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ueneial Euucation foi Tiansfei to
(123456731 8919: ;73<:6=393:= anuoi 95 ;( >;73<:6=39? 54 (123456731@
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J: H5FK2:9:C )&+%& *% *&#,34(&5

#5 L5 &3=9M
1. See a counseloi!
2. Apply foi a (')%#*#+$%' ,* -+&#'"'.'/% in 0)$/1*') 2%34#'15
S. Request (')%#*#+$%#,/ ,* (26 78 ,) 9780(!
Rev. 6-26-2014
*)N)OP& )L;(P#%"N "Q#%"N8 !"O #OPN8!)O

Foothill College tiansfei stuuents have thiee options foi completing theii lowei uivision geneial euucation iequiiements. It
is impoitant foi stuuents to caiefully examine each of the options anu choose the one that is best foi theii euucational
plans. Foothill College counselois can help stuuents select the best option. Listeu below aie the two piimaiy choices foi
geneial euucation: The (8; *:7:612 )CGH19357AB6:1C9D pattein anu the %79:6=:EF:7912 *:7:612 )CGH19357 #617=4:6
(G663HG2GF >%*)#(@ pattein. The thiiu option is the specific geneial euucation pattein foi each univeisity. Few tiansfei
stuuents select this option because it is moie limiteu anu fulfills iequiiements foi that campus only. !56 F56:
37456F19357 1J5G9 H1FKG=/=K:H343H E:7:612 :CGH19357 6:RG36:F:79=S :39D:6 1HH:== D99KMAAIIIT1==3=9T56E 56 =:: 1

%UQ"O#PN# %N!"OUP#%"NV
Remembei: ueneial Euucation is only :$)% of the tiansfei plan. Stuuents shoulu complete most oi all of the lowei uivision
majoi piepaiation couises in oiuei to be competitive in the univeisity selection piocess. This is especially tiue foi tiansfei
to 0C campuses anu to impacteu CS0 piogiams. Foi high-unit majois such as engineeiing anu the biological sciences,
completion of lowei uivision majoi piepaiation couises is moie impoitant than geneial euucation.

!#617=4:6 K217737E =D5G2C J:E37 1= =557 1= K5==3J2:T 8:: 1 H5G7=:256 95 C:<:25K 17 37C3<3CG123W:C :CGH1935712
K217 456 H5FK2:9357 54 122 25I:6 C3<3=357 F1X56 17C E:7:612 :CGH19357 6:RG36:F:79=T

Stuuents can obtain ceitification foi paitial completion of the geneial euucation pattein.
A "B" giaue may be useu foi some uE couises if stuuents have a cumulative "C" aveiage in all geneial euucation
The CS0 Ameiican Bistoiyuoveinment giauuation iequiiement may be uouble-counteu with geneial euucation
<3% )'.'.='):
The CS0 uE pattein is not uesigneu to satisfy iequiiements foi the 0niveisity of Califoinia (0C).
>'+,..'/4'4 *,):
Stuuents who have C:43739: K217= to tiansfei to a CS0 campus.


!2:Y3J3239?! IuETC will satisfy geneial euucation iequiiements foi all CS0 anu most 0C campuses.
<3% )'.'.='):
The entiie pattein shoulu be completeu befoie tiansfeiiing in oiuei to obtain a full ceitification. While it is not
auvisable, stuuents missing up to two couises may iequest a paitial ceitification of IuETC. A counseloi can pioviue
infoimation iegaiuing this option. 89GC:79= 9617=4:6637E 95 9D: (522:E: 54 &:99:6= 17C 8H3:7H: 19 ;( B:6Z:2:?
FG=9 H5FK2:9: %*)#( 37 39= :7936:9?V
Foi IuETC ceitification foi a 0C campus, stuuents must eithei complete two yeais of foieign language in a high
school oi the seconu quaitei of an appioveu foieign language at Foothill (with a giaue of C oi bettei).
0C piofessional schools such as Revelle anu Eleanoi Roosevelt at 0CSB, the School of Business at 0C Beikeley, anu
the Colleges of Engineeiing at 0C Riveisiue, 0C Santa Baibaia, 0C Beikeley, anu 0CLA will not accept IuETC. Also,
9780( #1 /,% )'+,..'/4'4 *,) ,:%,.'%)?@ /3)1#/;@ +)'$%#"' 1%34#'1@ $/4 /$%3)$A $/4 $;)#+3A%3)$A 1+#'/+' .$B,)1.
>'+,..'/4'4 *,):
Stuuents tiansfeiiing to a 0C campus (see exceptions above).
Stuuents who aie applying to both 0C anu CS0 campuses.
#617=4:6637E 95 17 37C:K:7C:79 56 5G9/54/=919: H522:E: 56 G73<:6=39?[ U17? 37=939G9357= 1HH:K9 %*)#(
17CA56 (8; *)T 8:: 1 H5G7=:256 456 C:9132=V
O)U)UB)O 95M -T PQQ&\ !"O P ()O#%!%(P#) "! P($%)])U)N# %N #OPN8!)O 8#;L%)8 17C
+T O)^;)8# ()O#%!%(P#%"N "! \";O *)N)OP& )L;(P#%"N QP##)ONV
Rev. 6-26-2014
!""#$%&& ("&&)*)
(8; *)N)OP& )L;(P#%"NABO)PL#$ O)^;%O)U)N#
+,-./+,-0 PH1C:F3H \:16
Foothill College will ceitify completion of S8 quaitei units of the 7u-unit ueneial Euucation iequiiement foi giauuation fiom the CS0 foi
stuuents satisfying couises fiom the following pattein. The iemaining 12 quaitei units must be taken in the uppei uivision of the uegiee-
gianting CS0 campus. A minimum of 4S units in uE incluuing all of Aieas A anu B4 with giaues of C oi bettei in each couise must be
completeu piioi to tiansfei. Stuuents must iequest ceitification at the time of tiansfei. L57_9 456E:9 95 6:RG:=9 1 (:69343H19: 54
PHD3:<:F:79 37 #617=4:6 89GC3:=V

AREA A: )N*&%8$ &PN*;P*) PNL (O%#%(P& #$%N`%N*
(0ne couise iequiieu fiom A1, A2 anu AS.) (12 quaitei units iequiieu)
A1. 0ial Communication: ("UU 1A, 1AB, 1B, 1BB, 2, S, 4 6(71+&(0 4%& 89: #0;+33+%,.
A2. Wiitten Communication: )N*& 1A oi 1AB oi 1B oi 1BB oi ENuL 1S & 1T(if this option selecteu, must complete =,%&
couises foi A2 cieuit) oi )8&& 26 6(71+&(0 4%& 89: #0;+33+%,.

AS. Ciitical Thinking: )N*& 1B, 1BB, 1C, 1CB; Q$%& 1, 7, Su 6(71+&(0 4%& 89: #0;+33+%,.
AREA B: 8(%)N#%!%( %N^;%O\ PNL ^;PN#%#P#%]) O)P8"N%N*
Complete one couise fiom categoiy B1, B2 anu B4. 0ne Physical oi Biological Science must incluue a laboiatoiy
expeiience (noteu with asteiisk). (Complete 12-1S quaitei units.)
B1. PBYSICAL SCIENCE: P8#O 1uA, 1uB, 1uBB; 1uL*; ($)U 1A*, 1B*, 1C*, 12A*, 12B*, 12C*, 2u*, 2S*, SuA*, SuB*, *)"*
1*; Q$\8 2A*, 2B*, 2C*, 4A*, 4B*, 4C*, 4B*, SA*, SB*, SC*, 6, 12, 27.

B2. BI0L0uICAL ANB LIFE SCIENCE: PN#$ 1S 1BS 1BL*, 1L*; B%"& 1A*, 1B*, 1C*, 1B, 9, 9L*, 1u*, 12, 1S*, 14*, 1S*, 2S*,
4uA*, 4uB*, 4uC*, 41*, 4S; $"O# 1u*.

B4. NATBENATICSQ0ANTITATIvE REAS0NINu: 6(71+&(0 4%& 89: #0;+33+%,5
( 8 18; UP#$ 1A, 1B, 1C, 1B, 2A, 2B, 1u, 11, 12, 22, 42, 44, 48A, 48B, 48C, S7(%&)3 23..') CDEF); PSYC 7; S0C7.
At least one Aiea B4 couise must be completeu with a giaue of C oi bettei.

AREA C: PO#8 PNL $;UPN%#%)8
Completion of a minimum of thiee couises, to incluue at least one couise fiom the Aits anu one couise fiom the
Bumanities. (Complete 12-1S quaitei units.)
<=>/? 9*10(,*3 @A% 0+0 ,%* 2%;).(*( /<-B CD 4%& E&(# EF G#H%I(J 3A%1.0 2%;).(*( /<-B CD #3 %,( %4 *A( E&(# 8
2%1&3(35 8%1&3(3 ;#K ,%* H( 2%1,*(0 +, ;%&( *A#, %,( #&(#5
C1. Aits G-)%@ H$/+'@ I31#+@ 0&'$%)'): PO# 1, 2A, 2AB, 2B, 2BB, 2C, 2CB, 2B, 2E, 2F, 2u, 2}, S, 4A, 6; LPN( 1u; UL%P 1, 2C,
S, S; U;8 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2B, SA, SB, SC, 7, 7B, 7E, 7F, 8, 8B, 9A, 9B, 1u, 11A, 11B, 11C, 11B, 11E; Q$%& 11; Q$"# 1, 8, 8B,
1u, 1uB, 11, 11B; #$#O 1, 2A, 2B, 2F, 8, 12A, 2uA, 26; aUN 1S.

C2. Bumanities: (J#%')$%3)'@ K&#A,1,:&?@ L,)'#;/ J$/;3$;'1): ("UU 12; (OaO 6, S9A, S9B, 41A, 41B; )N*& 1B, 1BB, S,
SB, 7, 7B, 8,11, 11B, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18A, 22, 24, S1, 4u, 4uB, 41, 46A, 46B, 46C, 47A, 47B, 48A, 48B, 48C; $%8# 4A, 4B, 4C,
4CB; $;UN 1A, 1B, S, SB, 4, 4B; bPQN 1, 2, S, 4, S, 6, 2SA, 2SB, SS, SS; UL%P 2A, 2B, 11, 12; Q$%& 2, 4, 8, 2uA, 2uB, 2uC,
24, 2S; 8QPN 1, 2, S, 4, S, 6, 1uA, 2SA, 2SB; #$#O 2A, 2B.

AREA B: 8"(%P& 8(%)N()8
#I5 (8; E61CG19357 6:RG36:F:79=: Ninimum of S couises: (Complete 12-1S quaitei units.)
Requiiement 1: BIST 17A, 17B, oi 17C anu P0LI 1 (F-1 CS0 Ameiican Institutions Requiiement) $/4
Requiiement 2: 0ne couise, selecteu fiom B-1 thiough B-u
L/- Anthiopology anu Aichaeology? PN#$ 2A, 2B, S, 4, S, 6, 8, 8L, 8LX, 8LY, 12, 14, 1S, 2u, 22, S2.
L/+ Economics: )("N 1A, 1B, 9, 18, 2S; *)"* S; Q"&% 9.
L/c Ethnic Stuuies: (Please note that some CS0 campuses may iequiie auuitional couises aftei tiansfei to meet this
iequiiement.) PN#$ 2B, 4, 6, 2u; ($&L S1A; ("UU 12; )N*& 12, S1; $%8# 1u; U;8 8, 8B; Q$%& 24, 2S; Q$"# 8, 8B;
Q8\($ 21, 22; 8"( 21, 2S; 8"8( 2u; aUN 21.
L/. uenuei Stuuies: PO# 2E; ("UU 1u; )N*& 22; Q8\( 21; 8"( 21, 28; aUN S, 11, 1S, 21.
L/0 ueogiaphy: *)"* 2, S, 9, 1u.
L/d Bistoiy: $%8# 4A, 4B, 4C, 4CB, 8, 9, 9B, 1u, 16, 16B, 17A, 17B, 17C, 18, 2u.
L/e Inteiuisciplinaiy Social oi Behavioial Science: ($&L 1, 2, S1A; $%8# 18; `%N8 2; UL%P 9; 8"( 8; 8"8( 2u; 8Q)L 62.
L/f Political Science, uoveinment, anu Legal Institutions: )("N 9, 9B; Q"&% 1, 2, 2B, S, SB, 9, 9B, 1S, 1SB; 8Q)L 64.
L/g Psychology: ($&L SuA; Q8\( 1, 4, 1u, 14, 21, 22, 2S, Su, SS, 4u, 49, SS; 8"( 1u, 21, Su; aUN 21
L/, Sociology anu Ciiminology: Q8\( 1u, 21, Su; 8"( 1, 1B, 8, 1u, 11, 14, 1S, 2u, 21, 2S, 28, Su, 4u, S7; aUN 21.

PO)P )M &%!)&"N* ;NL)O8#PNL%N* PNL 8)&!/L)])&"QU)N# (Complete 4-S quaitei units.)

E. B%"& 8h (N8& S2, 72; (O&Q 7u; LPN( 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, SA, SB, 4A, 4B, 4C, S, 6, 7, 9, 11A, 1B, 11C, 12A, 12B, 12C, 1SA,
1SB, 14, 1S, 16, 17, 18A, 18B (LE<8 A#.#%'4 $1 K8 -+%#"#%?); $&#$ 21; any P#$&AQ$)LAQ$LP PH93<39? couise (A#.#%'4
%, C 3/#%1M; `%N8 4, 9; Q8\( Su; 8"( 19, 4u; 8Q)L S2, 62.

Rev. 6-26-2014

!""#$%&& ("&&)*)
%79:6=:EF:7912 *:7:612 )CGH19357 #617=4:6 (G663HG2GF >%*)#(@
Completion of iequiiements in IuETC will peimit the stuuent to tiansfei fiom a community college to a campus in eithei
the 0C oi CS0 system without the neeu, aftei tiansfei, to take auuitional lowei-uivision geneial euucation couises to satisfy
campus geneial euucation iequiiements. See page 2 foi infoimation iegaiuing exceptions to this iequiiement. 89GC:79=
FG=9 6:RG:=9 H:69343H19357 19 93F: 54 9617=4:6. IuETC uoes not guaiantee aumission to any school. 2%34'/%1 1&,3A4 1'' $
+,3/1'A,) %, "')#*? %&$% %&'#) +$.:31N.$B,) $++':%1 9780(O
PO)P -/)N*&%8$ ("U;N%(P#%"N
Foi 0C: Complete one couise fiom uR00P A $/4 one couise fiom uR00P B
Foi CS0: Complete one couise fiom uR00P A, uioup B $/4 uioup C
uioup A: English Composition: )N*& 1A oi 1AB oi 1S & 1T (if this option is selecteu, both 1S & 1T must be completeu
to satisfy the iequiiementT@ >4-S quaitei units)

uioup B: Ciitical ThinkingEnglish Composition: )N*& 1B, 1BB, 1C, 1CB; Q$%& 1 (4-S quaitei units)

uioup C: 0ial Communication (CS0 iequiiement only): ("UU 1A, 1AB, 1B, 1BB, 2, S, 4 (4-S quaitei units)

PO)P +/UP#$)UP#%(P& ("N()Q#8 PNL ^;PN#%#P#%]) O)P8"N%N*
Complete a minimum of one couise. (4-S quaitei units)
( 8 18; UP#$ 1A, 1B, 1C, 1B, 2A, 2B, 1u, 11, 12, 22, 44, 48C; Q8\( 7; 8"( 7
PO)P c/PO#8 PNL $;UPN%#%)8 (12-1S quaitei units)
At least S couises: 1 couise fiom the Aits 17C 1 couise fiom the Bumanities, plus one auuitional couise.
Aits: PO# 1, 2A, 2AB, 2B, 2BB, 2C, 2CB, 2B, 2E, 2F, 2u, 2}, S; LPN( 1u; UL%P 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, S, S; U;8 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2B,
2F, SA, SB, SC, 7, 7B, 7E, 7F, 8, 8B, 9A, 9B, 1u, 11A, 11B, 11C; Q$%& 11; Q$"# 8, 8B, 1u, 1uB, 11, 11B; #$#O 1, 2A, 2B,
2F, 8, 12A, 26; aUN 1S.

Bumanities: )N*& S, SB, 7, 7B, 8, 11, 11B, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18A, 22, 24, S1, 4u, 4uB, 41, 46A, 46B, 46C, 47A, 47B, 48A,
48B, 48C; $%8# 4A, 4B, 4C, 4CB; $;UN 1A, 1B, S, SB, 4, 4B; bPQN 4, S, 6, 2SA, 2SB, SS, SSh UL%P 11, 12; Q$%& 2, 4, 8,
2uA, 2uB, 2uC, 24, 2S; 8QPN 4, S, 6, 2SA, 2SB; #$#O 2A, 2B.

PO)P ./8"(%P& PNL B)$P]%"OP& 8(%)N()8
Complete at least S couises fiom 2 uiffeient subjects. (12-1S quaitei units)
PN#$ 2A, 2B, S, 4, S, 6, 8, 12, 14, 1S, 2u, 22; PO# 2E; ($&L 1, 2h ("UU 1u, 12; )("N 1A, 1B, 9, 9B, 18, 2S; *)"* 2, S, 9,
1u; $%8# 4A, 4B, 4C, 4CB, 8, 9, 9B, 1u, 16, 16B, 17A, 17B, 17C, 18, 2u; `%N8 2; Q$"# 8, 8B; Q"&% 1, 2, 2B, S, SB, 9, 9B,
1S, 1SB; Q8\( 1, 4, 1u, 14, 21, 22, 2S, Su, SS, 4u, 49, SS; 8"8( 2u; 8"( 1, 1B, 8, 1u, 11, 14, 1S, 2u, 21, 2S, 28, Su, 4u;
aUN S, 11, 1S, 21.

PO)P 0/Q$\8%(P& PNL B%"&"*%(P& 8(%)N()8
At least 2 couises, 1 Physical Science couise anu 1 Biological Science couise; at least one must incluue a laboiatoiy
(unueilineu couises incluue lab). (9-12 quaitei units) *Eithei 0C oi CS0 may limit cieuit.
Physical Sciences? P8#O 1uA, 1uB, 1uBB, 1uL; ($)U 1A, 1B, 1C, 12A, 12B, 12C, 2u, 2S, SuA, SuB; *)"* 1; Q$\8 2A,
2B, 2C, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4B, SA, SB, SC, 6, 12, 27.
Biological Sciences: PN#$ 1, 1L, 1B, 1BL; B%"& 1A, 1B, 1C, 1B, 9, 9L, 1u, 12, 1S, 14, 1S, 2S, 4uA, 4uB, 4uC, 41, 4S; $"O#

&PN*;P*) "#$)O #$PN )N*&%8$ (0C Requiiement 0nly)
Pioficiency equivalent to two yeais of high school stuuy in the same language with a giaue of C oi bettei oi completion
of one of the following couises:
bPQN 2,S,4,S,6; 8QPN 2,S,4,S,6,1uA.

i(8; *61CG19357 O:RG36:F:79 37 ;T8T $3=956?S (57=939G9357 17C PF:63H17 %C:12=T P,% )'Q3#)'4 *,) 9780( +')%#*#+$%#,/5 9% #1
)'+,..'/4'4 %&$% (26 1%34'/%1 +,.:A'%' %&#1 )'Q3#)'.'/% :)#,) %, %)$/1*')5 8%1&3(3 13(0 *% ;((* *A+3 &(71+&(;(,* ;#K #.3% H( 13(0
*% 3#*+34K M-/>8 E&(# N &(71+&(;(,*3 #H%I( #* 89: 2#;)13(35
Select one couise fiom *65GK - anu one couise fiom *65GK + below:
*65GK -M Q"&% 1 *65GK +M $%8# 17A, 17B, 17C
1. Couises useu foi IuETC ceitification must be passeu with a minimum giaue of C (( .#/31 #1 /,% $++':%$=A'.). uiaues of "Cieuit" oi "Pass" aie acceptable
pioviuing the giaue uesignation is equivalent to a giaue of C oi highei.
2. AP scoies with acceptable scoies may be useu foi IuETC. See a counseloi foi qualifying scoies. Theie is no limit on AP cieuits that may be applieu.
S. Stuuents with completeu couisewoik fiom institutions othei than Califoinia community colleges must piesent official tiansciipts anu couise
uesciiptions in oiuei to ueteimine whethei the couise(s) satisfy IuETC stanuaius.
L57_9 456E:9 95 6:RG:=9 1 (:69343H19: 54 PHD3:<:F:79 37 #617=4:6 89GC3:=V
Rev. 6-26-2014
(8; 17C ;( #617=4:6 17C *)A#617=4:6 89GC3:= (:69343H19357

#617=4:6 95 (8;
(8; *:7:612 )CGH19357 (:69343H19357
"Ceitification" means that Foothill College has veiifieu that a stuuent has completeu the lowei-uivision geneial euucation
iequiiements foi the Califoinia State 0niveisity system.

Ceitification fiom a community college is impoitant, because without it, stuuents will be helu to the geneial euucation
iequiiements specific to the CS0 campus to which they aie tiansfeiiing. This typically involves auuitional lowei-uivision
couisewoik. 0nce a stuuent is "ceitifieu", the CS0 campus of choice will iuentify the stuuent as having completeu the
lowei-uivision iequiiements that aie spelleu out in the aiticulateu agieements between the CS0 anu Foothill College.
(Stuuents shoulu note that 9 semestei units of uppei-uivision geneial euucation couises must be completeu at the
univeisity aftei tiansfei).

Couises fiom othei schools may be consiueieu foi ceitification by petition thiough a piocess calleu "pass along
ceitification." Please see a Foothill College counseloi foi assistance. Petition foims to iequest equivalence foi couises
completeu at colleges othei than Califoinia community colleges aie available online at http:www.foothill.euutiansfei

It is the stuuent's iesponsibility to iequest ceitification. Ceitifications will be maileu uiiectly to the stuuent's tiansfei
institution. Petitions foi ceitification may be fileu in the Counseling 0ffice uuiing finals week of the last quaitei at Foothill
piioi to tiansfei. Ceitification petitions aie available in the Counseling 0ffice anu online (go to
http:www.foothill.euutiansfei ).

Applications to the CS0 aie available online at www.csumentoi.euu. Applications to impacteu piogiams must be fileu
uuiing the piioiity filing peiiou, which is the fiist month applications aie accepteu foi a given teim. Nany campuses aie
appioaching capacity in a numbei of acauemic uisciplines anu aie likely to close to applications aftei the fiist month of the
filing peiiou. Campuses, which aie less impacteu, may accept applications up to one month piioi to the opening uay of the
teim, though inuiviuual piogiams may close eailiei. APPLICATI0NS SB00LB BE FILEB AS EARLY IN TBE FILINu PERI0B

QO%"O%#\ PQQ&%(P#%"N !%&%N* Q)O%"L8
Stuuents aie encouiageu to attenu an application woikshop offeieu thiough the Tiansfei Centei. The application piioiity
filing peiious aie:
^G169:6 8?=9:F (1FKG=:=M 8:F:=9:6 8?=9:F (1FKG=:=M
Summei Quaitei: Febiuaiy 1-28 Fall Semestei: 0ctobei 1-Novembei Su
Fall Quaitei: 0ctobei 1-Novembei Su Spiing Semestei: August 1-S1
Wintei Quaitei: }une 1-Su
Spiing Quaitei: August 1-S1

#617=4:6 95 ;( 17C (8; <31 %*)#(
Couises completeu at a Califoinia Community College will be applieu to the subject aiea in which they weie listeu by the
institution wheie the woik was completeu. Couisewoik fiom othei 0niteu States iegionally accieuiteu institutions can be
useu on IuETC. Each couise must be ueemeu equivalent to a couise on any Califoinia Community College's appioveu IuETC
couise list, anu must be useu in the aiea uesignateu on the IuETC couise list. All couises must be completeu with a giaue of
C (2.u) oi highei. A "Cieuit" oi "Pass" that is uefineu by institutional policy as being equivalent to a giaue of C (2.u) oi
highei may be applieu to meet IuETC iequiiements. Foieign couisewoik fiom non-0S iegionally accieuiteu institutions
may not be useuT Couise cieuit eaineu on the basis of acceptable scoies on Auvanceu Placement exams can be applieu
towaiu IuETC ceitification (see the Foothill College AP list foi a list of acceptable AP couises anu scoies).

%*)#( ()O#%!%(P#%"N
The IuETC iequiiements shoulu be completeu anu ceitifieu piioi to tiansfei. "Ceitification" means that the last Califoinia
community college a stuuent attenueu foi a iegulai teim (Fall oi Spiing foi semestei schools oi Fall, Wintei, Spiing foi
quaitei schools) piioi to tiansfei to the 0C oi CS0 system will veiify that the stuuent has completeu the IuETC
iequiiements. It is the stuuent's iesponsibility to iequest IuETC ceitification uuiing the last quaitei of attenuance at
Foothill College piioi to tiansfei. The ceitification will be maileu to the stuuents' tiansfei institution.
Rev. 6-26-2014

Requests foi IuETC ceitification may be fileu in the Counseling oi Evaluations 0ffice.

Ceitification petitions aie available on those uates in the Counseling oi Evaluations 0ffice anu online (go to
http:www.foothill.euutiansfei). Befoie petitioning foi IuETC ceitification, stuuents aie stiongly uigeu to consult with
theii Foothill College counseloi anu veiify that they have fulfilleu theii IuETC iequiiements.

Note: Nany piivate anu out-of-state colleges anu univeisities will accept the completeu IuETC to meet theii lowei-uivision
geneial euucation iequiiements. See a counseloi foi uetails.

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A summaiy of iequiiements foi IuETC ceitification is listeu below:
-T The institution is accieuiteu by the Westein Association of Schools anu Colleges oi an equivalent accieuiting bouy.
+T A couise taken at a Califoinia community college is applieu to the subject aiea in which it is listeu by the institution
wheie the woik was completeu (check www.assist.oig foi college IuETC lists).
cT Couisewoik fiom othei 0.S. iegionally accieuiteu institutions can be useu on IuETC. The couise(s) must be
ueemeu equivalent to a couise(s) on any Califoinia Community College appioveu IuETC couise list anu must be
useu in the aiea uesignateu on the IuETC couise list.
.T The giaue ieceiveu in couise is C (2.u) oi highei. A giaue of C- (C minus) is not acceptable. A "Cieuit" oi "Pass" that
is uefineu by institutional policy as being equivalent to a giaue of C (2.u) oi highei may be applieu to IuETC
0T Foieign couisewoik fiom non-0S iegionally accieuiteu institutions cannot be useu foi IuETC.
dT Each couise is a minimum of S semestei oi 4 quaitei units.

PC<17H:C Q21H:F:79 (6:C39 456 (8; *) 17C %*)#(
Stuuents must have the College Boaiu senu AP exam iesults to the Aumissions 0ffice (hanu caiiieu copies will not be
accepteu) foi use on the AAASABT oi CS0 uEIuETC patteins. (5G6=: H6:C39 17C G739= E6179:C 19 !559D322 (522:E:
F1? C344:6 465F H5G6=: H6:C39 17C G739= E6179:C J? 1 9617=4:6 37=939G9357T Stuuents may eain cieuit foi Auvanceu
Placement (AP) Tests with scoies of S, 4, oi S. AP cieuit can be useu to meet IuETC anu CS0 uE iequiiements. Ninimum
scoies iequiieu uiffei foi Foothill uE anu univeisity majois. Theie is no limit to the numbei of AP cieuits useu foi IuETC
anuoi CS0 uE. Foi moie infoimation: http:www.foothill.euutiansfeifoimsap_cieuit.puf

*G16179::C PCF3==357 95 (522:E:= 17C ;73<:6=393:=
Foothill College stuuents can get guaianteeu aumission to a vaiiety of 0C, CS0 anu piivate colleges. Stuuents neeu to fulfill
ceitain iequiiements anu ueaulines, anu in some cases, fill out a contiact. Stuuents may have aumission guaiantees to moie
than one campus! A complete list of guaianteeu aumission piogiams is available at
http:www.foothill.euutiansfeitaa.php .
Foothill College Certificate of Achievement in Transfer Studies
Certificate of Achievement in Transfer Studies--CSU GE or
Certificate of Achievement in Transfer StudiesIGETC

These Certificates of Achievement are designed for students who intend to transfer to either the California State
University system (CSU) or to a campus of the University of California. Students who complete the requirements for the
Certificate of Achievement--CSU GE or IGETC with a grade of "C" or better in each course will complete the lower
division requirements for either the CSU General Education/Breadth pattern or the IGETC as required by the California
State University and University of California. Students should meet with a Foothill College counselor to determine which
pattern is the best option to meet their specific transfer goals.

The Certificate of Achievement will be noted on the students transcript. To earn the Certificate of Achievement, students
must complete the prescribed coursework. Residency requirement: a minimum of 16 units must be completed at Foothill
College. Courses on this list are approved for a specific academic year. A course cannot be certified by Foothill College
unless it was on the approved Foothill College CSU GE or IGETC certification list when it was completed. For
information regarding the year in which courses are approved, access

Forms to petition for the Certificate of Achievement in Transfer Studies are available at .

Regardless of your transfer plans, it is important to obtain the Certificate of Achievement in Transfer Studies!

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