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... through Bertha Dudde

Go and teach all nations ....
The adversarys greatest decetion consists o! clouding a
ersons thoughts and "a#ing the" co"ly $ith his lans.
%!& ho$ever& the erson hu"'ly as#s !or the divine sirit& his
thoughts $ill 'e right and he $ill clearly recognise the "eaning
o! these Words.
(e $ill also recognise that the $ill to do"inate had to disa'le the
$or#ing o! the divine sirit& that his thin#ing $as "isguided and
there!ore a !alse doctrine had to develo& $hich seriously
distorted the divine Word.
)nd God did not sto the hu"an 'eing& (e did not inter!ere $ith
the ersons !ree $ill ....
(e had taught the Gosel to (is disciles and instructed the" to
ass it on 'y saying Go and teach all nations. ....
(is disciles ro!ound !aith $as the guarantee !or the $or#ing o!
the (oly *irit& and hence the disciles could not teach anything
'ut the truth.
Thus the assurance o! truth !or a teaching servant o! God $ill
al$ays 'e !ound in his ro!ound& thus living& !aith .... (e $ill 'e a
true !ollo$er o! +eter and the church which Jesus Christ
Himself founded but which was not ever supposed to
represent a worldly power, instead it $as "eant to 'e sread
only siritually throughout all the nations on earth.

God has never given people the task to establish an
institution on earth and then& $ithin the conte,t o! hu"anly
decreed co""and"ents& to also include the ure divine
teachings yet "ore or less de"anding the co"ulsory !ul!il"ent
o! the co""and"ents& $hich is in oosition to divine $ill.
The hu"an 'eing should accet -hrists teachings $ithin hi"sel!
and endeavour to carry out Gods $ill $ith co"lete !reedo" o!
$ill. This doctrine should 'e o!!ered to eole 'y truly devout
teachers $anting to serve God& $ho are then enlightened
accordingly 'y Gods sirit $hen they roclai" this teaching.
(o$ever& the sirit o! God can never e,ress itsel! $here a
structure o! $orldly o$er has evolved and $here the
rein!orce"ent o! this o$er has 'een the sole urose !or the
"any regulations and co""and"ents $hich $ere supposedly
decreed $ith the hel o! the (oly *irit& thus leading to the
creation o! the doctrine o! the church leaders in!alli'ility.
The (oly *irit is constantly at $or# to disrove these "isguided
teachings and to o!!er eole clari!ication& 'ut ti"e and again
hu"an $ill is strong enough to re.ect the ure truth and to
adhere to "isguided teachings.
)nd the hu"an 'eings $ill cannot 'e co"elled to accet the
truth& nor can it 'e co"elled to ac#no$ledge God as the giver o!
the #no$ledge $hich is resented to hi" as truth. %t has to 'e u
to hi"sel! to recognise the truth/ ho$ever& "uch hel !or this is
at his disosal ....
)nyone $ith .ust a s"all desire !or truth $ill 'e guided to it& and
anyone $illing& i.e. anyone seriously interested in $al#ing the
right ath on earth& can at any ti"e in his rayer as# !or the
strength o! insight ....
+u'lished 'y !riends o! ne$ revelations o! God 0 %n!or"ation&
do$nload o! all translated revelations& the"e1'oo#lets at2

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