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THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT is made as of the [day] day of [month], [year]

#The $Com%any$&
[Name' #The $Indi(id)a*$&
The Com%any has offered to en+a+e the Indi(id)a* as an inde%endent ,ontra,tor and the
Indi(id)a* has a,,e%ted the offer, s)-.e,t to the fo**o/in+ terms and ,onditions and in m)t)a*
,onsideration of the %romises made -et/een the %arties in this A+reement0
Arti,*e *
22 The Com%any sha** en+a+e the Indi(id)a* as an inde%endent ,ontra,tor, for a 3 month term
,ommen,in+ on the [day] day of[month],[year] #the
44Effe,ti(e 5ate$& and terminatin+ on [day] day of [month], [year] /ith a)tomati, s),,essi(e [one
#2&6 year rene/a* terms, )n*ess the Com%any or the Indi(id)a* terminates this A+reement -y
noti,e in /ritin+ to the other %arty +i(en at *east [three
#7& months %rior to the end of s),h initia* [n)m-er in /ords and n)m-er] year term or any s),h
rene/a* term, effe,ti(e as at the end of s),h initia* to or any s),h rene/a* term The Com%any
and the Indi(id)a* a,8no/*ed+e and a+ree that [neither] the Indi(id)a* [nor any %ersonne*
se*e,ted -y the Indi(id)a* to assist sha**]6 [is not], and this A+reement is not intended and /i** not
o%erate to ma8e the Indi(id)a* [or any s),h %ersonne*], an em%*oyee of the Com%any, for any
%)r%ose /hatsoe(er [This ,ons)*tin+ %eriod does not ,onstit)te any %romise or +)arantee that
the Cor%oration /i** re9)ire the Indi(id)a*:s ser(i,es on any re+)*ar -asis or at a**]
;2 The Indi(id)a* a+rees to di*i+ent*y %erform the fo**o/in+ ser(i,es, d)ties and res%onsi-i*ities0
[*ist and des,ri-e or in,*)de s,hed)*e settin+ o)t des,ri%tion of the /or8 to -e %ersonne*], and
s),h other ser(i,es, d)ties and res%onsi-i*ities as may from time to time -e m)t)a**y a+reed to -y
the Cor%oration and the Indi(id)a*, /ith a standard of ,are, di*i+en,e and 9)a*ity that is
,ommens)rate /ith ind)stry %ra,ti,e in Canada The Indi(id)a* sha** not -e )nder the dire,t
,ontro*, mana+ement or s)%er(ision of the Com%any in the %erforman,e of s),h ser(i,es, -)t the
Indi(id)a* /i** a,,e%t dire,tion from ,ertain mana+ement in the %erforman,e of the Indi(id)a*4s
d)ties and sha** s)-mit reasona-*e /ritten re%orts to the Com%any ,on,ernin+ the %erforman,e of
s),h ser(i,es, as the Com%any may re9)est from time to time
;; The Indi(id)a* a+rees that any fai*)re to dis,har+e the d)ties and res%onsi-i*ities assi+ned to
him in a,,ordan,e /ith [Se,tion ;2], [if not remedied after reasona-*e noti,e], ,onstit)tes -oth a
-rea,h of this A+reement and ,a)se for termination of this A+reement /itho)t noti,e or
,om%ensation in *ie) of noti,e
;7 "hi*e en+a+ed on any matter the Indi(id)a* /i**, [#e=,e%t In the ,ase of i**ness or a,,ident&]
de(ote [his f)** time, a-i*ity and attention to the -)siness of the ,or%oration] [s),h of his time,
attention and ener+y that is ne,essary to s),h tas8 d)rin+ the term >f this A+reement and to
faithf)**y ser(e the Com%otation and )se his -est efforts to %romote the interests and /e*fare of
the Cor%oration] In order to %erform the d)ties and res%onsi-i*ities here)nder, the Indi(id)a* /i**
-e reasona-*y a(ai*a-*e at s),h times and *o,ations as the Indi(id)a* and the Com%any may
reasona-*y and m)t)a**y a+ree ["itho)t *imitation, the ,om%any and the Indi(id)a* may a+ree
that some of the ser(i,es to -e %ro(ided -y the indi(id)a* here)nder may -e ,arried o)t at his
home or %ersona* offi,e][The Indi(id)a* sha** ha(e the ri+ht to s)-stit)te %ersonne* d)rin+ the
,)rren,y of this A+reement, s)-.e,t to the %rior ,onsent of the Com%any] A -rea,h of this Se,tion
;7 sha22 -e ,a)se for termination of this A+reement /itho)t noti,e or ,om%ensation in *ie) of
;? The Indi(id)a* sha**, in the %erforman,e of his o-*i+ations %)rs)ant to this A+reement, ,om%*y
/ith a** a%%*i,a-*e *a/s, ro*es, re+)*ations and -y@*a/s of Canada and of ea,h %ro(in,e and
m)ni,i%a* s)-di(ision thereof in /hi,h the Indi(id)a* is %ro(idin+ ser(i,es to the Com%any The
Indi(id)a* a-a22 -e res%onsi-*e for o-tainin+ a** ne,essary %ermits and *i,enses and ,om%*yin+
/ith a** a%%*i,a-*e ,odes and re+)*ations in ,onne,tion /ith s),h %ermits and *i,enses The
Indi(id)a* s-a22 ta8e reasona-*e safety and hea*th %re,a)tions d)rin+ the %ro(ision of the
ser(i,es here)nder Not/ithstandin+ the inde%enden,e of the Indi(id)a* in %erformin+ s),h
ser(i,es, the Indi(id)a*, in %erformin+ s),h ser(i,es, a+rees to ,om%*y /ith the %o*i,ies,
standards, %ro,ed)res, ,on(entions, te,hni9)es, r)*es and re+)*ations of the Com%any /hi,h are
from time to time in for,e, and /hi,h are -ro)+ht to the Indi(id)a*4s attention or those of /hi,h the
Indi(id)a* sho)*d reasona-*y -e a/are, in,*)din+, /itho)t *imitation, /or8%*a,e safety %o*i,ies,
h)man ri+hts %o*i,ies and *e+a* re9)irements ,on,ernin+ a** as%e,ts of the Indi(id)a*4s dea*in+s
/ith the Com%any or the Com%any4s em%*oyees
Arti,*e 7
72 The Com%any a+rees to %ay to the Indi(id)a* d)rin+ the term of this A+reement for the
ser(i,es %ro(ided here)nder a fee e9)a* to C[amo)nt] for ea,h ho)r of ser(i,es and6or, /here
a%%*i,a-*e, C[amo)nt] for ea,h ha*f day of ser(i,es The Indi(id)a* sha** render an in(oi,e e(ery
[t/o #;& /ee8s' for the fees o/in+ The Com%any sha** %ay the amo)nt of s),h in(oi,e /ithin
[fifteen #2D&] days of re,ei%t Aro(ided, ho/e(er, that the Com%any sha** not -e o-*i+ated to ma8e
%ayment of any in(oi,e so *on+ as the Indi(id)a* has, in the reasona-*e o%inion of the Com%any,
fai*ed to re,tify in a manner satisfa,tory to the Com%any any ad(erse de%art)re from any
%erforman,e s,hed)*e a%%*i,a-*e to any of the ser(i,es or any -rea,h of this A+reement
7; The Indi(id)a* /i** %ro(ide a** e9)i%ment and too*s ne,essary in order to %erform his
o-*i+ations here)nder The Com%any sha** [not] ,om%ensate the Indi(id)a* for any o)t@of@%o,8et
e=%enses6a** reasona-*e, do,)mented o)t@of@%o,8et e=%enses in,)rred in %erfor2******,e >2the
ser(i,es in,*)din+, -)t not *imited to, tra(e* e=%enses, *on+ distan,e te*e%hone ,a**s, ,om%)ter
time and s)%%*ies]
Arti,*e ?
?2 This A+reement sha** terminate )%on the Indi(id)a*4s death and may -e terminated
immediate*y at the o%tion of the Com%any )%on /ritten noti,e to the Indi(id)a* in the e(ent that
the Indi(id)a* is )na-*e to ,arry o)t his )s)a* /or8 on a f)** time -asis, for a %eriod of[2;>'
,onse,)ti(e -)siness days or more or for %eriods a++re+atin+ [22>' -)siness days in any sin+*e
[ei+ht #E&] month %eriod In the e(ent that the Indi(id)a* -rea,hes this A+reement, the Com%any
may terminate this A+reement )%on +i(in+ at *east [ten #2>&' days /ritten noti,e of s),h
termination In the e(ent that s),h -rea,h has not -een ,)red /ithin s),h [ten #2>&] day %eriod,
this A+reement sha** terminate at the e=%iration of s),h noti,e %eriod [or0 -y either %arty +i(in+ at
*east [t/o #;&] /ee8s %rior /ritten noti,e to the other %arty]
?; The Com%any may a*so terminate this A+reement /itho)t noti,e or ,om%ensation in *ie) of
noti,e in the e(ent that there is theft, fra)d, misa%%ro%riation or dishonesty, -rea,h of fid),iary
d)ties, do,)mented in ,om%eten,e, ne+*i+en,e or +ross ins)-ordination on the %art of the
?7 U%on or after the termination of his en+a+ement /ith the Cor%oration, the Indi(id)a* a+rees
that he /i** not ta8e /ith him any ,onfidentia* information that is in /ritten, ,om%)teriFed,
ma,hine@reada-*e, mode*, sam%*e, or other form ,a%a-*e of %hysi,a* de*i(ery, /itho)t the %rior
/ritten ,onsent of an offi,er of the Com%any The Com%any a*so a+rees that )%on the termination
of his en+a+ement /ith the Com%any, the Indi(id)a* sha** de*i(er %rom%t*y and ret)rn to the
Com%any a** s),h materia*s, a*on+ /ith a** other %ro%erty of the Com%any, in either of their
%ossession, ,)stody or ,ontro* and the Indi(id)a* sha** ma8e no f)rther )se of same Sho)*d any
s),h items -e dis,o(ered -y the Indi(id)a* after the termination of this A+reement the Indi(id)a*
a+rees to ret)rn them %rom%t*y to the Com%any /itho)t retainin+ ,o%ies of any 8ind
Arti,*e D
D2 The Com%any and the Indi(id)a* a,8no/*ed+e that the %erforman,e of the d)ties of the
Indi(id)a* here)nder is on a non@e=,*)si(e -asis and that he is free to %erform other ,ons)*tin+
a,ti(ities, %ro(ided that the same do not ,onf*i,t /ith the o-*i+ations of the Indi(id)a* to the
Com%any and that s),h a,ti(ities are not for or on -eha*f of a ,om%etitor of the Com%any [The
Indi(id)a* sha** ha(e the ri+ht to s)-stit)te %ersonne* d)rin+ the ,)rren,y of this A+reement,
s)-.e,t to the %rior Consent of the Com%any] The Indi(id)a* a,8no/*ed+es and a+rees that any
(io*ation of this #Se,tion D2' sha** -e ,a)se for termination of this A+reement /itho)t noti,e or
,om%ensation in *ie) of noti,e
Arti,*e 3
32 The Indi(id)a* a+rees that d)rin+ the term his en+a+ement /ith the Com%any[ and for a
%eriod of [n)m-er] months] after the termination of his en+a+ement /ith the ,om%any], the
Indi(id)a* /i** not, /itho)t the e=%ress /ritten ,onsent of the Com%any, dire,t*y or indire,t*y, either
indi(id)a**y or in a %artnershi%, or .oint*y or in ,on.)n,tion /ith any %erson0
#a& -e em%*oyed or other/ise en+a+ed -y #in the same ,a%a,ity in /hi,h the Indi(id)a* /as
en+a+ed -y the Com%any&H
#-& ,ons)*t /ith or ad(iseH
#,& mana+eH
#d& o/n shares in the ,a%ita* of#other than )% to DI of a %)-*i,*y *isted ,om%any&H
#e& *end money to or +)arantee the de-ts or o-*i+ations ofH or
#f& %ermit his name or any %art there of to -e )sed or em%*oyed -yH
another -)siness entity or %erson /hi,h is *o,ated in or /hi,h has ,)stomers in [des,ri-e
territoria* definition] man)fa,t)re, %romotion, mar8etin+, distri-)tion or sa*e of %rod),ts or
ser(i,es ,om%etiti(e /ith the %rod),ts or ser(i,es that the Indi(id)a* dea*t /ith /hi*e en+a+ed -y
the Com%any
Arti,*e J
J2 the indi(id)a* a,8no/*ed+es that it is ,riti,a* to the Com%any that it retain its staff in,*)din+
%ro+rammers, systems ana*ysts, maintenan,e staff, trainin+ staff and other %ersonne*
A,,ordin+*y, the Indi(id)a* ,o(enants and a+rees that he /i** not, at any time /hi*e the Indi(id)a*
has any ,ontra,t)a* o-*i+ation to the Com%any and for a %eriod of [one #I&] year thereafter, dire,t*y
or indire,t*y, hire or enter into any ,ontra,t)a* arran+ement /ith or )se the ser(i,es of, or attem%t
to o-tain the /ithdra/a* from the Com%any of, any of its staff, in,*)din+ -y ha(in+ s),h staff
em%*oyed or other/ise en+a+ed as a Indi(id)a* or inde%endent ,ontra,tor
J; The Indi(id)a* sha** not, /itho)t the %rior /ritten ,onsent of the Com%any, at any time /hi*e
the Indi(id)a* has a ,ontra,t)a* o-*i+ation to the Com%any and for a %eriod of [one #I&] year
thereafter, either indi(id)a**y or in a %artnershi% or .oint*y or in ,on.)n,tion /ith or for the -enefit of
any %erson, so*i,it, endea(or to so*i,it, ,an(ass or dea* /ithin re*ation to the -)siness of the
Com%any any %erson /ho0
#a& /as a ,*ient6,)stomer of the Com%any [or /hi,h the Indi(id)a* %erformed any ser(i,es on
-eha*f of the Com%any] /ithin the %eriod of [one #*&] year %rior to the date on /hi,h the Indi(id)a*
,eased to ha(e a ,ontra,t)a* o-*i+ation to the Com%anyH or
#-& has -een %)rs)ed as a %ros%e,ti(e ,*ient6,)stomer -y the Com%any at any time /ithin [one
#I&] year %rior to the date on /hi,h the Indi(id)a* ,eased to ha(e a ,ontra,t)a* o-*i+ation to the
Com%any and in res%e,t of /hi,h the Com%any has not de,ided to ,ease a** s),h %)rs)itH or
#,& )se his %ersona* 8no/*ed+e or inf*)en,e o(er any s),h ,*ient6,)stomer or %ros%e,ti(e
,*ient6,)stomer to or for his -enefit in ,om%etition /ith the Com%any or the -enefit of any other
%erson ,om%etin+ /ith or endea(orin+ to ,om%ete /ith the Com%any
Arti,*e E
E2 The Indi(id)a* here-y (erifies that [he6she] is not a %arty to any a+reement or )nder any other
o-*i+ation to a %erson or entity, in,*)din+ any o-*i+ation to refrain from )sin+ or dis,*osin+ any
trade se,ret or ,onfidentia* or %ro%rietary information of any former em%*oyer or other %arty, or
any o-*i+ation to refrain from ,om%etin+, dire,t*y or indire,t*y, /ith the -)siness of any s),h
%re(io)s em%*oyer or other %arty or to refrain from so*i,itin+ em%*oyees, ,)stomers, or s)%%*iers
of any s),h %re(io)s em%*oyer or other %arty, nor does he ha(e any other interest /hi,h is
in,onsistent /ith or in ,onf*i,t /ith this A+reement, or /hi,h /o)*d %re(ent, *imit or im%air his
%erforman,e of any of the ,o(enants herein or any d)ties of this en+a+ement /ith the Com%any
The Indi(id)a* a+rees to indemnify and ho*d the Com%any harm*ess from any ,*aim, *oss,
dama+e, ,ost or *ia-i*ity /hi,h may -e asserted on a,,o)nt of the Com%any4s en+a+ement of the
Indi(id)a* here)nder The Indi(id)a* )nderstands that the Com%any does not /ant him to dis,*ose
to it any Confidentia* Information /hi,h the Indi(id)a* may ha(e o-tained from a former em%*oyer,
a*tho)+h the Indi(id)a* is free to )se his +enera* 8no/*ed+e and %ast e=%erien,e +ained from any
s),h former em%*oyer

K2 The Indi(id)a* here-y a,8no/*ed+es, a+rees and ,onsents as fo**o/s0
#a& a** restri,tions ,ontained herein are reasona-*e and (a*id and are essentia* to the %rote,tion of
the interests of the Com%any and the s)r(i(a* of its a,ti(itiesH
#-& in the e(ent of a -rea,h or anti,i%ated -rea,h of any of the ,o(enants ,ontained in this
A+reement, serio)s ,ommer,ia*, e,onomi, and trade dama+e and in.)ry to the Com%any may -e
,a)sed for /i,h monetary dama+es do not, a*one or in %art, ade9)ate*y ,om%ensate the
Com%any and s),h dama+es /i** -e diffi,)*t to as,ertain A,,ordin+*y the Com%any may %etition
a ,o)rt of *a/ or e9)ity for %re*iminary and %ermanent e9)ita-*e re*ief0 in,*)din+ in.)n,ti(e re*ief in
order to %)t an end to any s),h -rea,h and for an a,,o)ntin+ of a** %rofits and -enefits arisin+ o)t
of s),h -rea,h S),h ri+hts and remedies sha** -e ,)m)*ati(e and in addition to any other re*ief0
ri+hts and remedies "hi,h the Com%any may ha(e )nder the *a/, in,*)din+ -)t not *imited to
reasona-*e *a/yer4s feesH
#,& the Indi(id)a* here-y /ai(es a** defenses to the stri,t enfor,ement of2his A+reement -y the
Com%anyH and
#d& nothin+ herein sha** -e ,onstr)ed so as to *imit or restri,t any remedy at *a/ /hi,h the
Com%any may ha(e a+ainst the Indi(id)a* for any -rea,h -y him of this A+reement
2>2 Any noti,e re9)ired to -e +i(en here)nder sha** -e deemed to ha(e -een %ro%er*y +i(en if
de*i(ered %ersona**y or sent -y %re@%aid re+istered mai* as fo**o/s0
#a& to the Indi(id)a*H
[[insert address]
#-& to the Com%any
[insert address, Attention0 Aosition Tit*e]
and if sent -y re+istered mai* sha** -e deemed to ha(e -een re,ei(ed on the fo)rth -)siness day
of )ninterr)%ted %osta* ser(i,e fo**o/in+ the date of mai*in+ Either %arty may ,han+e its address
for noti,e at any time, -y +i(in+ noti,e to the other %arty %)rs)ant to the %ro(isions of this
Arti,*e 22
222 The Indi(id)a* a,8no/*ed+es and a+rees that the o-*i+ations )nder [Arti,*e 3, Arti,*e J,
Arti,*e E and Arti,*e K] are to remain in effe,t in %er%et)ity #or s),h *esser %eriod of time as may
-e s%e,ified therein& and s)r(i(e the termination of this A+reement and /i** ,ontin)e to a%%*y
not/ithstandin+ the manner or reasons for the termination of the en+a+ement of the Indi(id)a*
and re+ard*ess of /hether the en+a+ement of the Indi(id)a* is terminated /ith or /itho)t noti,e
Arti,*e 2;
2;2 The fai*)re of either %arty to re9)ire the %erforman,e of any term or ,ondition of this
A+reement, or the /ai(er -y either %arty of any -rea,h of this A+reement, sha** not %re(ent a
s)-se9)ent enfor,ement of any s),h term or any other term nor sha** it -e deemed a /ai(er of
any s)-se9)ent -rea,h
Arti,*e 27
272 It is the intention of the %arties hereto that this A+reement and the %erforman,e here)nder
-e ,onstr)ed in a,,ordan,e /ith, and )nder and %)rs)ant to the *a/s of the Aro(in,e of
[%ro(in,e] and that in any a,tion or other %ro,eedin+ that may -e -ro)+ht arisin+ o)t of, in
,onne,tion /ith, or -y reason of this A+reement, the *a/s of the Aro(in,e of [%ro(in,e] sha** -e
a%%*i,a-*e /itho)t re+ard to the .)risdi,tion in /hi,h any a,tion or other %ro,eedin+ may -e
Arti,*e 2?
2?2 Ea,h of the %ro(isions of this A+reement #and ea,h %art of ea,h s),h %ro(ision& is se(era-*e
from e(ery other %ro(ision hereof#and e(ery other %art thereof& In the e(ent that any %ro(ision #or
%art thereof& ,ontained in this A+reement or the a%%*i,ation thereof to any ,ir,)mstan,es sha** -e
in(a*id, i**e+a* or Unenfor,ea-*e, in /ho*e or in %art, for any reason /hatsoe(er, in any .)risdi,tion
and to any e=tent0
#a& the (a*idity, *e+a*ity or enfor,ea-i*ity of s),h %ro(ision #or s),h %art thereof& in any other
.)risdi,tion and of the remainin+ %ro(isions ,ontained in this A+reement #or the remainin+ %arts of
s),h %ro(ision, as the ,ase may -e& sha** not in any /ay -e affe,ted or im%aired there-yH
#-& the a%%*i,ation of s),h %ro(ision #or s),h %art thereof& to ,ir,)mstan,es other than those as to
/hi,h it is he*d in(a*id, i**e+a* or )nenfor,ea-*e sha** not in any /ay -e affe,ted or im%aired
#,& s),h %ro(ision #or s),h %art thereof& sha** -e se(ered from this A+reement and ineffe,ti(e to
the e=tent of s),h in(a*idity, i**e+a*ity or )nenfor,ea-i*ity in s),h .)risdi,tion and in s),h
,ir,)mstan,esH and
#d& the remainin+ %ro(isions of this A+reement #or the remainin+ %arts of s),h %ro(ision, as the
,ase may -e& sha** ne(erthe*ess remain in f)** for,e and effe,t
2?; If any restri,tion of this A+reement is he*d o(er-road or )nreasona-*e, s),h restri,tion sha**
-e modified or re(ised to in,*)de the ma=im)m reasona-*e restri,tion a**o/ed -y *a/
Arti,*e 2D
2D2 This A+reement is the ,om%*ete a+reement -et/een the Indi(id)a* and the Com%any /ith
res%e,t to the s)-.e,t matter here of and s)%ersedes any and a** ne+otiations or )nderstandin+s
%re(io)s*y e=istin+ /ith res%e,t to the s)-.e,t matters addressed herein
Arti,*e 23
232 The Indi(id)a* /arrants and re%resents that he has the *e+a* ri+ht to enter into this
A+reement and that the Indi(id)a* does so /i**in+*y and that the Indi(id)a* has had, the
o%%ort)nity of re,ei(in+ inde%endent *e+a* ad(i,e res%e,tin+ this A+reement
Arti,*e 2J
2J2 The Indi(id)a* here-y a,8no/*ed+es re,ei%t of a d)%*i,ate ,o%y of this A+reement
Arti,*e 2E
2E2 "hene(er )sed in this A+reement, /ords im%ortin+ the sin+)*ar n)m-er on*y sha** in,*)de
the %*)ra*, and (i,e (ersa, and /ords im%ortin+ the mas,)*ine +ender sha** in,*)de the feminine
Arti,*e 2K
2K2 This A+reement may -e e=e,)ted -y the %arties in se%arate ,o)nter%arts, ea,h of /hi,h
sha** -e deemed to ,onstit)te an ori+ina*, -)t a** of /hi,h to+ether sha** ,onstit)te one and the
same a+reement This, A+reement /i** -e ,onsidered f)**y e=e,)ted /hen a** %arties ha(e
e=e,)ted an identi,a* ,o)ntter%art, not/ithstandin+ that a** si+nat)res may not a%%ear on the
same ,o)nter%art This A+reement may -e e=e,)ted and de*i(ered -y fa,simi*e si+nat)re and
sha** -e -indin+ on a** %arties hereto as if e=e,)ted -y ori+ina* si+nat)re and de*i(ered %ersona**y
Arti,*e ;>
;>2 This A+reement sha** ens)re to the -enefit of and -e -indin+ )%on the %arties hereto and
their res%e,ti(e s),,essors, assi+ns and *e+a* and %ersona* re%resentati(es, in,*)din+
s),,essors -y /ay of ama*+amation and /indin+@)%
The %arties hereto ha(e ,a)sed this A+reement to -e e=e,)ted as of the date first a-o(e /ritten
!y0 N
!y0 N
"itness [indi(id)a*]

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