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Statistics Test #1 (Chapters 1 - part of 6)

Show Work or Explain Answers for partial credit.
1. In order to plan transportation and parking needs at a priate high school! administrators asked
st"dents ho# the$ get to school% Some rode a school &"s! some rode in #ith parents or friends!
and others "sed 'personal( transportation ) &ikes! skate&oards or *"st #alked% The ta&le
s"mmari+es the responses from &o$s and girls%
Male Female Total
Bus 30 34 64
Ride 37 45 82
Personal 19 23 42
Total 86 102 188
a. (5 pts.) Identif$ the aria&les and tell #hether each is categorical or ,"antitatie% If
,"antitatie! state the "nits% (-eel free to e.plain! if $o" #ant/)
b. (9 pts.) -ind each percentage:
i% 0hat percent of the st"dents are girls #ho ride the &"s1
ii% 0hat percent of the girls ride the &"s1
iii% 0hat percent of the &"s riders are girls1
c. (6 pts.) 2o these data s"ggest an association &et#een gender and transportation1 3ie
statistical eidence to s"pport $o"r concl"sion and e.plain $o"r ans#er%
2. (2 pts.) The &od$ temperat"re of st"dents is taken each time a st"dent goes to the n"rse4s office%
The fie-n"m&er s"mmar$ for the temperat"res (in degrees -ahrenheit) of st"dents on a
partic"lar da$ is gien in the ta&le &elo#:
5in 61 5edian 67 5a.
6 % 86 8 % 89 7 % 8: 6 % 8: : % 1;1

a. 0o"ld $o" e.pect the mean temperat"re of all st"dents #ho isited the n"rse4s office to
&e higher or lo#er than the median1
b. 0h$ do $o" think it #o"ld &e higher or lo#er1
c. <fter the data #ere picked "p in the afternoon! three more st"dents isited the n"rse4s
office #ith temperat"res of 9 % 86 ! = % 8: and > % 88 % 0ere an$ of these st"dents
d. ?.plain ho# $o" determined if the$ #ere o"tliers or not%
!. (2 pts.) The side-&$-side &o.plots sho# the c"m"latie college 3@<s for sophomores! *"niors
and seniors taking an intro stats co"rse in fall >;;7%
a. 0hich class (sophomore! *"nior or senior) had the lo#est c"m"latie college 3@<1
0hat is the appro.imate al"e of that 3@<1 ("A#E$%&' (here are two )*estions+
,i-e two answers)
b. 0hich class has the highest median 3@<! and #hat is that 3@<1 ("A#E$%&' (here
are two )*estions+ ,i-e two answers)
c. 0hich class has the largest range for 3@< and #hat is it1 ("A#E$%&' (here are two
)*estions+ ,i-e two answers)
d. 0hich class has the most s$mmetric set of 3@<s1
e. 0hich class has the most ske#ed set of 3@<s1
.. (2 pts.) < s"re$ cond"cted in a college intro stats class d"ring fall >;;7 asked st"dents a&o"t the
n"m&er of credit ho"rs ("nits) the$ #ere taking that ,"arter% The n"m&er of credit ho"rs ("nits)
for a random sample of 16 st"dents is:
10 10 12 14 15 15 15 15
17 17 19 20 20 20 20 22
a. Sketch a histogram for these data% Ase &in si+es of > and start #ith 1;%
b. -ind the mean n"m&er of credit ho"rs% (the standard deiation is a&o"t 7%9 credit ho"rs)
c. -ind the median and I6B for the n"m&er of credit ho"rs%
d. Is it more appropriate to "se the mean and standard deiation or the median and I6B to
s"mmari+e these data1 ?.plain #h$ $o" choose #hat $o" did%
5. (2 pts.) <t a large &"siness! emplo$ees m"st report to #ork at 9:7; <5% The arrial times of
emplo$ees can &e descri&ed &$ a Normal model #ith a mean of 9:>> <%5% and a standard
deiation of = min"tes%
a. 2ra# and clearl$ la&el this model! sho#ing the r"le a&o"t the percents
b. 0hat percent of emplo$ees are late on a t$pical #ork da$1
c. 0hat percent of emplo$ees arrie &et#een 9:>; and 9:7C <51
d. 0hat time is at the 8;
e. 0rite in #ords #hat $o"r ans#er in part d means% (Dne sentence is fine)

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