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NPM :140610120091


1. Discussion: People sometimes suggest that psychology cannot be a science because either (a) human
behavior cannot be predicted with perfect accuracy or (b) much of its subject matter (e.g., thoughts and
feelings) cannot be observed directly. Do you agree or disagree with each of these ideas? Why?
2. Practice: List three empirical questions about human behavior. List three nonempirical questions about
human behavior.
3. Discussion: Consider the following psychological claim. Peoples choice of spouse is strongly influenced
by their perception of their own parents. Some choose a spouse who is similar in some way to one of
their parents. Others choose a spouse who is different from one of their parents. Is this claim
falsifiable? Why or why not?

1. Saya setuju bahwa sampai saat ini masih banyak orang yang menganggap psikologi bukanlah
ilmu sains.Hal ini dikarenakan adanya pemikiran-pemikiran berikut:
- Perilaku manusia tidak dapat diprediksi dengan akurasi yang sempurna.
Barangkali anda pernah mendengar ungkapan:Anda tidak akan pernah menyeberang sungai yang
sama. Semisal, anda menyeberang sungai pukul 10.00 kemudian anda menyeberang sungai yang
sama pada pukul 11.00. Samakah kondisi sungai pada waktu yang berbeda? Jawabannya
berbeda.Air, batu, pasir, tanah dll. yang anda injak pada pukul 12.00 tidak sama dengan pada pukul
10.00. Belum lagi anda tidak mungkin persis sama menyeberang pada jalur yang sama pada waktu
yang berbeda. Begitu juga halnya dengan manusia.Sikap, perilaku, pendapat manusia juga selalu
berubah. Manusia adalah makhluk yang dinamis. Ia selalu berubah setiap saat. Manusia mungkin di
pagi hari sangat jahat, tetapi mungkin di sore hari ia menjadi sangat baik. Demikian
seterusnya.Maka pengamatan terhadap manusia pada waktu dan keadaan yang berbeda tidak
akan menghasilkan akurasi yang sempurna.Berbeda hal nya dengan ilmu sains, dimana setiap
materi yang diamati akan menghasilkan akurasi yang sempurna karena dilakukan dengan
eksperimen ilmiah.
- Banyak hal (misalnya,pikiran dan perasaan) tidak dapat diamati secara langsung.
Pikiran dan perasaan manusia merupakan hal yang pribadi.Kita tidak dapat mengamatinya secara
langsung karena kita tidak akan tahu secara pasti apa yang sedang dipikirkan atau dirasakan
seseorang. Sehingga kita hanya dapat memberikan pendapat yang sifatnya subjektif dan relatif.Hal
ini sangatlah berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan ilmu sains.Dimana objek dalam ilmu sains dapat
diamati secara langsung karena bersifat konkret, dan kita dapat memberikan penafsiran secara
absolut dan objektif.

Empirical questions:
1.Apakah IQ mempengaruhi Indeks prestasi?
2.Apakah pria lebih konsumtif dibanding wanita?
3.Apakah waktu bermain mempengaruhi kesehatan?
Non empirical questions:
1.Apakah wanita lebih baik hati dibanding pria?
2.Berapa persentase mahasiswa yang cantik di Jurusan Statistika Unpad?
3..Apakah masakan di Kantin Bu Cucu enak?

Pilihan seseorang dalam berpasangan sangat dipengaruhi oleh persepsi mereka tentang orangtua
mereka sendiri . Beberapa memilih pasangan yang mirip salah satu orangtua mereka.Lainnya
memilih pasangan yang berbeda dari salah satu orangtua mereka . Menurut saya , pernyataan ini
dapat diterima. Hal ini dikarenakan,faktor orangtua sebagai panutan sekaligus orang terdekat
sangatlah mempengaruhi anak dalam hal mengambil keputusan, tak terkecuali dalam hal memilih
pasangan.Jika hubungan anak dengan orangtuanya sangat baik, dia akan memilih pasangan yang
mirip dengan orang tua yang disayanginya,dan sebaliknya jika hubungan anak dengan oran tua
kurang baik, dia akan mencari pasangan yang berbeda dengan orangtuanya.

1. Practice: Find a description of an empirical study in a professional journal or in one of the scientific
psychology blogs. Then write a brief description of the research in terms of the cyclical model
presented here. One or two sentences for each part of the cycle should suffice.
2. Practice: Based on your own experience or on things you have already learned about psychology, list
three basic research questions and three applied research questions of interest to you.
Empirical studies are those based on actual and objective observation or experimentation.
Articles that describe empirical research studies are published in scholarly or academic
Many scholarly or academic journals are peer-reviewed or refereed, meaning that a panel
of experts in the field selects and reviews the articles published in the journal. These articles
are often, but not always, empirical studies.
Empirical studies articles comprise the following parts (wording may vary):
o Abstract
o introduction (and review of the literature)
o method
o results
o discussion (and/or Conclusion)
o references

1.Practical Problem
The argument said that Father is a key figure in his daughters development
2.Research Questions
- To what extent does a father have influence over his daughters development?
- In what specific areas does the father influence the daughters development?
3.Research Literature
Research conducted by Nielsen, fathers generally have as much or more influence than mothers
on many aspects of their daughters lives.
4.Empirical Study
From the journal,we can said that it was based on actual and objective observation or
5.Data Analysis
The ten-question survey instrument used in this study determined the influence a father has on his
daughters development. The survey instrument was distributed to the students enrolled in The
Masters College between the dates of March 23, 2009, and March 27, 2009. All survey instruments
were returned directly to the researcher.
The majority of the participants either strongly agreed or agreed that a father has influence on his
daughter not only overall, but in many specific areas. It can therefore be concluded, according to
this study, that no matter what the connection between a father and his daughter, there is some
form of connection on some level, and that the relationship between the two is important at many
social, mental, physical and emotional levels.It is clear not only from the survey conducted but also
from previous research that a father influences his daughters thoughts, her feelings, her emotions,
her dreams, and her ambitions. This study further suggests that many college-aged students do
believe that a father holds sway over his daughter. These important results should not be ignored.
7.Research Literature
Caitlin Goossen,The Perceived Influence of a Father on His Daughters Development.

Basic Research Questions
1.Apakah wanita lebih rajin membaca dibanding pria?
2.Apakah mahasiswa laki-laki di jurusan Statistika Unpad lebih aktif berorganisasi dibanding
mahasiswa perempuan?
3.Apakah masakan ibu lebih enak daripada masakan ayah?
Applied Questions
1.Apakah video game mempengaruhi kemampuan berpikir pemainnya?
2.Apakah musik dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar?
3.Apaka belajar di pagi hari lebih baik daripada di malam hari?

1. Practice: For each of the following intuitive beliefs about human behavior, list three reasons that it
might be true and three reasons that it might not be true:
a. You cannot truly love another person unless you love yourself.
b. People who receive crisis counseling immediately after experiencing a traumatic event are
better able to cope with that trauma in the long term.
c. Studying is most effective when it is always done in the same location.

a.Anda tidak dapat benar-benar mencintai orang lain kecuali jika Anda mencintai diri sendiri.
+ manusia belajar bagaimana cara mencintai,dengan terlebih dahulu mempraktikkan cinta
terhadap dirinya sendiri, kemudian terhadap orang lain.
+ manusia siap membagi cinta jika dirinya sudah dipenuhi dengan cinta.
+ sesungguhnya manusia mencintai orang lain,karena dia melihat ada sosok dirinya yang sangat dia
cintai dalam diri orang lain tersebut.
-cinta terhadap diri sendiri dapat menutup manusia terhadap dunia luar.
-terlalu mencintai diri sendiri membuat sombong dan merendahkan orang lain.
-bagaimana manusia bisa membagi cinta terhadap orang lain,jika cinta yang sdia miliki sudah habis
dikuras oleh dirinya sendiri.
b.Orang-orang yang menerima "krisis konseling" segera setelah mengalami peristiwa
traumatis,lebih mampu mengatasi trauma dalam jangka panjang.
+ penanganan yang lebih cepat akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimal.
+ penyakit trauma nya belum terlalu berkembang.
+ lebih percaya diri bisa sembuh dengan lebih cepat.
-pasien butuh waktu untuk menenangkan diri.
-obat-obatan akan mengganggu kinerja saraf di otak.
-konseling yang terlalu cepat dapat menimbulkan kekhawatiran yang berlebih terhadap pasien,
selain itu dapat mengubah aktivitas hariannya,sehingga menyebabkan shock.
c. Belajar paling efektif bila selalu dilakukan di lokasi yang sama.
+ karena sudah beradaptasi dengan baik
+ sudah berada di zona nyaman
+ tidak perlu capek mikirin tempat lain, tinggal belajar saja.
-dapat menimbulkan kejenuhan.
-kurang dapat inspirasi
-manusia itu sifatnya tidak pernah puas, selalu ingin yang baru dan yang lebih baik.

The Perceived Influence of a Father on His Daughters Development
Caitlin Goossen
The Master's College

According to research conducted by Nielsen, fathers generally have as much or more influence than
mothers on many aspects of their daughters lives. For example, the father has the greater impact on
the daughters ability to trust, enjoy and relate well to the males in her life well-fathered daughters are
usually more self-confident, more self-reliant, and more successful in school and in their careers than
poorly-fathered daughters Daughters with good relationships with their father are also less likely to
develop eating disorders (2007, 12). The purpose of this study was to determine what, if any,
influence a father has on his daughters development. The survey instrument requested demographic
data in addition to seven Likert-type scale questions and was distributed to the students enrolled in The
Masters College during the spring 2009 semester. STATPAK was used to examine the data collected,
and the One-Dimensional Chi-square test used to interpret the data. All responses were significant at
the .05 significance level. The conclusions of this research indicate that a father does have influence
over his daughter in many areas, including body image and sexuality.
Is a father a key figure in his daughters development? The role of a fathers absence on the
reproductive and psychological behavior of their daughters has been a subject of considerable interest
from a developmental, psychological, sociological and evolutionary perspective (Comings, Muhleman,
Johnson, & MacMurry, 2002, p. 1046). It seems for many girls that inevitably our fathers determine
how we view the opposite sex, the outside world and ourselves (Krohn & Bogan, 2001, Conclusion
section, 1). Further, the bond between father and daughter is one of the strongest in the
world...[and] if the father and mother are the right role models, the daughter will grow into an
independent young woman (Norment & Chappell, 2003).
A Fathers Influence and Involvement
The relationship between a father and his daughter is in jeopardy. In one recent study only thirty
percent of fathers believed that active involvement in their daughters life was vital to her health and
well being (Roper Poll, 2004). Following this cultural norm, fathers seem to spend more time talking
with, giving advice to, and sharing more with their sons (Nielsen, 2007, 9). Also, in a study of college
women conducted over a 15-year period, Nielsen found that her subjects wished that their relationship
with their father was emotionally and personally closer so they could more closely and comfortably
communicate about such personal issues as marital problems and divorce, drug and alcohol use,
financial matters, depression, eating disorders, and sex before marriage (2007, Results section, 7-8).
Coming, Muhleman, Johnson, and MacMurry proposed that girls exposed to a stressful environment,
especially when due to father absence in the first 7 years of life, showed an early onset of puberty,
precocious sexuality, and unstable relationships as adults (2002, p. 1046). The authors were attempting
to relate these challenges and behaviors to a genetic link between the father and daughter. Although
their conclusions were inconclusive, it is clear that whether there is a genetic link or not, daughters that
grow up without a father (especially if he abandoned them) are significantly more prone to destructive
behavior than those who have a father present.
It therefore seems that a father indeed has influence on his daughter and on her development as a
whole person. A daughter will be a different kind of person depending on the level of involvement her
father has. The question now remains: In what specific ways, or in which areas of life, does a father
Long-Term Male Romantic Relationships
It is often said that a daughter is attracted to, or marries, someone just like her father. It appears that
this might indeed be the case, or at least a factor, in how a daughter chooses a spouse or a romantic
partner. According to a study conducted on college students (both male and female) by Knox, Zusman
and DeCuzzi, offspring whose parents were divorced were more likely to avoid short-term
relationships (2004, 1). These young women and men are more likely to be more cautious than their
peers who have married parents, because they have experienced first hand the pain that results from a
broken relationship. Ognibene quoted author Victoria Secunda as saying that the greatest impact on a
womans romantic choices and ability to feel comfortable in her own sexuality is how her father related
to her in childhood (1994, 1). A daughters romantic choices will be tainted by the way her father
treated her whether she likes it or not. Certain behaviors on his part will trigger her behaviors.
Further, there have been numerous studies on the negative effects that an absent father has on his
daughters romantic relationships. Krohn and Bogan summarized them in this way: numerous studies
[indicate] that girls from fatherless families develop more promiscuous attitudes and experience
difficulty in forming or maintaining romantic relations later in their development These behavioral
patterns are carried with them into womanhood and may be the cause of their unfulfilling relationships
with men (2001, 17).
Views of the Opposite Sex
Hutchenson remarked that fathers may be able to provide daughters with unique perspectives,
enhance their overall understanding of men, and provide opportunities to role-play communication
strategies with men (2002, 1). The way a young woman is going to view the opposite sex is going to
come from her early memories of the opposite sex: the memories of her father and the way in which he
treated her and the women around her. Whether it is a positive or negative view is going to depend a
good deal on what the girls father was like and whether he was there or not.
First, there is the father who is present, whether involved or not: Girls who have little contact with their
fathers have great difficulties forming lasting relationships with men*while those with+ involved fathers
learn how to interact with males by using the father-daughter relationship as a model (Krohn & Bogan,
2001, 9). If this model is positive and loving, a girl will view the opposite sex with confidence and trust.
If the model is negative, the girl will view the opposite sex with fear and doubt.
Then there is the father who is absent. The experience a girl has when she loses her father, whether by
divorce, abandonment, or death, will shape the way she views men. Girls who lose their fathers to
divorce or abandonment tend to be more critical of their fathers and the opposite sex (Krohn &
Bogan, 2001, 12). Girls who lose their father to death, however, have a positive view of their father
and feel the sadness of his loss and often avoid other men (Krohn & Bogan, 2001, 12 & 13). It seems
then that girls are going to have expectations of how they will be treated by men, what they are worth
in mens eyes, and what to expect from men from their experiences with their fathers. The
circumstances under which they lost him, however, will play a role in that.
A fathers influence can have large implications on how promiscuous his daughter is with her physical
sexuality. According to Krohn and Bogan, Females who lose their fathers to divorce or abandonment
seek much more attention from men and had more physical contact with boys their age than girls from
intact homes (2001, 12). They also warn that girls who have little contact with their fathers,
especially during adolescence had great difficulties forming lasting relationships with menthese
females either shy away from males altogether, or become sexually aggressive (2001, 9).
Other studies found, among other things, that fathers may play an important role through the
discussion of socio-sexual issues with daughters (Hutchenson, 2002, 1). Further, communication and
relationships with fathers are also potentially important influences of daughters sexual attitude and
behaviours and fathers are important sources of discussion of more general moral and sexual issues
(Hutchenson, 2002, 11). Although both the father and the mother are important in talking to and
teaching their daughters about sexuality, the father has a unique influence that the mother may not; he
provides a male perspective and often a standard of morality when it comes to his daughters sexuality.
Body Image
Available fathers who talked to, praised, and responded to their daughters boost their girls social
responsiveness and positive feeling about self beyond the level of those girls whose fathers were
uninvolved (Krohn & Bogan, 2001, Secure Foundations section, 1). A girls body image is significantly
affected by the culture in which she lives but also by the way men in her life view her and other women.
It is far less likely for a girl who has a loving, praising father to succumb to an eating disorder in order to
feel better about herself.
An extensive study by Botta and Dumlao came to several conclusions regarding the link between eating
disorders, communication styles, and conflict resolution patterns between a father and a daughter.
Their research indicated that skilled conflict resolution and open communication between father and
daughter may offset eating disorders (2002, p. 199). They came to this conclusion when they realized
that a dysfunctional early family environment leads to a negative self-image, which contributes toself-
directed hostility (Botta & Dumlao, 2002, p. 212). Self-directed hostility is referring to the eating
disorders of anorexia and bulimia, which are used by girls to try to control their body. Further, Botta and
Dumlao found that conflict resolution offering respite from aversive emotional states should help
alleviate the need for self-directed hostility and bulimic behaviours (2002, p. 214)
Social Skills
Children learn their social skills from their parents. Yet, according to Updegraff, McHale, Crouter, &
Kupanoff there have been few studies conducted on the relationship between a father and daughter
and her peers/social skills. It is clear, they said, that parents interact more with the children and their
peers of the same gender (mother/daughter and father/son). It remains to be seen how much of an
influence a father has on his daughters peer relationships and, thus, her social skills in that area.
However, there is some research pertaining to this area. Perkins conducted a study of college-aged
women and the influence their fathers had on their life styles. She stated that if theorists are correct, it
may be assumed that the father-daughter relationship has the potential to shape interaction patterns
that surface as women enter into adult college relationships (Perkins, 2001, 4). Therefore, it seems
that a girls relationship with her father will often dictate her life style and the choices she makes socially
as an adult.
Academic Goals
It appears that a girls success in school has at least a little bit to do with having a father in her life.
Researchers agree the females who lack father figures are more prone to experience diminished
cognitive development and poor school performance (Krohn & Bogan, 2001, Introduction section, 2).
Research also found that well-fathered daughters are usually more self-confident, more self-reliant,
and more successful in school and in their careers than poorly-fathered daughters (Nielsen, 2007,
12). A father figure is needed for academic encouragement and support, and a daughter seems to react
negatively in academics without a father present.
Further, studies have shown that females with absent fathers often have diminished cognitive
development; poor school performance, lower achievement test scores, and lower IQ scores (Krohn &
Bogan, 2001, Academic Performance of Young Girls section, 1).
Also, not having a father tends to either discourage college attendance or push girls to achieve the
highest possible standards in an effort to gain their fathers missing approval (Krohn & Bogan, 2001,
Father-Absence and College Attendance section, 4). Krohn and Bogan also noted that daughters
obtain secure foundations knowing what their fathers believe in and stand for (2001, Introduction
section, 6). A solid foundation is essential for success in both academics and a career. Daughters
without this foundation are prone to giving up easily and not following through if they start college at
The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of a father on his daughters development. The
following questions provided the focus of the study:
To what extent does a father have influence over his daughters development?
In what specific areas does the father influence the daughters development?
Method of Data Collection
The ten-question survey instrument (Appendix A) used in this study determined the influence a father
has on his daughters development. The first three questions requested demographic data. The survey
instrument was distributed to the students enrolled in The Masters College between the dates of March
23, 2009, and March 27, 2009. All survey instruments were returned directly to the researcher.
Statistical Procedures
STATPAK was employed to examine the data; the desired scale of measurement was nominal, which is
defined as qualitative variables; provides for a categories and permits counting how many are in each
category (Joseph & Joseph, 1986, p. 54). Data were collected from both male and female students
enrolled in The Masters College using a ten-item survey instrument that was returned directly to the
researcher. The One Dimensional Chi-Square statistical test was used because it is a nonparametric test
of hypotheses for variables (Healey, 2005, p. 544) that is most often used with nominal data (Joseph
& Joseph, 1986, p. 182). A .05 level of significance was used to test the results of the study. Data
retrieved from the demographic portion of the survey instrument were reported in percentages, tables,
and figures.
The subjects sampled for this study were the students enrolled in The Masters College located in Santa
Clarita, CA, during the spring 2009 semester. Fifty copies of the survey instrument were distributed;
forty-six were returned and forty-six were used in this study. The data collected from the forty-six
subjects will be discussed in subsequent sections, commencing with the reporting of the demographic
findings. The demographic section of the survey indicated that 46% of the students surveyed were male
and 54% were female; 5% were between the ages of 13 and 17, 95% were between the ages of 18 and
26, and 0% were 26 or older; and 37% of the students surveyed reported themselves as freshmen, 22%
as sophomores, 17% as juniors, and 24% as seniors. Table 1 summarizes the results of the 7 survey
Table 1. Summary of Responses to Survey Questions
Scale Number Total
Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
4 0 0 2 17 27 46 20.6522 5.991
5 0 0 5 18 23 46 11.2609 5.991
6 0 0 2 17 27 46 20.6522 5.991
7 0 2 16 18 10 46 13.4783 7.815
8 2 2 10 17 15 46 21.6087 9.488
9 0 2 9 22 13 46 18.1739 7.815
10 0 0 5 23 18 46 11.2609 5.991
Research Question One
To what extent does a father have influence over his daughters development? Question 4 of the survey
instrument located in Appendix A addressed this research question.
The results of the analysis revealed that the calculated value for question 4 was significant at the .05
level of significance and suggested that a father does have influence on his daughter at each stage of her
The findings from question 4 align with research conducted by Krohn and Bogan who found that
inconsistant father-daughter relations can have a devastating effect on a females life by making her
more vulnerable to outside influences (2001, Security and Stability section, 5).
Research Question Two
In what specific areas does the father influence the daughters development? Questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and
10 of the survey instrument located in Appendix A addressed this research question.
The results of the analysis revealed that the calculated value for questions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 were all
significant at the .05 level of significance and suggested that a father does have influence on his
daughters choice of a romantic partner, view of the opposite sex, sexuality, body image, social skills,
and academic goals.
The findings from question 5 align with Victoria Secundas statement that the greatest impact on a
womans romantic choicesis how her father related to her in childhood (Ognibene, 1994, 1).
Research by Nielsen also drew this conclusion, as it stated that the majority of the college women she
studied wanted to hear more about their fathers romantic experiences and his ideas about love and
marriage (2007, 8).
The findings from question 6 align with the research conducted by Hutchenson who says that fathers
may be able to provide daughters with unique perspectives, enhance their overall understanding of
men, and provide opportunities to role-play communication strategies with men (2002, 1).
The findings from question 7 align with the research conducted by Krohn and Bogan who say that girls
who have little contact with their fathers, especially during adolescence had great difficulties forming
lasting relationships with men*and+ these females either shy away from males altogether, or become
sexually aggressive (2001, 9).
The findings from question 8 align with the research conducted by Botta and Dumlao who found that
skilled conflict resolution and open communication between father and daughter may offset eating
disorders and a lack of those skills or attempting to resolve conflict in ways that do not offer long-term
resolution for both father and daughter can lead to increased eating disordered behaviors (2002, p.
The findings from question 9 align with the research conducted by Perkins who says if theorists are
correct, it may be assumed that the father-daughter relationship has the potential to shape interaction
patterns that surface as women enter into adult college relationships (2001, 4). Further, Perkins
concluded that the way a daughter behaves in all kinds of social situations will depend on what type of
father she had growing up (Perkins, 2001, Entire discussion section).
The findings from question 10 align with the research conducted by Nielsen who found that well-
fathered daughters are usually more self-confident, more self-reliant, and more successful in school and
in their careers than poorly-fathered daughters (Nielsen, 2007, 12).
The results of the One-Dimensional Chi-square tests at the .05 significance level for all of the survey
instrument questions suggest that the students at The Masters College are of the belief that a father
has influence over his daughter not only at each stage of development, but also regarding his daughters
choice of a romantic partner, view of the opposite sex, sexuality, body image, social skills, and academic
Within the stated purpose and findings of this study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
A father does have influence on his daughters development according to the participants in this study.
The father does have influence on the daughters development in specific areas according to the
participants in this study.
The findings in this study yielded all significant results at the .05 level of significance. The majority of the
participants either strongly agreed or agreed that a father has influence on his daughter not only overall,
but in many specific areas. It can therefore be concluded, according to this study, that no matter what
the connection between a father and his daughter, there is some form of connection on some level, and
that the relationship between the two is important at many social, mental, physical and emotional
It is clear not only from the survey conducted but also from previous research that a father influences
his daughters thoughts, her feelings, her emotions, her dreams, and her ambitions. This study further
suggests that many college-aged students do believe that a father holds sway over his daughter. These
important results should not be ignored.
Limitations of the Study
A couple of limitations to this study existed. The sample population consisted only of college students
between the ages of 17 and 26 attending The Masters College, during the spring semester of 2009.
Knowledge of the relationship the women had with their fathers, as well as knowledge of if the men had
sisters or not, is not known. Although the findings of this study pertain only to the students attending
The Masters College, a general trend may be observed and the above conclusions drawn.
Recommendations for Further Study
This study provides some information regarding the impact a father has upon his daughters
development. Additional questions pertaining to the impact a father has upon his daughters
development warrant further investigation; thus, the following recommendations for further research
and study are offered:
This study should be replicated, using a different population to determine whether other college-aged
populations believe a father has influence upon his daughters development.
A study should be conducted to determine in what specific ways a father has influence on his daughters
body image.
The specific effects from losing a father due to specific instances such as divorce, death, or
abandonment on a daughter should be studied.
A study should be conducted to determine whether a mother or a father has more impact on a
daughters choice of a spouse/romantic partner.
Botta, R., & Dumlao, R. (2002). How do conflict and communication patterns between fathers and
daughters contribute to or offset eating disorders? Health Communication, 14(2), 199-219.
Comings, D., Muhleman, D., Johnson J., & MacMurray, J. (July/Aug 2002). Parent-daughter transmission
of the androgen receptor gene as and explanation of the effect of father absence on age of
menarche. Child Development, 73(4), 1046-1051.
Healey, Joseph F. (2005). Statistics: A tool for social research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Hutchenson, K. M. (2002, July). The influence of sexual risk communication between parents and
daughters on sexual risk behaviors. Family Relations. 51(3), 238-248. Retrieved January 29, 2009 from .
Knox, D., Zusman, M., & DeCuzzi, A. (2004, Dec. 1). The effect of parental divorce on relationships with
parents and romantic partners of college students. College Student Journal, 38 (4). Retrieved January 29,
2009, from ERIC database.
Krohn, F., & Bogan, Z. (Dec 2001). The effects absent fathers have on female development and college
attendance. College Student Journal, 35(4), 598. Retrieved February 4, 2009 from Academic Search
Joseph, M. L., & Joseph, W. D. (1979). Research fundamentals in home economics. Redondo , CA: Plycon
Nielsen, L. (2007, March 1). College daughters relationships with their fathers: A 15 year study. College
Student Journal, 41(1), 112-121. Retrieved January 29, 2009, from ERIC database.
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Survey Instrument
Does a Father Have Influence on His Daughter?
Hello, my name is Caitlin Goossen and I need your help! I am conducting a survey to determine what
type of influence a father has on his daughters development for my undergraduate thesis. My thesis
wont be complete without your answers! Please answer the following questions and return the survey
to me personally or to Box number 1438by March 27 th. Thank you so much. Your participation is a
1. My gender is M _____ F _____
2. My age group is 13-17 _____ 18-26 _____ 27+ _____
3. I would be categorizes as a Freshman ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___ Senior ___

On a scale of 1- 5 (1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree), respond to the following
questions by circling your answers:
4. A father influences his daughter at each stage of development.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
5. A father influences his daughters choice of a romantic partner.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
6. A father influences his daughters view of the opposite sex.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
7. A father influences his daughters sexuality.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
8. A father influences his daughters body image.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
9. A father influences his daughters social skills.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
10. A father influences his daughters academic goals.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

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