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Chapter 4 - Software Specifications


Windows is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating environment.
Windows is easier to use then DOS. Windows commands are listed in menus
that you can pic from easily. !ll communication "etween a computer and its
input and output device are control "y an operating system. #ut the user
interface with DOS is not perfect. We $ust memori%e all of the DOS commands
and we have to now the correct synta& for entering them' if we want DOS to
"e a"le to follow our instructions.
In addition most DOS programs have their own specification ways of
dealing with printers and monitors. So we must go through separate installation
process for each program configuring it to wors with our hardware. (ust
"ecause our processor wors with our printer. )here is no guarantee that we
will a"le to print Spreadsheets. Windows provides solution to these entire
#i$rar% Infor&ation 'aintenance S%ste& *
Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
4.( )IS"A# *ASIC +.,
+icrosoft ,isual #asic' the fastest and easiest way to create applications
for +icrosoft Windows. Whether you are an e&perienced professional or "rand
new to windows programming' ,isual #asic provides you with a complete set
of tools to simplify rapid application development.
)he -,isual. part refers to the method used to create the graphical user
interface (GUI). /ather than writing numerous lines of code to descri"e the
appearance and location of interface elements' you simply add re"uilt o"$ects
into place on screen.
If you0ve ever used a drawing program such as paint' you already have
most of the sills necessary to create an effective user interface.
)he -#asic. part refers to the #!SI1 (#eginners !ll23urpose Sym"olic
Instruction 1ode) 4anguage' a language used "y more programmers than any
other language in the history of computing. ,isual #asic has evolved from the
original #asic language and now contains several hundred statements'
functions' and eywords' many of which relate directly to the windows GU4.
#eginners can create useful applications "y learning $ust a few of the
eywords' yet the power of the language allows professional to accomplish
anything that can "e accomplished using "y other windows programming
)he ,isual #asic programming language is not uni5ue to ,isual #asic.
)he ,isual #asic programming system' !pplications 6dition included in
+icrosoft !ccess' any many other windows applications uses the same
language. )he ,isual #asic Scripting 6dition (,# Script) is a widely used
scripting language and a su"set of the ,isual #asic language. )he investment
you mae in learning ,isual #asic will carry over to these other areas.
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Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
Whether your goal is to create a small utility for yourself of your wor
group' a large enterprise2wide system' or even distri"uted applications spanning
the glo"e via the Internet' ,isual #asic has the tools you need.
8. Data access features allow you to create data"ases' 9ront 6nd
applications and scala"le server2side components for most popular
data"ase formats' including +icrosoft S:4' server and other
6nterprise2level data"ases
;. !ctive<
technologies allow you to use the functionality provided
"y other applications' such as +icrosoft 6&cel spread sheet' and
other windows !pplications. =ou can even automate applications and
o"$ects created using the 3rofessional or 6nterprise editions of ,isual
>. Internet capa"ilities mae it easy to provide access to documents and
applications across the Internet or Intranet from within your
application' or to create Internet server applications.
?. =our finished application is a true .e&e file that uses a ,isual #asic
,irtual +achine that you can freely distri"ute.
,isual #asic has an ID6. ID6 means Integrated Development
6nvironment. )he ,isual #asic Integrated Development 6nvironment (ID6)
consists of the following elements.
'EN" *AR
Displays the commands you use to wor with ,isual #asic. #esides and
Standard 9ile' 6dit' ,iew' Window' and @elp menus' menus are provided to
access functions specific to programming such as 3ro$ect' 9ormat' or De"ug.
#i$rar% Infor&ation 'aintenance S%ste& A
Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
1ontain shortcuts to fre5uently performed actions. )o open a conte&t
menu' clic the right mouse "utton on the o"$ect you0re using. )he specific list
of shortcuts availa"le from conte&t menus depends on the part of the
environment where you clic the right mouse "utton. 9or e&ample' the conte&t
menu displayed when you right clic on the )ool"o& lets you display the
components dialog "o&' hide the )ool"o&' doc or undoc the )ool"o&' or add
a custom ta" to the )ool"o&.
3rovide 5uic access to commonly used commands in the programming
environment. =ou clic a "utton on the tool"ar once to carry out the action
represented "y that "utton. #y default' the standard tool"ar is displayed when
you start ,isual #asic. !dditional tool"ars for editing' form design' and
de"ugging can "e toggled on or off from the tool"ars command on the view
)ool"ars can "e doced "eneath the menu "ar or can -float. if you select
the vertical "ar on the left edge and drag it away from the menu "ar.
TOO# *O!
3rovide a set of tools that you use at design time to place controls on a
form. In addition to the default tool"o& layout' you can create your own custom
layouts "y selecting !dd )a" from the conte&t menu and adding control on the
resulting ta".
#i$rar% Infor&ation 'aintenance S%ste& B
Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
4ist the forms and modules in your current pro$ect. ! pro$ect is the
collection of files you use to "uild an application.

4ists the property settings for the selected form or control. ! property is
a characteristic of an o"$ect' such as si%e' caption' or color.
4ist o"$ects availa"le for use in your pro$ect and gives you a 5uic way
to navigate through your code. =ou can use the o"$ect "rowser to e&plore
o"$ects in ,isual #asic and other applications' see what methods and properties
are availa"le for those o"$ects' and paste code procedures into your application.
Servers as a window that you customi%e to design the interface of your
application. =ou add controls' graphics' and picture to a form to create the loo
you want. 6ach form in your application has its own form designer window.
Server as an editor for entering application code. ! separate code editor
window is created for form or code module in your application.
)he form layout window allows you to position the forms in your
application using a small graphical representation of the screen.
#i$rar% Infor&ation 'aintenance S%ste& C
Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
)hese additional windows are provided for use in de"ugging your
application. )hey are only availa"le when you are running your application
within the ID6.
#i$rar% Infor&ation 'aintenance S%ste& 8D
Chapter 4 - Software Specifications
4.2 'S ACCESS 3.,
+S !116SS A.D is a D#+S (Data"ase +anagement Systems) for
storing Data. Using this we can provide fle&i"ility for the storing records easily.
+S !116SS A.D is having more features. )hey are
6asy data"ase and space management
+any transaction processing performance
@igh availa"ility
Industry accepted standards
+anagea"le security
Data"ase enforcea"ility
1lientEServer environment
Distri"uted data"ase systems
D+4 refers to Data +anipulation 4anguage' which allows user to
manipulate the Data"ase records. @ere commands lie Delete' insert' Update
are "elong to D+4 commands.
!lso !ccess allows us to define Inde&es' which will minimi%e our
searching time and we can define more level of Inde&es. !nother "est feature
of the !ccess is -1reating ,iews. to get "etter access to the data"ase.

+S !ccess A.D supports more Data )ypes such as Integer' )e&t'
DateE)ime' Dou"le' +emo' Single etc.' for storing data.
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