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Milwaukee Protocol: A cure for Rabies?

Care of rabies version 1.1

All materials 2005 The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc. Last updated August 11, 2005
Table of Contents
Table of
A. Supportive
A.1 Anticipation of problems and gauging of medical progress...................................................................2
A.2 Supportive care:
A.3 Supportive care: Fluids, electrolytes, neuroendocrine...........................................................................5
A.4. Denervation and misinterpretation of brainstem
A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport..............7
A.6. Anticipation and prevention of cardiac arrhythmias and myopathy..................................................8
A.7. Lung function and
A.7. Temperature regulation and poikilothermia in rabies..........................................................................9
A.8. Generalized flaccid paralysis (and therapeutic coma).........................................................................10
A.9. Cerebral edema and brain perfusion
B. Neuroprotection and therapeutic
C. Specific antiviral therapy against
C.1. Ribavirin and vidarabine......................................................................................................................12
C.2. Ketamine and
C.3. Interferon-
D. Immune
D.1. Primacy of antibody response in clearance of
D.2. Vaccination while symptomatic, including accelerated vaccination..................................................14
D.3. Ribavirin as Th1-skewing immunomodulator.....................................................................................15
E. Duration of
The materials in this document are intended as general medical information and are not intended to
constitute a recommendation as to a course of medical treatment for any individual patient. They are
provided for the limited purpose of assisting clinicians as they evaluate available treatment options.
These materials represent the insights and opinions of physicians involved in treatment of patients with
rabies and are not the result of activities pursuant to an approved research protocol, and they should be
evaluated on that basis. The information provided in this document is based on a very limited
experience and therefore may not be applicable in any other situation. Each rabies patient is unique,
and factors such as general good health, excellent and adaptive medical intensive care, and careful
avoidance of mistakes and complications of intensive care may prove to be essential to positive
The information, including the identification of key issues, and the recommendations provided remain
preliminary in nature. As noted, they do not constitute the current standard of care. This document will
be modified as additional data is accumulated. The risks associated with the course of treatment
described generally in these materials must be understood and carefully evaluated by physician and
patient before treatment decisions are made. Any additional information that other clinicians or
researchers may provide related to the treatment of rabies in other patients is greatly appreciated.
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A. Supportive care
For almost 40 years, many clinicians have speculated that survival from rabies was possible given
meticulous, intensive medical support. This has only been documented for confirmed rabies on six
Supportive care in a dedicated rabies intensive care unit (ICU) under Gode permitted 2 survivals
(virologically unproven) out of 37 patients treated with diphenylhydantoin and ascorbate.(2)
Supportive care in the United States from 1960 to 1979 resulted in 2 survivors out of 38 patients.(3)
There were no survivors of 17 patients treated under Gode with antivirals in the same unit.
Aggressive critical care with antiviral therapy by Warrell resulted in no survivors in 5 attempts.(4)
Use of combination antiviral therapy has shown mixed outcomes.(5;6)
Late demise after rabies is associated with clearance of the rabies virus at necropsy, indicating that a
normal immune response is sufficient to effect cure if survival can be prolonged.(7;8)
A.1 Anticipation of problems and gauging of medical progress
There are several excellent case reports that provide detailed information on when medical
complications occur during care of rabies.(9) A partial listing of anticipated complications is also useful in
gauging progress toward survival during aggressive medical therapy (Table).
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Table. Complications experienced regularly with rabies. Case reports and reviews of human rabies from
1980 to 10/19/2004 identified through Pubmed were reviewed.
Medical complication
Hospital day of onset
Proposed therapy
Acute phase
Dehydration from hydrophobia, spasms
Fluid correction using isotonic saline or equivalent
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone. (Eventually converts to DI)
restriction of free water; monitoring for increased intracranial pressure
loss of somatotrophic activity (growth hormone)
not documented in humans
caution: see text
Autonomic instability: tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia
increased sedation-anesthesia; short acting beta-blocker; maintain hemoglobin > 10 mg%, appropriate
volume loading, and mechanical ventilation targeting arterial normoxia and mild hypercapnia
Autonomic instability: Bradycardia and asystole; need for electrical pacing; complete heart block
increased sedation-anesthesia, transvenous pacemaker, atropine; maintain hemoglobin > 10 mg%,
appropriate volume loading, and mechanical ventilation targeting arterial normoxia and mild
Fluctuations in blood pressure (associated with spasms; less severe in week 2)
increased sedation-anesthesia
Hypersalivation (up to 1.5 L/day)
intubation or tracheotomy
Respiratory failure (apnea or non-specific pulmonary dysfunction)
nasojejunal trophic feeds and to instill oral medications, parenteral nutrition
Urinary retention
bladder catheterization
sedation, anesthetics, possibly intubation, avoidance of tracheal stimulation (lidocaine to trachea)
Focal seizures (not clear whether there is an EEG correlate)
1-4, 15
anticonvulsants. Note that benzodiazepines and phenobarbital are effective anticonvulsants. Gode used
diphenylhydantoin; consider phosphenytoin for critical care.
Coma and neuropathy phase
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Diabetes insipidus (5-15 L/day)
mL/mL replacement with 1 U arginine vasopressin/ 500 mL 0.45N saline
Poikilothermia requires manipulation of room temperature
Bradycardia and asystole; need for electrical pacing; complete heart block
check ventilation, transvenous pacemaker, increase sedation, avoidance of endotracheal stimulation,
atropine; maintain hemoglobin > 10 mg%, appropriate volume loading, and mechanical ventilation
targeting arterial normoxia and mild hypercapnia
Increased CVP
Increased intracranial pressure
intraventricular drain or near infrared spectroscopic monitoring
Generalized flaccid paralysis
onset 4-8
complete by day 10-14
ventilation; physical therapy to prevent contractures; frequent repositioning to avoid pressure sores,
heparin prophylaxis
Mimics brainstem death (encephalopathy + radiculopathy) but visual evoked potentials preserved, MRI
flow preserved
7-12, 20
continue support
Denervation (by nerve stimulation) Sensory & Motor
Terminal phase
Markedly reduced left ventricular ejection fraction; myocarditis
prophylactic supplementation with coenzyme Q10
vasopressor support, but this has been associated with global intracranial arterial spasm
absence of cortical activity by EEG
complete by day 14-24
unpublished report suggests profound neurotransmitter deficiency: consider supplementation with BH4
or dopamine/carbidopa
SVC clots
heparin 1000 IU BID or 10U/kg/h. Support stockings and pressure boots.
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All materials 2005 The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc. Last updated August 11, 2005
A.2 Supportive care: Palliation
Current standard of care is palliation, focused on minimization of environmental stimuli that provoke
hydrophobic or aerophobic spasms and relief of anxiety and pain.(10)
Original protocol:
Provide therapeutic deep sedation and anesthesia that also accomplish these palliative goals.
1. Ketamine (a dissociative anesthetic) at 2 mg/kg/h
2. A benzodiazepine (diazepam or midazolam) to balance the metabolic and hallucinatory effects of
ketamine. This was dosed at 1- 3.5 mg/kg/hr of midazolam to achieve 20 seconds of burst suppression
by EEG.
3. Consider a barbiturate (phenobarbital) as needed to initiate or maintain burst suppression once
higher doses of a benzodiazepine are in place.
4. This protocol requires endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy with a cuffed tube to prevent
aspiration and provide appropriate ventilation.
Key point 1: Aggressive sedation and analgesia are effective at preventing reflex spasms (hydrophobia or
aerophobia) and dysautonomia that may kill the patient by inducing severe bradycardia or asystole (see
below A.6. Anticipation and prevention of cardiac arrhythmias and myopathy).
Key point 2: We recommend that deep sedation or therapeutic coma be implemented for at least 7 days
without interval tapering of the drugs to permit interim neurological examinations. Neurological
examinations are not predicted to be informative based on the known biology of rabies (see below A.4.
Denervation and misinterpretation of brainstem death) while dysautonomia may be fatal.
A.3 Supportive care: Fluids, electrolytes, neuroendocrine
A.3.1 Rationale v. SIADH
Patients often are dehydrated because of fever and hydrophobia. The hypothalamus is regularly
affected during rabies and disorders of water metabolism are common.
There is an initial period of excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), followed within 1-3 days
by diabetes insipidus (DI). The syndrome of inappropriately high antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is
relatively subtle but must be recognised to avoid cerebral edema that is otherwise uncommon until the
terminal stage (see below A.9. Cerebral edema and brain perfusion pressure).
Original protocol:
1. The patient should be given normotonic saline or equivalent crystalloid to correct dehydration.
2. Serum sodium should be measured at least daily.
3. Urine output should be assessed every 4-6 hours.
4. Restriction of free water is effective at treating SIADH. Note that DI will follow within several days.
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A.3.2 Rationale v. DI
Diabetes insipidus can be severe, prolonged, and periodic. Because ADH is a potent suppressor of the
fever response, DI may be associated with hyperthermia. Bolus administration of vasopressin to treat DI
may exacerbate hypertension during dysautonomia.
Original protocol:
During DI, we recommend mL/mL replacement of urinary output above normal output with 1 Unit
arginine vasopressin/500 mL of 0.45N saline assessed every 2-4 hours.
A.3.3 Rationale v. hypothalamic-pituitary axis
Many species of animals show fatal deficiencies in growth hormone during early rabies.(11) Cortisol and
thyroid hormones are not affected.(9) Unfortunately, interpretation of growth hormone-somatostatin-
insulin-like growth factor axis and thyroid hormone levels during critical illness is problematic, and
supraphysiologic replacement of growth hormone may be associated with increased fatality.(12)
Original protocol:
1. Consider weekly or every 2-week monitoring for deficiencies in thyroid and growth hormone with
guarded replacement only for severe deficiencies.
2. Consider weekly or every 2 week monitoring for serum prolactin that may provide a useful index of
hypothalamic integrity and brain dopamine metabolism (see below A.5 Preliminary evidence of
metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport).(13)
A.4. Denervation and misinterpretation of brainstem death
The pathogenesis of rabies includes peripheral emigration of the rabies virus from the brain along
motor, sensory and autonomic nerves, that may explain signs of organ denervation and motor, bulbar
and diaphragmatic paresis.(6) Loss of corneal and oculovestibular reflexes is common, but may not
necessarily reflect brainstem death because of the predicted sensory neuropathy. Visual evoked
responses are spared, and pupillary responses were the sole sensory afferent function noted at the time
of emergence from therapeutic coma in one survivor.(6;14) Recovery from clinical denervation in one
survivor was rapid, consistent with loss of function than true denervation.(6)
Original protocol
1. We do not recommend that aggressive sedation-anesthesia or therapeutic coma be tapered to permit
interim neurological evaluations. This may result in cardiac asystole (see below A.6. Anticipation and
prevention of cardiac arrhythmias and myopathy).
2. The patient is best followed by assessing amplitude of the EEG tracing as well as the degree of
difficulty in maintaining burst suppression through benzodiazepines and barbiturates.
3. Consider visual evoked responses and nerve conduction velocities to better elucidate diagnostic
modalities that may be useful during therapeutic coma and rabies-associated denervation.
4. We anticipate full paresis by 10-14 days of rabies, with rapid recovery over within 10-14 days of
documentation of a brisk antibody response in cerebrospinal fluid.
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A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport
Depressed myocardial contractility is regularly described during the terminal phase of rabies. We
measured a mild peripheral lactic acidosis, persistent baseline tachycardia, and depressed myocardial
contractility during the acute illness and first month of rehabilitation of the first survivor who received
the Milwaukee protocol. Rabies virus is largely restricted to the nervous system, so depletion of Q10 was
likely associated with her critical illness or administered drugs. Ribavirin, a nucleoside analog, is variably
toxic to mitochondria (see below C.1. Ribavirin and vidarabine).(15)
We measured a deficiency in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 2 patients
with rabies treated with the Milwaukee protocol during their second month of illness. BH4 is necessary
for synthesis of catecholamine and serotonergic neurotransmitters. Low CSF levels of the dopamine
metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) and the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA)
were found in the same CSF. In one patient, persistent BH4 deficiency was associated with a precipitous
decline in HVA. When concentrations of HVA in the CSF became very low, the EEG voltage diminished
but brain integrity, assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, was preserved. One interpretation is that
diminished or flat voltage by EEG (expected by day 14 of rabies) is indicative of catecholamine
neurotransmitter deficiency rather than brain death.
Coenzyme Q10 is present in brain, but is lipophilic and cannot be assayed in CSF. Prophylactic
administration of coenzyme Q10 in one patient with rabies did not prevent deficiency of BH4 in CSF.
Ribavirin, a guanosine analog, is predicted to lower biopterin levels by depleting stores of the biopterin
precursor, GTP (see below C.1. Ribavirin and vidarabine).
BH4 is required at 1000-fold less concentrations for the proper synthesis, and possibly proper electron
coupling, of nitric oxide synthase in the brain. High levels of neuronal NOS activity during acute
traumatic brain injury or stroke are associated with more deleterious outcomes. Paradoxically, NOS
activity is required in later weeks for brain recovery. We therefore cannot recommend prophylactic
supplementation of BH4 (orally bioavailable) until at least the second week of rabies, and optimally after
BH4 deficiency in the CSF has been confirmed by laboratory assay. We similarly have no experience with
neurotransmitter replacement therapy using L-DOPA and carbidopa.
In a series of 37 patients with (laboratory unconfirmed) rabies, treated prophylactically with
diphenylhydantoin and vitamin C (ascorbic acid), there were 2 survivors. Vitamin C is another electron
transport cofactor that penetrates easily into brain. It also has shown mild efficacy as a rabies
prophylactic in animal models and as a laboratory sterilisant. Vitamin C is included in the vehicle for
administration of BH4.
MODIFIED PROTOCOL (version 1.1).
1. Patients should receive prophylactic supplementation with vitamin C and coenzyme Q10.
2. Consider weekly or every 2 weeks assay of CSF for biopterin, neopterin, HVA and 5-HIAA.
Key point: There is a rostro-caudal gradient of HVA and 5HIAA by lumbar puncture. The first 1.0 to 1.5
mL of CSF should be used for other diagnostics, and the next 1.0 - 2.0 mL immediately frozen for assay of
these metabolites.
CSF for BH4 and neopterin is best collected into a tube containing 1 mg/ml of dithioerythritol and 0.1
mg/ml of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (final volume).
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HVA and 5HIAA should be frozen without these additives.
There are several excellent laboratories capable of assaying for BH4 and neurotransmitter metabolites.
Please contact us for assistance.
3. If a biopterin deficiency is proven or if EEG voltage declines with unchanged imaging by MRI:
Consider oral supplementation with 20 mg/kg/d of BH4 . BH4 supplementation may be preferable
because it permits feedback regulation of neurotransmitter synthesis and rescue of NOS. Oral
formulations of BH4 are very expensive. Please contact us for assistance in contacting the manufacturer.
Alternatively (and less preferable), consider supplementation with one quarter the usual dose of L-
DOPA/carbidopa. Please note that the initial effect of L-DOPA/carbidopa supplementation is noted
within hours.
4. Consider weekly or every 2 week monitoring for serum prolactin that may provide a useful index of
hypothalamic integrity and brain dopamine metabolism.(13)
A.6. Anticipation and prevention of cardiac arrhythmias and myopathy
Fatality during rabies is attributed to cardiac complications in 20% of cases. Most commonly, these are
conduction disturbances ranging from asystole or bradycardia to supraventricular tachycardia. Asystole
can occur without prodrome.
Interestingly, rhythm disturbances abate with deeper sedation.(16;17)
Some clinicians have noted that cardiac dysrhythmias are avoided by maintenance of normal
oxygenation and oxygen carrying capacity.(18)
Depressed ejection fraction is also reported as a late complication. This is speculated to involve infection
of the myocardium, but the evidence to support this is not convincing in carefully done autopsy
series.(19;20) Deficiency in coenzyme Q10 was recently described in association with unexplained
tachycardia and decreased ejection fraction (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic
deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport).(6)
Original protocol
1. We recommend deep sedation-anesthesia during the first week of acute encephalitis
2. We recommend red cell transfusion to maintain hemoglobin > 10 mg%, appropriate volume loading,
and mechanical ventilation targeting arterial normoxia and mild hypercapnia.
3. Anticipatory placement of cardiac pacing wires is recommended for adult patients.
4. Consider topical application of 1% lidocaine to the hypopharynx and trachea if reflex spasms or
dysautonomia occur with care of the endotracheal tube
5. We recommend prophylaxis with coenzyme Q10.
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A.7. Lung function and ventilation
Poorly understood abnormalities of oxygenation and lung function are frequently encountered. The
description of lung abnormalities is consistent with transient pulmonary hypertension, that might be
anticipated if nNOS declines following acquired biopterin deficiency (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence
of metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport). Additionally, reactive airway
disease developed during the convalescence of a non-asthmatic survivor suggesting local inflammatory
Implementation of deep sedation-anesthesia or therapeutic coma requires ventilation of the patient.
Profuse salivation, from 1.5 to 6.0 L per day, is encountered at time of the acute encephalitis and recurs
during convalescence.(6) Ketamine also induces salivation. Profuse salivation is a major risk for
aspiration and may contribute to reflex spasms and dehydration.
Mild acidosis is considered to be neuroprotective by modulating glutamate receptor-mediated
excitotoxicity in the brain.
Original Protocol
1. Patients should be intubated or undergo tracheotomy with cuffed tubes in order to protect the airway
from aspiration secondary to profuse salivation, bulbar paresis, or rabies-associated or induced coma.
Note that cuffed endotracheal or tracheostomy tubes require verification of proper function and sealing
pressure with every nursing shift.
2. We recommend red cell transfusion to maintain hemoglobin > 10 mg%, appropriate volume loading,
and mechanical ventilation targeting arterial normoxia and mild hypercapnia.
3. Consider topical application of 1% lidocaine to the hypopharynx and trachea if reflex spasms or
dysautonomia occur with care of the endotracheal tube.
4. The original survivor using the Milwaukee protocol developed reactive bronchospasm during her
immediate convalescence that was responsive to albuterol nebulized treatments and adequate
pulmonary toilet of her viscous secretions.
A.7. Temperature regulation and poikilothermia in rabies
Rabies is a febrile illness during the prodrome and acute encephalitis (or paresis) phases. Fever abated
during induction of therapeutic coma, only to recur at 12 days of hospitalization in association with
development of neutralizing antibody in cerebrospinal fluid.(6) There was mild hypernatremia and
increased T2 (FLAIR) signal by MRI, but no evidence for increased inflammation in spinal fluid
(unpublished data, RW).
Rabies is associated with poikilothermia in animals and man.(21;22) While the later fever in our first
patient was unresponsive to repeat induction of coma, antipyretics, and cooling blankets (that vented
warm air into the room), it responded swiftly to a change in ambient air temperature.(6)
Theoretical causes of fever during rabies may also include deficiencies in antidiuretic hormone (see
above A.3 Supportive care: Fluids, electrolytes, neuroendocrine ), a serotonin syndrome resulting from
mismatches of
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dopamine and serotonin during acquired biopterin deficiency (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence of
metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport ) and uncoupling of oxidative
Fever is generally considered beneficial during viral infections, but becomes ominous above 40.5C.
Original protocol:
1. Fever is tolerated below 39.0C.
2. Antipyretics are administered for fevers > 38.9C. Note that these were not clearly effective.
3. Consider modifying ambient room temperature for severe hypothermia (39.5C).
A.8. Generalized flaccid paralysis (and therapeutic coma)
Rabies progresses to generalized paresis after the acute phase and as coma supervenes. This is usually
evident by 10 days of illness. Paresis may include bulbar musculature and is frequently associated with
disturbances of sphincter control of bowel or bladder.
Reports on the physiology of paresis include anterior horn cell disease or axonopathy as well as
demyelinating disease physiologically similar to acute inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (AIDP or
Guillain-Barre-Landry disease). An AIDP picture has been associated with administration of rabies-
specific immune globulin. Recovery of the first patient receiving the Milwaukee protocol, who was fully
paretic when her sedation-anesthesia was waned, was rapid and anatomically inconsistent with
demyelinating polyneuropathy.(6)
Deep vein thrombosis was a catastrophic event in one patient who was otherwise surviving intensive
care for rabies.(9)
Original protocol:
1. Heparin 10 U/kg/hour is administered as prophylaxis.
2. Consider support hose or other mechanical prophylaxis against deep vein thrombi. Note that we
encountered increases in body temperature in association with support hose and intermittent-pressure
boots in our patient.
3. Physical therapy should be regularly scheduled during the period of therapeutic coma and rabies-
associated paresis to avoid contractures.
4. The patient should be frequently repositioned to avoid pressure ulcers.
A.9. Cerebral edema and brain perfusion pressure
Cerebral edema is uncommon and often transient until the terminal phase of rabies. Some groups have
inserted intraventricular drains prophylactically to monitor intracranial perfusion and provide
therapeutic drainage, but intracranial perfusion can now be monitored non-invasively using near-
infrared spectroscopy.(6) This minimizes infection risk to the patient.
Administration of antibody or drug into ventricular or lumbar CSF is of questionable efficacy for a
parenchymal disease such as encephalitis.(5;23) Because immunoglobulins do not normally cross an
intact blood-brain barrier (BBB), it is not clear whether passive immunotherapy, administered
systemically, would enter the
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CNS.(10) Intrathecal administration of interferon-alpha at very high concentrations was ineffective in
effecting a clinical response or clearing rabies virus from the brain.(24)
Note that placement of an intraventricular drain provides an opportunity for diagnostic brain biopsy
when the burr hole is made.
Original protocol
1. Cerebral and renal tissue saturations are monitored by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
2. Neurosurgical consultation is advised in anticipation of possible urgent need of an intraventricular
catheter for monitoring and drainage of CSF.
3. No medications are given intrathecally.
B. Neuroprotection and therapeutic coma
A rabies vaccine-naive patient recently survived rabies when treated by a strategy that minimized
dysautonomia, cardiac dysrhythmias and severe reactions to environmental stimuli by inducing coma.(6)
Three of the Milwaukee protocol drugs are potentially protective of the brain and spinal cord through
established pharmacologic mechanisms. While neuroprotection has rarely been shown to be effective in
controlled clinical trials, virtually all trials evaluated drugs singly and at doses insufficient to produce
deep sedation or coma that contrasts with the Milwaukee protocol.
Ketamine was chosen as the critical drug because of its properties as a dissociative anaesthetic (see
above A.2 Supportive care: Palliation), an antiviral specific to rabies (see below C.2. Ketamine and
amantadine), and its potential as a neuroprotective agent non-competitively antagonizing excitotoxic N-
methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors.(25)
Amantadine, like ketamine, is an NMDA antagonist that is also active against rabies virus in vitro.(26)
Ketamine and amantadine bind differentially in rodent brains and were therefore presumed to be
additive in their NMDA antagonism during rabies treatment.(6;26;27)
Midazolam was used to balance ketamine, to further sedate the patient, lower metabolic demand,
potentially block excitotoxic -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) glutamate
receptors and stimulate protective -aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors.
Phenobarbital, another GABA agonist, was used to repeat-induce burst suppression when large doses
of benzodiazepine were insufficient for this purpose. This was encountered after 4-5 days of induced
Original protocol
1. Ketamine is dosed aggressively at 2 mg/kg/h.
2. Midazolam was titrated in the range of 1 to 3.5 mg/kg/h by continuous EEG to induce burst
suppression lasting 20 seconds. Please note that the benzyl alcohol preservative, present in especially
high concentrations in midazolam, may cause a metabolic acidosis (hippuric acidosis) with low serum
Key point 1: Given the relatively uneventful course of rabies during coma therapy, we now recommend
longer acting (and less toxic) diazepam over midazolam. Midazolam 3 mg is equivalent to 1 mg of
Key point 2: The dosage of benzyl alcohol should not exceed 100 mg/kg daily. We encountered acidosis
associated with a cumulative dosage of 362 mg/kg.(6)
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Key point 3: The natural history of EEG findings in rabies is to resemble a sleep-like pattern early on.
Ketamine and the benzodiazepine were titrated to take the EEG beyond a sleep-like pattern to burst
suppression in order to fully block brain activity associated with sudden death or dysautonomia.
Key point 4: Ketamine will cause higher voltages on EEG, so that its discontinuation confounds
interpretation of the predicted declines in EEG voltage attributed to rabies or to BH4 deficiency (see
above A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport).
3. Phenobarbital was administered in 3 mg/kg doses when needed. The barbiturate can also be used to
lower the dose of benzodiazepine in the setting of benzyl alcohol toxicity.
4. Amantadine is administered by nasojejunal tube at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours (100 mg every
12 hours if >40 kg).
5. We recommend discontinuation of aggressive sedation-anesthesia when anti-rabies titers in CSF
exceed 1:1024 by IFA or 1:40 by RFFIT. Note: Tolerance may develop to benzodiazepines. These may be
tapered by 10% of the dose every day to every other day.
C. Specific antiviral therapy against rabies
C.1. Ribavirin and vidarabine
Ribavirin is a broad-spectrum antiviral recommended in the treatment of rabies.(10) It is active in vitro
against rabies virus but does not cross the blood brain barrier well and has not worked in animals or
Ribavirin is an immune modulator that potentiates an inflammatory Th1 immune response (see below
D.3. Ribavirin as Th1-skewing immunomodulator). This may be counter-productive because augmented
immune responses are postulated to lead to worse outcomes.(5;29;30)
Ribavirin is predicted to directly deplete biopterin (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic
deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport) by reducing guanosine pools that are precursors
in the de novo synthesis of biopterin.
Ribavirin is variably toxic to mitochondria, and we measured profoundly depleted serum levels of
coenzyme Q10 (Q10) during the second month of her convalescence in association with persistently
depressed myocardial contractility.(15) Rabies virus is largely restricted to the nervous system, so
depletion of Q10 was likely associated with her critical illness or administered drugs.
Ribavirin was used in the original Milwaukee protocol.(6) Our rationale for including ribavirin in the
Milwaukee protocol, in light of its poor pharmacokinetics and efficacy against rabies, was to prophylax
against myocardial infection by the rabies virus. We subsequently reviewed these data and do not
consider them convincing or an indication for use of ribavirin.(19;20) Ribavirin use was associated with
hemolysis at a cumulative dose of 276 mg/kg of ribavirin.(6) Dosage was reduced one day early and
discontinued one day early.
Vidarabine has not been reported to be effective.(5)
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1. We recommend that ribavirin be considered primarily in light of the success of the original protocol,
particularly for patients proven to have rabies by detection of rabies virus rather than by detection of
rabies-specific antibody in serum or CSF.
Key point: Two other antiviral drugs are administered in the Milwaukee protocol. Ketamine and its
cognate drug MK801 showed greater efficacy than ribavirin in animal models (see below C.2.
Ketamine and amantadine).
2. Parenteral ribavirin (RBV) is recommended by the manufacturer to be dosed according to the
Loading dose of 33 mg/kg.
Six hours after the initial dose, RBV 16 mg/kg/dose IV every 6 hours for 4 days.
Eight hours after the initial 16 doses, start RBV 8 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 hours for 9 more doses.
3. We recommend, if ribavirin is to be used, a lower dosage (based on one patient, its low efficacy and
potential for toxicities and antagonistic mechanisms):
Loading dose of 33 mg/kg.
Six hours after the initial dose, RBV 16 mg/kg/dose IV every 6 hours for 2 days.
Eight hours after the initial 16 doses, start RBV 8 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 hours for 6 more doses.
We have no experience with oral formulations of ribavirin for this indication.
4. We recommend prophylaxis with coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C if ribavirin is administered.
C.2. Ketamine and amantadine
Ketamine and MK801 are NMDA antagonists with specific antiviral activity against rabies in animal
Amantadine is an antiviral with indications for the treatment of influenza, and adjunctive use in
Parkinson disease as an NMDA antagonist. Evidence for its activity against rabies virus is restricted to in
vitro observations.(26)
Ketamine and amantadine bind differentially in rodent brains and were therefore presumed to be
additive in neuroprotective effect during rabies treatment.(6;26;27) Ketamine and amantadine have no
known, shared antiviral mechanism of action and should therefore be at least additive and possibly
Original Protocol
1. See B. Neuroprotection and therapeutic coma. for ketamine dosing and balancing with a
2. Amantadine is administered by nasojejunal tube at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg every 12 hours (100 mg every
12 hours if >40 kg).
3. We recommend discontinuation of aggressive sedation-anesthesia with ketamine when anti-rabies
titers in CSF exceed 1:1024 by IFA or 1:40 by RFFIT. Amantadine may be continued for an additional 1-2
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C.3. Interferon-alpha
Interferon-alpha (IFN) shows potential for prophylaxis in animal models but was ineffective in treating
human rabies.(4) There are numerous CNS toxicities associated with IFN therapy, including psychosis
and spastic diplegia, as well as the potential to deleteriously enhance or retard the immune response to
Original Protocol
We deliberately avoid systemic or intrathecal administration of IFN.
D. Immune modulation
D.1. Primacy of antibody response in clearance of rabies
Several autopsy reports of patients surviving for several weeks document clearance of the rabies
virus.(8;9) Clearance appears to involve primarily the humoral arm of the immune system, particularly
CD4 cells and antibody.(32) All 6 known survivors showed remarkably rapid rise to high concentrations
of total and neutralizing rabies-specific antibody.(1)
Because immunoglobulins do not normally cross an intact blood-brain barrier (BBB), it is not clear
whether passive immunotherapy, administered systemically, would enter the CNS. Administration of
antibody into ventricular or lumbar CSF is of questionable efficacy for a parenchymal disease such as
Conversion of encephalitic to paralytic rabies was reported following passive immunotherapy.(30)
1. We do not recommend administration of rabies-specific antiserum systemically to immune-
competent patients after onset of symptoms
2. If the patient acquired rabies through transplantation with significant immunosuppression, then we
consider discontinuation of all immunosuppressive drugs. Note that cyclosporin A is associated with
Th1-skewing of the immune response. Note that mycophenolidate is associated with depletion of
Consider avoiding ribavirin that may skew the immune response to Th1 (see below D.3. Ribavirin as
Th1-skewing immunomodulator) and deplete biopterin (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence of
metabolic deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport)
Consider assay of CSF biopterin concentrations if patient received mycophenolidate.
D.2. Vaccination while symptomatic, including accelerated vaccination
Intramuscular administration of rabies vaccine during the acute phase is without apparent benefit.(10)
Accelerated administration schedules by multiple-site intradermal immunization for treatment of rabies
may result in an immune response in less than 7 days, a necessity when rabies is often fatal in 5-7 days
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intensive care. Mean survival with intensive care is 18 days. Therapeutic efficacy of an accelerated
schedule is not known.
Human rabies vaccines for humans are inactivated, do not elicit a cytotoxic T-cell response, and
therefore do not elicit natural immunity associated with clearance of the rabies virus. Administration of
an inactivated vaccine may theoretically skew the natural immune response by altering the distribution
of responsive lymphocyte types and dominant epitopes.
Original protocol
We do not recommend immunization of the patient after onset of clinical symptoms.
D.3. Ribavirin as Th1-skewing immunomodulator
Ribavirin is capable of skewing the immune response toward an inflammatory, Th1 phenotype. This
effect is mediated by modulation of cytokines as well as selective toxicities to different cellular lineages
and is independent of its antiviral effect.(33-35)
Given the primacy of the humoral immunity (Th2 response) in clearance of rabies, use of ribavirin as an
antiviral must be weighed against its immunomodulatory properties.
E. Duration of Care
The Milwaukee protocol is based on two assumptions:
Rabies virus infection (wildtype strains) is not cytolytic and poorly inflammatory. Death is primarily
attributable to reversible dysfunction rather than irreversible destruction of brain, spinal cord and
nerves. This can be suppressed temporarily by induction of a therapeutic coma.
Survivors of rabies through intensive medical care rarely have virus detected 2 weeks after onset of
symptoms, although residual virus can be detected in brain for an additional 1-2 weeks. The natural,
predominantly humoral immune response is evident by the second week of illness and is sufficient to
clear the virus given enough time.
Correlates of survival include detectable serum or CSF rabies-specific antibodies at time of diagnosis.(1)
Antibody response is brisk with normal immunity. For the first survivor of rabies receiving the
Milwaukee protocol, antiviral therapy consisting of ketamine, amantadine and ribavirin was
discontinued when the following titers were reached:
CSF IgG by IFA > 1: 1024
serum IgG by IFA > 1: 512
CSF neutralizing antibody by RFFIT = 89
serum neutralizing antibody by RFFIT = 229
Rabies pathogenesis includes encephalopathy with peripheral neuropathy that may falsely mimic
brainstem death (see above A.4. Denervation and misinterpretation of brainstem death ). Mild sedation
has been associated with profound bradycardia or asystole (see above A.6. Anticipation and prevention
of cardiac arrhythmias and
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myopathy ). Interval neurological examinations in the first week of therapy are therefore of unclear
utility and may be deleterious.
A preliminary observation suggest that biopterin deficiency may occur during rabies or its treatment,
and that secondary acute declines in catecholamine neurotransmitters may render the EEG low voltage
or flat despite integrity of the brain by MRI (see above A.5 Preliminary evidence of metabolic
deficiencies in cofactors involved in electron transport).
Severe biopterin deficiency may theoretically lead to nNOS deficiency that may compromise intracranial
perfusion as well as other end-organ function. Approximately half of intracranial artery tone is
controlled by nNOS and half by eNOS. This may theoretically cause misinterpretation of HMPAO brain
scans, usually performed to declare brain death, when these indicate low regional flow in the setting of
normal grey-white definition by MRI.
1. Coma is induced at time of diagnosis of rabies and maintained for 7-14 days until an immune
response to rabies can be documented in the CSF.
2. Aggressive sedation-anesthesia during the first 2 weeks of rabies is to be maintained in preference to
reducing sedation in order to perform interval neurological examinations.
3. It is anticipated that the patient might show complete motor or sensory neuropathy at 10-14 days of
illness as sedation-anesthesia is tapered. The EEG should be of near-normal voltage and pupillary
responses should recover during the taper. Paresis and sensory denervation resolve piecemeal over the
next 2 weeks, possibly with evolution of movement disorders over the next few months.
4. Neurological examination during the first 3 weeks of intensive care may be falsely consistent with
brainstem death (or locked-in syndrome) and should not be considered an indication for withdrawal of
medical care.
5. Loss of EEG voltage or flattening of the EEG is consistent with severe biopterin and catecholamine
deficiency and should not be considered an indication for withdrawal of medical care without exclusion
of low CSF biopterin (properly collected so as to not yield falsely low concentration) or CSF HVA, unless
MRI findings and brain scan indicate typical brain death.
6. Atypical or low-flow (vs. classical no-flow) HMPAO brain scans should not be considered diagnostic
except in association with grossly abnormal MRI findings or brain biopsy.
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Reference List
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