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Type used to define synchronous machine elements (ElmSym)
Input parameters
Table D.10 shows the input parameters for the TypSym object. Parameters are
in the same order of the element dialogue (starting from the 'Basic Data' tab).
The description of the synchronous machine model, presenting the relations
among the
input parameters is given in the attached Technical Reference Paper.
Note: The name of the parameter is displayed in the Element edit dialogue,
by placing
the cursor in the input field of the parameter. Certain parameters are
relevant to more
than one calculation, therefore they can be found and edited in different
tabs. The availability
of some parameters is conditioned to the current value of the selection
(iopt_...); therefore not all the listed parameters would be visualized at once
in a dialogue.

Table D.10: TypSym Parameters

Table D.10: TypSym Parameters
Table D.10: TypSym Parameters

Object used to represent fast Fourier transforms.
Input parameters
Table C.34 shows the input parameters of the ElmFft object. Parameters are presented
in the same order of the object dialogue (starting from the 'Basic Data' tab).
The description of the fast Fourier transform model, presenting the relations among the
input parameters is given in the attached Technical Reference Paper.
Note: The name of the parameter is displayed in the Object edit dialogue, by placing the
cursor in the input field of the parameter. Certain parameters are relevant to more than
one calculation, therefore they can be found and edited in different tabs. The availability
of some parameters is conditioned to the current value of the selection parameters
(iopt_...); therefore not all the listed parameters would be visualized at once in a dialogue

Table C.34: ElmFft Parameters
Name Description Unit Range Default
loc_name Name _NameValid
root_id Original Location
fold_id In Folder
charact Charact.
chr_name Characteristic Name
for_name Foreign Key _ForKeyValid
dat_src Data source
outserv Out of Service x>=0&x<=1 0
typ_id Type
nsamp Number of Points x>0 256.
Nphase No. of Phases x=1|x=3 0
i_win Window x>=0 0


Input parameters
Table C.33 shows the input parameters of the ElmClock object. Parameters
presented in the same order of the object dialogue (starting from the 'Basic
Data' tab).
The description of the clock model, presenting the relations among the input
is given in the attached Technical Reference Paper.
Note: The name of the parameter is displayed in the Object edit dialogue, by
placing the
cursor in the input field of the parameter. Certain parameters are relevant to
more than
one calculation, therefore they can be found and edited in different tabs.
The availability
of some parameters is conditioned to the current value of the selection
(iopt_...); therefore not all the listed parameters would be visualized at once
in a dialogue
Table C.33:ElmClock Parameters

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