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10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 16
2-amino-4-methylhexane 30
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl 125
2C-B 29, 55, 56, 59
2C-C 29, 64
2C-E 29
2C-I 29
2C-T-2 29
2C-T-7 84
3,4-dihydroxyamphetamine 57
3,4-dihydroxymethamphetamine 57
3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylacetic acid 75
5-MeO-DMT 95
9/11 109
A Colores 72
A Modern Herbal 96
A Question of Balance: Health and
Pathology in New Religious
Movements 47
Aardvark, David 29, 41, 63, 87, 95,
96, 98, 99, 122, 137
Aberle 57
Abraham, Ralph 42, 106, 107
absinthe 2, 3, 7
Absinthe-Bar & Bistro 2
Acacia gonoacantha 95
acetylmescaline 58
Acid Gospel Experience, The 73
Acquatica 73
Adderall 30
addiction 124, 125, 127, 128, 130
addiction treatment 67
addictive 97
aeruginascin 99
Agave 56
Age of Entheogens & The Angels
Dictionary, The 108
agnostic 79
Agora Scientific Trust 55
aguardiente 18
Airaudi, Oberto 141
Aisner, Rafael 71
Alan 17
Albert Hofmann Foundation 47
Albrecht, Katherine 38
Alchemical Solutions 122
alchemy 67
alcohol 3, 29, 56, 106, 121, 122, 135
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
Bureau 122
Alcoholics Anonymous 55
alcoholism 125
Alembic 23 120
Alexander, Bruce 35
Alices Adventures in Wonderland 100,
Alien 7
aliens 112, 131
alprazolam 59
Altaffer, Paul 30, 40
Altrove 29
amagqirha 93
Amanita muscaria 57, 100, 101, 102,
103, 108
ambl 27, 28
ambivalence 78
Ambrose, Jen 140
Ambrosia Books 99
American Civil Liberties Union 136
American Journal of Gastroenterology 76
American McGees Alice 100
American Medical Association 50
American Psychiatric Association
ammonia 92
amnesia 32
Amnesty International 44
AMP 29, 30, 62, 63
amphetamine(s) 30, 106
amphetamines (substituted) 66
Anadenanthera 56, 95
Anadenanthera falcata 95
Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of
Ancient South America 95
analgesic 98, 108
Ananas, Esperide 141
anandamide 30
Anarchists Cookbook, The 36
Anderson, B. 96, 108
Andrews, Lynn 105
anesthesia 88, 89, 90
Angelica 17, 18, 19, 20
angels 19, 83
Annales de lAnesthesiologie Franaise 75
Anonymous 49, 54
antidepressant 108
anxiety 9, 14, 16, 129
anxious 62
aphrodisiac 29, 96
Appendino, G. 93, 108
Apperson, Clyde 9, 10, 12, 16, 40
appetite suppression 62
apports 113
Archives of General Psychiatry 66
Armand, Arman 7
Arnold, Patrick 30, 62
ash 138
Asmodeus 83
Association for Transpersonal
Psychology 47
Association, The 86
Astrix 100
astral projection 124
Atari 103
ataxia 126
atheist 79
Atherosperma moschatum 64
Atropa belladonna 31, 32, 63
atropine 32
Awono, Urbain Olanguena 57
ayahuasca 2, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 71, 96,
105, 108, 140
ayahuasca admixture 95
ayahuasca analogues 64
Ayahuasca Healing Retreat 140
ayahuasqueros 22
Ayler, Albert 74
B. 64
Bach 72
Backster, Cleve 35
Baggott, Matthew 42, 56, 71, 75
Bakalar, James B. 46
baking powder 28
baking soda 28, 138
Ball, Lucille 70
Banisteriopsis caapi 27, 34, 96
Bar Association of King County 63
Barbosa, R.C. 66
Basu, N. 94, 108
BBC News 57, 75
Beauregard, M. 66
Beck, Don 35
Beckley Foundation 106, 107
Beckley Park 106
Beckstrom-Sternberg, S.M. 30, 40
Before I Go, You Should Know 69
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 107
Beifuss, Will 15, 141
Bele-Binda, M.E. 56, 75
Bellingham Farm 96
Benzi, Roberto 141
Beresford, John 41, 49, 52, 55, 98
Berger 98
Berger, Markus 100
Berger, Mirko 100
Berglund, Erik 140
Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen
Gesellschaft 108
Bestine 92
beta-carboline 64, 66
beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid


betacyanins 96
betaxanthins 96
betel nut 37
Betsa, Kesten 105
Better Days Publishing 108
Beug, M.W. 101, 108
Bicycle Ride, The 36
Bill of Rights 32
bitter orange 30
Bjork 72
Blackmore, Susan 35
Blessing, Angela 140
Bobby 53
Bohm, Sheelo 71
Bolen, Jean Shinoda 35
Bomberman 102, 103
Bonnie 17, 18, 20
Boo Hoo Bible, The 101
Boohoos 101
borneol 30 96
Bouaravong, N. 57, 75
Braden, Greg 35
Brainstorm: A Psychological Odyssey 47
Brezsny, Rob 109
Brian 17
Bright, Susie 35, 67
Brigstocke, Marcus 100
British Medical Journal 76
Brocklehurst, Carmen 35
Brod, Thomas M. 105
Brokeback 73
Broken Hearted Dragonflies: Insect
Electronica from Southeast Asia 74
Brown, B.T. 56, 75
Brown, Luke 71
Brugmansia 56, 63
Buddhist 57
Buddleia officinalis 37
Buffagni, Silvia 141
Buffalo Springfield 86
bufotenine 95
Bulletin of the Department of Medical
Sciences 40
Bulletin on Narcotics 60, 76
Bunyapraphatsara 95
Burning Man 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 50, 65,
71, 72, 73, 74, 114, 115, 133, 139
Bush, George W. 5, 85
BusinessWeek Online 108
Bwiti 124, 125, 127
C-Realm 133
C. and M., KS 139
C.A.P., MN, prohibition P.O.W. 64
C.G., ID 98
C.R., Federal Correctional Institu-
tion, N.J. 32
cactus 121, 130
caffeic acid 96
caffeine 29, 30, 62, 66, 117, 118
calcium carbonate 138
calcium chloride 138
calcium hydroxide 137, 138
calcium oxide 138
Caldicott, Helen 35
Calea zacatechichi 94, 108
Calef, Rob 141
California 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115
California Institute of Integral
Studies 45
California State University, Chico
California State University, Hay-
ward 125
Campbell, Don 35
camphene 30
Canadian Medical Association Journal
cancer 9, 14, 16, 75, 76
Cannabaceae 60
Cannabis 1, 34, 56, 67, 92, 106, 107,
122, 133
Cannabis sativa 60
Cannabis Seeds (business) 36
Cannabis-like 98
captopril 29
carene 30
Carroll, Jacqui 35
Carroll, Lewis 100, 101
Case, Justin 33, 34, 56, 57, 59, 75
Catharanthus roseus 60
Catuama 98, 108
Center for Cognitive Liberty &
Ethics 47
Centipede 102, 103
Centrum voor Studie en
Documentatie van Latijns
Amerika 75
Cereus grandiflorus 95, 96, 108
Cereus greggii 95
Cereus jacamaru 95
Cereus, night-blooming 95
Cereus peruvianus 95
chacapa 20, 22
chacra 19
chacruna 18
Chamberlain, Dean 71
Chandler & Sharp, Publishers, Inc.
Channel G 39
Channing, Carol 70
Chaparro, C. 66
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 6, 71, 105
Charalampous, K.D. 58, 75
Charles C. Thomas 75
chaste tree berries 98
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 40
Chemical Psychoses: LSD and Related
Drugs 75
Chemical Salvation? 8
Chemists New Product Contains
Hidden Substance 62
Chepa 17, 21, 24, 26
Cherry, Joanna 140
Chick, Jack 8
Chidester, Brett 33
Chief Boo Hoo 101
Chinese Association of Urine
Therapy 57
Chocamine 29, 30
chocolate 4
Chontal Indians 94
Choochote, W. 31, 40
Chopra, Preet 71
Chow, S.Y. 95, 108
Christianity 110, 113, 134
Chromodoris, Vibrata 71
Chronicle Books 111
Church of Trick 8
Ciba-Geigy 5
Cienki, John J. 117
cinnamic acid ethyl ester 30
cinnaminic aldehyde 30
Cipollina, John 74
Citrus aurantium 30
Clarke, David 35
Cleansing the Doors of Perception 47
Clear Springs 122
Clinical Toxicology 66
Clinton, Bill 54
Cloud, Ginger 71
clysma 56
coca 18, 123, 138
cocaine 62, 123, 138
Coe, M.D. 56, 75
coffee 56, 66
Cogswell, John 35
Cohen, Peter 35
Cohl, mile 105
Cole, K.A. 15
Coleman, Joe 7
Coleus species 60, 94
Colleen 72
Comments on BBCs Psychedelic
Science 47
Committee on Unjust Sentencing 55
consciousness 90
Consigli, Angela 8
Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of
Harvard University 95
Cooper, Diana 140
Copelandia cyanescens 83
Corazon, Linda Rosa 35, 67, 69, 140
Corina 17, 20
corn starch 28
Corral, Valerie 35, 67, 68, 70, 140


Corydalis yanhusuo 37
CoSM Press 141, 142
Council on Spiritual Practices 41,
Courtwright, David T. 35
Cousens, Gabriel 35
Cozzi, Nicholas V. 42, 48
cream of tartar 28
Crick, Francis 42
Crossing Over 114
curandera 57, 58
Curtis, Holly 35
cyclohexane diepoxides 30, 40
D, Kris 71
D.D., CA 132
Damanhur 140, 142
Damanhur: Temples of Humankind 140,
141, 142
Damanhur: The Story of the Extra-
ordinary Italian Artitic and Spiritual
Community 142
Darling, Diane 35, 70
Das Nord 76
Dash, G. Walter 49, 51
Dashu, Max 140
Daskalakos, Christos 35
Datura 63
Davies, Jag 71
Davies, John B. 35
Davis, Debra 35
Davis, Erik 13, 15, 71, 109, 115, 141
Davis, Jonathan 7
Day of the Dead 69
De Haro, L. 66
de la Paz, Mariela 140
De Win, M.M.L. 99
DEA 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,
40, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 64, 82,
death 56, 67, 68, 69, 75, 127
death and rebirth 124
DeKorne, Jim 36, 96
Delaware Senate Bill 259 33
Delusional Parasitosis 114
demon(s) 127, 128
Department of Justice 55
depression (treatment) 66
Desmanthus 99
DeSmet, P.A.G.M. 56, 75
Detchon, Carla 71
devils 83
diabetic 59
Diamicron 59
diarrhea 57
Dictionary of the Economic Products of the
Malay Peninsula 95
Die Grne Fee (The Green Fairy) 2, 3
dietary supplement 63
diethyl ether 138
digitalis 49, 96
Dioscorides Press 75, 76, 108
disinhibition 29
distillation 139
diterpene complex 98
diviners, Xhosa 93
dizziness 31
Djerassi, Carl 64
DMT 9, 32, 34, 55, 64, 77, 88, 90, 91,
92, 95, 132, 139
DMT: The Spirit Molecule 80
DNA 125
DOB 65
Doblin, Rick 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 40, 42, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
55, 71
DOC 33, 65, 66
Dog Ear Publishing 15
DOI 29, 65
Dollar Tree 85
DOM 66
Domestic Mail Manual 300 137
Donkey Kong 101
Doors of Perception, The 46
Dopecast 133
Doyle, Brandy 12
Doyle, D. 56, 75
Dr. Wily 87
Dream Signals in Full Circles 72
dreams 94
dreams (bad) 96
dreams (lucid) 71, 93, 124
dreams (prophetic) 93
drug (in reference to set & setting) 77
Drug Classification: Making a Hash of It?
Drug Enforcement Administration News
Release 40
drug policy 106
Drug Policy Alliance 47, 95
Drug Policy Programme 106
Drugs that Shape Mens Minds 47
DrugSense Media Awareness
Project 47
Duke 18, 19, 22, 24
Duke, J.A. 30, 40
Dukes Phytochemical and Ethnobo-
tanical Databases 95
DynCorp 18
Earleywine, Mitch 46
Ebers Papyrus 56
Economic Botany 108
Ecstasy (see MDMA) 16, 66, 99, 106,
Ecstasy/MDMA Facts 75
Ecstasy: In and About Altered States
edema 49
Educating Voices, Inc. 75
EEG 46, 94
Effective Drug Control: Toward A New
Legal Framework 64
Eisel, J.W. 56, 75
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The 47
Eleusis: Journal of Psychoactive Plants
and Compounds 108
Emboden, W.A. 101, 108
emetic 93
empathogenic 30
Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants 64
enema 56, 57, 59, 75, 76
Entheogen Review, The 75, 119
Entheogene Bltter 103
Entheogens and the Future of Religion
46, 55
Entheogens: Sacramentals or Sacri-
lege? 47
EntheoMedia 99
Entheon Village 71
entheopodcasts 132
Entheos: The Journal of Psychedelic
Spirituality 99
Ephedra 30
ephedrine 30, 63
Epiphyllum ackermannii 96
Epiphyllum angulifer 96
Epiphyllum oxypetalum 95, 96, 108
Epiphyllum phyllanthus 96
Epiphyllum truncatum 96
Ergopharm 29, 30, 62, 63
ergot 8
Ernst, E. 56, 75
Erowid 44, 47, 69, 71, 76, 94, 99, 125
Erowid, Earth 3, 15, 60, 71, 99
Erowid Extracts 99
Erowid, Fire 3, 71
Erythroxylum catuaba 123
Erythroxylum coca 123
Esalen 114
Essential Guide to Psychiatric Drugs, The
EST 111
ethanol 34, 120, 122, 139
ether 139
Ethnobiology, Cost Rica 108
Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline 75
Ethnogarden Botanicals 65
ethyl cinnamate 31, 40
ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate 30
Etnologiska Studier 76
Euphorbiaceae 123
euphoria 31, 33, 62, 98
European Journal of Pharmacology 66,
Everclear 122


Evergreen State College, The 108
Everyone Alive Wants Answers 72
EVI 56, 75
expansive feeling 98 57, 75
extraction, kitchen 120
Fadiman, James 71
Faila, Santha 35
Fantasmagorie 105
fatigue 57
Fazende, Dawn 140
FDA 61, 63
Feilding, Amanda 71, 107
Felix the Cat 105
Fenwick, Peter 107
fever 57
Feynman, Richard 42
Ficca, Billy 74
Field Recordings from the Cook County
Water Table 73
Fillmore, The 114
Final Passages 69
Fish, M.S. 95
Fitzcarraldo 18
Florida International University
fly agaric 101, 103, 108
fMRI 46
Food For Other Fish 74
Fork! 95, 99
Forman, Robert 1, 9, 36, 49, 99
Forte, Robert 42, 46, 48, 50
Fox sisters 113
foxglove 49, 96
Francis M. Nauman Gallery 99
Franklin, Marc 42, 48
Frecska, Ede 35
Freud 77
From Eleusis to PET Scans: the
Mysteries of Psychedelics 47
Fry, S. 10
Fuchs, Ernst 7, 142
Funeral Consumers Alliance 69
Furst, P.T. 56, 75
Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal
Functioning & Positive Psychol-
ogy and StoryCon 105
G.A.R., SC 96
G.T., Italy 93
Gabriel, Peter 73
Gaia Media Foundation 8
Galloway, G. 56, 75
gamma hydroxybutyrate (see GHB) 29
Gamma-OH (see GHB) 29, 97
Garcia, J 71
Gasser, Michael 8
Gast pump 139
Gelb, Michael 35
Genero Herrera 19
Geranamine 29, 30
geranium oil 29, 30, 62
Getty, Adele 35, 67, 140
Ghannadi, A. 98, 108
GHB 29, 97, 98
GHB-like 30
Giger Bar 7
Giger, H.R. 6, 7
Giger Museum 6
Gilmore, John 71
ginger 30
Ginsberg, Allen 114
Gips, Elizabeth 68
gnome/troll 31
God 79, 125, 127, 129, 132
Golden Morning Breaks, The 72
Goldman, Jonathan 35
Goldsmith, Neal M. 42, 48
Goldsmiths College, London
University 107
Good Friday Experiment 41
Goodwin, Paul 42, 43, 48
Google 63
Gorman, Jack M. 14
Gorman, Peter 17, 35
Gottlieb, Adam 30, 57, 75
Gouin, Jim 71
Gould, Stephen Jay 42
gout 57
Graboi, Nina 68
Grateful Dead 8, 53, 72, 110, 115
Gray, Kathelin 35
Greatest Benefit to Mankind, The 75
Green, M.R. 56, 76
Green, S. 56, 75
Greene, Loring Bard 32
Greenpeace 44
Greer, George 71
Grey, Alex 6, 71, 140, 141, 142
Grey, Allyson 6, 71, 140, 141, 142
Grey, Jeffrey 107
Grieve, M. 96
Griffin, David Ray 35
Griffiths, Roland R. 41
Grinspoon, Lester 46
Grob, Charles S. 8, 47, 49
Grof, Christina 71
Grof, Stanislav 5, 45, 46, 71
Grof Transpersonal Training, Inc.
Grove, Bertha 24
Gruber, John W. 118, 142
Grue, Karen Helle 35
guarana 30
Guillot, Casey 42, 48
gumbo file 64
H.D.V., Germany 63
Hagenbach, Dieter 2, 8, 12
Hagerty, Lorenzo 115
Hale, Susan 35
hallucinations 96
Hallucinogens and Culture 75
Halpern, John 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 40, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
Halperngate 8, 9, 41, 49, 51, 52, 55, 98
Halperngate II 49, 98
Hancock, Graham 35
Hanes, K.R. 117, 142
Hanna, Blake 15
Hanna, Jon 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 38, 42, 46,
48, 49, 51, 52, 67, 71, 81, 105,
106, 109, 117, 142
Hanna-Barbera 100
Haraguchi, M. 66
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 76
Hardison, Casey 49, 55
Hari Krishna 111
harm reduction 81
harmaline 95
harman 66
Harner, Michael 132
Harrison, Kathleen 35, 67, 71
Hart, Dawn 35
Harvard 1, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 42,
43, 44, 50
Hasler, F. 117, 142
Hawkes, Joyce 35
Hawleys Condensed Chemical Dictionary
Hayes, Charles 46, 71
Hazenkamp, A. 99
headache, cluster 9, 14, 16, 66
Headquarters, Department of the
Army 76
Healing Forest, The 76, 108
Heart of the Initiate 140
Heffter, A. 96, 108
Heffter Research Institute 41, 45,
Heinrich, Clark 35
Hellmuth, N.M. 56
Helmsley, Leona 54
Henson, Mark 71
heptane 92, 139
Herb Pharm 98
Herbal-Shaman 135, 136
Hernan 19
heroin 125
Herraiz, T. 66
Heskin, David 71
hexane 139


Higdon, Carla Annette (19632006)
Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore
the Continuing Impact of Psyche-
delics 47
Hirst, Manton 93, 94, 108
Hobbs, Christopher 71
Hoffmann, Martina 71, 140, 142
Hofmann, Albert 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10,
12, 30, 36, 46, 49, 81
Hogshire, Jim 36
Hollister, L.E. 58, 75
Holmes, Jordan 42
Holotropic Breathwork 42, 71
homeopathic drug 61
Homo erectus 126
Homo sapiens 126
Hoppal, Mihly 35
Horowitz, Michael 8
House of Commons Science and
Technology Committee 106
Hsin Hsin Ming 134
huachuma 58
Huichol 56, 130
Huntington Botanical Gardens 65
Huson, Paul 96
Huxley, Aldous 46, 47, 115
Hylocereus undatus 95
hyperthermia 66
hypnagogic imagery 94
hypothermia 29
hystrix lactone 65
I, Robot 7
Ibanez guitars 7
iboga 125, 127, 128
Iboga Therapy House 124, 125, 127,
ibogaine 124, 125, 127, 128, 130
Ibogaine Dossier 125
icaros 105
ichthyoallyeinotoxism 66
identity 90
If I Could See Dallas 73
Ilex guayusa 56, 76
Incident At Cima 73
Independent Project Records 73
Indra extract (Tabernanthe iboga) 127
industrial noise 72
Ingerman, Sandra 105
Inocybe aeruginascens 99
insomnia 31
Institute of Transpersonal Psychol-
ogy 45, 71
Integratron 112, 113
International Conference on
Shamanism 105
International Drug Policy Consor-
tium 106
International Network for Drug
Policy Analysis 106
Ipomoea carnea 66
Ipomoea riedelii 66
Ipomoea sericophylla 66
Iraq 136
iron sulfate 138
Ish 134
Isha 134
Isis Oasis 35, 67, 140
Islam 134
Issa 127
Issues: Berkeley Medical Journal 75
Italo 24, 26
itch 57
Its All Around You 73
J. R. Coll. Physicians Edinb. 75
J.S., OR 64, 95, 99
Jake 18, 19, 21, 22, 24
Janikiewicz, Stefan 35
Jansen, Karl 47
Japancakes 73
Jazz Jackrabbit 102
Jensen, N. 99
Jerome, Ilsa 42, 48
Jesus 53
Jonny 17, 22
Jorge 69
Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 66
Journal of Archaeological Science 66
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 75
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular
Design 99
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 40, 75,
Journal of Guizhou Institute of Technology
Journal of Medicinal Food 108
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 99
Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 76
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 66, 75
Journal of Psychopharmacology 99
Journal of the American Medical Associa-
tion 75
Journal of the Formosan Medical Associa-
tion 108
Journal Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics 75
Juan 20
Judaism 109, 134
Julio 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26
jurema 98
Juul, Tom 133
kaballah 109
Kaehr, Shelley 35
Kmpferia galanga 30, 31, 40
Kmpferia rotunda 30, 40
kaempferol 96
Kalant, H. 117, 142
Kamei, J. 98, 108
Kampia, Rob 71
Kanjanapothi, D. 31, 40
kappa-opioid agonist 98, 99
Karen 130
Kariri-shoc 98
Karpetas, Sandra 67, 71, 125
Katehakis, Alexandra 35
Kelly, Bill 54, 99
Kerry, John 85
Kesey, Ken 47, 114
ketamine 56, 59, 66, 88, 98, 139
ketamine-like 98
Kimball, Gayle 35
KinderCore Records 73
Kinderlehrer, Daniel 35
Kirby 102, 103
Kistone Press; The Twentieth
Century Alchemist 75
Kleps, Arthur 101
Knab 56
Knight, J.Z. 35
Korn 7
Korotkov, Konstantin 35
Koyama, Emi 4
kratom 38, 98
Kravetz, R.E. 56, 76
Krippner, Stanley 45, 71
Kumar, Sameet 42, 48
Kushlick, Danny 35
Kuykendal, Jill 105
La Barre, W. 76
Lactuca virosa 37
Lad, Vasant 35
Laffoley, Paul 142
Lagochilus inebrians 60
Lakey, Andy 142
Lancet 76
Langevin, Michael 140
Lanterna / Lanterna 73
Larry 17, 18
Laurelia novae-zelandiae 37
Leaf Label, The 72
Leaf, Seabrook 71
Leary, Timothy 14, 42, 50, 115
Led Zeppelin IV 109


Legal Highs 30
Leighton, Tim 35
Lemaireocereus 65
Lemaireocereus hystrix 64
Lemmens 95
Lennon, John 135
Leonitis leonurus 37
Leuenberger, Moritz 5
Life Sciences 66
Liggenstorfer, Roger 2, 3
lily, water 56
lime 137, 138
lime (citrus) 138
Lincoff, Gary 71, 101, 108
Lindgren, J.-E. 95, 108
List 1 64
LLoydia 108
Long, Stephen 36
Looks at the Bird 73
Loompanics Unlimited 36
Lophophora 38
Lophophora williamsii 56
Love (as slang for MDA) 66
Lovett, Christopher D. 42, 48
LSD 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
29, 32, 33, 40, 42, 49, 50, 51, 54,
55, 59, 65, 66, 81, 82, 86, 101,
106, 115
LSD Psychotherapy 46
LSD-like 33
LSD: My Problem Child 46
Ludlow, Fitz Hugh 114
Luna, Luis Eduardo 35
Lydia 17, 24
lye 91, 137
Lynn 17
Lysergic 15
MacCombie, Dan 71
MacKinnon, Gillies 35
Macmillan Publishing Co. 108
macroscopia 101
Madeleina 17, 21, 24, 26
madness (cure for) 93
madness (treatment) 96
Madonna 1
Magical & Ritual Use of Herbs, The 30
magical foods 100
magnesium 30
Maiangowi, Jane 59
Man Who Tells Me Things 21, 24
Mano, H. 120
mapacho 18, 20
MAPS (see Multidisciplinary Asso-
ciation for Psychedelic Studies)
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 39, 44, 49, 71,
MAPS Bulletin 46, 142
maraba 30, 31
Marco 17, 24, 26
Margolin, K.A. 56, 76
marijuana, medical 67
Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts 47
Marijuana Policy Project 44, 95
Mario 101, 102, 108
Martin, Leah 124
Martine, Tucker 74
Mason, Alan 35
Mastering Herbalism 96
matrine 98
Matrix, The 7
Maudsley Hospital 107
Mauricio 19, 20
Maya 56, 75
Mayagoitia, L. 94, 108
McBryde, B. 56, 76
McCartney, Paul 86
McCloud, Mark 9, 11, 12, 15, 49, 52,
McIntyre, Liz 38
McKenna, Dennis 35, 44, 113
McKenna, Terence 90, 106, 109, 113,
McLean Hospital (Harvard) 9, 14,
16, 42
McNamara, R. 66
MDA 57, 66
MDMA (see Ecstasy) 9, 12, 14, 16, 29,
30, 32, 49, 50, 54, 56, 57, 59, 66,
81, 82, 99, 106, 117, 142
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West
meditation 42
Mehl-Madrona, Lewis 105
Meier, B. 108
Melandrium undulatum 93
memory 88, 89, 90, 129
Menzies, J.R.W. 98, 108
Merkur, Dan 42, 48
Mermen, The 74
Merrifield, Jeff 142
Merry Pranksters, The 115
Mesa/Blue Moon 74
mescaline 33, 56, 57, 58, 59, 75, 76,
117, 120, 121, 122
Messmer, Otto 105
methadone 125, 127
methamphetamine 56, 59, 76
methyl-p-cumaric acid 30
methylhexaneamine 62, 63
Metzner, Ralph 45
Microgram Bulletin 64
microscopia 101
Miguez, Joe 35
Miller, Ralph 140
Miller, Richard Alan 30
Miller, Zachary James 35
Millions Now Living Will Never Die 73
Millman, Dan 35
Mimosa hostilis 44, 60, 91, 98, 139
Mimosa scabrella 64
Mimosa tenuiflora 44, 60, 91, 139
Mimosa verrucosa 98
Mimosame, Solkin 128
Mind States 8, 39, 43, 133
Minerva Medica 108
minocycline 66
MIT Faculty Club 10
Mithoefer, Michael 71
Mitragyna javanica 37
Mitragyna parvifolia 37
Mitragyna speciosa 37
Mitragyna stipulosa 37
Miyamoto, Shigeru 101, 108
Mizerak, Anton 140
MOCA 105
Mojeiko, Valerie 71
Mokkhasmit, M. 31, 40
Mokrasch, L.C. 58, 76
MOMA 115
monoamine oxidase inhibitor 31, 40,
44, 66, 95
Montgomery, Lou 35, 67, 70, 140
Moore, Henry 44
Moore, Michael 27
Moraceae 60
Morgan, John 47
Morgellons disease 114
morning glories 61
morphine 59
Morricone, Ennio 73
Moscher, Richi 97
Moss, Richard 35
Moss, Robert 105
mu-opioid agonist 98
Muir, John 114
Mukhomor 76
mulberry family 60
mullein 34
Mller-Ebling, Claudia 5
Mullis, Kary 42
Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies (see MAPS)
9, 41, 44, 47, 125
Murray, Yaqub P. 35
Museum of Cultures 5
mushrooms 32
mushrooms, psilocybin-containing 29
myocardium 49
Myristica fragrans 60
N.B., NY 132
Nachtschatten Verlag 2, 3
Nadelmann, Ethan 71
Naidoo, Marian 35


naltrexone 66
naptha 91, 92
narcissism 78, 79
Narcotic Plants 108
Narcotics Anonymous 125
Narcotics Digest Weekly 64
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Institute on Drug Abuse
12, 16, 41
Native American Church 9, 16
Natural History 75
Natural Products Co. 142
Natural Rights and Amesty Act 32
nausea 57
NBC 107
near-death 80
Neidpath, Amanda 106
Nemo 37
Nemos Utopia 37
Neo-American Church 101
Nepeta cataria 60
Neurology 66
Neuropharmacology 66
neuropharmacology 45
Neuropsychopharmacology 99
Neuroscience Letters 66
neurotoxicity 66
NeverEnding Story, The 129
New Age 110, 140
Nex, Eric 71
Nichols, David E. 10, 40, 47
Nicotiana tabacum 27
nicotine 28
Nigella sativa 98, 108
NightMare, M. Macha 67, 70
Nilsson, Micah 67, 126, 140
Nintendo 102, 108
Noah Juan Juneau 135
Noman 91
Nora Lyon & Associates, Inc. 10, 12,
Norberg, Sheldon 71
norharman 66
Normal, David 36, 83
Noro, T. 31, 40
Northern Illinois University 43
norweberine 58
Novartis 5
Nuclear Egg, The 44
Nunes, Domingos Svio 95
nuns 66
Nursing Times 76
Nuteanu, Liviu 35
nutmeg 60
Oblix 100
OConnell, P. 101, 108
Ocotea cymbarum 64
Ocotea pretiosa 64
ODea, James 35
Oldfield, Mike 72
On the Crest of a Wave: A Brief
Review of the BBCs Horizon
Special Psychedelic Experience 47
oneirogen 93, 108
Onnie-Hay, Julia 42, 48, 67, 71
Onyemaechi, Onye 35
opiate 125, 127
opioid 29, 108
opioid withdrawal syndrome 66
opioid/dopamine activity 98
Opium for the Masses 36
Oracle at Erowid 71
Oracular Madness 71
orchid cactus 95
Orford, Jim 35
Organization for Tropical Study
Abroad Program 108
Othman, R. 31, 40
Ott, Jonathan 47, 66, 93, 94, 95, 108,
117, 142
out-of-body experience 124
over-determined 77
overdose 97
P.H., NM 27, 137
Pac-Man 100, 101
Pachano, Mambo 120
Pachycereus weberii 58
Pagan Book of Living and Dying, The 70
paganism 67
Page, Christine 35
Page, Justin 37
Pahnke, Walter 41
pain 57
Palenque Norte 71, 133
Palmer, Cynthia 35, 67, 70, 140
Pancharoen, O. 31, 40
Pappa 28
Paquette, V. 66
Paracelsus 6
parallel dimension 88
Paramount Pictures 100
paranormal 113
Park Street Press 80
Pasquotank Correction Institution
past-life 80
Pat 24
Paullinia cupana 30, 98
Pawlett, Jason 124
Peden, Erik M. 42, 48
Pedicularis species 27
Pedro 20, 26
Peele, Stanton 35
Peganum harmala 87, 95
Pellerin, Cheryl 47
Pendell, Dale 47, 71, 98, 118
Peniocereus greggii 95
Peniocereus johnstonii 95
Peniocereus marianus 95
pentadencane 30
Perkins, Alisha M. 117
Pernot 3
pessary 56, 59
Peyo 100
peyote 9, 16, 56, 57, 66, 130
Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti 57,
Peyote Way Church 70
peyotl 76
Phalaris 44
Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic Drugs, their
Plant Sources and History 47, 95,
108, 142
Pharmacotherapy 117
Pharmako/Dynamis 47
Pharmako/Gnosis 47, 98
Pharmako/Poeia 47, 118
Pharos Alpha Omega Alpha Honor
Medical Society 76
phenethylamine(s) 29, 30, 32, 66
Phenibut 30
phenylalanine 30
phosphenes 94
physics, quantum 107
Phytochemical Analysis 142
Phytochemical Database 40
Phytochemistry 40, 108
Phytoextractum 37
Phytomedicine 108
Phytotherapy Research 108
Pickard, William Leonard 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 15, 16, 40, 50, 51, 52
Picralima nitida 37, 98, 108
PIHKAL: A Chemical Love Story 33, 47,
Pinchbeck, Daniel 71, 125
Pink Floyd 8, 72, 73, 74
Pinkley, H.V. 95, 108
Piper auritum 64
Piper hispidinervum 64
Piptadenia communis 95
Piptadenia gonoacantha 95
Piranha Plant 102
placebo 27, 117
Planta Medica 40, 99
plantanos 20
Plants of the Gods 30 37
poisonous 123


Poisonous and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
Pollux, Castor 72
Pommier, P. 66
poppy pods 98
Porter, R. 56, 75
Porter, Sharon 35
pot 84, 85, 136
Pot-TV 47
Powell, Simon G. 47
Princess Peach 101
Princess Toadstool 101
Proposition 215 (California) 67
PROSEA: Plant Resources of South-East
Asia 95
Pryor, William 35
Psilocybe(s) 38, 57, 100, 103
Psilocybe azureszens 101
Psilocybe semilanceata 101
psilocybin 3, 9, 14, 16, 41, 43, 66, 117,
125, 142
psilocybin analogue 99
Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered 46
Psychedelic Library 47
Psychedelic Salon 133
Psychedelic Shamanism 36
Psychedelic Sixties: Literary Tradi-
tion & Social Change 47
Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on
Entheogens and Religion 47
psychoanalytic 77
psychology 45 37
Psychonauts 103
Psychopharmacologia 75
Psychopharmacology 41, 99, 142
psychotherapy 77
Psychotropin 30
Ptychopetalum olacoides 98
puffballs 102
Purification of Laboratory Chemicals 138,
quicklime 138
Quicksilver 74
R., Serbia 59
R.D., MO 99
radio frequency identification 38
Raffauf, R.F. 56, 76, 95, 96, 108
ragas 72
Ralston, Amy 49, 54, 55
Ram Dass 68, 114
Ramon 69
raspberry leaf 34
Rastogi, R.P. 94, 108
Rtsch, Christian 2, 5, 64
Rauner, Michael 109, 111
Rawlinson, Andrew 35
Ray, Robert 140
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc 103
Rayner, Alan 35
Realms of the Human Unconscious:
Observations from LSD Research 46
Reay, D.T. 56, 75
recrystallization 92
Reed, A. 56, 76
Reid, John 35
Reis Altschul, Siri von 95
religion 109, 134
Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An
Entheogen Chrestomathy 47
remote viewing 71
Reneman, L. 99
REO Speedwagon 129
Repke, David 95
Resch, Patricia 140
Resident, USA 136
Rev. MeO 30, 40
RFI Ingredients 30
Rifat, Claude 29
Riffe, Jed 67
Rimell, Bruce 88
rite-of-passage ceremonies 124
Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Americas
Rivera, Faith 140
Rivier, L. 56, 95, 108
Roberts, Thomas B. 42, 43, 46, 47, 48
Robiola, P.F. 96, 108
Rodriguez, Rakefet 71
Roiser, J.P. 99
Rolling Stone 15, 73
Roquet, Salvador 69
Rosenbaum, Marsha 71
Rosenfeld, S. 10, 15, 40
Rosetta 99
Rowan, Ashley 35
Rowan, Lydia 35
Ruderman, Michael Allan 42, 48
Rufra, Joseph Stoney 49, 52, 53
Russel, Craig 140
Russell, Peter 35
RykoDisc 74
S.A., RI 95
S.A.D., CA 127
Sachs, Kevin 42, 48
sacrament 134
Sacred Cacti: Botany, Chemistry, Cultiva-
tion & Utilization 108
Sacred Elixirs 133
Sacred Mirrors 71
saddle stones (mushroom stones) 96
sadism 78
safrole 64
Sagan, Carl 42
Sahadev 140
Salvia divinorum 2, 33, 37, 38, 60, 61,
71, 92, 117, 118, 119, 133, 142
Salvia Divinorum Observer, The 33
Salvia miltiorrhiza 37
Salvia Zone 38
salvinorin A 38, 88, 89, 90, 99, 117,
118, 119, 142
Salvinorin: The Psychedelic Essence of
Salvia Divinorum 36, 88
Salzman, E. 57, 76
San Francisco Chronicle 15, 40
San Pedro 57, 96
Sanctuary 13, 16
Sand, Nick 71
Sandoz 5
Sandoz LSD 8
Sandoz LSD and Psilocybin Archives
Sandy 54, 55
Santa Claus 129
Sapien, Robert 35
sassafras 64
Satan 80
Satya-Murti, S. 56, 76
Savinelli, Alfred 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 40
Saybrook Institute 45
Scanner Darkly, A 114
Scenic 73
Schaefer, Stacy B. 43
schtroumpfs, les 100
Schultes, Richard Evans 30, 56, 60,
75, 76, 95, 96, 108
Schwartz, Gary 107
Sciarn, Andrea (Italy) 29
Scientologists 8
scopolamine 32, 56
Scopolia 63
Scott 59, 76
Scribe 59, 76
Scully, Nicki 105
Secret Chief, The 47
Seeking the Magic Mushroom 47
Sega 102
Selenicereus grandiflorus 95, 96
Seng-tsan 134
serotonergic loss 66
serotonin transporter gene polymor-
phism 99
Serro, Joo 4, 8
set 77
setting 77
Sewell, Andrew 16, 41, 42, 48, 49,
66, 71, 77, 80
sexuality 67
Sha, Master Zhi Gang 140
shaman 18, 56, 59, 132 96


Shamanic Extracts 122
Shamanic Snuffs and Entheogenic Errhines
shamanism 67
Shamans Drum 76
Shapiro, Harry 35
Sharanahua 96
Sheldrake, Rupert 106, 107
Shepard, Jesse 113
SheShamans 35, 67, 68, 70, 140
Shipley, Amy 62, 63
Shuar 56, 59
Shulgin, Alexander T. Sasha 5, 10,
12, 45, 47, 58, 71, 76, 96, 108, 114,
115, 117, 133, 139, 142
Shulgin, Ann 47, 71, 115, 117, 142
Shulgin scale 57
Siebert, Daniel 117, 142
Sikora 56
Silene capensis 71, 93, 94, 108
Silene undulata 93
Silva, Freddy 35
Simmerman, Tim 35
Singh, N. 99
Sister Sara Tonin of the Perpetual
Cosmic Disorder 8
sitter 131, 132
Skinner, Gordon Todd 10, 40, 51, 82
slaked lime 138
sleeping pills 69
Sleepy Strange, The 73
Smith, Huston 47
Smith, Libby 35
Smurfs, The 100
snitch 50, 51, 53, 54
Snow, Otto 97
snuffs 75
Society for Literature, Science, and
the Arts 43
sodium aluminum sulfate 28
sodium bicarbonate 27
sodium carbonate 137
sodium hydroxide 91, 137
Soma 57
Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortal-
ity 76
Sonic the Hedgehog 102
Sonic Youth 74
Sophora subprostrata 37, 98
soul 127, 130
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical
Medicine and Public Health 40
spearmint 34
Spears, Britney 1
speed 87
Speedy Gonzales 103
Spine and Sensory 72
Spiritgarden Ethnobotanicals 38
Spiritual Traditions and Communi-
ties 47
spiritual training 77, 80
Spiritualism 113
spirituality 67
spore print 97
Spridle, CA 139
Spychips: How Major Corporations and
Government Plan to Track Your
Every Move with RFID 38
Stachys betonica 27
standardization 117, 118
Stanford, Leland 113
Stanford, Thomas Welton 113
Stanford University 113
Star, Celestine 140
Star Trek 7
Starhawk 70
Starr, Kevin 111
starter fluid 138
Stein, Dyan 140
Stenocereus hystrix 64, 65
Stereolab 73
Sterling, Eric E. 55
Sterling, Suzanne 140
steroid 62
Stevens, Jay 47
Stevenson, I. 58, 76
Stewart 57
stimulant(s) 30, 62, 96
Stimulant X 30
stimulation 28, 31, 98
Stolaroff, Myron 47, 115
Storming Heaven: LSD and the American
Dream 47
Strahlenberg, P.J. von 76
Straight, Jane 35, 67, 70, 140
Strassman, Rick 9, 77, 131, 132
Stropharia species 60
Stuart, R. 56, 57
Students for a Free Tibet 44
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Sublime Frequencies 74
Sudberg, Elan M. 119
Sudberg, Sidney 119
sulfuric acid 138, 139
Super Mario 101, 102
Super Smash Bros. Brawl 102
Super Troll Islands 102, 103
Supriano, Sue 9, 36, 49
Survival: Department of the Army Field
Manual FM-21-76 76
Swatch 7
Swierkosz, Maboud 35
Swierkosz, Tara Andrea 35
Swiss Federal Council 5
Synadenium grantii 123
synephrine 30
Tabernaemontana pachysiphon 37
Tabernanthe iboga 124, 125
Tamblyn, Greg 35
Tamura, Michael 140
Targ, Russel 35
Tarnas, Richard 45
Tart, Charles 71
Taylor, Amanda 35
Taylor, Scott 35
Techgnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in
the Age of Information 109
Television 74
Telluride Mushroom Festival 71
Temple, Julien 35
Terry, M. 66
tetrahydrocannabinol 99
thanatology 67
Thanatos to Eros 47
THC 122
The Plant Kingdom and Hallucino-
gens, Parts IIII 60
Theobroma cacao 29, 30
theobromine 30
theophylline 30
therapeutic 130
thermogenic 30
THIQ/PEA Appendix 12/26/95
Cactus Species Tabulation 108
Third International Medicinal
Mushroom Conference 108
Thomas, Benjamin 31
Thompson, Carey 71
Thompson, Jeffrey 35
Thoth Press 97
Thrill Jockey 73, 74
Thunder, Gentle 140
thymoquinone 98
Thyssen, Sylvia 7, 46, 69
TigerStyle Records 72
TIHKAL: The Continuation 47, 139, 142
Tiller, William 35
Timothy Leary: Outside Looking In 46
TNT 73
Toad 101
Toadett 101
tobacco 27, 34, 56, 59, 75, 76, 106
Tobacco and Shamanism in South America
27, 76
Too Much: First-aid for Drug Poisonings
Topeka Capital-Journal 15, 40
Torelli-Delgado, K. 58, 76
Torres, Manolo 43, 95
Tortoise 73
Toward a Science of Consciousness
Toxicon 66
trance 72


Transform Press 142
Travellers Garden 38
Travis, J. 9, 40
tree people 31, 32
Trenary, Klaus 57, 76, 136
Trialogues on Consciousness 106
Trichilia catigua 98
Trichocereus species 38, 56, 57, 58, 59,
120, 121, 122
Trichocereus cuzcoensis 38, 65, 122
Trichocereus cv Juuls Giant 133
Trichocereus macrogonus 57
T. macrogonus strain RS0004 58
Trichocereus pachanoi 60, 96
Trichocereus peruvianus 37, 59, 65, 84
Trichocereus terscheckii 58
Trichocereus werdermannianus 58
Tripping: An Anthology of True-Life
Psychedelic Adventures 46
Trips: How Hallucinogens Work in Your
Brain 47
Tristeza 72
triterpene lactone 65
Trout, Keeper 28, 29, 65, 96, 108,
123, 133, 138
True Hallucinations 113
tryptamine(s) 29, 32, 34, 56
tryptophan 30
Turner, D.M. 36, 88
tyramine 30
tyrosine 30
ubulawu 93
UFO 112
unconscious 77
Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at
the Scientific Evidence 46
undlela ziimhlophe 93
Unhooked Thinking 35
United Nations Office of Drug
Control and Crime Prevention
United Nations Office on Drugs and
Crime 60, 106
United States Army 57, 76
United States Federal Analogue Act
United States Postal Service 135,
136, 137
University of Arizona 107
University of Chicago Psychedelic
Education Society 44
University of New Mexico 9, 80
University of Rhodes 94
urea (uric acid) 57
urine 56, 57, 58, 59, 75
Valenzuela, Maria Teresa 105
Valium 27
van Tassell, George 112
van Veen, Tobias C. 42
vaporizer 107
vaso-relaxant 31
Vaughan, Frances 47, 71
Velleman, Richard 35
Velmans, Max 107
Venosa, Robert 71, 140
Verlaine, Tom 74
Vernon, Oliver 71
Vespertine 72
video games 100
Villagrana, Roman 71
Vinca rosea 60
vinegar 91
Virola sebifera 96
virotes 22
vision (blurred) 63
Visionary Cactus Guide 76
Visionary State, The 109, 111, 115, 141
vitamin E 117, 118
Vitex agnus-castus 37, 98, 108
Voacanga africana 37
Vogel, Karen 67
Vohryzek, Malakkar 49, 50, 51
Volcano 99
Volkow, Nora 41
Von Reis, S. 75
von Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann 57
Von Ward, Paul 35
voyeurism 78
W.H., IL 29
W.P., Lhrbach 97
Waiting to Inhale 67
Waking Hours 73
Walker, Marilyn 140
Wallace, Bob 59
Walsh, Roger 47
Wanare, Warinei 140
Wansi, E. 56, 76
Wario 102, 108
Warm and Cool 74
Washington Post 62
Wasson, R. Gordon 47, 57, 76
waterpipe 102
Watts, Alan 114
Watts, J.C. 56, 76
Weather Report 73
Weil, Andrew 42
Welling, Ian 71
Werthmller, Lucius 8
Wesak 140
Wesselman, Hank 105
Western Journal of Medicine 76
Whitrock, Tristan J. 39
Whittaker, Terry Cole 140
Wikipedia 102, 108
Wilbert, Johannes 27, 56, 76
Wilkinson, P. 15
Wilson, Robert Anton 68
Winchester mansion 113
Wing, Sobey 71
Winkelman, Michael 35
Winters, Jeff 35
Winters, Patricia 35, 67, 140
wisdom tradition 134
witchcraft 32, 96
Wo/Mens Alliance for Medical
Marijuana 67, 68
Wolf, Fred Alan 35
Wolfe, Tom 47
Wolowich, William R. 117, 118
Womens Entheogens Fund 70
Woodstock 8
wormwood 3
Xavi 71
Xhosa 94, 108
Yale University Press 76
Yaxkin, Aluna Joy 140
Yin, Amorah Quan 140
yoga 42
Yogananda 112
yohimbine 29
Yosemite 114
Yoshi 102
Young, Neil 74
Zang, P. 62
Zapf, Anne 35, 67, 70
Zarate, C.A. 66
Zariat 123
Zen 114, 132, 134
Zhang, L. 66
Zimmer, Lynn 47
Zinziber officinalis 98
Zulma, R. 98, 108

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