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Nama : Khoirun Nisa

Kelas : X-1


1. The concept of Educational Psychology
Behaviorism Psychoanalysis * * * * The nature of Humanistic Psychology Theories of
Learning * Learning * * Contextual Learning Lessons Completed (Mastery Learning) * *
Constructivism Learning Theory of Theories of Motivation * Nature * Self-Love Self-
Esteem * Self Hypnosis * About * About IQ , EQ, and SQ * Contribution of Psychology to
Education * Criteria for Abnormal Behavior * Individuals * Understanding Emotion
Understanding Individual Behaviour * Heredity Factors Influence on Environment
Influence of Individual * Individual * Parent-Child Relations * Taxonomy Individual
Behavior * Social Behavior

2. Educate pesetas Development
* Tasks * Individual Development Individual Development By didactic * Individual
Development * Career Development * Development of Religious * Personality Development
* Cognitive Development * Development of conative * Moral Development * Youth Problems
* Ability Individuals * Individuals * Personality Types Personality Behavior Characteristics
of Individuals * and Private Youth * Individual Intelligence Delinkuen * Maturity *
Characteristics Characteristics Independent Human Characteristics Humans * Innovative
* Tips Towards Success Personal Success * Personality ala New Psycho Cybernetics *
Difficulty and Guidance Belajae * Efforts to Prevent Anxiety Students Students in

3. Applications of Psychology in Education
* Maslow's Needs Theory Application in School * Working * Discipline Student Discipline *
Creativity in Schools * myth about Creativity * melt * Conflict * Dangerous School Flavor
of Love in Education * Psychology of Learning and Teaching and Teacher Education Pskologi
* * Managing Stress * cheating * Eliminate Behavior Sense of Anxiety * Development
Activity, Kretivitas and Student Motivation * Effective Feedback for Student Learning *
The Seven Principles of Good Practice

1. Concept of Guidance and Counselling
* Concept of Guidance and Counselling Guidance and Counselling Foundation * *
Rekonseptualisasi Guidance and Counseling Guidance and Counseling * Objectives *
Function, Principles and Principles of Guidance and Counseling Guidance and Counseling *
Field * Service Type * Guidance and Counselling Guidance and Counselling in Schools *
Career Guidance * * Career Information Competency Standards Guidance and Counselling
in Primary Schools * Competency Standards Guidance and Counseling in the Junior *
Competency Standards Guidance and Counseling in High School * Competency Standards
Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education
2. Process Guidance and Counselling
* Program Guidance and Counselling in Schools * General Procedure Guidance and
Counseling Services Counseling Services * Process * Approaches and Techniques of
Individual Counseling * Counseling * General Engineering General Mechanical Engineering
Counselling II * Special * Behavioral Counseling * Counseling FaceBook in School Counseling
* * Gestalt Counselling Counselling * Humanistic Counseling Drug Addiction Counseling *
Counseling Psychoanalysis * Rational emotive therapy (RET) * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Reality Therapy * * * Conference Equipment Case Reveals Problems in Guidance and
Counseling * Case Studies in Guidance and Counselling * Personal Development * Guidance
and Counselling in Learning Career Counseling Competencies Micro

3. Management Guidance and Counselling
* Role of the Principal in the Guidance and Counseling * The Role of School Principals,
Teachers and Guardians Class in BK * Program Development Guidance and Counselling in
Schools * Implementation Strategy Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools *
Guidance and Counselling Services on SSN * Program Evaluation for Comprehensive
Guidance and Counseling * evaluation of Guidance and Counselling Programme in Schools *
Shift Pattern and Process Management Guidance and Counseling * Task Master BK-
Counsellor and Supervisor BK * Flashback of Professional Counselors * BK * Teachers
Counselors Effective Behavior Guidance and Counselling in Education Quality Management
Tips Guidance and Counseling Advocacy and Linkage Services * The uniqueness of Teachers
and Counselors * Service * Value Fallacy BK Loaded Understanding of the Guidance and
Counseling * Handling of Troubled Students in Schools * Travel Far Guidance and
Counseling as a Profession * Author and Counseling * Master BK No Need to Give Solutions
* Standard Room Guidance and Counseling * Questioned about the Seminar Room BK * BK *
Questioning Site UNIKU ABKIN Rubric Teacher Certification * BK * Counselling Process
Skills Observation Instrument * Instruments Implementation Guidance and Counselling

1. Philosophy
* Understanding Philosophy * Why Philosophy of Science Human philosophizing * *
Relationship Between Philosophy in Development Studies * Philosophy of Science * Nature
* Nature Science Theory * Reasoning * Value Theory * Philosophy of Education * School of
Human and Naturalism * problem * Philosophy * Philosophy of Islamic Education in the
Philosophy of Idealism Islamization of Science * Education * Approaches in Educational

2. Research
Research * Education * Classroom Action Research (I) * Class II * Action Research
Scientific Writing (EI) Teachers * Requirements and Criteria for Scientific Karyatulis
Master * Technical Writing Thesis
3. Internet and Computers
* * Become the Most Popular Blog Ranking First * Caci Maki on Blog Nurdin M. Top Site
List PTN * * About Search Engine * New Tariff Telkomsel * My Statement * One Year of
Being a Blogger * Laser Printer * Changes Can Harm the Body Blog * Changing Views Blog

4. Social and Cultural Rights
* Local Institutions and Social Capital in social life * Towards a Learning Society * Social
Approach in service learning activities * The Role of Professional Organizations Active *
History of Prostitution in Indonesia * World * History of Prostitution, Pornography and
Porno action * Critiquing Impressions Infotainment * Prevented Antasari Abroad *
Objects and Human Rot * News mengenaskan The TKW * Quick Count Presidential Election
2009 * Car Service Golput Obama * Party * Self Learning in ELECTION 2009 * News *
Bomb Italic presidential debate Ritz-Carlton, Marriott Related to the 2009 Presidential
Election Result * Pray Performer Terrorist cleric cursed God * StatementThe Muallaf
about Islam * Muslims Ever Exploring Space * Traditional Mudik * Bugiakso: initiator Blog
Competition 2009 * Two-Touch lyrics Heart * 2012 * Riots phenomenon everywhere * Hope
you against the Minister of Education * Age Pre and Post Electric Power * Corruption at
the World Education * Education * Potential Deviation Dnan Corruption Malignant Cancer *
Like the Commission, Tamatkah history? * Suharto Dies! * Minister of Education Criteria
Expected * Recommendation Team 8 To SBY wary of Various Diseases * Teachers *

5. Knowledge Development Knowledge
* Human Knowledge * Reading for Development of Knowledge * Reading SQ3R Technique *
Wanted Books Innovative Learning Model * Think Continues If you Want to Stay * The
Essence of Human Being, Process and Regional Education Administration * Pen: Islamic
Psychology Magazine * Magazine Academica * Construct New Meaning of Change *
Educational workshops at the SMA N 1 Kadugede * Workshop in SMA N 1 Garawangi *
Performance Development of Innovative Teachers Workshop Group Dynamics BK * * Called
MONE * Promoting Lesson Study in SMP N 1 Kadugede

6. And Public Policy
* 70 PTN-PTS resigns from the National Examination * Teaching Material ICT-Based
Education * DAK * Salary Ketigas Twelve Year 2010 * The Year 2009 * Teacher
Certification National Exam controversy * United Indonesia Cabinet Composition II *
Vision presidential and vice presidential candidate on Education * Strengthening Program
Capabilities School Principals and School Supervisors * Pro-Cons of National Examination
Program 100 Days * MONE * Educational Quality Low, One of Whom?

1. Curriculum
* Understanding Curriculum * Basis * Curriculum * Education and Curriculum Theory
Curriculum Based on the Philosophy of Behaviorism * Components * Principles of Curriculum
Curriculum Development Curriculum Development * Model * Subject Development in
Indonesia * * MPMBS Curriculum Change and Implementation Guide SBC * SKS * Personal
Development in SBC * National Standard School Curriculum Management * Information
about SBC

2. Concept Learning
* Nature-Based Education * Education * Education Local Excellence from Age to Age *
Holistic Education * Character Education * Critical Education * Education * Education
Throughout Throughout Hayat Hayat (II) * General Education * Education of liberty * Role
of Education Toward the Nation The Dignity * Discourse Multicultural Education * Concept
Concept PAKEM * Character Education * Quantum Learning * 10 Megatrend Four Pillars of
Learning * Learning * Homeschooling * * Constructivism Learning Theory Behaviorism to
Constructivism Learning Comparison * Shifting Paradigm of Education * 5 Important
Elements of Constructivist Learning Environments falam * Principles of Adult Education
* Learning Effective Learning Quality Improvement in Schools

3. Learning Process
* Getting Started * Formulate Learning Objectives Teaching Syllabus and RPP nuance *
Character * Approach, Strategies, Methods, Techniques and Models of Learning * Learning
Strategies * Learning * Standard Implementation Procedures Learning Process Learning
Process Planning * Standard * Draft * Developing Instructional Materials Instructional
Materials Development * Contextual Learning * Learning Enrichment (Enrichment) *
Remedial Learning (Remedial Teaching) * * Thematic Learning Lessons Completed (Mastery
Learning) * Journal of Learning * Expenses and Provision of Learning Tasks on Student
Affective Learning * Models * Model of Learning Group Investigation * * Innovative
Learning Model Creative Learning Models * Model of Learning in SSN * Jigsaw *
Cooperative Learning Techniques for Making Learning Resources Learning * Learning *
Technology Resources Affecting Learning Media * Technology * Computer Based Learning
Media * SlideShare * To Learning Classroom Management Techniques * Seating
Arrangement Students * Team Teaching * Games in Learning Games in Learning I * II * II
* Games in Learning Games in Learning III * Icebreak Multimedia * Extra Class Activity *
Tips to Motivate Students to Learn * Efforts to Enable Students in Learning * The Seven
Principles of Good Practice Lessons *Teaching Tips a la Gisele Glosser

4. Learning Assessment
* Assessment of Student Learning Assessment Student Results * * Reviewing and Learning
Process Control * Reviewing Psikomorik * Affective Assessment * Portfolio Assessment in
Learning * Minimal * Criteria exhaustiveness Success Indicators Program-Educational
Achievement Indicators Character * Competence * Development Indicators * * Effective
Feedback School Assessment Systems in National Standards

* The Role of Teachers in the Education Process * The Role of Teachers as Facilitators *
The Role of Teacher as Motivator * Tasks * Subject Teacher Professional Teacher *
Guidelines for the Implementation Task Teachers and School Supervisor Core
Competencies * Proposition Empowerment Master Teacher * * Overview of the Induction
Program for Teachers Starter * Program Induction to Prevent Malpractice * The Cultural
Master * Five Ways Teachers Learning * Teacher Characteristics Between Constructivist
* Shaman with the Master * Tips Become a Respected Educators About Lesson Study * *
Training in the Context of Professional Development * Implementation of Revitalization
MGMP * Standandar KKG-MGMP * Performance Evaluation of Teachers by Teachers and
Students * SBC * Teachers and Students who are intimidated * Workers Becoming a
Professional Teacher? * Mensarjanakan Teachers * Teacher Competency and the Role of
School Principals * Teacher Competency Standards at the National School Teachers *
Classification and Levels of Practice Code of Ethics Teachers learning * Indonesia * 2010 *
Guidelines for Certification of Teacher Certification Portfolio Preparation * Determination
* Teacher Certification Teacher Certification * BK-Counselor Certification Teachers and
School Supervisors * Year 2009 * Teacher Certification Teacher Certification Issues *
Teacher Certification Issue (II) * Implementation of Teacher Certification Program *
Benefits * Professional Teachers Professional Technical Guidelines for Payment of
Allowances Allowances Professional Teachers * Disbursements

1. The concept, substance, and Process Management Education
* The concept of School Management * Financial Management * Performance Management
* Teacher Curriculum Management * Management * Role of Community Participation School
Committee * Change Management * Management * Attendance and Participants Educate
Students Ketiidakhadiran * MOS MOS Humanist * Disgusting * Basic Concept of Self-
Schools Category SSN * Situation Analysis of Vision Schools * Schools * Theories
Concerning Cooperation Organization * * 14 How to Grow Cooperation in Schools * Develop
partnerships * Develop Effective Communication * Team Work in School * National
Education Standards * Cost of Education * Organizational Culture in Schools *
Development School Culture School * Climate * School as Agent Character Development *
Healthy Schools and School Hospital * How to Increase Innovation * Maintain Steps
Innovation in Schools * School Quality Characteristics * Diffusion of Innovation *
Education * Image Change School Cafeteria * School Uniform * 11 Characteristics of
School Management * Decision Making * The concept of Decision Making in Education
Management * Participatory decision * * School Development Plan Development Strategy
for Winning Schools

2. Educational Leadership
* Qualifications * Principal Competencies * Ability Manejerial Principal Principal Principal *
Leadership * Leadership * Education * Women's Leadership Transformational Leadership *
70% * Principal Not Competent Professionalism Principal Leadership and leadership *
Profile Manager Needed Today * Concept Assessment Performance of Principal Principal *
Entrepreneurship * Be an Effective Principal

3. Supervision Pendididikan
* Quality Standards * Itself Supervision School Supervisor School * School * Supervisory
Duty Assignment School Supervision School Supervisor * Qualifications * School
Supervisory Competence * Career Development * Supervision of School Planning and
Reporting Implementation * Supervision Clinical Supervision for Making Learning * Teacher
Performance Assessment * Portfolio Assessment Teachers * Building a Quality-Oriented
Education Oversight Task Master * BK-BK Counselors and Supervisors * Program
Supervision * School * School Accreditation Accreditation Policy on Accreditation
Visitation School * School * Small Notes on Certification of School Trustees * Quality
Assurance System of Education * School * Supervisory Certification Portfolio Role of
School Supervisors must be revitalized * Guidelines for the Implementation Task
Teachers and School Supervisor

4.Instrumen supervisory
* School Culture Instrument * Instruments * Principal Management Capabilities
Accreditation Instruments SD-MI * Instruments * Instrument Accreditation
Accreditation junior high school-MTS * National Instruments * School Performance
Standards Counseling Process Observation Instrument * Instruments * Implementation of
Guidance and Counselling Teacher Certification Instrument BK-Counsellor * Instruments *
Instrument Supervision Supervision Supervision and Academic * Instruments *
Performance Based Standards Development Task Inventory

5. Education Regulations

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