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Year Community Health Nursing
Viva Questions
Define RCH
What are the components of RCH
What are the main highlights of RCH?
What are the interventions of RCH?
What are first referral units, uner !hich "rogramme theses are
#$" act !as mae in !hich year?
What are the e%uipment &its supplie at su' center level?
What are the e%uipment &its supplie at "HC level?
What are the e%uipment &its supplie at CHC()R*?
What are the main components of essential ne!'orn care?
When !as the oral rehyration programme starte?
Which rug is supplie to health !or&ers to treat +R, - pneumonia?
Ho! many oses of Vit.+ are given to chilren? +t !hat time? What
is the ose?

Ho! much is the ose of iron - folic aci provie to chilren at su'
center level?
What are the components of C//# programme?
When oes the RCH phase ,, 'egan?
What are the ma0or strategies uner RCH phase ,,?
What are the minimum services to 'e provie 'y a fully functional
What are the critical eterminants of a facility 'eing eclare as )R*?
What are the necessary facilities to perform the full range of )R*
What are the ne! initiatives uner RCH phase ,,?
When oes C//# starte?
1)H, create an starte 'y?
What are the o'0ectives of national health policy 2332?
What are the goals to 'e achieve 'y 2345?
What is the other mane for 1hore committee? When it !as appointe?
What are the recommenations of 1hore committee?
Year of appointment - recommenations of all the committees
What is 6health for all7?
What are the plan perios an o'0ectives of 8
, 43
, - 44
five year
What are the three official organs at central level?
What are the functions of union ministry of health an family
What are the functions of irectorate general of health services?
What are the functions of central council of health?
What oes the state health aministration comprises of?
What are the 9 types of aministrative areas at the istrict level?
Define primary health care?
:lements of primary health care?
What are the principles of primary healthcare?
What are the health relate goals uner millennium evelopment
What 'are five ma0or sectors in health care elivery system in ,nia?
What are the functions of "HC?
/taffing pattern at "HC?
;uielines for selecting village health guie?
)unctions of angan!ai !or&ers?
)or ho! much population one su' centre !ill 'e esta'lishe?
)unctions of a su' center
<ne "HC is esta'lishe for ho! much population?
)unctions of D"HN<
)unctions of health assistants
=ist out the voluntary health agencies in ,nia?
When the ,nian Re Cross society !as esta'lishe?
)unctions of ,nian re cross society
=ist out the national health programmes in ,nia?
When oes national rural health mission !as launche?
What is the main aim of NRH#?
Who !ill 'e !or&ing uner NRH#?
Role an responsi'ilities of +sha !or&ers?
Define international %uarantine?
$ypes of %uarantine
Define active surveillance
$ypes of surveillance
+ims an purpose of international health regulations 2335
Notifia'le iseases uner ,HR
Health avices to travelers
Vaccination certificate for !hich isease is re%uire for international
Which all are the areas comes uner yello! fever enemic >one?
What oes the meical &it of travelers shoul contain?
What are the o'0ectives of #CH care?
What are the inicators of #CH care?
What o you mean 'y antenatal care?
<'0ectives of antenatal care?
,eally ho! many antenatal visits a mother shoul have?
)irst visit shoul inclue
/u'se%uent visit shoul inclue
Who all comes uner high ris& group?
"renatal avices
What is the effect of smo&ing on pregnancy?
What is the effect of alcohol on pregnancy?
What are some of the rugs !hich cause averse effects on pregnancy
on fetus?
What is the effect of raiation on pregnancy?
=ist out the !arning signs of pregnancy?
Ho! much iron an folic aci is given aily to the mother to prevent
When the $$ in0ection is given?
When oes Rh anti D immunoglo'ulin is given to prevent
sensiti>ation uring first pregnancy?
What is o'stetrical e?amination?
What all you !ill collect uner prenatal health history?
Ho! !ill you calculate uration of pregnancy?
What is the necessity to e?amine 'reast uring pregnancy?
Ho! much !eight 'reast gain uring antenatal perio?
+t ho! many !ee&s #ontgomery tu'ercles appear?
+t ho! many !ee&s 'reast mil& can 'e e?presse?
What are the aims of a'ominal e?amination?
What !ill you avice mother( &eep in your min 'efore performing
antenatal assessment?
What !ill you assess for(fin out in inspection?
What are the o'stetric grips?
When oes %uic&ening occur?
What is %uic&ening?
What is Cariff7s metho of counting fetal movements?
What are the common positions of fetus?
Where !ill you locate fetal heart souns on =<+, =<", R<+, R<",
What are the responsi'ilities of community health nurse in prenatal
What !ill you avice a mother !ho is at term?
What is lightening? When it occurs?
What are the psychological changes uring pregnancy?
What are some of the antenatal e?ercises?
Ho! these e?ercises help antenatal mother(
What is the ieal !eight gain uring pregnancy?
What are the aims of intranatal care?
What are the five cleans?
What are the anger signs?
What are the ifferences 'et!een true an false la'or pains?
Ho! !ill you prevent infection uring pregnancy?
What are the complications of la'or?
Ho! !ill you manage ""H case in the community?
What are the o'0ectives of postnatal care?
What are the complications of postnatal perio?
What is lochia? What are the types an contents of each type?
What health eucation you !ill give to a post natal mother?
What is the immeiate care of ne!'orn?
What is the normal HC, CC, cro!n rump length an hea to feet
length of a ne!'orn?
What are milia?
What are the common health pro'lems of ne!'orn?
What are the 'reast feeing techni%ues?
What is !eaning(
What are aims an o'0ectives of uner five clinics?
What is ;<1,)))?
What are the 'asic criteria for ientifying at ris& infants?
What are the common isorers !hich can 'e screene uring
neonatal perio?
What is the management of +R, at home?
Causes of infant mortality rate?
Causes of maternal mortality rate?
What is maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate an neonatal
mortality rate?
"rinciples of artificial feeing
Determinants of gro!th an evelopment
What is roa to health chart?
*ses of gro!th chart
Ho! !ill you interpret the grae of malnutrition using gro!th chart
recommene 'y the ;ovt@ of ,nia?
When !as the school health committee constitute?
What are the health pro'lems in school chilren?
What are the o'0ectives of school health services?
What are the aspects of /H/?
What oes health appraisal contains?
What are the clues for a school teacher to ientify chilren !ho nee
meical attention?
What o you mean 'y healthful school environment?
What are the minimum stanars for sanitation of the school?
What are the common mental health pro'lems of school chilren?
What is the most important element of school health "rogramme?
=ist out the school health recors?
Health eucation in school shoul cover
What is the goal of eucation of hanicappe chilren?
What is the purpose of maintaining school health recors?
Role of nurse in /H/?
Health supervision inclues
+ssessment of psychological aspect of chilren inclues
What is school health aministration?
Define evaluation
"urpose of evaluation
$ypes of evaluation
/teps of evaluation
=evels of planning methoology
Ho! the evaluation of performance of an agency is one?
What is auit revie!?
Ho! the evaluation of 0o' performance of an iniviual is one?
What is performance appraisal?
<'0ectives of performance appraisal
"rinciples of performance appraisal
$ools of performance appraisal
:lements(components(principles of evaluation?
Define supervision
Define supervisor
Nee for supervision
"rinciples of supervision
$ools use for supervision
Qualities of a goo supervisor
/&ills of a supervisor
#ethos of supervision
/upervisory responsi'ilities
/teps in supervision
Ho! !ill you supervise nursing personnel at !or&?
/upervision of nursing personnel uring home visits
What is recor supervision?
$ypes of recor supervision
What is iniviual conference?
What is orientation of ne! staff?
<rientation programme inclues
What is in.service eucation?
Define health eucation
+ims an o'0ectives of health eucation
What are the contents of health eucation?
What are the levels of health eucation?
"rinciples of health eucation
What are the approaches to health eucation?
What are auio visual ais? Classification of auio visual ais?
#ethos of health communication
/teps of health eucation planning
When the central health eucation 'ureau !as !as esta'lishe?
What are the main functions of central health eucation 'ureau?
Role of community health nurse in health eucation
What are the ma0or nutritional pro'lems in pu'lic health?
What is lo! 'irth !eight?
What are the causes of lo! 'irth !eight?
"reventive measures for lo! 'irth !eight?
Ho! !ill you treat lo! 'irth !eight 'a'ies?
What is protein energy malnutrition?
What are the ma0or causes of protein energy malnutrition?
Clinical feature of ":#
Classification of ":#
Ho! !e can prevent ":#?
What is the management of ":#?
What are the ingreients of Hyera'a mi??
What is ?erophthalmia?
Causes of ?erophthalmia
"revention an control of ?erophthalmia
What is the short term an long term management of ?erophthalmia?
What is nutritional anemia?
What are the signs an symptoms of nutritional anemia?
What are the main effects of anemia on pregnancy?
"revention an management of anemia
Which is the !orl7s 'iggest goiter 'elt?
What are the essential components of goiter control programme
What is enemic fluorosis?
What are the to?ic manifestations of fluorosis?
When the ental fluorosis occurs?
What happens in ental fluorosis?
What are the interventions to treat fluorosis?
What is Nalgona techni%ue of efluoriation of !ater?
What is lathyrism?
Which is the pulse causing lathyrism?
What is the to?in present in the lathyrus sees?
What are the stages of lathyrism?
What are the intervention for prevention an control of lathyrism?
What are the methos of removing to?in?
What are the foo 'orne iseases?
What is nutritional survey?
<'0ectives of nutritional survey
What are the types of nutritional survey?
What are the methos of nutritional assessment?
Ho! !ill you calculate !eight for age, !eight for height, an s&in
fol thic&ness?
What is %uantitative an %ualitative ietetic assessment?
What is nutritional surveillance?
<'0ectives of nutritional surveillance
What are the preventive an social measures to prevent malnutrition?
Define malnutrition
Causes of malnutrition
What are the nutritional programmes?
What is Vit A+ "rophyla?is "rogramme !hen it is launche?
What is /pecial Nutritional "rogramme? What are its 'enefits?
When the 1al!ai Nutritional "rogramme !as starte?
What is ,CD/? When it !as starte?
What are the pac&ages of ,CD/?
When miay meal programme !as starte?
What are the principles of miay meal programme?
What is applie nutrition programme? When it !as starte?
What are the programmes are planne to increase availa'ility of foo?
Define occupational health?
What are the factors affecting occupational environment?
What are the occupational ha>ars?
What is pneumoconiosis?
What is silicosis? /igns an symptoms, prevention of silicosis?
What is 'yssinosis, 'agossis, as'estosis, farmer7s lung?
What are the clinical features an preventive measure of lea
What are the occupational ha>ars of te?tile !or&ers?
What are the causes of occupational ermatitis?
What are the raiation ha>ars an its prevention?
What are the occupational ha>ars of agricultural !or&ers?
What is sic&ness a'sentism?
What are the health pro'lems ue to inustriali>ation?
What are the measures to health protection of !or&ers?
What are the preventive measures of occupational ha>ars?
What is factories act !hen it !as formulate?
What is the scope an 'enefits of factories act?
When !as the :/, act passe?
What are the 'enefits of :/, act?
What is Reye7s synrome?
Define family planning?
<'0ectives of family planning
/cope of family planning
Health aspects of family planning
What is small family norm?
What oes the term eligi'le couple refers to?
What oes the term target couple refers to?
What is couple protection rate?
When !as the first National "opulation "olicy forme?
What are the contraceptive methos?
Name some 'arrier methos?
What are the avantages of conom?
What is ,*D?
What are the types of ,*D?
What is the mechanism of action of ,*D?
What are the contrainications for ,*D?
What is the ieal time for inserting ,*D?
Who are the ieal caniates for ,*D insertion?
What are the sie effects of ,*D?
What is the classification of hormonal contraceptives?
Within ho! much of time post.coital contraception can 'e
+vantages an isavantages of hormonal methos?
What is D#"+? When it is to ta&en?
What is N:$.:N?
What are su' ermal implants of contraceptives?
=ist out the post conceptional methos?
What is #$" act? When it !as passe?
What are the 5 conitions ientifie uner #$" act?
What is safe perio(rhythm metho?
What are the natural family planning methos?
What are the terminal methos?
"re - post op care of mother poste for tu'ectomy?
What is the post operative care for vasectomy?
Define epiemiology?
What are the aims of epiemiology?
What is incience - prevalence?
=ist out the epiemiological methos?
What is epiemic, enemic - panemic?
What o you mean 'y analytical epiemiology?
What are the uses of epiemiology?
What o you mean 'y 6case7 - 6carrier7?
What are su'clinical cases?
What o you mean 'y contagious isease?
What is active immunity, passive immunity - her immunity?
=ist some of the live vaccines?
What o you mean 'y col chin system?
What are the o7s an on7ts of col chain system?
What is :",? When it !as launche in ,nia?
National immuni>ation scheule
What is isinfection?
What is sterili>ation?
What are com'ine vaccines?
What are the 5 ma0or classes of immunoglo'ulin?
Contrainications for live vaccines?!hat are the 9 vaccines
recommene 'y WH< for inclusion in :",?
What is latent perio?
What is meian incu'ation perio?
=ist out moes of transmission of isease?
+ll $he National Health "rogrammes A Year, <'0ectives(;oals,
/uccess Rate, Role <f Community Heath Nurse
Rea Whole :piemiology Chapter
Revise 4
- 2
Year /ylla'us@
+ll $he Communica'le +n Non Communica'le Diseases )rom
"+RB A Causitive <rganism, /ource <f ,nfection, #oe <f
$ransmission, /pecific +gent,Host - :nvtal )actores, ,ncu'ation
"erio, Clinicalfeatures(Clinical /tages, =a' Diagnosis, "revention
-ControlCVaccines, Dose, Route, $ime <f +ministrationD,
Name of the
le isease
#oe of
n perio
ose, routeD

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