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Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Native Americans Material

Cynthia A. Johnson
Georgia Southern University
!EC "#$%
Dr. Judith &epman
Spring '(()
Description of the Site Learners
George *ashington Carver Elementary School is a pu+lic school located at #(%
,eding-ield Street. *adley. Georgia. Carver /as originally called the *adley Colored
0igh School. !he name changed in #)%1 /hen the principal. Mr. &o+ert Jordan.
suggested the change. !he school then housed grades #2##. n #)1#. a year o- transition.
the state department added the #'
grade and Mr. 3.E. Par4er +ecame principal. n #)15.
the schools consolidated -orming the Je--erson County 0igh School. moving grades 625
to *adley 0igh. !he students -rom the south end o- ,arto/. Georgia. /ho attended
,oo4er !. *ashington Elementary and grades #21 o- Carver Elementary. com+ined to
-orm the present day school. 7indergarten /as added in #)"1 and in #))$8 the pre2
4indergarten program /as instituted. 0ead Start students have +een housed at Carver
since the spring o- '(((. n the -all o- '(((. Carver +egan the process o- +ecoming a
magnet9theme school /ith emphasis on per-orming arts and technology. Carver
Elementary School is the smallest school in the system. !he present +uilding /as erected
in #)15. E:tensive renovations /ere completed in '((%.
!he mission o- Carver Elementary School is ;to /or4 /ith parents and community in
doing ;*hatever t !a4es< to provide a =uality learning environment that promotes the
personal. intellectual and social gro/th o- every child. everyday.< !he Carver sta-- is
comprised o- one principal. one assistant principal. one counselor. one media specialist.
t/enty2-our teachers. one physical education teacher. one speech pathologist. t/elve
parapro-essionals. one parent resource coordinator t/o secretaries. -our custodians. one
part2time maintenance /or4er. three +us drivers. and -ive lunchroom /or4ers. !eachers
support the core academic structure o- Carver Elementary. *ith its one counselor. Carver
Elementary student +ody receives a counseling ration o- appro:imately one counselor per
'"6 students. !he academic structure o- Carver Elementary consist o- t/o pre27 classes.
three 4indergarten grades. -our -irst grade classes. three second grade classes. three third
grade classes. t/o -ourth grade classes. and t/o -i-th grade classes. Carver Elementary
-aculty and sta-- are augmented +y in itinerant speech9language teacher. /hich helps to
create a /ell2rounded educational program -or its students.
!he student +rea4do/n is )1> minority. #((> -ree9reduced lunch. #'> students /ith
disa+ilities. and %> E??. !he media center is located across the hall o- the o--ice and on
the /ing /ith -ourth and -i-th grades. t is easily accessi+le to all o- the students. n the
media center there are 6 computers -or teacher and students use and one in the media
specialist o--ice. A parapro-essional9+us driver assists in the media center daily. !he
media houses a television. audiovisual room. a storage room -or media supplies and an
electrical room. nternet resources that the media center uses are United
and an nternet program -or research. !he @PAC system used is Destiny and Aollet. !he
students can only access Destiny at school.
Aor this collection development plan. chose Native Americans. *e have one student
/ith Native American +ac4ground in the -ourth grade and there /as limited in-ormation
availa+le and the %
grade Social Studies teacher needed help /ith creating a unit to use
/ith the SS Georgia Per-ormance Standards. !here is only one teacher that teaches all
-ourth and -i-th grade Social Studies.
Curriculum Review:
?isted are the %
grades Social Studies Standards dealing /ith Native Americans.
GradeB %
DescriptionB SS%G' !he student /ill descri+e ho/ physical systems a--ect human
a. E:plain /hy each o- the native American groups CSS%0#aD occupied the areas they
did. /ith emphasis on /hy some developed permanent villages and others did not.
+. Descri+e ho/ the early e:plorers CSS%0'aD adapted. or -ailed to adapt. to the various
physical environments in /hich they traveled.
c. E:plain ho/ the physical geography o- each colony helped determine economic
activities practiced therein.
d. E:plain ho/ each -orce CAmerican and ,ritishD attempted to use the physical
geography o- each +attle site to its +ene-it CSS%0%cD.
e. Descri+e physical +arriers that hindered and physical gate/ays that +ene-ited territorial
e:pansion -rom #5(# to #56# CSS%06aD.
GradeB %
DescriptionB SS%0# !he student /ill descri+e ho/ early Native American cultures
developed in North America.
a. ?ocate /here the American ndians settled /ith emphasis on Arctic CnuitD. North/est
C7/a4iutlD. Plateau CNeE PerceD. South/est C0opiD. Plains CPa/neeD. and Southeastern
+. Descri+e ho/ the American ndians used their environment to o+tain -ood. clothing.
and shelter.
Collection Evaluation
As +egan pondering analyEing the schoolFs +oo4 and media collection. did a visual
inspection o- the collection. !here /as a /ide gap in the )((Fs section. !here are +oo4s
on 0ispanic. Chinese. and even A-rican Americans. +ut a minute amount on Native
Americans. !hese discoveries lead me to spea4 to teachers that teach Social Studies
teachers and intervie/ed them a+out the )((Fs section and its lac4 o- resources in the
media. !he -ourth grade teacher immediately conveyed her -eelings a+out the lac4 o-
resources -or her Native American unit. surmised several -acts concerning the
availa+ility o- materials -or the )((Fs section. !he +oo4s /ere accurate or even
none:istent. !he teacher conveyed the attitude that they didnFt come to the media -or
research +ecause o- the lac4 o- research material.
Ne:t. ran a collection analysis using the Aollet system. @ur county operates /ith
Aollet and Destiny. ran a collection report that included the title o- the +oo4. author. call
num+er. and copyright date. Under the 1((Fs /ere more updated and current +oo4s o- 6
years or less. !he report veri-ied the /ea4ness o- the )((Fs section. especially the culture
o- the Native Americans.
Social Studies content studies a +road array o- areas. +ut the greatest need /as Native
Americans. !here /as an in-ormational gap -or see4ing -acts on Native Americans and
limited -iction +oo4s -or pleasure reading.
During this process /as also a+le to -igure /hich +oo4s needed to discarded or
purchase in order to align the collection to the schoolFs curriculum and the Georgia
per-ormance standards. - the media is to +e the center o- the school. then the mission is
to service the teachers and students. During pro-essional development. as a media
specialist. should organiEe a system to align the media materials /ith grade level
curriculum maps to create a systematic replacement o- materials and +oo4s.
Ms. *alden. the %
grade teacher and colla+orated over the standards and discussed
some per-ormance outcomes possi+le -or her unit. She /ould pre-er that her students +e
a+le to research various tri+es. their culture. geography and movement. Some o- the
outcomes she /ould li4e to address are. /ritten reports. oral presentations. poster
presentations. group culture presentations. maps dra/ings and timelines.
Materials Order
See order -orms and charts attached
Aor my materials list. purchased +oo4s relating to Native Americans. e2+oo4s and
computer so-t/are. !hese purchases /ill ena+le students to /or4 on proGects and allo/
them to have a +etter understanding o- the Native Americans. My plan /as to incorporate
+oth print and non2print resources to the media centerFs collection. A-ter colla+orating
/ith the teachers and revie/ing the state standards. see a need as a media specialist to
meet the re=uirements o- the stateFs curriculum and media standards in order to support
the students and teachers. searched the nternet -or materials that -it multicultural
concerns. learners /ith disa+ilities. a /ide range o- media -ormats. and revie/s o- the
product supported high degree o- =uality.
Budget Summary
spent a total o- H$. 6'5.%) not including shipping and handling. An additional
H'((.(( is estimated -or MA&C records and the cost o- processing the materials the
-ollo/ing +rea4 do/n o- the types o- materials purchased and the amounts -or each
Boos for the media center! "#$%&'()
Software and License! "**+'&)
Supplementary materials for class pro,ects! "-#*'&+
E!.oos! "#*+'++
/rand 0otal
n order to respond to the needs o- all learners. most o- the +oo4s are on or +elo/ %

grade level. @nce +oo4s /ere chosen. spo4e /ith Ms. Phillips. the Special Education
teacher and she advised me /hich levels /ere su--ice -or her students. !he +oo4s also
have a theme centered on the geography. culture and traditions o- the Native Americans.
!he goal /as to -ind materials to address multi learning styles. and real /orld
e:periences. also /anted to -ind authentic assessment materials to assist /ith the state
Overall 1urchases:
2ame of Company Boos Software Classroom
Bound to Stay Bound
/rand 0otal:

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