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... through Bertha Dudde

Infallibility ....
Ecclesiastical coandents ....
!ou "lace too uch significance on the infallibility of the head of
your church# and yet you are hugely isguided. It $as not God%s
$ill that &is church should be arbitrarily fored by "eo"le and in
accordance $ith "eo"le%s $ill.
E'erything right and "ro"er to aintain and s"read &is teaching
$as gi'en by (esus )hrist &iself on earth to his disci"les. &e
ade the distribution of &is teaching conditional on the
indi'idual%s $ill to acce"t it or not.
&e ga'e "recise guidelines $hich a""lied to e'eryone $ho
$anted to acce"t &is teaching. *hese consist of the "roises
$hich $ere ade on condition that "eo"le co"ly $ith the
re+uireents of the ,ord%s teachings.
&e al$ays res"ected the free $ill of the huan being. *he
huan being should a-e his decision 'oluntarily and $ithout
e.ternal "ressure and thus fulfil God%s $ill. /nd to these "eo"le
&e "roised eternal life ....
*hus &e only re+uires faith in &i and &is Word $hen &e says 0I
/ the $ay# the truth and the life .... I / the eans# the la$
and the fulfilent .... anyone $ho belie'es in 1e $ill ha'e
eternal li'e ....%. &is lo'e $ants to gi'e soething uniaginably
$onderful .... eternal life.
/nd for this &e only re+uires "eo"le%s faith and their $ill.
&o$e'er# it is not &is $ill to burden huanity# $ho is already
li'ing in a constrained state on earth# $ith ne$ sins ....
*he restraints of soeone $ho truly belie'es in (esus and &is
Word $ill be loosened# ho$e'er# soeone $ho does not belie'e is
already "unished enough by his constrained state because he has
to reain in it for an eternity.
/nyone $ho disregards the *en )oandents gi'en to "eo"le
by God &iself# anyone $ho defies the# coits a sin# i.e. he
disobeys God Who is lo'e# because he disobeys the
coandent of lo'e. &e does nothing to liberate hiself fro
his state# instead he does e'erything to a-e it $orse. Fulfilling
these coandents is the only eans of release# $hile
infringing against the is the 'ery o""osite.
*he dogma of infallibility# ho$e'er# becae a ne$ la$gi'er for
"eo"le in as uch as the God2gi'en *en )oandents $ere
increased by se'eral ore# so that the ne$ ecclesiastical
coandents ore or less $ere added to God%s
and failure to comply with these laws was considered to be
as sinful as acting in o""osition to the God2gi'en
coandents. /nd this error has an appalling effect.
Because "eo"le no$ burden thesel'es $ith entirely irrele'ant
yet duty2bound actions $hich are +uite unrelated to the
coandent of lo'e for God and their neighbour.
/nd no$ they only focus their $hole attention on -ee"ing these
ecclesiastical coandents and on releasing thesel'es fro
presumed sins .... *hus the su total of their soul%s tas-
consists of co"lying $ith coandents decreed by "eo"le or
to do "enance for the guilt of the alleged infringeent. /nd the
soul%s dreadful bondage# $hich can only be resol'ed by lo'e# is
ignored by the ....
If these coandents had been necessary# truly# the ,ord
&iself $ould ha'e gi'en and "reached the fulfilent of these to
&is disci"les on earth first ....
*hus "eo"le tried to i"ro'e )hrist%s teaching arbitrarily and did
not hesitate to gi'e thesel'es di'ine a""ro'al for it. By
deeing thesel'es to be enlightened by the &oly 3"irit
$hile still in a state far reo'ed fro it# they no$ decreed la$s
$hich could not be in accordance $ith God%s $ill. *hese la$s
considerably reduced "eo"le%s sense of res"onsibility for the God2
gi'en coandents due to the fact that the ne$ly decreed
coandents $ere no$ gi'en the greatest attention# to an
e.tent that huanity no$ obser'es the "urely autoatically
and belie'es that it follo$s )hrist%s teaching $hen it fulfils its
i"osed duty.
*he truly enlightened huan being is chosen by God to "ut a
sto" to this de"lorable state of affairs# i.e. to re'eal it.
&o$e'er# God can ne'er ha'e enlightened those $ho had
decreed or a""ro'ed such coandents.
*he infallibility of the head of the church is a distorted iage of
the out"ouring of the &oly 3"irit.
/nyone ins"ired by the &oly 3"irit $ill al$ays ha'e recognised
the error of this set of la$s but $orldly2ecclesiastical "o$er
"re'ented the fro correcting this oentous error. For these
coandents did not coe forth fro the s"irit of lo'e ....
,a$a-ers had little interest in reducing the $or- for the
struggling souls to achie'e their final release.
Rather# their oti'e for establishing these coandents $as a
cra'ing for increased "o$er and the $ill to lead "eo"le into a
certain state of de"endence# since at the sae tie the failure to
obser'e the coandents $as deeed to be a gra'e sin.
*rue ser'ants of God ha'e al$ays recognised this de"lorable
state and ha'e $anted to confront it but the teaching of
infallibility of the head of church is already too dee"2rooted that
it could be easily reo'ed.
/nd only soeone loo-ing for "ure truth and as-ing God &iself
for the truth and the s"irit of inner enlightenent $ill be able to
liberate hiself fro it ....
4ublished by friends of ne$ re'elations of God 5 Inforation#
do$nload of all translated re'elations# thee2boo-lets at6

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