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... through Bertha Dudde

Concern for the souls' salvation....
tterl! unselfish neigh"ourl! love....
#ver! undistur"ed hour should "e used to $or% for the "enefit of
the hu&an race.... '(iritual $ell"eing should ta%e (recedence over
earthl! interests) "ecause there is no ti&e to lose.
*he de&on li%e$ise &a%es use of ever! o((ortunit! to s(irituall!
da&age the hu&an race) and so the o((osing (o$er &ust
constantl! "e at $or% in order to (revent his actions+
good s(iritual forces &ust unite in their $or% against this (o$er)
and thus neither indifference nor carelessness &a! arise) $hich
$ould onl! serve the adversar!'s (ur(ose. For then he $ill onl!
intensif! his activit!) he $ill also $ea%en (eo(le's deter&ination
and $ear the& out if the! do not diligentl! $or% against hi&....
What's &ore) it is a transgression against the co&&and&ent of
neigh"ourl! love if (eo(le slac%en in the "attle for the salvation of
souls $hich are in need of hel(. ,t should "e !our greatest concern
to hel( those $ho are a((roaching their s(iritual do$nfall. Don't
leave the& in their s(iritual dar%ness and turn a$a! fro& the&
indifferentl!) for the! need !our hel(. *he! are $ea% and no longer
a"le to release the&selves fro& the (o$er of the o((onent.
,n their dar% and lightless surroundings the! do not recognise their
soul's adversit! and therefore do not desire light. #ven so) !ou
should &a%e an effort to %indle a s&all light and "ring these (oor
souls a tin! gli&&er of it) so that the! $ill ta%e notice and (a!
attention to !our activit!.
-ou should leave no stone unturned in changing their indifference of
s(iritual %no$ledge into interest+ !ou should sho$ their thoughts
the right (ath) !our should educate the& and "eseech the& to
re&e&"er their soul and to understand the &eaning of life+
!ou should tr! to (ersuade the& to have faith in .esus Christ and
e/(lain that a life of love on earth is far &ore "eneficial than onl! to
live for selfish love) for the fulfil&ent of earthl! $ishes.
-ou should not $ithhold an!thing fro& the& $hich &ade !ou find
the (ath of ascent+ !ou should ac0uaint the& $ith the teaching of
.esus Christ and the fact that the! can onl! ascend through %ind1
hearted service.
-ou should do ever!thing (ossi"le $hich can guide these souls out
of the s(iritual night into the light of da!. *hen !ou $ill "e %ind1
heartedl! active in the truest sense of the $ord. *his is the most
unselfish neighbourly love because it only applies to a fellow
human being's salvation of soul.
*his tas% re0uires infinite love and (atience) for it is ver! difficult to
(ersuade the "eings in dar%ness to acce(t the Word of God+ the!
$ill staunchl! resist it) "ecause the o((onent hi&self is !our
strongest adversar! and incites (eo(le's $ill into &ost (o$erful
2evertheless) a (erson's love can "e victorious if these souls are
tirelessl! and (atientl! fought for $ith these ver! &eans of love....
2ot the e/ternal (erson "ut the soul needs to "e (aid attention to)
$hich is in a (itiful state and can no longer &uster the strength to
release itself fro& the o((onent's shac%les.
3ence the love of an enlightened (erson) that is) so&eone $ho
%no$s the truth) $ill recognise the adversit! of such souls and not
slac%en in his effort for the&. He will try to help them through
heartfelt prayer, he $ill (resent this soul's hardshi( to the Father
in 3eaven and a((eal to 3i& for strength to acco&(lish the
rede&(tive $or%) if his o$n strength is not sufficient and the
(erson's $ill "egins to tire "efore the soul has "een $on over for
eternal life.
*herefore !ou should constantl! "e active $ith love) and give all
!our love to !our fello$ hu&an "eings' souls $hich suffer adversit!.
Don't let !ourselves "e de(ressed "! failures "ut al$a!s desire the
strength fro& God) then !ou $ill "e a"le to solve the &ost difficult
tas%s) !ou $ill snatch the souls fro& the o((onent and lead the& to
the heavenl! Father) and these souls $ill "e grateful to !ou for all
5u"lished "! friends of ne$ revelations of God 6 ,nfor&ation)
do$nload of all translated revelations) the&e1"oo%lets at7

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