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A commercial bank is a type of bank that provides services, such as accepting deposits, giving business

loans and basic investment products.

Individual banking
THETABIZ .A. provides assistance to personal banking services for the individual business o!ners,
principals, investors and high net"!orth individuals. #e focus on providing custom, private
consultation and personali$ed banking solutions for clients.
#e help individuals !orld!ide to manage and save for their futures !ith a complete range of personal
financial products.
Raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
Encourage interest or activity in (a person or animal): "the reader could not fail to be
stimulated by the ideas presented".
lend v. 1 to let another have or use for a time: magpahiram,
pahiramin, ipahiram 2 to make a loan or loans: magpautang,
The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organi$ation, system, process, enterprise,
pro%ect or product. Auditing is defined as a systematic and independent e&amination of data, statements,
records, operations and performances 'financial or other!ise( of an enterprise for a stated purpose.
)*E+)I*,.The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats
e&ample- it !asn.t slavery because nocoercion !as used
the act of advising, urging, or attempting to persuade; persuasion.
an instance of this; a persuasive effort.
domestic " produced in a particular country/ 0domestic !ine0/ 0domestic oil0
Ang karaniwang uri ng kredito ay sanglaan o sa bahay pautang pati na rin ang personal na pautan.
Ang kredito ay hiniram na salapi na maaari mong gamitin sa pagbili ng mga bagay kapag kailangan
mo ito at pagkatapos ay bayaran ang mga pondo sa likod ng isang napagkasunduang oras.
Inflation is one of the most important variables in economics, as its impact is felt on
everything from mortgage rates to union"management contract negotiations. got
articles on !hat causes inflation and deflation, and on !hat impact inflation and
deflation have on the rest of the economy.
Inflation is the increase in the price of goods and services that represent the economy
as a !hole. It is also defined as the up!ard movement in the average level of prices.
ince inflation deals !ith the general rise in prices, it is in fact intrinsically linked to
Inflation can mean either an increase in the money supply or an increase in price levels.
1enerally, !hen !e hear about inflation, !e are hearing about a rise in prices compared
to some benchmark. If the money supply has been increased, this !ill usually manifest
itself in higher price levels " it is simply a matter of time.
inflation is most important for fi&ed"income investors, as future income streams must be
discounted by inflation to determine ho! much value today. money !ill have in the
future. 2or stock investors, inflation, !hether real or anticipated, is !hat motivates us to
take on the increased risk of investing in the stock market, in the hope of generating the
highest real rates of return. +eal returns 'all of our stock market discussions should be
pared do!n to this ultimate metric( are the returns on investment that are left standing
after commissions, ta&es, inflation and all otherfrictional costs are taken into account. As
long as inflation is moderate, the stock market provides the best chances for this
compared to fi&ed income and cash.
3ositive effects of inflation include ensuring that central banks can ad%ust real interest
rates 'to mitigate recessions(,
and encouraging investment in non"monetary capital
Economists generally agree that in the long run, inflation is caused by increases in the
money supply.
This can lead to prolonged dise9uilibrium and high unemployment in
the labor market. ince inflation allo!s real !ages to fall even if nominal !ages are kept
constant, moderate inflation enables labor markets to reach e9uilibrium faster.
Inflation !ould induce savers to substitute lending for some money holding as a means
to finance future spending. That substitution !ould cause market clearing real interest
rates to fall.
The lo!er real rate of interest !ould induce more borro!ing to finance
investment. inflation !ould cause businesses to substitute investment in physical
capital 'plant, e9uipment, and inventories( for money balances in their asset portfolios.
That substitution !ould mean choosing the making of investments !ith lo!er rates of
real return. 'The rates of return are lo!er because the investments !ith higher rates of
return !ere already being made before.(
Inflation increases in aggregate demand due to increased private and government
spending, also encourages economic gro!th since the e&cess demand and
favourable market conditions !ill stimulate investment and e&pansion.
inflation accelerates !hen aggregate demand increases beyond the ability of the
economy to produce 'its potential output(. Hence, any factor that increases aggregate
demand can cause inflation.
Ho!ever, in the long run, aggregate demand can be held
above productive capacity only by increasing the 9uantity of money in circulation faster
than the real gro!th rate of the economy.
By creating illusory profits and distorting economic calculation, inflation !ill suspend the
free market.s penali$ing of inefficient, and re!arding of efficient, firms. Inflation also
penali$es thrift and encourages debt, for any sum of money loaned !ill be repaid in
dollars of lo!er purchasing po!er than !hen originally received. The incentive, then, is
to borro! and repay later rather than save and lend. Inflation, therefore, lo!ers the
general standard of living in the very course of creating a tinsel atmosphere of 0prosperit
The real purchasing"po!er of fi&ed payments is eroded by inflation unless they are
inflation"ad%usted to keep their real values constant. Inflation creates other opportunities
for sophisticated institutions to unfairly take advantage of the average individual, in
many people.s minds. Inflation can increase the comple&ity of evaluating financial
assets, from )=s and insurance policies to stocks and bonds.
Inflation.s interaction !ith personal income ta&es, for e&ample, can distort decisions
about ho! much income to spend on housing. This interaction plays out !ith o!ner"
occupied housing, !here mortgage interest payments are deductible. Inflation gets built
into nominal interest rates/ so even a moderate rise in the price level increases this
deduction. And housing services, that represent part of the return to housing
investment, escape ta&ation. >oderate to high inflation thus prompts households to
spend more on housing than !ould be optimal in a lo!"inflation environment.
Inflation plays an important part in the economy. If inflation is high and prices are rising,
then the purchasing po!er of money decreases. ?ou need more money to buy goods
and services than you did before. A lo! inflation rate is one sign of a good economy.

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