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Main Teachings in John 14-17

(by Bill Stevenson)

Note: The following is what Jesus Christ wanted and wants for His disciples as stated in John
14-17. Christians are supposed to daily want to become more and more Christ-like and
they should have the same desires for those they are responsible for as parents or teachers.

1.) let hearts not be troubled-- John 14:1 & 27-28; 15:3; 16:1-11
See also 2 Corinthians 10:13 and Romans 8:28.
2.) keep trusting in God the Father, in Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit-- John 14:1, 24b-31;
3.) never to feel completely alone or any stoppage of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love-- John 14:18,
21-23, & 26-27
4.) not grieve because of Jesus Christ temporary physically being away -- John 16:7-33
5.) look forward to eternal life future-- John 14:2-3, 18-20; 16:19-25; 17:2-3 & 24-26
6.) have proper counsel and comfort-- John 14:16-17 & 26-27; 15:26
7.) learn to know and understand all about God the Father-- John 14:7-9 & 24b; 17:1-4 & 6-8
8.) not give in to temptations to say or do things displeasing to God, by remembering His
warnings-- John 16:1-4
9.) learn to know and understand all about Jesus Christ-- John 14:4-11; 15:26
See also Philippians 2:1-5 and Ephesians 4:11-16.
10.) be always be teachable by the Holy Spirit and to realize Jesus Christ goodness-- John
14:26; 15:26; 16:12-15
11.) feel very close to Jesus Christ by frequently thinking about Him-- John 14:21-23 & 26-27
12.) obey Jesus Christ’s proper and helpful commandments because of their love and trust in
Him-- John 14:15 & 21-23; 15:1-10; 17:6 & 13
13.) speak or testify about Jesus Christ-- John 15:27
14.) do good ministries -- John 14:12; 15:1-5 & 16
15.) fulfill others’ desires-- John 14:13-15; 15:7-8 & 16-17; 16:12-15 & 22-24
16.) continue being Jesus Christ friend and loving others as He loved them while He was on
Earth (with no untruthfulness) -- John 15:7-17
17.) have abundant, divine-origin, peace and joy-- John 14:27 & 28b; 15:11; 16:20-22
18.) have "fruitful" or properly successful futures-- John 15:1-8
19.) understand why others will respond to them favorably or with persecution-- John 15:18-
25; 16:1-4
20.) remember that there is a time in the future for great rejoicing and a time of plain,
completely understandable, oral communicating-- John 16:20-30
21.) realize the fullness of His victory over the world (Satan and non-God-pleasing statements,
activities, and things by self-guided humans) -- John 16:33-17:4
22.) remember the divine protection from Satan etc. and the divine help in maintaining or
preserving the unity-- John 17:12-15
23.) look forward to becoming sanctified, complete righteousness/holiness-- John 17:16-19
24.) look forward for all of Christian disciples to develop complete unity-- John 17:20-26

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