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1. If a month is having four Sundays then what is the first day of the next month?

If month has 28 days i.e. 4 complete weeks: The month could start on any day, there will be
exactly 4 Sundays. Thus, the month could end on any weekday. And the first day of the next
month could be any week-day.
If the month has 29 days i.e. 4 complete weeks and 1 odd day: The month could start on ANY
day EXCEPT Sunday (else it will have 5 Sundays). Thus, the next month could star on ANY day
EXCEPT Monday.
If the month has 30 days i.e. 4 complete weeks and 2 odd days: The month could start on ANY
day EXCEPT Saturday or Sunday (else it will have 5 Sundays). Thus, the next month could start on
ANY day EXCEPT Monday or Tuesday.
If the month has 31 days i.e. 4 complete weeks and 3 odd days: The month could start on ANY
day EXCEPT Friday, Saturday or Sunday (else it will have 5 Sundays). Thus, the next month could
start on ANY day EXCEPT Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday.

2. If January 10 2007 is Friday then what is the day of February 9 2010?
Number of days from 10 January 2007 to 10 January 2010 = 365+366+365=1096 i.e. 4 odd days
(more than complete week).
Number of days from 10 January 2010 to 9 Feb 2010 = 21+9=30 i.e. 2 odd days.
Total number of odd days = 6 i.e. 9 Feb 2010 will be 6 week-days ahead of Friday i.e. the day will
be Thursday.

3. If March 11 2003 is Tuesday, then what is March 11 2004?
Number of days from 11 March 2003 to 11 March 2004 = 366 i.e. 2 odd days. Thus 11 March
2004 will be Thursday.

4. What is the no. of Sundays in a leap year (non-leap year)?
Incomplete question.
A leap year has 366 days i.e. 52 weeks + 2 days. Thus, there can be 52 Sundays or 53 Sundays.
Anon- leap year has 365 days i.e. 52 weeks + 1 day. Thus, there can be 52 Sundays or 53
Sundays, in a non-leap year also.

5. In a month there are 4 Thursdays and 4 Sundays. S o what is the first day of that month?
A month has 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 days. Thus, there are 4 complete weeks and 0 or 1 or 2 or 3
extra days.
If month has 28 days: The month could start on any day, it will always have 4 Thursday and 4
If month has 29 days: The month CANNOT start on a Thursday, else it will have 5 Thursday. Also
the month CANNOT start on a Sunday, else it will have 5 Sundays. The month can start on nay
other day than Thursday or Sunday.
If month has 30 days: The month CANNOT start on Wednesday or Thursday (else it will have 5
Thursdays). The month CANNOT start on Saturday or Sunday (else it will have 5 Sundays). Thus,
month can start on Monday, Tuesday, Friday.
If month has 31 days: The month cannot start on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday (else it will
have 5 Thursdays). The month cannot start on Friday, Saturday or Sunday (else it will have 5
Sundays). Thus month can start ONLY on Monday.

6. If 0>a>b>c>d, then which is greatest among the following:
a) (c+d)/(d+a) b) (d+b)/(b+c) c) (c+d)/(b+c)
Among option a and c, the numerator is the same. We cannot determine which denominator,
(d+a) OR (b+c) is going to be smaller. So we cannot decide which will be greater of the two.
Among option b and c, the denominator is the same. But the numerator, c+d, will be greater
than (d+b). Thus option b is greater than option c.
Among option a and b, we cannot decide which is greater.
E.g: If a=1, b=2, c=3, d=10, then option a is 13/11 and option b is 12/5. Obviously option b is
greater. BUT if a=1, b=2, c=11, d=12, then option a is 23/13 and option b is 14/13. Option a is
greater in this case.

7. * question:
If f(1)=0, f(m+n)=f(m)+f(n)+4*9mn-1, M,n>0
Then what is f(17)=?

Put m=n=1, we get f(2)=0 + 0 + 36 1 = 35
Put m=n=2, we get f(4)=35 + 35 + 36*2*2 1 = 213
Put m=n=4, we get f(8)=213 + 213 + 36*4*4 1 = 1001
Put m=n=8, we get f(16)=1001 + 1001 + 36*8*8 1 = 4305
Putting m=16, n=1, we get f(17)=4305 + 0 + 36*16*1 1 = 4880.

8. 8
is a large number. Thus, for n = 1, 2, 3, the remainders will be 8, 64, 512. And so the answer
will not be unique.

9. I f a no. is divided by 375 then the remainder is 5 , then what remainder would be obtained if
the same no. is divided by 17?
The number is of the form 375a+5. When divided by 17, the remainder will be a+5 i.e. again the
answer will not be unique and depend on a.

10. If Surajs sum of the salaries of 2003, 2004, 2005 is $36400 and the salary gets incremented
20% every year then find the salary drawn by Suraj in the year 2005?
If salary in 2003 is 100x, then salary in 2004 is 120x and in 2005 is 144x. Thus, the sum = 364x =
36400 i.e. x=100. Salary in 2005 is 14400.

11. Ax
+x+5, f(-3)=2, f(3)=?
Putting x=-3 , we get 81A-9b-3+5=2 i.e. 81A-9b=0
Puttinx x=3, we get 81A-9b+3+5 i.e. 0+3+5=8.
12. If ROADIES word is permutated in all the ways in the alphabetical order, then find the 44th
Words starting with A: 6! = 720. Thus, the 44
word will start with A. Finding which factorial is
less than 44, we realize than 4!=24. Thus the first 24 words will be only when 4 letters have to
be arranged i.e. the first 3 letters will be ADE_ _ _ _ and in the blanks we will arrange I, O, R, S.
The series of words will be ADI _ _ _ _ and there will be 24 such words. The word we are
searching will be in this group.
Words of the type ADIE _ _ _ will be 3! = 6 words. Cumulative words so far = 24+6=30.
Words of the type ADIO _ _ _ will be 3! = 6 words. Cumulative words so far = 30+6=36.
Words of the type ADIR _ _ _ will be 3! = 6 words. Cumulative words so far = 36+6=42.
The 43
word will be ADISEOR and the 44
word will be ADISERO.

13. A child is asked by his mom to find out the mistake in the series and replace it with the right
one, (odd man out) 60,48,38,28,24,20,18.
The differences are 12, 10, 10, 4, 4, 2.
If we correct the term 28 to 30, the differences will be 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.

14. F(1)=4, f(x+y)=f(x)+f)y)+7xy+2, then f(2)+f(5)=?
Putting x=y=1, we get f(2) = 4 + 4 + 7*1*1 + 2 = 17
Putting x=y=2, we get f(4) = 17 + 17 + 7*2*2 + 2 = 64.
Putting x=4, y = 1, we get f(5)=64 + 4 + 7*4*1 + 2 = 98
We want f(2) + f(5) = 17 + 98 = 115.

15. An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon have equal parameters then what is the ration of
their areas?
A) 6:1 b) 1:6 c) 3:2 d) 2:3
Let perimeter of both the equilateral triangle and of the hexagon be 6x.
Side of equilateral triangle = 2x. Thus its area = root(3) * 4x
/ 4.
Side of hexagon = x. Thus, its area = 6 * root(3) * x
/ 4.
Thus, ratio is 4 : 6 i.e. 2 : 3.

16. How many of no.s X( X being integer) with 10<=X <=99 are 18 more than the sum of their digits
a) 9 B)12 c) 10 d) 18
If the number is xy, then we have 10x + y = x + y + 18 i.e. x = 2 and y could be any value from 0 to
9. Thus, there are 10 such numbers, 20, 21, 22, , 29
17. A&B starts from their home at 10kmph, then travels from their home on MG road at 20 kmph
and 40 kmph there is a T junction on their path. A turn left at T junction at 12 noon.
B reaches the T junction earlier and turns right . Both of them continued travelling till
2:00 pm. What is the distance between A&B at 12:00PM
a)120km b)160km c) 150km d) 140km
The question is not clear. After A reaches T junction at 12 noon, then till 12 pm, he will be
travelling for 12 hours i.e. 240 kms. B would have reached T junction earlier and would have
travelled more than 480 kms. Thus, distance between them has to be more than 720 km. Also it
is given that they continue travelling till 2:00 pm, which does not fit with the given data. We also
need to know at what time they left home (I think the 10 kmph at start will be 10 AM). Overall,
in the current format, the question is ambiguous.

18. There are 6 tasks and 6 persons
Task 1 cannot be assigned either to person 1 or person 2
Task 2 must be assigned to either person3 or person 4.
Every person is to be assigned one task.
In how many ways can be assignment done?
a)192 b) 360 c) 144 d) 180
Task 2 can be assigned in 2 ways. Post this task 1 can be assigned in 3 ways. The remaining 4 tasks can
be assigned to remaining 4 persons, one task to each person, in 4! = 24 ways. Thus, total number of
ways = 2*3*24 = 144.
19. In the sample subtraction problem below, single digits are replaced by letters, find the values of
3*A + &*B + 4*C *D=?
A5C1 a) 80 b) 99 c) 89 d)96
There will be a 1 borrowed from tens column to units column. Thus, D = 2.
If there is no borrowing from hundreds column to tens column, then (C 1) 7 = 7 i.e. C = 15, which is
not possible. Thus, there necessary has to be a borrowing from hundreds column to tens column as
well. And we have 10 + (C 1) 7 = 7 i.e. C = 5.
If there is no borrowing from thousands column to hundreds column, then (5 1) U = 9 i.e. U = -5,
which is not possible. Thus, there necessary has to be a borrowing from thousands column to hundreds
column as well. And we have 10 + (5 1) U = 9 i.e. U = 5.
And finally we have (A 1) 3 = 3 i.e. A = 7.
Thus, the subtraction is 7551 3579 = 3972.
The required expression is wrongly written, there is no B in the digits. Also the symbol & is used which
does not mean anything. But the subtraction is explained.

20. A series of books were published at seven years intervals when the seventh book was issued the sum
of the publications years was 13524, when the first book was published?
a)1911 b) 1800 c) 1900 d) 1811
a + ( a + 7) + (a + 14) + . Sum of 7 terms = 13524.

2a+6 7
( )
=13524 i.e. 2a + 42 = 3864 i.e. a = 1911

21. What are the next 3no.s for the series
Checking the differences, 12, 24, 36, 48. Thus, the next term will be 131 + 60 = 191.

22. A circular swimming pool is surrounded by a concrete wall 4ft wide. If the area of the wall is 11/25 of
the area of the pool then radius of the pool in feet is
a) 20 b) 8 C) 16 d) 30
If area of the pool is 25k, then area of the wall = 11k. Thus, area of the outer circle, pool plus wall, will be
25k + 11k = 36k. Thus, ratio of the areas of the inner circle and outer circle is 25 : 36. Thus ratio of radius
will be 5 : 6. And it is given that the difference in these radii is 4 ft. Thus, radius of pool is 20 ft.

23. A pair of dice are rolled together till a sum of either 5 0r 7 is obtained what is the probability that 5
comes before 7
A) 0.45 b) 0.6 c) 0.5 d) 0.4
Probability of getting a sum of 5 when a pair of dice is rolled = 4/36 = 1/9.
Probability of getting a sum of 7 when a pair of dice is rolled = 6/36 = 1/6.
Probability of not getting either a 5 or a 7 = 1 1/9 1/6 = 26/36 = 13/18.
Required proability is that on the last roll, we get a 5 and on all the previous rolls we get neither a 5 nor
a 7. Thus, required probability is







+......, which is a infinite GP
with sum =

= 0.6.

24. One day Esta started 30 min late from home and reached the office 50 min late while driving 25%
slower than her usual speed. How much time in minutes does Esta take to reach her office from home?
a) 40 b) 60 c) 80 d) 20
Of the 50 minute being late, 30 minutes is due to starting late and remaining 20 minutes is due to
travelling at reduced speed. Ratio of reduced speed to normal speed is 3 : 4. Ratio of time at reduced
speed to time at normal speed is 4 : 3. And difference in these times is 20 minutes. Thus, time at normal
speed is 60 minutes.

25. After an election, the newly constituted geocity office is exploring the use of hollow cylinders for
water towers and has built a model in their office model.
The circumference of the top of the cylinder is 78cm, d-27 cm, h= 53 cm, then what is the distance (in
cm) crawled by bug before reaching the honey?
a) 119 b) 80 c) 100 d) 89
Circumference = d = 78 which does not match with the given d-27 cm. So some ambiguity in the
question. Also it is not clear if bug is crawling in a spiral manner or a vertical straight line. Anyways if bug
is crawling in a spiral manner, the distance it covers in reaching the top when it make one complete
circle in the process is c
, where c is the circumference of the cylinder and h is the height. If I
ignore the d-27 cm data in the question, and assume that bug crawls in a spiral fashion and completes
one circle in reaching the top the answer will be

= 94.3

26. An organization has 3 committees, only 2 persons are members of all 3 committees, but
every pairs of committees has 3 members in common. What is the least possible no. of
members on any one committee?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 4
Committee 1: a, b, c, d
Committee 2: a, b, c, e
Committee 3: a, b, d, e
Thus, least possible members in each committee = 4.

27. If A ^B means A raised to the power of B, in which of the following choices must P be
greater than Q
a) 0.9^P=0.9^Q b) 0.9^P=0.92^Q c) 0.9^P>0.9^q
Option a: P=Q
Option b: Since the two given values are equal, but the base are unequal, the one with the lower
base will have a higher index. Thus, P > Q. But this is NOT the only case. The equality will hold
even if P = Q = 0. And the questions asks P must be greater than Q.
Thus, the answer is option c.

28.2 gears one with 12 teeth and other one with 14 teeth are engaged with each other. One
teeth in smaller and one tooth in bigger are marked and initially those 2 marked teeth are in
contact with each other. After how many rotations of the smaller gear with the marked teeth in
the other gear will again come into contact for the first time?
a) 7 b) 12 c) Data insufficient) 84
The number of rotations of the two wheels will be inversely proportional to the number of teeth
the wheel has. Since the ratio of the number of teeth is 6 : 7, the ratio of the number of
rotations of the wheels is 7 : 6. The two marked teeth will be together only after both the
wheels have done an integral number of rounds. Thus, smaller wheel will have done 7 rounds.

29. A& B completed a work together in 5 days. A worked at twice the speed and B at half the speed it
would have taken then 4 days to complete the job. How much time would it take for A alone to do the
a) 25 b) 10 c) 20 d) 15
Let the job be 20 units. And let A and B do a and b units per day at normal speed. Thus, 5(a + b) = 20 i.e.
a + b = 4. Also 4(2a + b/2) = 20 i.e. 4a + b = 10. Subtracting the two equations, 3a = 6 i.e. a = 2. Thus A
will take 20 units/2 units per day = 10 days.
30. find the missing in the series:
70, 54, 45, 41,____.
Checking the differences, 16, 9, 4. These are all perfect squares. Thus the next difference will be 1 and
the required number will be 40.
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