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Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus:

A Descriptive Anatomy Study

with Proposed Clinical Implications
Philip A. Anloague, PT, DHSc, OCS, MTC1; Peter Huijbregts, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, FCAMT2

vidence-based practice emphasizes the required basic sciences content in divisions supply muscular branches to
the examination and application of entry-level curricular content4. In those the psoas major and quadratus lumbo-
evidence from clinical research into circumstances where clinical diagnosis is rum. Both primary divisions then enter
diagnosis, prognosis, and outcomes solely based on anatomical extrapola- the lumbar plexus and give rise to six pe-
based on a formal set of rules1. One tion, knowledge of anatomical deviations ripheral nerves. Within this plexus, the
method of evaluating evidence is to as- with a potential impact on interpretation L1 nerve splits into a cranial and caudal
sign levels of evidence2. In this evidence of test results becomes even more branch. The cranial branch bifurcates
hierarchy, extrapolations from basic sci- important. into the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
ence research are classified as the lowest The lumbar plexus originates from nerves, the former also formed by the
level of evidence. However, especially in the ventral rami of the L1–L4 nerve roots subcostal nerve in people where this
situations where higher-level research and projects laterally and caudally from nerve contributes to the lumbar plexus.
evidence is insufficient, such extrapola- the intervertebral foramina, posterior to The caudal branch of the L1 nerve unites
tion based on a thorough knowledge of the psoas major muscle. A communicat- with the anterior division of the L2 nerve
relevant anatomy often still serves to ing branch from the T12, also known as to form the genitofemoral nerve. The an-
guide clinical reasoning. This impor- the subcostal nerve, often joins the first terior divisions of the L2–L4 roots form
tance of anatomy remains recognized lumbar nerve5-10. The L2–L4 ventral rami the obturator nerve. The lateral femoral
within physical therapy education in the first bifurcate into an anterior and poste- cutaneous nerve arises from the posterior
United States, both as part of program rior primary division. The T12 and L1 divisions of the L2 and L3 roots; the pos-
entrance requirements3 and as a part of nerves and the L2–L4 anterior primary terior divisions of L2, L3, and L4 join to
create the femoral nerve (Figure 1). Table
1 presents a summary of the normal pre-
ABSTRACT: This study used dissection of 34 lumbar plexes to look at the prevalence of sentation of nerves of the lumbar plexus
anatomical variations in the lumbar plexus and the six peripheral branches from the origin based upon a review of several authorita-
at the ventral roots of (T12) L1-L4 to the exit from the pelvic cavity. Prevalence of anatomi- tive anatomical texts commonly used in
cal variation in the individual nerves ranged from 8.8–47.1% with a mean prevalence of physical therapy education5-10 .
20.1%. Anatomical variations included absence of the iliohypogastric nerve, an early split of The purpose of this study was to de-
the genitofemoral nerve into genital and femoral branches, an aberrant segmental origin for scribe the anatomical variations in the
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, bifurcation of the lateral femoral nerve prior to exiting lumbar plexus from the origin at the ven-
the pelvic cavity, bifurcation of the femoral nerve into two to three slips separated by psoas tral roots of (T12) L1–L4 to the exit from
major muscle fibers, the presence of a single anterior femoral cutaneous nerve rather than the pelvic cavity based on our descriptive
the normal presentation of two separate anterior femoral cutaneous branches, and the pres- anatomy study of human cadavers as
ence of an accessory obturator nerve. Comparison with relevant research literature showed compared to the above description of
a wide variation in reported prevalence of the anatomical variations noted in this study. normal anatomy5-10. Comparing our find-
Clinical implications and directions for future research are proposed. ings to anatomical variation described
KEYWORDS: Anatomical Variation, Clinical Implications, Lumbar Plexus elsewhere in the literature, we will also
suggest possible clinical implications

Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, University of Dayton


Assistant Professor, Online Education, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Address all correspondence and request for reprints to: Philip A. Anloague,

The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4   [E 107]
Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

TABLE 1.  Lumbar plexus: Normal anatomy.

Nerve Origin
(Ventral Rami) Course and Function
Iliohypogastric L1 Emerges from the superior aspect of the lateral margin of the psoas major6; enters the abdomen
posterior to the medial arcuate ligaments and courses inferiolaterally along the anterior surface
of the quadratus lumborum5-10, then pierces and innervates the posterior fibers of the transverse
abdominis near the iliac crest and traverses through the internal and external oblique abdominis
muscles to which it supplies motor branches. Superficial innervation is supplied to the skin of
the gluteal region posterior to the lateral cutaneous branch of T12 via a lateral cutaneous branch.
The anterior cutaneous branch of the iliohypogastric nerve innervates the skin of the hypogastric
Ilioinguinal L1 Runs caudal to the iliohypogastric nerve; pierces and innervates the transverse abdominis near
the anterior part of the iliac crest, communicates with the iliohypogastric, then supplies motor
branches to the internal oblique abdominis. Follows the spermatic cord through the superficial
inguinal ring and terminates superficially over the proximal and medial aspect of the thigh, the
root of the penis and the scrotum, or mons pubis and labia majora5-10.
Lateral Femoral Posterior Travels obliquely across the iliacus muscle in the direction of the
Cutaneous Division L2–L3 anterior superior iliac spine. Passes beneath the inguinal ligament and divides into an anterior
and posterior branch. The anterior branch supplies the skin on the anterolateral aspect of the
thigh. The distal branches communicate with the anterior cutaneous filaments of the femoral
nerve and its infrapatellar branches of the saphenous nerve to form the patellar plexus. The
posterior branch pierces the fascia lata and supplies the skin of the lateral thigh from greater
trochanter to mid-thigh5-10
Femoral Posterior Primary nerve innervating the anterior aspect of the thigh and the largest of the peripheral
Division L2–L4 branches of the lumbar plexus. It emerges through the psoas major fibers and passes down
between the psoas major and the iliacus, then passes underneath the inguinal ligament
just lateral to the femoral artery as it enters the thigh. Within the abdomen, the femoral nerve
gives off muscular branches to the iliacus. Peripherally, there are two large anterior cutaneous
branches (intermediate and medial cutaneous nerves). The intermediate cutaneous branch
descends along the anterior thigh to supply the skin and then contributes to the patellar plexus.
The medial cutaneous branch supplies the skin on the medial side of the thigh. The femoral
nerve sends several terminal branches including the nerve to pectineus, nerve to vastus medialis
obliquus, nerve to sartorius, and the saphenous nerve5-10.
Genitofemoral L1–L2 Penetrates the substance of the psoas major and runs inferiorly along the anterior aspect of the
muscle belly beneath the transversalis fascia and the peritoneum, then bifurcates into a genital
and femoral branch. The genital branch passes through the transverse and spermatic fascia,
traverses the internal inguinal ring and then reaches the spermatic cord. Lying on the dorsal
aspect of the cord, this nerve supplies the cremaster muscle and the skin of the scrotum and
thigh. In females, the genital nerve accompanies the round ligament of the uterus. The femoral
branch travels beneath the inguinal ligament alongside the external iliac artery. After entering
the femoral sheath superficial and lateral to the femoral artery, the femoral branch exits the
sheath and fascia lata to supply the skin of the proximal anterior thigh5-10.
Obturator Anterior L2–L4 Emerging from the medial border of the psoas major beneath the common iliac vessels,
Division this nerve travels along the lateral wall of the lesser pelvis and enters the obturator foramen.
After entering the thigh, it bifurcates into an anterior and posterior branch. The anterior branch
passes anterior to the obturator externus, deep to the pectineus and adductor longus, and
superficial to the adductor brevis. Muscular branches are supplied to the adductor longus,
gracilis, and adductor brevis. The posterior branch of the obturator nerve exits the anterior
aspect of the obturator externus, travels beneath the adductor brevis anterior to the adductor
magnus, and then gives off muscular and articular branches. The muscular branches innervate
the obturator externus, adductor magnus, and the adductor brevis5-10.

[E108]   The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4

Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

FIGURE 2.  Variation of the genitofemoral nerve.

The genitofemoral nerve has prematurely bifurcated
FIGURE 1.  Lumbar plexus with surrounding into two components, the genital branch
musculature: Normal anatomy (G) and femoral branch (F). Fibers of the psoas
major lie between these branches.

FIGURE 3.  Variation of the femoral nerve. Cadaver FIGURE 4.  Variation of the femoral nerve. Cadaver
8 Left. The psoas major is sectioned (PMS) to reveal #10 Right. The femoral nerve (F) bifurcates into a
the bifurcation of the femoral nerve into medial and medial (FM) and lateral (FL) segment. The lateral
lateral segments (FM & FL) with an interconnecting segment travels posterior to the PM proper (PM),
segment (FIS). There are fibers of the psoas major exits along the lateral border, and then rejoins the
(PM) traversing between this nerve plexus. medial segment.

with regard to diagnosis of anatomical There were 10 male and 9 female cadav- Dissection
variations of the lumbar plexus. ers; average age at time of death was 75.1
years. Specimens were excluded if there The primary author dissected all cadav-
was evidence of surgical intervention ers. As a professor of graduate-level
Materials and Methods
involving the abdomen, lumbar spine, gross anatomy, at the time of this study
Cadavers or lumbar plexus to rule out iatrogenic this author had 10 years of experience in
anatomical deviations. Of the proposed cadaveric dissection. The descriptive
We initially included 19 human cadav- cadavers, two were excluded due to evi- study presented here was part of the
ers (38 unilateral lumbar plexes) from dence of an abdominal surgical inter- graduation requirements for an ad-
the Andrews University Master of Phys- vention leaving 17 (with 34 plexes) that vanced-level doctorate in physical ther-
ical Therapy program in this study. were appropriate for this study. apy centered on a focused study of the

The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4   [E109]
Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

TABLE 2.  Percent variation of the lumbar plexus. into its terminal genital and femoral
branches midway along the anterior sur-
Number Percent face of the psoas major. The most com-
of Variations Variation Unilateral Bilateral Female Male mon variation occurred in 9 of 34 plexes
Nerve N=34 N=34 Variation Variation N=9 N=8 (26.5%) and included a split of the geni-
tofemoral nerve into the genital and
Lumbar femoral branches within the substance
Plexus 30 88% 88.8% 87.5% of the psoas muscle with fibers of the
Iliohypogastric 7 20.58% 25% 75% 50% 50%
psoas major passing between these
branches (Figure 2). Seven variant geni-
Ilioinguinal 0 0.0% - - - - tofemoral nerves (20.6%) had this bifur-
Lateral cation occur at the upper rather than
Femoral mid-portion of the anterior surface of
Cutaneous 6 17.64% 50% 50% 50% 50% the psoas.
Femoral 12 35.29% 67% 33% 44.4% 55.55%
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Genitofemoral 16 47.05% 58% 42% 50% 50%
Obturator 0 0.0% - - - - Six of the 34 plexes (17.6%) demon-
strated variation in the lateral femoral
cutaneous nerve. Whereas the lateral
femoral cutaneous nerve normally
arises from the posterior divisions of the
functional anatomy of the lumbar spine. tion was 20.1% (SD 18.8%). Variations L2 and L3 roots, in 4 lumbar plexes, the
The nerves of the lumbar plexus were were found most frequently in the femo- lateral femoral cutaneous nerve arose
tracked from the lumbar roots through ral, iliohypogastric, lateral femoral from the L1 and L2 nerve roots and in
to their exit from the pelvic cavity (Fig- cutaneous, and genitofemoral nerves one plexus it had its origin solely from
ures 1–4). The results were described (Table 2). the L2 nerve. Another variation in-
narratively with descriptive statistics cluded a bifurcation of the lateral femo-
and recorded with digital photography. Iliohypogastric ral nerve within the pelvic cavity prior to
and Ilioinguinal Nerves its exit near the anterior superior iliac
Data Analysis spine; such bifurcations normally occur
Seven of the 34 (20.6%) investigated after the nerve exits the pelvis.
Data analysis was limited to descriptive lumbar plexes demonstrated the ab-
statistics. The prevalence of variation sence of the iliohypogastric nerve . There Femoral Nerve
was calculated for each of the six nerves were no apparent variations noted in the
derived from the lumbar plexus and for ilioinguinal nerve although we should The femoral nerve was found to vary in
all structures combined. To allow for a note that in two of the cadavers, the ilio- 12 (35.3%) of the investigated lumbar
summary impression of the likelihood inguinal and iliohypogastric nerves plexes. In these 12 plexes, the femoral
that a clinician might encounter ana- were conjoined as they exited through nerve was observed to bifurcate into two
tomical variation in the lumbar plexus the substance of the psoas major muscu- and sometimes three separate slips; in
and its peripheral nerves, we also calcu- lature. Normally, these nerves bifurcate most cadavers, this process occurred
lated a mean prevalence and standard from the cranial branch of L1 and course within the mid-substance of the psoas
deviation (SD) with regard to the pres- independently after traversing the psoas major (Figures 3–4). These slips were
ence of anatomical variation. major. While this presentation was not separated by the muscle fibers of the
considered variant in that it is unlikely psoas major before they rejoined prior
to have any clinical impact, in these two to the femoral nerve exiting from the
Results pelvic cavity as it passed beneath the in-
cadavers, the nerves remained con-
Anatomical variation of the lumbar tained within a common epineurium guinal ligament. One cadaver presented
plexus (including the six peripheral lateral to the psoas major. with a medial and lateral bifurcation of
nerves originating from this plexus) was the nerve with psoas major musculature
noted in 15 of the 17 (88%) cadavers dis- Genitofemoral Nerve passing between with an intermediate
sected. The percentage of variation of connection between the two nerve slips
each nerve was calculated and is pre- It was observed that 16 of the 34 (47.1%) before a more distal rejoining of the
sented in Table 2. Overall, 41 of 204 lumbar plexes demonstrated a variation nerve segments (Figure 3). A single an-
nerves studied showed variations. The of the genitofemoral nerve complex terior femoral cutaneous nerve rather
mean prevalence of anatomical varia- (Table 2). Typically, this nerve bifurcates than the normal presentation of two

[E110]   The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4

Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

separate anterior femoral cutaneous LINK, PEDro, APTA Hooked on Evi- ous nerve arose from the first two lum-
branches5 was present in one of the ca- dence, and BIOSIS databases from data- bar nerves; in one plexus (1.7%), the
davers (2.9%) with the anatomical varia- base inception until April 2009 using the nerve arose solely from the second lum-
tion described above, thereby not alter- following search terms: lumbar plexus, bar ventral ramus and in 6 plexes (10%),
ing the overall prevalence of anatomical anatomical variation, iliohypogastric it derived directly from the femoral
variation of 35.3%. nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, femoral nerve, nerve, making for a total of 48.3% varia-
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, obtura- tion for the lateral femoral cutaneous
Obturator Nerve tor nerve, and genitofemoral nerve. nerve. Erbil, Oderoğlu, and Başar13 re-
In the current study, 20.6% of the ported on a patient where the right lat-
No apparent variations were noted in lumbar plexes had no iliohypogastric eral femoral cutaneous nerve was de-
the obturator nerve proper. However, an nerve. Our literature search strategy rived from the anterior divisions of the
accessory obturator nerve, a small nerve yielded no references with regard to ana- first and second lumbar nerve roots.
arising from the primary anterior divi- tomical variation of the ilioinguinal and Webber14 noted eight distinct patterns of
sions of the L3 and L4 nerves that fol- iliohypogastric nerves. Gray’s Anatomy5 neural contribution to the lateral femo-
lows along the medial border of the noted that the iliohypogastric or ilioin- ral cutaneous nerve in 50 plexes.
psoas major muscle and then exits over guinal nerves may or may not arise from In the current study, we found one
the superior ramus of the pubic bone a common trunk or that these nerves (2.9%) bifurcation of the lateral cutane-
rather than through the obturator fora- may communicate at the iliac crest. In ous femoral nerve within the pelvic cav-
men with the obturator nerve to the the event that the nerves join at the iliac ity prior to its exit near the anterior su-
innervate the pectineus muscle and crest, the iliohypogastric typically is re- perior iliac spine in 34 plexes but no
the hip joint5 was found in 8.8% of ported to supply the missing ilioinguinal other abnormalities were noted in this
the plexes. branches. Gray’s Anatomy5 also reported region. Reporting prevalence in cadav-
that the ilioinguinal nerve may be absent ers but not plexes, Grothaus et al15 found
with compensation via the genital that in 27.6% of the 29 cadavers, the lat-
Discussion branch of the genitofemoral nerve. Like- eral femoral cutaneous nerve bifurcated
This study looked at the prevalence of wise, the genital branch may be absent into additional branches before crossing
anatomical variations in the lumbar with the ilioinguinal nerve substituting the inguinal ligament. Erbil et al16 re-
plexus and the six peripheral branches for it. No data on prevalence of these re- ported similar bifurcations of this nerve
from the origin at the ventral roots of ported anomalies were provided. into either two or three branches in two
(T12) L1–L4 to the exit from the pelvic Specific to the genitofemoral nerve (3.5%) of 56 plexes. Not reporting on
cavity. Because reported prevalence is and similar to the current study, Sim and plexes but rather on dissection findings
important in estimating the likelihood Webb11 also found that the nerve at in 53 cadavers, Rosenberger, Loewe-
that we may be dealing with a patient times divided into genital and femoral neck, and Meyer17 found that in 23% the
with anatomical variation, it is relevant branches prior to emergence from the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve gave
to place this study in context by review- psoas major. In contrast to the preva- rise to two branches. Carai et al18 also
ing other research into prevalence of lence of 26.5% for this variation estab- reported early nerve bifurcation but also
such anatomical variation. Taking into lished in the current study, they noted noted that the lateral femoral cutaneous
account the rather high mean preva- early division in only 5 (8.3%) of 60 nerve was wholly absent in 13 (8.8%) of
lence of 20.1% (SD 18.8%) of such varia- plexes. 148 patients who received surgical inter-
tion reported in this study and the clini- Generally described as arising from vention for meralgia paraesthetica.
cal impact that this variation may have the posterior divisions of the L2 and L3 In the current study, in 12 plexes
in those instances when clinicians are roots, in the current study the lateral (35.3%), the femoral nerve bifurcated
forced to base their clinical diagnostic femoral cutaneous nerve arose in 4 into two or three separate slips mostly
reasoning solely on extrapolation from plexes (11.8%) from the L1 and L2 nerve within the mid-substance of the psoas
anatomical knowledge, we also propose roots and in one plexus it had its origin major. Spratt, Logan, and Abrahams19
clinical implications of the variations solely from the L2 nerve (2.9%), leading reported that 3 of 136 plexes (2.2%) con-
noted in this study. to a cumulative variation in segmental tained a variant slip of the iliacus and
contribution to the nerve of 14.7%. Re- psoas major muscles that split the femo-
porting prevalence for cadavers but not ral nerve. In a case report, Jelev, Shiva-
Comparison with Relevant plexes, De Ridder, De Lange, and Popta12 rov, and Surchev20 detailed similar mus-
Reported Prevalence reported that in 24 of 200 cadavers, the cular variations of the iliacus and psoas
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve arose muscles splitting the femoral nerve.
We performed a literature search for ba- from the L1 and L2, and even solely from Jakubowicz21 investigated the topogra-
sic science studies and case reports lim- the second or third lumbar nerve. Sim phy of the femoral nerve in relation to
ited to English-language references only and Webb11 reported that in 22 (36.7%) components of the iliopsoas muscle in
using the PubMed, CINAHL, Ohio of 60 plexes, the lateral femoral cutane- 60 human fetuses. In 3 (2.5%) of 120

The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4   [E111]
Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

plexes, a separate band of the lateral fi- triangle and its genital branch inner- courses over the superior pubic ramus.
bers of the psoas major passed between vates the skin of the scrotum or labia24. Compression and subsequent neuropa-
the trunks of the femoral nerve. In 3 fur- Absence of a separate iliohypogastric thy of a present accessory obturator
ther plexes, muscular fibers of the iliacus nerve likely results in the ilioinguinal nerve is a differential diagnostic option
traversed between the trunks of the fetal and, as Gray’s Anatomy5 noted, the geni- in groin pain due to its innervation of
femoral nerve leading to a prevalence of tofemoral nerve taking over its function. the hip joint.
5% for interactions between the ilio- The only scenario where the absence of Perhaps the most important pro-
psoas muscle and the femoral nerve the iliohypogastric nerve may become posed clinical implication relates to the
similar to the ones reported in the cur- diagnostically relevant is when a periph- close relationship that even the “nor-
rent study. eral neuropathy affecting the ilioingui- mal” lumbar plexus has with the ilio-
In the current study, we found an nal nerve leads to sensory abnormalities psoas muscle. This close anatomical re-
accessory obturator nerve in 8.8% of the in both the inguinal and iliohypogastric lationship is likely even more relevant in
plexes. Akkaya et al22 reported the acces- areas, leading the clinician to assume a those patients where the femoral nerve
sory obturator nerve in 3 (12.5%) of 24 possible L1 radiculopathy rather than a branches within the substance of the
lumbar plexes. Sim and Webb11 identi- peripheral compression neuropathy of psoas (and the iliacus) muscle. Elvey25
fied the accessory obturator nerve in 7 of the ilioinguinal nerve in, for example, suggested that muscles have a role in
60 plexes (11.6%), noting that it oc- the inguinal canal. Absence of the ilio- protecting neural tissues when these tis-
curred more frequently on the left side hypogastric nerve may also have impli- sues are sensitive to movement or ten-
and in females. Webber14 found acces- cations for the likelihood and presenta- sion, or when they are inflamed. He
sory obturator nerves in 4 (8%) of 50 tion of nerve damage in this region reported on the gradual muscular con-
lumbar plexes. In contrast, Tubbs et al23 during surgical procedures such as in- traction noted by the clinician of mus-
reported finding not a single accessory guinal herniotomy. The observed varia- cles that overlie or protect the sensitized
obturator nerve in 22 plexes. tion in the location of branching in the neural tissues being implicated in the
In summary, prevalence reported in genitofemoral nerve would seem to be of test maneuver. During straight leg raise
the literature for anatomical variations little clinical utility. testing in patients with sciatica, for ex-
of the lumbar plexus from the origin at In our current study, the lateral ample, he hypothesized that a point can
the ventral roots of (T12) L1–L4 to the femoral cutaneous nerve derived its seg- be reached where neural tissue nocicep-
exit from the pelvic cavity varies widely mental innervation from segments tors will discharge, resulting in a central
and, this variance does not allow for the other than L2 and L3 in 14.7% of plexes. nervous system response that causes in-
extrapolation of clear data on pretest Although, with its multi-segmental in- creased muscular tone in the hamstring
probability that such a variation might nervation from most commonly L2 and group25.
be present in the patient presenting to L3 and less commonly L1 and L2, the Several studies have reported an as-
our clinic. In addition, with some stud- differentiation between radiculopathy sociation between adverse neural ten-
ies reporting on cadavers and others on and peripheral neuropathy affecting the sion in the sciatic nerve and increased
plexes, comparison between studies is lateral femoral cutaneous nerve as in facilitation of the hamstring muscula-
not always possible. meralgia paraesthetica where patients ture with increased incidence of associ-
report numbness, paraesthesiae, pain, ated strain injuries. Kornberg and Lew26
Clinical Implications an/or hyperaesthesia in the anterolateral reported a correlation between neural
thigh should be made by the clinician mobility and recurrent muscular inju-
Although, as noted above, the literature without difficulty24, this may be less eas- ries, and they demonstrated that reha-
does not allow for extrapolation of clear ily done in the small percentage of pa- bilitation that included a slump stretch
data on pretest probability with regard tients where the nerve derives solely for the sciatic nerve, combined with tra-
to the presence of anatomical variation from the L2 nerve as was the case in ditional treatment, was more effective in
in our patients, findings in the current 2.9% of the plexes in this study. treating Australian Rules football play-
study lead us to propose a number of The presence of an accessory obtu- ers with a grade I hamstring strain than
other possible clinical implications. rator nerve has little relevance with re- traditional treatment alone. Turl and
The iliohypogastric nerve provides gard to differential strength or sensory George27 investigated the presence of ad-
sensory innervation to the suprapubic loss in patients with suspected obturator verse neural tension in rugby players
region and it provides a lateral cutane- neuropathy. The pectineus innervated with a history of repetitive grade I ham-
ous branch that crosses over the iliac by the accessory obturator nerve nor- string strain. They noted that 57% of
crest to innervate the upper lateral but- mally derives innervation from the fem- these players had positive slump tests
tock. The ilioinguinal nerve provides oral nerve but, due to its small size, con- compared to 0% for controls.
sensory innervation to skin over the in- tributes little to strength loss with muscle This proposed relationship between
guinal ligament, the upper medial thigh, testing24. However, unlike the obturator neural mechano-sensitivity and muscle
and the mons pubis or base of the penis. nerve that passes through the obturator tension has also been demonstrated in
The femoral branch of the genitofemoral foramen, the accessory obturator nerve the upper extremity. Balster and Jull28
nerve supplies the skin over the femoral can be selectively compressed as it studied the association between the bra-

[E112]   The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy n volume 17 n number 4

Anatomical Variations of the Lumbar Plexus: A Descriptive Anatomy Study with Proposed Clinical Implications

chial plexus tension test and upper tra- proposed are based solely on a perhaps sory obturator nerve. Our main pro-
pezius muscle activity in asymptomatic unwarranted extrapolation of anatomi- posed clinical implication concerned
subjects. They found that individuals cal data. the possible role that femoral nerve
with decreased neural extensibility In this study, we calculated preva- mechano-sensitivity might play in the
demonstrated significantly greater up- lence based on abnormalities as the nu- increased tension in the iliopsoas
per trapezius muscle activity during bra- merator and the number of plexes as the muscle often noted clinically. We ac-
chial plexus tension tests, leading them denominator. Other studies have used knowledge that these proposed clinical
to suggest that the stretch receptors cadavers as the denominator. This does implications may be unwarranted ex-
found in neural structures may lead to a not allow a direct comparison of preva- trapolations from our present anatomi-
reflexive increase in muscle activity lence rates, further limiting our ability to cal study and discussion of basic science
when neural tissue is tensioned. derive clinically useful estimates for pre- research in this area. We propose that
We propose that limited mobility in test probability from the varied data pre- further research should be conducted to
the femoral nerve may also lead to pro- sented in the research literature. investigate the relationship between
tective muscular guarding. In this case anatomical variation and its effect on
and based on the observed close ana- patient presentation and differential di-
tomical relationship between the lum- agnosis, most specifically with regard to
bar plexus and this muscle, we assume The current study looked at the preva- the effect of anatomical variation on
that the iliopsoas muscle would be in- lence of anatomical variations in the neural mechano-sensitivity.
volved. With the iliopsoas inflexibility lumbar plexus and the six peripheral
commonly identified in the orthopaedic branches from the origin at the ventral
population, one must consider the pos- roots of (T12) L1–L4 to the exit from the Acknowledgments
sibility that hip flexor facilitation may be pelvic cavity. Prevalence of anatomical
The primary author would like to thank
a result of increased mechano-sensitiv- variation in the individual nerves ranged
Drs. William Boissonnault, Richard Jen-
ity of the femoral nerve. This proposed from 8.8–47.1% with a mean prevalence
sen, and Daniel Lofald for guidance, in-
relationship might be more relevant in of 20.1% and included absence of the
put, and editorial assistance on the orig-
those subjects where anatomical varia- iliohypogastric nerve, an early split of
inal version of this manuscript.
tion of the type noted in this study is the genitofemoral nerve into genital and
present. In the case of decreased hip femoral branches, an aberrant segmen-
flexor length, in our opinion neural tal origin for the lateral femoral cutane-
mechano-sensitivity and its various eti- ous nerve, bifurcation of the lateral
ologies need to be considered in the dif- femoral nerve prior to exiting the pelvic 1. Guyatt G, Haynes B, Jaeschke R, et al. In­
ferential diagnosis. cavity, bifurcation of the femoral nerve troduction to the philosophy of evidence-
into two to three slips separated by psoas based medicine. In: Guyatt G, Rennie D, eds.
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