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To Study the MBA Program at Monash University

Dear Madams/Sirs,
First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Antonius Dyan Nugrahanto Aji. I am 3
years old, Indonesian and currently I!m wor"ing for Ministry of Finance of the #e$u%lic of Indonesia,
s$ecifically in Directorate of &o'ernment De%t Securities, Directorate &eneral of De%t Management. I
was graduated from (ni'ersity of Indonesia in )**+ for a ,achelor of -conomics degree with &.A
3./* of /.**. #ecently, I am an Australia Awards Scholarshi$ Awardee.
I would li"e to continue my study %ecause I still want to learn, de'elo$ and im$ro'e the s"ills
and "nowledge of myself. I %elie'e that it will o$en %igger o$$ortunity for me to gi'e %etter
contri%ution for my country.
I am delighted and honored to ha'e the o$$ortunity to join the M,A .rogram at Monash
(ni'ersity %ecause0
. 1he M,A $rogram at Monash (ni'ersity $ro'ides internationally recogni2ed 3ualifications and
com$rehensi'e "nowledge in economics. Monash (ni'ersity has achie'ed the esteemed 4tri$le
crown! %usiness school accreditations %y AA5S,, -6(IS and AM,A. It means that getting M,A
3ualification from Monash (ni'ersity will %e a remar"a%le achie'ement in my life.
). ,ut, the most im$ortant factor for me is that the M,A!s 3ualifications at Monash (ni'ersity
$ro%a%ly more trusted and res$ected not only in my country %ut also uni'ersally. 1here are a lot of
$eo$le who graduated from Monash (ni'ersity who already $ro'en to %e successful in their
career, whate'er their fields! are and their social relationshi$s. So studying and o%taining the
$ostgraduate 3ualification from Monash (ni'ersity will certainly %e a distincti'e credit for me,
s$ecifically in my career, and also in my social relationshi$s.
I want to ta"e Master in ,usiness Administration 3ualification %ecause economics is a 'ery
interesting su%ject for me. Moreo'er, ha'ing economics educational %ac"ground is an im$ortant $oint
for me to gi'e %etter contri%ution in managing go'ernment de%t securities. In &o'ernment of
Indonesia!s %udget structure, go'ernment securities ha'e %igger role for funding the go'ernment
%udget deficit since concessional loan from %ilateral and multilateral sources is getting limited due to
the im$ro'ement of Indonesia!s income category. I %elie'e that this $rogram will gi'e me
com$rehensi'e understanding in the economic and management theory as well as other rele'ance
materials. As an additional information, our total de%t as of 7une )*/ was #$.).8*9 trillion or
e3ui'alent to (SD )*+.8* %illion. 1otal de%t from &o'ernment De%t Securities alone was #$..:
trillion or (SD8.3 %illion or a$$ro;imately 9).3< of the total de%t, while from the loan it was
#$.=+=.3 trillion or (SD89.+ %illion or )9.9< of total de%t. 1his is a huge amount of de%t, and we
need to manage these de%ts so that not just it will hel$ us to finance the %udget deficit %ut also
$re'ent us from the e;$osure of 'arious ris"s. 1hose ris"s are default ris"s, mar"et ris"s, and li3uidity
ris"s. So far we!'e managed to do that.
My office re3uires staff who are creati'e, fast learner and ha'e com$rehensi'e "nowledge
a%out recent economic de'elo$ment in financial mar"et which ra$idly mo'ed. 1herefore, ha'ing
economic educational %ac"ground will definitely gi'e a %ig fa'or for me to meet that standard. -'en
though I graduated from %achelor of -conomic Degree majoring in Management, %ut in my daily
acti'ity I ha'e to deal with 'arious tas"s that need "nowledge in finance. So that, I %elie'e that I can
com$lete this $rogram with satisfaction result.
In our career de'elo$ment system, a $ostgraduate 3ualification is an im$ortant factor to get a
higher $osition. 1herefore, I %elie'e that at a$$ro;imately in ) years after I com$leted this study and
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o%tain the Master of ,usiness Administration 3ualification from Monash (ni'ersity, I e;$ect to %e a
e'aluation and monitoring manager. In this $osition, with the set of "nowledge and s"ills that I ha'e, I
%elie'e that I will %e a%le to gi'e the to$ management more insights and recommendations of %uilding
%usiness $rocess. For this role, I will %e res$onsi%le for go'ernment de%t securities monitoring and
e'aluation and sta"eholders! o%ligation, and any other res$onsi%ilities that I should ta"e in order to
meet the go'ernment securities management o%jecti'es. ,esides that, I will %e a%le to creating
organi2ation that creates 'alue to all sta"eholders.
>ast %ut not least, I ho$e that I can joint to this $rogram %ecause it is one of my %iggest dream
and I will guarantee you that I will not disa$$oint you with your choice to me %ecause I will gi'e my
%est effort to com$lete this M,A $rogram with 'ery satisfactory result.
?ours faithfully,
Antonius Dyan Nugrahanto Aji
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