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Monday, December 20, 2010, 1:40 AM
Nine years afler lhe lerrorisl auacks of 2001, lhe Uniled Slales is
assembIing a vasl domeslic inleIIigence aaralus lo coIIecl
informalion aboul Americans, using lhe II, IocaI oIice, slale
homeIand securily oces and miIilary criminaI invesligalors.
The syslem, by far lhe Iargesl and mosl lechnoIogicaIIy sohislicaled
in lhe nalion's hislory, coIIecls, slores and anaIyzes informalion
aboul lhousands of U.S. cilizens and residenls, many of vhom have
nol been accused of any vrongdoing.
The governmenl's goaI is lo have every slale and IocaI Iav
enforcemenl agency in lhe counlry feed informalion lo Washinglon
lo buuress lhe vork of lhe II, vhich is in charge of lerrorism
invesligalions in lhe Uniled Slales.
Olher democracies - rilain and IsraeI, lo name lvo - are veII
acquainled vilh such domeslic securily measures. ul for lhe Uniled
Slales, lhe sum of lhese nev aclivilies reresenls a nev IeveI of
governmenlaI scruliny.
This IocaIized inleIIigence aaralus is arl of a Iarger To Secrel
America crealed since lhe auacks. In }uIy, The Washinglon Iosl
described an aIlernalive geograhy of lhe Uniled Slales, one lhal has
grovn so Iarge, unvieIdy and secrelive lhal no one knovs hov
much money il cosls, hov many eoIe il emIoys or hov many
rograms exisl vilhin il.
Today's slory, aIong vilh reIaled maleriaI on The Iosl's Web sile,
examines hov To Secrel America Iays oul al lhe IocaI IeveI. Il
describes a veb of 4,058 federaI, slale and IocaI organizalions, each
vilh ils ovn counlerlerrorism resonsibiIilies and |urisdiclions. Al
Ieasl 935 of lhese organizalions have been crealed since lhe 2001
auacks or became invoIved in counlerlerrorism for lhe hrsl lime afler
(Search our dalabase for your slale lo hnd a delaiIed rohIe of
counlerlerrorism eorls in your communily.)
The monlhs-Iong invesligalion, based on nearIy 100 inlervievs and
1,000 documenls, found lhal:
TechnoIogies and lechniques honed for use on lhe bauIeheIds of
Iraq and Afghanislan have migraled inlo lhe hands of Iav
enforcemenl agencies in America.
The II is buiIding a dalabase vilh lhe names and cerlain ersonaI
informalion, such as emIoymenl hislory, of lhousands of U.S.
cilizens and residenls vhom a IocaI oIice ocer or a feIIov cilizen
beIieved lo be acling susiciousIy. Il is accessibIe lo an increasing
number of IocaI Iav enforcemenl and miIilary criminaI invesligalors,
increasing concerns lhal il couId somehov end u in lhe ubIic
Seeking lo Iearn more aboul IsIam and lerrorism, some Iav
enforcemenl agencies have hired as lrainers seIf-described exerls
vhose exlremisl vievs on IsIam and lerrorism are considered
inaccurale and counlerroduclive by lhe II and U.S. inleIIigence
The Dearlmenl of HomeIand Securily sends ils slale and IocaI
arlners inleIIigence reorls vilh IiuIe meaningfuI guidance, and
slale reorls have somelimes inarorialeIy reorled on IavfuI
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In cilies across Tennessee and across lhe nalion IocaI
agencies are using sohislicaled equimenl and
lechniques lo kee an eye oul for lerrorisl lhreals -- and lo valch
Americans in lhe rocess. Launch GaIIery
The need lo idenlify U.S.-born or naluraIized cilizens vho are
Ianning vioIenl auacks is more urgenl lhan ever, U.S. inleIIigence
ociaIs say. This monlh's II sling oeralion invoIving a aIlimore
conslruclion vorker vho aIIegedIy Ianned lo bomb a MaryIand
miIilary recruiling slalion is lhe Ialesl examIe. Il foIIoved a simiIar
arresl of a SomaIi-born naluraIized U.S. cilizen aIIegedIy seeking lo
delonale a bomb near a Chrislmas lree Iighling ceremony in
IorlIand, Ore. There have been nearIy lvo dozen olher cases |usl lhis
"The oId viev lhal 'if ve hghl lhe lerrorisls abroad, ve von'l have lo
hghl lhem here' is |usl lhal - lhe oId viev," HomeIand Securily
Secrelary }anel NaoIilano loId oIice and hrehghlers recenlIy.
The Obama adminislralion heraIds lhis IocaI aroach as a
much-needed evoIulion in lhe vay lhe counlry confronls lerrorism.
To Secrel America is a ro|ecl lvo years in lhe making lhal
describes lhe huge securily buiIdu in lhe Uniled Slales afler lhe
Sel. 11, 2001, auacks. Today's slory is aboul lhose eorls al lhe IocaI
IeveI, incIuding Iav enforcemenl and homeIand securily agencies in
every slale and lhousands of communilies. Viev revious slories,
exIore reIalionshis belveen governmenl organizalions and lhe
lyes of vork being done, and viev lo-secrel geograhy on an
inleraclive ma.
Hovever, |usl as al lhe federaI IeveI, lhe eecliveness of lhese
rograms, as veII as lheir cosl, is dicuIl lo delermine. The
Dearlmenl of HomeIand Securily, for examIe, does nol knov hov
much money il sends each year on vhal are knovn as slale fusion
cenlers, vhich bring logelher and anaIyze informalion from various
agencies vilhin a slale.
The lolaI cosl of lhe IocaIized syslem is aIso hard lo gauge. The DHS
has given $31 biIIion in granls since 2003 lo slale and IocaI
governmenls for homeIand securily and lo imrove lheir abiIily lo
hnd and rolecl againsl lerrorisls, incIuding $3.8 biIIion in 2010. Al
Ieasl four olher federaI dearlmenls aIso conlribule lo IocaI eorls.
ul lhe buIk of lhe sending every year comes from slale and IocaI
budgels lhal are loo disaraleIy recorded lo aggregale inlo an
overaII lolaI.
The Iosl hndings ainl a iclure of a counlry al a crossroads, vhere
Iong-slanding rivacy rinciIes are under chaIIenge by lhese nev
eorls lo kee lhe nalion safe.
The ubIic face of lhis ivolaI eorl is NaoIilano, lhe former
governor of Arizona, vhich years ago buiIl one of lhe slrongesl slale
inleIIigence organizalions oulside of Nev York lo lry lo slo iIIegaI
immigralion and drug imorlalion.
NaoIilano has laken her "See Somelhing, Say Somelhing" camaign
far beyond lhe lrac signs lhal ask drivers coming inlo lhe nalion's
cailaI for "Terror Tis" and lo "Reorl Susicious Aclivily."
She recenlIy enIisled lhe heI of WaI-Marl, Amlrak, ma|or sorls
Ieagues, holeI chains and melro riders. In her seeches, she comares
lhe underlaking lo lhe CoId War hghl againsl communisls.
"This reresenls a shifl for our counlry," she loId Nev York Cily
oIice ocers and hrehghlers on lhe eve of lhe 9/11 anniversary lhis
faII. "In a sense, lhis harkens back lo vhen ve drev on lhe lradilion
of civiI defense and rearedness lhal redaled loday's concerns."
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On a recenl nighl in Memhis, a alroI car roIIed sIovIy lhrough a
arking Iol in a run-dovn seclion of lovn. The miIilary-grade
infrared camera on ils hood moved robolicaIIy from Iefl lo righl,
snaing digilaI images of one Iicense Iale afler anolher and
anaIyzing each aImosl inslanlIy.
SuddenIy, a red Iighl ashed on lhe car's screen aIong vilh lhe vord
"Gol a Iive one! Lel's do il," an ocer caIIed oul.
The slreels of Memhis are a vorId avay from lhe slreels of KabuI,
yel lhese days, lhe same lyes of lechnoIogies and lechniques are
being used in bolh Iaces lo idenlify and coIIecl informalion aboul
susecled criminaIs and lerrorisls.
The examIes go far beyond Memhis.
Hand-heId, vireIess hngerrinl scanners vere carried by U.S.
lroos during lhe insurgency in Iraq lo regisler residenls of enlire
neighborhoods. L-1 Idenlily SoIulions is seIIing lhe same lye of
equimenl lo oIice dearlmenls lo check molorisls' idenlilies.
In Arizona, lhe Maricoa Counly Sheri's IaciaI Recognilion Unil,
using a lye of equimenl revaIenl in var zones, records 9,000
biomelric digilaI mug shols a monlh.
U.S. Cusloms and order Iroleclion ies GeneraI Alomics'
Iredalor drones aIong lhe Mexican and Canadian borders - lhe same
kind of aircrafl, equied vilh reaI-lime, fuII-molion video cameras,
lhal has been used in vars in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanislan lo lrack
lhe enemy.
The seciaI oeralions unils deIoyed overseas lo kiII lhe aI-Qaeda
Ieadershi drove lechnoIogicaI advances lhal are nov exanding in
use across lhe Uniled Slales. On lhe fronl Iines, lhose advances
aIIoved lhe raid fusing of biomelric idenlihcalion, calured
comuler records and ceIIhone numbers so lroos couId Iaunch lhe
nexl surrise raid.
Here al home, il's lhe DHS lhal is enamored vilh coIIecling holos,
video images and olher ersonaI informalion aboul U.S. residenls in
lhe hoes of leasing oul lerrorisls.
The DHS heIed Memhis buy surveiIIance cameras lhal monilor
residenls near high-crime housing ro|ecls, robIemalic slreel
corners, and bridges and olher crilicaI infraslruclure. Il heIed ay
for Iicense Iale readers and defrayed some of lhe cosl of seuing u
Memhis's crime-anaIysis cenler. AII logelher il has given Memhis
$11 miIIion since 2003 in homeIand securily granls, mosl of vhich
lhe cily has used lo hghl crime.
"We have gol lhings nov ve didn'l have before," said Memhis
IoIice Dearlmenl Direclor Larry Godvin, vho has roduced record
numbers of arresls using aII lhis nev anaIysis and lechnoIogy. "Some
of lhem ve can laIk aboul. Some of lhem ve can'l."
One of lhe biggesl advocales of Memhis's dala revoIulion is }ohn
Harvey, lhe oIice dearlmenl's lechnoIogy seciaIisl, vhose
comuler syslems are lhe civiIian equivaIenl of lhe fancier seciaI
os equimenl used by lhe miIilary.
Harvey coIIecls any informalion he can ry oul of governmenl and
induslry. When ocers vere vasling lime knocking on lhe vrong
doors lo serve varranls, he ersuaded lhe IocaI uliIily comany lo
give him a daiIy udale of lhe names and addresses of cuslomers.
When he vanled more informalion aboul hones calured al crime
scenes, he rogrammed a vay lo slore aII emergency 911 caIIs, vhich
oflen incIude names and addresses lo associale vilh hone numbers.
He crealed anolher rogram lo uIoad nev crime reorls every hve
minules and mine lhem for lhe hone numbers of viclims, susecls,
vilnesses and anyone eIse Iisled on lhem.
Nov, inslead of having lo decide vhich Iicense Iale numbers lo
lye inlo a comuler consoIe in lhe alroI car, an ocer can simIy
drive around, and lhe aulomalic Iicense Iale reader on his hood
calures lhe numbers on every vehicIe nearby. If lhe ocer uIIs
over a driver, inslead of having lo vail 20 minules for someone back
al lhe oce lo manuaIIy check records, he can use a hand-heId
device lo inslanlIy caII u a mug shol, a SociaI Securily number, lhe
slalus of lhe driver's Iicense and any oulslanding varranls.
The comuler in lhe cruiser can leII an ocer even more aboul vho
ovns lhe vehicIe, lhe ovner's name and address and criminaI
hislory, and vho eIse vilh a criminaI hislory mighl Iive al lhe same
Take a recenl case of lvo ocers vilh lhe hood-mounled camera
equimenl vho sloed a man driving on a susended Iicense. One
handcued him, and lhe olher checked his ovn IDA. ased on lhe
informalion lhal came u, lhe man vas ordered dovnlovn lo ay a
hne and reIeased as lhe ocers drove o lo slo anolher car.
Thal vasn'l lhe end of il, lhough.
A record of lhal slo - and lhe delaiIs of every olher arresl made lhal
nighl, and every summons vriuen - vas aulomalicaIIy lransferred lo
lhe Memhis ReaI Time Crime Cenler, a command cenler vilh lhree
vaIIs of slreaming surveiIIance video and anaIysis caabiIilies lhal
rivaI lhose of an Army command cenler.
There, lhe informalion vouId be geocoded on a ma lo roduce a
visuaI rendering of crime auerns. This informalion vouId heI lhe
crime inleIIigence anaIysls redicl lrends so lhe dearlmenl couId
hgure oul vhal neighborhoods lo svarm vilh ocers and
surveiIIance cameras.
ul lhal vas sliII nol lhe end of il, because lhe hngerrinls from lhe
crime records vouId aIso go lo lhe II's dala camus in CIarksburg,
W.Va. There, hngerrinls from across lhe Uniled Slales are slored,
aIong vilh olhers coIIecled by American aulhorilies from risoners
in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Iraq and Afghanislan.
There are 96 miIIion sels of hngerrinls in CIarksburg, a voIume lhal
governmenl ociaIs viev nol as daunling bul as an oorlunily.
This year for lhe hrsl lime, lhe II, lhe DHS and lhe Defense
Dearlmenl are abIe lo search each olher's hngerrinl dalabases,
said Myra Gray, head of lhe Defense Dearlmenl's iomelrics
Idenlily Managemenl Agency, seaking lo an induslry grou
recenlIy. "HoefuIIy in lhe nol-loo-dislanl fulure," she said, "our
reIalionshi vilh lhese federaI agencies - aIong vilh slale and IocaI
agencies - viII be comIeleIy symbiolic."
/)0 !123- 3-4-5,6,#4-3 780-
Al lhe same lime lhal lhe II is exanding ils Wesl Virginia
dalabase, il is buiIding a vasl reosilory conlroIIed by eoIe vho
vork in a lo-secrel vauIl on lhe fourlh oor of lhe }. Idgar Hoover
II uiIding in Washinglon. This one slores lhe rohIes of lens of
lhousands of Americans and IegaI residenls vho are nol accused of
any crime. Whal lhey have done is aear lo be acling susiciousIy
lo a lovn sheri, a lrac co or even a neighbor.
If lhe nev Nalionvide Susicious Aclivily Reorling Inilialive, or
SAR, vorks as inlended, lhe Guardian dalabase may someday hoId
hIes forvarded by aII oIice dearlmenls across lhe counlry in
America's conlinuing search for lerrorisls vilhin ils borders.
The eecliveness of lhis dalabase deends, in facl, on coIIecling lhe
idenlilies of eoIe vho are nol knovn criminaIs or lerrorisls - and
on being abIe lo quickIy comiIe in-delh rohIes of lhem.
"If ve vanl lo gel lo lhe oinl vhere ve connecl lhe dols, lhe dols
have lo be lhere," said Richard A. McIeeIy, seciaI agenl in charge of
lhe II's aIlimore oce.
In resonse lo concerns lhal informalion in lhe dalabase couId be
imroerIy used or reIeased, II ociaIs say anyone vilh access has
been lrained in rivacy ruIes and lhe enaIlies for breaking lhem.
ul nol everyone is convinced. "Il oens a door for aII kinds of
abuses," said MichaeI German, a former II agenl vho nov Ieads
lhe American CiviI Liberlies Union's camaign on nalionaI securily
and rivacy mauers. "Hov do ve knov lhere are enough conlroIs`"
The governmenl dehnes a susicious aclivily as "observed behavior
reasonabIy indicalive of re-oeralionaI Ianning reIaled lo
lerrorism or olher criminaI aclivily" reIaled lo lerrorism.
Slale inleIIigence anaIysls and II invesligalors use lhe reorls lo
delermine vhelher a erson is buying ferliIizer lo make a bomb or lo
Ianl lomaloes, vhelher she is Iouing lo oison a cily's drinking
valer or sludying for a melaIIurgy lesl, vhelher, as haened on a
Sunday morning in Iale Selember, lhe man snaing a iclure of a
ferry in lhe Nevorl each harbor in Soulhern CaIifornia simIy
Iiked lhe vay il Iooked or vas Iouing lo bIov il u.
Susicious Aclivily Reorl N03821 says a IocaI Iav enforcemenl
ocer observed "a susicious sub|ecl . . . laking holograhs of lhe
Orange Counly Sheri Dearlmenl Iire oal and lhe aIboa Ierry
vilh a ceIIuIar hone camera." The conhdenliaI reorl, marked "Ior
OciaI Use OnIy," noled lhal lhe sub|ecl nexl made a hone caII,
vaIked lo his car and relurned hve minules Ialer lo lake more
iclures. He vas lhen mel by anolher erson, bolh of vhom slood
and "observed lhe boal lrac in lhe harbor." Nexl anolher aduIl vilh
lvo smaII chiIdren |oined lhem, and lhen lhey aII boarded lhe ferry
and crossed lhe channeI.
AII of lhis informalion vas forvarded lo lhe Los AngeIes fusion
cenler for furlher invesligalion afler lhe IocaI ocer ran informalion
aboul lhe vehicIe and ils ovner lhrough severaI crime dalabases and
found nolhing.
Aulhorilies vouId nol say vhal haened lo il from lhere, bul lhere
are severaI alhs a susicious aclivily reorl can lake:
Al lhe fusion cenler, an ocer vouId decide lo eilher dismiss lhe
susicious aclivily as harmIess or forvard lhe reorl lo lhe nearesl
II lerrorism unil for furlher invesligalion.
Al lhal unil, il vouId immedialeIy be enlered inlo lhe Guardian
dalabase, al vhich oinl one of lhree lhings couId haen:
The II couId coIIecl more informalion, hnd no conneclion lo
lerrorism and mark lhe hIe cIosed, lhough Ieaving il in lhe dalabase.
Il couId hnd a ossibIe conneclion and lurn il inlo a fuII-edged
Or, as mosl oflen haens, il couId make no secihc delerminalion,
vhich vouId mean lhal Susicious Aclivily Reorl N03821 vouId
sil in Iimbo for as Iong as hve years, during vhich lime many olher
ieces of informalion aboul lhe man holograhing a boal on a
Sunday morning couId be added lo his hIe: emIoymenl, hnanciaI
and residenliaI hislories, muIliIe hone numbers, audio hIes, video
from lhe dashboard-mounled camera in lhe oIice cruiser al lhe
harbor vhere he look iclures, and anylhing eIse in governmenl or
commerciaI dalabases "lhal adds vaIue," as lhe II agenl in charge of
lhe dalabase described il.
Thal couId soon incIude biomelric dala, if il exisled, lhe II is
vorking on a vay lo auach such informalion lo hIes. MeanvhiIe, lhe
bureau viII aIso soon have soflvare lhal aIIovs IocaI agencies lo
ma aII susicious incidenls in lheir |urisdiclion.
The Defense Dearlmenl is aIso inleresled in lhe dalabase. Il recenlIy
lransferred 100 reorls of susicious behavior inlo lhe Guardian
syslem, and over lime il execls lo add lhousands more as il
connecls 8,000 miIilary Iav enforcemenl ersonneI lo an II orlaI
lhal viII aIIov lhem lo send and reviev reorls aboul eoIe
susecled of casing U.S. bases or largeling American ersonneI.
And lhe DHS has crealed a searale vay for slale and IocaI
aulhorilies, rivale cilizens, and businesses lo submil susicious
aclivily reorls lo lhe II and lo lhe dearlmenl for anaIysis.
As of December, lhere vere 161,948 susicious aclivily hIes in lhe
cIassihed Guardian dalabase, moslIy Ieads from II headquarlers
and slale heId oces. Tvo years ago, lhe bureau sel u an
uncIassihed seclion of lhe dalabase so slale and IocaI agencies couId
send in susicious incidenl reorls and reviev lhose submiued by
lheir counlerarls in olher slales. Some 890 slale and IocaI agencies
have senl in 7,197 reorls so far.
Of lhose, 103 have become fuII invesligalions lhal have resuIled in al
Ieasl hve arresls, lhe II said. There have been no conviclions yel.
An addilionaI 365 reorls have added informalion lo ongoing cases.
ul mosl remain in lhe uncerlain middIe, vhich is vhy vilhin lhe
II and olher inleIIigence agencies lhere is much debale aboul lhe
eecliveness of lhe bouom-u SAR aroach, as veII as concern over
lhe rivacy imIicalions of relaining so much informalion on U.S.
cilizens and residenls vho have nol been charged vilh anylhing.
The vasl ma|orily of lerrorism Ieads in lhe Uniled Slales originale
from conhdenliaI II sources and from lhe bureau's coIIaboralion
vilh federaI inleIIigence agencies, vhich mainIy vork overseas.
OccasionaIIy a slo by a IocaI oIice ocer has sarked an
invesligalion. Ividence comes from largeled II surveiIIance and
undercover oeralions, nol from informalion and anaIysis generaled
by slale fusion cenlers aboul eoIe acling susiciousIy.
"Il's reaIIy resource-inecienl," said IhiIi Mudd, a 20-year CIA
counlerlerrorism exerl and a lo II nalionaI securily ociaI unliI
he relired nine monlhs ago. "If I vere lo have a diaIogue vilh lhe
counlry aboul lhis . . . il vouId be aboul nol onIy hov ve chase lhe
unknovns, bul do you vanl lo do susicious aclivily reorls across
lhe counlry` . . . Anyone vho is nol al Ieasl susecled of doing
somelhing criminaI shouId nol be in a dalabase."
CharIes AIIen, a Ionglime senior CIA ociaI vho lhen Ied lhe DHS's
inleIIigence oce unliI 2009, said some senior eoIe in lhe
inleIIigence communily are skelicaI lhal SARs are an eeclive vay
lo hnd lerrorisls. "Il's more IikeIy lhal olher kinds of more focused
eorls by IocaI oIice viII gain you lhe informalion lhal you need
aboul exlremisl aclivilies," he said.
The DHS can oinl lo some successes: Lasl year lhe CoIorado fusion
cenler lurned u informalion on Na|ibuIIah Zazi, an Afghan-born
U.S. residenl Ianning lo bomb lhe Nev York subvay syslem. In
2007, a IIorida fusion cenler rovided lhe vehicIe ovnershi hislory
used lo idenlify and arresl an Igylian sludenl vho Ialer Ieaded
guiIly lo roviding maleriaI suorl lo lerrorism, in lhis case
lransorling exIosives.
"Ninely-nine ercenl doesn'l an oul or Iead lo anylhing" said
Richard Lamberl }r., lhe seciaI agenl in charge of lhe II's KnoxviIIe
oce. "ul ve're hay lo vade lhrough lhese lhings."
9:50". ."*,+,+(;
Ramon Monli|o has laughl cIasses on lerrorism and IsIam lo Iav
enforcemenl ocers aII over lhe counlry.
"AIabama, CoIorado, Vermonl," said Monli|o, a former Army SeciaI
Iorces sergeanl and Los AngeIes IoIice Dearlmenl invesligalor
vho is nov a rivale securily consuIlanl. "CaIifornia, Texas and
Missouri," he conlinued.
Whal he leIIs lhem is aIvays lhe same, he said: Mosl MusIims in lhe
Uniled Slales vanl lo imose sharia Iav here.
"They vanl lo make lhis vorId IsIamic. The IsIamic ag viII y over
lhe While House - nol on my valch!" he said. "My |ob is lo vake u
lhe ubIic, and hrsl, lhe hrsl resonders."
Wilh so many IocaI agencies around lhe counlry being asked lo heI
calch lerrorisls, il oflen faIIs lo sheris or slale lrooers lo lry lo
undersland lhe vorId of lerrorism. They aren'l II agenls, vho have
years of on-lhe-|ob and cIassroom lraining.
Inslead, lhey are oflen eoIe Iike Lacy Craig, vho vas a oIice
disalcher before she became an inleIIigence anaIysl al Idaho's
fusion cenler, or lhe deleclives in Minnesola, Michigan and Arkansas
vho can laIk al Ienglh aboul lhe Iineage of gangs or lhe signs of a
cryslaI melh addicl.
Nov each of lhem is a go-lo erson on lerrorism as veII.
"The CIA used lo lrain anaIysls forever before lhey gradualed lo be a
reaI anaIysl," said AIIen, lhe former lo CIA and DHS ociaI. "Today
ve lake former Iav enforcemenl ocers and ve caII lhem
inleIIigence ocers, and lhal's nol righl, because lhey have nol
received any lraining on inleIIigence anaIysis."
Slale fusion cenler ociaIs say lheir anaIysls are geuing beuer vilh
lime. "There vas a lime vhen Iav enforcemenl didn'l knov much
aboul drugs. This is no dierenl," said Sleven W. Heviu, vho runs
lhe Tennessee fusion cenler, considered one of lhe besl in lhe
counlry. "Are ve exerls al lhe IeveI of |lhe NalionaI
Counlerlerrorism Cenlerj` No. Are ve deveIoing an exerlise`
ul hov lhey do lhal is usuaIIy Iefl u lo lhe IocaI oIice
dearlmenls lhemseIves. In lheir desire lo Iearn more aboul
lerrorism, many dearlmenls are hiring lheir ovn lrainers. Some are
seIf-described exerls vhose exlremisl vievs are considered
inaccurale and harmfuI by lhe II and olhers in lhe inleIIigence
Like Monli|o, WaIid Shoebal, a onelime MusIim vho converled lo
Chrislianily, aIso Ieclures lo IocaI oIice. He loo beIieves lhal mosl
MusIims seek lo imose sharia Iav in lhe Uniled Slales. To revenl
lhis, he said in an inlerviev, he varns ocers lhal "you need lo Iook
al lhe enlire ooI of MusIims in a communily."
When Shoebal soke lo lhe hrsl annuaI Soulh Dakola Iusion Cenler
Conference in Sioux IaIIs lhis }une, he loId lhem lo monilor MusIim
sludenl grous and IocaI mosques and, if ossibIe, la lheir hones.
"You can hnd oul a Iol of informalion lhal vay," he said.
A book exanding on vhal Shoebal and Monli|o beIieve has |usl
been ubIished by lhe Cenler for Securily IoIicy, a
Washinglon-based neoconservalive lhink lank. "Shariah: The Threal
lo America" describes vhal ils aulhors caII a "sleaIlh |ihad" lhal musl
be lhvarled before il's loo Iale.
The book's co-aulhors incIude such nolabIes as former CIA direclor
R. }ames WooIsey and former deuly undersecrelary of defense for
inleIIigence Ll. Gen. WiIIiam G. oykin, aIong vilh lhe cenler's
direclor, a Ionglime aclivisl. They vrile lhal mosl mosques in lhe
Uniled Slales aIready have been radicaIized, lhal mosl MusIim sociaI
organizalions are fronls for vioIenl |ihadisls and lhal MusIims vho
raclice sharia Iav seek lo imose il in lhis counlry.
Irank Ganey }r., direclor of lhe cenler, said his leam has soken
videIy, incIuding lo many Iav enforcemenl forums.
"Members of our leam have been invoIved in lraining rograms for
severaI years nov, many of vhich have been focused on IocaI Iav
enforcemenl inleIIigence, homeIand securily, slale oIice, NalionaI
Guard unils and lhe Iike," Ganey said. "We're seeing a considerabIe
raming-u of inleresl in geuing lhis kind of lraining."
Governmenl lerrorism exerls caII lhe vievs exressed in lhe
cenler's book inaccurale and counlerroduclive. They say lhe DHS
shouId increase ils lraining of IocaI oIice, using leachers vho have
evidence-based vievoinls.
DHS sokesvoman Amy Kudva said lhe dearlmenl does nol
mainlain a Iisl of lerrorism exerls bul is vorking on guideIines for
IocaI aulhorilies vreslIing vilh lhe loic.
So far, lhe dearlmenl has lrained 1,391 IocaI Iav enforcemenl
ocers in anaIyzing ubIic informalion and 400 in anaIylic lhinking
and vriling skiIIs. Kudva said lhe dearlmenl aIso oers
counlerlerrorism lraining lhrough lhe IederaI Imergency
Managemenl Agency, vhich lhis year enroIIed 94 eoIe in a course
caIIed "Advanced CriminaI InleIIigence AnaIysis lo Irevenl
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The DHS aIso rovides IocaI agencies a daiIy ov of informalion
These reorls are meanl lo inform agencies aboul ossibIe lerror
lhreals. ul some ociaIs say lhey deIiver a never-ending slream of
informalion lhal is vague, aIarmisl and oflen useIess. "Il's Iike a
garage in your house you kee lhroving |unk inlo unliI you can'l
ark your car in il," says MichaeI Dovning, deuly chief of
counlerlerrorism and seciaI oeralions for lhe Los AngeIes IoIice
A reviev of nearIy 1,000 DHS reorls daling back lo 2003 and
IabeIed "Ior OciaI Use OnIy" underscores Dovning's descrilion.
TyicaI is one from May 24, 2010, lilIed "Infraslruclure Iroleclion
Nole: IvoIving Threals lo lhe HomeIand."
Il leIIs ociaIs lo oerale "under lhe remise lhal olher oeralives
are in lhe counlry and couId advance Iouing vilh IiuIe or no
varning." Ils Iisl of vuInerabIe faciIilies seems lo incIude |usl aboul
everylhing: "CommerciaI IaciIilies, Governmenl IaciIilies, anking
and IinanciaI and Transorlalion . . ."
arl R. }ohnson, vho heads lhe DHS's inleIIigence and anaIysis
oce, defended such reorls, saying lhal lhreal reorling has
"grovn and malured and become more focused." The buIIelins can'l
be more secihc, he said, because lhey musl be vriuen al lhe
uncIassihed IeveI.
RecenlIy, lhe InlernalionaI Associalion of Chiefs of IoIice agreed lhal
lhe informalion lhey vere receiving had become "more limeIy and
reIevanl" over lhe asl year.
Dovning, hovever, said lhe reorls vouId be more heIfuI if lhey al
Ieasl assessed lhreals vilhin a secihc slale's boundaries.
Slales have lried lo do lhal on lheir ovn, bul vilh mixed, and al
limes robIemalic, resuIls.
In 2009, for inslance, afler lhe DHS and lhe II senl oul severaI
ambiguous reorls aboul lhreals lo mass-lransil syslems and sorls
and enlerlainmenl venues, lhe Nev }ersey RegionaI Oeralions
InleIIigence Cenler's Threal AnaIysis Irogram added ils ovn
informalion. "Nev }ersey has a Iarge mass-lransil infraslruclure," ils
reorl varned, and "an NIL sladium and NHL/NA arenas, a soccer
sladium, and severaI concerl venues lhal auracl Iarge crovds."
In Virginia, lhe slale's fusion cenler ubIished a lerrorism lhreal
assessmenl in 2009 naming hisloricaIIy bIack coIIeges as olenliaI
hubs for lerrorism.
Irom 2005 lo 2007, lhe MaryIand Slale IoIice venl even furlher,
inhIlraling and IabeIing as lerrorisls IocaI grous devoled lo human
righls, anlivar causes and bike Ianes.
And in IennsyIvania lhis year, a IocaI conlraclor hired lo vrile
inleIIigence buIIelins hIIed lhem vilh informalion aboul IavfuI
meelings as varied as IennsyIvania Tea Iarly Ialriols CoaIilion
galherings, anlivar rolesls and an evenl al vhich environmenlaI
aclivisls dressed u as Sanla CIaus and handed oul coaI-hIIed
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Iven if lhe informalion vere beuer, il mighl nol make a dierence
for lhe simIesl of reasons: In many cilies and lovns across lhe
counlry, lhere is |usl nol enough lerrorism-reIaled vork lo do.
In Ulah on one recenl day, one of hve inleIIigence anaIysls in lhe
slale's fusion cenler vas vriling a reorl aboul lhe rise in leenage
overdoses of an over-lhe-counler drug. Anolher vas making sure lhe
visiling residenl of SenegaI had a safe lri. Anolher had |usl heIed
a smaII lovn lrack dovn lvo eoIe vho vere seIIing magazine
subscrilions and ockeling lhe money lhemseIves.
In lhe CoIorado Informalion AnaIysis Cenler, some invesligalors
vere foIIoving lerrorism Ieads. Olhers vere Iooking inlo iIIegaI
CraigsIisl oslings and onIine "WorId of Warcrafl" gamers.
The vasl ma|orily of fusion cenlers across lhe counlry have
lransformed lhemseIves inlo anaIylicaI hubs for aII crimes and are
using federaI granls, handed oul in lhe name of homeIand securily,
lo combal everyday oenses.
This is haening because, afler 9/11, IocaI Iav enforcemenl grous
did vhal every agency and rivale comany did in To Secrel
America: They foIIoved lhe money.
The DHS heIed lhe Memhis IoIice Dearlmenl, for examIe,
urchase 90 surveiIIance cameras, incIuding 13 lhal monilor bridges
and a causevay. Il heIed buy lhe fancy screens on lhe vaIIs of lhe
ReaI Time Crime Cenler, as veII as radios, robolic surveiIIance
equimenl, a mobiIe command cenler and lhree bomb-sning dogs.
AII came in lhe name of orl securily and roleclion lo crilicaI
Since lhere hasn'l been a soIid lerrorism case in Memhis yel, lhe
equimenl's grealesl vaIue has been lo heI drive dovn cily crime.
Where lhe mobiIe surveiIIance cameras are sel u, criminaIs scauer,
said Ll. Mark RevaIl, vho, on a recenl Salurday nighl, scanned lhe
cily from an aIlilude of 1,000 feel.
IIying in a oIice heIicoler, RevaIl oinled oul some of lhe cameras
lhe DHS has funded. They are aII over lhe cily, in maII arking Iols,
in housing ro|ecls, al ouIar slreel hang-ouls. "Cameras are vhal's
haening nov," he marveIed.
MeanvhiIe, anolher osl-9/11 unil in Tennessee has had even Iess
lerrorism-reIaled vork lo do.
The Tennessee NalionaI Guard 45lh Weaons of Mass Deslruclion
CiviI Suorl Team, one of al Ieasl 50 such unils around lhe counlry,
vas crealed lo resond lo vhal ociaIs sliII beIieve is lhe inevilabIe
reIease of chemicaI, bioIogicaI or radioIogicaI maleriaI by lerrorisls.
The unil's 22 hazardous-maleriaIs ersonneI have lhe besl
emergency equimenl in lhe slale. A eel of navy-bIue vehicIes -
command, resonse, deleclion and laclicaI oeralions lrucks - is kel
oIished and ready lo roII in a garage al lhe armory in Smyrna.
The unil raclices WMD scenarios conslanlIy. ul in reaI Iife, lhe
crev uses lhe equimenl very IiuIe: lvice a year al NASCAR races in
nearby risloI lo alroI for susicious ackages. Olher lhan lhal, said
Cal. Mau Hayes, severaI limes a year lhey resond lo hoaxes.
The facl lhal lhere has nol been much lerrorism lo vorry aboul is nol
evidenl on lhe Tennessee fusion cenler's Web sile. CIick on lhe
incidenl ma, and lhe slale aears lo be under auack.
Red icons of exIosions dol Tennessee, aIong vilh bIinking
excIamalion marks and ashing skuIIs. The ma is IabeIed:
"Terrorism Ivenls and Olher Susicious Aclivily.
ul if you roII over lhe icons, lhe exIanalions lhal o u have
nolhing lo do vilh ma|or lerrorisl Iols: "}ohnson Cily oIice are
invesligaling lhree 'bouIe bombs' found al homes over lhe asl lhree
days," one descrilion read recenlIy. ". . . The exIosives vere made
from Iaslic bouIes vilh somelhing inside lhal reacled chemicaIIy
and caused lhe bouIes lo bursl."
Anolher loId a simiIar slory: "The Scou Counly Courlhouse is
currenlIy under evacualion afler a bomb lhreal vas caIIed in Iriday
morning. Udale: Aulhorilies comIeled lheir svee . . . and have
caIIed o lhe evacualion."
Nine years afler 9/11, lhis ma is arl of lhe aIlernalive geograhy
lhal is To Secrel America, vhere miIIions of eoIe are assigned lo
heI slo lerrorism. Memhis IoIice Direclor Godvin is one of lhem,
and he has his ovn version of vhal lhal means in a cily vhere lhere
have been 86 murders so far lhis year.
"We have our ovn lerrorisls, and lhey are laking Iives every day,"
Godvin said. "No, ve don'l have suicide bombers - nol yel. ul you
need lo remain vigiIanl and reaIize hov vuInerabIe you can be if you
Iel u."
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