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Lab Assignment-4

The following questions pertain to a database with the following tables.

Suppliers - S (S#, Name, Status, City)
arts - (#, name, Colour, !eight, City)
ro"e#ts - $ ($#, $name, City)
Shipment - S$ (S#, #, $#, %ty)
The signifi#an#e of an S$ re#ord is that the spe#ified supplier supplies the spe#ified part to the
spe#ified pro"e#t in the spe#ified quantity (and the #ombination S#-#-$# uniquely identifies su#h
a re#ord).
&. 'et full details of all pro"e#ts in (ondon.
). 'et S# for suppliers who supply pro"e#t $&.
*. 'et all part-#olor+part-#ity #ombinations.
,. 'et all S#+#+$# triples su#h that all are #o-lo#ated.
-. 'et al S#, #, $# triples su#h that they are not all #o-lo#ated.
.. 'et # for parts supplied by a supplier in (ondon.
/. 'et all pairs of #ities su#h that a supplier in the first #ity supplies to a ro"e#t in the se#ond
0. 'et $# for pro"e#ts supplied by at least one supplier not in the same #ity.
1. 'et all pairs of part numbers su#h that some supplier supplies both the indi#ated parts.
&2. 'et the total quantity of part & supplied by S&.
&&. 3or ea#h part supplied to a pro"e#t, get the #, $# and #orresponding total quantity.
&). 'et # of parts supplied to some pro"e#t in an a4erage quantity 5 *)2.
&*. 'et pro"e#t names for pro"e#ts supplied by supplier S&.
&,. 'et #olors of parts supplied by S&.
&-. 'et $# for pro"e#ts using at least one part a4ailable from supplier S&.
&.. 'et supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least one part supplied by at least one
supplier who supplies at least one red part.
&/. 'et supplier numbers for suppliers with a status lower than that of supplier S&.
&0. 'et pro"e#t numbers for pro"e#ts not supplied with any red part by any (ondon supplier.
S Table
-- --------------- --------- --------
s1 smith 20 london
s2 jones 10 paris
s3 la!e 30 paris
s" #lar! 20 london
s$ adams 30 athens
P Table
%# %NAME C&'&U( )EI*+T CITY
-- --------- ------ --------- ---------
p1 n,t red 12 london
p2 olt -reen 1. paris
p3 s#re/ l,e 1. rome
p" s#re/ red 1" london
p$ #am l,e 12 paris
p0 #o- red 11 london
J Table
-- --------------- ---------
j1 sorter paris
j2 displa3 rome
j3 o#r athens
j" #onsole athens
j$ raid london
j0 eds oslo
j. tape london
SPJ Table
S# %# 2# 4TY
-- -- -- ---------
s1 p1 j1 200
s1 p1 j" .00
s2 p3 j1 "00
s2 p3 j2 200
s2 p3 j3 200
s2 p3 j" $00
s2 p3 j$ 000
s2 p3 j0 "00
s2 p3 j. 500
s2 p$ j2 100
s3 p3 j1 200
s3 p" j2 $00
s" p0 j3 300
s" p0 j. 300
s$ p2 j2 200
s$ p2 j" 100
s$ p$ j$ $00
s$ p$ j. 100
s$ p0 j2 200
s$ p1 j" 100

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