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TAHUN 2010, 2011 DAN 2012

Menurut Gerald K. Chau dan Sidney J.Gray dalam jurnalnya yang berjudul Ownership Structure and
Corporate Voluntary Disclosure in Hongkong and Singapore, pengungkapan sukarela dalam laporan
tahunan perusahaan terdiri dari 12 kategori pengungkapan yaitu :
1. General Corporate Information
2. Corporate Strategy
3. Acquisitions And Disposals
4. Research And Development (R&D)
5. Future Prospects
6. Information Abaout Directors
7. Employee Information
8. Social Policy And Value Added Information
9. Segmental Information
10. Financial Review
11. Foreign Currency Information
12. Stock Price Information
Berdasarkan 12 kategori tersebut maka dapat dianalisis Pengungkapan Sukarela pada Bank
Tabungan Negara (Bank BTN) selama tahun 2010, 2011 dan 2012 adalah sebagai berikut :
No Voluntary Disclosure
2010 2011 2012
Hal x Hal
1. General Corporate Information
1. Brief history of company 4 4 6
2. Organizational structure 29&40 36&53 32&44

2. Corporate Strategy
1. Statement if strategy and objectives - general x - 208 93

2. Statement if strategy and objectives -
x - 188 87

3. Statement if strategy and objectives -
x - 208 89
4. Statement if strategy and objectives - social x - 208 89
5. Impact of strategy on current result x - x - x -
6. Impact of strategy on future result x - x - x -

3. Acquisitions And Disposals
1. Reasons for the acquisitions x - x - x -
2. Amount of goodwill on acquisition x - x - x -
3. Reasons for the disposals x - x - x -

4. Amount of consideration realizad from the
x - x - x -

4. Research And Development (R&D)
1. Description of R&D projects 95 x - 96
2. Corporate policy on R&D 95 x - 97
3. Location of R&D activities x - x - x -
4. Number employed in R&D 104 x - x -

5. Future Prospects
1. Statement of future prospect - qualitative 26 x - x -
2. Qualitative forecast of sales x - x - x -
3. Quantitative forecast of sales x - x - x -
4. Qualitative forecast of profits x - x - x -
5. Quantitative forecast of profits x - x - x -
6. Description of capital project committed 156 x - x -
7. Committed expenditure for capital projects x - x - x -
8. Qualitative forecast of cash flows x - x - x -
9. Quantitative forecast of cash flows x - x - x -
10. Assumptions underlying the forecast x - x - x -
11. Order book or backlog information x - x - x -

6. Information About Directors
1. Age of the directors x - x - x -
2. Educational qualifications x - x - x -

3. Commercial experience of the nonexecutive
x - x - x -

4. Commercial experience of the executive
x - x - x -

5. Other directorship held by nonexecutive
208 271 190

6. Other directorship held by executive
208 271 190
7. Position or office held by executive directors x - x - x -

7. Employee Information
1. Geographical distribution of employees 100 112 99

2. Line- of- business distribution of employees x - x - x -
3. Categories of employees by sex x - x - x -
4. Categories of employees by function x - x - x -

5. Identification of senior management and
their functions
100 112 99
6. Number of employees for 2 or more years 13 15 16

7. Reasons for changes in employees numbers
or categories over time
102 113 104
8. Share option schemes - policy x - x - x -
9. Profit sharing schemes - policy x - x - 103
10. Amount spent in training 106 116 102
11. Nature of training x - 108 94
12. Policy of training 102 108 100
13. Categories of employees trained 104 117 101
14. Number of employees trained 104 117 101
15. Walfare information x - 155 x -
16. Safety policy x - x - x -
17. Data on accidents x - x - x -
18. Cost of safety measures x - x - x -
19. Policy on communication x - x - x -
20. Redundancy information x - x - x -
21. Equal opportunity policy statement x - 116 104
22. Recruitment problems and related policy x - x - x -

8. Social Policy And Value - Added Information
1. Safety of products x - x - x -

2. Environmental protection programs -
x - x - x -

3. Environmental protection programs -
195 254 194
4. Charitable donations x - x - x -
5. Community programs 297 278 194
6. Value- added statement x - x - x -
7. Value- added data x - x - x -
8. Value- added ratios x - x - x -
9. Qualitative value- added information x - x - x -

9. Segmental Information

1. Geographical capital expenditure-
159 175 x -
2. Geographical net assets- quantitative x - x - x -
3. Geographical production- quantitative x - x - x -

4. Line-of-business capital expenditure-
x - x - x -
5. Line-of-business net assets- quantitative x - x - x -
6. Line-of-business production- qauantitative x - x - x -
7. Competitor analysis- qualitative x - 46 40
8. Competitor analysis- quantitative x - x - x -
9. Market share analysis- qualitative x - 196 118
10. Market share analysis- quantitative x - 197 x -

10. Financial Review
1. Profitability ratios x - 27 174
2. Qulitative comments on profitability x - 174 175
3. Cash flow statement- direct 343 396 268
4. Cash flow ratios 160 176 143
5. Liquidity ratios 158 173 141
6. Gearing Ratios x - x x
7. Fixed asset revaluation wthin the last 5 years 12 15 15
8. Disclosure of brand valuation x - x - x -

9. Disclosure of other intangible valuations
(except goodwill)
x - x - x -
10. Dividend payout policy 171 185 147
11. Transfer pricing policy x - x - x -

12. Impact of any accounting policy changes on
168 180 148

13. Financial history or summary- 3 or more
12 14 15

14. Financial history or summary- 6 or more
12 14 15

15. Restatement of financial information to
x - x - x -
16. Off balance sheet financing information x - x - x -
17. Advertising information- qualitative x - x - x -
18. Advertising expenditure- quantitative x - x - x -

19. Effects of inflation on future operations-
x - x - x -
20. Effects of inflation on result- qualitative x - 58 49
21. Effects of inflation result- quantitative x - x - 49
22. Effects of inflation on assets- qualitative x - x - x -
23. Effects of inflatian on assets- quantitaive x - x - x -
24. Effects of interest rates on results 165 181 146

25. Effects of interest rates on future
165 182 x -

11. Foreign Currency Information

1. Effects of foreign currency fluctuations on
future operations- qualitative
x - x - x -

2. Effects of foreign currency fluctuations on
current results - quantitative
x - x - x -
3. Major exchange rates used in the accounts 394 442 423
4. Long- term debt by currency x - x - x -
5. Short-term debt by currency x - x - x -

6. Foreign currency exposure management
394 442 424

12. Stock Price Information
1. Share price at year end 14 16 16
2. Share price trend 14 16 16
3. Market capitalization at year end x - x - x -
4. Market capitalization trend x - x - x -
5. Size of shareholdings 174 216 158
6. Type of shareholder 174 217 159
7. Foreign stock market listing information 175 217 159
Persentase (%) 32,74% 39,82% 39,82%

Persentase = Jumlah item yang diungkapkan x 100%
Jumlah seluruh item pengungkapan

Persentase 2010 =

Persentase 2011 =

Persentase 2012 =

Berikut adalah perbandingan antara Indeks GCG (Good Corporate Government) dan Indeks
Pengungkapan Sukarela pada Bank Tabungan Negara selama Tahun 201, 2011, dan 2012 :
Tahun Indeks GCG
Pengungkapan Sukarela
2010 29,54% 32,74
2011 25,23% 39,82
2012 25,54% 39,82

Berikut adalah Korelasi antara Indeks GCG (Good Corporate Government) dan Indeks Pengungkapan
Sukarela pada Bank Tabungan Negara selama Tahun 201, 2011, dan 2012 :
Indeks GCG
X-X Y-Y (X-X) ^2 (Y-Y) ^2
(X-X) x
Sukarela (%)
2010 29,54 32,74 2,770 -4,720 7,6729 22,2784 -13,0744
2011 25,23 39,82 -1,540 2,360 2,3716 5,5696 -3,6344
2012 25,54 39,82 -1,230 2,360 1,5129 5,5696 -2,9028
Jumlah 80,31 112,38 11,5574 33,4176 -19,6116
rata 26,770 37,460

= (Indeks Keseluruhan)

Perhitungan Korelasi per Tahun :

xy 2010

= -1

xy 2011

= -1

xy 2012

= -1

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