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Vitamins are necessary for the growth of plants. Vitamins are organic
compounds that provide essential nutrients for plants to grow. Plants gain an
improved immune system thanks to these vitamins. The type of nutrients a
plant requires varies from plant to plant.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that enhances plant growth. Vitamin D allows plants to
absorb calcium through its stems particularly useful for plants that are
pruned (cutting of stems to allow for root growth). For plants that grow under
a harsh environment, vitamin D is absolutely required.
For our experiment, Vitamin D effectiveness was tested using higher and
lower concentrations. The general of health of the plant was monitored while
checking stem growth. Two different types of plants, beans and radishes, were
tested to observe any differences between species.
Ten pots per plant and five seeds per pot were used in this experiment. Each
pot was watered using only tap water for the initial ten days. During the final
ten days, each pot was watered using a corresponding concentration of
vitamin D. The average heights of the plants in each pot were compared to
determine optimal vitamin D concentrations.


- 20 Small plastic pots
- Soil
- Vitamin D tablets
- 10 Beakers
- 1 Measuring cylinder
- 50 Radish seeds
- 50 beans
- 1 Digital weighing scale
- 1 Long ruler

As vitamin D improvements the growth of plant stems, we would assume a
higher concentration of vitamin D would result in more plant growth.
However, this would imply that infinite vitamin D would have near
instantaneous plant growth an obvious impossibility. Just like too many
vitamins in humans can cause sickness too much vitamin D would like kill
the plant.
We assume that a relatively small amount of vitamin D would be optimal for
plant growth. For that reason, the amount of vitamin D supplied is ranged
from 0 grams/100mL to 0.9 grams/100mL using increments of 0.1
gram/Liter. Should our estimated range be correct, the growth of the plant
will reach a maximum somewhere within this range of values.


1. The pots were prepared by filling soil in 20 pots. The pots are labeled as
radish 0 to radish 9, bean 0 to bean 9. Five seeds of the corresponding plant
are placed in each pot. The seeds were watered every day using tap water and
the seeds were allowed to germinate over the next 10 days.

2. Ten beakers are labeled from 0 to 9. Vitamin D tablets were crushed and
0.1 gram is added to beaker 1, 0.2 gram is added to beaker 2, 0.3 gram is
added to beaker 3 and so on until 0.9 gram is added to beaker 9. The beaker
labeled 0 will have no vitamin D. 100ml water is then poured into each beaker
and stirred with a spatula.

3. Each plant is watered using the beaker that corresponds to its pot over a
period of ten days, only irrigate the plants with vitamin D concentration and
the tap water in between days, therefore you will only irrigate with vitamin D
five times.

4. After ten days of growth, the height of each plant is measured. The five
plants in each pot are averaged to determine the growth of that pot.
Independent variable
-Concentration of vitamin D used to water the plants.
-The type of plant used beans and radish seeds.
Dependent variable
-Growth of the plants.
Control Variable
-The number of plants in the pot.
-The size of the pot.
-Amount of soil in the pot.
-Increase in the amount of flora that produces oxygen in our environment.
-Faster plant growing techniques allowing farmers to increase their yearly
-Improve basic knowledge of the human race to allow further development.
-Faster plant growth produces more material for the environmentally-friendly
biomass fuel resource.

-To determine the optimal concentration of vitamin D for plant growth
-To improve farming efficiency.
-To increase the number of trees in the world.
-To raise awareness about the issues with the trees in the world.
Objectives in-depth:
*By testing differing amounts of vitamin D concentrations in plant growth, the
most efficient way to grow plants will be discovered. This information can be
used to increase the number of plants and trees in the world.
*If farming techniques were improved to grow crops faster, even if just
slightly, then the yield per country will increase tremendously.
*One major goal of the project is to improve the world by increasing the
amount of trees, which are regularly destroyed in staggering numbers yearly.
*Most people never think of how important trees and plants actually are,
learning of projects with a single goal of improving plant growth could alert
them to the issues we face.

From days 1-10 we only irrigated the plants with 100mL of tap water, from days 11-20 we added their
corresponding vitamin D concentration , one day it was irrigated with vitamin D and 100mL of tap water
and the next one just 100mL of water, and so on until reaching day 20.
Average Temperature between November 9 and November 29:28C
The plants watered with vitamin D grew more than the one that was irrigated with just water, yet the
plants grew more as the vitamin D increased, so vitamin D works well on plants.
As you can see on the graph, which explains the difference between day 10 and day 20, the difference
between bean 0 and bean 9 is a lot, and between radish 0 and radish 9 there is a lot of
difference too. I took into account the health of the plants, they were all healthy, except for some
radishes, but that is probably because of the type of seeds, since even radish 0 had health problems,
further experiments with plants using vitamin D and different types of seeds is necessary to give a
definite answer.
Day 10 Measurements (cm)

Day 20 Measurements (cm)

Difference between day 10 and 20(cm)

Our hypothesis was correct, a higher concentration of vitamin D resulted in more plant growth. The
difference in growth between the time it was irrigated with tap water and the time it was irrigated with
their corresponding vitamin D concentration is the following:
Difference between Bean 0 and Bean 9: 8.3cm
Difference between Radish 0 and Radish 9: 6cm
Our conclusion is that using a higher concentration of vitamin D is ideal for plant growth; however,
further testing is necessary to apply this to large-scale and long-term experiments.

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