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Into to FAWeb (Faculty Access to the Web)

Sites/Progr Sites/Programs: ams:
MPI's webpage
Faculty Access to the Web (FAWeb)
myPueo (Online Campus Community &Net Classroom)
Intranets (middle school &high school) usernames: middle or high, password for both: $chool
Daily Bulletin
FAWeb DropBox - Doesn't work on iPad except via "Camera Roll"
Users: Users:
Admin - All access (Marilyn is FAWeb administrator)
Teachers - Access to their classes and students
Advisors - Read access to students in their advisor group including principals, deans, sport's teams & clubs
Support - and/or forwarded to Brian, Bob, Lance & Tony
FAWeb - an extension of Registrar's Offce that allows teachers, advisors and administrators using the
Internet to stay connected to students, enter grades, enter attendance and more.
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What Can Teachers Do in FAWeb?
Teachers Can:
Set-up an online Gradebook
Enter daily assignments, grades, and comments
Enter fnal marking column grades, comments, and skill rating
Enter class notes to include on report cards and transcripts
Enter attendance
Print seating charts
Run progress, missing assignment, and performance comparison reports
View basic student biographical information and family contact information
View student schedules
Send emails to students in your class and their relatives
Add and edit conduct infractions and consequences
Add and edit notes
View what a student sees in Net Classroom
Launch Your Favorite Internet Browser (Chrome, Safari or Firefox)
Before accessing the site, mak make sure y e sure you enable P ou enable Pop-Up Windows op-Up Windows
Launch your favorite browser and go to this URL for FAWeb:
Firefox seems to be ther perfered browser but most features works in all major browsers.
On the iPad/iPhone we have been advised to use the Chrome app to access FAWeb
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FAWeb Login Page
Enter the username and password you received from the Record's Offce
Home Screen in FAWeb
Reference the pdf handout in your confrmation email, pages 12-18
Three main sections:
1. Navigation Bar
2. Left Pane
3. My Classes
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Customizing FAWeb General Options
In the navigation bar at the top, click on Options > Gener Options > General options al options
Review settings
1. Decimal Precision: Calculated average, set the number from 0 - 3 numbers after the decimal
0 - rounds to next whole number. Ex- 89.5 rounds to 90
1-3 decimal points rounds to the next decimal. Creates an exact numeric grade and does not round to
next whole number
1. Change password
Click Sa Savvee
3. Log out and log back in with new password
If you don't see "Password Options" you have to use the link at the bottom of the page: "Forgot your
Username and/or Password?" on myPueo
Once you create your new password, make sure you delete the "auto fll" in "current pasword" before you
save and exit this pop up window
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Customizing FAWeb Spell Check Settings
In the navigation bar at the top, click on Options > Spell check settings Options > Spell check settings
Review settings
Click Sa Savvee
Click Home Home in Navigation Bar to see My Classes view
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Customizing Overall Gradebook Settings
1. Click Settings Settings
2. Defne academic year: 2014-2015
3. Defne session: Regular
4. Click OK OK
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Setting Up Gradebook for Your Class
The frst time you log into FAWeb with a new gradebook/class assigned, you have to set up your gradebook.
1. Click the "hammer and screwdriv hammer and screwdriver er" icon
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Setup Categories Part 1
1. Choose either to set up your gradebook calculation as "Total Points" or "Category Percentages".
If you want category percentages, check the box
If you want total points leave the box unchecked
2. Name - 2. Name - name of category
3. Default name - 3. Default name - abbreviation of the name for use in your gradebook. For our students/parents lets try to be
consistent when we create categories
4. Gr 4. Graded - aded - Select if the assignments in the category are graded (Yes or No)
5. Number to drop - 5. Number to drop - Enter the lowest assignment grade in the category to drop (Optional & Don't check until
end of semester, if done at beginning it will cause the deletion of assignments)
6. Gr 6. Grading Scale - ading Scale - Select a grading scale
7. Default maximum points - 7. Default maximum points - Enter maximum number of points an assignment in the category is typically
worth. Can change when creating an assignment
8. A 8. Avver eraging Method - aging Method - If "This class is graded using category percentages" is checked, click to choose between
"Sum of assignment points" or "Assignment grade average" (Category Percentages only)
9. Factor - 9. Factor - If "This class is graded using category percentages" is checked, then enter the percentage of each
category average in the marking column average as the factor (Category Percentages only)
10. P 10. Percent of gr ercent of grade - ade - After entering "Factor" column the "percent of grade" appears (This is done
automatically after Averaging Method and Factor are added)
11.Click Cop Copy to other classes y to other classes tab
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Setup Categories Part 2
1. If you have other classes that you want to copy your categories to, select the class to cop copy this set up y this set up
to to (Only if you teach multiple classes)
2. Click Create categories Create categories
Accessing Assign Marking Column Weights
1. Navigation bar Gr Gradebook > Assign marking column weights to classes adebook > Assign marking column weights to classes
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Assign Marking Column Weights
1. Select a marking column
2. Select the class to assign the marking column weight
3. Select the marking column weight defnition
4. Click save
Accessing Copying Grading Scales and Marking Column Weights
1. Navigation bar Gr Gradebook > Cop adebook > Copy gr y grading scales and weights ading scales and weights
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Copying Grading Scales and Marking Column Weights
1. Under Copy From, select from which academic year and session to copy
2. Under Copy To, the current academic year and session default
3. Select the checkbox to copy grading scales. You can select all or individuals
4. Select the check box to copy marking column weight defnitions. You can select all or individuals
5. Click Cop Copyy
To copy from one academic year and session go to My Classes settings. Update the academic year and session
to copy to, by clicking Settings Settings on My Classes grid.
Navigation bar Gr Gradebook > Cop adebook > Copy gr y grading scales and weights ading scales and weights
Under Copy From, select from which academic year and session to copy
Under Copy To, select the current academic year and session default
Select the check box to copy grading scales. You can select all or individuals
Select the check box to copy marking column weight defnitions. You can select all or individuals
If needed, you can copy weight defnitions from one specifc class to another.
Click Ne Next xt to select the classes.
In the associated grid, select from and to which class the marking column defnitions associated needs
to copy
Click Cop Copyy
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Customizing Individual Gradebook Settings
Click on the blue link of the class name blue link of the class name in "My Classes" section of Home page
Your gradebook opens
1. Click Settings Settings
2. Customize Gradebook settings
Columns to include
Assignment order
3. Click OK OK
4. Click Sa Savvee
Click Home Home in Navigation Bar to see My Classes view (we will come back to gradebook after we learn how to
create assignments)
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Accessing Alerts and Announcements Settings
Announcements in the sidebar are from FAWeb Administrator
Alerts are from students either missing work or whose average fell below the defned level.
1. Click on Settings Settings on the Alert banner
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Customizing Alert Settings
1. Enter the grade you require for an alert. An Unacceptable Performance is when a grade falls below
2. Enter "missing" or "blank" or "missing and blank" to get notifcations when students did not turn in
3. Click Sa Savvee
Unacceptable Performance & Missing Assignment Alerts Windows
Example view of Alert windows
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