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From: http://lingvistkalidus.webovastranka.

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Linguistic Context
Place & Scope
Morphology Word-Formation Lexicology
Word-Formation & Inflectional Morphology
Word-Formation & Syntax
- Morphology deals with morphemes that carry grammatical meaning
- Lexicology deals with morphemes that carry lexical meaning
- Inflectional morphology studies how morphemes modify the word
- Word formation we name reality, objects around us
- Syntax describes how language combines the names
- Derivation morphology = word-formation
- Lexicology:
o word formation
o lexical semantics
o lexicography
- morphology inflection (just form; teach teaches)
- word formation derivation (new words, new meaning, teach teacher)
- lexicology deals with larger segments than inflectional morphology
- if you need to create new word word formation, extra linguistic reality (not like inflection)
- derivational morphemes are closer to the root than inflectional morphemes, so derivational
morphemes are more relevant
- Word formation X Syntax
o word formation names extra linguistic reality and syntax combines these names,
what word formation creates, syntax works with
o words are stored in a lexicon, we have limited number of words we can have in
langua (by communicative need of the speech community), but number of sentences
is unlimited, not clearly structured sentences (much larger units)
Lexicology = word-formation + lexical semantics
- Lexicology is complete word stock (that have existed, exist now)
- Focus on structure, on regularities, irregularities, look at word in a certain context

- Morphemes in the word lexicology: lexi lat. lexis vocabulary (word stock) all possible
words that are possible in the language and the structure of the word stock
Study of LEXICON System of Lexemes
Lexeme X Word Form (allolex)
- Smallest bilateral unit of meaning
- Lexico-grammatical unit
- Langue element
- cluster of inflectional variants
- potential/abstract unit
- Langue part (parole is allolex, word form = concrete realization)
- Ex. compound white paper is one lexeme (even there are 2 words)
- Grammatical
- Lexical

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Word & its Definition
- lexico-grammatical unit
- it is a sequence of sounds (phonetic aspect)or its representation in writing (graphical aspect)
used in language to express an idea and thus communicate a meaning
- has to consist at least of one morpheme
- sequence of sounds/written signs
- used in language to express an idea & communicate a meaning
Word in Synthetic vs. Analytic languages
- Analytic langs. need more context, are vague, less definite, need more context (English
play we need some context, because it can be either a verb or a noun)
- In Synthetic langs. more definite (Czech, hrt si)
- Words in Czech have more definite meaning than words in English because Czech has
inflectional endings

Word Formation and its Process
Word Formation
- Patterns of forming new lexical units
lexical morphemes & higher segments
Major word-formation processes
1. Compounding
o Based on at least 2 separate lexemes, perceived as 1 single lexeme
o Name one single object, concept, idea of linguistic reality
o Idiom one lexeme to kick the bucket nathnout bakory
o Head-ache head = determinant, ache determinantum
o Blackboard (lexical phrase tabule can be white) X black board (syntactic phrase,
any board of black color)
o Paper-basket (used for paper) X Paper basket (made of paper)
2. Affixation
a. Suffixation bound morphemes (dont have lexical meaning, cant exist on their
own), kindness Hopeless, add one bound morpheme to the end of the word
b. Prefixation bound morphemes, disobey, to the beginning
c. Infixation messenger message
3. Conversion
o The most important
o Functional shift syntax
o From one word class to another without losing meaning:
a. Full take all grammatical categories
b. Partial old the old, enters new class X take all categories
o play verb noun
o Very prod. in English (isolating language)
4. Borrowing
o From different languages
o robot = from Czech
Minor-word formation processes
1. Back-formation
o Suffix deletion deleting the last morpheme
o air-conditioning to air condition
o computer to compute
o babysitting to babysit
2. Blending
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o Merging of independent word, usually also shortening
o smog = smoke + fog
o brunch = breakfast + lunch
3. Shortening
a. Abbreviation = na uritm ase, mst, vytvoeno pro el, vlastn zkratka, nap. v
zpisu pednky, no rules-depends on the user ppl people, knw
know, Matu
b. Acronym NATO
c. Clipping van caravan, flu influenza
4. Reduplication
o Informal
o Repeating sounds, walkie-talkie, tic-tac, flip-flop, oukey dokey

Basic Concepts
Lexeme Word Word-Form
- This hunter shoots big game.
- Dictionary In bold font we have a lexeme, the rest is a word form lexeme is an abstract
unit, we cannot use a verb and a noun at the same time
Word-Form represents/realises Lexeme
Transparent X Opaque
- Transparency of meaning coverage we know what means cover and we know what
expresses age
- opaque obscure meaning, unclear
Root Stem
- Root = - derivational & inflectional affixes
- Stem = + derivational & - inflectional affixes
Inflexion X Derivation
Inflexion Derivation
word-forms of a single lexeme new lexemes
> variables, closed system < variables, open system
further from root than derivation closer to root than inflection
semantically regular semantically irregular

- Inflection: teach lexical morpheme x teaches grammatical morpheme lexicology does
not study inflection, only word forms

All aspects of form & meaning of Lexemes
Vocabulary Centre & Periphery
Individual Vocabulary active & passive
Types of dictionaries:
- General X Specific
- Explanatory
- Bilingual X monolingual

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- Formeme all the possible graphic forms (gives, gave...)
- Sememe all possible meaning (dt , vnovat, darovat..)

Formeme word form
Sememe seme (semantic feature)

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