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Unit 1: Final Cut: Text Art Video

You can create and manipulate text in three different

ways using Final Cut Studio. In Final Cut Pro, Motion
and Livetext


 To add text go to the effects tab in the browser window. Under video
generators you will find a text folder.
 Here you will find a few examples of different styles of text. Double
click them to bring them up in the browser.

1. Crawl – Text moves across the screen

2. Lower 3rd – Text appears in the lower third of the screen.
3. Outline Text – Allows you to put an image behind the text
showing through.
4. Scrolling Text – Text scolls up or down like movie credits.
5. Text – Plain unmoving text.
6. Typewriter – Writes text like a typewriter

 To create plain text select it in the browser or in the video generator

short cut button in the viewr (A Small A in the bottom right hand
 In the viewer click on the controls tab. Here you can change the
parameters of the text and type your desired words.
 You can change every aspect of the text; Colour, size, font etc.
 You can change the default length of your text in the top left area of
the viewer.
 Click on the text in the viewer and drag it into your sequence.
 By placing the text above a video file it will become superimposed over
 You can now manipulate the text file like any other video file. You can
make it longer or shorter, add effects or transitions.
 You need to ensure that when you export your text it is not cut off by
the size of the screen that you display it on.
 To do this turn on the title safe feature in the canvass window.
 In Final Cut you have to create separate Text files if you want
differences in colour, size, font etc.
 Think about the placement, colour, size, font and movement you are
using. Try to make creative decisions regarding your text that balance
with the images you are using.


 All elements in the control tab – Size, tracking, leading etc can be
keyframed to animate changes across time. Using keyframing you can
make text zoom in or out, track across the screen etc.
 You add keyframes by clicking on the button next to the relevant
parameter (Size for example) You can now place markers along the
mini timeline next to it.
 If you right click on these keyframes you can delete them or smooth


 In the motion tab (If your computer has it) you can control other
elements (Add dropshadow etc)
 Motion is also a separate program for creating more complicated
content and text.
 To type in motion select the T button in create or press T.
 Press the arrow button to select the text and move it around, rotate,
stretch etc.
 Click shift and C to see the complete viewer.
 In the smaller Text window you can change the parameters of the text;
font style, opacity, colour etc
 In Motion you can select individual letters or words in a box and
change their colours, size etc
 You can type new text into the same box and move it independently .
(Not possible in Final Cut)
 There are many other controls to explore in the inspector window
 Click on the inspector tab in the inspector browser.
 Here you can effect many more areas of the text and also create
keyframes for movement.

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