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EOI Laredo

INTERMEDIO 1 (2007-2008)
Opinar sobre algo
- Dar una opinin: think / n my opinion
- e!ir una opinion: What do you think? / Whats your opinion?
- "sen#ir o !isen#ir !e una opinion:
En frases afirmativas: Ej. like english
si estoy de acuerdo (+): Me too (slo al hablar, informal) / agree / So + auxiliary + Ej: So do
si no estamos de acuerdo (-): dont agree / disagree / auxiliary + not Ej: dont
En frases negativas: Ej. dont like films
si estamos de acuerdo (-): Me neither (informal) / agree / Neither + auxiliary + Ej: Neither do
si no estamos de acuerdo (+): dont agree / disagree / + auxiliary Ej: do
Nota: el auxiliary que se utiliza depende del verbo usado en la frase.
Ej: didnt like the film. Neither did / can swim. So can / m not hungry. Neither am
ve been to Spain. So have / wouldnt like to go there. Neither would
$ub#i#u#ion: so an! no#
- Se usa so para evitar repetir parte de una oracin despues de verbos de "pensamiento" (assume,
believe, expect, guess, hope, imagine, presume, suppose, think) y tambin despus de be afraid,
appear/seem and say.
Ej: Will you be working on Saturday? suppose so, unless we get everything done tomorrow
- Se usa %&erb % no# en frases negativas con verbos: be afraid, assume, guess, hope, presume,
Ej: Do you think it'll rain tonight? hope not
- Se usa '&erb % so en frases negativas con los verbos: believe, expect, imagine, and think
Ej: The children may be back, but don't think so
I#(s )un: es una cosa que nos divierte: " have a good time o " enjoy myself
I#(s )unn*: es una cosa que hace gracia, cmica " laugh
T+in, o) y #+in, abou#
A veces hay muy poca diferencia entre #+in, o) y #+in, abou#
m thinking abou#-o) going abroad for a year.
am thinking abou#-o) buying a new washing machine.
Se usa solo #+in, abou# cuando significa .onsi!erar por ejemplo:
Do you want to go to the cinema or the theatre? m not sure. Can think about it for a few minutes?
Se usa solo #+in, o) cuando significa re.or!ar, #ener un i!ea opinion
cant think of the word in Spanish.
What do you think of classical music?
ve thought of title for the new book!
/oul! li,e + to infinitive
EOI Laredo
0ar!1 +ar!l*
work hard: yo trabajo duro
hardly work: apenas trabajo
2een1 gone
Son participio del verbo go
Shes been to Paris: ha estado en Pars (ha ido y vuelto de Pars)
Shes gone to Paris: ha ido a Pars (est en Pars)
Mu.+ 3ore4 #+an
Mucho ms. que
Much more slowly
".ross1 !o/n
Horizontal, vertical (indicaciones para crucigramas)
Slo. Va antes del verbo principal. Ej: just have something light at home (slo tomo algo ligero en casa)
"lrea!*1 6us#
ve already had lunch (ya he comido) / ve just had lunch (acabo de comer)
7e#1 alrea!*
- 7e#: sin embargo (en frases afirmativas) ya (en frases interrogativas) y todava (en frases negativas). Va
al final de la frase.
Ej: Yet in countries such as Brazil children ... / Have you eaten yet? / havent eaten yet
- "lrea!*: ya, se utiliza en frases afirmativas para indicar que algo ha sucedido antes de ahora o de lo que
se esperaba. Va antes del verbo principal.
Ej: Do you want to see this film? No, ve already seen it three times
Shall buy a newspaper? No, ve already bought one
To!a&8a1 *a

a)ir3a#i&o nega#i&o in#erroga#i&o
have already finished
"n* 3ore
dont have these any more
Have you finished yet?
m still working
havent finished yet
Are you still working?
EOI Laredo
".#ion an! non-a.#ion &erbs
- Los verbos que describen acciones pueden usarse en presente o presente continuo (action
- Los verbos que describen estados o sentimientos no se usan en presente continuo (non-action
Ej: agree, be, relieve, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, matter, mean, need, prefer,
realize, recognize, seem, suppose.
Tambien son non-action verbs los verbos bsicos sobre los sentidos (hear, see, smell, feel and taste). Con
estos se usa el verbo can para referirnos algo que sucede en ese momento.
Ej: can hear a noise downstairs
Hear y see pueden actuar como action verbs en forma continua pero con un significado diferente. Ej:
ve been hearing good things about you recently = have been receiving information
m seeing James tonight = have arranged to meet him
resen# si3ple: live, he works.
- Para hablar de hbitos, aficiones, opiniones, informacin personal, habilidades, hechos o situaciones
- Tiene significado futuro cuando se habla de horarios o agendas prefijadas
Ej: We leave at midnight / What time does the train arrive?
Los adverbios de frecuencia van antes del verbo principal (salvo con el verbo to be, que van despus)
resen# .on#inuous: be+verb+ing
- Se utiliza para acciones en progreso en el momento de hablar.
Ej: m waiting for a friend
- para arreglos o planes futuros ya fijados en tiempo o lugar, es decir, que estn ya cerrados o son
definitivos (enfatiza cuando los hemos realizado nosotros)
Ej: / We are meeting at six
- para acciones repetitivas, con always, forever, continually para mostrar que encontramos la
repeticin molesta o curiosa.
Ej: You are forever forgetting your keys!
- Para describir cambios y desarrollo en las cosas.
Ej: Simons growing up / Hes getting taller and taller
- Con el verbo be se puede utilizar para describir un comportamiento temporal.
Ej: Youre not being very helpful. n fact, think youre being very rude.
Otras maneras de expresar arreglos o planes futuros:
- 2e !ue #o % in)ini#i&e: para decir que algo est dispuesto o se espera (no hace falta aadir infinitive)
Ej: My sister is due to arrive at 7.30 / The next train is due in five minutes
- 2e abou# #o % in)ini#i&e: para decir que algo va a suceder muy pronto.
Ej: My sister is about to have a baby.
- 2e on #+e poin# o) % gerun!: el significado es similar al anterior pero un poco ms formal e inmediato.
Ej: t is believed that the chancellor is on the point of resigning
- 2e % #o % in)ini#i&e: para hablar sobre arreglos o planes oficiales.
Ej: t has been announced that the Prime Minister is to visit Malaysia next month
EOI Laredo
resen# per)e.#: +a&e-+as % pp
Se utiliza para hablar de experiencias pasadas (recientes o antiguas) cuando no decimos exactamente cuando
sucedieron. Tambin para situaciones que empezaron en el pasado y continan en el presente.
Ej: My brother hasnt found a new job yet
Nota: Se utiliza a menudo con e&er (en frases interrogativas=alguna vez y en negativas=nunca) y ne&er (en
frases afirmativas=nunca). Van antes del verbo principal.
Ej: Have you ever been to London? / havent ever been to London / He never talks to anyone
Se usa con *e# en frases interrogativas (ya) y negativas(todava)
Ej: Have you finished yet? No havent finished yet
Se usa con )or para indicar perodos de tiempo (Ej: for two years) y con sin.e para indicar un punto en el
tiempo (Ej: since 1990)
Se usa con 0o/ long para preguntar por la duracin de una accin o estado hasta la actualidad
Ej: How long have you lived here? have lived here since 1980
En este caso no se puede utilizar el present simple (How long do you live here? live here since 1980)
resen# per)e.# .on#inuous: have/has been+verb+ing
Se usa para hablar de acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y que an continan (salvo non action verbs) (Ej:
,ve been having this book since March) Tambin para acciones que han estado sucediendo y que acaban de
terminar, para enfatizar su duracion o que es una accin temporal o enfatizar que an continua.
Ej: He`s been working here since April / Have you been crying? No, ve been cutting onions / ve been waiting
here all morning / ve been staying in a hotel for the past month
Nota: se utiliza con )or y sin.e en verbos de accin.
Expresiones de tiempo con las que se utiliza: all day, all morning, for days, for ages, lately, recently
Con li&e y /or, se puede usar el present perfect o present perfect continuous
as# si3ple: worked, stopped.
Se utiliza para acciones pasadas finalizadas cuando especificamos cuando sucedieron.
Ej: They got married last year
Nota: se utiliza con 0o/ long y )or para hablar sobre un perodo de tiempo ya finalizado. En este caso no se
puede usar sin.e. En su lugar se utiliza )ro3...#o...
Ej: How long was Hitchcock a director? He was a director for 50 years. He was a director from 1934 to...
as# .on#inuous: was/were+verb+ing
Se utiliza para describir una accin en progreso en el pasado
Ej: What were you doing at six oclock last night? was watching TV
as# per)e.#: had+past participle
Se utiliza cuando se est hablando de una accin pasada y queremos hablar de algo anterior a sta
Ej: When they turned on the TV, the match had finished
9u#ure )or3 (be going #o%in)ini#i&o)
- para intenciones o planes futuros (no tienen caracter definitivo)
Ej: They are going to buy a new car
- para predicciones (en exclusiva cuando son evidentes o muy probables)
Ej: ts going to rain (the sky is very dark)
Nota: con el verbo go se puede suprimir el infinitivo. Ej: m not going (to go) to New York
EOI Laredo
9u#ure si3ple: will/shall+infinitive
- decisiones tomadas al hablar
Ej: The phone is ringing. ll answer it.
- promesas, ofrecimientos, sugerencias
Ej: wont tell anybody were you are / Shall we eat out tonight?
- predicciones o expectativas (no hay seguridad de que se cumplan)
Ej: dont think they will win.
- Hechos futuros
Ej: the sun will rise at 6.30 tomorrow morning
- ntenciones (muy pensadas o meditadas)
Ej: When Loreta retires, ll definitely apply for her job
Nota: se utiliza shall obligatoriamente con y we al preguntar sugiriendo u ofreciendo una cosa.
:+o1 /+o31 /+i.+1 #+a#1 /+ere1 /+ose (quien, quien (formal), que, quien/que, donde, cuyo/a)
Se utilizan como pronombres relativos para personas, cosas/animales o lugares y como posesivo. Funciones:
1. dentifican a una persona o cosa. Este tipo de oraciones se llaman "i!en#i)*ing rela#i&e .lauses
Ej: He is the person who/that spoke about / The bag which/that you gave me
2. Proporcionan ms informacin sobre una persona o cosa previamente identificada. Este tipo de
oraciones se llaman: "non-i!en#i)*ing rela#i&e .lauses. Van entre comas. No se puede omitir el
pronombre relativo.
Ej: Mr. Smith, who is one of my best friends, is in London / The book, which hadnt read, was here /
John, whose wife is a doctor, is my best friend
- Se puede utilizar that en lugar de who o which excepto despues de una preposicin y de coma ( no se
usa en las non-identifying relative clauses)
Ej: This is the car (that/which) paid C2000 for / This is the car for which paid C2000
- Se puede omitir who, which o that cuando los verbos de la oracin principal y en la subordinada (relativa)
tienen diferente sujeto. Ej: Hes the man (who) met in the plane
- Whom sustituye a who cuando es un complemento directo o despus de una preposicin. En general,
whom se considera excesivamente formal y se utiliza poco.
Ej: This is the person to whom sold my car (formal) / This is the person who sold my car to (speech)
The man with whom arrived (formal) / The man who arrived with (speech)
;ues#ions /i#+ou# an au<iliar*
No se utiliza el verbo auxiliar en preguntas en las que la palabra objeto que se pregunta acta como sujeto de la
frase. Ej: Who came here? / How many people died?
2e.ause1 so
Se utiliza because para indicar la razn de una accin y so para la consecuencia.
EOI Laredo
2u#1 al#+oug+1 #+oug+1 e&en #+oug+1 +o/e&er1 ne&er#+eless1 !espi#e - in spi#e o)
Se usan para mostrar el contraste de dos hechos
was raining Ej: t but we went to the beach (but=pero)
Although it was raining, we went to the beach (although, though, even though=aunque)
t was raining. However / Nevertheless, we went to the beach (however / nevertheless=sin embargo)
Despite / n spite of +
noun phrase
Ej:...the rain we went to the beach
verb+ing or not verb+ing (si es frase negativa)
Ej:...being raining we went to the beach
Even though
Despite / n spite of + the fact that +
Ej: was raining we went to the beach
Nota: although puede ir al principio o en medio de la frase. Although (formal), though(coloquial), even though
T+ere is-are1 I .an
El futuro de cada forma es: there will be y ll be able to
I #+in, - I !on=# #+in,>>>% /ill &erb
Para realizar una prediccin futura en positivo ( think) y si es negativa negamos el verbo think no el verbo en
Ej: dont think he will pass the exam. NOT think he wont pass.
(No# ) as4 as
- We often use the modifiers almost, just, nearly and half, twice, three times, etc
Ej: Our new flat is twice as big as our old one. NOT Our flat is twice bigger than our old one
However, three times, etc. can be used with a comparative adjective or adverb.
Ej: The holiday cost three times more than 'd expected
- You can use so instead of the first as in negative sentences
Ej: Shes not nearly so difficult as people say
- After we can either use a subject pronoun + auxiliary verb, or an object pronoun
Ej: Shes as tall as am or shes as tall as me
?o3para#i&e a!6e#i&es
Se utilizan para comparar personas y cosas
Reglas de construccin:
- 1 slaba: +er (si acaba en vocal+consonante se duplica la consonante y si acaba en consonante+y se
cambia y por i) Ej: bigger, lazier
- Los de dos slabas que terminan en er, *, le y o/ y los que tienen el acento (prosdico) en la ltima
slaba forman tambin el comparativo con -er. Ej: cleverer, lazier, narrower
- 2 o ms slabas: more+adjetive
- rregulares: good (better), bad (worse), far (further, farther)
EOI Laredo
?o3para#i&e a!&erbs
Se utilizan para comparar acciones
Reglas de construccin:
- Regulares: quickly, slowly... More/less + adverb + than
- rregulares: hard (harder), well (better), badly (worse), friendly (friendlier)
- We use far, much, or a lot (informal) + comparative adjective or adverb for a big difference.
Ej: The Frech wine is far more expensive than the South African one
- We use (much / many or far or a lot more) + uncountable / plural countable noun for big
Ej: She earns much more money than do
- We use slightly, a little, or a bit (informal) + comparative adjective or adverb for a small difference
Ej: Shes a little better than she was yesterday
- We use (a little / a few or slightly or a bit more) + uncountable / plural countable noun for small
Ej: Weve only got a few more minutes before the show starts
- We sometimes repeat a comparative adjective or adverb for emphasis. When the comparative is
formed with more, the adjective / adverb is only used after the second more
Ej: The taxi driver drove faster and faster / ts getting more and more difficult to buy a flat nowadays
Reglas de construccin:
- 1 slaba: the + adj+ est (si acaba en vocal+consonante se duplica la consonante y si acaba en
consonante+y se cambia y por i) Ej: the biggest
- Los de dos slabas que terminan en er, *, le y o/ y los que tienen el acento (prosdico) en la ltima
slaba forman tambin el superlativo con -est. Ej: laziest, cleverest, narrowest
- 2 o ms slabas: the most + adj (en lugar de the se puede usar adjetivos posesivos. Ej: my best friend)
- rregulares: good (the best), bad (the worst), far (the furthest), friendly (the friendliest)
- We often use by far, much, easily, nearly, almost, etc. to modify superlative adjectives or adverbs
Ej: t was by far the nicest of all the hotels / Shes much the prettiest of the three children
T+e4#+e4 % .o3para#i&es
- We can use comparative with the.the. to say that things change or vary together. When the
verb in the first part is be, it can be left out. We often use more + noun in this structure.
Ej: The more dangerous a sport (is), the more exciting it is to watch
- When the second comparative is better, a reduced structure can be used.
Ej: When do you want me to do it? The sooner the better
EOI Laredo
$por#s: pla*1 go1 !o
- Play: + a ball (deportes que se jueguen con una bola u otra herramienta) baseball, basketball,
badminton, soccer, billiards, bowls, (table) tennis, games, chess, darts, cards, dominoes.
- Do: indoors sports (deportes bajo techo) aerobics, judo, gymnastics, karate, weight lifting.
- Go: + ing (deportes al aire libre) bowling, cycling, fishing, swimming, jogging, skiing, surfing.
- Cuando se asiste a clase de alguna actividad tambien se puede decir: go to
- You do or play sport (NOT make sport) / You play computer or other games (NOT do games) /
You go skiing (NOT make skiing) / You do activities (NOT make or practise activities)
- You have or play a (football) match / game (of football)
- Cuando se entrena algo con intencin de mejorar se utiliza el verbo practise. Ej: practise
taking a penalty
To a.+i&e a personal bes# (conseguir marca personal) / #o a##en!-!o )i&e #raining sessions a /ee,
(entrenar cinco veces por semana) / se#- brea, a re.or! (establecer/batir un record) / blo/ a /+is#le
(sonar el silbato) / a.+ie&e *our a3bi#ions (lograr tus objetivos) / bring on a subs#i#u#e (sacar un reserva)
/ !rop a pla*er (sustituir a un jugador) - #rain +ar! (entrenar duro) / )ail a !rug #es# (dar positivo) /en+an.e
*our per)or3an.e (mejorar su rendimiento) / en#er a .o3pe#i#ion (entrar en competicin) / #a,e #+e lea!
(ponerse por delante) / #o gain-ge# a pla.e in #+e ne<# s#age-roun! (pasar de ronda) / a +o3e or a/a*
3a#.+ (partido en casa o fuera) / #o #a.,le an opponen# (hacer una entrada a un contrario) / #o )oul an
opponen# (hacer falta a un contrario) - #o #a,e a penal#* or a )ree ,i., (lanzar un penalti o una falta) /
+o3e groun! (campo local) !el pasa!o en los &erbos
Para decir el pasado de un verbo se le aade el sonido consonante /t/ o /d/ (no se le aaden slabas a la
pronunciacin del presente) salvo a los verbos acabados en t y d (al pronunciar) /id/
Regla general: !el in)ini#i&o (al pronun.iar) !el pasa!o-
(soni!os sor!os)
(soni!os &ibran#es)
(a.aba!o en # o !)
f Laughed Loved wanted
p Stopped tried landed
k Walked
S Finished
tS Watched
s Missed
?u@n!o se !upli.a la .onsonan#e !e los &erbos
Regla general: cuando son de la forma "consonante+vocal+consonante
Ej: get-getting
?3o se pregun#a por la aparien.ia1 personali!a! o los gus#os
- Appearance: se pueden usar lor verbos look y look like. Ej: What does she look like?
Look + adjetive (or an age). Ej: You look tired. He looks 100 years old
Look like + a noun or pronoum. Ej: He looks like me
- Personality: what is she like?
- Likes: what does she like?
Nota: para preguntar qu opinas sobre una cosa: How do you like the office? (qu opinas de la oficina?)
EOI Laredo
$a*1 #ell
- Say sth: decir, exponer algo, opinar, creer, expresar (sin dirigirse expresamente a alguien)
- Tell me sth: decir, contar, informar de algo a alguien (una historia, noticia, hecho)
Si va como adjetivo se pone en singular year y no years
Re)le<i&e pronouns
Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Se usan cuando el objeto del verbo es el mismo que el sujeto. Van a continuacin del verbo.
Ej: ve hurt myself / He looked at himself in the mirror
Nota: Si se utilizan para enfatizar van al final de la frase. Ej: Hes redecorated his house himself
Ea.+ o#+er (el uno al o#ro)
Se utiliza para dar a entender que A hace algo a B y B hace lo mismo a A
Ej: We only see each other once a month
:+a# !o *ou .all a>>>A Cmo llamas a...
Des.ribing a person
- Hes a bit / quite / very, really / incredibly + adjetive (de menos a ms)
- He likes / loves /doesnt mind + verb + ing
- He is good at + verb + ing
Dis#in#as )or3as !e re)erirse a los &ia6es: #rip1 6ourne*1 #ra&el1 #our1 &o*age1 .ruise1 )lig+#
- Trip: viaje (toda la duracin de un viaje, desplazamiento y estancia)
- Journey: viaje (se refiere al desplazamiento de un sitio a otro)
- Travel: se utiliza como verbo (Ej: l like travelling) y como sustantivo incontable sin artculo (Ej: like
travel). Tambin para hechos histricos o picos (Ej: The travels of Marco Polo)
- Tour: viaje (organizado)
- Voyage: viaje (en barco o nave espacial)
- Cruise: crucero
- Flight: vuelo
EOI Laredo
$a*ing nu3bers1 !e.i3als1 )ra.#ions1 per.en#ages an! 3one*
- cero: Bero (en matemticas y hechos cientficos), nil (en deportes), lo&e
(en tenis), o (al decir un nmero), noug+# (UK y para nmeros decimales)
- cien: a/one hundred (one es ms especfico)
- 750: seven hundred and fifty
- 1,500: one thousand five hundred
- 75,000: seventy-five thousand
- 750,000: seven hundred and fifty thousand
- 1,000,000: a/one million
- 7,500,000: seven and a half million
- 0.5: nought point five
- 3.9: three point nine
- : a half
- 1/3: a third
- : a quarter
- : three quarters
- 6: six and a half
- 50%: fifty per cent
- 2.50: two pounds and fifty pence
- $8.99: eight dollars and ninety nine cents
- C3.20: three euros and twenty cents
Nota: para separar los millares se utiliza la coma (.o33a) y para los decimales
el punto (poin#)
Cague e<pressions )or nu3bers
in e<.ess o) /kses/ Ms de
$o3e/+ere in #+e region o) Alrededor de (formal)
Di&e o) #a,e Ms o menos (informal)
"ppro<i3a#el* -prksmtli/ Aproximadamente (bastante formal)
Or so O as (informal)
;ui#e a )e/ Muchos (para indicar sorpresa o desagrado)
" s3a##ering o) /smtr/ Unos pocos
" !as+ Una pizca
"bou# - aroun! Alrededor de
" !ollop / dlp / Pequea cantidad (cucharada)
Eas+ings / l/ Montones
Oo!les / udlz/ Un montn (normalmente comida)
3illion1 +un!re!1 #+ousan!
Se usan en singular para decir cualquier nmero de personas o millones. Ej: one million, two million...
Se usan en plural cuando queremos decir un n indefinido: Ej: millions of people, hundreds of ways...
$ingular1 plural irregulares: 3an1 /o3an1 .+il!1 person
!e) singular plural
hombre man men
mujer woman women
nio child children
persona person people
nF or!inales
1s# first
2n! second
Gr! third
H#+ fourth
I#+ fifth
J#+ sixth
7#+ seventh
8#+ eighth
K#+ ninth
10#+ tenth
11#+ eleventh
12#+ twelfth
1G#+ thirteenth
1H#+ fourteenth
1I#+ fifteenth
1J#+ sixteenth
17#+ seventeenth
18#+ eighteenth
1K#+ nineteenth
20#+ twentieth
21s# twenty-first
22n! twenty-second
G0#+ thirtieth
H0#+ fortieth
I0#+ fiftieth
J0#+ sixtieth
70#+ seventieth
80#+ eightieth
K0#+ ninetieth
100#+ hundredth
101s# hundred and first
200#+ two hundredth
1>000#+ thousandth
10>000#+ ten thousandth
EOI Laredo
"!6e#i&os .o3pues#os
Hay varias maneras de formar en ingls adjetivos compuestos:
a) Sustantivo + adjetivo.
Ej: 2loo!-#+irs#* / Sediento de sangre $,*-blue / Azul celeste
b) Adjetivo + adjetivo.
Ej: Dar,-2lue / Azul oscuro
c) Adjetivo (o adverbio) + participio presente.
Ej: Doo!-loo,ing / Buen aspecto
e) Sustantivo + participio presente.
Ej:0ar!-/or,ing / Trabajador 0ear#-ren!ing / Descorazonador
f ) Sustantivo + participio pasivo.
Ej: :ell-!resse! / Bien vestido
g) Adjetivo + sustantivo + ed.
Ej: :ell-3annere! / De buenos modales 9air-+aire! - de pelo rubio
Eong-+aire! / de pelo largo 2lue-e*e! / de ojos azules Open-3ou#+e! / con la boca abierta
$#rong a!6e#i&es (ungra!able)
gra!able ungra!able
angry furious
bad awful
big, large enormous, huge
clever brilliant
cold freezing
difficult impossible
dirty filthy
frightened, afraid terrified
funny hilarious
good great, fantastic
happy delighted
hot boiling
hungry starving
important crucial
interesting fascinating
old ancient
rare unique
sad miserable
small tiny
surprising astonishing
tasty delicious
tired exhausted
To #al, abou# #+e !ura#ion o) a 6ourne*
Take(+ person) + time + (+to get to)...
Ej: How long does it take you to get to school? t took me just 30 minutes to get to school
Ej: the bus took 30 minutes
Nota: by car, by bus/underground, on foot (andando)
?uan!o usa3os un &erbo .o3o su6e#o !e una )rase se pone en gerun!io
Ej: Travelling by car is safer than travelling by bike. Knowing this is important
EOI Laredo
osi#ion in #+e )a3il*: #+e ol!es# .+il!1 a 3i!!le .+il!1 #+e *ounges# .+il!1 an onl* .+il!
El hermano mayor, hermano mediano, el hermano menor, hijo nico
ara gra!uar un a!6e#i&o
Anna is
a bit un poco (+ negative adjective)
quiet bastante
very/really muy
incredibly increblemente
pe!ir o
er3ission (per3iso)
ReLues# Response
Would you mind + ing...?
Ej: Would you mind sending me those emails?
Of course not
Could you + infinitive...?
Ej: Could you help me?
Do you think you could + infinitive...?
Ej: Do you think you could send me the request by email?
Yes, of course
Can you + infinitive...?
Ej: Can you come and see me when you have a moment?
Yes, of course
s it ok if +verb (do something)...?
Ej: s it ok if take tomorrow off?
Yes, of course / m sorry but...
EOI Laredo
Da#e ()e.+a)
- En ingls se utilizan los nmeros ordinales (first, second, third, etc.) para expresar las fechas, a diferencia
del espaol en que se emplean los nmeros cardinales (uno, dos, tres, etc.).
Ej: Today is the 2nd of June / hoy es el 2 de junio
- Para expresar los das utilizamos la preposicin 'on'. En cambio, para expresar meses o aos se utiliza la
preposicin 'in'.
Ej:You came on the 12th of May / viniste el 12 de mayo. You came in May / viniste en mayo
You came in 1995 / viniste en 1995
- En ingls, a diferencia del espaol, los meses y los das se escriben con mayscula.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
- Las estaciones del ao son: spring, summer, autumn (U.K.) fall (USA), winter
- Normalmente, las fechas se escriben en el siguiente orden: mes / da / ao
Ej:June, 20th 1997 / 20 de junio de 1997 March, 3rd 2001 / 3 de marzo de 2001
Podemos omitir las letras de orden (-st, -nd, -rd, -th) Ej: September 2, 1999
- Cuando leemos 14th May 1928 diremos: On the fourteenth of May 1928
- Al igual que en espaol, las fechas pueden escribirse nicamente con nmeros refiriendo mes, da y ao.
En este caso, hay que tener presente que el formato de fecha USA es mes/da/ao mientras que el
formato de fecha U.K. (Gran Bretaa) es, como en espaol, da/mes/ao
Ej:20 de junio de 1999 USA= 6/20/1999 UK= 20/6/1999
Trminos relacionados:
date = fecha calendar = calendario weekday = da de la semana
working-day = da laborable holiday = festivo, vacaciones (si se refiere a un conjunto de vacaciones:
holidays) day = da month = mes year = ao yesterday = ayer tomorrow = maana
0a&e #o1 +a&e go# #o1 3us# (obliga#ion1 ne.essi#*)
- Have to: se utiliza para obligaciones externas (reglas y leyes) o recomendaciones importantes
Ej: have to wear a shirt and tie at work
- Have got to: se utiliza para obligaciones especficas (no generales o repetitivas) sobre todo en el hablar
informal y en ingls escrito.
Ej: ve got to make a quick phone call (specific) and have to wear a suit to work (general)
- Must: para obligaciones personales o especficas impuestas por el hablante o recomendaciones
Ej: must buy a new shirt, this one is too old now / you must do your homework tonight
- Dont have to: cuando no hay obligacin o necesidad
Ej: You dont have to go to the party if you dont want to
- Mustnt / cant / be not allowed: para prohibiciones
Ej: You mustnt drive along this street. ts prohibited
Nota: must is a modal verb. The only forms are must and mustnt. Have to is a normal verb and it exists in all
tenses. Have got to is often used instead of have to in spoken English. En este caso no se debe contraer have o
has. Ej: have to go. NOT ve to go
$+oul! (a!&i.e or opinion)
- Should / shouldnt / ought to / ought not to / had better: cuando pensamos que una cosa se debe hacer o
no (consejo u opinin). Had se suele contraer.
Ej: You should take an umbrella with you / dont think you ought to go / think youd better talk to your
teacher about it
EOI Laredo
Nee! (ne.essi#*)
- Need / don't need + to + infinitive: para decir que algo es necesario o innecesario. Se usa para
necesidades habituales, generales o especficas.
Ej: You usually need to check in at least two hours before a flight leaves / don't need to take a jacket. t's
going to be hot today
- Needn't + infinitive without to: cuando queremos decir que algo es innecesario slo en una ocasin
Ej: You needn't lock the car. Nobody will steal it in this village.
- Needn't have + past participle / didn't need to + infinitive: para decir que hicimos algo que no era
Ej: We needn't have booked / didn't need to book a table. The restaurant is empty!
- Didn't need to: para decir que no hicimos algo porque no era necesario.
Ej: We had plenty of petrol so we didn't need to stop, which saved time.
Mus#1 3a*1 3ig+#1 .an(# (!e!u.#ion)
- Must: cuando se esta seguro de que algo es verdad.
Ej: She must have a lot of money. She drives a Porche.
- May / might: cuando piensas que algo es posible.
Ej: Shes not at home. She may be working
- Cant: cuando ests seguro de que algo no es posible. Es lo contrario de must, no se usa mustnt
Ej: He cant be ill. saw him at the gym
?an1 .oul!1 be able #o (abili#* or .apa.i#* an! possibili#*)
Can: es un verbo modal. Slo tiene la forma presente (can), pasado y condicional (could). Can tambin puede
utilizarse con significado futuro. Para las otras formas se utiliza be able #o (tiene un significado ms formal en el
presente y en el pasado)
Ej: can speak spanish very well / She cant come tonight. Shes ill. / love being able to sleep late at weekends
Des.ribing people
Hes about 20 =19, 20, 21
Hes in his forties =between 41 and 49
Hes in his mid-thirties =between 34 and 36
Hes in his late sixties =between 67 and 69
Hes in his early seventies =between 71 and 73
$o1 su.+
- So + adj/adv...that...and the result
Ej: The film was so good that l went to see it again
- So + much/many + noum (uncountable/countable) = such a lot of + noum (uncountable/countable)
Ej: There was so much noise (that) the players couldent concentrate / There were so many people
outside the stadium (that) we couldent find each other / had such a lot of work /such a lot of things to do
- Such + a/an + adj + noum (singular countable) that... / such + adj + noum (plural or uncountable) that...
Ej: t was such a good film that l went to see it again / They were such difficult exercices that...
- We often use so + adjective and such + noun or noun phrase without that clause as exclamations
Ej: Shes so mean! / t was such a lovely day! / Theyre such nice people!
- We can use so + adj /adv at the beginning of a clause for emphasis. Subject and verb are inverted.
Ej: So successful was the first night that people flocked to see the play
- Such as = for example
Ej: He loves winter sports, such as skiing and skating
EOI Laredo
"!6e.#i&es: -e! - -ing 9or3s
El adjetivo acaba en "-ing" cuando alguien, o algo, es causante de la situacin a la que alude el adjetivo,
mientras que acaba en "-e!", cuando algo, o alguien es el sujeto pasivo de esa situacin.
Ej: Tom is interested in politics / Tom finds politics interesting
He is always very tired / He has a tiring job
9u#ure #i3e .lauses: /+en1 as soon as1 un#il1 be)ore1 a)#er1 unless
Se usan con el present simple con un significado futuro.
Ej: ll call you as soon as arrive / ll have lunch before l leave / You wont pass unless you study
Mero .on!i#ional: I) % presen# si3ple >>> presen# si3ple
Se utiliza para hablar de cosas que son siempre ciertas.
Ej: f have time, go to the gym
9irs# .on!i#ional: i) - unless - /+en - as soon as % presen# si3ple >>> /ill - /on(# % in)ini#i&e
Se usa para situaciones reales o posibles.
Se usa unless con significado de if not (a menos que)
Se usa /+en para indicar que algo es 100% seguro.
Se usa as soon as para enfatizar que un hecho sucede inmediatamente.
Ej: f you dont do more work, youll fail the exam / wont go unless she invites me / When wake up tomorrow
will make breakfast / ll tell him as soon as see him
Nota: se puede usar un imperativo / can / should / may, en lugar del futuro.
Ej: See us next week if you have time / f you miss the bus, you can get a taxi
$e.on! .on!i#ional: i) % pas# si3ple >>> /oul! - /oul!n(# % in)ini#i&e
Se usa para situaciones hipotticas o imaginarias en el presente o en el futuro y sus consecuencias.
Ej: f l had more money, d buy a bigger house
- Podemos usar 3ig+# o .oul! en lugar de /oul! para decir "podra.
Ej: f he spoke English, he could get a job in a hotel
- El pasado del verbo BE puede ser /ere en todos los casos (obligatorio en consejos)
Ej: f l were you, ld buy a new computer
T+ir! .on!i#ional: i) % +a! % pas# par#i.iple1 /oul! % +a&e % pas# par#i.iple
Se usa para situaciones hipotticas o imaginarias que no sucedieron en el pasado y sus consecuencias ( de
haber sucedido)
Ej: f hadnt gone to that party, l wouldnt have met my wife
- al hablar se hace la contraccin de would have: ~/gudev/
Ej: f one of us had stayed at home we would have met
- la contraccin de had es d
Ma* - 3ig+# * 3a* no# - 3ig+# no# (en nega#i&o)
Se utilizan para hablar de una posibilidad futura
Ej: t might / may rain
Nota: En negativo no se suelen contraer. Tambien se puede utilizar para pedir permiso.
Ej: May use your phone?
EOI Laredo
:ill1 pas# si3ple1 use! #o - !i!n(# use #o 1 /oul!
- :ill se usa para hbitos actuales. Tambien se utiliza usuall* % presen# si3ple
Ej: usually cook in the evenings / Every day Dan will come home from work and turn on the TV
- as# si3ple * use! #o se utilizan para hablar de hbitos o acciones habituales en el pasado.
Ej: had long hair when was a child / used to have long hair
- :oul! se utiliza slo para acciones habituales en el pasado
Ej: The servants would tie a napkin around their necks / NOT his family would have a house in Bilbao
2e-ge# use! #o
- 2e use! #o se utiliza para hablar de situaciones o acciones a las que estamos acostumbrados.
Ej: m used to doing things by myself
- De# use! #o se utiliza para hablar del proceso de acostumbrarse a una situacin o accin
Ej: t took me quite a long time to get used to going to bed so late.
Nota: el verbo que sigue acaba en ing
assi&e: be % pas# par#i.iple
- Se usa la pasiva cuando no se conoce o no es importante quin hace o hizo la accin. Se puede hacer
en pasado, presente o futuro. Para decir quin hizo la accin se utiliza by
Ej: Risotto is made with rice / Guernica was painted by Picasso / My car was stolen last week
He cleaned the room The room was cleaned
He had cleaned the room The room had been cleaned
He has cleaned the room The room has been cleaned
He was cleaning the room The room was being cleaned
He was going to clean the room The room was going to be cleaned
He cleans the room The room is cleaned
He is cleaning the room The room is being cleaned
He is going to clean the room The room is going to be cleaned
He will clean the room The room will be cleaned
- Tambien se utiliza de manera formal en noticias de prensa, tv, etc con los verbos agree, announce,
assure, believe, consider, decide, expect, explain, hope,know, report, say, suggest, tell, think, undertand,
Ej: They think that the company may close (creen que la compaa puede cerrar) manera informal
t is thought that the company may close (se piensa que la compaa puede cerrar) manera formal
- Algunos verbos como give, ask, offer, send..., a menudo tienen dos objetos (directo, indirecto) y
cualquiera de ellos puede ser el sujeto de la oracin pasiva.
Ej: The boss offered Mar, the 6ob: The job was offered to Mark / Mark was offered the job
- Something / somebody is said to + infinitive: se dice que algo o alguien...
Ej: She is said to be friendly / have been friendly (expresa anterioridad) / be smiling
She was said to sing / have sung (expresa anterioridad) / be singing
The company is thought to be planning a new advertising campaign
EOI Laredo
:or! or!er o) p+rasal &erbs
Un phrasal verb es: verb + particle (preposition or adverb)
- algunos no tienen objeto (no se pueden separar verbo y partcula). Ej: come in / sit down
- otros tienen objeto y se pueden separar. Ej: put on your coat OR put your coat on
- cuando el objeto es un pronombre va siempre entre verb y particle (salvo los que son inseparables).
Ej: Heres your coat. Put it on. NOT Put on it
- otros tienen objeto y son inseparables.
Ej: m looking for my keys / look into the problem / looked after my litle sister / asked for it
- los que tienen varias partculas son inseparables.
Ej: dont get on with my sister / m looking forward to the party
?o33an!1 reLues#
- Command: order someone to do something (orden)
- Request: ask someone to do something (peticin)
EOI Laredo
Repor#e! (or in!ire.#) spee.+
- Se usa para decir lo que otra persona dijo. Hay que cambiar el tiempo verbal
- El uso de #+a# despus de said y told es opcional
- Algunos tiempos verbales no cambian: could, might, should, 3us#n=# (aunque must>had to)
Ej: You mustnt touch it. She said mustnt toucht it
- Tambin se cambiaran otros tiempos y lugares segn el contexto en el que hagamos el reported speech:
now, then>at that time, today>that day, yestarday>the day before, tomorrow>the next/following day, last
week>the week before, here>there, this>that...
- Despues de said no se usa pronombre objeto pero si despues de told
- Cuando una pregunta comienza por un verbo se utiliza asked + person y se aade i) o /+e#+er
- Cuando se trata de imperativos slo se puede utilizar told + person + (not) infinitive with to (no se puede
utilizar said)
- Cuando se trata de peticiones slo se puede utilizar asked + person + (not) infinitive with to
- Other reporting verbs: agree, beg, encourage, invite, offer, promise, refuse, remind, threaten
Ej: 'll give you the address. She offered to give me the address
- Los siguientes verbos van seguidos de that: Add, admit, agree, comment, claim, comment, claim,
complain, deny, explain, insist, mention, promise, remind, suggest
Ej: Why dont you visit Boston? She suggested that visited Boston
Dire.# spee.+ Tense .+ange Repor#e! spee.+
like shopping Present>past She said (that) she liked shopping
ll phone tomorrow Will>would He said he would phone the next day
met a girl here Past simple>past perfect He told me he had met a girl there
ve broken my leg Present perfect> past perfect He said he had broken his leg
can help you Can>could He said he could help me
may be late May>might He said he might be late
must go Must>had to He said he had to go
What do you want? question He asked me /+a# wanted
Do you like the music? question He asked her i) she liked the music
Where did you go last year? question He asked me where s#a*e! last year
Go away command He told him to go away
Dont worry command He told me not to worry
Can/Could you help me? request asked him to help me
Help me, please request asked him to help me
Would you mind helping me? request asked him to help me
Do you think you could help me? Request asked him to help me
Dont try to get a job Warning She warned me not to try to get a job
You shouldn't go Advise She advised me not to go
'm sorry asked you so many questions Apologize for
She apologized for asking / having
asked so many questions
Ma,ing sugges#ions
- Why dont we... Ej: Why dont we take her to Ntre Dame?
- How about... Ej: How about taking her on a boat trip?
- Shall we... Ej: Shall we have lunch after that?
- Lets go... Ej: Lets go somewhere really nice
- What about... Ej: What about La Renaissance?
EOI Laredo
Earge Luan#i#ies
- T+e /+ole significa todo en el sentido de completo. Ej: The whole world
- "ll (todo, todos) Hace referencia a todos los elementos de un grupo (tres o ms elementos). Va sin of
antes de adjetivo+nombre. Se le puede aadir of antes de the/my/your...this/that... Obligatorio of antes de
it/us/you/then Si va junto a un verbo se pone justo antes del verbo principal, despues de un verbo auxiliar
(will, have,can... y de are y were)
Ej: All birds lay eggs / All (of) your books are expensive / didnt eat all of it / The trains all stop at Cardif /
We usually all work on Saturdays / The visitors have all arrived / You are all late / All day (from morning
to night)
- E&er* (cada/todo, todos) Hace referencia a todos los elementos de un grupo (tres o ms). Tambin para
expresar frecuencia en algo. Slo se utiliza delante de un sustantivo en singular.
Ej: Every man has his price / go to school every day (from monday to friday)
- Ea.+ (cada) Hace referencia a cada elemento de un grupo de forma individual (dos o ms). Se puede
utilizar como pronombre.
Ej: Joe was carrying two cases,one in each hand /Each partner has an office /They each cost 30
- Too: (demasiado). Se utiliza con adjetivos. Si se utiliza con nombres hay que aadir much / many segn
sean contables o incontables.
Ej: dont like this city. ts too big / Theres too much traffic / There are too many tourists
- Mos# (la mayor parte de...). Es el superlativo de much y de many y se usa con sustantivos incontables o
en plural. Delante de pronombres o cuando el sustantivo al que precede lleva 'the' o un adjetivo posesivo
o demostrativo se usa 'most of'.
Ej: Most people have a car / Who has most money? / Most of the country is forest
- " lo# o) - lo#s o) - a lo# . Se puede utilizar ambos tanto para contables (verbo en plural) como
incontables (verbo en singular)
Ej: A lot of his work is good / Lots of his work is good /
A lot of his ideas are good / Lots of his ideas are good / He eats a lot
- Mu.+ (mucho). $o 3u.+ (tanto). Too 3u.+ (demasiado). 0o/ 3u.+? (cuanto?)
Se utiliza 'much' o 'a lot of' cuando el sustantivo es incontable.
Ej: How much is it? / Thank you very much / As much as you can
Pueden tambin emplearse expresiones como 'a great deal' (of...) y 'plenty' (of...) con el significado de
'much' Ej: need a great deal of money to travel
- Man* (muchos). Su significado vara en funcin del sustantivo al que acompaa o sustituye.
En frases afirmativas se utiliza 'a lot of', mientras que en frases interrogativas y negativas se utilizan
alternativamente 'many' o 'a lot of'.
Ej: He has been here a lot of times / He hasn't many friends
'A great many'... (muchsimos) Siempre precede a un sustantivo en plural.
Ej: have a great many friends in Madrid
- $o3e se usa en frases afirmativas y en interrogativas cuando esperamos o queremos que nos
respondan s.
Ej: have bought some bread / Would you like some biscuits?
- "n* se usa en frases negativas e interrogativas, en frases afirmativas con sentido negativo (despus de
ne&er, +ar!l*, /i#+ou#) y en i) .lauses.
Ej: have not bought any bread / Have you bought any bread? /
We never go anywhere / f there is anything to do, just call me
En frases afirmativas significa cualquier. Ej: Bring me any book you can find
- $e&eral (varios) Ej: have seen him several times
- Enoug+ significa bastante, en el sentido de suficiente. Cuando acompaa a un adjetivo, a un adverbio, a
un participio o un verbo siempre se coloca detrs de los mismos. En cambio, cuando acompaa a un
nombre se coloca delante de ste.
Ej: He is strong enough / She doesnt eat enough / He has enough money
EOI Laredo
2o#+ - bo#+ o)1 nei#+er - nei#+er o)1 ei#+er - ei#+er o)
- Usamos bo#+-nei#+er-ei#+er cuando queremos decir algo de dos cosas.
Ej: Both restaurants are good (not "the both restaurants), Neither restaurant is expensive, We can go to
either restaurant (cualquiera de los dos)
- Con bo#+ o)>>>-nei#+er o)>>>-ei#+er o)>>>, necesitamos #+e-#+ese-#+ose-3*-*our-+is-To3=s>>> etc. Tambin
se pueden usar con us-*ou-#+e3>
Ej: Both of these restaurants are good, Neither of the restaurants was (or were) expensive, Can either of
you speak spanish?
- No se necesita o) despues de bo#+ pero si es necesario antes de us-*ou-#+e3
Ej: Both my parents are from London or Both of my parents..., Both of us were tired (both us)
- Despus de nei#+er o)>>>el verbo puede ir en singular o plural
Ej: neither of the children wants (or want) to go to bed
- Se pueden usar solos bo#+-nei#+er-ei#+er
Ej: Do you want tea or coffee? Either. dont mind.
- 2o#+>>> an!>>>: tanto... como..., tan... como...
Ej: Both Ann and Tom were late, was both tired and hungry when arrived home
- Nei#+er>>>nor>>>: ni... ni...
Ej: Neither Liz nor Robin came to the party
- Ei#+er>>>or>>>: o... o...
Ej: Hes either Spanish or talian
- Ei#+er-nei#+er-bo#+: cualquiera, ninguno, ambos, se utilizan para dos cosas y an*-none-all para ms de
Ej:There are many good hotels. You can stay at any of them
$3all Luan#i#ies
- Ei##le: Tiene un sentido negativo (poco) mientras que 'a little tiene un sentido ms positivo y equivale a
'algo de...'. Se utiliza siempre con sustantivos incontables.
Ej: We have little time left / have a little money
Adems little significa pequeo, y tambin se emplea para formar los diminutivos
Ej: A little child / un nio pequeo (de edad)
Cuando nos referimos en cambio al concepto de pequeo en dimensiones, empleamos 'small'
Ej: This is a small child / es un nio pequeo (de estatura)
- 9e/: Tiene un sentido negativo (pocos). 'A few' tiene un sentido ms positivo y equivale a 'algunos' o
'unos cuantos. Siempre seguido de un sustantivo en plural.
Ej: There are few books on the table / Give me a few cigarettes
Very little and very few (muy poco)
Ej: Hurry up. We have very little time / have very few close friends
Mero Luan#i#*
- No- none: se usa en frases negativas cortas o en frases afirmativas con sentido negativo. En frases
negativas se usa any en su lugar. A continuacin de no va un nombre (no money, no children)
Ej: Who is in the bathroom? Nobody / Nobodys in the bathroom
bought no potatoes yesterday / No compr patatas ayer
How much money do you have? None. / There isnt any room in the car
no one
#+ings something anything nothing somewhere anywhere nowhere
EOI Laredo
"r#i.les: #+e1 no ar#i.le
El ingls tiene una sola forma de artculo determinado: #+e man, el hombre; #+e girls, las chicas.
1. Este artculo no se contrae con ninguna preposicin: The door of the hall, la puerta del vestbulo.
2. Su pronunciacin presenta diferencias:
a) Antes de consonante se pronuncia de: the lamp, la lmpara de l!mp"
b) Antes de vocal se pronuncia di: the enem#, el enemigo di $nemi"
3. Se usa:
a) Cuando hablamos de algo que ya hemos mencionado: saw a man with a dog, and the dog...
b) Cuando una cosa es nica: The moon goes round the sun
c) Cuando esta claro a lo que nos referimos: He opened the door
d) Con sitios en una ciudad (cinema, theater...): m going to the cinema
4. Se omite:
a" Con plurales e incontables cuando se habla en sentido general: Women talk more than men
b" Con las partes del cuerpo y los objetos de uso personal. En su lugar se utilizan los adjetivos posesivos
(my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their): %ive me #our hand & 'e put his tie on
c" Delante de nombres de materia: %lass is transparent, el cristal es transparente.
d" Delante de los nombres de las estaciones, los meses los das de la semana y comidas: (inter in
Bariloche is )onderful & I am giving a part# ne*t Sunda# & (e have tea at + o,cloc-
e" Delante de nombres abstractos: Life is beautiful (pero, en cambio: The life of .apoleon)
f" Con nombres propios y ttulos seguidos de nombres: /ing Louis & 0ueen Elizabeth II
g" diomas, fiestas, deportes (tomados en sentido general): I spea- Spanish & I li-e 1hristmas
h" Antes de next / last + days, week, etc: See #ou ne*t 2rida#
i" Con algunos nombres: home, work, school, church despus de at / to / from: She is at home
"r#i.le: a - an
El ingls tiene una sola forma de artculo indeterminado: a boo-, un libro; a table, una mesa.
1. Adopta la forma an delante de palabras que empiezan con sonido voclico: an apple, una manzana; an
orange, una naranja.
2. Existen, no obstante, palabras que empezando con vocal piden el artculo a por presentar esa vocal un
sonido semivoclico: a 3niversit#, una universidad; a European magazine, una revista europea.
3. Existen 4 palabras que comienzan con h muda y llevan el artculo an4 an hour5 una hora; an heir5 un
heredero; an honour5 un honor; an honest bo#5 un muchacho honesto. Para los derivados de estas 4
palabras se aplica la misma regla.
4. El plural o, si se quiere, la idea de varios, se expresa con los indefinidos some y an#: I see some boo-s, veo
unos libros.
5. Se usa:
a) La primera vez que se menciona una cosa: saw a man with a dog
b) Cuando se dice como es una cosa: ts a nice house
c) En nombres de religin, nacionalidad y profesin: 'elen is a catholic & %eorge is an Englishman,
1harles is a doctor.
6. En expresiones de frecuencia: three times a week
$#op )ig+#ing: dejar de luchar
$#op #o )ig+#: parar para luchar
EOI Laredo
DN.a!as: 1KJ0s (#+e si<#ies) 11K70s (#+e se&en#ies)1 1K80s (#+e eig+#ies)>>>
Para referirnos por escrito a los 60 o a la dcada de los 60: 1960s o the sixties
Ej: ts set in the 1960s (est ambientado en los sesenta)
Mo&ies (pel8.ulas)
Mo&ie genres
Cartoon Dibujos animados
Comedy Comedia
Documentary Documental
Erotic Ertico
Historical Historia
Horror Terror
Mistery Misterio
Musical Musical
Political Poltico
Romantic Romntico
Science-fiction Ciencia ficcin
Thriller Policiaco
War Guerra
Western Oeste
- Para preguntar que actor protagoniza una pelcula: (actors)
Ej: Whos in it? t / the film stars Brad Pitt (la protagoniza Brad Pitt)
- Para preguntar cuando o dnde est ambientada: (time / place) se utiliza el presente
Ej: When is it set? ts set in the 1950s / Where is it set? ts set in New York
- Para preguntar cuando o dnde est filmada se utiliza el pasado
Ej: When / where was it filmed? ts was filmed on location in Sicily
- El verbo star tiene dos significados: presentar como protagonista, protagonizar una pelcula (star in)
Ej: Kill Bill stars Uma Thurman / Uma Thurman stars in Kill Bill
Tr* % in)ini#i&e - #r* % gerun!
- Tr* % #o % in)ini#i&e sugiere que la accin del infinitivo is difcil y es posible que la persona no llegue a
realizar la accin:
Ej: Try to open the window. can't because 'm not very strong and it has recently been painted.
- Tr* % gerun! sugiere que la accin del gerundio no es compleja pero desconocemos si la consecuencia
de esa accin ser lo que buscamos o deseamos:
Ej: A: Phew! t's hot in here! B: Try opening the window. Although it's probably just as hot outside!
Miss - lose
Miss: perder (transporte, oportunidad, familiar)
Eose: perder (objeto)
EOI Laredo
0a&e-ge# so3e#+ing !one - +a&e-ge# so3ebo!* #o !o so3e#+ing
- Have/get something done: se utiliza cuando te hacen un trabajo o servicio.
Ej: Mark usually has his suits cleaned at Superclean / You should have your car serviced regularly /
Susan is having a new garage built / Mary is having a new cooker installed / had my hair cut (me cort el
pelo) / got my car mended (repar el coche) / Wher did you have your hair cut? / Mark doesnt have his
suits cleaned
- For unpleasant happenings: cuando sufres o te sucede algo.
Ej: She had her house broken into / Tim had his arm broken playing rugby
- Have/get somebody to do something: se utiliza cuando consigues que alguien te haga algo solicitado.
Ej: They got the government to introduce tougher laws / He got the directors to agree to help / got my
company to pay the bill
Mr - Ms - Mrs (#ra#a3ien#os)
Miss [ms].- Srta (soltera)
Mrs ['mss].- Sra (casada)
Ms [mz, mz].- Sra ( no especifica si est casada o no)
Mr ['mst].- Sr (no especifica si est casado o no)
0a&e-+as go#
- have ('ve) got" y " have" significan exactamente lo mismo: Yo tengo, t tienes , l tiene, etc. No
confundir esta estructura con el "present perfect", en este caso, es el "presente" del verbo "tener".
- La estructura "have/has got" slo se puede utilizar en el tiempo "the simple present". Para el pasado y
otros tiempos verbales hay que utilizar necesariamente el verbo "have".
Ej: dont have = havent got / didnt have a dog pero no hadnt got a dog
- Cuando "have" se utiliza como verbo "tomar/desayunar/comer, etc." tampoco se puede utilizar "have/has
got". Por ejemplo se dice: " have dinner" pero no " have got dinner"
9rien! o) (3ine1 *ours>>>): a3igo 38o1 a3igo #u*o>>> ojo: no se dice friend of me, friendo of you
-er -or -ian -is# o#+ers
leader actor politician physicist accountant
composer conductor musician cyclist chef
designer director librarian guitarist cook
footballer inventor electrician scientist policeman
painter sculptor paediatrician violinist milkman
photographer doctor economist postman
presenter professor artist
lawyer tailor chemist
plumber journalist
teacher psychologist
writter typist
EOI Laredo
$i##ing a# #+e !es, - a# #+e #able
Sentado en el escritorio / a la mesa
In #+e beginning1 >>> "# #+e beginning o) s#+1 >>>
Hard luck Mala suerte (referida a un conjunto de cosas)
Little bit of luck Poquito de suerte
Pushing luck Tentando la suerte
Good luck Buena suerte
Bad luck Mala suerte
To strike it lucky Tener un golpe de suerte
Lucky star Buena estrella
To take pot luck Echarlo a suerte
Down of luck Desafortunado
To try luck Probar suerte
:+a# (rela#i&e pronoun)
A menudo se usa como pronombre relativo con el significado de "lo que (la cosa o cosas las cuales)
Ej: cant hear what youre saying
Ma,ing a!6e#i&es an! a!&erbs )ro3 nouns
Nou3 % a!6e#i&e - a!6e#i&e % a!&erb - a!&erb
Luck Lucky Unlucky Luckily unluckily
Fortune Fortunate Unfortunate fortunately Unfortunately
Comfort Comfortable Uncomfortable comfortably uncomfortably
Patience Patient mpatient Patiently mpatiently
care Careful Careless Carefully carelessly
;ues#ion #ags
Se utilizan para confirmar algo que hemos dicho. Tiene el significado de "no es as? o "verdad?
Ej: Your names Maria, isnt it? / Theres some milk in the refrigerator, isnt there?
EOI Laredo
In!ire.# Lues#ions ( ?oul! *ou #ell 3e>>> A - Do *ou Ono/>>>A - ?an *ou re3e3ber>>>A
Es una forma educada de preguntar. Si la pregunta comienza con un verbo auxiliar se aade if o whether
despus de Could you tell me...? / Do you know...?
Ej: Could you tell me where the bank is? / Do you know if this train goes to Victoria?
Nota: el orden del sujeto y el verbo cambian respecto a una direct question.
Ej: Wheres the bank? (direct question) / Could you tell me where the bank is? (Not:...where is the bank?)
Does this train go to Victoria? (direct question) / Could you tell me if this train goes to Victoria?
urpose ()or1 #o1 so #+a#1 in or!er #o)
- 9or: se utiliza para describir un propsito cuando va seguido de un nombre (especialmente con verbos
de accin)
Ej: went to the shop for some milk
- To: se utiliza para describir un propsito cuando va seguido de un verbo.
Ej: Jim went to the station to meet his parents
- $o (#+a#) % (presen# si3ple or .an): para describir un propsito habitual
Ej: Bill wears thick socks in bed so that his feet dont get cold
leave the window open so that the cat can get in and out
- $o (#+a#) % (/ill or presen# si3ple): para describir un propsito futuro
Ej: Well take an umbrella so that we wont get wet / Well take an umbrella so that we dont get wet
- $o (#+a#) % P(/oul! or pas# si3ple) or .oul!Q: para describir en el pasado un propsito futuro
Ej: We took an umbrella so that we wouldnt get wet / We took an umbrella so that we didnt get wet
Dora left class early so that she could go to the dentist
- In or!er #o: se utiliza al hablar formalmente y al escribir. Ambos verbos deben tener el mismo sujeto.
Ej: The President made a speech in order to explain the policy
- cuando los verbos tienen diferente sujeto no se puede utilizar el infinitivo de propsito (to). En este caso
se utiliza so (that) + can/could
Ej: Helen played the piano to entertain her friends (mismo sujeto)
Helen played the piano so that everyone else could dance (diferente sujeto)
- la negacin de in order to es in or!er no# #o
INTERMEDIO 2 (2008-200K)
0ope1 e<pe.#1 /ai#
- 'm hoping [that] you come = deseo/ojal que puedas venir (esperanza, deseo)
- 'm expecting you to come = cuento con que vengas (expectativa, previsin)
- m waiting for you to come = estoy esperando a que llegues/vengas (accin de esperar)
EOI Laredo
0u3our1 3oo!
- Humor is the sense of humor one has. Ej: The English humor differs greatly from the spanish sense of
- Mood is a temporary state. Ej: am in a bad mood today
rogra31 progra33e
- Program: programa (informtica)
- Programme: programa (radio, television)
Deal /i#+ proble3s
- Whats the matter?: Qu pasa?
- Whats the problem?: Cul es el problema?
9u#ure possibili#* (.er#ain1 probable1 possible)
- ?er#ainl*-!e)ini#el*: % New technology will certainly/definitely change our lives
- New technology certainly/definitely wont solve our problems
- robabl*: % t will probably arrive in Japon first
- t probably wont be cheap
- Ma*-3ig+#-.oul!: % Customer may/might/could find it difficult to use
- They may not/might not understand it
Nota: en las frases afirmativas los adverbios van detrs del auxiliar y en las negativas por delante
un R no# uninteresting, unusual, unsatisfied, undecided, unfair
re R again rearrange, review
e< R pre&ious ex-boyfriend
3is R /rong mispronounced, misheard, misunderstanding
!is R no# dislike, disappear, disobedient, dissatisfied
- Ne/s: va con el verbo en singular (incontable). Ej: The news is on (estn dando las noticias)
- oli.e: va con el verbo en plural (nombre plural). Ej: The police are coming (viene la polica)
EOI Laredo
Ti3e lin,ers
- "s soon as: (tan pronto como) Ej: As soon as they met, they fell in love
Cuando queremos indicar que algo sucede durante un intervalo de tiempo se utilizan while o as.
- :+ile: (mientras) Ej: Kate phoned while you were having a bath
- "s: (mientras) Ej: As was driving to Cornwall, the countryside became more beautiful and green
Cuando queremos indicar que algo sucede en acciones simultneas o en un determinado momento se utilizan
by the time, when o the moment.
- :+en: (cuando) Ej: thought of it (just) when you opened your mouth
- T+e 3o3en#: (en el momento) Ej: The moment found the bag, phoned the police
- 2* #+e #i3e: (por el tiempo) Ej: was ill by the time he left his old job
$#u))1 #+ing
Cuando nos referimos a algo sin nombrarlo, como "cosa, se utilizan stuff (incontables) y thing (contables)
Ej: ts the stuff you find under the grass (mud=tierra)
ts something you use for cleaning the house (vacuum cleaner)
Rela#ions+ip (.ouples)
- 2o*)rien! ' girl)rien!: novio novia (al salir juntos)
- 9ian.N ' )ian.Ne: prometido prometida (cuando hay compromiso)
- 2ri!egroo3 ' bri!e: novio novia (el da de la boda)
- 0usban! ' /i)e: marido mujer (una vez casados)
Cerbs )ollo/e! b* #+e in)ini#i&e
- Afford, agree, arrange, ask, appear, attempt, choose, decide, expect, happen, help, hope, intend, learn,
manage, need, offer, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten
Van seguidas de infinitivo:
- Expresiones con cuantificadores: enough, too much, a lot, plenty of, etc.
- Adjetivos: amazed, certain, difficult, disappointed, easy, free, glad, happy, likely, pleased, possible,
simple, sure, surprised
Ej: The recipe is simple to follow
- Despus de something, anywhere, etc.
- Despus de superlativos y first, second, last.
Ej: Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
- Cuando nos queremos referir al sujeto del verbo en infinitivo se usa: for + person or object
Ej: ts very difficult for me to decide
Van seguidos de infinitivo sin to:
- Had better, let, would rather
- Make somebody do something
EOI Laredo
Cerbs )ollo/e! b* 'ing
- Admit, Avoid, be worth, cant help, cant stand, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, imagine, involve,
keep, mind, miss, practise, prevent, recollect, regret, report, resist, risk, suggest
- All the verbs that means like or dislike: love, like, hate, dislike...
- Verbos con el significado de empezar, acabar, continuar, parar, posponer, retrasar: start, beging, finish,
continue, go on, keep, stop, postpone, delay, put off, give up
- Verbos de percepcin: see, watch, notice, feel, hear, smell cuando se expresan como parte de un hecho.
Ej: noticed a man acting in a strange way
- Se usa el gerundio despus de algunas expresiones que contienen it o there.
Ej: Theres no point asking him / ts no use worrying
- Start, begin, continue pueden ir seguidos del infinitivo, especialmente si estan en forma continua,
para evitar dos verbos seguidos con ing. Ej: t is starting to rain
- Stop, go on, van seguidos de infinitivo cuando una actividad se termina o continua para hacer otra
Ej: She went on to become a doctor / Roger stopped to have a cup of tea
- Verbos de percepcin anteriores van seguidos de infinitivo sin to cuando expresan un hecho en su
totalidad. Ej: heard my sister come in at 1 a.m.
Ei,e1 3in!1 )an.*
- Like: va seguido de verbo+ing excepto cuando se usa auxiliar que va seguido de to +verbo
Ej: like pla*ing football / /oul! like #o pla* football
- Mind y fancy: siempre van seguidos de verbo+ing
Ej: dont mind playing football / wouldnt mind playing football / Would you fancy going to the cinema?
Nota: cuando se expresa no lo que a uno realmente le gusta o desagrada, sino lo que uno considera ms
razonable o prefiere, no se utiliza el gerundio sino el infinitivo.
Ej: like to go to the dentist once a year
Cerbs )ollo/e! b* ei#+er in)ini#i&e /i#+ #o or 'ing /i#+ .+ange o) 3eaning
Cerb In)ini#i&e /i#+ #o -ing
Forget Obligacin personal que hay que hacer Sobre un hecho pasado o una promesa
Mean Tener la intencin de mplicar, significar
Regret Sobre algo que tienes que hacer Sobre un hecho pasado
Remember La accin a recordar es posterior Sobre un hecho pasado
Stop Parar una accin para hacer otra cosa Dejar de hacer algo
Try Hacer un esfuerzo para conseguir algo Sugerir hacer algo, experimentar
I pre)er /or,ing #o rela<ing: prefiero trabajar que descansar
I /oul! pre)er #o /or, #+an #o rela<: preferira trabajar a descansar
EOI Laredo
To )i#1 #o sui#1 #o loo, goo!-a/)ul on sb (.lo#+es)
- 9i#: quedar bien en el sentido de valer. The dress doesn't fit very well
- $ui#: sentar bien, favorecer. Ej: That doesn't fit you, but the color certainly suits you!
- Eoo, goo!-a/)ul on sb: sentar bien/mal a alguien. Ej: Would these sunglasses look good on someone
with a round face?
Lue lle&an el
&erbo DO
E<presiones Lue lle&an el &erbo M"OE
"lone1 b* *oursel)1 on *our o/n1 lonel*
- "lone: slo (sin ms compaa)
Ejm: live alone
- 2* *oursel): implica hacer algo por t mismo, slo.
Ejm: usually do my homework by myself
- On *our o/n: por tu cuenta
Ejm: am an indepent person. do all on my own
- Eonel*: solitario, slo (es un sentimiento)
Ejm: He was a lonely person
a.#i&i#ies posi#i&e #+ings nega#i&e #+ings
a job your best damage
business a favour harm
crosswords justice worse / worst
exercise wonders evil
ones duty some one good (help) wrong
repairs well
science, law a service
the ironing
the shopping
the washing up
your homework
repor# in /or!s
!e.i!ing or
a!& nega#i&e #+ings a.#i&i#ies
a confession an appoinment progress a mistake the bed
an excuse preparations an effort work for others a trip / journey
an offer arrangements the best of trouble for voyage
a speech plans the most of attacks on a search for
a request decisions a difference to a fuss
enquires a choice a success of
demand a profit
guess money
friends with
EOI Laredo
"isle1 .orri!or (pasillo)
- "isle: en una iglesia, avin, supermercado
- ?orri!or: en un edificio, oficina
Do #+e s+opping1 go s+opping1 go /in!o/ s+opping
- Do #+e s+opping: hacer la compra (supermercado, pescado...)
- Do s+opping: ir de compras (ropa, muebles...)
- Do /in!o/ s+opping: ir de escaparates
Ins#ru.#ions #o ge# #o a pla.e: in!i.a.iones
ara pregun#ar
How can get to...?
Could you tell me where ... is?
Would you mind telling me the way to...
ara respon!er
Go straight on Seguir todo recto
Keep going down the street Seguir por la calle
Go down the street Seguir por la calle
Go past ... Pasa...
Turn left/right at ... Torcer a la izquierda/derecha en ...
Take the firs/second/... turn left/right Coger la 1/2... bocacalle a la izquierda/derecha
When you get to... Cuando llegues a...
Go across (the river, bridge...) Cruzar
Go round Rodear
The street that runs along this one on the left /
La calle que corre paralela a esta a la izquierda
Round the corner A la vuelta de la esquina
Near / close to... Cerca de...
By / next to... Junto a...
Opposite En frente de
n front of Delante de
Take the road (by car) Coger la carretera
ntersection Cruce
Zebra/pedestrian crossing Paso de peatones
Side street Calle lateral
In +ospi#al1 in #+e +ospi#al1 a# +ospi#al
- In +ospi#al (enfermo)
- In #+e +ospi#al - a# +ospi#al (de visita)
Nota: in American English- in the hospital (enfermo)
EOI Laredo
Ma,e1 le#1 allo/
- Ma,e: obligar a alguien a hacer algo: make + person + verb
Ej: Semco makes the workers take holidays
- Ee#: permitir hacer algo a alguien: let + person + verb No se puede usar en forma pasiva
Ej: Semco lets its workers use the companys machines
- "llo/: permitir hacer algo a alguien: allow + person + to + verb
Ej: Semler allowed the workers to set their own salaries
- "!&erbs o) 3anner: modifican a los verbos. Describen la forma en que algo sucede.
Ej: She talked quietly / Drive carefully!
- "!&erbs o) )reLuen.* - probali#*: describen la frecuencia o probabilidad de que algo suceda.
Ej: She usually comes to my house on Fridays / She will probably arrive at six oclock
- "!&erbs o) !egree: suavizan o enfatizan al verbo.
Ej: really want to leave now / m completely confused
- "!&erbs #o !es.ribe *our a##i#u!e
Ej: nterestingly, she didnt phone back / Surprisingly, he waited until the bus had left
(no#) surprisingl* sorprendentemente [s'prazl] soprasinli
(un))or#una#el* desafortunadamente ['f:tntl] ftchinat-li
a.#uall* realmente ['ktl] tchuli
basi.all* fundamentalmente ['!eskl] bisikli
.learl* claramente ['kll] cleli
.o3ple#el* completamente [km'pl:tl] complit-ly
!e)ini#el* definitivamente ['defntl] dfinit-li
+ope)ull* con un poco de suerte ['"pfl] jopfuli
ob&iousl* obviamente ['#!$sl] bviusli
personall* personalmente ['p%:snl] pesonali
probabl* probablemente ['pr#!!l] prbebli
reall* verdaderamente ['rl] Reli
E<a.#l* exactamente [&'zktl] igskly
possibl* quizs, posiblemente ['p#s!l] Psibli
?er#ainl* desde luego ['s%:tnl] setenli
EOI Laredo
bun.+ ramo a bunch of flowers
pa.,e# paquete a packet of cigarettes
6ar tarro, bote a jar of honey
.an lata a can of coke
bo##le botella a bottle of orange squash
.ar#on cartn, tetrabrik a carton of milk
#in lata (conservas) a tin of biscuits
bar tableta a bar of chocolate
bo< caja a box of chocolates
#ube tubo a tube of toothpaste
2ran!1 3a,e
- 2ran!: se utiliza para ropa, comida...
- Ma,e: se utiliza para coches, electrodomsticos...
In #+e sea1 in #+e s,*1 on #+e lan!
Ein,ing /or!s
On #+e /+ole1 generall* spea,ing En general
Generally speaking, people
9or e<a3ple1 )or ins#an.e Por ejemplo
...leeds or liverpool, for
Sn)or#una#el*1 sa!l* Desafortunadamente Sadly, people spend...
E<.ep# )or1 apar# )ro3 Excepto, aparte de ...,apart from the occasional...
O) .ourse1 ob&iousl* Por supuesto Obviously, the cultural...
"no#+er poin# in i#s )a&our1 a )ur#+er
Una ventaja ms
A further advantage is the
"l#+oug+1 e&en #+oug+ Aunque Although there are...
".#uall*1 in )a.# De hecho n fact, a holiday...
0o/e&er1 on #+e o#+er +an! Sin embargo ..., however, we will try...
"lso1 in a!!i#ion Tambin ...can also be better...
" )ur#+er !isa!&an#age1 ano#+er
Otro inconveniente Another drawback is the fact...
Despi#e1 in spi#e o) A pesar de But despite these things...
Ta,ing e&er*#+ing in#o .onsi!era#ion1
all #+ings .onsi!ere!
Teniendo en cuenta
All things considered, the
"s I see i#1 personall* spea,ing Personalmente
..., but personally speaking,
I #+in,1 I belie&e Creo think any holiday can...
To!e1 in .on.lusion En conclusin n conclusion, to gain...
EOI Laredo
SO an! S$ Englis+
I /is+ - I) onl*
- /is+ % pas# si3ple: cuando hablamos de cosas imaginarias que nos gustaran en el presente.
Ej: wish was/were stronger / He wishes he had a sister
- /is+ % pas# per)e.#: cuando hablamos de cosas imaginarias que nos habran gustado en el pasado.
Ej: wish had gone to bed early yestarday
- /is+ % .oul!: cuando hablamos de habilidades que nos gustara tener. No se suele usar en negativo.
Ej: She wishes she could drive
- /is+ % /oul!: cuando nos gustara que algo o alguien cambiara. A menudo para mostrar enojo o
enfado. No vale para uno mismo.
Ej: wish they would be quiet! / wish the bus would come / wish would...
- i) onl*: se puede utilizar en lugar de wish cuando se quiere enfatizar.
Ej: f only could dance! / f only you hadnt left your bag on the bus!
+rases /i#+ .+ange
bill check cuenta (restaurante)
chips fries patatas fritas
film movie pelcula
flat apartment piso
football soccer ftbol
holiday vacation vacaciones
lift elevator ascensor
mobile phone cell phone telfono mvil
motorway / main road freeway /high way autopista
pavement sidewalk acera
petrol gas combustible
post mail correo
return ticket round trip billete de ida y vuelta
secondary school high school enseanza secundaria
shopping centre mall centro comercial
toilet restroom cuarto de bao
underground subway metro
?+ange o) +ear# Cambio de opinin
To .+ange .areer Cambiar de trabajo
To .+ange #+e sub6e.# Cambiar de tema
To .+ange 3*-*our-+is>>>- 3in! Cambiar de opinin
To 3a,e a .+ange Ser un cambio
9or a .+ange Para variar, cambiar
EOI Laredo
)is+Tsea)oo! )rui# 3ea# &ege#ables
an.+o&* anchoa apple manzana ba.on bacon aubergine berenjena
brea3 besugo apri.o# albaricoque bee) vaca bean alubia
.la3 almeja banana banana .+i.,en pollo .abbage berza
.o! bacalao bla.,berr* mora .ol! 3ea# embutido .arro# zanahoria
+a,e merluza .+err* cereza !u., pato .auli)lo/er coliflor
lobs#er langosta .ranberr* arndano +a3 jamn .eler* apio
3ussel mejilln )ig higo +a3burger hamburguesa .ourge##e calabacin
o*s#er ostra grape uva la3b cordero .u.u3ber pepino
pra/n gamba grape)rui# pomelo por, cerdo garli. ajo
sal3on salmn ,i/i kiwi rabbi# conejo green bean vaina
sar!ine sardina le33on limn sausage salchicha lee, puerro
s+ar, tiburn li3e lima #ur,e* pavo le##u.e lechuga
sLui! calamar 3elon meln &eal ternera 3us+roo3 champion
#rou# trucha oli&e aceituna onion cebolla
#una atn orange naranja pea guisante
pea.+ melocotn pepper pimienta
pear pera po#a#o patata
pineapple pia spina.+ espinacas
plu3 ciruela #o3a#o tomate
raspberr* frambuesa
s#ra/berr* fresa
#angerine mandarina
/a#er3elon sanda
Tas#e an! #e<#ure ()oo!)
"C"NM"DO1 (200K-2010)
#as#e #e<#ure
bi##er amargo .+e/* gomoso
blan! soso .rea3* cremoso
sal#* salado .risp crujiente
spi.* pcante .run.+* triscante
s/ee# dulce greas* grasiento
#as#* sabroso sli3* viscoso
EOI Laredo
?le)# (an! pseu!o .le)#)
The usual word order for a sentence in english is:
sub ject verb object (adverbial phrase)
like your sense of humour (most of all)
However, in order to emphasize that we like his sense of humour (more than anything else about him), we can use a
cleft sentence that begins with:
- i t+ be + emphasized tem + relative clause
Ej: t is your sense of humour that like most about you
- a what clause + the verb be+ emphasized item
Ej:What like most (about you) is your sense of humour
f the emphasized item is a clause we introduce the words the fact that:
Ej: t was fhe fact that they called the police that upset us
What upset us was the fact that they called the police
Cleft sentences
t + be + spotlighted information + that or who
The spotlighted information can be:
- subject: Julia phoned us on Saturday
t was Julia who phoned us on Saturday
- adverbial: Julia phoned us on Saturday
t was on Saturday that Julia phoned us
(when or where instead of that in informal English)
- direct object: Julia phoned me on Saturday
t was me that Julia phoned on Saturday
- indirect object: You gave the file to Mary
t was to Mary that you gave the file
t was Mary (that) you gave the file to
- sub clause: We phoned them in order to cheer up Julia
t was in order to cheer up Julia that we phoned them
NEVER verb: t was (to) cheer up Julia that we phoned them
Pseudo-cleft sentences
Question word + information + be + spotlighted information
- What-clauses: (=the thing)
The spotlighted information can be:
- subject: What drove us crazy was the noise
- direct object: What he needs is a good shake up
- complement: What she really feels is profound disappointment
- verb: What she did was (to) call her boss, what meant to do was to post...
- What happens is.../ What happened was...: (to emphasize an event or sequence of
- What happens is (that) you do a test and then you have an interview
- All clauses: (= the only thing)
- All want is to travel / All did was touch it
- Clauses with other question words:
- adverbial: The day when you may see him is on Sunday
The place where you can see him is his office
- subject: The person who phoned us was Julia
- indirect object: Who you should really give the gardening prize to is Peter
The person (who/that) you should really give the gardening prize is Peter
- subordinate: The reason why we came late was that / because we had to finish the work ourselves
(Why we came late is because we had to finish the work ourselves)
EOI Laredo
!a3age - +ar3 - +ur# - in6ure - /oun! (&erbs)
Da3age: t is things that are damaged, not people. Damage is the physical harm that is caused to an object.
More abstract qualities, such as reputations and the economy can also be damaged. Compare the following:
- When he got home, he discovered that the vase he had bought had been damaged.
- f he continues drinking like that, his reputation as a defence lawyer will be damaged.
0ar3: People OR things can be harmed or physically damaged:
- The bank robbers were anxious not to harm anyone.
- Without doubt, the burning of fossil fuels harms the environment in which we live.
0ur#: f part of your body hurts, you feel pain there. f you hurt someone, you cause them to feel pain. Note that
verbs that refer to physical feelings (hurt, ache, etc) can often be used in simple or progressive tenses with no
difference in meaning:
- Have you been knocked over? Tell me where it hurts / it's hurting. ~ My arm hurts.
- You're hurting my arm. Ouch! Don't touch me. That hurts!
In6ure: n the sentence describing people suffering from shock above, hurt could be replaced by injured. f you
injure somebody, you cause physical damage to part of their body usually the result of an accident or through
- A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring scores of people.
- The demonstrators injured a number of innocent people when they started throwing stones.
:oun!: f you wound somebody, you inflict physical damage on part of their body, especially a cut or a hole in
their flesh caused by a gun, a knife or some other weapon, often in battle.
- There was no escape. They were mortally wounded by the enemy fire.
- The driver of the Red-Cross ambulance was wounded by the shrapnel.
"# )irs#>>>1 9irs#>>>
- at first: se traduce como "Al principio... tiene un carcter temporal y sirve para contrastar una situacin o
la consecuencia de ello.
Ej: At first, thought she was german but now know she is english
- first: sirve para enumerar u ordenar una secuencia de acciones, instrucciones, etc
Ej: First, you will open your books !e los a!&erbios * e<presiones !en#ro !e las )rases
- adverbios como: eventually, finally, initially, subsequently, etc, se pueden poner en la posicin A,B,C.
- expresiones con preposicin como: At first, at the beginning, etc, pueden ir en A en C.
Ej: (A) (B) said no (C)
?uan!o no .ono.e3os la i!en#i!a! !e una persona * Luere3os ! el posesi&o
Utilizamos their en lugar de his o her (aunque sea 3 persona singular)
Ej: Which speaker began their (his or her) collection at university?
f a person has lost their bag...
EOI Laredo
2eginning an! en!ing a le##er
- f you know the person you are writing to very well or are on friendly terms, begin simply with the first
name, Dear Mar* or Dear 0enr* and finish it with Oin! Regar!s or 2es# /is+es.
- f you don't know the person you are writing to so well, but know of him as a named individual, start with
title and surname: Dear Mr o##er or Dear Dr 2a,er or Dear Miss Ta*lor or Dear Mrs ?oo, or Dear Ms
2arber. f you are not sure which of the last three titles is appropriate in any particular case, it is probably
best to stick to Ms.
- Finish this type of letter with 7ours sin.erel*. t is not necessary to insert a comma after beginnings or
endings. f you know the person you are writing to well, it may be appropriate to insert a closing formula,
such as :i#+ &er* bes# /is+es, before the ending itself.
- Sign the letter with your first name, if you are on first-name terms, or with your full name, if it needs to be a
little more formal, but without any title. Your full typewritten name and designation (on separate lines)
should appear beneath your handwritten signature.
- f you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear $ir or Dear $ir or Ma!a3
or Dear Ma!a3 and end your letter with 7ours )ai#+)ull*, followed by your full name and designation.
"&oi!1 pre&en#
- To avoid: esquivar, eludir, evitar algo cuando se presenta.
Ej: You should avoid seeing her
- To prevent: prevenir, impedir, evitar que algo se pueda realizar
Ej: You should prevent her from seeing you
"no#+er1 o#+er
- Another is used with singular nouns, other with singular or plural.
Ejs: There are other jobs you could try / Where's the other packet of cereals? / s there any other bread? /
Have another cup of tea.
T+is1 #+ese1 #+a#1 #+ose
Oeep % &erb % -ing
Se utiliza para hablar de comportamientos repetitivos.
Ej: Your newspaper keeps publishing this type of sensationalist journalism
E<.ep.iones !e &erbos % #o % ing
Object, admit, confess, be used, get used, look forward to
Ej: got used to driving on the left
singular this that
plural these those
close to the speaker more distant to the speaker (in space or time)
EOI Laredo
2e-ge# use! #o
- 2e use! #o se utiliza para hablar de situaciones o acciones a las que estamos acostumbrados.
Ej: m used to doing things for myself
- De# use! #o se utiliza para hablar del proceso de acostumbrarse a una situacin o accin
Ej: t took me quite a long time to get used to going to bed so late.
Nota: el verbo que sigue acaba en ing
Rela#i&e .lauses (!e)ining T non-!e)ining rela#i&e .lauses)
Hay dos tipos de oraciones de relativo:
1> De)ining rela#i&e .lauses (oraciones de relativo especificativas)
dentifican o describen al sujeto de la oracin principal y son necesarias para que sta tenga sentido.
- Para referirse a personas utilizamos los pronombres relativos /+o o #+a#>
Ej: You are the only one who gets upset about it.
- Para referirse a .osas o ani3ales utilizamos /+i.+ o #+a#>
Ej: The book which was on the desk is mine
- Se usa #+a# despues de: superlativos all, something, someone, anyone, everything, etc
Ej: Everything that have is yours
- El pronombre relativo actua como sujeto u objeto en la oracin relativa. Cuando actua como objeto
se puede omitir. Ej: She is the girl (that / who) he met in the pub
- Podemos unir oraciones con whose para sustituir a his, her o its:
Ej: Look at that girl. Her brother is a footballer. -> - Look at that girl whose brother is a footballer.
- Para referirse a lugares utilizamos adverbio relativo /+ere.
Ej: This is the station where (=at which) we get off.
- Para referirse a un pun#o en el #ie3po utilizamos el adverbio relativo /+en.
Ej: There were one or two days when (=on which) they found themselves prisoners in the cottage.
- Se usa /+a# con el significado de 'the thing(s) that' o 'the stuff that'. What es como un nombre + un
pronombre relativo juntos. No se usa what detrs de all, everything or nothing.
- Ej: gave her what she needed / Everything that have is yours
- Oraciones de relativo especificativas con el adverbio relativo /+*.
Ej: Surely the reason why he stole the money is obvious, isn't it?
- Oraciones de relativo especificativas con el adverbio relativo be)ore.
Ej: On the evening before they were due to leave, Arthur telephoned his mother.
- Oraciones de relativo especificativas con el adverbio relativo a)#er.
Ej: t began to rain during the week after they arrived.
2> Non-!e)ining rela#i&e .lauses (oraciones de relativo explicativas)
Dan informacin adicional sobre el sujeto de la oracin principal pero no son necesarias para que esta
tenga sentido.
- Se pone coma antes del pronombre relativo que nunca se puede omitir.
- Para referirse a personas utilizamos /+o y para ani3ales o .osas /+i.+. No se usa that.
Ej: My father, who is a bank clerk, lives in Jan / Arthur went to the main hall, which was empty
ar#i.iple .lauses
Pueden ser de dos tipos:
- -ing par#i.iple .lauses: se usan para reemplazar relative clauses que tengan verbos activos.
Ej: People suffering from the syndrome (=who are suffering from the syndrome) become obsessed
ts incomprehensible to ordinary people living their normal lives (=who live normal lives)
Hearing the shot, Mark rushes into the house (=When he hears the shot)
- -e! par#i.iple .lauses: se usan para sustituir relative clauses que tengan verbos en pasiva.
Ej: Tv stars dropped for putting on weight often suffer greatly (=who are dropped)
She has spoken about insecurities suffered by victims of BDD (=which are suffered by)
Set during the First World War, it tells the story of a young soldier (= t is set)
Nota: se pueden aadir adverbios al comienzo de la participle clause.
Ej: Gery Halliwell, formerly known as Ginger Spice, has spoken...
EOI Laredo
E<pressions #o s+o/ /e are going #o a!! e<#ra in)or3a#ion
- at the beginning of a clause or setence
Ej: She is beutiful. Moreover, she is clever / Hes a punk. On top of that, hes got a criminal record
- To join two or more pieces of information in one setence
Ej: Besides being a punk, hes got a criminal record / n addition to his appearence, hes got a criminal
$o #+a# - in or!er #+a#1 in or!er #o - so as #o1 in .ase1 o#+er/ise
- $o #+a# - in or!er #+a#: a fin de que. Ej: We make rules so that most people will respect others
- In or!er (no#) #o - so as (no#) #o: con la finalidad de (no). Ej: work in order/so as to live
En frases que queremos contrastar algo se usa: not (in order/so as) + to, but + (in order/so as) + to
Ej: came to see you not (in order/so as) to complain, but (in order/so as) to apologise
- In .ase: por si. Ej: 'll take an umbrella in case it rains
- O#+er/ise: de lo contrario. Ej: if it doesn't rain 'll wash my car otherwise 'll wait a few days
Notas: So that (uso informal), in order that (uso formal), in case, otherwise van seguidas de oracin y in order to
y so as to de infinitivo.
re)i<es: un- 1 in-
No hay una regla general para su uso aunque se suele cumplir:
- un-: palabras que terminan en 'ing, en 'e!, -able y las que comienzan con in-. Tambien las palabras
que en espaol llevan los prefijos negativos: il, im, in, ir
Ej: unloving, unexpected, unintelligible, unjust, unpopular
- in-: palabras que terminan en 'an#, -en#, -ible. En este caso puede haber variantes de in: il1 i31 ir
Ej: insignificant, impatient, invisible (Excepcin: unpleasant)
modo informal neutro modo formal
Besides Whats more Furthermore
On top of that n addition Moreover
besides + noun/gerund
in addition to + noun/gerund
as well as
EOI Laredo
Comienzo Opinin
Firstly Personally
n the first place (un) fortunately
To begin with t is clear that
First of all Clearly
One reason n my opinion
For a start think/feel/believe (that)
Above all agree/disagree (that)
Primarily Ante todo t seems to me
As see it
Continuacin From my point of view
Secondly To be honest
Second Frankly
n the second place feel certain Creo con certeza
Another reason am sure that
n addition adems am in favour of
More importantly Lo que es ms importante am against
Again Conclusin
Also n conclusion
Too Lastly Por ltimo
Next Last but not least
Por ltimo pero no menos
Then Finally
Equally igualment n summary En resumen
Similarly Asimismo, de igual forma To sum up en resumen
What is more n short en pocas palabras
Ejemplo Clearly Evidentemente
For example Therefore Por lo tanto
For instance Thus Por lo tanto
E.g. (exempli gratia) t is clear that
.e. (id est) Esto es t is obvius that
That is All in all En conclusin
That is to say Es decir On the whole En general
EOI Laredo
9u#ure .on#inuous
Para construir su forma afirmativa se utiliza el futuro simple del verbo auxiliar TO BE y el verbo principal con la
terminacin NG.
- para hablar de una accin que estar sucediendo en un momento futuro.
Ej: At 9.15 tomorrow, well be watching the mach
- para hablar de una accin concertada en el futuro.
Ej: ...and after his speech the President will be having dinner with local Vips
- para hablar de algo que suceder sin que sea necesario concertarlo previamente.
Ej: 'll be going to the supermarket later do you want anything?
- Para preguntar de manera educada por un arreglo o plan futuro
Ej: Will you be meeting us at the airport?
9u#ure per)e.#
Para su forma afirmativa se utiliza el futuro simple del verbo auxiliar TO HAVE y el verbo principal en participio.
Se usa para hablar de una accin que habr finalizado en un momento futuro.
Ej: By 10.00 tomorrow, the match will have finished
Expresiones comunes con las que se utiliza son:
By one oclock / dinner time
By this time tomorrow / next week / next month / next year
By the end of the week / month / year / century
By the time we get home / m thirty / retire / go to bed
EOI Laredo
Mo!als o) spe.ula#ion - !e!u.#ion1 possibili#* an!
- Para especular sobre el presente o el futuro: modal verb + infinitive or be + -ing
Ej: t could be dangerous / You must be joking
- Para especular sobre el pasado (infinitivo perfecto): verb + have + past participle
Ej: She cant have been very well / He may not have understood
- Tambin se pueden usar expresiones:
Ej: ts certain that she wasnt very well
Pero no: ts bound #+a# they will get married
% probabilidad expresin ejemplo
Be sure to He is sure to know the answer
Be bound to ts bound to rain, dont forget your umbrella
Will definitely ll definitely have the answer by then
Be highly likely They are highly likely to get married
Be likely The concerts likely to finish late
Will probably Shell probably ring me later
Could/might/may + well That may well be true
+ Could/might/may He left there early so he might get here soon
Doubt that / if / wether doubt that shell be here before ten oclock
Dont supose dont supose they will win
Might not/may not We may not finish by six
Be unlikely ts unlikely hell come
Probably wont They probably wont win
-- Be highly unlikely They are highly unlikely to get married
--- Definitely wont You definitely wont enjoy that film
Well cambia el significado de posible a probable:
I=! ra#+er (I /oul! ra#+er) - 7ou=! be##er (7ou +a! be##er) - I#Us #i3e
- I /oul! ra#+er % sub6e.# % (pas# #ense - in)ini#i&e): means would prefer.
Ej: d rather go = d prefer to go / 'd rather not go = 'd prefer not to go (there is not change of subject)
d rather you went / 'd rather you didn't go NOT 'd rather you not go (there is change of subject)
- 7ou +a! be##er % in)ini#i&e: is used to give advice.
Ej: Youd better go = you shoud go
- I#Us #i3e % sub6e.# % pas# si3ple: is used to say that something has to be done now or in the near
Ej: t's time you found a job (we specify the subject)
t's time to go now (we don't specify the subject)
t's hig time you did your homework (we use high for emphasis)
.er#ain (%) less .er#ain .er#ain (-)
cant might
could well
be true might well
may well
EOI Laredo
"C"NM"DO 2 (2010-2011) e<pressions
Se utilizan para dar informacin sin asegurar (marcando distancias) que sea exacta o ajustada a la realidad
- t seems / appears + that + clause
Ej: t seems /appears that the less children sleep, the more likely they are to behave badly
- Subject + seen / appear + to + infinitive
Ej: Mark seems / appears to have aged a lot over the last year
- t would seem /appear + that + clause (sirve para distanciarnos ms de la informacin que damos)
Ej: t would seem / appear that someone has been stealing personal items from the changing rooms
- t + passive verb + that + clause (verbs: agree, announce, believe, expect, hope, report, say, suggest,
think, and understand)
Ej: t has been announced by a White House spolesman that the President has been taken to hospital
- Subject + passive verb + to + infinitive (verbs: believe, expect, report, say, think and understand)
Ej: The company director is expected to resign in the next few days
- There + passive verb + to + infinitive
Ej: There are said to be more than five million people living in poverty in this country
- Apparently, according to, may / might
Ej: Apparently, Maurice and Yvette have separated / According to new research, the idea is a myth /
Dinosaurs may have died out due to extremely rapid climate change.
$oun!s an! #+e +u3an &oi.e (!es.ribing soun!s)
soun!s #+e +u3an &oi.e
bang [! ] ruido fuerte giggle ['&&l] risita tonta
buBB [!'z] zumbido groan [&rn] gruido
.li., [klk] clic 3u3ble
.ras+ [kr ] estrepito, choque s.rea3 [skr:m] grito
.rea, [kr(k] crujido (madera) sob [s#!] sollozo
.run.+ [kr'nt] crujido sig+ [sa] suspiro
!rip [drp] goteo s#a33er ['stm] tartamudeo
+iss ["s] siseo /+isper [')sp] susurro
+oo# ["(t] bocinazo *ell [*el] alarido
+u3 ["'m] tarareo
ra##le ['rtl] cascabeleo
roar [r(] rugido
s.ree.+ [skr(t] chirrido
sla3 [slm] portazo
slurp /sl%(rp/ sorbo
sni)) [snf] 'sorbeteo'
snore [sn(] ronquido
splas+ [spl ] chapoteo
#ap [tp] 'golpeteo'
#i., [tk] tic-tac
/+is#le [')sl] silbido
EOI Laredo
"!!ing e3p+asis: in&ersion
n formal English, especially in writing, we sometimes change the normal word order to make the sentence more
emphatic or dramatic.
- This structure is common with negative adverbial expressions such as: Not only., Not until.,
Never., No sooner. than (= a formal way of saying as soon as)
When we use inversion after the above expressions, we change the order of the subject and (auxiliary)
Ej: Not only is my brother lazy, (but) hes also very selfish / Not until you can behave like an adult will we
treat you like an adult / Never have heard such a ridiculous argument / No sooner had the football match
started that it began to snow
- n the present simple and past simple tense, rather than simply inverting the subject and verb we use
do /does /did + subject + main verb.
Ej: Not only did you forget to shut the window, (but) you also forgot to lock the door!
- nversion is also used after the expressions: Only then., Only when., Hardly / Scarcely. when,
and Rarely.
Ej: Only when you leave home do you realize how it is / Hardly had sat down when the train began to
move / Rarely have met a more irritating person
EOI Laredo
Dis.ourse 3ar,ers: a!&erbs an! a!&erbial e<pressions (.one.#ores !is.ursi&os)
Talking of To change the direction of a conversation
By the way, / incidentally, To introduce something
Actually / n fact / As a matter of fact To introduce additional information
n any case / Anyway To return to the main topic
At least To introduce a positive point
As was saying, To return to a previous subject
On the whole, To generalize
All in all, To take everything in consideration
After all, To introduce a strong argument
Besides, To add additonal information
Basically, To introduce the fundamental point
Obviously To introduce a fact that is very clear
mean, To make things clearer
n other words, To say something again in another way
Otherwise To say what the result would be
As far as something is concerned, To introduce a new topic
As regards / Regarding To introduce a new topic
That is to say, To introduce an explanation
On (the) one hand, / On (the) other hand To balance contrasting fact or points
EOI Laredo
:or! buil!ing : a!6e.#i&es1 nouns an! &erbs
a!6e.#i&e noun &erb
strong strength strengthen
long length lengthen
deep depth deepen
short shortness shorten
wide width widen [')adn]
high height ["at] heighten
weak weakness weaken
thick thickness thicken
flat flatness flatten
EOI Laredo
reposi#ions o) pla.e an! !ire.#ion
Preposition Use Examples
above higher than sth. (position, grade) The picture hangs above my bed.
across from one side to the other side
You mustn't go across this road here.
There isn't a bridge across the river.
after one follows the other The cat ran after the dog. After you.
against directed towards sth. The bird flew against the window.
along in a line from one point to another They're wal!ing along the beach.
among in a group " li!e being among people.
around in a circular way #e're sitting around the campfire.
at "n a place (point) Turn left at the lights
behind at the bac! of $ur house is behind the supermar!et.
below lower than sth. (position grade) %eath &alley is '( metres below sea level.
beside ne)t to $ur house is beside the supermar!et.
between sth.*sb. is on each side $ur house is between the supermar!et and the school.
by near +e lives in the house by the river.
close to near $ur house is close to the supermar!et.
down from high to low +e came down the hill.
from the place where it starts %o you come from To!yo,
in front of %elante de (normalmente de espalda) $ur house is in front of the supermar!et.
inside opposite of outside You shouldn't stay inside the castle.
into entering sth. You shouldn't go into the castle.
near close to $ur house is near the supermar!et.
next to beside $ur house is next to the supermar!et.
off away from sth. The cat -umped off the roof.
On .e)t to " live on the main road
onto moving to a place The cat -umped onto the roof.
opposite /nfrente de (cara a cara) $ur house is opposite the supermar!et.
out of leaving sth. The cat -umped out of the window.
outside opposite of inside 0an you wait outside,
over above sth.*sb. (implica movimiento) The cat -umped over the wall.
past going near sth.*sb. 1o past the post office.
round in a circle #e're sitting round the campfire.
through going from one point to the other point You shouldn't wal! through the forest.
to towards sth.*sb. (lugar de llegada)
" li!e going to 2ustralia. 0an you come to me,
"'ve never been to 2frica.
towards in the direction of sth. #e ran towards the castle.
under below sth. The cat is under the table.
up from low to high +e went up the hill.
EOI Laredo
In - a# ' insi!e - ou#si!e (place and movement)
- In: se suele traducir como "en" con el significado de "dentro de" cuando la persona o cosa est dentro
de un espacio cerrado, como un edificio; o en otro sitio, que aun sin ser cerrado, est delimitado, por
ejemplo, una calle, una ciudad, un pas, etc. No puede ir slo actuando de nombre en mitad de la frase (Ej:
we ate in because it was cold)
Ej: Michael is in the garden / Mary works in a bank Mary / live in Lancaster Street / We live in London /
They're in Greece Ellos estn en Grecia / Paul is in hospital
- "#: At se suele traducir tambin como "en" cuando la persona est en algn sitio realizando una
actividad de ocio, de estudios, o de trabajo, como en el teatro o el cine; en un lugar de visita, como en el
hospital; o cuando se da una direccin completa; tambin se utiliza para decir que se est en casa - at
Ej: Peter is at work / They are at the cinema (viendo una pelcula) / Mary isn't (is not) at home / He lives at
25 Minster Road / Paul is at the hospital
- Insi!e -ou#si!e: en el interior / exterior de algo cuando se quiere dar la idea de ubicacin fsica dentro o
fuera de algo. Tambien actua de nombre.
- Ej: We decide to eat inside because it was cold on the terrace / Let's meet outside the cinema
In#o1 on#o (place and movement)
Se utilizan en lugar de in y on cuando se quiere dar idea de movimiento.
Ej: She went out onto the balcony / Put the box onto the table
- si no hay un nombre a continuacin se utiliza in y on.
Ej: Come in / He went out
- out of se utiliza en oposicin a into
Ej: Take your hands out of your pockets
"bo&e - belo/ - o&er - un!er (place and movement)
- "bo&e - belo/: at a higher or lower elevation than another thing , in a higher or lower position of
authority than another person, higher or lower in amount or degree , higher or lower than zero when
speaking of temperatures (the word zero is often omitted)
Ej: That city is only 250 feet abo&e sea level / A sergeant is belo/ a captain / Unemployment was abo&e
6% in 1994 / t was ten belo/ last night
- O&er - un!er: over and under usually indicate higher or lower in a straight line; is used for crossing
land, mountains, etc; un!er can mean below the surface of something; when something is covered or
hidden by what is over it.
Ej: could see the flag flying over the embassy / The planes flew over the city / How long can you swim
under the water without coming up for air? / think the cat is under the bed.
O)) - a/a* (place and movement)
- O)): We use off when talking about movement directed away from a given surface.
Ej: fell off of my bike and cut my knee
- "/a*: moving from one place to another, further place. t is often used with verbs of movement.
Ej: The thief ran away with her camera, She walk away from me, and didnt look back
".ross - #+roug+ (place and movement)
- a.ross: when talking about movement from one side of a surface to another.
Ej: He was walking across the road on a zebra crossing when he was hit by a car
- #+roug+: when talking about movement from one side of a given space to the other.
Ej: He was driving through a tunnel.
EOI Laredo
"long - pas# - roun! (place and movement)
- along: when talking about movement from one end of a given oblong (alargada) surface to the other.
Ej: He walked along the corridor until he reached the door
- pas#: indicates movement in front of and beyond a place
Ej: f you go past the supermarket, the church is on your left.
- roun!: indicates movement or position in a circle or a curve.
Ej: They sat around the fire
To - #o/ar!s (place and movement)
- #o: a un sitio que se considera de llegada.
Ej: Jane has gone to the hairdresser's
- #o/ar!s: en direccin a un sitio que sirve de referencia pero no que tenga que ser de llegada. Para
indicar la orientacin de una accin.
Ej: f you walk towards the beach, you'll see him.
Cerbs o) #+e senses
- $ee - +ear: + an object + verb in infinitive: you saw or heard the whole action.
+ an object + verb in gerund: you saw or heard an action in progress or a repeated action
Ej: heard the girl play a piece by Chopin / saw the man hitting his dog
La misma distincin se hace con los verbos despus de watch y notice
- Eoo,1 )eel1 s3ell1 soun!1 #as#e: when we talk about the impression something or someone gives us
through the senses. After this verbs we can use:
+ adjective: You look tired / This music sounds awful
+ like + noun: You look like your mother / t sounds like thunder
+ as if / as though + clause: She looked as if / as though she had been crying
- $3ell - #as#e: t tastes / smells of garlic = it has the taste / smell of garlic
t tastes / smells like garlic = it has a similar taste / smell to garlic, but it probably isnt garlic
- $ee3: we use it when something / somebody gives us an impression of being or doing something
through a combination of the senses and what we know, but not purely through one sense.
Ej: You seem worried = get this impression from the way you are behaving in general (voice, actions.)
You look worried= get this impression from your face
After this verb you can use:
+ adjective: You seem worried
+ infinitive (simple or perfect or continuous): The waiter seems to have made a mistake with the bill
+ like: t seemed like a good idea at the time, but in fact it wasnt
+ as if / as though: t seems as if / as though every time clean the car it rains
EOI Laredo
Cerb % preposi#ion
- Simon insis#e! on paying for everything when we went out.
- The exam .onsis#s o) speaking, writing, listening, reading, and English in use papers.
- can't .on.en#ra#e on what 'm doing with all that noise outside.
- His ex-wife #oo, re&enge on him by cutting up all his suits.
- The government was heavily .ri#i.iBe! )or not acting faster.
- need to #ransla#e this document in#o German. Can you help me?
- My brother is a lawyer who spe.ialiBes in criminal law.
- We're still waiting for Laura to apologiBe )or her awful behaviour last night.
- Everyone bla3e! me )or the mistake, even though it wasn't my fault.
- The police have a..use! her o) stealing from her employer.
- 'm so hard up 'm going to have to borro/ some money )ro3 my sister.
- t's often not a good idea to len! money #o a friend.
- We have!e! in reducing unemployment to less than 5% of the workforce.
- think the film is definitely ai3e! a# people under 25. didn't enjoy it at all.
- was na3e! a)#er my grandmother, who died before was born.
- know can rel* on you to keep a secret.
- We need to !i&i!e this in#o four equal parts.
- 'm going to .o3plain #o the manager abou# this.
Noun % preposi#ion
- There doesn't seem to be an easy solu#ion #o the problem.
- The reason )or the delay was the late arrival of the incoming flight.
- have quite a lot of !i))i.ul#* in remembering names and faces.
- There is an urgent nee! )or qualified teachers to work in developing nations.
- The police have reported a sharp in.rease in crimes involving identity theft.
- have absolutely no in#en#ion o) resigning.
- There is going to be a full in&es#iga#ion in#o the causes of the accident.
- 'm sure there is going to be a lot of pro#es# agains# the new law.
- Jack has a lot of respe.# )or his grandfather's achievements.
- There's no poin# in getting angry about it. t's too late now.
- The rescue services say that there is no +ope o) finding any more survivors.
- My boss has asked me to write a repor# on - abou# the new computer system.
- The la., o) water is becoming a very serious problem in some countries.
- The new managing director has a repu#a#ion )or being very ruthless.
- think the government's a##i#u!e #o - #o/ar!s single-parent families is changing.
0"?I" ?1 (20124)
EOI Laredo
:a*s o) loo,ing
- ?as#: f you cast your eyes or cast a look in a particular direction, you look quickly in that direction.
- gape: to stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because you are shoked or surprised
- gaBe: to look steadly at sb/sth for a long time, either because you are very interested or surprised, or because
you are thinking in sth else.
- glan.e: to look quickly at sb/sth
She glanced at her watch
glance at/down/over/through sth to read sth quickly and not thoroughly
only had time to glance at the newspaper
- glare: (at sb/sth) to look at sb/sth in an angry way
He didn`t shout, he just glared at me silently.
- gli3pse: to see sb/sth for a moment, but not very clearly
He had glimpsed her through the window as he passed.
- Eoo,: to turn your eyes in a particular direction
- Ogle: To stare in an impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous manner.
- obser&e: to see or notice sb/sth
Have you abserved any changes lately?
(according to oxford dictionary this patter is only used in the passive)
to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them
felt he was observing everythig did.
- peep: to look quickly and secretely at sth, especially through a small opening
we caught her peeping through the keyhole.
- peer: to look closely or carefully at sth, especially when you can not see it clearly.
We went to the window and peered out
- s#are: to look at sb/sth for a long time
Stare, gaze, peer and glare can be used as nouns, the act of looking at sb/sth in a way that is unfriendly or
that shows surprise: She gave him a blank stare
- /a#.+:to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens (there must be an action)
to watch television, a football game
EOI Laredo
T+e .on#inuous aspe.#
An aspect is a way we look at something. With verb forms there are three aspects: simple, continous and perfect.
The continuous aspect focuses on the action ad its duration, rather than the result. t is used to show that an
activity is temporary and its duration is limited.
Use the continuous aspect to talk about:
- actions that we see happening over a period of time. Ex: Theyve been waiting
here for an hour.
- Actions in progress when another thing happens. Ex: John was crying when
- Temporary or incomplete situations. Ex: Hes living with his parents until he
can find a house.
- Repeated actions (tha may be annoying). Ex: Shes always playing music
- Situations in the process of changing. Ex: The economy is getting worse.
- Plans (often using the past continuous). Ex: was thinking of going home this
- Tentative ideas (to avoid being too direct with a request). Ex: was wondering
if could borrow some money
- Actions in progress at a particular time. Ex: Everyone seems to be working at
the moment.
I!io3s )or people
a *es-3an Que todo le parece bien, pelota
:+iB-,i! Nio prodigio
bus*bo!* / !zi/ cotilla
?+a##erbo< charlatn
ain in #+e ne., Lata, incordio, puetero
Dar, +orse Tapado, caja de sorpresas
Ol! +an! perro viejo (veterano)
$e# in +er /a*s Rutinario (que tiene hbitos muy definidos)
2la., s+eep Oveja negra
Ei)e an! soul o) #+e par#* El alma de la fiesta
/e#blan,e# ['bl kt] aguafiestas
Doo! 3i<er sociable
ar#* .ras+er ntruso, colado en una celebracin
:all)lo/er Pasmarote, sujetacolumnas
$o.ial .li3ber / klamr / Trepa
9e33e )a#ale / fmftl / Mujer fatal
Don 5uan dn duen Don Juan
EOI Laredo
Trai#s o) .+ara.#er (rasgos !e personali!a!)
"gressi&eness /+res$ns / Agresividad
a3bi#ion /m!n/ Ambicin
arrogan.e / r+ns/ arrogancia
.o3passion /kmpn/ Compasin
.ourage / krd, / Coraje
?rea#i&i#* / kriet$ti/ Creatividad
Dis+ones#* /dsnsti / falsedad
9ran,ness / frkns / Franqueza
generosi#* / d,enrsti / Generosidad
0u3ili#* /"*umlti/ Humildad
0*po.ris* /"pkrsi/ hipocresa
I3agina#ion /md,nen / maginacin
Meanness / minns / Tacaera
3o!es#* / mdsti / Modestia
obs#ina.* / !stnsi / terquedad
passion / pn/ Pasin
a#ien.e / pens/ paciencia
e##iness / petins / Mezquindad
o3posi#* /pmpsti/ Pomposidad
ossessi&eness /pzes$ns/ Actitud posesiva
Ras+ness -'r ns. mprudencia
$el)-assuran.e -self'rns. Confianza en uno mismo
sel)is+ness / selfns / Egosmo
sensi#i&i#* / senst$ti/ Sensibilidad
$+*ness / ans / timidez
sin.eri#* /snserti/ Sinceridad
snobbis+ness esnobismo
s#ubbornness -'st'!nns. Tozudez
#i3i!i#* /tmdti / Timidez
#oleran.e / tlrns / Tolerancia
&ani#* / $nti/ vanidad
Ci&a.i#* -$'$st. Vivacidad
EOI Laredo
In#ensi)*ing a!&erbs
n English there are lots of other ways of saying very or very much. For example, we can use words such as highly,
utterly, bitterly, deeply. These alternatives collocate strongly with specific words, and other combinations often sound
0ig+l*: is used with some probability word such as (un)likely, profitable, successful, effective, competitive,
unusual controversial and recommended. With the exception of highly controversial it usually combines with
very positive words. E<#re3el* can also be used with all the opposite adjectives except recommended
e.g: t's highly unlikely that can meet him again
"bsolu#el*1 u##erl* (sightly more formal): combine with adjectives with very extreme meanings where we
can't use very, such as: stupip, impossible, wrong, alone, miserable, devastated, convinced, appalled
e.g: t was such an absolutely stupid comment to make
The whole area was utterly devastated after the earthquake
2i##erl*: carry a feeling of deep sadness, used sightly more in writing than in conversation, can be
combined with disappointed/disappointing, regret, complain, critisise, cry, weep, resent (feel annoyed)
e,g: was bitterly disapointed when failed the exam
Deepl*: collocates mainly with words associated with feelings, used sightly more in writing than in
conversation, can be combined with ashamed, shocked, concerned, committed, moved, affected, hurt,
regret, care, unhappy, religious
e.g: was alway deeply committed to my student
Ri!i.ulousl*: suggests sth with extreme, which seems unbelievable or unreasonable, combined with: high,
low, cheap, expensive, long, short, small, large, early...
e.g: The food was ridiculously expensive. think we'll never go there again
$#rongl*: collocates with verbs, especialy with verbs that relate to having an opinion, such as: oppose,
influence, condemn, believe, recommend, deny, support, suggest, feel, argue, object...
e.g: This is the fantastic film that strongly recommend
$u))i<es #o )or3 nouns
burial / !eril/ entierro 9ailure -'fel*. fallo
!enial -d'nal. denegacin Depar#ure /dprtr / partida
sur&i&al -s'$a$l. supervivencia pro.e!ure -pr's(d,. procedimiento
Disappoin3en# /dspntmnt decepcin E<is#en.e /+zstns/ existencia
".+ie&e3en# /ti$mnt/ logro O..urren.e -'k'rns. acontecimiento
in&ol&e3en# -n'$#l$mnt. participacin obe!i.en.e -'!(dns. obediencia
$in.eri#* /snserti/ sinceridad $a!ness / sdns / tristeza
9le<ibili#* -/eks'!lt. flexibilidad Tire!ness / tardns / cansancio
Denerosi#* /d,enrsti/ generosidad $eriousness / srisns / seriedad
regnan.* -'pre&nns. embarazo "bsen.e / !sns/ ausencia
9luen.* / /unsi/ fluidez a#ien.e / pens/ paciencia
a..ura.* -'k*rs. precisin in#elligen.e /nteld,nt / inteligencia
9on!ness / fndns / cario
EOI Laredo
Trai#s o) .+ara.#er (rasgos !e personali!a!)
"gressi&eness /+res$ns / Agresividad
a3bi#ion /m!n/ Ambicin
arrogan.e / r+ns/ arrogancia
.o3passion /kmpn/ Compasin
.ourage / krd, / Coraje
?rea#i&i#* / kriet$ti/ Creatividad
Dis+ones#* /dsnsti / falsedad
9ran,ness / frkns / Franqueza
generosi#* / d,enrsti / Generosidad
0u3ili#* /"*umlti/ Humildad
0*po.ris* /"pkrsi/ hipocresa
I3agina#ion /md,nen / maginacin
Meanness / minns / Tacaera
3o!es#* / mdsti / Modestia
obs#ina.* / !stnsi / terquedad
passion / pn/ Pasin
a#ien.e / pens/ paciencia
e##iness / petins / Mezquindad
o3posi#* /pmpsti/ Pomposidad
ossessi&eness /pzes$ns/ Actitud posesiva
Ras+ness -'r ns. mprudencia
$el)-assuran.e -self'rns. Confianza en uno mismo
sel)is+ness / selfns / Egosmo
sensi#i&i#* / senst$ti/ Sensibilidad
$+*ness / ans / timidez
sin.eri#* /snserti/ Sinceridad
snobbis+ness esnobismo
s#ubbornness -'st'!nns. Tozudez
#i3i!i#* /tmdti / Timidez
#oleran.e / tlrns / Tolerancia
&ani#* / $nti/ vanidad
Ci&a.i#* -$'$st. Vivacidad
EOI Laredo
T+e su))i< Vis+W
n modern English, "ish is added to nouns and to other adjectives to form adjectives with these meanings:
1. somewhat (as in "oldish);
2. like a . (as in "childish);
3. like that of a . (as in "girlish);
4. of or having to do with . (as in "English);
5. tending to . (as in "bookish) or inclined to be a . (as in "thievish);
6. near, but usually somewhat past (as in "fortyish).
EOI Laredo
EOI Laredo
englis+ spanis+ pronun.ia#ion #opi. .
Lid Tapa [ld] Alimentos 6
alligator caimn ['l&et] ligueito animales 5
amphibian anfibio [m'f!n] animales
animal animal ['nml] nimal animales
ant hormiga [nt] ant animales 5
ape mono, simio [ep] animales
bark (to) ladrar [!:k] baak animales
bat murcilago [!t] bat animales 5
beak pico (pjaro) [!:k] animales
bear oso [!e] bea animales
bee abeja [!:] animales 6
bite (to) morder, picar [!at] animales
breed (to) criar [!r:d] briid animales 6
cage jaula [ked,] animales
calf pl calves" ternero [k:f] ([k:$z]" caaf animales 5
camel camello ['kml] cmel animales 5
cattle ganado (vacuno) ['ktl] ctel animales
cock gallo [k#k] kok animales 6
crocodrile cocodrilo ['kr#kdal] crocodal animales 5
deer ciervo [d] dia animales
donkey burro ['d#k] donki animales 5
duck pato [d'k] dak animales
duckling patito ['d'kl] dak-lin animales 5
elephant elefante -'elfnt. lefant animales 5
feather pluma ['fe0] feda animales 5
flap (to) aletear [/p] flap animales 5
flea pulga [/:] fli animales 5
flock bandada [/#k] flok animales 5
fox zorro [f#ks] foks animales 5
Frog Rana [fr#&] Animales 6
fur piel (animal) [f%:] fee animales 5
furry peludo (animal) ['f%:r] feurri animales
goat cabra [&t] gout animales
goose (pl. geese) ganso [&:s] / [&:s] animales 5
guinea pig conejillo de indias, cobaya animales 5
harmless inofensivo ['":mls] jamles animales
herd manada, rebao /"%(rd / jerd animales
hide piel (animal) ["ad] jaid animales
hive enjambre ["a$] animales 6
iguana iguana ['):n] iguna animales
kangaroo canguro ['k &'r:] cngoru animales 5
kennel perrera [['kenl] animales 6
kitten gatito ['ktn] kiten animales 5
leopard leopardo ['lepd] lpet animales 5
lice piojo [las]" lais animales 5
lizard lagarto, lagartija ['lzd] animales 6
monkey mono ['m'k] manki animales 5
mosquito mosquito [ms'k:t] mosquito animales
nest nido [nest] animales
offspring prole ['#fspr] ofsprin animales 5
on a lead / leash con correa [l:d] / [l:] liid / liis animales 5
Paw Pata [p:] Paa Animales 6
pelican pelcano ['pelkn] plican animales
EOI Laredo
pet mascota [pet] animales
pup cachorro [p'p] pap animales 5
puppy cachorro, perrito ['p'p] papi animales 5
rabbit conejo ['r!t] rbit animales
reptile reptl ['reptal] animales
school banco (peces), grupo (ballenas) [sk:l] scuul animales 5
seagull gaviota sig animales
shed cobertizo [ed] animales 5
sheep oveja [:p] animales
shoal banco (peces) [l] ssol animales 5
snail caracol [snel] sneil animales
Sparrow Gorrin ['spr] sperou Animales 6
spring brinco, salto [spr] animales 6
squirrel ardilla ['sk)rl] squirol animales 5
stable establo ['ste!l] animales 6
stray callejero, vagabundo (animal) [stre] animales 5
tail cola [tel] animales
tank pecera [t k] tenk animales 6
Toad Sapo [td] Animales 6
turkey pavo ['t%:k] toki animales
turtle tortuga ['t%:tl] taatel animales
wag (to) menear, mover (la cola) [)&] animales 6
whale ballena [)el] geil animales 5
wild salvaje, naturaleza salvaje [)ald] gaid animales
willdlife fauna y flora [')aldlaf] animales
wing ala [)] animales
worm gusano [)%:m] gem animales 5
zebra cebra ['ze!r] zsebra animales 5
appliance electrodomstico ['plans] aplaians aparatos
cable cable ['ke!l] keibol aparatos
clog (to) Atascarse, obstruirse [kl#&] aparatos 6
crash (to) fallar, colgarse (ref. informtica) [kr ] aparatos
device aparato, mecanismo [d'$as] aparatos
drill taladro [drl] aparatos 5
earpiece auricular [[p:s] iapis aparatos 6
fan ventilador [fn] fan aparatos 6
Faulty Defectuoso ['f:lt] Aparatos 6
function (to) funcionar ['f'kn] fanksion aparatos
gadget artilugio, chisme ['&d,t] gachit aparatos 6
hand-held de bolsillo aparatos 6
handset auricular ['"ndset] aparatos 5
hook in (to) enganchar ["k] aparatos
light bulb bombilla [!'l!] balb aparatos
Machinery Maquinaria [m':nr] aparatos 6
overload (to) sobrecargar [$'ld] ouvelud aparatos 6
plug in (to) enchufar [pl'&] plag aparatos
power (to) impulsar, propulsar ['pa] pua aparatos
provide (to) suministrar [pr'$ad] provaid aparatos
rewind (to) rebobinar [r')and] rigaind aparatos
shut down apagarse aparatos
slot ranura [sl#t] aparatos 5
storing memory memoria de almacenamiento aparatos
vacuum cleaner aspiradora ['$k*m] vkium aparatos
abstract art arte abstracto ['!strkt] arte 5
art critic crtico de arte ['krtk] arte 5
art dealer marchante ['d:l] dila arte 5
EOI Laredo
art fair feria de arte [fe] fee arte 5
art gallery galera de arte [:t] ['&lr] aat gleri arte 5
classical music msica clsica ['klskl] clsicol arte 5
collection coleccin [k'lekn] colkson arte 5
curator encargado de museo, conservador [k*'ret] kiureita arte 5
depict (to) representar [d'pkt] dipkt arte 5
exhibition exposicin [eks'!n] eksibison arte 5
figurative arte figurativo ['f&rt$] arte 5
installation montaje , instalacin (artstica) [nst'len] insteleison arte 5
landscape /seascape paisaje (de campo) / marino arte 5
oil painting leo [l] oill arte 5
patron of the arts mecenas ['petrn] pitron arte 5
poetry poesa ['ptr] poetri arte 5
portrait retrato ['p:trt] prtret arte 5
sculpture escultura ['sk'lpt] scalcha arte 5
sketch bosquejo, boceto [sket] arte 5
still life bodegn, naturaleza muerta arte 5
watercolour acuarela ['):tk'l] guotacala arte 5
waxwork figura de cera /')ks)%(rk/ guasguok arte 5
attractive atractivo ['trkt$] etractif aspecto
bald calvo [!:ld] boold aspecto
beard barba [!d] bied aspecto
beautiful guapo, bello ['!*u:tfl] biutiful aspecto
blonde / blond
rubio (pelo hombre) / rubio (pelo
mujer) [!l#nd] blond aspecto
build tipo, fsico, constitucin [!ld] aspecto
comb (to) peinarse [km] cum aspecto
curly rizado ['k%:l] coorli aspecto
cute guapo, mono /k*u(t/ kiut aspecto
dark moreno (pelo) [d:k] aspecto
dilapidated deteriorado, ruinoso [d'lpdetd] aspecto 6
dye (to) teirse [da] aspecto
fair rubio (pelo) [fe] fee aspecto
fat gordo [ft] fat aspecto
fringe flequillo (pelo) [frnd,] frinch aspecto
good-looking guapo aspecto
grey gris [&re] aspecto
handsome guapo ['"nsm] jansom aspecto
height altura ["at] jait aspecto
hideous espantoso, horroroso ['"ds] jdios aspecto
moustache bigote [m'st:] mostash aspecto
overweight gordo, obeso [$')et] ovegeit aspecto
plain poco atrativo [plen] aspecto
ponytail cola de caballo ['pntel] ponitel aspecto
pretty guapo ['prt] prti aspecto
scruffy desaliado ['skr'f] aspecto
shiny brillante ['an] aspecto
skinny flacucho ['skn] aspecto 5
slender esbelta ['slend] slenda aspecto 5
slim delgado (buen tipo) [slm] aspecto
straight liso, recto [stret] aspecto
stubble barba incipiente ['st'!l] stbol aspecto
Turn-off Desagradable, poco deseable Aspecto 6
ugly feo [''&l] gli aspecto
wavy ondulado [')e$] aspecto
well built fornido, consticin fuerte [!lt] aspecto
EOI Laredo
highlight resalte, reflejo, lo ms destacado ['"alat] jailait bsico
raise (to) levantar, alzar [rez] reis bsico
remove (to) extraer, quitar, despedir [r'm:$] rimuuf bsico
rise (to) subir, aumentar [raz] rais bsico
corkscrew sacacorchos ['k:kskr:] cok-scruu bebidas
Handful Puado ['"ndfl] Cantidad 6
loads of montones de cantidad
quite a few bastantes cantidad 5
cistern cisterna ['sstn] casa
faucet grifo ['f:st] fsit casa
vase jarron [$:z] casa
accommodation alojamiento [k#m'den] acomodeison casas
apartment apartamento (usa) ['p:tmnt] eptment casas
armchair silln, butaca [':mte] armcher casas
attic tico, desvn ['tk] tik casas
balcony balcn ['!lkn] blconi casas
bathtub baera baztab casas
bedside table mesilla de noche casas
bedspread colcha casas
blanket manta ['!l kt] blanket casas
block of flats bloque de apartamentos casas
bread knife cuchillo de sierra [!red] casas
brick ladrillo [!rk] casas
cellar stano, bodega ['sel] sla casas
chair silla [te] chee casas
chest of drawers cmoda casas
chimney chimenea (exterior, tiro) ['tmn] chimni casas
city centre en el centro ['sent] sente casas
coffee table mesa de centro casas
cooker cocina (electrodomstico) ['kk] cker casas
cottage casa de campo cotich casas
couch sof [kat] cauch casas
country campo ['k'ntr] cntri casas
cramped estrecha, pequea [krmpt] crampt casas
crib cuna [kr!] casas
cushion almohada, cojn, proteccin ['kn] cson casas
dam presa [dm] casas 5
decorate (to) decorar, adornar, pintar, empapelar ['dekret] casas
desk escritorio [desk] casas
detached house chalet individual [d'ttt] ditacht casas
dishwasher lavavajillas ['d)#] dsgoser casas
double glazing doble cristal gleisin casas 5
Draught Corriente (de aire) [dr:ft] Casas 6
drive entrada (para coches en una casa) casas
dull aburrido (ambiente) [d'l] dal casas
estate finca, propiedad ['stet] esteit casas 5
estate agency agencia inmobiliaria casas
fence cerca, valla [fens] casas
fireplace chimenea (dentro de casa) ['faples] fiapleis casas
floor planta, suelo [/:] casas
flush the toilet (to) tirar de la cadena (bao) [/'] casas 5
fridge frigorfico [frd,] frich casas
furnish (to) amueblar ['f%:n] fenish casas
furniture muebles ['f%:nt] feniche casas
ground floor planta baja casas
guest-house pensin casas
hallway vestbulo, recibidor ['":l)e] jolgei casas 5
EOI Laredo
hometown ciudad natal /'"m'tan/ casas
hostel albergue, residencia, hostal ['"#stl] jstel casas
household hogar, familia ['"as"ld] casas
hut cabaa ["'t] jat casas
indoors dentro (de casa), a cubierto [n'd:z] indrz casas
inhabitant habitante [n'"!tnt] injbitent casas
insulation aislante [ns*'len] inszleison casas 5
kitchen cocina (lugar) ['ktn] quchin casas
landmark monumento, lugar muy conocido ['lndm:k] casas
lavatory cuarto de bao, servicio, inodoro /'l$tri/ lvetri casas 5
Leak (to) Filtrarse, gotear [l:k] Casas 6
lightning conductor pararrayos [kn'd'kt] condakto casas
lively animado (ambiente) ['la$l] casas
living room saln casas
mattress colchn ['mtrs] mtres casas
move (to) trasladarse [m:$] muuf casas
old-fashioned tradicional, anticuado /'ld'fnd/ ouldfsiont casas
open-plan sin tabiques (una casa) casas
outdoors fuera (de casa), al aire libre [at'd:z] autdrz casas
outskirts afueras ['atsk%:ts] otskerts casas
paintbrush pincel, brocha ['pent!r'] pinbras casas
piece of furniture mueble [p:s] ['f%:nt] piis / feniche casas
pillow almohada ['pl] pilou casas
playground patio de recreo ['ple&rand] casas
plug enchufe (macho) [pl'&] plag casas
plumbing caeras, instalacin de agua ['pl'm] plamin casas 5
porter portero, maletero ['p:t] poter casas
posh elegante (hotel, casa), pijo [p#] posh casas 5
residential area area residencial [rez'denl] casas
roof techo, tejado [r:f] ruuf casas
room sitio, espacio, sala [r:m] casas
rug alfombra [r'&] casas
scissors tijeras ['szz] ssos casas
semidetached house casa adosada [semd'ttt] semiditch casas
set of cutlery juego de cubertera ['k'tlr] casas
settle (to) acomodarse, instalarse ['setl] stel casas
shack choza, chabola [k] casas 6
sheet sbana, hoja [:t] siit casas
shelf balda [elf] self casas
shower ducha ['a] saua casas
sink fregadero [sk] casas
sleeping bag saco de dormir casas
small town pueblecito casas
socket enchufe (toma) ['s#kt] skit casas
sound-proof insonorizado casas 5
spacious espaciosa, amplia ['spes] spisos casas
square plaza [sk)e] scu casas
store room despensa ['st:r:m] casas
storey / story piso (planta) ['st:r] stori casas
suburbs barrio en las afueras ['s'!%:!] sabeebs casas
suite habitacin de hotel [s):t] suit casas
sweep (to) barrer [s):p] suiip casas
tap grifo [tp] casas
tent tienda de campaa, carpa casas
terrace terraza ['ters] trras casas
terraced house casa en hilera ['terst] trrast casas
EOI Laredo
Toiletries Artculos de aseo ['tltrz] Casas 6
vacancy habitacin libre ['$ekns] vicansi casas
village pueblo (grande) ['$ld,] casas
wall-unit aparador, mueble prefabricado casas
warehouse almacen [')e"as] gejaus casas
washbasin lavabo [')#!esn] gosbeisen casas
water- proof impermeable [pr:f] casas 5
well pozo [)el] casas
wiring cableado, instalacin elctrica [')ar] casas 5
achievement logro , xito ['t:$mnt] echvment ciencia
discovery descubrimiento [d'sk'$r] discveri ciencia
knowledge conocimiento ['n#ld,] nlich ciencia
adventure aventura [d'$ent] advncha cine
alien extraterrestre ['eln] elian cine
audience pblico, auditorio (espectadores) [':dns] odiens cine
award (to) conceder, otorgar ['):d] egd cine
blockbuster superproduccin, exito de taquilla ['!l#k!'st] blockbaste cine 5
cast reparto [k:st] cine
character personaje ['krkt] kricte cine 5
comedy comedia ['k#md] cmidi cine
costume traje, disfraz ['k#st*:m] cstum cine
director director [d1a2'rekt] dairktor cine
double up (to) doblar (hacer de doble) ['d'!l] dabol cine 5
drama drama ['dr:m] drama cine
dub (into) (to) doblar (a) [d'!] dab cine
extra extra ['ekstr] cine
film (to) rodar [flm] cine
film crew equipo de rodaje [kr:] cine
film set plat cine
film strip cinta, tira de pelcula [strp] cine 5
hero hroe, protagonista ['"r] jrou cine
in character
en imitacin (actuando como
alguien) ['krkt] kricte cine 5
nominate (to) designar, proponer, nominar ['n#mnet] cine
on location en escenarios reales, exteriores [l'ken] lookison cine
part papel [p:t] cine
Period film Pelcula de poca ['prd] Cine 6
play (to) interpretar, hacer de [ple] cine
plot argumento [pl#t] cine
muestra (catlogo de artista),
carpeta [p:t'fl] nombre potfliou cine 5
premiere estreno 'preme1r2 prmia cine 5
review crtica [r'$*:] rivu cine
role papel [rl] roul cine
romantic romntico [r'mntk] roumntik cine
scene escena, escenario [s:n] cine
sci-fi / science-fiction ciencia-ficcin ['safa] sai-fiksion cine
screen pantalla [skr:n] cine
Screen (to) Emitir, proyectar Cine 6
script guin [skrpt] cine
sequel secuela, continuacin ['s:k)l] sicuel cine
shoot (to) rodar [:t] suut cine
soap opera culebrn [sp] soup cine
soundtrack banda sonora ['sandtrk] sandtrack cine
special effects efectos especiales ['fekt] ifkt cine
spot (to) descubrir (a un actor) [sp#t] spot cine 5
EOI Laredo
spotlight foco ['sp#tlat] cine 5
star estrella, protagonista [st:] staa cine
star (to) presentar como protagonista [st:] cine
subtitles subttulos ['s'!tatl] sbtaitol cine
tribute homenaje ['tr!*:t] trbiut cine 5
bake (to) cocer al horno comer
baking tray bandeja de horno ['!ek] [tre] comer 6
be on a diet (to) estar a dieta comer
beat eggs (to) batir huevos [!:t] comer 6
beef carne de vaca comer
beer cerveza [!] bia comer
beverage bebida ['!e$rd,] bbrech comer
biscuit galleta biskit comer
boil (to) cocer, hervir comer
bottle botella ['!#tl] btel comer
bread pan bred comer
brown bread pan integral comer
butter mantequilla comer
can lata comer
cereal cereales sirial comer
chips patatas fritas (caseras) (bolsa usa) comer
chocolate chocolate
choc-let comer
choke on (to) atragantarse comer
chopping board tabla de picar tp [!:d] comer 6
chopstick palillo chino /'t#pstk/ chpstik comer
crisp patatas fritas (de bolsa) comer
cucumber pepino cocamber comer
cut down on (to) reducir el consumo de comer 5
daily products productos diarios ['del pr#d'kt] prodact comer
dairy products productos lcteos ['der] dari comer
dessert postre [d'z%:t] disech comer
diet dieta ['dat] daiet comer
diet coke cola light (se utiliza diet y no light) [kk] comer
disgusting asqueroso, repugnante [ds'&'st] disgstin comer
dish plato [d] comer
drain (to) escurrir [dren] comer 6
eat at (to) comer en (un lugar) comer
fat grasa comer
feed (to) dar de comer a [f:d] comer
flavouring condimento, aderezo /e$r] comer
flour harina flaua comer
fork tenedor comer
fountain fuente 'fantn] faunten comer 5
french fries patatas fritas (caseras) french fraizs comer
fruit fruta fruch comer
fry (to) freir frai comer
frying pan sartn ['frapn] comer 6
garlic ajo comer
glass vaso comer
grill (to) asar a la parrilla comer
half / full board media pensin / pensin completa [!:d] bood comer 6
heat sthg in the
microwave (to) calentar algo en el microondas [":t] comer 6
heat up (to) calentar comer
help oneself (to sthg) to servirse (algo) comer 5
home-made casero comer
honey miel comer
jam mermelada comer
juice zumo diuss comer
EOI Laredo
junk food comida basura comer
knife cuchillo naif comer
lettuce lechuga ltis comer
live on (to) alimentarse de comer
loaf of french bread barra de pan [lf] lof comer
lobster langosta lobste comer
lodging alojamiento ['l#d,] lodyin comer 6
main course platos principales mein coos comer
mermelada (de ctricos: naranja,
limn) maameleid comer
meal comida (el tiempo cuando se come) [m:l] comer
meat carne en general [m:t] comer
medium hecho normal (comida) ['m:d*m] mdiom comer
menu men ['men*:] mniu comer
mix the ingredients (to) mezclar los ingredientes [mks] comer 6
mushroom seta, champion ['m'r:m] comer
napkin, serviette servilleta ['npkn] comer
nice rico (comida) [nas] comer
noodles fideos ['n:dlz] nudol comer
nut fruto seco [n't] nat comer
overcooked demasiado cocido comer
packet paquete, bolsa ['pkt] pquit comer
peel (to) pelar [p:l] comer
pepper pimienta pepa comer
pint of lager caa de cerveza paint... comer
plate plato comer
portion racin ['p:n] poosion comer
pot olla [p#t] comer
potato patata [p'tet] poteito comer
pour (to) verter, servir [p:] poo comer
prawn gamba comer
put on weight (to) ganar peso comer
rare poco hecho (comida) rea comer
raw crudo roo comer
recipe receta (cocina) ['resp] rsipi comer
roast (to) asar roust comer
salad ensalada ['sld] sled comer
salt sal comer
saucepan cacerola ['s:spn] comer 6
sausage salchica ssich comer
seafood marisco comer
seaweed alga marina ['s:):d] comer
semi-skimmed semidesnatado smi-skimd comer
side dish guarnicin, acompaamiento comer
simmer (to) hervir a fuego lento ['sm] comer 6
slice trozo (de pastel) slais comer
slice of toast rebanada, tostada [slas] comer
snack tentempi comer
soft drink refresco (sin alcohol) comer
soup sopa, caldo [s:p] suup comer
soy soja (usa) [s] soi comer
spice especia [spas] (plural:spisis) comer
spicy picante espaisi comer
spoon cuchara comer
spoonful cucharada comer
spring rolls rollitos de primavera comer
starter primeros (plato) comer
steak filete, bistec esteik comer
steam (to) cocer al vapor comer
EOI Laredo
stew estofado, guiso estiu comer
stir a sauce (to) revolver una salsa [st%:] stee comer 6
suck chupar, sorber [s'k] sak comer 5
sugar azucar suuga comer
swallow (to) tragar ['s)#l] esguolou comer
tablecloth mantel [kl#3] teibolcloz comer
tablespoon cucharon ['te!lsp:n] comer 5
takeaway comida para llevar comer
taste gusto, sabor [test] comer
tomato tomate [t'm:t] tomto comer
vegetable verdura veschtebol comer
vegetarian vegetariano [$ed,'tern] velletrian comer
well done bien hecho (comida) comer
whole grain bread pan integral comer
wholemeal integral comer
yoghurt yogur yoget comer
chewing gum chicle [&'m] gam comida 5
cracker galleta salada ['krk] craka comida 5
nourishment alimentacin, nutricin ['n'rmnt] nrisment comida 5
scrambled eggs huevos revueltos ['skrm!ld] scrambeld comida 5
scraps sobras [skrps] comida 5
shell cscara (huevo, fruto seco) [el] comida 5
As like Similar a Comparacin 6
bag bolsa [!&] baag compras
bakers / bakery panadera ['!ek] ['!ekr] bikes / bekeri compras
bargain ganga ['!:&n] brgen compras
basket cesta ['!:skt] bsket compras
be just looking (to)
estar echando un vistazo, estar
curioseando compras
be worth (to)
valer, merecer la pena (dinero,
tiempo, esfuerzo) [)%:3] goz compras
branch sucursal [!r:nt] braanch compras
butchers carnicera ['!t] bcher compras
carrier bag bolsa ['kr] carria compras 5
changing room vestuario, probador compras
checkout caja (supermercado) compras
chemist farmacia ['kemst] kmist compras
collect (to) recoger [k'lekt] colkt compras
compensation compensacin [k#mpen'sen] compensison compras
complain about (to) quejarse de [km'plen] complein compras
consumption consumo [kn's'mpn] comsonson compras 5
customer cliente ['k'stm] cstome compras
delivery entrega, envo [d'l$r] dilvery compras
department store grandes almacenes [d'p:tmnt] dipatment compras
fake falsificacin [fek] compras
goods artculos, mercancias, bienes [&d] guz compras
guarantee garanta [&rn't:] grentii compras
hand back (to) devolver (una cosa) compras 5
mall / shopping mall centro comercial (usa) [m:l, ml] mol, maal compras
manager director, gerente, jefe, encargado ['mnd,] mnelle compras
market mercado, mercadillo ['m:kt] mket compras
memorabilia objetos de inters, de recuerdo [memr'!l] memorabilia compras 5
newsagents quiosco (peridicos, revistas) ['n*:zed,nt] compras
on credit a crdito compras
online en linea compras
packaging envoltorio, embalaje ['pkd,] pkellin compras
pharmacy farmacia ['f:ms] famasi compras
pop in (to) entrar un momento, pasar por compras
EOI Laredo
purchase compra ['p%:ts] petchis compras
queue (to) hacer cola [k*:] compras
receipt for recibo, tique de [r's:t] resit compras
refund devolucin, reembolso ['r:f'nd] riifnd compras
release (to) estrenar, sacar a la venta [r'l:s] compras
repair (to) reparar, arreglar [r'pe] ripe compras
sales rebajas [sel] seils compras
service servicio ['s%:$s] sevis compras
shoe shop zapatera compras
shop assistant dependiente, empleado de tienda ['sstnt] essten compras
shop window escaparate compras
shopping centre centro comercial ['sent] snte compras
stall puesto, caseta [st:l] stool compras
estate agents inmobiliaria compras
stationers papelera ['sten] stesoner compras
stock existencias [st#k] compras
supermarket supermercado ['s:pm:kt] spermaket compras
till caja (registradora) [tl] compras
trader comerciante ['tred] compras
travel agents agencia de viajes compras
trolley carrito (de compra) ['tr#l] trli compras
vat (value added tax) iva (impuesto sobre el valor aadido) [$:e't:, $t] compras
washing powder detergente en polvo ['pad] pder compras
ad anuncio [d] comunicacin
advertise anunciar (peridico, revista) ['d$taz] dvetais comunicacin
advertisement anuncio [d'$%:tsmnt] edvetisment comunicacin
article artculo /'(rtkl / rticol comunicacin
broadcast (to) emitir ['!r:dk:st] brodcaast comunicacin
celebrity famoso [s'le!rt] silbriti comunicacin
editor director (peridico, revista) /'edtr / edita comunicacin
front page portada comunicacin
hang up (to) colgar (el telfono) [" ] jan comunicacin 5
headline titular ['"edlan] comunicacin
interview entrevista ['nt$*:] nteviu comunicacin
issue (to) emitir, hacer pblico ['*:] isii comunicacin 5
journalist periodista ['d,%:nlst] ynalist comunicacin
lead-in introduccin /led/ comunicacin
media medios de comunicacin ['m:d] miidia comunicacin
network cadena, red ['net)%:k] netwok comunicacin
news item noticia, artculo ['atm] item comunicacin 5
pick up (to) descolgar (el telfono) comunicacin 5
piece of news noticia /pi(s/ comunicacin
report reportaje comunicacin
report (to) informar de, presentarse, denunciar [r'p:t] ripoot comunicacin
section seccin /'sekn/ skson comunicacin
tune in to (to) sintonizar [t*:n] chun comunicacin 5
Above all Sobre todo ['!'$] Conector 6
actually realmente, en efecto ['ktl] atchuli conector
after a while despues de un rato conector
after and hour or so despus de una hora o as conector
along with junto con ['l#] alon conector 5
although aunque conector
as a result como resultado [r'z'lt] rislt conector
as for en cuanto a conector 5
at first al principio conector
at once de inmediato, en seguida conector
EOI Laredo
better still an mejor conector
consequently por consiguiente ['k#nsk)ntl] cnsikuenly conector
even better an mejor conector
even though aunque (enftico) conector
eventually finalmente ['$entl] ivnchueli conector
finally por ltimo ['fanl] conector
first of all en primer lugar, lo primero conector
fortunately afortunadamente ['f:tntl] footchinat-ly conector
generally generalmente ['d,enrl] ynerli conector
in fact de hecho conector
inmediately inmediatamente, directamente ['m:dtl] imdiat-ly conector
it was not long before no pas mucho antes que conector
naturally por supuesto ['ntrl] nchurali conector
next luego, despus conector
other than aparte de conector 5
otherwise de lo contrario [''0)az] odegaiz conector
previously antes, previamente ['pr:$sl] prviosli conector
regarding respecto a [r'&:d] conector 6
straight away inmediatamente conector
surprisingly sorprendentemente [s'prazl] sorprasinli conector
therefore por lo tanto ['0ef:] dfo conector
en absoluto (al final de frase
negativa) [)#ts'e$] guotsoeve conector 6
whilst mientras [)alst] galst conector 5
assault (to) asaltar ['s:lt] est crimen
burglar ladrn (de casas) ['!%:&l] bglar crimen
hijacking piratera aerea ['"ad,kin] jaiyakin crimen 5
hurt herida (dao emocional) ["%:t] jeet crimen
kidnapping secuestro ['kdnp] crimen
make off with (to) robar crimen 5
mugging atraco, asalto ['m'&] maguin crimen 5
murder asesinato ['m%:d] maada crimen
outlaw fugitivo ['atl:] autlo crimen 5
robber atracador ['r#!] rber crimen
run over (to) atropellar crimen
serial killer asesino en serie ['srl] sirial crimen
smuggling contrabando ['sm'&l] smaglin crimen 5
Stab (to) apualar [st!] crimen
strangle (to) estrangular ['str &l] strangol crimen
thief ladrn (en general) [3:f] ziif crimen
trial juicio, proceso ['tral] traial crimen
be given a clean bill of
health (to)
ser encontrado en buen estado de
salud (anlisis mdico) cuerpo 5
bleed (to) sangrar [!l:d] blid cuerpo
bleeding hemorragia ['!l:d] blding cuerpo 5
blemish imperfeccin, mancha ['!lem] blemis cuerpo 5
blood sangre [!l'd] blad cuerpo
breast pecho [!rest] cuerpo 5
breath aliento, respiracin [!re3] brez cuerpo
breathe (to) respirar [!r:0] briz cuerpo
bruise moratn [!r:z] bruuz cuerpo 5
build up (to) desarrollar, fortalecer [!ld] bild cuerpo 5
bulging eyes ojos saltones [!'ld,in&] bolching cuerpo 5
calf / calves (pl) pantorrilla, gemelo [k:f] / [k:$z]" cuerpo 5
chin barbilla, mentn [tn] chin cuerpo 5
clean-shaven bien afeitado ['kl:n'e$n] cuerpo 5
curve curva [k%:$] cuf cuerpo 5
EOI Laredo
elbow codo
elbau cuerpo
eye ojo [a] ai cuerpo
eyebrow ceja ['a!ra] aibrau cuerpo 5
eyelash pestaa ['al ] ailas cuerpo 5
eyelid prpado ['ald] ailid cuerpo 5
finger dedo de la mano ['f&] fnga cuerpo 5
flesh carne (de persona, animal) [/e] cuerpo 5
foot (plural feet) pie [ft] [f:t]" cuerpo
forearm antebrazo ['f:r:m] foram cuerpo 5
forehead frente ['f#rd, us 'f:"ed] frid cuerpo 5
full figure cuerpo muy contorneado ['f&] fga cuerpo 5
grit my teeth (to) rechinar/apretar mis dientes [grt] cuerpo 6
hacking cough tos seca ['"k] [k#f] cuerpo 5
hair gel gomina [d,el] cuerpo 5
head of hair cabellera cuerpo
heel taln [":l] jil cuerpo 5
hiccup hipo ['"k'p] jcap cuerpo 5
hip cadera ["p] jip cuerpo
jaw mandbula [d,:] yoo cuerpo 5
kidney rin ['kdn] cuerpo
Limp (to) Cojear [lmp] Cuerpo 6
lip labio [lp] cuerpo 5
lump bulto [l'mp] cuerpo 5
lung pulmn [l'] lang cuerpo
migraine migraa, jaqueca ['m:&ren, us 'ma&ren] mgrein cuerpo 5
mouth boca [ma3] mauz cuerpo
nail ua [nel] neil cuerpo 5
neck cuello [nek] cuerpo
nose nariz [nz] nouz cuerpo
nostril fosa nasal ['n#strl] nostril cuerpo 5
palm palma [p:m] pam cuerpo 5
plait trenza [plt] cuerpo 5
pop-up eyes ojos saltones cuerpo 5
queasy mareado ['k):z] cuisi cuerpo 5
rundown agotado ['r'ndan] cuerpo 5
runny que moquea, lloroso ['r'n] cuerpo 5
scar cicatriz [sk:] sca cuerpo 5
scratch araazo [skrt] cuerpo
scratch (to) rayar, araar, rascar [skrt] cuerpo
shin espinilla [n] sin cuerpo 5
shoulder hombro ['ld] souda cuerpo
sight vista [sat] sait cuerpo
skin piel (humana) [skn] cuerpo
skull craneo, calavera [sk'l] scol cuerpo
sole planta [sl] soul cuerpo 5
spot grano, mancha [sp#t] cuerpo
sprain (to) torcerse, hacerse un esguince de [spren] cuerpo
stiff endurecido, agarrotado [stf] cuerpo 5
stomach estmago ['st'mk] stomak cuerpo
sweat (to) sudar [s)et] sget cuerpo 5
swelling hinchazn ['s)el] suelin cuerpo 5
tattoo tatuaje [t 't:] tatu cuerpo
thigh muslo [3a] zai cuerpo 5
throat garganta [3rt] zrout cuerpo
throbbing headache dolor de cabeza punzante ['3r#!] zrobin cuerpo 5
thumb pulgar [3'm] zam cuerpo 5
EOI Laredo
toe dedo del pie [t] tou cuerpo
tongue lengua /t'/ tan cuerpo
twist (to) torcerse, retorcer [t)st] cuerpo
upset stomach malestar estomacal cuerpo 5
waist cintura [)est] geist cuerpo 5
weight peso [)et] geit cuerpo
wig peluca [)&] gig cuerpo 5
wrist mueca [rst] cuerpo
ace as, campen [es] deporte 5
athlete atleta [' 3l:t] zliit deporte
athletics atletismo [ 3'letk] azltiks deporte
beat (to) ganarle (a una persona, equipo...) [!:t] deporte
bluff farol [!l'f] blaf deporte 5
bodybuilding culturismo ['!#d!ld] deporte
bounce (to) rebotar (baln), hacer (re)botar [!ans] deporte
captain capitn ['kptn] kaptin deporte
championship campeonato ['tmpnp] deporte
cheer (to) aplaudir, ovacionar [t] chia deporte
circuit circuito ['s%:kt] sirkit deporte
climb (to) escalar, ascender [klam] deporte
club palo (golf) [kl'!] clob deporte
coach entrenador [kt] couch deporte
course recorrido [k:s] coos deporte
court cancha, pista [k:t] coot deporte
crowd multitud, pblico [krad] craud deporte
cup copa [k'p] cap deporte
cyclist ciclista ['saklst] deporte
dealer repartidor de cartas ['d:l] diila deporte 5
discus disco ['dsks] discos deporte
diving pool pileta de saltos (piscina) daivin puul deporte
draw empate [dr:] droo deporte
event prueba ['$ent] deporte
fit en forma [ft] deporte
gear equipacin, ropa [&] guia deporte
get fit (to) ponerse en forma deporte
goalkeeper portero ( de un equipo) ['&lk:p] glkiper deporte
hiking senderismo ['"ak] jaikin deporte 5
hippodrome hipdromo ['"pdrm] jpodrom deporte
hoop aro [":p] juup deporte
in shape en forma deporte
injury lesin, herida ['nd,r] nyeri deporte
jacuzzi jacuzzi [d, 'k:z] yacusi deporte
javelin jabalina ['d,$ln] yvelin deporte
lead-up perodo preparatorio ['l:d'p] liidap deporte 5
net red [net] deporte
performance actuacin, rendimiento [p'f:mns] pefomans deporte
pitch campo, terreno de juego (deporte) [pt] deporte
race carrera [res] deporte
referee rbitro [ref'r:] refer deporte
sauna sauna ['s:n] sona deporte
score marcador [sk:] scoo deporte
shoot (to) lanzar, disparar, chutar, tirar [:t] suut deporte
slope ladera, pendiente (pista de esqu) [slp] sloup deporte
spectator espectador [spek'tet] espek-titor deporte
sport facilities instalaciones deportivas deporte
stroke estilo (natacin) [strk] strouk deporte
EOI Laredo
supporter hincha [s'p:t] soprter deporte
swim cap- swimming cap gorro de bao [kp] deporte
swimming pool piscina deporte
track pista [trk] deporte
train (to) entrenar [tren] deporte
trainers zapatillas de deporte ['tren] trines deporte
training entrenamiento ['tren] deporte
trekking senderismo ['trek] deporte 5
trophy trofeo ['trf] trufi deporte
warm up (to) calentar deporte
whistle pitido, silbato [')sl] gisel deporte
win (to) ganar (un partido, medalla...) deporte
wrestling lucha ['resl] deporte
challenge reto, desafo ['tlnd,] chlench deporte
checker pen (ajedrez) am ['tek] checa deporte 5
criticism crtica ['krtszm] crtisizem deporte
draughtsman pen (ajedrez) bt ['dr:ftsmn] droftsman deporte 5
off road campo a travs deporte 6
opponent rival, adversario ['pnnt] opunent deporte
press-ups flexiones (ejercicio) ['pres'ps] deporte 6
racquet / racket raqueta ['rkt] deporte
sit-ups abdominales (ejercicio) deporte 6
stride zancada [strad] deporte 6
sweat Sudor /s)et/ suet deporte 6
tredmill cinta de correr ['tredml] deporte 6
trek caminata [trek] deporte 5
work out (to) hacer ejercicio deporte
workout entrenamiento [')%:kat] deporte 6
grid cuadrcula [&rd] dibujo 5
much ado about nothing mucho ruido y pocas nueces /'du(/ adu dicho 5
affluent acomodado ['/nt] dinero 6
afford (to) poder pagar, permitirse el lujo de ['f:d] efood dinero
asset activo, recurso ['set] dinero 6
back (to) apostar por [!k] dinero 5
bail fianza (evitar carcel) [!el] dinero 5
be broke (to) estar sin blanca, no tener un duro dinero
be on the bread line (to) vivir en la miseria dinero 5
be without a penny to your
name (to) estar sin un duro dinero 5
be worth (to) estar valorada dinero
bet (to) apostar (sobre algo en general) [!et] dinero
bill billete (usa) [!l] dinero
blow (to) despilfarrar [!l] blou dinero
bookmaker / bookies corredor de apuestas
['!k] dinero 5
boost (to) aumentar, empujar hacia arriba [!u:st] buust dinero 5
borrow from (to) pedir prestado dinero
bounty hunter cazador de recompensas ['!ant] ['"'nt] baunti dinero 5
break-in robo dinero
budget presupuesto ['!'d,t] badchit dinero 6
can afford (to) poder afrontar ['f:d] efood dinero
can not make ends meet no poder llegar a fin de mes dinero 6
cash dinero en efectivo dinero
cash box caja para el dinero dinero
cash machine cajero automtico dinero
Cashpoint card Tarjeta de cajero automtico Dinero 6
change cambio [tend,] cheinch dinero
EOI Laredo
change pounds into euros
(to) cambiar libras en euros dinero 5
charge for (to) cobrar, cargar por chaach dinero
cheque cheque, taln [tek] chek dinero
claim reclamacin [klem] dinero
coin moneda [kn] dinero
consumer society sociedad de consumo [kn's*:m] dinero 6
correct money dinero exacto [k'rekt] corrkz dinero
cost (to) costar dinero
cost of living coste de la vida dinero 6
costly costoso ['k#stl] dinero 5
credit card tarjeta de crdito dinero
currency moneda (de un pas), divisas ['k'rns] crensi dinero
Debit card Tarjeta de dbito ['de!t] Dinero 6
deposit entrada, depsito [d'p#zt] dinero 6
discount descuento ['dskant] dscaunt dinero
donation donativo [d'nen] dinero 6
downturn descenso, baja ['dant%:n] daun-ten dinero
draw (to) rifar [dr:] dro dinero 5
earn (to) ganar (dinero) [%:n] een dinero
exchange (to) intercambiar [ks'tend,] ikscheinch dinero
exchange rate tipo de cambio [ks'tend,] dinero 6
fare tarifa (transporte) [fe] dinero 6
fees cuotas , honorarios [f:] dinero 6
fiasco fracaso [f'sk] dinero 5
Financially Econmicamente [fa'nnl] Dinero 6
fine multa [fan] dinero 6
for free gratis, de manera gratuita dinero
fund (to) pagar, financiar, patrocinar [f'nd] fand dinero
funding financiacin, fondos /'f'nd/ dinero
fund-raising recaudacin de fondos, colecta /'f'nd'rez / dinero 5
gamble (to) apostar (implica dinero) ['&m!l] gambol dinero
good value for money buena relacin calidad-precio dinero
grand mil dolares [&rnd] dinero 5
grant beca [&r:nt] dinero 6
greedy codicioso (dinero) ['&r:d] griidi dinero
Hard up Pobre, apurado (de dinero) Dinero 6
heritage herencia ['"ertd,] jritech dinero
high stakes apuestas grandes, de alto riesgo [stek] dinero 5
imbalance desequilibrio [m'!lns] imbalans dinero 5
in debt endeudado [det] dinero 6
in the red en nmeros rojos dinero 5
income ingresos, rentas ['nk'm] incom dinero
inflation inflacin [n'/en] dinero 6
inherit from (to) heredar [n'"ert] injrit dinero
instalment plazo (cuota), entrega [n'st:lmnt] instlment dinero 6
interest inters ['ntrst] ntrest dinero
interest rates tipos de inters ['ntrst] dinero 6
introduction presentacin, lanzamiento [ntr'd'kn] introdokson dinero
invest (to) invertir [n'$est] dinero
invoice factura ['n$s] nvois dinero
it costs a fortune cuesta una fortuna dinero 6
jackpot premio gordo ['d,kp#t] yakpot dinero
lend to (to) prestar a dinero
lives beyond their means vive por encima de sus posibilidades [!'*#nd] dinero 6
loan crdito, prstamo [ln] loun dinero 6
lump sum pago nico, suma total [l'mp] [s'm] dinero 6
EOI Laredo
millonaire millonario [ml*'ne] milioner dinero
money dinero ['m'n] mni dinero
money / time to spare dinero / tiempo de sobra [spe] sper dinero
Money-wise En cuanto al dinero Dinero 6
mortgage hipoteca ['m:&d,] mguich dinero
note billete (uk), nota [nt] nouch dinero
outgoings gastos dinero
overdraft descubierto ['$dr:ft] dinero 6
owe (to) deber [] ou dinero
pay back (to) devolver dinero
pay by credit card (to) pagar con tarjeta de crdito dinero
pay for (to) pagar por dinero
pay in cash (to) pagar en efectivo dinero
pay me back devulveme el dinero dinero
pay off (to) cancelar, pagar una deuda dinero 6
peniless sin un cntimo, sin dinero /'penils/ dinero 6
period perodo ['prd] priod dinero
piggy bank hucha /'p&i/ dinero 5
pocket money dinero suelto ['p#kt] pokit... dinero
pound libra [pand] paund dinero
priceless incalculable, que no tiene precio /'prasls / praisles dinero 5
profit beneficio ['pr#ft] prfit dinero
purse monedero /p%(rs / pors dinero
raise (to) recaudar [rez] dinero 5
rate tipo, tasa [ret] dinero
rent (to) alquilar dinero
repayment pago [r:'pemnt] dinero
rip off (to) timar ['rp#f] dinero
rip-off timo, estafa dinero
royalties derechos de autor ['rlt] rialti dinero
save (to) ahorrar [se$] dinero
savings ahorros ['se$s] dinero 6
Scrounge (to) Gorronear [skrand,] Dinero 6
share accin (bolsa) ['e] see dinero
shareholder accionista ['e"ld] seeholder dinero
spend money like water
(to) gastar dinero como agua dinero 6
spend on (to) gastar en dinero
stake participacin (en un negocio) [stek] dinero 6
standard of living nivel de vida dinero 6
stock market bolsa dinero 6
succeed (to) tener xito, triunfar [sk's:d] soksid dinero 5
success xito [sk'ses] sokss dinero 5
take out (to) sacar dinero
tax impuesto dinero
tip propina, consejo, punta [tp] tip dinero
trade in (to) comerciar en [tred] dinero 5
turnover movimiento, facturacin ['t%:n$] dinero
Utility bills
Facturas de servicios (gas,
electricidad, etc) [*:'tlt] Dinero 6
waste (to) despilfarrar, derrrochar weist dinero
wealth riqueza [)el3] gelz dinero
wealthy rico dinero
well-off acomodado, pudiente [)el'#f] dinero 5
will testamento, voluntad [)l] dinero 6
worthless sin valor /')%(r4ls / guezles dinero 5
High Colocn Drogas 6
EOI Laredo
absence ausencia, falta ['!sns] absens educacin
art arte [:t] aat educacin
author autor [':3] oza educacin 5
background formacin ['!k&rand] educacin
biology biologa [!a'#ld,] bailolli educacin
boarding school internado ['!:d] educacin
bookshop librera ['!k#p] educacin
bookworm ratn de biblioteca ['!k)%:m] bkguom educacin
brainwave idea genial ['!ren)e$] educacin 5
brush up on (to) refrescar, reestudiar para recordar [!r'] brs educacin
chemistry qumica ['kemstr] educacin
comprehensive school ies en u.k. (acceso libre) [k#mpr'"ens$] compri-hnsiv educacin
degree ttulo, carrera [d'&r:] educacin
discipline disciplina ['dspln] educacin
duster borrador, bayeta ['d'st] dsta educacin
exam examen [&'zm] igsm educacin
geography geografa [d,'#&rf] llgrafi educacin
gifted talentoso, dotado ['&ftd] educacin
give sb a hand (to) echar una mano a alguien educacin
grade grado [&red] educacin
graduate licenciado ['&rd*t] grlluet educacin
grammar school ies en u.k. (prueba de acceso) ['&rm] grma educacin
have not got a clue (to) no tener ni idea educacin
head-teacher director educacin
history historia ['"str] jstori educacin
know sth inside out (to)
conocer algo a fondo,
completamente educacin
language idioma, lengua, lenguaje ['l &)d,] lngich educacin
learn by heart (to) aprender de memoria educacin
lecture profesor de universidad ['lektr] lkcha educacin
library biblioteca ['la!rr] laibrei educacin
literature literatura ['ltrt] ltricha educacin
make a wild guess (to) responder a la ligera, a locas educacin
mark nota educacin
marking puntuacin /'m(k/ makin educacin 5
maths matemticas [m 3s] mazs educacin
memorize/ise (to) memorizar ['memraz] mmorais educacin
music msica ['m*:zk] misik educacin
notice board tabln de anuncios ['nts] [!:d] educacin
nursery school guardera ['n%:sr] neeseri educacin
phd doctor (ttulo acadmico) [p:et'd:] educacin
philosophy filosofa [f'l#sf] filsofi educacin
physics fsica ['fzks] educacin
pick up (to) aprender sobre la marcha educacin
post-graduate master, post-graduado ['&rd*t] grlluet educacin
primary school escuela de primaria ['pramr] educacin
private school colegio privado ['pra$t] educacin
professor catedrtico [pr'fes] profso educacin
pupil alumno (nios pequeos) ['p*:pl] pipo educacin
religious school colegio religioso [r'ld,s] rilllos educacin
result resultado [r'z'lt] rislt educacin
revise (to) repasar
revision repaso [r'$,n] revson educacin
school report boletn de notas [r'p:t] ripot educacin
secondary school escuela de secundaria
seconderi /
scondri educacin
set (to) mandar (deberes) educacin
EOI Laredo
spelling ortografia ['spel] educacin
stage etapa, fase [sted,] steich educacin
state school colegio pblico educacin
stick to (to) atenerse a [stk] educacin 5
strict estricto [strkt] educacin
student estudiante, alumno ['st*:dnt] stiudent educacin
subject asignatura, asunto sobyecz educacin
Take/sit an exam (to) hacer un examen educacin
teachers pet el favorito del profesor educacin
tell-tale acusica, chivato [tel-tel] educacin
term trimestre, perodo [t%:m] teem educacin
thoroughly a fondo, concienzudamente ['3'rl] zreli educacin
timetable horario ['tamte!l] educacin
tutor profesor particular, tutor (univ.) ['t*:t] chita educacin
uniform uniforme ['*:nf:m] llnifoom educacin
ballot paper papeleta electoral ['!lt] balot elecciones 5
constituency circunscripcin electoral [kn'stt*ns] constituensi elecciones 5
fight elections (to) presentarse a elecciones [fat] elecciones 5
Overturn (to) dar la vuelta [$'t%:n] elecciones 5
poll votacin [pl] poul elecciones 5
polling station colegio electoral ['pl] poulin elecciones 5
run for (to) presentarse para elecciones 5
step aside (to) apartarse elecciones 5
surface (to) salir a la superficie ['s%:fs] seefis elecciones 5
turnout Participacin, asistencia ['t%:nat] elecciones 5
wrongdoing mala conducta, falta [')r#d] elecciones 5
[nervous] breakdown crisis nerviosa
!rekdan] neevos enfermedad 5
distress malestar, angustia [d'stres] distres enfermedad 5
awkward dificil, pesado, torpe [':k)d] okgued estilo 6
bland soso [!lnd] estilo 6
flow fluidez [/] estilo 6
humble modesto ['"'m!l] estilo 6
neatly claramente, ntidamente ['n:tl] estilo 6
quirky extravagante ['k)%:k] kueki estilo 6
smooth suave, liso [sm:0] smuuz estilo 6
staccato entrecortado /st'k(t/ estilo 6
tidily ordenadamente, pulcramente /'tad5i / estilo 6
...a week ...a la semana expresion
by and large en conjunto [l:d,] lach expresion 5
give a piece of one's mind
(to) cantarle las cuarenta expresion 5
hardly ever casi nunca expresion
start afresh (to) empezar de nuevo ['fre] efres expresion 5
take pride in sthg (to) enorgullecerse de algo [prad] expresion 5
a fast life style un estido de vida rpido expresin
a number of times varias veces expresin
a ten- minute-walk un paseo de diez minutos expresin 6
A while back Hace un tiempo Expresin 6
abide by the law (to) acatar la ley ['!ad] ebid expresin
above all sobre todo ['!'$] ebav expresin
according to segn expresin
act on sth (to) actuar conforme a algo expresin
advice column consultorio (columna peridico) ['k#lm] clom expresin
afraid of temeroso de expresin
again and again una y otra vez expresin
against the odds contra pronstico [#dz] expresin 5
EOI Laredo
ahead of schedule antes de lo previsto expresin
all over the world por todo el mundo expresin
all through durante todo expresin
along with junto con ['l#] expresin
also tambin (en mitad de la frase) [':ls] olsou expresin
an hour por hora expresin
and so on / etc etctera expresin
anyway / anyhow de todas maneras ['en)e] ['en"a] expresin
apart from aparte de expresin
as a matter of fact de hecho ['mt] maata expresin
as far as hasta expresin
as far as (person/thing) be
concerned en lo que a alguien o algo respecta [kn's%:nd] conseend expresin 5
as many as tantos como expresin
as regards en lo que se refiere [r'&:d] rigadz expresin 5
as well tambin (al final de la frase) expresin
as well as al igual que, as como expresin
at hand entre manos expresin 6
at the end al final (de algo) expresin
at the expense of mine a costa ma expresin
at the meeting en la reunin expresin
at times a veces expresin 6
awhile un rato [')al] expresin
back and forth de un lado a otro expresin
bad at / good at malo en, bueno en expresin
badly enough suficientemente expresin 5
be beat (to) estar agotado [!:t] expresin 5
Be bound to (to) Ser seguro que Expresin 6
be down in the dumps (to) estar en un pozo [d'mp] expresin 6
be fed up (to) estar harto , alicado expresin
be friends with (to) ser amigo de expresin
be hooked (to) estar enganchado ["kt] expresin 5
be hopeless at (to) ser negado para algo expresin
be in (to) estar de moda expresin 5
be in the limelight (to) ser el centro de atencin ['lamlat] expresin
be intent on (to) estar decidido a [n'tent] expresin 5
be keen on (to) estar interesado en, aficionado a expresin
be kind to sb (to) ser amable con alguien expresin
be liable to (to) ser probable que ['la!l] expresin 6
be like (to)
decir (cuando se cuenta algo dicho
por alguien imitndolo despus) expresin
be likely to + verb (to) ser probable que expresin 5
be on (to) + posesivo +
own estar slo expresin
be out of date (to) obsoleto, caducado expresin
Be related (to) Estar relacionado [r'letd] Expresin 6
be scared of (to) tener miedo de [sket] skert expresin 5
be walking distance (to) estar a unos pasos expresin
because of a causa de expresin
become friends with (to) hacerse amigo de expresin
Beforehand De antemano Expresin 6
bite my tongue morderme la lengua [!at] [t'] expresin 6
Black sheep Oveja negra Expresin 6
blade of grass brizna de hierba [!led] expresin
book worm ratn de biblioteca expresin
bound to destinado a expresin
breakthrough gran avance ['!rek3ru:] expresin
by all means por supuesto, faltara mas expresin 5
bygone de otro tiempo, pasado ['!a&#n] expresin
EOI Laredo
Can get past? Me deja pasar Expresin 6
cant help +verb +ing (to) no poder evitar expresin
carry out (to) llevar a cabo, realizar ['kr] expresin
cause for concern razn para preocuparse [k:z] [kn's%:n] kos conseen expresin 5
change ones tune (to) cambiar de opinin [t*:n] chuun expresin
change ones mind (to) cambiar de opinin expresin
cheers! salud! (brindis) [t] chiis expresin
clap of thunder trueno [klp] expresin
clear the air (to) calmar los aires, templar los animos expresin 5
click with someone (to) conectar con alguien expresin
close up primer plano ['kls'p] expresin
colon dos puntos ['kln] clon expresin
come off it! venga ya! expresin 5
comfort zone entorno (vida establecida) ['k'mft] expresin 6
count on (to) contar con, confiar en [kant] cunt expresin
cross ones mind (to) pasarse por la cabeza expresin 6
Date back to/from Datar de, remontar a Expresin 6
dear sir / madam estimado seor / seora ['mdm] expresin
devote oneself to sthg/ing
(to) dedicarse a algo [d'$t] divout expresin 5
different from diferente de expresin
Do not see eye to eye Opinar de manera muy diferente Expresin 6
dos and donts lo que se debe y no debe hacer expresin
draw the line (to) no tolerar, marcar el lmite expresin 5
drift apart (to) distanciarse [drft] expresin
due to debido a -d*(. expresin
either...or... o...o... expresin
enforce the law (to) hacer cumplir la ley [n'f:s] enfos expresin
enter a place (to) entrar a un lugar expresin
ever since desde entonces expresin
every now and then de vez en cuando expresin
every other day das alternos expresin
Fact or fiction? verdadero o falso? Expresin 6
fall out (to) pelearse [f:l] pv
Family get-together Reuniones familiar Expresin 6
fast-paced vertiginoso, de rtmo acelerado expresin
fill sb in on (sth) (to) poner a alguien al corriente de algo expresin 6
flip a coin echar una moneda al aire expresin
flip side la otra cara expresin 5
for ages durante aos, una eternidad expresin
for one another el uno para el otro expresin
for one thing por un lado, para empezar expresin 5
For the sake of it Por si acaso expresin 6
four out of ten / four in ten 4 de diez expresin
from the looks of it por lo que parece expresin
from the outset desde el principio expresin
get a kick out of (to) disfrutar de expresin 5
get a taste of (to) probar, saborear expresin 5
Get hold of (to) Hacerse con (obtener) Expresin 6
get in touch with ponerse en contacto con [t't] toch expresin
get involved (to) involucrarse [n'$#l$d] invud expresin
get ones own back on
someone (to) vengarse de alguien expresin 6
get round to (to) sacar tiempo para hacer algo expresin
get sthg bug (to) obsesionarse con algo !'&] bag expresin 5
give a lift (to)
dar una vuelta, llevar a alguien
(coche) expresin
EOI Laredo
give birth (to) dar a luz expresin
give sb a hand (to) echar a alguien una mano expresin
give sb the creeps (to) dar a alguien escalofros, repels [kr:ps] expresin 5
give someone a hard time
(to) hacer pasar un mal rato a alguien expresin 6
give something a go (to) dar una oportunidad a algo expresin
give sth a try (to) intentar hacer algo expresin 5
go dutch (to) pagar a medias [d't] expresin
go nuts (to) volverse loco [n'ts] nats expresin
Go with your gut feeling
(to) Seguir tu instinto Expresin 6
goings-on chanchullos [&z'#n] expresin
happen to see (to) ver por casualidad expresin
have a good time (to) pasarlo bien expresin
have a laugh (to) echar unas risas [l:f] lof expresin
have a say (to) tener algo que decir expresin
heat exhaustion golpe de calor [":t] [&'z:stn] egzstion expresin
high five chcala, choca esos cinco expresin
hit it off (to) caerse bien expresin
hold on a second espera un segundo (al telfono) expresin
hopefully con un poco de suerte ['"pfl] jopfuli expresin
how long... cunto tiempo... expresin
however sin embargo, no obstante ["a'e$] jaueve expresin
cant be bothered to +
verb Me da pereza. Expresin 6
will get back to you te contestar expresin 5
i.e. (id est) esto es, es decir /'a'i(/ expresin
m off me voy expresin
immediately al momento ['m:dtl] imdiat-li expresin
in a hurry / rush con prisa ['"'r] / [r'] jri / ras expresin
in a row seguido expresin
in a sense en cierto modo expresin 6
in both igual, tanto expresin
in brackets entre parntesis ['!rkt] expresin
in case por si expresin
in colour de color ['k'l] cola expresin
in hope espero ["p] expresin
in joint en conjunto [d,nt] expresin
in return for a cambio de expresin
in search of en busca de [s%:t] seech expresin
in the daytime de da ['detam] expresin
in the end finalmente (como conclusin) expresin
in the long run a la larga expresin 5
in the shade a la sombra ed] sid expresin
in turn a su vez, sucesivamente expresin
in two months en dos meses expresin
in twos en parejas expresin
indeed en realidad indid expresin
indulge yourself! date un capricho [n'd'ld,] indolch expresin 5
instead of en vez de [n'sted] expresin
interested in interesado en expresin
it is worth it merece la pena expresin
its my fault es mi culpa ...fout expresin
its the other way round es al revs expresin 5
its up to you tu eliges expresin
just in case por si acaso expresin
keep going (to) continuar expresin
kind of ms o menos , como expresin
last will ltima voluntad expresin
EOI Laredo
lastly por ltimo, finalmente ['l:stl] expresin
leave for (to) ir a [l:$] expresin
leave out (to) omitir expresin
lifelong de toda la vida ['la/#] vida C1
little by little poco a poco expresin
live happily ever after (to) vivir felices por siempre expresin
look forward to+ ing (to) tener ganas de, esperar expresin
look out cuidado! ojo! expresin
lying around a la vista expresin
make a living (to) ganarse la vida expresin 5
make a reservation (to) hacer una reserva [rez'$en] recevison expresin
make an appoinment (to) pedir una cita ['pntmnt] expresin
make or break lograrlo o morir (la hora de la verdad) expresin 5
make resolutions (to) hacer propsitos [rez'l:n] rezoluson expresin 5
make the most of (to) aprovechar expresin
midday medioda [md'de] expresin
miss the point (to) no captar la idea, no entender expresin 5
more or less ms o menos expresin
most likely lo ms probable ['lakl] expresin
mr seor (soltero o casado) ['mst] mster expresin
mrs seora (casada) ['mss] msis expresin
ms seora (soltera o casada) [mz, mz] mess expresin
name but two/a few (to) por nombrar dos/algunos expresin 5
never ever nunca jams expresin 6
next luego, despues expresin
next up el prximo, siguiente expresin
no longer ya no expresin
no way de ningn modo expresin 5
no wonder no es de extraar expresin 6
not at all de nada, en absoluto expresin
Not to be on speaking
terms No hablarse (por estar enfadados) Expresin 6
not to my knowledge que yo sepa no ['n#ld,] nlich expresin 5
noun phrase grupo nominal expresin
on holiday de vacaciones expresin
on ones behalf en nombre o de parte de uno [!'":f] expresin 6
on the go en marcha expresin 6
on the negative side en el lado negativo expresin
on the other hand por otro lado expresin
on the run a la carrera, deprisa y corriendo expresin
oncoming que se acerca (en sentido contrario) expresin
one between two uno entre dos expresin
opinion on opinin de expresin
out loud en voz alta [lad] laud expresin
out of shape fuera de forma expresin
overall en conjunto ['$r:l] expresin
overhanging saliente, que sobresale expresin 5
part of speech parte de la oracin [sp:t] spiich expresin
plenty of ms que suficiente, de sobra expresin
pluck up the courage to
(to) armarse de valor para [pl'k] ['k'rd,] expresin 5
pretty much the same ms o menos lo mismo ['prt] prti expresin
put in (to) dedicar, disponer, invertir expresin
quiet a lot of ms que de sobra expresin
quite a bit bastante expresin
rather than ms que expresin
refuse point-blank negarse en redondo [r'f*:z] [pnt'!lk] rifiuz expresin 5
remind sb of sth recordar a alguien algo [r'mand] expresin
reward and punishment recompensa y castigo [r'):d] rigud expresin
EOI Laredo
right now en este momento expresin
rings under eyes ojeras expresin
Run in one's family
Que se da en la familia de uno
(caracterstica) expresin 6
run out of sth (to) quedarse sin algo expresin
secondly en segundo lugar ['sekndl] scondli expresin
semi-colon punto y coma [sem'kln] semiclon expresin
sense of relief sensacin de alivio [r'l:f] rilf expresin
set a goal marcarse una meta [&l] goul expresin 5
set the trend (to) marcar estilo expresin
short for abreviatura de expresin
short list preseleccin de candidatos (lista) expresin 5
single-handed a solas [s&l'"ndd] expresin
sit around (to) quedarse sentado sin hacer nada expresin
six out of ten 6 sobre diez expresin
Skeleton in the cupboard Esqueleto en el armario Expresin 6
slow down (to) hacer algo ms despacio, reducir expresin
small talk charla, conversacin informal expresin 6
so far hasta ahora expresin
so far so good de momento bien expresin
so much tanto expresin
so that de modo que, para que expresin
sort of como, de cierta manera expresin
speak your mind di lo que piensas expresin 6
speed dating cita rpida, encuentro corto expresin
speeding exceso de velocidad
spelling mistake falta de ortografa ['spel] expresin
Shopping spree Compra compulsiva, a lo loco [spr:] expresin
start someone off on sthg
iniciar a alguien en algo, inducir a
alguien expresin 5
Steer clear of (to) Mantenerse alejado, evitar Expresin 6
stick to your guns (to) mantenerse firme en sus ideas expresin 6
straight on en linea recta, todo recto expresin
straight up derecho hacia arriba expresin
strengths and weaknesses fortalezas y debilidades expresin
such as tal como expresin
take an advise (to) seguir un consejo [d'$az] edvis expresin
take care of (to) atender a, ocuparse de expresin
take it easy (to) tomrselo con calma expresin
take revenge (to) tomar venganza [r'$end,] expresin 6
take the eyes off (to) apartar los ojos de... expresin
tell a lie (to) mentir [la] expresin
tell the truth (to) decir la verdad [tr:3] truz expresin
thats it basta, hasta aqu expresin
the bubble burst la burbuja explot ['!'!l] babol expresin 5
the following day el da siguiente expresin
the more... the less cuanto ms... menos expresin
the next day el da siguiente expresin
the opposite of lo contrario expresin
the lo mismo...que... expresin
there is no point (in) doing no sirve de nada expresin 5
three times running tres veces seguidas expresin 6
be off the ground (to) despegar (nacer, el origen) expresin
have it in for someone (to) Tenrsela jurada a alguien Expresin 6
have surgery (to) operarse ['s%:d,r] sedyeri expresin
name after (to) tomar el nombre de Nombres C1
to some extend hasta cierto punto expresin 6
EOI Laredo
to this day hasta el da de hoy expresin 6
touch a raw nerve (to) tocar un tema sensible [n%:$] neef expresin 5
unlike a diferencia de ['n'lak] expresin
up ahead ms adelante ['"ed] ejed expresin
up to hasta expresin
use by date fecha de caducidad expresin
very advanced age muy avanzada edad [d'$:nst] edvanst expresin
wait around (to) esperar, perder el tiempo expresin
what a shame! qu vergenza! expresin
when it comes to cuando se refiere expresin 5
whereas mientras que [)er'z] gerez expresin
which is why lo cual es por lo que expresin
wind sb up (to) quedarse con alguien, tomar el pelo expresin
wine and dine sb
llevar a alguien a un buen
restaurante expresin
with each other el uno con el otro, mutuamente expresin
world fair exposicin universal expresin
youre wellcome de nada expresin
your interest may fade tu inters puede decaer /fed/ expresin 5
your mouth waters se te hace la boca agua expresin
yours faifthfully atentamente ['fe3fl] expresin
yours truly atentamente (carta) expresin
Crowning moment Momento cumber / kran/ Expression 6
pull your socks up ponte las pilas expression 6
think hard (to) pensar detenidamente expression
an only child hijo nico familia
aunt ta [:nt] familia
Breadwinner Sostn de la familia (persona) ['!red)n] Familia 6
brother hermano ['bre] familia
cousin primo-a ['kz6n] czen familia
extended family
clan familiar (familia en sentido
amplio) familia
father padre ['f:e] familia
Father figure Figura paterna ['f&] Familia 6
grandparents abuelos ['grnpeerents] familia
great-grandparents bisabuelos familia
great-great-grandparents tatarabuelos familia
half-brother (sister) hermano de sangre familia
in-laws familia poltica ['nl:z] familia
Kin Familiares, parientes [kn] familia 6
large family familia numerosa familia
mother madre ['me] familia
nice sobrina [n:s] familia
parents padres ['peerent] familia
relatives parientes ['reletv] familia
sibling hermano o hermana ['s!l] familia 6
single-parent family familia monoparental familia
sister hermana familia
Spouse Cnyuge [spas] Spaus Familia 6
step-brother (sister) hermanastro familia
Step-mother (father) madrastra familia
uncle to ['k6l] familia
fancy dress disfraz ['fns] fiesta 5
pageant desfile /'pd,nt/ payent fiesta 5
parade desfile /p'red/ perid fiesta
celebrate (to) celebrar, festejar ['sel!ret] slebreit fiestas
christmas eve nochebuena fiestas
gift regalo [&ft] fiestas
give away (to) regalar fiestas
EOI Laredo
marquee carpa [m:'k:] maqui fiestas 5
mass misa [ms] fiestas
santa / santa claus pap noel, santa claus ['snt'kl:z] santa cloz fiestas
Nativity scene nacimiento, beln [s:n] fiestas
service oficio (religioso) ['s%:$s] sevis fiestas
The three kings / the three
wise men) los reyes magos [waz] fiestas
wedding reception Banquete de bodas fiestas 6
bar barra [!:] baa forma
emblem emblema ['em!lm] mblem forma
grid rejilla, cuadrcula [&rd] forma 5
square cuadrado, casilla [sk)e] scu forma
triangle tringulo ['tra &l] triangol forma
from time to time de tanto en tanto, a veces frecuencia
now and then de vez en cuando frecuencia
off and on de vez en cuando frecuencia 5
apricot albaricoque ['eprkt] fruta
apple manzana ['pl] pol fruta
banana pltano [!'n:n] banana fruta
cherry cereza fruta
grape uva [grep] fruta
orange naranja ['#rnd,] rench fruta
peach melocotn [p:t] fruta
plum ciruela [plm] fruta
strawberry fresa ['str:!r] estroberi fruta
ally aliado ['la] alai guerra 6
arrow flecha ['r] arou guerra 6
blow up (to) explotar [!l] guerra 6
bow arco [!] bou guerra 6
break out (to) desatarse, estallar (violencia, guerra) guerra 5
bullet bala ['!lt] bulit guerra 6
cannon caon ['knn] cnon guerra 6
capture (to) capturar, apresar ['kpt] capcha guerra 6
casualty vctima ['k ,*lt] cshuelti guerra 6
ceasefire alto el fuego [s:s'fa] sisfaia guerra 6
civil war guerra civil ['s$l] [):] guerra 6
civilian civil [s'$l*n] sivilien guerra 6
coup golpe de estado [k:] kuu guerra 6
declare (to) declarar [d'kle] guerra 6
defeat (to) derrotar [d'f:t] guerra 6
force fuerza [f:s] foos guerra 6
loot (to) saquear [l:t] lut guerra 6
machine gun ametralladora [m':n] [&'n] macssin guerra 6
missile misil ['msal] guerra 6
Morale Moral, estado de nimo [m#'r:l] Guerra 6
overthrow (to) derrocar (gobierno) [$'3r] ouvezrou guerra 6
refugee refugiado [ref*'d,:] refuyii guerra 6
retreat (to) retirarse [r'tr:t] guerra 6
revolution revolucin [re$'l:n] revelucson guerra 6
shell (to) bombardear [el] shel guerra 6
shield escudo [:ld] siild guerra 6
siege sitio [s:d,] siidch guerra 6
Slaughter (to) Masacrar ['sl:t] Guerra 6
sniper francotirador ['snap] snaipe guerra 6
spear lanza [sp] spia guerra 6
surrender (to) rendirse [s'rend] serenda guerra 6
survivor superviviente [s'$a$] sevaive guerra 6
EOI Laredo
sword espada [s:d] sood guerra 6
treachery Traicin ['tretr] Guerra 6
treaty tratado ['tr:t] triiti guerra 6
troops tropas [tr:ps] guerra 6
withdraw (to) replegarse [)0'dr:] gizdro guerra 6
access (to) acceder a ['kses] kses informtica
computer ordenador [km'p*:t] compiuta informtica
look through internet (to) mirar, echar un vistazo por internet informtica 5
city council ayuntamiento (institucin) siti caunsel institucin
town hall ayuntamiento (edificio) institucin
butt in (to) interrumpir [!'t] interrumpir 5
counter ficha ['kant] caunta juegos 5
flip a coin (to) echar a rodar una moneda juegos 5
heads or tails cara o cruz /"edz/ juegos
Play tag (to) Jugar al corre que te pillo Juegos 6
Rite Rito [rat] Juegos 6
splash (to) chapotear [spl ] juegos 6
Thrill Emocin, ilusin [3rl] Juegos 6
toss a coin (to) echar a cara o cruz [t#s] juegos 5
dall mueca [d#l] dol juguetes 5
command orden [k'm:nd] comand lengua
hyphen guin /'"afn/ jaifen lengua
ie (i.e. "id est) es decir lengua 5
object objeto ['#!d,kt] bllet lengua
phrase expresion, locucin /frez/ freis lengua
prompt Apunte (recordatorio) [pr#mpt] lengua 5
register registro, modo idiomtico ['red,st] redyista lengua 6
request peticin, solicitud [r'k)est] ricust lengua
subject sujeto ['s'!d,kt] sbllet lengua
typo errata taipo lengua 5
another otro ['n'0] anada lenguaje 5
Hand down (to) Transmitir, legar Lenguaje 6
other otro, otros [''0] ada lenguaje 5
rinse (to) enjuagar (la boca) [rns] limpieza 5
desert desierto ['dezt] dzet lugar
roadside borde de la carretera ['rdsad] lugar
overnight repentino [$'nat] ouvenait manera 5
straightforward sencillo [stret'f:)d] streitfguod manera 5
unlike a diferencia de ['n'lak] manera 5
bait cebo [!et] beit mar 5
coastline costa, litoral ['kstlan] kostlain mar
fishing rod caa de pescar [r#d] mar 5
hook anzuelo ["k] juk mar 5
life belt flotador salvavidas [!elt] mar
life jacket chaleco salvavidas /'d,kt/ yaket mar 5
line sedal [lan] mar 5
reel carrete (caa) [r:l] mar 5
seafront paseo martimo ['s:fr'nt] sifront mar 5
seaside costa, costero, playa ['s:sad] mar
starfish estrella de mar ['st:f] mar
cardboard cartn ['k:d!:d] kaadbod material 5
landfill basurero material 5
linen lino [['lnn] material 5
rubber goma ['r'!] rba material
rubble escombros ['r'!l] rbol material 5
throwaway desechable ['3r)e] zrouegey material 5
wax cera [)ks] gaks material 5
bug virus [!'&] bag medicina 5
EOI Laredo
swine flue gripe porcina [s)an] suain medicina 5
lead plomo [led] metal 5
choir coro ['k)a] cuaia musica
drum tambor [dr:] dram msica 5
lyrics letra (de una cancin) ['lrk] msica
jewish judo /'d,u(/ yuis nacionalidad
bank orilla (ro) [! k] naturaleza 5
blossom (to) florecer ['!l#sm] blosom naturaleza 5
layer capa ['le] leia naturaleza 5
overlooking con vistas a naturaleza 5
rock roca [r#k] naturaleza
saltwater de agua salada ['s:lt):t] soltgota naturaleza 5
sunrise salida del sol ['s'nraz] naturaleza
sunset / sundown puesta de sol ['s'nset] naturaleza
terrain terreno [t'ren] terin naturaleza
a / one hundred cien (one es ms especfico) ['"'ndrd] jndred nmeros
accuracy exactitud ['k*rs] akiurasi nmeros 6
chart cuadro, tabla, grfico (informacin) [t:t] chat Nmeros 6
kilometre kilmetro [kl'm:t] kilomite nmeros
love cero (tenis) nmeros
metre metro ['m:t] mite nmeros
mile milla [mal] nmeros
multiply by (to) multiplicar por ['m'ltpla] mltiplai nmeros
nil cero (deportes), nada [nl] nmeros
cero (para decir decimales
obligatorio) [n:t] nmeros
o cero (al decir un nmero) [] nmeros
odds probabilidades [#dz] nmeros 5
per cent por ciento [p%:] [sent] pea sent nmeros
ratio proporcin, ratio ['re] reisio nmeros 5
statistics estadsticas [st'tstks] nmeros
threesome trio [3r:sm] zruisam nmeros 5
up to hasta (numeros) nmeros 5
zero cero (matemticas, ciencias) ['zr] nmeros
gripping apasionante ['&rp] opinin 6
haunting emocionante, inquietante ['":nt] opinin 6
heavy-going duro de seguir opinin 6
implausible inverosmil [m'pl:z!l] opinin 6
intringuing intrigante [n'tr:&] opinin 6
moving emotivo, conmovedor ['m:$] opinin 6
thought-provoking estimulante, que hace pensar [3:tpr'$k] opinin 6
italian italiano ['tl*n] itlian paises
kingdom reino ['kdm] kndom paises 5
norwegian noruego [n:'):d,n] noorgchen paises
affectionate carioso [e'fek6nt] personalidad
aggressive agresivo, violento ['&res$] agrsif personalidad
agile gil ['d,al] yaill personalidad 5
airhead cabeza hueca personalidad 5
ambitious (un-) ambicioso [m'!s] ambsus personalidad
angry enfadado [' &r] ngri personalidad
assertive enrgico, autoritario ['s%:t$] eseetif personalidad 5
bigheaded creido [bg'hedd] personalidad
bigoted intolerante ['!&td] biguetid personalidad 5
bold audaz, valiente, negrita (color) [!ld] boud personalidad 5
boring aburrido personalidad
bossy mandn ['bs] personalidad
brave valiente [!re$] personalidad
caring bondadoso /'ker / personalidad
cautious prudente, cauto ['k:s] coosus personalidad 5
EOI Laredo
charming encantador ['t(m] personalidad
cheerful alegre ['tfl] personalidad
clever inteligente ['kleve] personalidad
clumsy patoso, torpe ['kl'mz] clmsi personalidad 5
committed comprometido, entregado /k'mtd / personalidad
competitive competitivo personalidad
conceited engreido, presuntuoso [kn's:td] consitid personalidad 5
confident seguro ['k#nfdnt] personalidad
conscientious aplicado, serio [k#n'ens] personalidad 6
could-blooded despiadado, cruel /6kld'!l'dd/ coulbladid personalidad 5
crazy loco, disparatado (idea) ['krez] personalidad
cruel cruel [kr:l] cruul personalidad 5
cunning astuto ['k'n] cnin personalidad 5
dashing elegante, gallardo ['d ] dasin personalidad 5
dazzling deslumbrante ['dzl] personalidad 5
determined resuelto, decidido [d't%:mnd] ditemind personalidad
devious artero, taimado ['d:$s] dvios personalidad 5
disobedient desobediente [ds'!:dnt] disobdient personalidad
domineering dominante [d#m'nr] dominiring personalidad 5
drag pesado, latoso [dr&] personalidad 5
dumb tonto, bobo [d'm] dam personalidad 5
easygoing de trato fcil, afable [:z'&] isigoing personalidad 5
eccentric excntrico [k'sentrk] eksntrik personalidad 6
elegant elegante ['el&nt] legant personalidad 5
extravagant derrochador, extravagante [k'str$&nt] kstravagant personalidad
extrovert extrovertido xtrovet personalidad
fashionable de moda, elegante personalidad
ferocious feroz [f'rs] fersos personalidad 5
fibber cuentista ['f!] personalidad
foolish estpido, tonto ['f:l] fules personalidad
freakish inusual, raro friks personalidad 5
friendly (un-) amable personalidad
fussy quisquilloso, exigente ['f's] personalidad 6
generous generoso ['d,enrs] llneros personalidad
grumpy grun ['&r'mp] grampi personalidad 6
happy-go-lucky despreocupado personalidad
hard-working trabajador personalidad
honest (dis-) honesto personalidad
imaginative (un-) imaginativo ['md,nt$] imllinatif personalidad
indecisive indeciso /'nd'sas$/ indesaisif personalidad
independent independiente personalidad
inquisitive muy curioso [n'k)zt$] incuisitiv personalidad 5
insane loco, demente [n'sen] insein personalidad 5
insecure inseguro [ns'k*] personalidad
insincere falso, poco sincero [nsn's] insinsr personalidad
introvert introvertido ['ntr$%:t] ntrovert personalidad
jealous celoso, envidioso ['deles] personalidad
kind (un-) amable, simptico personalidad
lazy perezoso personalidad
like-minded concienciado, de la misma opinin ['lakmandd] personalidad 5
mad loco, demente [md] maad personalidad 5
manipulative manipulador personalidad
mean tacao personalidad
moody variable, caprichoso, malhumorado personalidad
mystirious misterioso personalidad
nervous nervioso ['n%:$s] neevos personalidad 5
nuts chiflado, loco [n'ts] nats personalidad 5
obnoxious odioso [!'n#ks] obnoksos personalidad 5
optimistic optimista personalidad
EOI Laredo
organized (dis-) ordenado [':&naz] ganaiz personalidad
outgoing sociable personalidad
oversensitive hipersensible personalidad
overwhelmed agobiado ouvegelmt personalidad 5
patient (im-) paciente pisent personalidad
pessimistic pesimista personalidad
playful juguetn ['plefl] personalidad 5
proud orgulloso [prad] praud personalidad
punctual puntual ['p'kt*l] pnchual personalidad 6
quiet callado cuayet personalidad
reckless imprudente, temerario ['rekls] rekles personalidad 5
reliable (un-) de fiar [r'laeb6l] personalidad
responsible (ir-) responsable [r'spnseb6l] personalidad
rude maleducado, grosero [r:d] ruud personalidad
self-assured seguro de s mismo [self'd] selfisd personalidad 5
self-centred egocntrico [self'7sentd] selfsntred personalidad
self-confident seguro de s mismo personalidad
selfish (un-) egoista personalidad
self-sufficient autosuficiente 'selfs'fnt/ personalidad 6
sensible sensato personalidad
sensitive (in-) sensible personalidad
show-off fanfarrn, fantasma personalidad
show-off (to) Farolear, jactarse personalidad 6
shy tmido sai personalidad
silly tonto personalidad
sociable (un-) sociable ['s!l] ssebol personalidad
spoilt mimado, malcriado personalidad
stark loco de atar [st:k] personalidad 5
stunning deslumbrante ['st'n] stanin personalidad 5
stupid estpido personalidad
talkative hablador tokativ personalidad
tame manso, domesticado [tem] personalidad 5
tasteless sin gusto 'testls/ teis-les personalidad
terrified aterrado ['terfa] trrifai personalidad
tidy (un-) ordenado tidi personalidad
tight-fisted tacao [tat'fstd] personalidad 6
timid tmido ['tmd] tmid personalidad 5
tolerant tolerante ['t#lrnt] tlerant personalidad
trickster embaucador /'trkstr / personalidad
trouble-maker alborotador personalidad
understanding comprensivo ['nd'stnd] andstandin personalidad
unfaithful infiel ['n'fe3fl] personalidad
unpleasant desagradable, antiptico ['n'pleznt] amplesent personalidad 5
vain vanidoso, presumido [$en] vein personalidad 5
Vengeful vengativo ['$end,fl] Personalidad 6
vindictive vengativo [$n'dkt$] personalidad 5
warm-hearted afectuoso, carioso [):m'":td] personalidad
abuse (to) insultar, maltratar ['!*:s] abiuz personas 5
acquaintance conocido ['k)entns] ecuntens personas 6
aim at (to) dirigir hacia [em] personas 5
alike parecido, semejante ['lak] personas 6
appeal (to) atraer ['p:l] epil personas 5
argue (to) discutir [':&*:] agui personas
argument discusin, pelea [':&*mnt] aguiument personas
arrange (to) arreglar, concertar ['rend,] errinch personas 5
autograph autgrafo [':t&r:f] tograf personas 5
be fond of (to) tener mucho cario a [f#nd] fond personas 5
be Xyears sb junior (to) Ser Xaos ms joven que alguien ['d,:n*] Personas 6
behind my back a mis espaldas personas 6
EOI Laredo
biased tendencioso, parcial ['!ast] baiet personas 6
blush (to) ruborizarse [!l'] blas personas 5
bride novia (boda) [!rad] braid personas
burst out laughing (to) echarse a reir [!%:st] ||/'l(f/ best personas 5
citizenship ciudadana ['stznp] personas 5
clash enfrentamiento [kl ] personas 5
complement halago, cumplido ['k#mplmnt] cmpliment personas 5
confess (to) + ing confesar (hacer algo) [kn'fes] personas 5
congratulate on (to) felicitar por [kn'&rt*let] personas 5
counterpart homlogo, equivalente ['kantp:t] personas 5
craze locura, moda [krez] personas 5
dare (to) atreverse, osar [de] personas 5
debate debate, discusin [d'!et] dibit personas 5
deceive (to) engaar [d's:$] personas 6
deed hecho, acto [d:d] personas 5
disabled minusvlido [d'se!ld] personas 5
discuss (to) hablar de, debatir [d'sk's] discas personas 5
discussion debate /ds'k'n/ discason personas
draft borrador, anteproyecto [dr:ft] personas 5
dump (to) dejar, abandonar a una persona [d'mp] personas 6
dweller morador d)elr duela personas 6
elderly anciano ['eldl] lderli personas
Entice (to) Atraer, seducir [n'tas] Personas 6
faint (to) desmayarse [fent] personas 5
fall apart (to) fracasar (una relacin) [f:l] fool personas 5
Fall for (to) Enamorarse de Personas 6
feminine femenino ['femnn] personas 5
fianc prometido (oficial) /8#nse/ fians personas
fiance prometida (oficial) /8nse/ fiansi personas
forget about (to) olvidarse (de algo) personas 5
foster adoptivo ['f#st] fosta personas 5
frenzy frenes, histeria ['frenz] frensi personas 6
gang banda, pandilla [& ] gueen personas
Getting even Ajuste de cuentas Personas 6
girlfriend novia, amiga (de mujer) personas
glance (to) echar un vistazo [&l:ns] personas 5
Go for sb (to) r en busca de Personas 6
groom novio (boda) [&r:m] personas
guy to, tipo [&a] personas
harass (to) acosar ['"rs] jares personas 6
hazard riesgo, peligro ['"zd] jazed personas 5
hop (to) brincar, dar saltitos ["#p] jop personas 5
human being ser humano ['"*:mn] ['!:] jiumen biin personas
ntimacy ntimidad ['ntms] Personas 6
late difunto [let] personas 5
life expectancy esperanza de vida [k'spektns] personas 6
lifetime vida personas
lookalike doble (persona muy parecida a otra) /'lklak/ lkalaik personas 5
man / men hombre / hombres [mn] [men] maan / men personas
mayor alcalde [me] mee personas
mistress seora, amante ['mstrs] mistris personas 6
Mourn (to) Llorar, lamentar m:n] Personas 6
nag (to) fastidiar, dar la lata [n&] personas 5
nervousness nerviosismo nrvosnes personas
noble noble ['n!l] personas 5
object to + ing (to) oponerse a [!'d,ekt] obyect personas 5
On behalf of En nombre de Personas 6
EOI Laredo
outsider desconocido, forastero [at'sad] personas 6
overcome (to) superar, vencer [$'k'm] ouvecam personas 5
overdo (to) exagerar [$'d:] personas 5
partnership vida en comn ['p:tnp] paatnesip personas 5
peer par, igual [p] personas 5
pen pal amigo de correspondencia /'penpl/ personas
portrayal retrato, caracterizacin [p:'trel] personas 5
prevent from (to) prevenir de, evitar [pr'$ent] privnt personas 5
puberty pubertad ['p*:!t] pibeti personas 5
rave (to) delirar [re$] reif personas 5
rejection rechazo [r'd,ekn] personas 5
rely on (to) confiar en [r'la] rilai personas 5
Resemble (to) parecerse a [r'zem!l] rissmbol personas 5
riot disturbio ['rat] personas 5
run about (to) corretear, andar de un lado para otro personas 6
scold (to) regaar [skld] scould personas 6
Scold (to) Regaar [skld] Personas 6
scribble (to) garabatear ['skr!l] personas 6
self-esteem autoestima ['st:m] estiim personas 5
selft-doubt falta de confianza [self'dat] selfdaut personas 5
Settlement asentamiento ['setlmnt] Personas 6
shiver (to) tiritar, temblar ['$] siva personas 6
sidestep (to) esquivar ['sadstep] saistep personas 5
signature firma (manuscrita) ['s&nt] sgnicha personas 5
silhouette silueta [sl:'et] silut personas 5
sniff (to) oler (persona), olfatear (animal) [snf] personas 6
spit (to) escupir [spt] personas 5
stunt truco [st'nt] stant personas 5
suspect sospechoso ['s'spekt] sspekt personas
take to (to) coger cario a, tomar gusto a [tek] personas 5
Track (to) Seguirle la pista a Personas 6
Trait rasgo, caracterstica (personalidad) [tret] personas 6
tremble (to) temblar (nervios, emocin) ['trem!l] trembol personas 6
trust (to) confiar en [tr'st] trast personas 5
turn (to) cumplir (aos) [t%:n] tenn personas 5
Unwittingly Sin querer, sin darse cuenta ['n')tl] Personas 6
well-regarded bien considerado [r'&:did] personas 5
widower viudo [')d] gidoue personas
woman / women mujer / mujeres [')mn] [')mn] guoman / gimin personas
worship (to) adorar, venerar [')%:p] personas 5
youngster chico, jovencito ['*'st] llnste personas
anchovy anchoa ['nt$] nchovi pescado
bream besugo brim pescado
cod bacalao [k#d] cod pescado
hake merluza ["ek] jeik pescado
salmon salmn ['smn] smen pescado
sardine sardina [s:'d:n] saadin pescado
sole lenguado [sl] soul pescado
tuna atn ['t*:n] chuna pescado
crop cultivo, cosecha [kr#p] plantas 5
leaf (plural leaves) hoja [l:f] (plural [l:$z]) plantas
pest plaga [pest] plantas 5
plant planta [pl:nt] plantas
sunbathe (to) tomar el sol ['s'n!e0] sanbeid playa
sunbed cabina de rayos uva ['s'n!ed] sanbed playa 5
tan bronceado [tn] playa 5
boycott boicot ['!k#t] bicot poltica 5
campaign campaa [km'pen] poltica 6
EOI Laredo
freedom libertad ['fr:dm] fridom poltica 5
liberty libertad (concepto abstracto) ['l!t] lbeti poltica 5
regain (to) recobrar, recuperar [r'&en] riguein poltica 5
nner nterior, interno ['n] Posicin 6
upside down al revs, boca abajo /''psad/ posicin 5
other otro [''0] da pronombre
add up (to) sumar, tener lgica [d] pv 5
altogether totalmente [:lt'&e0] oltugueda pv
angle for (to)
estar a la caza de algo, andar detrs
de [' &l] ango pv 5
Apply to (to) Referirse a Pv 6
ask around (to) invitar a casa pv
ask out (to) invitar a alguien a salir pv
be bored with (to) estar aburrido de [!:d] bood pv 5
be prone (to) ser propenso [prn] proun pv 5
break down (to) averiarse, quedarse tirado pv
break in (to) forzar la entrada pv
break up (to) romper, terminar (relacin) pv
bring back (to) traer a la memoria pv
bring up (to) educar, plantear pv
brush aside (to) dejar de lado /!r'/ bros pv
bump into someone (to) tropezarse con alguien (encontrarse) [!'mp] pv
call off (to) desconvocar, suspender pv
calm down (to) calmarse, tranquilizarse pv
carry on (to) continuar, mantener ['kr] pv
catch up with sb (to) coger, alcanzar a alguien pv
chase up (to) averiguar /tes/ pv
check on (to) verle a alguien pv
check out (to)
registrar la salida, sacar (de una
biblioteca), verificar pv
chop up (to) picar, cortar en pedacitos [t#p] pv 6
clear up (to) esclarecer pv 5
come across (to) dar con pv
Come close to (to) Estar cerca de Pv 6
come down with (to) enfermar de pv 5
come into (to) heredar pv
come on (to) salir a escena pv
Come over (to) Venir (a visitar) Pv 6
come round (to) visitar, venir a casa, volver en si pv
come up against (to) enfrentarse a pv
come up with (to) proponer, ocurrirse (idea) pv
consist of (to) constar de /kn'sst/ pv
cope (with) (to) arreglarselas, hacer frente a [kp] coup pv 5
cut back (to) reducir (gastos), disminuir [k't] pv
cut down (to) reducir (gastos, consumo) pv
cut off (to) aislar, dejar sin comunicacin pv
cut out (to) recortar pv
do away with (to) eliminar, suprimir pv
do up (to) abrocharse, atarse pv
draw up (to) detenerse, parar [dr:] droo pv 5
drop off (to) entregar, dejar pv 5
drop out (to) abandonar pv
eat out (to) comer fuera de casa pv
essay redaccin, trabajo /'ese/ educacin
fall for (to) tragarse (una mentira) pv 5
feel like + ing (to) apetecer pv
Freak out (to)
Perder los papeles, ponerse
frentico [fr:k] Pv 6
get around (to) moverse (por un sitio) pv
EOI Laredo
get away with (to) librarse de pv
get by (to) arreglarselas, defenderse pv
get hold of (to) pillar, contactar pv 6
Get on (to) Hacerse viejo Pv 6
get out of (to) sacar de pv
get sth down tener algo bajo control, dominar pv 5
give away (to) revelar (un secreto) pv 5
give in (to) entregar, ceder pv
Give out (to) Repartir Pv 6
go about correr, circular (rumor.) pv
go off (to) sonar (alarma), explotar (fuegos art.) pv 5
go on (to) continuar, ocurrir pv
Go round to (to) Pasarse por Pv 6
go through (to) pasar por, experimentar pv
Hand in (to) Entregar (un trabajo) pv 6
have on sth / sth on(to) llevar (ropa) pv
have sb on (to) tomar el pelo a alguien pv
have sth on (to) tener previsto, acordado algo pv
Help out on (to) Ayudar, echar una mano en Pv 6
hide out (to) esconderse pv
hold on (to) agarrarse bien pv
jump out of (to) saltar de pv
keen on sb (to) tener cario [k:n] pv 5
keep on (to) continuar pv
knock down (to) derribar pv
knock over (to) atropellar pv
leave for (to) partir a, marcharse a pv
leave out (to) omitir pv
live off (to) vivir de pv
live up to (to) estar a la altura de pv 5
look down on (to) mirar con desprecio pv
look forward + ing (to) tener ganas de ['f:)d] fooget pv
look up to (to) admirar a, respetar a pv
make out (to) distinguir (un sonido) pv
make up (to) reconciliarse pv
make up for (to) recompensar pv 6
Make up for (to) Compensar Pv 6
Meet up (to) Encontrarse, reunirse (amigos) Pv 6
meet up with (to) reunirse, encontrarse pv
mess about (to) fastidiar pv
move back (to) regresar, volver pv
move in with sb (to) irse a vivir con alguien pv
pass away /on (to) fallecer Edad C1
play up (to) funcionar mal pv
plough into (to) estrellarse contra [pla] plao pv
point out (to) mostrar, sealar Pv 6
pull out (to) salir, arrancar (un coche) [pl] pv 5
pull up (to) parar, detener (un coche la polica) [pl] pv 5
put in (to) instalar, introducir pv
put off (to) aplazar pv
put out (to) sacar, publicar pv
put up (to) levantar pv
put up with (to) aguantar, soportar pv
ring back (to) volver a llamar pv
Roll over Desistir, entregarse Pv 6
rule out (to) descartar [r:l] ruul pv 5
sell out (to) agotar las existencias pv
send off (to) enviar, mandar pv
EOI Laredo
Set about doing sth (to) Ponerse a hacer algo Pv 6
Set out (to) Proponerse Pv 6
set up (to) montar, establecer pv
Sit around (to) Quedarse de brazos cruzados Pv 6
slip up (to) cometer un desliz pv 5
sort out (to) poner en orden, resolver pv
speed up (to) acelerar, darse prisa pv
start off (to)
empezar, comenzar (cuando hay
varias etapas en algo) pv 5
start out (to) iniciar, comenzar (vida, carrera) pv
stay in (to) quedarse en casa pv
swerve off (to) salir, virar bruscamente fuera de [s)%:$] pv
take after (to) parecerse a, salir a pv
take down (to) anotar pv
take off (to)
Quitarse (ropa), empezar a tener
xito pv
take over (to) apoderarse, absorber pv
take up (to)
empezar a hacer una actividad (un
deporte...), ocupar (espacio,tiempo) pv
tear down (to) derribar, desarmar pv
tell off (to) reir pv
try out (to) probar pv
turn away (to) negar la entrada, rechazar pv 5
turn over (to) volver, ver al dorso pv
turn up (to) acudir, presentarse (inesperado) pv
use up (to) agotar, gastar pv
walk away with
(person/object) to irse con (person/object) pv
watch out (to) tener cuidado pv
work out (to)
desarrollar, salir, resultar, entender,
encontrar, calcular pv
cutback recorte /'k't!k/
(blue) jeans vaqueros [d,:nz] ropa
belt cinturn [!elt] ropa
boot bota [!u:t] ropa
bracelet pulsera ['!reslt] breislet ropa
brand Marca (comida, ropa) [!rnd] brand ropa
casual de sport, informal (ropa) ['k ,*l] csuel ropa
clothing ropa ['kl0] cloudin ropa
coat abrigo cout ropa
colour scheme combinacin de colores ['k'l] [sk:m] cala ropa 5
cotton algodn ['k#tn] cton ropa
dress shirt camisa de vestir [%:t] seet ropa
dress up (to) vestirse elegantemente, disfrazarse ropa
earring pendiente ['r] irrin ropa
fleece chaqueta de lana [/:s] ropa 5
formal de etiqueta, formal ['f:ml] fomal ropa
garment prenda ['&:mnt] gament ropa
glove guante [&l'$] ropa
hard hat casco de seguridad ["t] jat ropa 6
hat sombrero ["t] jat ropa
high-heels tacones altos [":l] ropa
housecoat bata [kt] jauscout ropa
jacket chaqueta ['d,kt] yquit ropa
jewelry joyas ['d,:lr] llurri ropa
leather cuero ['le0] lda ropa
miniskirt minifalda ['mnsk%:t] miniesquet ropa
necklace collar ['nekls] neckles ropa
outfit conjunto ['atft] ropa
padding relleno ['pd] padin ropa 5
EOI Laredo
pants pantalones (us) calzoncillo [pnts] pents ropa
pattern estampado ['ptn] pten ropa
pyjamas / pajamas pijama [p'd,:mz] peyamez ropa
scarf bufanda [sk:f] scaf ropa
shirt camisa [%:t] seet ropa
shoe zapato [:] suu ropa
shorts pantalones cortos [:ts] soots ropa
silk seda [slk] ropa
skin-tight muy ceido o ajustado ['skntat] ropa 5
slipper zapatilla ['slp] slipa ropa
sneakers zapatillas de deporte ['sn:kz] snkez ropa
sock calcetn [s#k] ropa
stain mancha [sten] ropa 5
stocking media ['st#k] ropa
strap correa [strp] ropa
stripe raya [strap] ropa
suit (to) traje, sentar bien, ajustar [s:t] suut ropa
sweater jersey ['s)et] szueta ropa
tights panty, medias [tat] ropa 5
tissue pauelo de papel ['t:] tsu ropa 5
towel toalla ['tal] tuel ropa
trousers pantaln, pantalones ['trazz] trauses ropa
t-shirt camiseta ['t:%:t] tseet ropa
wedding dress/gown traje de novia ropa
wool lana [)l] guol ropa
worn-out gastado, rado ['):nat] ropa 5
antibiotic antibitico [nt!a'#tk] anti-baitic salud 6
as deaf as a post sordo como una tapia (equivalente) [def] salud 5
as fit as a fiddle rebosante de salud ['fdl] fidol salud 5
asthma asma ['sm] salud 6
bandage venda ['!ndd,] bendich salud 6
blind ciego [!land] salud 5
blister ampolla ['!lst] blista salud 5
bruise moratn, cardenal [!r:z] bruuz salud 6
cold resfriado kld salud 6
cremate (to) incinerar [kr'met] crimit salud 5
cure cura [k*] kiua salud 5
damage your health (to) daar tu salud ['dmd,] dmich salud 5
deaf sordo [def] def salud 5
discharge from hospital
(to) dar de alta del hospital [ds't:d,] dischach salud 5
dose dosis [ds] dous salud 5
dumb mudo [d'm] dam salud 5
first aid primeros auxilios [ed] eid salud 5
flu gripe [/:] salud 6
food poisoning intoxicacin alimentaria salud 6
get over (to) recuperarse salud 5
gp mdico de cabecera salud 6
hard of hearing duro de oido salud 5
in plaster escayolado ['pl:st] salud 6
insomniac insomne [n's#mnk] salud 5
mute mudo ['m*:t] miut salud 5
national health service la seguridad social (equivalente) salud 5
pill pastilla, pldora [pl] salud 6
prevention prevencin [pr'$enn] prevnson salud 5
prone to (to) propenso a [prn] salud 5
rash sarpullido [r ] ras salud 5
rub (to) frotar, restregar [r'!] salud 6
EOI Laredo
run down (to) Agotarse (pila) salud 5
scan escner [skn] salud 6
shake like a leaf (to) temblar como un flan (equivalente) [l:f] salud 5
sleepwalker sonmbulo ['sl:p):k] salud 5
specialist mdico especialista ['spelst] salud 6
stitch punto de sutura [stt] salud 6
stretcher camilla ['stret] strecha salud 5
surgeon cirujano ['s%:d,n] seedyon salud 6
the spirit is willing but the
flesh is weak
el espritu es fuerte pero la carne
dbil salud 5
ward sala (de un hospital) [):d] salud 5
x-ray rayos x [eks're] salud 6
sight vista sentido
sighting observacin, avistamiento sentido 5
Hatred Odio ['"etrd] sentimientos 6
above encima de, sobre, arriba ['!'$] ebov situacin
adjoining colindante, contiguo ['d,n] edyoinin situacin
among Entre (tres o ms) ['m'91st2] emn situacin
aside al lado ['sad] esaid situacin
behind detrs de [!'"and] bejaind situacin
below side parte de abajo [!'l] situacin
beside al lado, junto a [!'sad] bisid situacin
beyond ms alla [!'*#nd] situacin 6
By Al lado de, junto a Situacin
horizontal horizontal ["#r'z#ntl] jorisntal situacin
nowhere ningn sitio situacin
outer exterior, externo ['at] ater situacin
sideward lateralmente -sad)d] saidwed situacin
sideway de lado ['sadwe] sageiz situacin
underneath debajo de ['nd'n:3] andeniz situacin
upper side parte de arriba [''p] situacin
vertical vertical ['$%:tkl] vrticol situacin
within dentro de situacin
mishap percance, contratiempo ['ms"p] msap suceso 5
enormous enorme ['n:ms] inmos tamao
giant gigante ['d,ant] yaiant tamao
great grande greit tamao
huge enorme ["*:d,] jiuuch tamao
large grande, extenso, amplio [l:d,] laach tamao
Length Longitud, largo [le3] lenz tamao
lump trozo, pedazo [l'mp] lamp tamao
Massive Enorme (tarea, descuento) ['ms$] Tamao 6
measure (to) medir ['me,] meessa tamao 5
medium medio ['m:d*m] midiom tamao
short bajo [:t] soot tamao
tall alto (talla) [t:l] tool tamao
thick grueso, denso [3k] zik tamao
thin flaco [3n] tamao
tight ajustado, estrecho [tat] tamao
tiny pequeito, diminuto tini tamao
vast inmenso, enorme [$:st] tamao 6
wide ancho guaid tamao
worldwide mundial /')%(rld')ad / gelguid tamao
call (back) / phone (to) llamar (volver a llamar) telfono
charge (to) cargar (batera) [t:d,] chaach telfono
dial (to) marcar (telfono) ['dal] telfono
Directory enquiries nformacin telefnica
[n'k)ar] Telfono 6
EOI Laredo
get through to (to) comunicar con (por telfono) telfono
give a call (to) hacer una llamada telfono
hands free manos libres telfono
hang up (to) colgar telfono
Landline Linea fija (telfono) Telfono 6
Missed call Llamada perdida Telfono 6
Pay phone Telfono pblico Telfono 6
put through (to) poner con alguien , pasar telfono
ring tone tono de timbre telfono
Send / text a message (to) mandar un mensaje (de texto) ['mesd,] msich telfono
Speak up (to) Hablar ms fuerte Telfono 6
speed dialing marcacin rpida, abreviada telfono
switch off (to) apagar telfono
the lines engaged / busy comunica, linea ocupada ['!z] bsi telfono
top up (to) recargar el mvil (saldo) telfono
voice mail buzn de voz [$s] telfono
sitcom comedia de situacin ['stk#m] televisin
slimy viscoso ['slam] textura 5
at the time en ese momento (entonces) tiempo 5
blizzard ventisca, tormenta de nieve ['!lzd] tiempo 6
bolt of lightning relmpago, rayo [!lt] boult tiempo 5
during durante ['d*r] llurin tiempo
Eve Vspera [:$] Tiempo 6
For up to Por hasta Tiempo 6
fortnight quincena ['f:tnat] fornait tiempo
Hindsight A posteriori ['"andsat] Tiempo 6
never, ever nunca, jamas tiempo 5
never-ending sin fin, interminable [ne$r'end] tiempo 5
prior antes de, previo ['pra] praia tiempo 5
short-lived efmero [:t'l$d] tiempo 5
temperature temperature tmprecha tiempo
entertainment entretenimiento /ent'tenmnt/ entetement tiempo libre
aplicant solicitante ['plknt] trabajo
be dismissed (to) ser despedido (formal) [ds'mst] trabajo 5
be fired (to) ser despedido (informal) trabajo 5
be made redundant (to)
ser despedido por reduccin de
plantilla (formal) [r'd'ndnt] ridndant trabajo 5
Be off sick (to) Esta de baja (por enfermedad) Trabajo 6
be off work (to) estar sin trabajar (permiso, baja.) trabajo 6
be sacked (to) ser despedido (informal) trabajo 5
blow (to) echar a perder, desperdiciar trabajo 5
bouncer gorila (portero de discoteca) ['!ans] bunsa trabajo 5
bricklayer albail ['!rkle] brikleia trabajo
bucket cubo ['!'kt] bquet trabajo
builder albail (obrero), constructor ['!ld] bilder trabajo
career profesin, carrera profesional [k'r] kerre trabajo 6
caretaker portero (colegio, casa) -'ketek. qurteiker trabajo
challenging job trabajo estimulante ['tlnd,] trabajo 6
civil servant funcionario ['s$l]['s%:$nt] sevent trabajo
colleague colega ['k#l:&] coliig trabajo
consultant asesor [kn's'ltnt] conslten trabajo
contract contrato ['k#ntrkt] cntract trabajo
courier mensajero ['kr] cria trabajo 5
deadline fecha tope o lmite ['dedlan] trabajo
demanding job trabajo exigente [d'm:nd] trabajo 6
dismiss (to) despedir, destituir [ds'ms] trabajo 5
diy (do it yourself) bricolaje [d:a')a] trabajo
downside inconveniente ['dansad] trabajo 6
EOI Laredo
drawback inconveniente trabajo
employee empleado [empl':] emploi trabajo
employer empleador, patrn [m'pl] trabajo
entrepreneur empresario [#ntrpr'n%:] ontrepren trabajo
experience experiencia [k'sprns] iksperiens trabajo
experienced experimentado [k'sprnst] iksprienst trabajo
felow compaero ['fel] flou trabajo
fire (to) echar del trabajo ['fa] faia trabajo 5
flextime / flexitime horario flexible /'/ekstam/ trabajo 5
full-time a tiempo completo trabajo
gear herramientas, equipo [&] gua trabajo
guitarist guitarrista [&'t:rst] trabajo
hairdresser peluquero ['"edres] jdreser trabajo
hunter cazador ['"'nt] jnter trabajo
in charge of a cargo de [t:d,] chaach trabajo
increase incremento, subida ['nkr:s] ncriis trabajo
increase (to) subir, aumentar [n'kr:s] incris trabajo
inventor inventor [n'$ent] trabajo
judge (to) juzgar, juez [d,'d,] yach trabajo
lawyer abogado ['l:je] trabajo
lay off (to) despedir [le] trabajo 5
liaise (to) actuar de enlace /li'ez/ lieiz trabajo 5
line manager encargado trabajo 6
maid criada, camarera [med] trabajo 5
make sb redundant (to) despedir a alguien [r'd'ndnt] ridondant trabajo 5
mp (member of parliament) diputado [em'p:] trabajo
musician msico [m*:'zn] miussian trabajo
newsreader locutor trabajo
outcry protesta ['atkra] trabajo
oversee (to) supervisar [$'s:] ouvesi trabajo 5
overtime horas extras ['$tam] trabajo
part-time tiempo parcial [p:t'tam] trabajo
pay rise aumento de sueldo trabajo
paycheck nmina, sueldo trabajo
perk extra, ventaja [p%:k] pek trabajo
permanent fijo ['p%:mnnt] pemanent trabajo
photographer fotgrafo [f't#&rf] fotgrafa trabajo
playwright dramaturgo ['plerat] trabajo 6
plumber fontanero ['pl'm] plma trabajo
pointless vano, intil ['pntls] trabajo 5
politician poltico [p#l'tn] trabajo
position puesto [p'zn] posson trabajo
presenter presentador -pr'zent. prisnta trabajo
priest cura, parroco /pri(st/ trabajo
profession profesion (ocupacin) [pr'fen] trabajo 6
promote (to) ascender, promocionar [pr'mt] promout trabajo
prospect perspectiva ['pr#spekt] trabajo 6
protest protesta ['prtest] protest trabajo
protest against (to) protestar contra [pr'test] protst trabajo
qualification cualificacin, capacidad [k)#lf'ken] cualifiqueison trabajo
ranch hand pen del campo [r:nt] trabajo 5
rehearsal ensayo [r'"%:sl] rijsal trabajo 6
rep representante, agente [rep] trabajo
reporter reportero [r'p:t] trabajo
rescue worker socorrista, rescatador ['resk*:] resquiu trabajo 5
resign (to) dimitir, renunciar [r'zan] risain trabajo
retire (to) jubilarse, retirarse [r'ta] ritie trabajo
retirement retiro, jubilacin [r'tamnt] ritiment trabajo
reuse (to) volver a usar /'ri('*u(z/ rijuz trabajo 5
EOI Laredo
running mate candidato a la vicepresidencia trabajo
sack (to) echar del trabajo [sk] trabajo 5
salary sueldo, salario (pago mensual) ['sler] sleri trabajo 6
sales rep representante (comercial) trabajo 5
seek out (to) salir en busca de [s:k] trabajo 5
self-employed autnomo [selfm'pld] trabajo
shift turno [ft] trabajo
shopkeeper tendero ['#pk:p] trabajo
staff turnover
rotacin de personal (dentro/fuera de
la empresa) trabajo 6
stuntman especialista (cine) [stntmen] stantman trabajo
teamwork trabajo en equipo ['t:m)%:k] trabajo
temporally eventual, provisional ['temprr] trabajo
track down(to) localizar [trk] trabajo 5
trade union sindicato, gremio [tred] chreid trabajo
traffic warden controlador de estacionamiento ['):dn] guorden trabajo 5
training course curso de capacitacin ['tren] [k:s] trabajo
training experience prcticas hechas trabajo
tycoon magnate /ta'ku(n/ taicun trabajo
unemployed desempleado ['nm'pld] trabajo
union sindicato ['*:n*n] inion trabajo
voluntary voluntario, de beneficencia ['$#lntr] vlunteri trabajo 6
wage sueldo, salario (pago semanal) [wed,] geich trabajo 6
walk out (to) ir a la huelga trabajo
warden guardian ['):dn] gdn trabajo
willpower fuerza de voluntad [')lpa] gilpaua trabajo 5
work station puesto de trabajo trabajo 5
working hours horas de trabajo trabajo
work-related relacionado con el trabajo [r'letd] trabajo 5
visa visado '$:z] viisa tranporte
(suit)case maleta ['s*:tkes] stqueis transporte
across al otro lado, a travs de ['kr#s] transporte
air hostess azafata (termino en desuso) ['"sts] transporte
aisle pasillo (tren, avin, iglesia, super) [al] ael transporte
baggage reclaim recogida de equipajes ['!&d,] transporte
bike bicicleta transporte
boarding embarque ['!:d] transporte
boarding card/pass tarjeta de embarque transporte
boat barco [!t] bout transporte
border frontera ['!:d] boda transporte
buffet bar, cafeteria (en estacin de tren) ['!fe] bufei transporte
bumper to bumper en caravana (coches) ['!'mp] bamper transporte
bus autobs (ciudad) [!'s] bas transporte
bystander Expectador ( mirn, testigo) ['!astnd] transporte
cabin camarote ['k!n] cbin transporte
camp-site camping [sat] transporte
cancel for (to) cancelar, anular por ['knsl] cnsel transporte
car park parking transporte
carriage vagn ['krd,] carrich transporte
case maleta [kes] transporte
chairlift telesilla transporte
check in (to) registrarse (hotel), facturar (equipaje) transporte
coach autocar [kt] couch transporte
conductor cobrador, revisor [kn'd'kt] condctor transporte
corner esquina ['k:n] cona transporte
corridor pasillo (escuela, oficina) ['k#rd:] crrido transporte
crash choque [kr ] croas transporte
crossing travesa a travs del oceano ['kr#s] transporte
cut out (to) calarse un motor transporte
cycle lane carril bici transporte
EOI Laredo
deck Cubierta (de un barco) [dek] transporte
declare (to) declarar [d'kle] dicl transporte
departure gate puerta de embarque [d'p:t] dipche transporte
departure launge sala de embarque [d'p:t][land,] dipche launch transporte
destination destino [dest'nen] destineison transporte
Dismount from (to) Desmontarse, apearse de [ds'mant] Transporte 6
divert (to) desviar /d'$%(rt/ divrt transporte
drive paseo en coche [dra$] transporte
eat up (to) consumir (gasolina) transporte
engine motor ['end,n] nllin transporte
expedition expedicin [eksp'dn] ekspidison transporte
fast lane carril rpido [len] transporte
fasten (to) abrocharse, atar ['f:sn] fasen transporte
flight attendant asistente de vuelo (trmino en boga) ['tendnt] transporte
float carroza [/t] flout transporte
freeway autopista (usa) ['fr:)e] transporte
fuel combustible ['f*l] fiol transporte
garage gasolinera, taller mecnico garech transporte
gasoline gasolina ['&sl:n] gsolin transporte
entrada (campo ftbol), puerta
(metal) [&et] transporte
get off (to) bajarse, apearse transporte
get on (to) subir a bordo transporte
go across (to) atravesar transporte
go past (to) pasar transporte
harbour puerto ['":!] jba transporte
head for (to) dirigirse hacia ["ed] jet transporte 5
Heavy good vehicle
Vehiculo pesado (camin
mercancias) ['$:kl] Transporte 6
helmet casco ['"elmt] jlmet transporte
hire (to) alquilar (coche, aparato) jaia transporte
hitch (to) hacer autostop ["t] transporte
hitch-hiker autoestopista, mochilero ['"t"ak] jchjaiker transporte
hood cap ["d] jud transporte
horn bocina jon transporte
identity card carnet de identidad [a'dentt] aidntiti transporte
inline skate patn en lnea [sket] transporte
intersection cruce (de carreteras) [nt'sekn] intesekson transporte
itinerary itinerario [a'tnrr] aitnrari transporte
journey viaje ['d,%:n] lleni transporte
land (to) aterrizar transporte
lane carril, camino [len] transporte
lay-by rea de descanso ['le!a] transporte
lorry camin (uk) ['l#r] transporte
luggage equipaje ['l'&d,] lguich transporte
luggage trolley portaequipajes ['l'&d,] transporte
motor motor ['mt] mota transporte
motor home caravana (de camping) transporte
motorbike motocicleta transporte
motorway autopista ['mt)e] motogei transporte
out of gas sin gasolina [&s] gas transporte
overseas extranjero, al extranjero [$'s:z] transporte
package tour viaje organizado ['pkd,] pakich transporte
parking space sitio para aparcar transporte
passenger pasajero ['psnd,] psenller transporte
passport pasaporte ['p:sp:t] paspoot transporte
pathway camino, sendero ['p:3)e] transporte
pedestrian area zona peatonal [p'destrn] transporte
petrol station gasolinera transporte
EOI Laredo
pick up (to) recoger transporte
pile-up choque mltiple ['pal'p] transporte
platform andn ['pltf:m] pltfom transporte
pollution contaminacin [p'l:n] polson transporte
Pothole Bache ['p#t"l] Transporte 6
power steering direccin asistida ['pa] paue transporte
public transport transporte pblico ['p'!lk] pblik transporte
pull over (to)
hacer parar (por la polica),
detenerse (en el arcn) [pl] transporte
quay muelle /ki(/ kii transporte
railway station estacin de tren transporte
rear-view mirror retrovisor (coche) transporte
return ticket billete de ida y vuelta transporte
ride paseo [rad] transporte
road works zona de obras (carretera) transporte
roundabout rotonda transporte
runway Pista (aeropuerto) ['r'n)e] transporte
rush hour hora punta ['r'a] transporte
sail on (to) navegar [sel] transporte
schedule horario ['ed*:l] sdllull transporte
scooter vespa ['sk:t] transporte
seasick mareado ['s:sk] transporte
seat belt cinturn seguridad transporte
set off (to) partir transporte
sightsee (to) visitar lugares de inters transporte
sightseeing Turismo (to go.) hacer turismo ['satsi] transporte
sign seal, letrero [san] transporte
spare wheel rueda de repuesto [spe] [):l] spee gil transporte
speed limit lmite de velocidad transporte
speedboat lancha motora ['sp:d!t] transporte
start the car (to) arrancar el coche transporte
steering wheel volante ['str] [):l] stirin gil transporte
stewardress azafata ['st*ds] stiuades transporte
stopover escala, parada ['st#p$] transporte
stroller cochecito ['strl] strler transporte
submarine submarino ['s'!mr:n] sbmarin transporte
suitcase maleta ['s*:tkes] stkeis transporte
take off (to) despegar transporte
taxi rank parada de taxis transporte
the tube el metro [t*:!] transporte
ticket office taquilla, ventanilla transporte
tour recorrido turstico [t] tua transporte
tourism turismo ['trzm] trisem transporte
track camin (usa) [tr'k] track transporte
traffic jam atasco transporte
traffic lights semforos transporte
tram tranva transporte
tunnel tunel ['t'nl] tnel transporte
turn off (to) salir, dejar (una carretera) transporte
tyre neumtico [ta] taie transporte
underground metro, subterraneo, bajo tierra [''nd&rand] andegraund transporte
van furgoneta [$n] transporte
vehicle vehculo ['$:kl] vicol transporte
voyage travesa en barco ['$d,] voiech transporte
wheelchair silla de ruedas ['):lte] giilcher transporte
windshield parabrisas [')nd:ld] transporte
wreckage restos (avin, barco), ruinas ['rekd,] rquich transporte
roving ambulante, errante ['r$] rouvin viajar 5
cut short (to) acortar, interrumpir viajes 6
outing excursin ['at] excursin viajes 6
EOI Laredo
a good example un buen ejemplo [&'z:mpl] igsampo
a piece of advice un consejo [d'$as] edvais
abroad en el extranjero ['!r:d] ebrod
accurate exacto, preciso, correcto ['k*rt] quiurit
achive (to) conseguir, alcanzar ['t:$] echif
advantage ventaja [d'$:ntd,] edvntich
advert anuncio ['d$%:t]
afterwards despus, ms tarde [':ft)dz] ftegez
age gap diferencia de edad
ageing Viejo, envejecido ['ed,] Edad C1
agree (to) estar de acuerdo ['&r:] egrii
agreement acuerdo ['&r:mnt] egriment
aid ayuda, auxilio [ed]
aim propsito (objetivo) [em]
alibi coartada ['l!a] alibai
all through
allow (to) permitir ['la] alaut
aloud en voz alta ['lad]
although aunque [:l'0] udou
amazement asombro, sorpresa ['mezmnt]
amazing asombroso, extraordinario ['mez] ameisin
ancient antiguo ['ennt] einsent
anger enfado, ira [' &] ngue
annoy (to) molestar ['n] eni
appearance apariencia, aspecto ['prns] epirens
apply for (to) solicitar (trabajo, informacin) ['pla]
area rea ['er] eria
arrangements preparativos ['rend,mnt] errinchment
ash ceniza
ashamed avergonzado ['emd] eseind
ask about (to)
preguntar por (para pedir
ask for (to) pedir algo (ayuda, dinero)
attach (to) adjuntar ['tt] etach
attack on (to) atacar contra ['tk]
attend (to) asistir a ['tend]
attendence asistencia ['tendns] etndens
attract (to) atraer ['trkt] etrkt
auction subasta [':kn] ksion
available disponible ['$el!l] abilebol
avenger vengador \-venj\ avenller
average media ['$rd,] verich
awful horrible [':fl] oofo
background fondo (de una escena) ['!k&rand]
backing acompaamiento ['!k]
backstage bastidores [!k'sted,]
backyard patio trasero [!k'*:d] backlloord
balance (to) mantener el equilibrio ['!lns] balans
balloon globo, bocadillo ( en un dibujo) [!'lu:n] balun
ban (to) prohibir [!n] baan
ban from (to) excluir de
bare desnudo [!e] bee
be about to (to) estar a punto de
be aware (to) ser consciente [')e] ege
EOI Laredo
be better at.(to) ser mejor (en algo)
be set (to) estar ambientada (pelcula)
beg (to) rogar [!e&]
behave (to) comportarse [!'"e$] bijeiv
bell timbre, campana [!el]
belongings pertenencias
bend curva
bend over (to) inclinarse
bite (to) morder
bitter amargado, rencoroso ['!t]
blame (to) echar la culpa [!lem]
blazing resplandeciente
blind persiana, cortina (plstico) [!land] blaind
blind (to) cegar blaind
blow out (to) soplar, apagar
blow the horn (to) tocar el claxon
blurb nota publicitaria en tapa de libro \blrb\ blorb
blurry borroso \blr-\ blerri
board tabla [!:d]
bonfire fogata, hoguera
bookcase estantera, librera ['!kkes]
bookshelf estante ['!kelf]
booth cabina [!u:0, !u:3] buuz
both ambos [!3] bouz
bowl tazn [!l] boul
brazalet pulsera ['!reslt] breislet
breathtaking impresionante ['!re3tek]
brilliantly con brillantez
brochure folleto ['!r*] brose
broken-down averiado
brush cepillo, brocha [!r'] bras
brush (to) cepillar [!r'] brash
bunch ramo [!'nt] banch
burning en llamas ['!%:n] barnin
burst into (to) irrumpir en [!%:st] baast
bury (to) enterrar ['!er] vri
campaigner defensor [km'pen] campiner
canteen comedor [kn't:n] cantin
card tarjeta [k:d]
cargo carga, cargamento ['k:&] cago
carnival carnaval /'k(rn$l / krnivol
carol villancico ['krl]
catch inconveniente, pega [kt] cach
catch up (to) ponerse al da, recuperarse [kt] catch
cause motivo [k:z] koos
ceiling techo ['s:l] silin
cementery cementerio ['semtr] semetri
centenarian centenario (edad) sentenrian
chain store tienda de una cadena comercial [ten] chein
challenge desafo ['tlnd,] chlench
chariot carro ['trt] chriot
charity organizacin benfica ['trt] chriti
chase (to) perseguir, cazar [tes]
chat charlar [tt] chat
cheat on(to) engaar, hacer trampa, saltar chit
check (to) comprobar [tek]
EOI Laredo
checkpoint puesto de control ['tekpnt]
childhood infancia, niez chiljud
choice eleccin, opcin [ts] chois
chorus coro, estribillo ['k:rs] cros
chunk cacho, pedazo [t'k]
circus circo ['s%:ks]
clause oracin [kl:z] clooz
click (to) congeniar [klk]
cliff acantilado [klf]
climate clima /'klamt / climet
climb down (to) descender
clue pista, clave [kl:] cluu
come on (to) progresar, comenzar (lluvia)
come on in (to) entrar
come out (to) salir, lanzarse (un producto)
comeback regreso
comfort comodidad ['k'mft] cnfot
commentator comentarista ['k#mntet] cmenteiter
commit (to) cometer [k'mt]
community centre centro social
compulsory obligatorio km'p'lsr] complsori
concert concierto ['k#nst] cnset
connect (to) unir. conectar [k'nekt] conct
contestant concursante, competidor [kn'testnt] contstant
continue to do sth (to) continuar [kn'tn*:] contniuu
control control [kn'trl] contrul
convenience facilidad [kn'$:nns] convinions
convenient conveniente, prctico [kn'$:nnt] convniont
cool fresco, guay [k:l] cuul
cop poli (polica en general) [k#p]
cosy acogedor ['kz] couzi
count (to) contar [kant]
countryside campo cantrisaid
court tribunal, juzgado [k:t] coot
cover tapa, cubierta, portada (libro) ['k'$] cva
cover-up encubrimiento ['k'$r'p]
crash into (to) chocar contra [kr ]
crave (to) ansiar creiv
crayon lpiz de colores ['kre#n]
criticize (to) criticar crtisaiz
cross cruz
cross (to) cruzar [kr#s]
crush (to) aplastar [kr'] cras
culture cultura ['k'lt] clcha
current actual ['k'rnt] crrent
currently actualmente ['k'rntl] crentli
cute mono, lindo [k*:t] kiuut
cutlery cubertera ctleri?
dark oscuro daak
darkness oscuridad ['d:kns] daknes
date cita, fecha, compromiso [det]
daydream (to) soar despierto, fantasear /'dedri(m/
deal trato, acuerdo [d:l] diil
dealer comerciante, traficante ['d:l] diler
defeat (to) derrotar, vencer [d'f:t] difit
definitely sin duda ['defntl]
EOI Laredo
delight dosis
delighted encantado [d'latd]
deliver (to) rescatar, liberar, entregar [d'l$] dilba
deliver (to) repartir [d'l$] dilva
demanding exigente dimaanding
depend on (to) contar con, tener confianza [d'pend]
deserve (to) merecerse [d'z%:$] diseev
develop (to) contraer, desarrollar dvelop
diary diario, agenda ['dar]
difficult difcil dficolt
difficult dificil ['dfklt] dficolt
dig (to) cavar, excavar [d&]
disadvantages desventaja, inconveniente dise-vantich
disagree (to) no estar de acuerdo [ds'&r:]
disappear (to) desaparecer [ds'p] disapa
disappointed decepcionado [ds'pntd]
disbelief incredulidad
disdain desdn disdn
disease enfermedad [d'z:z] disz
documentary documental [d#kj'ment6r] dckiumentari
downfall cada
downtown del centro (de la ciudad) [dan'tan]
dozen docena ['d'zn] dsen
drain sumidero, desage /dren/
drawing dibujo 'dr:] drooin
drinker bebedor [drk]
drive off (to) irse, alejarse (en coche)
drop gota
dropout abandono
drug medicamento, droga [dr'&]
drunkard borracho ['dr'kd] drnked
dry seco [dra]
dull desafilado [d'l] dol
dusty polvoriento ['d'st]
eager ansioso, deseoso [':&] iga C1
easel caballete [':zl]
edge borde [ed,] ech
education educacin (de la escuela)
effort esfuerzo ['eft] fot
either cualquiera (de los dos) ['a0, ':0] aide
embarrasse (to) avergonzar imbras
enable (to) permitir [n'e!l] eneibol
enclose (to) adjuntar (en un sobre) [n'klz] enclus
encourage (to) animar (a alguien a algo), fomentar [n'k'rd,] encorich
end up (to) terminar, acabar
ending final, desenlace ['end]
endless interminable /'endls / endles
engine motor nllin
enough suficiente ['n'f] inaf
enroll (to) matricularse, inscribirse [n'rl] enrol
entrance entrada (cuota) ['entrns] ntrens
environment ambiente, entorno [n'$arnmnt] invairement
event suceso, acontecimiento ivent
ever nunca, jams ['e$] eve
everlasting eterno [e$'l:st]
evidence pruebas, evidencia ['e$dns] videns
EOI Laredo
evil mal [':$l] vel
exchange (to) intercambiar [ks'tend,] ekscheinch
excitement emocin, excitacin [k'satmnt] iksitment
exorbitant desorbitatado, exagerado [&'z:!tnt]
expect (to) esperar, anticipar [k'spekt]
explanation explicacin [ekspl'nen] ekspleneison
explanation explicacin, aclaracin [ekspl'nen] ekspleneison
extra extra ['ekstr] kstra
eyesight vista ['asat]
face (to) mirar hacia, afrontar [fes]
facility instalacin [f'slt]
fail (to) fallar, suspender [fel]
failure fracaso ['fel*] filya
fall asleep (to) dormirse ['sl:p] esliip
fall off (to) caerse [f:l] fool
fall over (to) caerse
fame fame /fem/
fancy de fantasia ['fns]
fancy + ing (to) tener ganas de ['fns]
farmer granjero, agricultor ['f:m] fme
farmhouse granja ['f:m"as]
fate destino, sino [fet]
favor favor ['fe$] fiva
favour (to do a) favor (hacer un) ['fe$] feiva
fear temor fia
feature caracterstica, rasgo /'8(tr / fiiche cuerpo cc
fee tarifa, honorarios, entrada [f:]
feeling sensacin, sentimiento ['f:l]
fellow socio ['fel] felou
female mujer (sexo) ['f:mel] fimel
figures estadsticas, numeros ['f&] figa
fill (to) rellenar (un formulario) [fl]
filthy mugriento, indecente ['fl3] flzi
findings conclusiones ['fandz]
fireplace chimenea
fireworks fuegos artificiales ['fa)%:ks] faigooks
first name nombre de pila
fit (to) ser de la talla, encajar, caber
fit in with (to) adaptarse con
fix (to) fijar, sujetar, reparar [fks]
flash (to) destellar, proyectar [/ ]
flat piso (uk)
flee (to) huir de
flood inundacin [/'d] flad
flow flujo /// flu
foil lmina de metal, papel aluminio /fl/
fool tonto, idiota, loco [f:l] fuul
foolproof infalible ['f:lpr:f]
footpath sendero, camino
for instance por ejemplo ['nstns] nstans
forbid (to) prohibir [f'!d] forbiet
foreground primer plano
form (to) formar, /f(rm / fonm
former anterior, antiguo ['f:m] foma C1
fortunate afortunado ['f:tnt]
frantic frentico ['frntk] frentic
EOI Laredo
free (to) dejar en libertad, liberar [fr:]
french francs [frent] french
friendliness amabilidad, simpata ['frendlns]
fulfil (to) llenar, colmar, satisfacer
funny raro, curioso ['f'n]
future futuro ficha
gang banda, pandilla [& ]
gap brecha, hueco
gap year
ao libre (tras fin estudios
gather (to) reunirse /'&0r / gder
genre gnero [',:nr] llnra
gentle suave, ligero ['d,entl] yntel
gently con cuidado, suavemente
get engaged prometerse (para casarse) [n'&ed,d] engeich
get rid of (to) deshacerse de [rd]
get to know (to) llegar a conocer
getaway huida ['&et)e]
give up (to) dejar
go up (to) subir
goal meta, objetivo [&l] goul
goddess diosa /'&(ds /
goodness bondad ['&dns]
gossip cotilleo ['&#sp] gsip
gossip (to) cotillear ['&#sp] gsip
grab (to) agarrarse [&r!]
grass hierba, cesped
grass sopln [&r:s]
graveyard cementerio ['&re$*:d]
greet (to) saludar [&r:t]
grip (to) agarrar /&rp/
grow out of (to) perder una costumbre
grunt gruido [&r'nt]
guess (to) adivinar [&es] gues
haircut corte de pelo
half mitad, medio ":f] jaf
handle manilla, tirador ['"ndl] jandol
handling gestin
handwriting letra (a mano) ['"ndrat]
hang (to) colgar, sujetar [" ] jan
hang on (to) esperar [" ] jaan
hang out (to) pasar el tiempo (entretenerse)
hang out at (to) pasar el tiempo en
hanging ahorcamiento ['" ]
hangover resaca ['" $] jnouver
happiness felicidad jpiness
hardly apenas, casi no
harm dao [":m] jaam
harvest cosecha /'"(r$st /
heart-shaped con forma de corazn [":t'ept]
heart-stopping vertiginoso
hectic agitado, frentico (estilo vida) ['"ektk] jektik
height altura ["at] jait
hell infierno ["el] jel
helplessly inutilmente, en vano
hence de ah, por tanto ["ens]
EOI Laredo
hideaway escondite (h jaidegei
hide-out escondrijo, guarida
highlight (to) destacar, realzar ['"alat] jilait
high-tech alta tecnologa ['"a'tek] jaitk
hike subida ["ak] jaik
hiking senderismo ["akin&]
hit golpe jit
hold (to) celebrar, llevar, tener
hold back (to) contener, retener
hold on agarre
hold tight (to) agarrar (fuerte)
hold up (to) sostener, aguantar
honeymoon luna de miel ['"'nm:n]
horrible horrible, infame ['"#r!l] jorribo
hot caliente, bueno ["#t] jot
house (to) alojar
house-sit (to)
cuidar (viviendo) una casa de
housewife ama de casa ['"as)af]
hug abrazo ["'&] jag
hunger hambre ['"'&] jngue
hungry hambriento ['"'&r] jngri
hurt lesionado jeet
im starving me muero de hambre
ideal ideal [a'dl] aidil
identity parade rueda de identificacion
[p'red] aidentiti pereid
if si, en caso de
illness enfermedad ['lns] lnes
ill-treat (to) maltratar [l'tr:t]
ill-treat (to) maltratar [l'tr:t]
impressive impresionante [m'pres$]
in a mess desordenado, revuelto
in advance por adelantado
in bare feet con pies descalzos [!e]
in charge a cargo
in disgrace en desgracia in disgreis
infamous trstemente clebre infeimos
ink tinta
insurance company compaia de seguros [n'rns] insrans
intend to (to) tener la intencin de [n'tend]
intermediate intermedio [nt'm:dt] intrmidiot
international internacional intnasno
into en, a, con (en movimiento) ['nt:] ntu
introduce (to) presentar intro-juus
isolate (to) aislar aisoleit
isolated aislado, apartado, slo ['asletd] isoleitid
itch (to) picar (piel) [t]
item artculo (cosa) , asunto ['atm] aitem
jockey jinete ['d,#k]
join (to) juntar, unir [d,n] yoin
join the library (to) inscribirse en la biblioteca
judgment sentencia, fallo, opinin, criterio ['d,'d,mnt] llzment
keep (to) guardar, conservar, no dejar de [k:p]
kid sb (to) tomar el pelo a alguien [kd]
EOI Laredo
knot nudo [n#t] not
label (to) etiquetar ['le!l] libol
laptop [computer] [ordenador] portatil ['lpt#p]
laught (to) reir(se) lof
launch (to) lanzar, fundar (empresa, producto) [l:nt] lunch
lawn csped [l:n] loon
laziness pereza ['lezns]
lead (to) dirigir, conducir [l:d]
leaflet folleto ['l:/t] liiflet
lean (to) apoyarse, inclinarse [l:n]
leave on (to) dejar puesto, dejar encendido
lecture (to) dar clases ['lekt] lkche
led (to) conducir, dirigir [l:d] liid
left-handed zurdo [left'"ndd]
legally legalmente /'li(&li/ lgaly
leisure ocio, tiempo libre ['le,] lexa
letter carta ['let] lte
life vida [laf] n pl lives [la$z]" laif
lightning relmpago ['latn]
likely probable ['lakl] likli
link (to) unir. vincular [lk]
list (to) enumerar, hacer una lista de [lst]
litter basura ['lt] lite
live en vivo, en directo [la$]
live (to) vivir liv
live (to) vivir [l$] liv
local vecino de una localidad ['lkl] lucol
log (to) registrar [l#&]
look up (to) buscar, alzar la vista
looking aspecto
loose suelto, holgado [l:s] luus
lose (to) perder [l:z] luuz
loud fuerte (ruido), alto (voz, msica) lud
lounly slo, solitario ['lnl] lonly
lovable adorable, encantador ['l'$!l] lvebol
lovely preciosa, encantadora
madness locura ['mdns]
magnet imn ['m&nt] mgnet
major grande, muy relevante
make marca [mek]
make out (to) entender
make sure asegurar
male varn [mel]
manage (to) dirigir, manejar ['mnd,] mnich
manner forma, manera, modo ['mn] mana
markings marca, huella
marry (to) casarse con (dos personas) ['mr] mrri
material materia [m'trl] metrial
matter asunto ['mt] mte
meet (to)
conocer, encontrarse con, reunirse
con [m:t]
melt (to) derretirse, fundirse [melt]
metal metal ['metl] mtal
mind (to)
querer decir, tener la intencin de,
querer [m:n]
misbehave (to) portarse mal [ms!'"e$]
EOI Laredo
miss the most (to) echar de menos (lo que ms)
mobile mvil 'm!l] moubail
mood humor, disposicin [m:d] muud
mountain montaa ['mantn] muntin
move (to) emocionar, conmover [m:$]
mud barro, lodo [m'd]
multiply (to) multiplicar ['m'ltpla] mlteplai
name after (to) llamar as por, llamar en honor de
nation nacin neison
nearby cercano [n'!a] niebai
necessity necesidad [n'sest]
necklace collar ['nekls] neckles
neither ninguno (de los dos) ['na0,'n:0] naide
nickname (to) apodar /'nknem/ nombres
nightmare pesadilla ['natme] nitme
nod (to) asentir con la cabeza
none nadie [n'n] nan
noun nombre, sustantivo [nan]
obey (to) obedecer
occasion acontecimiento equeison
odd raro, extrao [#d] od
off en (situacin)
offer oferta ['#f] fe
off-putting desagradable ['#fpt]
offset (to) compensar, contrarrestar [#f'set]
onlooker curioso, mirn, espectador
opt for (to) optar por [#pt]
ordinary normal, corriente, comn
orphan hurfano [':fn]
orphanage orfanato
out of breath sin aliento
outing excursion /'at/
outside afuera, exterior [at'sad] autsid
outstanding destacado, sobresaliente [at'stnd] autstndin
overlook (to9 tener vistas a
pacifier chupete

painting cuadro
parcel paquete ['p:sl] psel compras
particle partcula ['p:tkl] prticol
partly en parte paatli
pass on (to) fallecer
patch pequea parcela(de terreno) [pt]
patio patio ['pt] ptiou
peaceful tranquilo, pacfico ['p:sfl] pisfol
peak cima
peak, summit pico, cima (montaa) [p:k] ['s'mt] pik, smit
perform (to) actuar, interpretar [p'f:m] pfoom
peril peligro ['perl]
permission permiso [p'mn]
phrase frase [frez]
picture foto, cuadro, dibujo ['pkt] pkche
picturesque pintoresco [pkt'resk] pikchresk
piece trozo, pedazo [p:s] piis
pinch (to) pellizcar
pity lstima ['pt]
play a trick on (to) gastar una broma a
EOI Laredo
pleasure placer plessa
plume columna (humo)
pocket torch linterna de bolsillo ['p#kt] [t:t] pket torch
polish (to) limpiar ['p#l] plish
polite educado [p'lat] polait
politeness cortesa, educacin [p'latns] polatnes
pond estanque [p#nd] pond
pooh caca puuh
pool charco, estanque
population poblacin [p#p*'len] popiulison
postcard tarjeta postal ['pstk:d]
post-it nota adhesiva ['pstt]
poverty pobreza ['p#$t] pveti
prefer sth to sth (to) preferir una cosa a otra
pregnant embarazada prg-nant
pretend (to) fingir, aparentar [pr'tend]
printers imprenta
produce (to) presentar (un documento) proyiss
product producto ['pr#d'kt] prdact
proper adecuado prope
prove (to) probar pruus
pull (to) tirar de
pull back (to) retirar, descorrer
puncture pinchazo ['p'kt]
punish for (to) castigar por ['p'n] pnis
push around (to) llevar (en un carrito)
put a baby to bed (to) llevar a un nio a la cama
quick rpido [k)k] kuick
quiet a few bastantes
race (to) correr deprisa, competir [res]
rail barandilla [rel]
random (at) al azar ['rndm]
range gama, variedad [rend,] reinch
rape (to) violar [rep]
ready listo, preparado ['red] rdi
real real [rl] rial
rebuild (to) reconstruir [r:'!ld]
reckon (to) creer, pensar (coloquial) ['rekn] rcon
recognition reconocimiento recgnison
record archivo, documento (oficial) ['rek:d] rcood
reference referencia ['refrns] rfrens
reflect on (to) reflexionar sobre [r'/ekt]
refuse (to) rechazar, rehusar [r'f*:z] rifuuz
regard respeto, recuerdo, saludo rigtz
regret (to) arrepentirse de, lamentar [r'&ret]
relationship relaciones, parentesco rileisonsip
relax (to) relajarse [r'lks] rilks
release salida en libertad, al mercado [r'l:s]
relise (to) poner en venta, estrenar [r'l:s]
relive (to) revivir riliv
relocate (to) trasladarse 'ri(l'ket/ riloukeit
remaining restante [r'men]
remind sb to (to) recordarle a alguien algo [r'mand] rimaind
reminder aviso [r'mand]
renew (to) renovar [r'n*:]
reply contestacin, respuesta [r'pla] riplai
EOI Laredo
reported estilo indirecto [r'p:td]
request peticin, solicitud
request (to) pedir, solicitar [r'k)est] ricust
require (to) requerir [r'k)a] ricuia
research investigacin [r's%:t] risech
researcher investigador [r's%:t]
resort lugar de vacaciones [r'z:t] risoot
response respuesta [r'sp#ns] rspons
rest (to) descansar [rest]
restful relajante ['restfl]
result resultado rislt
resume (to) reanudar [r'z*:m] risim
retell (to) volver a contar ritel
reveal (to) revelar, mostrar [r'$:l]
ring anillo, sortija [r]
rival (to) rivalizar con ['ra$l]
role papel (funcin) [rl] rool
rough bravo (mar) [r'f]
round up (to) redondear (por arriba)
routine rutina [r:'t:n] rutin
row fila, hilera [r] rou
royalty realeza ['rlt] rialti
rubbish basura /'r'!/ rbis
rubbish bin cubo de la basura
rule regla, norma [r:l] ruul
rule (to) gobernar, administrar [r:l] ruul
rumour rumor ['r:m] ruuma
rumour / rumor (us) rumor ['r:m] rumor
run (to) dirigir (una empresa) [r'n]
run out (to) agotarse, quedarse sin
rush (to) darse prisa, apresurarse [r']
sack saco [sk]
sail vela (barco) [sel]
sale venta [sel]
saw sierra [s:] soo
saying refrn, dicho ['se]
scary de miedo ['sker] esqueeri
scenery paisaje, escenario ['s:nr] snari
scheduled programado, previsto ['ed*:ld] eskeyoo
scream (to) chillar, gritar [skr:m]
send in (to) enviar (documento)
serious serio, formal ['srs] srios
serve servicio seev
set (to) colocar, poner [set]
set over (to) ponerse (luna, sol)
several varios sbrel
several varios ['se$rl] sbrel
shade sombra (en general) [ed] seid
shadow sombra (creada por algo) ['d] sadou
shake (to) temblar, negar con la cabeza
shape forma seip
shoemaker zapatero [':mek]
shortage escasez [':td,] srteich
short-sighted miope, corto de vista [:t'satd]
shoulder-length hasta el hombro ['ldle3]
sick enfermo [sk]
EOI Laredo
sight vista [sat] sait
since desde [sns] sins
sing on (to) cantar en (un disco)
sit still (to) permanecer sentado quieto
site emplazamiento, sitio [sat]
sketchbook bloc de dibujo ['sket!k]
skid (to) resbalar [skd]
skill habilidad, destreza [skl]
skip (to) saltar, saltarse (omitir) [skp]
slave esclavo [sle$]
slide (to) deslizar [slad]
slightly ligeramente ['slatl] slait-ly
slip papelito [slp]
snooze (to) dormitar [sn:z] snuuz
snow capped mountain montaa nevada
soap jabn [sp] soup
social network red social
socialize (to) alternar, hacer vida social ['slaz] ssalais
solve (to) solucionar [s#l$]
source fuente, origen /s(rs / sors
sparklers antorcha, bengala
speak out (to) hablar claro
specific especfico, concreto [sp'sfk]
speck mota
speech discurso [sp:t] spiich
spell (to) escribir, deletrear [spel]
spellcheck corrector ortogrfico
spelling ortografa
spike clavo [spak]
spiky de punta (pelo) spaiki
split ruptura, cisma, separacin
split into (to) dividir en [splt]
split up (to) dividir, separar
sporty deportivo ['sp:t]
spot (to) reconocer (descubrir a alguien) [sp#t]
spread (to) extenderse, propagarse [spred]
staff plantilla, personal, empleados [st:f]
stamp (to) sellar [stmp] stamp
stand (to) soportar [stnd]
stand on (to) insistir en
stand out from (to) destacarse de
stand up (to) estar de pie
stand up (to) levantarse, ponerse en pie
standard nivel, calidad /'stndrd / standerd
stare (to) mirar fijamente sstee
starve (to) morirse de hambre t:$]
statement declaracin, comunicado /'stetmnt/
statue estatua ['stt*:] estachii
steam vapor st:m]
steep empinado [st:p]
step on sthg (to) pisar (algo)
stick palo [stk]
stick (to) atascarse [stk]
sticky pegajoso ['stk]
still inmovil, silencioso
sting (to) picar (un mosquito) [st]
EOI Laredo
storytelling narracin
stream chorro [str:m]
strength fuerza [stre3]
strength fuerza strenz
stress (to) hacer hincampi, acentuar [stres]
stretch (to) estirar [stret] strech
string cuerda [str]
stuff cosa, material, producto [st'f]
stuffed animal peluche [st'ft] ['nml] staft nimel
style estilo [stal]
suck (to) chupar [s'k] sak
suffer from (to) sufrir, padecer de ['s'f] sfer
suit (to) convenir a, sentar bien [s:t, s*:t] such
suitable conveniente, adecuado ['s*:t!l] sctebol
suntanned bronceado ['s'ntn]
superb esplndido [s*'p%:!] superb
sure seguro [] sua
surname apellido ['s%:nem] sneim
surround by (to) rodear por [s'rand] surraund
survey encuesta, investigacin ['s%:$e] sevei
swap (to) cambiar [s)#p]
swearword taco, juramento /'s)er)%(rd / sgerword
sword espada [s:d] sood
sympathetic comprensivo, compasivo, amable [smp'3etk] simpaztik
tag etiqueta [t&]
take a nap (to) echar una siesta [np] nap
take back (to) devolver (lo recibido)
take down (to) desmontar, bajar (pantalones)
take some time off (to) tomarse un tiempo libre, sabtico
target (to) dirigir /'t(r&t /| tarllet
task tarea /t(sk/
taxi rank parada de taxis [r k]
tear (to) romper, rasgar (papel, ropa) [te] tee
teenager adolescente (13 a 19) ['t:ned,] tneidlle edad cc
tense tiempo (verbal)
theory teora ['3r] zieri
thoughtful atento, amable ['3:tfl] zotful
thoughtfully pensativamente
threat amenaza zret
throw away (to) tirar
throwaway desechable ['3r)e]
thunder trueno ['3'nd] zanda
tick (to) marcar (hacer una seal) [tk]
tight apretado, fuerte (agarrarse) tait
tip consejo [tp]
tipsy achispado ['tps]
tireless incansable ['tals] tieles
to better oneself superarse
to book reservar [!k]
to dive sumergirse [da$]
to get on with llevarse bien con
to go mad volverse loco
toast (to) brindar [tst] toust
tongue twister trabalenguas
toothbrush cepillo de dientes ['t:3!r'] tuzbras
toothpaste dentfrico, pasta de dientes
EOI Laredo
topic tema ['t#pk]
tough duro [t'f] taf
towards hacia [t'):dz] togoodz
towards hacia [te'w:dz, t:dz] tugoz
track pista (deporte)
train in (to) entrenar (un deporte)
translate into (to) traducir a [trns'let] transleit
trap (to) atrapar, trampa [trp] trap
treat (to) tratar, invitar
trend tendencia /trend/
trivial trivial, banal ['tr$l]
try on (to) probarse (ropa)
try on (to) probarse (ropa) [tra]
tube tubo
turn (to) pasar (pgina de un libro) [t%:n] taan
turn around (to) dar una vuelta
turn back (to) volverse, hacer regresar
turn down (to) rechazar, bajar (volumen)
turn on (to) encender (luz), poner en marcha [t%:n] teen
turn out to be(to) resultar ser [t%:n]
turn round (to) girar, dar vueltas
turning calle, bocacalle tanin
type (to) escribir a mquina [tap]
type up (to) escribir a mquina [tap]
unbearable insoportable ['n'!er!l] anbrebol
uncover (to) destapar, descubrir ['n'k'$] ancver
undo (to) deshacer ['n'd:] andu
unfair injusto ['n'fe] anfe
unforgettable inolvidable ['nf'&et!l] anforgutebol
unlike diferente, distinto ['n'lak]
unspoilt virgen, que conserva belleza natural
unspoken secreto, interior
upbringing educacin (de casa) apbrinin
upset disgustado, triste ['p'set]
use up (to) acabar, gastar, agotar
vaccinate (to) vacunar ['$ksnet] vksineit
valuable valioso '$l*!l] vliebol
vanish (to) desaparecer ['$n]
variety variedad [$'rat] verieti
vary (to) variar, cambiar ['$er] vrri
view vista [$*:] fiu
vineyard viedo ['$n*d] vnllad
volunteer voluntario [$#ln't] volenti
wake up to (to) despertarse en [)ek] gueik
walk around (to) pasear por
walk on by (to) pasar al lado de alguien
want (to) / wont querer / will not wont / waunt
wardrobe armario ['):dr!] guoodraub
warmth calor, cordialidad [):m3] guonz
warn (to) advertir [):n] guon
water (to) regar
water (to) regar ['):t] gte
wave ola [)e$]
wave (to) agitar weif
weapon arma [')epn] gpon
weird raro [)d] gied
EOI Laredo
westernized occidentalizado
wet lluvioso [)et]
wet mojado [)et] get
wetsuit traje isotrmico, de buzo
whisper (to) susurrar [')sp] gispa
whoever quienquiera [":'e$]
whose cuyo, de quin [":z] juus
widow viuda [')d]
will testamento [)l] gil
wisely sabiamente /')azli/
witness testigo [')tns] gitnes
witness stand estrado (juicio) [')tns] gitnes
wonder (to) preguntarse
wordly mundano
work (to) trabajar [)%:k] geek
work for (to) trabajar para
work off (to) liberarse, desahogarse
world mundo geld
worry preocupacin
worse peor gees
worst peor [)%:st] gest
would rather not (do sth) preferir no (hacer algo) [)d] gud
wound herida (de bala, cuchillo) [):nd] giund
wrap (to) envolver [rp]
write down (to) anotar, apuntar [rat] roait
writer escritor ['rat] ruaite
youth juventud [*:3] lluuz
aficionado fan, entusiasta efisioneido 5
antique antiguo [n't:k] antik 5
badge chapa, insignia [!d,] bach 5
bear (to) soportar, aguantar [!e] 5
discourage (to) desanimar [ds'k'rd,] discorich 5
exhaust fumes gases del tubo de escape 5
financial backing apoyo financiero 5
flick (to) mover rapidamente [/k] 5
handkerchief pauelo ['" kt:f] jnkechiif 5
issue Asunto (problemtico) ['*:] isu 5
liven up (to) animar, animarse ['la$n] laiven 5
model miniatura ['m#dl] modol 5
mohican cresta (corte de pelo punk) 5
odds and ends cachivaches 5
postage stamp sello de correos ['pstd,] postich 5
profitable ['pr#ft!l] 5
recall (to) recordar [r'k:l] recol 5
receive (to) recibir [r's:$] risiv 5
reckon (to) considerar, calcular, pensar, creer ['rekn] rcon 5
relief alivio [r'l:f] 5
relieve (to) aliviar, calmar [r'l:$] 5
sticker pegatina, adhesivo ['stk] stique 5
track (to) seguirle la pista [trk] 5
trigger (to) provocar, desencadenar ['tr&] triga 5
wasteland pramo, tierra balda 5
Alleviate Aliviar, calmar 'l:$et] 6
arguably probablemente [:&*!l] agjuabli 6
Backlash Reaccin violenta 6
EOI Laredo
barely apenas ['!el] 6
bizarre extrao, estrambtico [!'z:] bisar 6
Blunder Error garrafal, metedura de pata ['!l'nd] 6
boast (to) presumir, alardear [!st] 6
Brand new Flamante 6
bubble burbuja, globo ['!'!l] bbol 6
buzz zumbido [!'z] bazt 6
commute viajar al trabajo 6
Correlate (to) Correlacionar ['k#rlet] 6
crowning moment momento cumbre, mximo /'kran/ 6
Din Estruendo, ruido [dn] 6
Dread (to) Temer a, tener pavor a [dred] 6
Fade (to) Desvanecerse [fed] 6
Findings Conclusiones ['fandz] 6
Full- blown Totalmente desarrollado [!ln] 6
fury furia ['f*r] fiuri 6
Handicapped Disminuido, en desventaja ['"ndkpt] 6
Harness (to)
Utilizar, aprovechar (energa,
recursos) ['":ns] 6
Heavy-handed Mano dura, severo 6
n-house nterno (dentro de una organizacin) 6
juggle (to) hacer malabares ['d,'&l] chagol 6
lack (to) carecer de [lk] lak 6
Lessen (to) Disminuir, aliviar ['lesn] 6
lowly humilde /'lli/ 6
Mercilessly Despiadadamente m%slsli/ 6
Mild Ligero, leve, suave [mald] 6
Mould (to) Moldear [mld] 6
Nibble Picoteo (canaps, cctel) ['n!l] 6
Onset Comienzo 6
outlook punto de vista, perspectiva ['atlk] autluk 6
overly demasiado ['$l] 6
Override (to) anular [$'rad] 6
Perpetue (to) perpetuar [p'petet] 6
Pitfall Escollo, obstculo ['ptf:l] 6
Pivotal Fundamental / p$tl/ 6
Pledge Promesa, compromiso [pled,] 6
post (to) exponer, fijar (anuncios) [pst] poust 6
prompt (to) provocar, dar lugar a [pr#mpt] 6
proof prueba [pr:f] pruuf 6
Realization Comprensin (reflexin) 6
Resort Recurso [r'z:t] 6
Scarcely Apenas ['skesl] 6
Scaremongering Alarmismo
] 6
scattered disperso ['sktd] 6
scheme plan [sk:m] 6
scorn (to) despreciar, desdear [sk:n] scon 6
Severe Serio, grave [s'$] 6
Slip-up Metedura de pata ['slp'p] 6
snapshot foto instantanea ['snp#t] 6
Soar (to) Dispararse (precios, etc) [s:] 6
so-called presunto ['sk:ld] 6
EOI Laredo
Spark (to) Estallar, desencadenar 6
Spat Discusin [spt] 6
Strain Tensin, tirantez [stren] 6
struggle (to) pasar apuros, luchar ['str'&l] 6
Tackle (to) Abordar, tratar ['tkl] 6
tend (to) tender, tener tendencia, ocuparse de [tend] 6
tricky Difcil, peliagudo ['trk] 6
Vent (to) Dar salida, dar rienda suelta [$ent] 6
vintage aejo ['$ntd,] 6
Whereabouts Paradero [)er'!ats 6
Zero in on Dirigir la atencin a 6
Witty ingenioso [')t] Personalidad 6
Overly demasiado ['$l] 6
Cool down (to) Enfriarse (comida) comer 6
Tailor sastre ['tel] Trabajo 6
Hold on no cuelgue!
Drink up (to) Terminar de beber, apurar la bebida Pv
Wash up (to) Arrojar (por el mar) Pv
Fob off (to) Enjaretarle a alguien con algo pv
Cheese off (to) Sacar de las casillas a alguien [t:z] pv
Talk down to sb (to)
hablar a alguien de forma
condescendiente pv
Stress out (to) Estresarse pv
Burst out + verb+ ing (to) Estallar, romper a Pv
Smooth over (to) Restar importancia a Pv
Dig up (to) Desenterrar Pv
Look into (to) nvestigar, examinar Pv
Date back (to) Datar de , remontarse a pv
Derive from (to) Derivar de [d'ra$] pv
Mock Simulado, fingido [m#k] educacin
Period Hora (de clase) ['prd] Educacin
Break up (to) Terminar el trimestre (uk) educacin
Chilly Fro ['tl] Tiempo
Climate Clima ['klamt] Tiempo
Cool Fresco [k:l] tiempo
hailstone Granizo ['"elstn] Tiempo
Cloudless Despejado, sin una nube ['kladls] tiempo
Word of mouth El Boca a boca Expresin
Out of need Por necesidad expresin
Bring along (to) Llevarse traerse (a un sitio) Pv
Bid Oferta, puja [!d] Dinero
Shutter contraventana [''t] Casas
Kick-off Saque inicial (comienzo del partido) ['kk#f] deportes
Be shattered Estar muerto de cansancio ['t]
Let go of (to) Soltar Pv
Avenge (to) vengar ['$end,]
Fetch Traer, ir por [fet]
Kite cometa [kat] Deporte
Bump Golpe, sacudida [!'mp] transporte
Clutch pedal Embrague [kl't] transporte
EOI Laredo
Feel dreadful (to) Sentirse fatal (salud) ['dredfl] Salud
Assigment Misin, tarea, destino ['sanmnt]
Go down (to) Hundirse (empresa, barco) pv
Take on (to) contratar trabajo
Thrifty Econmico, ahorrador / 4rfti/ Personalidad
Fritter away (to) malgastar / frtr / Dinero Cc
Set aside (to) ahorrar Dinero Cc
Squander (to) derrochar ['skw#nd] Dinero Cc
Settle (to) Saldar (una deuda) ['set6l] Dinero Cc
Run up (to) Acumular (deudas) Dinero Cc
Clear (to) Liquidar, cancelar (deuda) Dinero Cc
Dough Pasta (dinero) /d/ Dinero Cc
Bail out (to) Sacar de apuros [bel] expresion Cc
Hick Pueblerino /"k/ Personas Cc
This Sacks Esto se pone feo Expresin Cc
Return to the black (to) Saldar las deudas Dinero cc
Panhandle (to) Mendigar / pn6"ndl/ Dinero Cc
Chuckel (to) Reirse / t'kl/ fiesta Cc
Blubber (to) Balbucear mientras se llora / !l'!r / Emocin Cc
Cry out (to) Llorar desconsoladamente Emocin Cc
Roar with laughter (to) Reir a carcajadas /rr / / lftr / Emocin Cc
Laughtout loud (to) Reirse a carcajadas /lf/ /lad/ Emocin Cc
Work oneself up (to) Perder el control Emocin Cc
Tremble with (to) Temblar con / trem!l/ Emocin Cc
Frighten the life out of me
(to) Darme un susto de muerte Emocin Cc
Be scare to death (to) Morirse de miedo Emocin Cc
Cheer sb up (to) Animar a alguien /tr / Emocin Cc
Get sb down (to) Deprimir a alguien Emocin Cc
Yearning anhelo / *%rn / emocin cc
Game park Parque natural Naturaleza Cc
Notably En particular / nt!li/ Conector Cc
Brit / Briton Ciudadano britnico /!rt/ / !rtn / Personas Cc
Face-lift Lifting, ciruga de cara Medicina Cc
Shuttle (to) trasladar / 'tl/ Transporte Cc
Divide up (to) repartirse -d'$ad. pv Cc
Concur (to) Coincidir, estar de acuerdo -kn'k%(. Cc
Share out (to) Repartir (equitativamente) /er / Pv Cc
Hail (to) Saludar, aclamar -"el. Cc
Concern preocupacin Cc
Outright Rotundo, total / atrat/ Cc
Don (to) ponerse /dn / Ropa Cc
Diehard ntransigente / da"rd / Personalidad Cc
Thus As, de este modo /0's/ Conector Cc
Reverberate (to) Resonar /r$%r!ret / Cc
Nappy Paal / npi/ Ropa Cc
Pen name Seudnimo Nombres C1
Maiden name Apellido de soltera -'medn. Nombres C1
Stage name Nombre artstico /sted,/ Nombres C1
Christian / first /fore / given Nombre de pila Nombres C1
EOI Laredo
Frumpy Desaliado -'fr'mp. Aspecto C1
bombshell Bombn (mujer muy atractiva) /!mel/ Aspecto C1
Yolk Yema de huevo /*k/ youk Comida C1
Ancestry Ascendencia, abolengo / nsestri/ Familia C1
beg to differ Siento diferir, lamento discrepar opinin C1
Sever (to) Cortar, seccionar -'se$. C1
Chop (to) Cortar, rajar C1
Shades Gafas de sol -ed. C1
Bloke Tipo, to /!lk/ Personas C1
Fad Moda pasajera /fd/ Costumbres C1
Buzzword Palabra de moda -!'z. costumbres C1
Nickname Apodo nombres C1
Live up to ones name Estar a la altura de mi nombre Nombres C1
Make a name for oneself Hacerse un nombre Nombres C1
Household name Nombre conocido Nombres C1
Put ones name forward Proponer el nombre de uno Nombres C1
Clear ones name Recuperar el buen nombre Nombres C1
Last name / surname
/family name Apellido Nombres C1
Married name Apellido de casada Nombres C1
Get lumped with (to) Ser emparejado (encasquetado) Expresin C1
The top of the tree La cima Trabajo C1
Be that cut and dried (to) Ser tan definido (o claro) expresin C1
Adviser Consejero, asesor -d'$az. Trabajo C1
Dim Nada halageo, poco prometedor /dm/ C1
outlandish Extravagante /atlnd/ Aspecto C1
Cite (to) Citar, mencionar /sat/ C1
Aspect Orientacin, punto de vista -'spekt. C1
was born and bred. Nac y me cri. vida C1
Deapen (to) profundizar / dipn/ C1
Foray ncursin / fre / C1
Profile Perfil / prfal/ vida C1
Pet peeve Cruz, fobia, cosas que molestan pif C1
Cynic Desconfiado, incrdulo snk/ personalidad C1
Stuck-up Estirado, creido / st'k'p/ Personalidad C1
Opinionated Terco, tendencioso /pn*netd / Personalidad C1
Anal Obsesivo / enl/ Personalidad C1
Control freak Dominante, controlador /kntrl/ /frik/ Personalidad C1
Refined Refinado /rfand/ Personalidad C1
Stance Postura /stns / Cuerpo C1
Gait Manera de andar /+et/ Cuerpo C1
Freak Raro /frik/ Personalidad C1
Stalker Acosador / stkr/ Crimen C1
Yes-man Pelota Personalidad C1
Hit man Asesino a sueldo, sicario Crimen C1
Whiz kid Joven genio, nio prodigio C1
Busybody Cotilla -'!z!#d. Personalidad C1
Chatterbox Charlatn / ttr!ks/ Personalidad C1
Middle name Segundo nombre / mdl/ Nombres C1
EOI Laredo
Would-be Aspirante -')d!(. Trabajo C1
Catchy Pegadizo / kti/ Arte C1
Control freak Fantico del orden /frik/ Personalidad C1
Womanizer mujeriego / )mnazr / Personalidad C1
Lifelong De toda la vida -'la/#. Vida C1
Blow a fuse Perder los nervios /f*uz/ Expresin C1
Chat-up line
Linea de conversacin (buscar
pareja) C1
Motormouth charlatn Personalidad C1
Bigmouth Bocazas Personalidad C1
When it comes to the
crunch Cuando llega la hora de la verdad Expresin C1
Procrastinator Que deja todo para ltima hora -pr'krstnet. Personalidad C1
Ballpark figure Cifra aproximada / f+*r / Nmeros C1
Owe-inspiring mpresionante, imponente / nspar / C1
Be in owe of sb (to) Sentirse intimidado por alguien Expresin C1
Lone wolf Lobo solitario /)lf/ Expresin C1
Close-minded (AM) Cerrado, intolerante Personalidad C1
Narrow-minded (UK) Cerrado, intolerante Personalidad C1
Seize the day
No dejes para maana lo que pueda
hacer hoy /siz/ Expresin C1
Stock phrases Frases hechas /frez/ C1
Obnoxious detestable /!nks / C1
Blunt Directo, franco /!l'nt/ Personalidad C1
Sugar quoted way Versin edulcorada Expresin C1
Daydream (to) Fantasear / dedrim/ C1
Daredevil Temerario / der6de$l / Personalidad C1
Rolling stone Trotamundos Personalidad C1
Battle-axe Hacha de guerra Guerra C1
Golden boy Chico de oro, nio prodigio C1
Loophole Resquicio legal -'l(p"l. C1
Clash (to) Chocar, estar enfrentado /kl/ C1
Take your chances (to) Correr el riesgo Expresin C1
Run the risk (to) Correr el riesgo Expresin C1
ts too ridiculous a
question Es una pregunta ridcula Expresin C1
Miss out on sth (to) Perderse, dejar pasar (algo bueno) Pv C1
Blow your nose (to) Sonarse la nariz salud C1
Start a family (to) Crear una familia familia C1
Undergo a treatment (to) Someterse a tratamiento / tritmnt/ salud C1
Pass on (to) Transmitir, pasar Salud C1
Resourceful Emprendedor, ingenioso /rsrsfl/ | Personalidad C1
ntelligent nteligente /nteld,nt / Personalidad C1
Clever Listo / kle$1r2/ Personalidad C1
Smart nteligente /smrt / Personalidad C1
Talented Talentoso tlntd/ Personalidad C1
Gifted Talentoso +ftd/ Personalidad C1
Wise Sabio /)az/ Personalidad C1
knowledgeable Erudito, culto -'n#ld,!l. Personalidad C1
perceptive perspicaz /prsept$ / Personalidad C1
Self-taught Autodidacta -self't(t. Personalidad C1
Witty Ocurrente, ingenioso / )ti/ Personalidad C1
EOI Laredo
Mutiny Motn -'m*(tn. personalidad C1
Bearer Portador / !err / C1
Heap Montn, pila /"ip/ C1
Gauge (to) Medir, evaluar, estimar /+ed,/ C1
Latter ltimo, segundo (de dos) -'lt. C1
Embodiment Encarnacin [m'!#dment. C1
Be tie up (to) Estar ocupado (en algo) C1
Be put out (to) Estar muy ofendido C1
Tire out (to) Agotar C1
Cut out of (to) Estar hecho para Trabajo C1
Over and done with Acabado (que ya ha pasado) Tiempo C1
Be done for (to) Estar frito (en muy mal estado) Salud C1
Over-ambitious Demasiado ambicioso Personalidad C1
Apathetic Aptico / p4etk/ Personalidad C1
Thoughtful Atento, considerado -'3(tfl. Personalidad C1
Twentysomething Veintialgo Edad Cc
Senior citizen Persona mayor /sin*r/ stzn/ Edad Cc
Nio pequeo (que empieza a
andar) -'t#dl. Edad Cc
Preteen Preadolescente / pritin/ Edad Cc
Newborn baby Recien nacido -'n*(!(n. Edad Cc
A 30-year-old De treinta aos Edad Cc
A middle-aged De mediana edad -mdl'ed,d. Edad Cc
Come of age (to) Hacerse mayor de edad Edad Cc
He just turned 30 Acaba de cumplir 30 aos Edad Cc
On the wrong side of 40 De ms de 40 aos Edad Cc
Midlife crisis Crisis de los cuarenta
-'krass. Edad Cc
Come up to (to) Llegar a Edad Cc
Get on for (to) Acercarse a Edad Cc
Series Serie (de radio o televisin) / sriz / Televisin Cc
On a moments notice De inmediato Tiempo C1
On the market En el mercado (disponible) Compras C1
Washboard Tabla de lavar Casas C1
Chart (to) Hacer un seguimiento -t(t. Cc
instalment Entrega, captulo, episodio [n'st:lmnt] instlment Televisin Cc
Barrister Abogado (para tribunales superiores) -'!rst. Trabajo Cc
ll at ease ncmodo, a disgusto, cohibido Expresin cc
sanity Cordura, juicio, sensatez -'snt. salud Cc
Undergo (to) Experimentar, sufrir -'nd'&. Cc
Weathered Curtido, envejecido, erosionado / )e0rd / Aspecto Cc
Adolescence Adolescencia -d'lesns. Edad C1
Minor Menor (de edad) / manr / Edad C1
A person aged 30 Una persona de 30 aos Edad C1
n his prime En su plenitud (aspecto-fsica) /pram/ Edad C1
Grown-up Adulto Edad C1
Childish nfantil (comportamiento) Edad C1
Mature Maduro -m't*. Edad C1
Get on (to) Hacerse viejo Edad C1
Heading for retirament Camino de la jubilacin /"ed/ -r'tamnt. Edad C1
Over the hill De ms de 40 (estar de vuelta) Edad C1
Pensioner Jubilado -'penn. Edad C1
EOI Laredo
Aged Anciano ed,d/ Edad C1
Senile senil -'s(nal. Edad C1
Old age Vejez Edad C1
As old as the hills Ms viejo que Matusaln Edad C1
n her second childhood Demencia senil Edad C1
Hes got one foot in the
grave Tiene un pie en la tumba Edad C1
Kick the bucket (to) Estirar la pata, palmar Edad C1
Bliss Felicidad, dicha /!ls/ Cc
Parochial Pueblerino /prkil/ Personas C1
But for De no ser por Conector C1
Shelf life Vida til Aparatos C1
Sponger Gorrn / sp'nd,r / Personalidad C1
Adamant nsistente, tenaz -'dmnt. Personalidad C1
Dispel Disipar, hacer desvanecer /dspel/ C1
Debunk the myth Desmontar el mito Expresin C1
Fulfill (to) Satisfacer, cumplir [fl'fl] Satisfacer, cumplir C1
Ageism Discriminacin por razn de edad /ed,zm/ C1
Vault Stano, cripta -$(lt. Casas Cc
Retrieve (to) Recuperar [r'tr:v] Cc
Sail through (to) Aprobar sin problemas Educacin Cc
Let alone Por no hablar de Conector Cc
Supple Flexible, gil ['sp6l] Cuerpo Cc
Devise (to) dear, concebir /d$az/ Cc
Non-stop Sin parar Expresin Cc
From the fringe to the
norm De lo marginal a lo habitual Expresin Cc
Enhancer potenciador Comer cc
Foresight Previsin ['f:sat] Trabajo cc
Wakefulness nsomnio Cc
Usher (to) llevar, guiar cc

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