their confirmation and Premium must
be deducted from the salary of the month of
their confirmation.
Basic Pay (Rs.) Category Sum Assured Monthly Premium
" 7.0 Lacs #$%
"" 5.6 Lacs #)#
"" 5.6 Lacs #)#
""" 4.2 Lacs &*
" 2.8 Lacs $(
2.0 Lacs %,
" 1.1 Lacs '$
+ol$en +ate Sc,eme for
Voluntary Separation= 200G ;'.e.f. 010120200G<
Eli!ibility0 +ll Officers%$ncludin! "cale #$$. appearin!
inter/iew for ,'7( who ha/e reached a!e of ;0 years )
are currently ecluded from 2one of consideration for
promotion ecludin! those facin! disciplinary
proceedin!s or under suspension or posted abroad.
E!ratia0 One month salary for each completed year of E!ratia0 One month salary for each completed year of
ser/ice or "alary for remainin! months of ser/ice or
"alary for 2* months. whiche/er is less.
H"alaryI means the a!!re!ate of 3asic Pay. 7 + and
FP+L7+. where/er applicable.
Other benefits0 +ll terminal benefits those are a/ailable
on superannuation.
Payment of -onetary )ompensation in lieu of
)ompassionate +roun$ of 2ppointment
Effecti/e 7ate0 8o recruitment on compassionate !round
on or after 0110912002 .
Elli!ibility0 $f monthly pension and monthly interest on
terminal benefits calculated on notional basisMB? and
total re!ular monthly income of dependents from their
employment is less than B0? of 3asic L 7+ of the employment is less than B0? of 3asic L 7+ of the
deceased employees last drawn monthly salary
7ifference amount will be calculated from the date of
death to date of superannuation.
'in 1 Dac ) ma : Dacs is payable to le!al heirs less $.Ta.
,omp. +uth. for monetary compensation shall be ,'7.
This is entertained only after settlement of terminal dues.
Payment of -onetary )ompensation
-et,o$s of )alculation
P2#TI):B2#S 2-5:NT
PF L &C+T<$TR L E8,+"6'E8T OF E.D. L &"D$P L &T$" T L
&CO<P $8"<C+8,E ",6E'E L "7C"% 8'3" ( T L &CO<P
PEC"O8+D +,,$7E8T T
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CE&<D+C $8,O'E OF 7EPE87E8T" %"<PPOCTE7 3R
B0? OF D+"T 7C+48 'O8T6DR 3+"$, ) 7+
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&eneral $nsurance Eecuti/e %+cceptance of ,ommercial
Employment after Cetirement( Cules. 199*
)ommencement 4ate 3 Perio$1 Cetirement on or after B
'ay 199* and period is 2 years from retirement.
2pplication1 These rules shall apply to
a(,hairman and '7 of ,orporation.
b(,'7 and "cale #$$ to $# officers of the ,ompany.
)ommercial Employment1 $t does not include Employment )ommercial Employment1 $t does not include Employment
a(<nder a body controlled by ,entral &o/t.. "tate &o/t..
public financial $nstitution or an $nternational Or!anisation
of which $ndia is a member.
b($n an <ni/ersity or in a 8ational1 "tate le/el $nstitution
re!istered as an +ssociation not for profit.
#etirement1 'eans cessation of ser/ice on superannuation
or on /oluntary retirement.
&eneral $nsurance Eecuti/e %+cceptance of ,ommercial Employment
after Cetirement( Cules. 199*.%,ont..(
Proce$ure1 The completed application form shall be submitted to
immediate superior officer prior to his retirement. who in turn will
process the same within B days of receipt and forward the same to
,omp. +uth.
The comp. +uth. "hall ta-e and communicate the decision before epiry
of 60 days from the date of receipt of application in prescribed format
with all particulars otherwise the permission shall be deemed to ha/e
been !ranted. been !ranted.
)onse?uences of not 5.tainin/ Permission1 The eecuti/e become
disentitled to post retirement benefits of any nature either in whole or
in part and also all benefits etended to E9employees.
)ompetent 2ut,ority1 For ,hairman. '7 ) ,'70 ,entral &o/ernment.
For &' ) 7&'0 ,hairman. For "cale # ) $#0 '7 or ,'7 as the case
may be.
!H%N( )O*

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