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Peru | Ministry of Environment


National capacity building workshop for the development of
nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAAs!

New international guidelines for climate change mitigation
"# and "$ arch %&"' ( )ima* Peru

Peru | Ministry of Environment


Table of Contents

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Objectives of the workshop ................................................................................................................................. 4
+nformation and resources available .................................................................................................................. 4
1. Nationa conte!t for the "eveopment of N#M#s in Peru $ E"uar"o %uran" &M'N#M( ................................ )
*. Presentation of workin+ +roup resuts, "eveopin+ N#M#s .......................................................................... -
*.1. 'nte+rate" urban transport in Peru.........................................-
*.*. N#M# for the construction sector........................................../
*.3. Nationa pro+ramme for the sustainabe use of biomass............................10
', -orkshop conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 11
#, The challenges ahead.................................................................................................................................... 1*
). #nne!es ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
#nne! 1. #+en"a......................................................13
#nne! *. 1ist of participants...............................................14

Peru | Ministry of Environment



2he Nationa 3apacity 4ui"in+ 5orkshop for the %eveopment of Nationay #ppropriate Miti+ation #ctions &N#M#s( was
he" on 14 an" 1) March *013 in 1ima6 Peru. 't was or+anise" by the Peruvian Ministry of Environment &M'N#M( with the
support of 7erman cooperation &%eutsche 7eseschaft f8r 'nternationae 9usammenarbeit $ 7'9(6 the 1ow Emission 3apacity
4ui"in+ Pro+ramme &:N%P;European :nion6 #ustraia( an" the Miti+ation Momentum project &E3O<=> an" the Ener+y
?esearch 3entre for the Netheran"s(6 mainy fun"e" by the 'nternationa 3imate 'nitiative &'3'( of the 7erman <e"era
Ministry for the Environment. 2he workshop took pace within the framework of the 'nternationa Partnership on Miti+ation
an" M?@.

't brou+ht to+ether forty e!perts from pubic an" private institutions in the ener+y6 in"ustria6 a+ricutura an" transport
sectors. 2he purpose of the workshop was to, provi"e capacity bui"in+ for new +reenhouse +as &7A7( emission miti+ation
initiatives6 such as N#M#sB anayse the miti+ation potentia for three areas6 namey sustainabe transport6 ener+y pro"uction
from a+ricutura waste6 an" the construction in"ustryB an" provi"e trainin+ in the use of toos "esi+ne" to "eveop specific
i"eas for N#M#s.

2he two;"ay trainin+ event was base" on an approach combinin+ theory an" practice. 2he first "ay feature" a conceptua
overview of N#M#s6 focusin+ on their potentia for re"ucin+ 7A7 emissions an" on opportunities for impementin+ N#M#s
in the tar+ete" sectors in Peru in an effective an" sustainabe manner. 2he N#M# 2oo was presente" on the secon" "ay6
foowe" by e!ercises where participants simuate" the N#M# "eveopment process. 2he outcomes were presente" an"
"iscusse" in a penary session an" use" as input to "raw up sectora roa"maps for ow 7A7 emission "eveopment in the

2he workshop aso provi"e" an opportunity for the "ifferent actors invove" to e!chan+e e!periences an" "iscuss reevant
issues. 2he workin+ +roups estabishe" wi continue their work to "eveop the N#M# roa"maps an" report on pro+ress
ma"e at the 'nter31'M# event to be he" in October of this year an" at other nationa an" internationa fora he" for the
e!chan+e of e!periences in this area.

Ob.ectives of the workshop

2o stren+then the capacities of reevant actors from PeruCs ener+y6 housin+ an" transport sectors to "eveop nationay
appropriate miti+ation actions &N#M#s(.
2o anayse miti+ation potentia in the three tar+ete" sectors an" "eveop specific i"eas for N#M#s.
2o provi"e input to "eveop roa"maps for the N#M#s an" "isseminate the resuts in nationa an" internationa fora
he" to e!chan+e knowe"+e an" e!periences in this area6 such as 'nter31'M#6 the 1atin #merican 3arbon <orum6 M#'N
%iao+ue6 E3;1E%> &Enhancin+ 3apacity for 1ow Emission %eveopment >trate+ies(6 meetin+s of the 'nternationa
Partnership on Miti+ation an" M?@6 an" internationa ne+otiations.

+nformation and resources available

# the metho"oo+ica resources an" workshop presentations have been poste" on the website of the 'nternationa
Partnership on Miti+ation an" M?@ an" can be foun" by foowin+ this ink, http,DDmiti+ationpartnership.netDperu;technica;

<urther information can be foun" on M'N#MCs website, http,DDcambiocimatico.minam.+ob.peD &in >panish(.

Peru | Ministry of Environment


", National conte/t for the development of NAAs in Peru ( Eduardo 0urand (+NA!

Policy conte/t1 the national framework for climate change
1FF3, 2he Nationa 3imate 3han+e 3ommission was create".
*00*, Peru ratifie" the Gyoto Protoco.
*003, 2he first nationa cimate chan+e strate+y was a"opte".
*00), 2he 7enera Environment #ct was passe".
*00/, 2he Ministry of Environment was create" out of what was the
Nationa Environment 3ounci.
*00F, 2he nationa environment poicy was a"opte"6 incorporatin+
cimate chan+e as a poicy component.
*010, 2he action pan for cimate chan+e a"aptation an" miti+ation
was formuate".
*013, 5ork is in pro+ress to up"ate the nationa cimate chan+e
strate+y6 with a view to revisin+ the conceptua framework an" the
"ecision;makin+ process.

2oluntary commitments made by Peru for %&%"
?emovas an" Hero net emissions in the cate+ory of an" use6 an" use chan+e an" forestry.
'ncreasin+ the share of non;conventiona renewabe ener+y sources an" hy"ropower in the nationa ener+y mi!6 so
that to+ether they account for at east 40E of ener+y consume" in the country.
?ecovery an" use of methane from an"fi +as.

Action to promote low carbon development in Peru
Planning for 3limate 3hange pro.ect (Plan33!
2he objectives of the project are to,
; compie Iuantitative evi"ence on possibe cimate chan+e miti+ation scenarios in the country in or"er to
"eveop poicies an" investment pannin+ that take into account cimate chan+e issuesB
; stren+then nationa capacities an" ay the foun"ations for ow carbon economic +rowth in the on+ termB
; promote re+iona e!chan+es an" earnin+ throu+h a south;south technica cooperation patform.

N#M#s are measures impemente" at the nationa6 re+iona or sectora eve to promote sustainabe "eveopment
an" re"uce 7A7 emissions. 2he sectors an" sectora pro+rammes with 7A7 emission re"uction potentia are,
ener+y &bioener+y6 renewabe ener+y sources an" ener+y efficiency(B housin+ &sustainabe bui"in+s(B in"ustry
&construction in"ustry, cement6 brick an" stee(B soi" waste &inte+rate" soi" waste mana+ement(B an" transport.

Peru | Ministry of Environment


New carbon markets (3lean 0evelopment echanism ( 30!
2he Ministry of Environment6 as the "esi+nate" nationa authority6 has issue" /) etters of approva to 3%M projects
that compy with sustainabe "eveopment criteria. 2his is a prereIuisite for re+isterin+ projects with the 3%M
E!ecutive 4oar".
%, Presentation of working group results1 developing NAAs

2he practica part of the workshop took pace on the secon" "ay an" consiste" of e!ercises in which the N#M# 2oo was
appie" to specific cases. 2his metho"oo+ica too was use" by the three sectora workin+ +roups to jointy "eveop e!ampes
of sectora roa"maps for N#M# "eveopment. 'n the case of the bioener+y sector6 the workin+ +roup reporte" on pro+ress
ma"e in "eveopin+ the "ocument to "efine an" "esi+n the N#M# for the sector. Each +roupJs outputs are outine" beow.
%,", +ntegrated urban transport in Peru

2he N#M# propose" for this sector invoves a ran+e of poicies aime" at
improvin+ the system of urban pubic transport an" non;motorise" transport in
Peru. 2he pan is to estabish an in"epen"ent transport authority to counter
probems currenty arisin+ from the "upication of efforts in this sector.
Estabishin+ a aw on sustainabe urban mobiity is aso envisa+e"6 incu"in+
provisions to improve vehice infrastructure an" up"ate technica reIuirements
for vehices6 incu"in+ stricter imits on vehice emissions. 2hese measures wi
benefit pubic transport users in terms of heath6 journey times6 etc.

Gey actors invove" are the Ministry of 2ransport an" 3ommunications &M23(6
the Ministry of Aousin+6 3onstruction an" >anitation &M@3>(6 an" oca
authorities6 as we as private sector stakeho"ers an" internationa cooperation
a+encies6 which wi provi"e technica an" financia assistance.
4teps to develop a
The integrated urban transport system in Peru

>tep 1. #ssess
anayse poicy
+aps an" i"entify
measures nee"e".
Evauation of framework con"itions
7aps in the e!istin+ institutiona framework, there is no in"epen"ent authority for the
transport sector. 2he estabishment of such an authority is crucia in or"er to ensure that
efforts are we coor"inate" an" to sove the probem of "upicate" efforts.
2he absence of an urban transport pan &there is just a strate+ic pan for the sector( is a major
't is necessary to carry out a stu"y to i"entify bottenecks in the countryCs urban transport
5ork shou" continue aon+ the ines estabishe" in the mana+ement pans impemente" to
"ate6 but with improvements to coor"ination mechanisms.

2he foowin+ poicy +aps nee" to be a""resse",
2here is poicy interest in roa" improvement works6 but not in urban pannin+ to improve
mobiity in cities. 'n or"er to a""ress this probem6 it is necessary to amen" the or+anic aws
of municipa an" re+iona +overnments.
't is necessary to increase the vehice infrastructure to accommo"ate more journeys. 2he
Peru | Ministry of Environment


aim is for peope to trave ess an" for journeys to be shorter.
2he measures i"entifie" by the workin+ +roup incu"e,
; "efinin+ a sin+e joint transport authorityB
; a"optin+ a aw on sustainabe mobiityB
; stan"ar"isin+ minimum reIuirements for vehicesB
; prioritisin+ urban pubic transportB
; up"atin+ ma!imum permissibe imits for vehice emissionsB
; ti+htenin+ checks on the technica con"ition of vehices.

>tep *. Evauate
the technica
potentia for
re"uction an" co;
>tu"ies that can be use" as a basis for "eveopin+ the N#M# are area"y avaiabe6 incu"in+ the,
Environmenta baseine stu"y for the Metropolitano bus rapi" transit corri"or, 3O>#3 1B
>tu"y on the "eman" for ine 1$9 &1imaCs eectric rai transport authority $ ##2E(B
'nte+rate" transport system stu"y6 con"ucte" by ProtransporteB
>tu"y on the "eman" for suppementary corri"orsB
:rban transport an" o+istics stu"y for 1ima;3aao &M23(B
<easibiity stu"y for 1imaCs 1* metro ineB
#nnua report *01*6 M23B
>tu"y for the urban transport masterpan6 Lapan 'nternationa 3ooperation #+ency &L'3#(6

>ome of the co;benefits i"entifie" are improve" heath6 improve" journey times an" ower
heathcare costs.
>tep 3. '"entify
potentia actions
an" N#M#
Gey actors for the "eveopment of the N#M# are,
the Ministry of 2ransport an" 3ommunicationsB
the Ministry of Aousin+6 3onstruction an" >anitationB
provincia municipaities.
>tep 4. %efine the
'nformation reIuirements for estabishin+ the baseine have been i"entifie"6 but the avaiabe "ata
is incompete or partiay out of "ate.

>tep ). %esi+n the
M?@ &measurin+6
reportin+ an"
verification( pan.
'n"icators are,
the cacuation of urban transport 3O
the number of vehices by type of transportB
fue consumptionB
the number of vehices by type of fueB
vehice occupancy ratesB
passen+er "eman" by type of vehiceB
stu"ies on switchin+ between types of transportB
vehice feet +rowth ratesB
emission factorsB
the number of journeysB
the avera+e a+e of vehices.

# this information wi be use" in the three phases of the M?@ pan an" must therefore be
up"ate"6 reiabe an" share" amon+ the actors.
>tep -. Pan the
N#M# in "etai.
'n coor"ination with the key actors6 it is necessary to estabish a time frame for panne" activities6
ceary in"icatin+ the responsibiities an" functions of each actor. 2his N#M# wou" be impemente"
as a piot project.
Peru | Ministry of Environment


%,%, NAA for the construction sector
2he propose" N#M# aims to re"uce the carbon footprint of the
construction in"ustry by achievin+ the foowin+ specific objectives, a *0E
re"uction in 7A7 emissions compare" to the baseine for the brick sector
by *0*0B a 10E re"uction in 7A7 emissions in the cement sector by *0*0B
an" an aocation of )E of the 7reen 3o"e bu"+et to the CMi @ivien"aC an"
C2echo PropioC pro+rammes6 which promote home ownership.

4teps to develop a
3onstruction sector

>tep 1. #ssess
con"itions6 anayse
poicy +aps an"
i"entify measures
>tep 0, it is necessary to "etermine the value chain for the construction sector
&materias $ use of materias $ sustainabe housin+(.
Efforts focus on the three subsectors, brick6 stee an" cement.
2he key actors are the Ministry of Pro"uction &P?O%:3E(6 the Ministry of Environment6
the private sector6 internationa cooperation a+encies6 >EN3'3O &nationa trainin+
service for the construction in"ustry(6 etc.
2he process to "eveop the N#M# shou" be e" by a sin+e entity throu+h an
interinstitutiona committee forme" by representatives of the pubic an" private sectors
an" cooperation partners.
#s substantia market chan+es are nee"e"6 assistance from "ifferent cooperation
partners an" support from Ministry of Environment "epartments wi be vauabe.

Assessment of framework conditions
>pecific pubic poicies tar+etin+ the construction sector are ackin+.
2ota 7A7 emission re"uction potentia for the sector as a whoe &a the subsectors( has
not been "etermine".
2here is no on+;term vision permittin+ the i"entification of market tren"s.
2he sectorCs technica capacity remains weak.
>takeho"er mappin+ for the sector is reIuire" in or"er to i"entify syner+ies amon+ the
sectorCs institutions an" avoi" the "upication of efforts.
>pecific priority issues have not been i"entifie" for the sector.
>tep K. '"entify
2he resources reIuire" incu"e support for the interinstitutiona work as we as on+oin+ technica
assistance to "ocument an" up"ate the N#M#.
2he financin+ reIuire" wi be structure" as foows, pubic &*)E(6 private &10E( an" internationa
>tep /. ?e+ister
the N#M#.
2he re+istration form was submitte" to the or+aniHers as a competion of the +roupCs work.
Peru | Ministry of Environment


>tep *. Evauate the
technica potentia
for emissions
re"uction an" co;
2he subsectors with the hi+hest technica potentia for emissions re"uction are the cement an"
brick subsectors. #ccor"in+ to the baseine for the brick subsector6 sma;scae brickyar"s have a
re"uction potentia of 30E to 4)E usin+ vai"ate" technoo+ies6 but it is aso necessary to assess
the potentia of the cement an" stee in"ustries to "etermine the construction sectorCs overa

3o;benefits for the sma;scae brick;makin+ sector incu"e formaisation6 improve"
competitiveness6 improve" socio;economic con"itions6 improve" use in housin+6 heath benefits
for the +enera popuation an" workers6 increase" income6 etc.

>tep 3. '"entify
potentia actions an"
N#M# impementers.
4ase" on the construction sectorCs vaue chain6 the foowin+ measures have been i"entifie".
Overarchin+ measures,

the intro"uction of technoo+ica improvements to achieve +reater ener+y efficiency6 which
wi re"uce emissions an" provi"e economic incentives for entrepreneurs an" companies
&cost savin+s(B
ener+y efficiency can be repicate" in the three subsectors6 takin+ into account the
particuarities of each one.

>uppementary measures,
switchin+ to a fue with a ower emission factor an" hi+her ener+y efficiencyB
"rawin+ up a +reen bui"in+ co"e base" on stan"ar"s concernin+ the use of materiasB
intro"ucin+ technoo+ies that +enerate ener+y savin+s for househo"s &sustainabe housin+(.
>tep 4. %efine the
Not a the information reIuire" is avaiabe6 an" in many cases it is not up to "ate. Aowever6
this e!ercise has serve" to i"entify reevant information that wi be usefu in estabishin+ the

>tep ). %esi+n the
M?@ pan.
't is necessary to "efine an M?@ system a"apte" to the 3%M or to create one from scratch. 'n
or"er to "o this6 however6 it is necessary to i"entify what information is reIuire"6 where it can
be source"6 who wi compie it6 an" who wi use it.

't is aso necessary to appy toos such as the usefu ener+y baance sheet for the cement6 stee
an" brick in"ustries in or"er to cacuate fue consumption per pro"uct an" monitor the
re"uction in the carbon footprint for materias on a yeary basis.
>tep -. Pan the
N#M# in "etai.
2he activities to be carrie" out shou" a""ress >tep 16 that is6 they shou" aim to stren+then
institutiona capacities in or"er to impement the N#M# effectivey. 't is aso necessary to "esi+n
pubic poicies that promote the transformation of the sector an" ensure the successfu
impementation of the N#M#. # this shou" be accompanie" by technica support6 as the
technoo+y to be intro"uce" nee"s to be vai"ate" by means of piot projects.

#n important factor to a""ress is the creation of a market for sustainabe bui"in+s6 so that the
activities "escribe" above can be put into practice. 2his wi be achieve" by creatin+ incentives
for the private sector.
>tep K. '"entify
reIuire" resources.
<un"in+ from internationa cooperation sources.
>upport in the form of research into materias an" technoo+ies for the technica

>tep /. ?e+ister the
2he re+istration form was submitte" to the or+aniHers upon competion of the +roupCs work.
Peru | Ministry of Environment


%,', National programme for the sustainable use of biomass
5ork to "esi+n this N#M# proposa be+an in *01* an" was carrie" out in
coor"ination with the Ministry of Environment an" the 4ioener+y
3ommission. 't estabishes a set of measures6 incu"in+ capacity bui"in+6
financin+ arran+ements an" the creation of a renewabe ener+y market6
aime" at pro"ucin+ ener+y from a+ricutura waste +enerate" by sma6
me"ium an" ar+e a+ro;in"ustry enterprises in the countryCs three re+ions.

Aspects 5ioenergy sector
'nstitution to ea"
the N#M#
2he Ministry of #+ricuture &M'N#7( wi ea" the N#M# an" coor"inate the pro+rammeJs work with
the other sectors. Other key actors incu"e the Nationa >ociety of 'n"ustries &>N'( an" the Nationa
Environment <un" &<ON#M(.
2ar+et sector 2he tar+et sector is sma6 me"ium an" ar+e a+ro;in"ustry enterprises throu+hout the country.
Particuar attention wi be pai" to the particuarities of each +eo+raphic area.
2echnica potentia
for the re"uction of
7A7 emissions

?eevant information is avaiabe but this was not presente" at the workshop.
<un"in+ # renewabe ener+y market wi be create" with the support of the private sector. 'ncentives must be
create" for this purpose.
Measures i"entifie" 3reate a renewabe ener+y market.
Make necessary chan+es to e+isation to sove the probem of perverse incentives. <urthermore6
there are no poicy incentives for sma markets.
>tren+then technica capacities within the sector in or"er to ensure the sustainabe
impementation of the N#M#. #thou+h the sectors invove" are prepare" to un"ertake these
efforts6 technica capacities are weak &particuary with re+ar" to new technoo+ies(.
?epicate +oo" practices.

Peru | Ministry of Environment


"", -orkshop conclusions
2he main concusions reache" at the workshop are outine" beow.

N#M#s6 which are particuary important in view of the fact that -KE of +oba 7A7 emission re"uction potentia is to
be foun" in "eveopin+ countries ike Peru6 are a series of measures aime" at achievin+ sustainabe ow;carbon
"eveopment that is measurabe6 reportabe6 verifiabe an"6 above a6 consistent with the "eveopment priorities of the
country in which they are impemente".

5hie Peru to"ay has ceaner fues an" ener+y sources an" the potentia to achieve +reater efficiency in natura
resources mana+ement6 the participants acknowe"+e" that N#M#s are a +oo" opportunity to ensure that the rapi"
economic +rowth achieve" in recent years is maintaine" without increasin+ 7A7 emissions.

2here is no one;siHe;fits;a recipe for the "eveopment of N#M#s6 because one of their main features is their capacity
to be a"apte" to the specific circumstances of the country where they are impemente". <or successfu N#M#
"eveopment6 it is therefore essentia for actors to work to+ether6 be creative an"6 above a6 have the necessary
poitica commitment an" technica capacity.

# key component of N#M# "eveopment is the set of financin+ sources an" mechanisms avaiabe for use at "ifferent
sta+es in the process. 2his isnJt necessariy source" from internationa cooperation partners either6 as it can aso be
"eveope" within the country throu+h the creation of an interna carbon market6 for e!ampe.

Particuary noteworthy is the work carrie" out in Peru that uses a mutisectora approach. #thou+h Peru is sti in the
eary sta+es of the process to "eveop an" "esi+n the N#M# concept6 it has shown a cear commitment to promotin+
ow;carbon "eveopment an" to ayin+ the foun"ations for syner+ies amon+ the "ifferent sectors invove". 'nternationa
cooperation a+encies have aso ma"e an important contribution6 provi"in+ technica assistance as we as financia

2he pans6 strate+ies an" projects formuate" by the Ministry of Environment provi"e usefu input for the "eveopment
of N#M#s in Peru. 2he Pannin+ for 3imate 3han+e project &Pan33(6 for e!ampe6 has compie" Iuantitative "ata on
scenarios an" sectors where 7A7 emissions can most effectivey be re"uce". <urther opportunities arise in connection
with the revision of the nationa cimate chan+e strate+y ten years after it was first a"opte". 2his revision process aims
to resove present "ifficuties in &a( un"erstan"in+ the probems invove" an" &b( the "ecision;makin+ process. 2he
3imate 3han+e 3ommission incu"es a hi+h;eve component for N#M# "eveopment because6 in a""ition to sector;
specific technica capacities6 poitica authority is reIuire" to put miti+ation actions into practice.

2he workshop participants acknowe"+e" the importance of i"entifyin+ co;benefits arisin+ from the impementation of
N#M#s. 2hey incu"e improve" environmenta Iuaity6 improve" socio;economic con"itions for the +enera popuation
an" stren+thene" mana+ement capacities in specific sectors. 2hese co;benefits can be use" as a means to brin+ the
private sector on boar"6 for e!ampe.

3oncerns voice" about the "eveopment of N#M#s incu"e, the risk that N#M#s mi+ht not be impemente" as
"esi+ne"B that efforts mi+ht focus soey on technica aspectsB an" that key actors mi+ht not be wiin+ to work to+ether
or have the technica capacities reIuire" to mana+e miti+ation measures effectivey. # we;"esi+ne" an" effectivey
mana+e" M?@ system can ensure that these risks are avoi"e".

# consistent M?@ pan is a key eement in evauatin+ the effectiveness of N#M# impementation. 4y measurin+6
reportin+ an" verifyin+ the measures impemente" usin+ estabishe" in"icators an" +oas6 it can be "etermine" whether
Peru | Ministry of Environment


the objectives set have been achieve" or not. 't aso contributes to ensurin+ the effective coor"ination of activities
carrie" out by the "ifferent actors invove" an" the transparency of the "ata compie"6 thereby faciitatin+ the
i"entification of essons earne" from the process.

2he practica part of the workshop consiste" of e!ercises in which the N#M# 2oo was appie" to specific cases. 2his
metho"oo+ica too was use" by the workin+ +roups to jointy "eveop a sectora roa"map for N#M# "eveopment. 't shou"
be note" in the case of the bioener+y sector that the workin+ +roup reporte" on pro+ress ma"e in "eveopin+ the "ocument
to "efine an" "esi+n the N#M# for the sector.
2he achievements of the sectora workin+ +roups an" the "ifficuties encountere" are outine" beow.
M Gey actors have been i"entifie" in each sector for the "eveopment of the respective N#M#6 which has a sufficienty
"iversifie" composition an" "esi+nate" ea" institution. Aowever6 a three sectors hi+hi+hte" the nee" to i"entify
the roe paye" by each actor up to this point an" to "etermine their capacities an" stren+ths6 so that syner+ies can
be "eveope" to faciitate N#M# impementation. Participants acknowe"+e" that human resources6 in particuar
the technica capacities an" poitica wi of the actors invove"6 are key to the successfu "eveopment of N#M#s.
M Mechanisms must be put in pace to bui" trust an" promote cooperation amon+ the actors invove".
M 2he three sectors aso stresse" the importance of continuin+ with trainin+ processes for the actors invove" in
N#M# "eveopment an" mana+ement6 with internationa cooperation partners payin+ a major roe in this area.
M 2he participants "rew up a ist of in"icators that wi be usefu for the M?@ system.
M Potentia socia6 economic an" environmenta co;benefits to be +aine" from the impementation of N#M#s were
i"entifie". 2hese co;benefits can be promote" as part of a win;win strate+y to raise fun"s6 which hi+hi+hts the vaue
of co;benefits for both N#M# impementers an" the beneficiary popuation.
M One of the shortcomin+s i"entifie" is the weak institutiona framework an" the nee" to improve the re+uatory
framework to ensure the viabiity of N#M# "eveopment at the technica an" poitica eves.
M 2echnica potentia for emissions re"uction has been i"entifie" base" on previous stu"ies. Aowever6 in sectors ike
the construction in"ustry6 where three specific subsectors are tar+ete"6 it is important to "etermine the overa
potentia for emissions re"uction an" this reIuires speciaise" stu"ies base" on up;to;"ate information. #thou+h
the workin+ +roups iste" the information reIuire" to estabish baseines for the N#M#s6 up"ate" information is not
aways avaiabe an" there are no effective mechanisms in pace for sharin+ it.

"%, The challenges ahead

't is important to continue ho"in+ meetin+s of this kin"6 with a focus on capacity bui"in+6 as they are key to
+ui"in+6 "eveopin+ an" mana+in+ N#M#s in the country.
't is necessary to fin" ways to NseJ the N#M# concept at the "ecision;makin+ eves in tar+ete" sectors an" to "irect
a"vocacy an" promotiona efforts towar"s bo"ies responsibe for makin+ poicy "ecisions.
Efforts are reIuire" to brin+ private sector actors on boar". One way of "oin+ this is to hi+hi+ht the benefits to be
+aine" from N#M# impementation.
Participants must become N#M# ambassa"ors both for their institutions &workin+ e!ternay( an" within their
institutions &workin+ internay(.

Peru | Ministry of Environment


"', Anne/es
5orkshop a+en"a
1ist of participants
5orkshop concusions

Anne/ ", Agenda
%ownoa" workshop a+en"a here.

Peru | Ministry of Environment


Anne/ %, )ist of participants
No, Name Position +nstitution
" >ofOa #ca"e Poma 3oor"inator6 >ocio;environmenta
##2E &1imaJs eectric rai
% #e!an"ra #mes 4rachowicH Operations Mana+er N7O 3ruHa"a @ia
' Patricia #rias Metropoitan Municipaity of 1ima
# ?osa #spicueta ##2E ##2E
$ >an"ra 4aHPn @ePsIueH Environmenta speciaist Ministry of 2ransport an"
3ommunications &M23(
6 Marianea 3rispOn 3onsutant
7 'tao %OaH Aorna %irector 7enera M23
8 @anessa Essin+er #"visor 7'9
9 ?icar"o Estra"a Ministry of Environment
"& 3au"ia <i+ao %irectorate 7enera for 3imate
3han+e6 %esertification an" 5ater
?esources &%733%?A(
"" 2atiana 7arcOa European :nion
"% 3eciia 'ri+oyen MontestruIue 1awyer M23
"' 3Qsar 1ama Nationa En+ineerin+
:niversity &:N'(
"# LosQ MoIuiaHa ?isco >enior consutant Gf5
"$ Limena Mora 1ibQua &sustainabe
"eveopment consutancy(
"6 #naO Ochoa 3oor"inator6 E"ucation MM1
"7 ?e+ina Orte+a %733%?A M'N#M
"8 Ney ?ivera Peruvian 3entre for >ocia
>tu"ies &3EPE>(
"9 Pamea 2aboa"a Environmenta speciaist Protransporte &1ima pubic
transport "eveopment bo"y(
%& #ejan"ro 2aavera 3oor"inator6 ?esearch an" :N'
%" Lessica 2antaean MM1
%% Mario 2eja"a Environmenta a"visor ProinversiRn &Peruvian inwar"
investment a+ency(
%' ?amHi 2ubbeh 1ibQua
%# 1uis =ama"a 2anaka Peruvian 3hamber of
3onstruction &3#PE3O(
%$ ?aS 9Prate 3aao ?e+iona 7overnment
%6 5en"y 9ea"a Environmenta speciaist Protransporte
%7 Aara" %OaH 4one >enior a"visor6 2?#N>fer project 7'9

Peru | Ministry of Environment


No, Name Position +nstitution
" 3Qsar #barracOn >peciaist Ministry of Pro"uction
% 7oria #ran"a #"visor Ministry of Aousin+6
3onstruction an" >anitation
' <rancisco #ven"aTo :N%P
# Lochen 4eerhater Environment Office &OM#( M@3>
$ #rturo 3abaero 7enera Mana+er #*7 3arbon Partners
6 %avi" 3ueto Aea"6 Environment %ivision :N#3EM &cement company(
7 EfraOn 3ruH %irector P?O%:3E
8 2omas %ecercI :N%P
9 Lor+e %e+a"o >peciaist in finance an" cimate
"& ?ocOo 7arcOa Ministry of Economy an"
<inance &ME<(
"" 7a"ys MaciHo Environment Office &OM#( M@3>
"% 3armen Mora %irector P?O%:3E
"' Ma+na Neyra %7PM7# M'N#M
"# 3aros Orbe+oHo 3oor"inator6 1ow Emission
3apacity 4ui"in+ Pro+ramme
"$ E"+ar Porras ?obes %irector6 Environmenta
#ssessment in 'n"ustry
"6 'vPn ?ojas >peciaist M'NEM
"7 3eciia ?ose Mana+er6 >ocia ?esponsibiity Nationa >ociety of 'n"ustries
"8 1isbeth >oOs >peciaist >EN3'3O &nationa trainin+
service for the construction
"9 #n"rea 2an+ >ocia responsibiity anayst N>'
%& Lenny 2eo"osio 3onsutant :N'
%" Emma 2orres 3oor"inator6 ?e+uatory
3ementos Pacasmayo &cement

Peru | Ministry of Environment


No, Name Position +nstitution
" <ernan"o #costa #"visor >N@ &Netheran"s
"eveopment or+anisation(
% Paoa #faro >peciaist Nationa 3entre for >trate+ic
Pannin+ &3EP1#N(
' Mi+ue #rQste+ui Project mana+er Ministry of Ener+y an" Mines
# ?omy 3aancho Aerrera Nationa :niversity of >an
Marcos &:NM>M(
$ E"uar"o 3avo Ministry of <orei+n #ffairs
6 #"ofo 3hipana Me"ina 3onsutant Provincia Municipaity of
1ucanas;PuIuio &MP1P(
7 Laime 7ianea >iva Mana+er MON%E? >.#.3.
8 Luia Lusto E!ecutive %irector Nationa Environment <un"
9 >ara 1eavitt @ounteer Peace 3orps
"& 'nQs Men"oHa <ON#M
"" LesSs Munive %irector6 Nationa ?esources
Ministry of #+ricuture
"% ?o!ana Orre+o M'N#7
"' >. ?amos Lheen 3oor"inator6 %eveopment Mape Ener+y pc
"# Pe"ro >PncheH Nationa coor"inator6 Ener+y an"
Environment Partnership &EEP(
'nter;#merican 'nstitute for
3ooperation on #+ricuture
"$ Marietta >himiHu 1arenas >peciaist in socia affairs ''3#
"6 2ania @er+ara MeHarina >peciaist M'N#7
"7 >ara =ae M'N#7

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