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1. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
A.speed B.hiking
C.needle D.direction
2. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to
A.winter B.Bear
C.dream D.Sleep
3. Window is to pane as book is to
A.noel B.!lass
C.coer D."age
#. C$p is to co%%ee as bowl is to B.So$p
C.spoon D.&ood
'. (ard is to inch as )$art is to
A.gallon B.O$nce
*. +lated is to despondent as enlightened is to
A.aware B.,gnorant
C.miserable D.-olerant
.. Optimist is to cheer%$l as pessimist is to
A.gloom/ B.mean
0iew Answer Workspace 1eport Disc$ss in &or$m
2. 1eptile is to li3ard as %lower is to
A.petal B.stem
C.dais/ D.alligator
4. "la/ is to actor as concert is to
A.s/mphon/ B.m$sician
C.piano D.perc$ssion
15. Sponge is to poro$s as r$bber is to
A.massie B.solid
11. Care%$l is to ca$tio$s as boast%$l is to
A.arrogant B.h$mble
C.7o/%$l D.s$spicio$s
12. "en is to poet as needle is to
A.thread B.b$tton
C.sewing D.tailor
13. Secretl/ is to openl/ as silentl/ is to
A.scarcel/ B.impolitel/
C.noisil/ D.)$ietl/
1#. +mbarrassed is to h$miliated as %rightened is to
A.terri%ied B.agitated$rageo$s D.reckless
1'. "ride is to lion as shoal is to
C.sel%8respect D.%ish
1*. Artist is to painting as senator is to
C.politician D.constit$ents
1.. +6ercise is to g/m as eating is to
A.%ood B.dieting
C.%itness D.resta$rant
12. Candid is to indirect as honest is to
A.%rank B.wicked$th%$l D.$ntr$th%$l
14. !$ide is to direct as red$ce is to
A.decrease B.maintain
C.increase D.presere
25. Oar is to rowboat as %oot is to
A.r$nning B.sneaker
C.skateboard D.7$mping
1. B,9D,9! : BOO;
A.criminal : gang B.displa/ : m$se$m
C.artist : carpenter D.nail : hammer
+. %rame : pict$re
2. +<"=O1+ : D,SCO0+1 : skim B.research : learn
C.write : print D.think : relate
+. sleep : wake
3. S,AM+S+ : CA-
A.t/pe : breed : p$pp/
C.mark : spot D.romaine : lett$ce
+. collar : leash
#. &,9C> : B,1D
A.%rog :toad B.elephant : reptile
C.Dalmatian : dog D.collie : mars$pial
+. ant : lad/b$g
'. "+-A= : &=OW+1
A.salt : pepper B.tire : bic/cle
C.base : ball D.sandals : shoes
+. p$pp/ : dog
*. CO--O9 : BA=+
A.b$tter : ch$rn : %erment
C.grain : shock D.c$rd : cheese
+. bee% : steak
.. +=+">A9- : "AC>(D+1M
A.mantis : rodent B.poodle : %eline
C.kangaroo : mars$pial D.3ebra : horse
+. t$na : moll$sk
2. "S(C>O=O!,S- : 9+?1OS,S
A.ophthalmologist : cataract B.dermatologist : %ract$re : pediatrician D.rash : orthopedist
+. oncologist : measles
4. "AS-O1A= : 1?1A=
A.metropolitan : $rban B.harest : a$t$mn
C.agrarian : beneolent D.sleep/ : noct$rnal
+. wild : agric$lt$ral
15. -A,=O1 : S?,-
A.scheme : agent B.edit : man$script : writer D.mention : opinion
+. implode : b$ilding
11. "+DA= : B,C(C=+
A.inch : /ardstick B.walk : skip
C.tire : a$tomobile D.b$ckle : belt
+. oar : canoe
12. D,0,S,O9 : S+C-,O9 : tier B.tether : b$ndle
C.chapter : erse D.riser : stage
+. dais : speaker
13. D+"1+SS+D : SAD
A.neat : considerate B.towering : cringing
C.rapid : plodding D.progressie : regressie
+. e6ha$sted : tired
1#. B1,S-=+ : B1?S>
A.arm : leg B.stage : c$rtain
C.recline : chair : piano
+. art : sc$lpt$re
1'. 1A,9 : D1,@@=+
A.swim :die B.hop : sh$%%le
C.7$ggle : bo$nce D.walk : r$n
+. r$n : 7og
1*. "?=SA-+ : ->1OB
A.walk : r$n B.tired : sleep
C.e6amine : scr$tini3e D.ballet : dancer
+. %ind : lose
1.. &,S> : S>OA=
A.wol% : pack B.elephant : 7$ngle
C.beagle : clan D.herd : peacock
+. cow : %arm
12. ODOM+-+1 : D,S-A9C+
A.scale : weight B.length : width
C.inch : %oot D.mileage : speed
+. area : si3e
14. WA,-1+SS : 1+S-A?1A9- : diagnosis : role
C.drier : tr$ck D.teacher : school
+. a$thor : book
25. S;+,9 : (A19
A.s)$ee3e : lemon B.%ire : coal
C.ream : paper D.tree : l$mber
+. plow : acre
1. MO9; : D+0O-,O9
A.maniac : paci%ism B.e6plorer : contentment
C.isionar/ : complacenc/ D.roer : wanderl$st
+. philistine : c$lt$re
2. S=A"S-,C; : =A?!>-+1
A.%allac/ : disma/ B.genre : m/ster/
C.satire : anger D.mimicr/ : tears
+. horror : %ear
3. 0+10+ : +9->?S,ASM
A.lo/alt/ : d$plicit/ B.deotion : reerence
C.intensit/ : color D.eminence : anon/mit/
+. generosit/ : elation
#. S"( : C=A9D+S-,9+
A.acco$ntant : metic$lo$s B.%$rrier : ramb$nctio$s : ironic D.shepherd : garr$lo$s
+. astrona$t : op$lent
'. COBB=+1 : S>O+
A.7ocke/ : horse B.contractor : b$ilding
C.mason : stone D.cowbo/ : boot
+. potter : paint
*. ?MB1A!+ : O&&+9S+
A.con%$sion : penance : meaning
C.decor$m : decoration D.elation : 7$bilance
+. o$trage : consideration
.. D,1!+ : &?9+1A=
A.chain : letter B.bell : ch$rch
C.telephone : call D.7ingle : commercial
+. h/mn : concerto
2. DOM,9A9C+ : >+!+MO9(
A.romance : s/mpath/ B.%$rtherance : melanchol/
C.independence : a$tonom/ D.tolerance : philanthrop/
+. recompense : hilarit/
4. ">OB,C : &+A1&?=
A.%inick/ : tho$ght%$l$tio$s : emotional
C.enio$s : desiring : %amiliar
+. asinine : sill/
15. &+1A= : -AM+
A.rancid : rational B.repetitie : rec$rrent
C.nettlesome : anno/ing D.repentant : honorable
+. ephemeral : immortal
11. M+-A">O1 : S(MBO=
A.pentameter : poem B.rh/thm : melod/
C.n$ance : song D.slang : $sage
+. analog/ : comparison
12. ,9-+1+S- : OBS+SS,O9
A.mood : %eeling B.weeping : sadness
C.dream : %antas/ D.plan : negation
+. highlight : indication
13. CO9D?C-O1 : O1C>+S-1A
A.7ocke/ : mo$nt B.thrasher : ha/
C.drier : tractor D.skipper : crew
+. painter : ho$se
1#. &1O9D : "A=M
A.)$ill : porc$pine B.blade : eergreen
C.scale : wallab/ D.t$sk : alligator
+. blade : %ern
1'. SO?9D : CACO">O9(
A.taste : st/le$ch : massage
C.smell : stench D.sight : panorama
+. speech : oration
1*. A+1,+ : +A!=+ : goernment B.bridge : architect
C.$nit : apartment D.kennel : eterinarian
+. ho$se : person
1.. "1O&+SSO1 : +1?D,-+
A.aiator : licensed B.inentor : imaginatie
C.procrastinator : conscientio$s D.oerseer : wealth/
+. moderator : icio$s
12. D+=-O,D : M?SC=+
A.radi$s : bone B.brain : nere
C.tiss$e : organ D.blood : ein
+. scalpel : incision
14. AA?9D,C+ : =,0+1
A.rash : skin B.dial/sis : kidne/
C.smog : l$ng D.alentine : heart
+. imagination : brain
25. CO90,C-,O9 : ,9CA1C+1A-,O9$ction : dimin$tion B.ind$ction : amelioration
C.radicali3ation : estimation D.marginali3ation : intimidation
+. proli%eration : alliteration
21. D+"+9DAB=+ : CA"1,C,O?S
A.%allible : cantankero$s B.erasable : obt$se
C.malleable : limpid D.capable : inept
+. incorrigible : g$ilt/

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