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What is Filenet P8?

The FileNet P8 family of products includes back-end services, development tools, and
applications that
address enterprise content and process management requirements. This section presents
about features and product capabilities. The rchitecture section includes an architectural
overvie! of the FileNet P8 platform components.
What is document?
"ost users think of a document as a file they create !ith an application such as #ord. The
user stores the document in the document management system so that a history of changes to the
document is maintained and the document can be easily found and edited. $sers !ho design
content management applications and those !ho manage them !ill need to understand ho!
can be leveraged to support a variety of application needs. document might be used to
maintain a
traditional electronic file as !ell as other types of data, such as an %"& document or content that
managed in an e'ternal repository. (ocuments)
* +ave system properties that the system manages automatically, such as (ate ,reated.
* ,an have custom properties for storing business-related metadata about the document.
* re secured.
* ,an have content that can be inde'ed for searching.
* ,an point to content that is outside of the ob-ect store .e'ternal content/.
,an have no content .metadata only/.
* ,an be versioned to maintain a history of the content over time.
* ,an be filed in folders.
* ,an have a lifecycle.
* ,an participate in business processes as !orkflo! attachments.
* ,an generate server events !hen they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then
to customi0e behavior.
* ,an be rendered to different formats, such as P(F and +T"&.
* ,an be published to a #eb site.
* ,an be annotated.
* ,an be audited.
What is Folder?
folder is a container that is used to group other ob-ects. Folders are the primary mechanism
through !hich users access documents. $sers typically think of folders as a place !here
documents are
stored1, ho!ever, filing documents in multiple folders does not create e'tra copies of those
documents, but
rather creates a logical association bet!een the folder and the document. Folders)
* +ave system properties that the system manages automatically, such as (ate ,reated.
* ,an have custom properties for storing business-related metadata.
* re secured.
* re hierarchical, in the sense that a folder can have subfolders.
* ,an contain documents and custom ob-ects.
* ,an generate server events !hen they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then
to customi0e behavior.
* ,an be annotated.
What is Annotation?
n annotation ob-ect, illustrated at right, represents
incidental information that can be attached to an ob-ect for the
purpose of annotating or footnoting that ob-ect. 2ou can associate
annotations !ith custom ob-ects, documents, and folders.
* re independently securable. (efault security is provided by
the class and by the annotated ob-ect. n annotation can
optionally have a security policy assigned to it.
* ,an have subclasses.
* ,an have 0ero or more associated content elements, and the
content need not have the same format as its annotated
* re uniquely associated !ith a single document version, and
thus are not versioned !hen a document version is updated.
* ,an be modified and deleted independently of the annotated ob-ect.
* ,an be searched for and retrieved !ith an ad hoc query.
* ,an subscribe to server-side events that fire !hen an action .such as creating an annotation/
* ,an participate in a link relationship.
* ,an be audited.
What is CustomeObject?
custom ob-ect is used to store and manage data that does not have content .and thus
doesn3t support versioning/ or a lifecycle. For e'ample, a customer might be represented in the
ob-ect store
as a custom ob-ect because there is no requirement for content. ,ustom ob-ects)
* +ave system properties that the system manages automatically, such as (ate ,reated.
* ,an have custom properties for storing business-related metadata.
* re secured.
* ,an participate in business processes as !orkflo! attachments.
* ,an generate server events !hen they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then
to customi0e behavior.
What is Properties ?
,ontent 4ngine ob-ect properties can be used to reference ob-ects that reside in any ob-ect stores
!ithin the same FileNet P8 domain.
Properties have a type, !hich can be 5inary, 5oolean, 6tring, (ateTime, 7nteger, Float, 7(, and
8b-ect-valued properties are useful for defining relationships bet!een ob-ects. The ,ustomer
sho!n in the loan e'ample in the previous section illustrates ho! both the &oan and the &oan
pplication can point to the same ,ustomer ob-ect. The properties that are associated !ith
ob-ects can have a single value or multiple values. For e'ample, you might define a multi-valued
property named Telephone Numbers in !hich multiple telephone numbers, such as home and
cell phone numbers, are stored. 2ou can then search for ob-ects by creating a search e'pression
that searches for more than one value for the same property.
Properties can also be configured to have default values that are set !hen a ne! ob-ect is created.
addition, the system can be configured to restrict the values for the property to a choice list.
choice list is a list of possible values that the user can select from !hen assigning a value to the
What is Event and Subscription?
4vents provide a mechanism for initiating actions that are invoked !hen ob-ects are created and
modified in, and deleted from, an ob-ect store. For e'ample, creating a document in an ob-ect
store triggers a create event, !hich launches a !orkflo! that approves the ne! document and
posts the approved content to a #eb site.
subscription is the association of a particular event trigger !ith an event action. 7n the previous
e'ample, create is the event trigger and the event action is the !orkflo! launch. "any different
subscriptions might be associated !ith a particular event trigger. The follo!ing diagram
illustrates ho! several events might be triggered !hen a ne! loan application document is
created in an ob-ect store.
what is Lie C!cles?
dministrators can use document lifecycles to define a sequential set of states that a document
!ill go through over its lifetime, as !ell as the actions that are triggered !hen it transitions from
one state to another. user or application can 9promote: or 9demote: an ob-ect to move it
for!ard and back!ard in its lifecycle.
&ife ,ycle ctions are promote or (emote. nd life cycle states are ;. (raft <. =evie! >.
Publish and ?. ,lose
What is Search?
,ontent 4ngine supports property and content-based searching. @ey capabilities of search
include the
* single search can span multiple ob-ect stores in different databases.
* #orkplace users can search for documents, folders, and custom ob-ects. 6earches can be
designed to
specify multiple folders, including a common folder name used in multiple ob-ect stores.
* ,ontent-based searching using 75" FileNet P8 ,ontent 6earch 4ngine supports e'tensive
search capabilities that account for misspelled !ords, typographical errors, phonetic searching,
stem searching, synonym e'pansion, and !ildcard searching.
* ,ontent searches return matches on properties and content.
6earch results can optionally be displayed in a 9document summary: format, !hich includes a
brief te't summary e'tracted from result documents.
* 6earch results can be ranked by relevancy.
* 6earching makes use of the utonomy multilingual features.
* 5ulk operations can be performed on search results in 4nterprise "anager, !here the
operations can
be scripted, or selected from a set of predefined operations such as delete, cancel checkout, file,
unfile, and change security.
* 6earches can be created and stored for easy e'ecution of common queries.
* 6earch templates provide a simple user interface for entering search criteria.
* 6hortcuts to searches can be saved so it is easy to find them later.
* 6earches can be e'panded to retrieve documents, folders, and custom ob-ects in the same
What is "ersionin#?
2ou can create different versions of content to maintain a history of changes and to control
!hich users can change the content at a given time. The set of versions for a single document is
called a version series.
,ontent 4ngine supports a t!o-level versioning scheme, in !hich a document version is either a
ma-or or minor version. "inor versions typically denote an 9in-progress: document, !hereas a
ma-or version typically denotes a completed document. 7n addition to version numbers, the
system maintains a state property indicating the current state of each version of the document, as
* 7n Process A !ork in progress version. 8nly one version of a version series can be in this
* =eservation A document currently checked out for modification. 8nly the latest version of a
version series can be in this state.
* =eleased A document released as a ma-or version. 8nly one ma-or version of a version series
be in this state.
* 6uperseded A version superseded by another version. "any versions in the version series can
What is FE$ %File&et Enterprise $ana#er'?
4nterprise "anager is a "icrosoft "anagement ,onsole ."",/ based tool that administrators
use to
manage ,ontent 4ngine. 4nterprise "anager provides a graphical, !i0ard-based user interface to
the follo!ing tasks)
* ,reate and manage ob-ect stores and file stores
* ,reate and manage classes and properties
* ,reate and manage security policies and default security for ob-ect authori0ation
* ,reate and manage lifecycle policies
* ,reate and manage event subscriptions
* 7mport and e'port ob-ects and metadata definitions as %"&
* 6earch and perform bulk updates on search results
* ,onfigure %"& classification
* Perform document management tasks .for e'ample, checkin and checkout/
* ,onfigure trace logging
P8 Core Components
FileNet P8 core components) ;. ,ontent 4ngine .,4/ <. pplication 4ngine .4/ and >. Process
4ngine .P4/
Content En#ine
,ontent 4ngine is designed to handle the heavy demands of a large enterprise. 7t is capable of
managing enterprise-!ide !orkflo! ob-ects, custom ob-ects, and documents by offering
po!erful and easy-to-use administration tools. $sing these tools, an administrator can create and
manage the classes, properties, storage, and metadata that form the foundation of an 4nterprise
,ontent "anagement system.
(e! architectural aspects include) 8b-ect-oriented, e'tensible metadata model A 4nables
,ontent 4ngine to provide comple' and
fle'ible data representation1 and a rich event frame!ork provides the means to trigger an action
response to activities performed against ,ontent 4ngine ob-ects.
Application Pro#rammin# *nteraces %AP*s' A Provide an e'tensible platform for
and cross-repository queries, and lets administrators configure systems programmatically. Bava
P7 provides a rich set of Bava classes !hich map to ob-ect store ob-ects, such as (ocument,
Folder, or Property (escription1 a #eb 6ervice P7 allo!s customers to author applications in a
platform and language independent manner by e'posing the ob-ect model in a small number of
generic methods suitable for deployment in a #eb environment1 a .N4T P7 .!hich is
equivalent to the Bava P7/ provides for development of applications using the .N4T platform.
+,EE-compliant application server A 8ffers reliability, scalability, and high availability
features, as !ell as support for a !ide range of operating system platforms, application servers,
database technologies.
Scalable A ,an be deployed to suit the demands of the enterprise. s the enterpriseCs needs
change, you can reconfigure the system by replacing, adding, or removing servers or applications
!ithout bringing the system do!n. 2ou can add members to #eb server farms and ,ontent
server farms at any time.
.nicode-based A $nicode is a universal character encoding standard that enables ,ontent
to be targeted to multiple platforms, languages, and countries !ithout re-engineering, and it
data to be transported through many different systems !ithout corruption.
Process En#ineProcess 4ngine provides soft!are services for managing all aspects of business
processes .also called !orkflo!s/, such as process e'ecution, process routing, rules
management, process simulation and modeling, and !orkflo! analysis. Process 4ngine
components allo! you to create, modify, and manage !orkflo!s implemented by applications,
enterprise users, or e'ternal users .such as partners and customers/.
The preceding diagram includes the follo!ing services and management components)
* Process 6ervice A The core of the business process management system. 7t provides !orkflo!
services on behalf of Process 4ngine.
* 4-mail Notification A 4nables automatic transmission of e-mail to users !hen specified
processrelated events occur1 e-mail notification can also be used to track !orkflo!s.
* =ules ,onnectivity Frame!ork A Provides a frame!ork for rules integration. process
designer or
business analyst creates business rules using rules soft!are acquired from another vendor and
associates the rules !ith the steps of a !orkflo!. #hen a running !orkflo! encounters a rule,
4ngine sends a request to the =ules &istener to e'ecute a rule set. =ules &istener e'ecutes the
in the rule set and returns the results to Process 4ngine. The rules engine provider must
implement a
specific P7 in order to integrate !ith Process 4ngine.
* Process Task "anager A Provides administrative tools for configuring and managing process-
services on the Process 4ngine server.
* Process naly0er A Provides analysis capabilities to determine cycle times, find bottlenecks,
generate reports and charts to analy0e the processes deployed in the Process 4ngine system.
* Process 6imulator A llo!s you to simulate processes or perform 9!hat-if: scenarios !ith
hypothetical or historical data.
#orkflo! database A ,ontains Process 4ngine configuration information as !ell as running
instances of !orkflo!s.
* ,omponent 7ntegrator A Provides an e'tensible integration frame!ork that allo!s you to easily
create connectors. Bava and B"6 adaptors are ready for you to use !ithout modification.
* Process #eb 6ervices A Provides a #eb services P7 to Process 4ngine.
* #orkflo! auto-launch A 4vent-driven component that launches !orkflo!s in the Process
system. 2ou can configure this component to launch a specific !orkflo! in response to specific
events. For e'ample, filing a document in a folder might launch a revie! process in the Process
4ngine system.
* (irectory 6ervices A (irectory service functionality is accessed through the ,ontent 4ngine
,ontent 4ngine supports several &(P providers and single-sign-on .668/ functionality. This
passthrough approach simplifies directory services configuration by centrali0ing it for both
,ontent 4ngine and Process 4ngine.
Application En#inepplication 4ngine is the FileNet P8 component that hosts the #orkplace
#eb application, #orkplace -ava applets, and application development tools. 7t is the
presentation layer for both process and content. pplication 4ngine protects user credentials
passed bet!een #orkplace and ,ontent 4ngine and, if configured, provides 66& security.
The services and applications included in pplication 4ngine are)
* #orkplace A n end-user #eb application that provides access to the document management
capabilities and is tightly integrated !ith the business process management capabilities of
FileNet P8.#orkplace also supports e'tended FileNet P8 capabilities such as forms
management, records
management, and portals.
Wor/place 01#orkplace %T is an optional FileNet P8 component .similar to pplication
4ngine/ that hosts the #orkplace %T #eb application, providing access to the process and
content functionality of FileNet P8. 2ou can install #orkplace %T in addition to or in place of
pplication 4ngine. #orkplace %T protects user credentials passed bet!een #orkplace %T and
,ontent 4ngine and, if configured, provides 66& security.
2endition En#ine
=endition 4ngine converts documents from a variety of formats, such as those produced by
8ffice programs .#ord, 4'cel, Po!erPoint/ to P(F and +T"& formats. "ultiple =endition
4ngines can be configured to support large numbers of conversion requests.
n application requests that a document be published by submitting a publish request through
one of the FileNet P8 P7s. publish request might simply create a copy of the document in a
ne! folder, !ith ne! security attributes, or it might also transform the document content to
another format .+T"& or P(F/. The publish request is queued in the ,ontent 4ngine server.
The publishing background task dequeues the publish request and calls the appropriate
publishing event handler. 7f a format conversion is a part of the publish request, then the handler
sends the document to the =endition 4ngine server to perform the necessary transformation.
P8 Installation involves these steps:
1. Install & configure CE::
a) Install Content Engine
b) Install FileNet Enterprise Manager
c) Install Content Engine software updates
d) Install ECM Centera SD librar! files
e) Configure Content Engine instances
i) Delete e"isting data sources as needed
ii) #rant per$issions to t%e Configuration Manager user
iii) Configure instances using t%e grap%ical user interface
i&) Configure instances using t%e co$$and line interface
f) Install t%e latest Content Searc% Engine Client files on Content Engine ser'ers
g) Install t%e latest (rocess Engine Client files on Content Engine ser'ers
%) Deplo! Content Engine instances
i) Install )i'oli Storage Manager client and add nati'e *(I librar! pat%s +,ebSp%ere)
-) Install )i'oli Storage Manager client and add nati'e *(I librar! pat%s +,eb.ogic)
/) Install )i'oli Storage Manager client and add nati'e *(I librar! pat%s +01oss)
l) Co$plete Content Engine post2deplo!$ent steps
$) Establis% t%e FileNet (3 do$ain and #lobal Configuration Data +#CD)
n) Create t%e data sources for an ob-ect store
o) Create t%e initial ob-ect store
p) &erif! t%e Content Engine installation
4. Install and configure Content Searc% Engine::
a) Install Content Searc% Engine
b) Configure Content Searc% Engine
c) Create a Content Searc% Engine collections director!
d) Configure Content Engine for content2based retrie'al
e) &erif! t%e Content Searc% Engine installation
5) Install and configure (rocess Engine::
a) Install (rocess Engine
b) Install (rocess Engine software updates
c) Install t%e latest Content Engine Client files on (rocess Engine ser'ers
d) Configure (rocess )as/ Manager
e) Co$plete post2installation (rocess Engine configuration
6) Install and configure *pplication Engine::
a) Install *pplication Engine
b) Install *pplication Engine Software 7pdates
c) Install Content Engine Client file updates
d) Install (rocess Engine Client file updates
e) Configure *pplication Engine
f) Deplo! *pplication Engine +c%oice of ur ser'er)
8) Configuration and startup tas/s::
a) Set *pplication Engine bootstrap preferences
b) Create a (rocess Engine isolated region
c) Create a (rocess Engine Connection (oint
d) Configure t%e (rocess Engine connection point for *pplication Engine
e) Set up Content Engine and client transport SS. securit!
f) Set up *pplication Engine SS. securit!
g) (erfor$ additional configuration tas/s .
Create Object Store in File&et usin# FE$
;/ "ust ) ,reate D,( database in separate table space .D&85& database/
</ Try to get separate table space for ob-ect store (5.
>/ 6teps ) ,reate the oracle user, configure the % and Non-% data source for that user under
#6 , and test the connection
?/ Then move on to F4" and create ob-ect store by supplying correct data source name. This is
applicable to D,( too.
E/ 7f the 8b-ect store creation !i0ard fails, make sure you request (5 to drop Fclean that table
space and then try.
G/ make sure you create a folder called -ars on ,4 server and drop the correct version -dbc driver
file and update the #6 env.
File&et *nterview 3uestions
*nterview 3uestions depends on ur proile4 the area on which u have wor/ed on555551here
are ew basic 6ustions4 which * #ot in last 7 8rs o *nterviews )-'
;. #hat is 4,"H
<. #hat is F7leNet and itCs components .4, ,4, P4/
>. +o! 4 n ,4 or ,4 n P4 communicate !ith each othersH
?. #hich protocol got used !hile communicationH
E. #hih version of FileNt u have usedH
G. (iff bF! >.E and ?.IH
J. (iff bF! ,ustom 8b-ect, n F8lder and (ocumentH
8. (escibe #ork 7tem, #orkflo! definitions, Kueue, =oster and #orkFlo!H
L. (ocument Mersioning meansH 6uperseedd means..H
;I. 8ther than this, they can ask for ,4FP4 P7sH
;;. 7f you have !orked on Process (esigner, then +o! to create !orkFlo!s, +o! to route them,
!here to put security, !here to add attachment etc..........
Fell free to askFpost more if you have any....
What is 9PF?
FileNet 5PF provides a configurable frame!ork for rapid development of 5P" application.
5PF #eb pplication, an -a' based application provides a user friendly interface to the
business users.
long !ith the pre defined screens and functionality, FileNet 5PF provides a frame!ork to
develop and customi0e the application to meet business requirement.
FileNet 5PF has t!o components)
;. 5PF #eb pplication) (eployed on a B<44 server, the 5PF #eb pplication is an out-of-the-
bo', customi0able, and configurable portal for 5P" applications, and a $7 container !ith
relevant components for 5PF applications.
<. 5PF 4'plorer) 5PF 4'plorer is a "icrosoft "anagement ,onsole ."",/-based tool for
defining and configuring 5PF applications.
:ierence between Wor/place and Wor/place 01?
#orkplace %T comes !ith FileNet P8 ?.I on!ards by default !hile !orkplace comes !ith FNet
#orkplace %T is faster, user friendly and has features like drag and drop to add documents.
75" launched #orkplace %T to compete !ith documentum and lfresco, !ho has similar !eb
#hile most of the functionalities of #orkplace %T are similar to the #orkplace, it cannot be
considered as product upgrade as #orkplace %T is built using Bava 6erver Faces .B6F/
#orkplace %T has better folder structure and nicer !ay to organi0e favorites.
#orkplace %T does not provide a development environment for customi0ation1 ho!ever,
#orkplace continues to provide the #orkplace pplication Toolkit and related development
tools for #orkplace customi0ation.
Some imp ino abt Content +ava AP*
; Annottaion can be added to :ocuments4 Custom Objects and Folder
2eturn the value o head propert!
2etreive the annotation o a particular document
Promote document rom <*n Pro#ress< to <Completed<
2etreive Child :ocuments rom a Compound :ocuments
; 1o implement +ava Event =andler4 irst implement the EventAction=andler interace
and onEvent%555'
; 1o determine ACE %Access Control Entr!'4 on a older has allow>den! access)))
; Auditin# or CE Objects can be done usin# b! either CE +ava AP*s or FE$ %File&et
Enterprise $ana#er'
; Publishin# mechanism create a new document object5 An! chan#es made to ori#inal
document4 ater initial publication will not be relected in published document5
; :ocument5#etContentElements%' to retreive content elements associated with document5
2etreive choice List associated with a document Class
Create an instance o custom object
; Factor! class provide t!pe-speciic static inner classes or creatin# instances o CE
2etreive the audi histor! or deleted objects in CE
,all search6cope.fetch8b-ects..../. The 6earch6K& ob-ect that is passed in must have an 6K&
statement to query the (eletion4vents.
; older5#etContainees%' retreives the collection o :ocument and CustomObject objects
iled in a older5
; SearchScope object determines which ned to be searched
:ierence between File&et 75@ and A5@
a/ FileNet >.E is a ,8" based application. FileNet ?.E is -ava based application.
b/ The =outers in FileNet >.E is replaced by ,onnection points in FileNet ?.E. Therefore, the
routers are no longer started and stopped as a service.
c/ The Process 4ngine ?.E does not have direct communication !ith the &(P unlike >.E
d/ ll the &(P communication is via the ,ontent 4ngine in FileNet ?.E.
e/ FileNet ?.E global configuration is stored on a (atabase unlike the FileNet >.E !here it is
stored on a encrypted file 9sysinit.dat:
f/ FileNet >.E relied heavily on passing username and pass!ords for authentication to both the
,4 and P4. (ue to the architectural changes to the ,4 ?.E, a much greater set of authentication
options are no! available. The t!o authentication standards that are no! supported include the
Bava uthentication and uthori0ation 6ervice .B6/ and its #eb 6ervices counterpart .#6-
Few *mp thin#s beore creatin# wor/low
Precaution while creatin# wor/low
;. Try to use submap in !orkflo! as much as possible....
<. 6tep name should be same as steps defined in requirement document.
>. 7f a component step is used at multiple locations in !orkflo! then separate queue should be
defined for processing of !ork items from that queue.This is to optimi0e processing time for
!ork items.
?. try to put general description on each step to make !orkflo! more descriptive.
E. Try to more business logic should be handled in !orkflo! definition instead of code.
G. Try to use more out of the bo' functionality, if feasible.
J. l!ays check sequence of routing condition like first true condition then ne't
*mportant Filenet 1ools
There are different tools are available in the FileNet to perform different activities.
Below I have listed some of the important tools availablein the FileNet.
1. FileNet Enterprise Manager
2. Process esigner
!. Process Tas" Manager
#. Process $dministrator
%. Process &onfig'ration &onsole
(. Process Trac"er
FileNet Enterprise Manager is the config'ration and administration tool for
&ontent Engine. FileNet Enterprise Manager is a Microsoft )indows application b'ilt
'sing the .NET $PI and comm'nicates with the &ontent Engine 'sing the )eb services
FileNet Enterprise Manager s'pports the following actions*
&onfig'ring all aspects of the domain and 'nderl+ing ob,ect stores.
efining c'stom metadata- s'ch as classes- properties- templates- s'bscriptions-
and event actions.
$ssigning man+ aspects of sec'rit+ access rights.
.earching for and administering instances of doc'ments- folders- and c'stom
E/porting and Importing the metadata from one environment to another
The Process Designer is a graphical tool provides the general process design
capabilities where 'sers define or 'pdate their process flows. $ wor"flow definition
describes all
The Process Administrator tool lets an administrative 'ser 0'er+ the s+stem for
process instances and view the c'rrent state of those instances. Process $dministrator
provides a wide variet+ of options so we can search ver+ precisel+. Process
$dministrator s'pports following actions on the wor" in progress wor"flow items
&omplete a step and send it on to the ne/t step.
Modif+ wor"flow field val'es.
$ssign 'sers to or remove 'sers from a wor"flow gro'p.
elete an entire wor"flow or one or more wor" items.
The Process Tracker tool can be la'nched to view the c'rrent and historical state of
an individ'al process instance. Process Trac"er provides the stat's of a wor"flow that is
c'rrentl+ r'nning in a graphical view. From the Process Trac"er graphic view window-
we can tell what steps have been completed in the wor"flow- when the+ were completed-
and which steps are c'rrentl+ active.

The Process Configuration Console tool defines the rosters- 0'e'es- event logs-
and vario's other s+stem1related components. This is 'sed to register the components.
From the tool- +o' import service definitions for the component. 2o' m'st create a
component 0'e'e for each imported class and ma"e the component 0'e'e operations
available to 'se d'ring a wor"flow design.
The Process Task Manager tool that is deplo+ed with the $pplication Engine that
can be 'sed to start and stop the vario's server components- incl'ding the server itself.
This is 'sed to start- stop- and administer &omponent Managers. The component m'st
be registered with a omponent Manager. Each &omponent Manager coordinates one or
more components which are responsible for delivering events from the Process Engine
to an e/ternal entit+ s'ch as a )eb service or a messaging s+stem.This can be verified
'nder the 3e0'ired 4ibraries tab for the &omponent Manager.
File&et P8 Architecture
+i ll, Today !e are going to discuss about the FileNet P8 rchitecture. FileNet platform
contains > servers !e can call them as engines.
;. pplication 4ngine
<. ,ontent 4ngine
>. Process 4ngine
part from that there are different tools available like ,apture, =ecords "anager and !orkplace
to perform different activities. The FileNet platform can be integrated !ith different
repositories like 7mage 6ervices, ,ontent services and other third party repositories using the
,ontent Federation 6ervices.

File&et Application En#ine Architecture
Today 7 !ill discuss about the pplication 4ngine architecture in the FileNet. The pplication
4ngine represents the out-of-the-bo' user interface for the FileNet P8 platform. #orkplace is the
user interface for the FileNet P8 and it provides the folder based vie! of an FileNet P8 content
repository along !ith various components like inbo', public queue and step processors. 5ased on
the roles users can access the admin tools like Process dministrator, Process ,onfiugration
,onsole and developer tools like Process (esigner.
"a-or components of the pplication 4ngine is application server, Bava P7 and ,omponent
7ntegrator. ,urrently FileNet P8 is supporting the belo! application servers.
;. #ebsphere
<. #eblogic
>. B5oss
+ava AP* is used to communicate !ith ,ontent 4ngine and Process 4ngine. #orkplace can be
customi0ed by using the #T.#eb pplication Toolkit/.
Component *nte#rator is used to integrate the custom components to the Process 4ngine. The
component can be a -ar file, !eb service or B"6. ,omponent "anager is process engine
component but hosted and managed on the application engine. 5y default 75" is providing the
custom component for ,4 8perations for performing the basic ,ontent 4ngine operations like
copy, delete and moving documents etc.The pplication 4ngine also supports the integration
!ith "icrosoftCs 8ffice and #eb(M.
Filenet Process En#ine Architecture
Toda+ we will disc'ss abo't the FileNet Process Engine architect're. Process Engine is
'sed to manage the wor"flows among people and s+stems for content and processes. It
s'pports s'pports process standards- s'ch as B'siness Process Modeling Notation
5BPMN6 for modeling and the 7M4 Process efinition 4ang'age 57P46 for definition
and e/ec'tionProcess esigner tool is 'sed to design and develop the wor"flow. There
are tools available to anal+8e and sim'late the wor"flow. )e can integrate the third
part+ r'les engine with the wor"flow to associate with the steps.
Process Service is core of the b'siness process management s+stem. It provides
wor"flow services on behalf of the Process Engine.
Process Task Manager is an admin tool to config're and manage process1related
services on the Process Engine server.
Email Notification Enables a'tomatic transmission of e1mail to 'sers when specified
process1related events occ'r. E1mail notification can also be 'sed to trac" wor"flows.
There are three different $PIs are available to develop the process engine applications.
1. 9ava $PI
2. PE). 5Process Engine )eb .ervices6
!. Process Engine 3E.T .ervices $PI
Process Engine Java AP! IBM FileNet B'siness Process Manager contains a f'll
feat'red 9ava $PI set that allows for vario's interactions with the PE server. This $PI
set ma+ be familiar to a lot of IBM FileNet e/perienced programmers from the eProcess
versions thro'gh IBM FileNet P: #./. This $PI set provides access to define- administer-
and control r'ntime wor"flow processing. It can also be 'sed to b'ild c'stom .tep
Processors and )or" Performers.The PE 9ava $PI 'ses the &E 9ava $PI for
a'thentication. $'thentication1related calls can be done with E9B or ).I transports-
tho'gh the 'se of the )eb services transport is the normal config'ration.
Process Engine "e# Services! Process Engine )eb .ervices 5PE).6 provides a
).41based interface to comm'nicate with PE. PE). is a f'nctional s'bset of the PE
9ava $PI. Beca'se there is no native PE .NET $PI- PE). is ideal for development
with .NET. .imilar to the &E).- PE). is also compliant with )eb .ervices
Interoperabilit+ ;rgani8ation 5).1I6 Basic Profile 1.< and )'rit+.
Process Engine $EST services!
$ new feat're introd'ced in IBM FileNet P: #.% is the PE 3E.T .ervice. The PE 3E.T
.ervice provides access to the PE b+ following the 3epresentational .tate Transfer
53E.T6 architect're st+le. PE ob,ects are e/posed as 3E.T reso'rces which are
accessible b+ standard =TTP methods. This $PI is ideal for $,a/1based )eb
applications that need to tal" to PE.
File&et Content En#ine Architecture
=i- Toda+ I am going to e/plain the architect're of the FileNet &ontent Engine. &ontent
Engine serves as
1. Main content management
2. .ec'rit+ management
!. .torage management engine for the famil+ of IBM FileNet P: prod'cts.
)e can install and implement IBM FileNet &ontent Manager as a stand1alone prod'ct.
The &ontent Engine is written in 9ava as a 92EE application. evelopers can 'se the
9ava $PI - Net $PI or )eb services to develop the applications based on the &ontent
Engine. In the FileNet P: v!./ we can 'se the &;M $PI to develop applications 'sing
&ontent Engine. &;M $PI is 'sef'l for developers who came from >B bac"gro'nd. This
&;M $PIs et is now s'pported as a compatibilit+ la+er in P: #./- allowing man+ &;M1
based c'stom applications that are written in P: !./ to contin'e f'nctioning in P: #./
with a few config'ration changes.
In the &ontent Engine- doc'ment is a mi/ of content as well as the metada 5+o' ma+ call
it as doc'ment properties6. 2o' are also classified this as st'rct'red 5metadata6 and
'nstr'ct'red 5content6 data. In the &ontent Engine all the str'ctered data will be save to
the 3BM. and the str'ct'red data will be saved to a filestore. $ file store can be a
shared drive- database or tape drive. The file store can be config'red 'sing Filenet
Enterprise Manager 5FEM6.
The content engine 'ses the director+ services to a'thenticate the 'sers. $ll the 'sers
and roles are defined in the director+ services. Based on these roles and 'sers content
engine a'thori8e the 'sers to a partic'lar doc'ment or ob,ect. .ec'rit+ privileges can be
defined at a class level or at ob,ect level based on the re0'irement.
ny #eb service call first route to the #eb services listener and later it !ill route to the 4B5
&istener !hich is stateless, !hich demarcates the transaction and authentication boundaries into
the server.
What is File&et 1echnolo#!?
FileNet is an 4nterprise ,ontent "anagement .4,"/ solution product suite from 75".
4nterprises uses FileNet to manage their content and business processes.
FileNet P8 platform, the latest version of FileNet system, provides a frame!ork for developing
custom enterprise systems, offering much functionality out of the bo' and capable of being
customi0ed to manage a specific business process.
FileNet 4nterprise ,ontent "anagement .4,"/ product suite includes)
Content $ana#ement Products)
1. File&et Content $ana#er %CE' A ,4 is the core content management solution for the
FileNet P8 platform.
4. File&et *ma#e Services %*S' A 76 is used to store and manage documents.
9usiness Process $ana#ement Products)
1. File&et 9P$ - 5P" manages !orkflo!s to reduce cycle times and to improve
productivity by streamlining and improving comple' processes. 5P" component
includes Process 4ngine, Process naly0er and Process 6imulator.
n insurance company receives address change requests from it policy holders though a signed
form mailed to one central location. The requirement is to digitali0e the request came though
paper form, process it quickly, send the response to customer and keep the digital images .for say
J years/ for regulatory reasons.
FileNet technology provides a platform and out of bo' products !hich help automating this kind
of processes quickly. fter manual prepping of mails received in mailroom, CFile&et CaptureC
allo!s scanning paper documents. 8nce scanned, digital images .documents/ can be stored in
CFile&et Content En#ine %CE'C and a !orkflo! is launched in CFile&et Process En#ine %PE'C.
The !ork of address change is no! assigned to an employee located in different part of the
!orld. The employee gets the !ork request in CFile&et 9usiness Process Framewor/ %9PF'C
!eb applicationCs user in-basket. The employee checks the request assign to him and performs
the address change activity on the customer policy. fter performing the address change !ork,
communication is sent back to customer and digital documents are moved to CFile&et 2ecord
$ana#erC for archival.
What is document liec!cle?
(ocument lifecycle in FileNet P8 is a sequence of states .like (raft, =evie!, Publish, close etc/
that a document !ill go though over its lifetime, as !ell as the action that are triggered !hen
document move from one state to another.
user or application can move the doc for!ard or back!ard in itCs lifecycle.
:oes File&et component CE4 PE4 AE support server clusterin#? What /ind o clusterin# is
supported b! File&et P8?
FileNet P8 platform supports symmetric, 6ymmetric, N P ;, and N to " clusters. This includes
FileNet ,ontent 4ngine, Process 4ngine and pplication 4ngine.
symmetric clusters include both active and passive servers. i.e. 7n case of symmetric ;-to-;
cluster, there is one active and another passive server. This is simplest form of clustering.
6ymmetric clusters include all the active servers. 7n 6ymmetric clusters different servers run
different services but in case of fail over, multiple services are be moved on to one server.
Please note) #hile FileNet ,4, P4, 4 supports activeFactive clustering, FileNet 76 supports
only activeFpassive clustering.
Which protocol is used b! File&et P8 Process En#ine %PE' to connect to Content En#ine
%CE' or Application En#ine %AE'?
**OP is used by P4 to communicate !ith ,4 and 4.
778P means C*nternet *nter-O29 ProtocolC
8=5 means CObject 2e6uest 9ro/erC
s ,4 is installed on 4, it uses direct P7 calls to communicate !ith 4.
*n how man! databases does File&et Content En#ine %CE' stores data?
FileNet ,ontent 4ngine .,4/ has t!o or more databases)
;. Dlobal ,onfiguration (atabase .D,(/ database .FND,((5/
<. 8b-ect 6tore databases .one or more/
FileNet P8 domain can contain one or many ob-ect stores. 4ach ob-ect store has its o!n
database !hich could be e'isting database or can be created by ob-ect store creation !i0ard in
Where File&et Content En#ine %CE' ph!sicall! stores documents?
FileNet ,ontent 4ngine can be configured to store documents at follo!ing places)
;. 7n (atabase as blobs .75" recommended ma'imum document si0e to store as blob is ;I
<. 7n File 6tore
>. 7n Fi'ed 6torage (evices .like 4", ,entera/
What is F& P8 domain?
The FileNet P8 domain represents a logical grouping of physical resources .such as ob-ect stores/
as !ell as the ,ontent 4ngine servers that provide access to those resources. server can access
any resource in the domain, but cannot access any resource that lies outside of the domain.
The ,4 Dlobal ,onfiguration (ata .D,(/ database stores information about the resources and
services for the FileNet P8 (omain.
The FileNet P8 domain contains the follo!ing entities)
1. Site - site is a geographical location !here resources are connected
through a local area net!ork.
4. Object store - n ob-ect store is a repository for storing ob-ects .such as
documents, folders, and business ob-ects/ and the metadata that defines the
classes and properties of ob-ects.
5. *ndeB area) n inde' area is a container for one or more inde'es, !hich
are used to perform full-te't searches against documents in an ob-ect store.
6. FiBed content device) fi'ed content device is an e'ternal storage device.
This device can be associated !ith a FileNet P8 fi'ed storage area.
8. Content cache area) content cache is a disk area that contains copies of
content recently accessed through a ,ontent 4ngine server. Typically used
in a geographically distributed environment, it enhances response time
!hen retrieving content.
9. Add-on eature) n add-on feature is a module that contains custom
metadata and data that support e'tensions to core ,ontent 4ngine features.
:. $ar/in# set) marking set provides a !ay to define a level of security on
ob-ects in addition to the normal FileNet P8 security model. 5y using
markings, access to ob-ects can be controlled based on specific property
values. To kno! more about C"arking 6etC visit article FileNet P8 "arking
What is File Store and File Store Polic!?
File 6tore is the physical folder !here FileNet stores documents. "ultiple File 6tores can be
created to store documents at t!o different places. This type of setup is called File Store Farm.
File 6tore Policy allo!s distribution of documents in File 6tore Farm
What is the use o Content En#ine 3uer! 9uilder?
,4 Kuery 5uilder allo!s FileNet users to ind Content En#ine objects and to carr! out bul/
operation on them. Kuery 5uilder is part of FileNet 4nterprise "anager .F4"/ soft!are comes
!ith FileNet ,ontent 4ngine installable.
The basic functionality of Kuery 5uilder includes)
;. Find ob-ects using property values as search criteria.
<. ,reate, save and run simple searches.
>. ,reate and save search templates that !ill prompt for criteria !hen launched.
?. &aunch search templates that are provided !ith each ,ontent 4ngine and 4nterprise
"anager installation.
E. ,reate, save, and run 6K& queries.
The Kuery 5uilder searches can be combined !ith bulk operations that include the follo!ing
actions, available on the Kuery 5uilderCs ctions tab)
;. (elete ob-ects.
<. dd ob-ects to e'port manifest.
>. $ndo documents checkout.
?. &ifecycle actions .set e'ception, clear e'ception, promote, demote, reset/.
E. File documents and custom ob-ects in folder and unfile them from folder.
G. =un M56cripts or B6cripts.
J. 4dit security by adding or removing users and groups along !ith allo! and deny
What is the si#niicance o Folders in File&et P8?
7n FileNet, Folders are used to group other ob-ects including documents and custom ob-ects. s
folders in !indo!s, FileNet folders provide a !ay to bro!se through FileNet ob-ects. FolderCs
helps in organi0ing the documents and other items.
document can be filed to multiple folders. FileNet does create copies of document in this case.
7t actually creates a logical association bet!een then folder and the document.
Fe! important facts about folders)
Folders are not versionable1 only documents are.
Folders are based on ,4 folder class.
,ontent of a folders can be copied to another folder e'ist in same ob-ect store.
7t is not mandatory that each document or ob-ects should be filed under a folder.
(ocuments !hich are not part of any folder remain $nfile.
=oot Folder is created along !ith a ne! 8b-ect 6tore. This folder is parent folder for
all other folders in the 8b-ect 6tore.
4ach Folder has its o!n custom security.
Folders can generate server events !hen they are created, modified, or deleted.
=ow to determine i File&et Content En#ine %CE' is runnin# ine?
Follo!ing are fe! things one can check to find out if FileNet ,4 is running fine)
,heck #eb6phere console for CFileNet4ngineC !eb application status. 7t should be in
running state.
Try connecting to ,4 using F4". 7f connection is fine ,4 is running. 7f ,4 is not
running user !ill get message C$nable to logon to P8 domainC.
Try logon to FileNet #orkplace. 7f user is able to sign in, ,4 Q directory services are
running fine. 7f not user !ill get Ccredential e'ceptionC.
Try follo!ing $=&)
ie. http)FFhqdemo;)LI8IFFileNetF4ngine
7f C6tartup ,onte'tC page is displayed, ,4 is running fine. 7f ,4 is not running, user !ill
get message CThe page cannot be foundC.
=ow authentication is handled in File&et P8?
uthentication is a process of checking if the user entered credentials are correct. FileNet P8
uses t!o different standards for authentication)
C5 +ava Authentication and AuthoriDation Service %+AAS' standard
B6 provides a policy-based frame!ork to determine !ho is invoking a Bava application. The
,ontent 4ngine 4B5 resides !ithin the B<44 pplication 6erverCs 4B5 container. ,4 therefore
uses B6 pluggable frame!ork for authentication.
,5 Web Services Securit! %WS-Securit!' standard
FileNet !eb services uses #6-6ecurity standards for authentication. &ike B6, #6-6ecurity is
an e'tensible standard !hich supports multiple security token formats i.e. $sername Token,
@erberos Tokens, 66& %.EIL Tokens etc.
#hen the ,ontent 4ngine server receives a !eb service request, the ,ontent 4ngine #eb
6ervice &istener e'tracts the #6-6ecurity header and performs a B6 login based on its
contents. 7f this B6 login is successful, then the #eb service listener passes the request onto
the ,ontent 4ngine 4B5 layer !ithin the 4B5 container.
=ow do !ou delete a document usin# code?
document ob-ect can be deleted from FileNet ,ontent 4ngine .,4/ using .delete() method.
Follo!ing steps can be follo!ed to delete a document)
1. 7nstantiate the ob-ect using getInstance or fetchInstance.
4. ,all CdeleteC method to add delete operation to the ob-ects Pendingctions.
5. ,all CsaveC to perform the delete operation.
Follo!ing Bava code demonstrates the deletion of a document stored in FileNet ,ontent 4ngine)
// Get the object
Document doc = Factory.Document.getInstance(os,"Document","/Doc")
// !ar" the document for delet#on locally
// $erform the delete'(%)F%)*+)
Note) 6imilar steps can be used to delete other ob-ects in FileNet including folder ob-ects,
custom ob-ects etc.
What are root classes in File&et?
root class is a class !ithout a parent. FileNet ob-ect store has multiple root classes including
(ocument ,lass, nnotation, ,hoice &ist, 4vent etc. The RParent ,lass3 property of these root
classes is RNone3 .as sho!n in belo! screen shot/.
The root classes are created automatically during ob-ect store creation. 8nce the root class is
created, subclasses and properties can be added to the ob-ect store.
For e'ample, a document subclass can be added under root class .(ocument ,lass/ by running
the ,reate a ,lass !i0ard from 4nterprise "anager.
4'cept the R(ocument ,lass3, all other root classes are places under R8ther ,lasses3 in enterprise
"anager as sho!n in belo! screen shot)
*n how man! databases does File&et Process En#ine %PE' stores data?
FileNet Process 4ngine .P4/ stores data in to one database named "W:9
What is EWor/low 2osterE?
C#orkflo! =osterC is a database structure that stores information about all !orkflo!s .or
!orkitems/ in an isolated region. #orkflo! =oster is part of Process 4ngine M# database.
#orkflo! rosters provide the Process 4ngine !ith an efficient !ay to locate specific !orkflo!s.
#hen !e initiali0e a ne! isolated reason in process engine, a roster called :eault2oster is
created for that isolated reason. dditional rosters can be created using Process Coni#uration
Console %PCC' to easy administrative tasks.
What is an *solated 2e#ion?
n isolated region is a logical subdivision of the !orkflo! database that contains the queues for
the !ork items, event logs, rosters, and other configuration information.
5elo! are fe! facts about isolated region)
FileNet Process 4ngine have 7solated =egions
RProcess ,onfiguration ,onsole .P,,/3 is used to create and manage 7solated =egions.
8ne P4 can have multiple 7solated =egions.
"ultiple 7solated =egions cannot connect to same ,ontent 4ngine .,4/.
7nitiali0ing ne! 7solated =egion creates default structure as 7nbo', default roster and
event log.
system administrator uses FileNet 4nterprise "anager .F4"/ to define the isolated
region. Process 4ngine host, the communication point, a pass!ord, and isolated region
number are required to define isolated region in ,4.
Wh! do we need multiple F*solated 2e#ionsG?
n isolated region is a logical subdivision of the !orkflo! database in FileNet Process 4ngine.
(ifferent units in an organi0ation !ho do not !ant to share !orkflo! data can create
different isolated region.
For e'ample the research department and the finance department in an organi0ation have
t!o all together logically different processes. 7t is recommended to have t!o different
isolated regions for these t!o departments.
"ultiple isolated regions also make it easy to maintain the systems. ,hanges made into
one region don3t affect the users of another region.
=ow to determine i File&et Process En#ine %PE' is runnin# ine?
Follo!ing things can be checked to find out if FileNet P4 is running fine)
Try follo!ing $=&)
7f P4 is running, the P4 server page is displayed.
7f P4 is not running, an error CPage not foundC is displayed.
*O2 Port %*nteroperable Object 2eerence Port') 78= port is used by 4 to
communicate !ith P4. This is a unidirectional port from 4 to P4. 7t has ><JJG and
><JJJ as the default port numbers.
Try opening the FileNet #orkplace - CTasksC page.
7f tasks page opens, P4 is running fine.
7f request to CTasksC page get timed out and CProcess 4ngine 4'ceptionC occurred then P4
is not running.
4'amine follo!ing #indo!s services for the process 4ngine and make sure they are
;. Process 4ngine 7"D ,ontrol6ervice
<. Process 4ngine 6ervice "anager
What are dierent t!pes o 3ueueEs in Process En#ine?
Process 4ngine .P4/ queues holds the !ork items !aiting to be processed. The queues in P4 can
be managed using Process ,onfiguration ,onsole .P,,/.
P4 has ? different types of queues)
1. .ser 3ueues
$ser queues hold !ork items assigned to a users or being tracked by a user. There are
t!o different type of user queues created !hen an 7solated =egion is initiali0ed)
o 7nbo'
o Tracker
4. Wor/ 3ueues
#ork queue hold !ork item !hich can be processed by one or many users part of a
i.e. For processing an insurance claim, a !ork queue C,laimC can be created and any
employee from claim processing department can pick up the !ork item and process it.
5. Component 3ueues
,omponent queue holds !ork items to be processed by component step in !orkflo!. The
components steps are to process a !ork item using an e'ternal component.
6. S!stem 3ueues
7nternally used by Process 4ngine, 6ystem queues are not accessible to the users or
administrators. ,onductor, (elay, and 7nstruction6heet7nterpreter are fe! of the
e'amples of system queues.
=ow to delete a 6ueue in Process En#ine?
FileNet doesnCt provide any mechanism to delete a queue1 !hether it is a !ork queue or a
component queue.
The only !orkaround is to initiali0e the isolated region in follo!ing !ay)
;. 4'port isolated region configuration data to %"& - $se Process ,onfiguration ,onsole
.P,,/ to e'port all components of selected isolated region.
<. 7nitiali0e a isolated region.
>. Take a backup of %"& file from the e'port in step ; and carefully edit the %"& file to
remove the nodes of un!anted queue.
?. 7mport the %"& file in recently initiali0ed isolated region !ith the option Cover!riteC.
E. Malidate the configuration.
Note: When an isolated region is initialized, it makes changes to the workflow database
structure and the data in workflow database is deleted.
FileNet developer should design and configure the queues very carefully to avoid a situation
!here they !ill have to delete a queue.
What happens to the wor/ items when a wor/ 6ueue is deleted rom PE?
Process 4ngine !ork queue holds the !ork items. FileNet P8 doesnCt provide any easier !ay to
delete a queue.
Kueues can be deleted by initiali0ing the isolated region. #hen a queue is deleted all the !ork
items in it are also deleted.
What is the use o Process Administrator?
FileNet Process dministrator allo!s FileNet administrator to vie! and manage !ork in
Process dministrator is a Bava pplet based $7 and can be invoked from 75" #orkplaceCs
admin section.
Follo!ing tasks can be performed though Process dministrator)
;. 6earch !orkflo!s, !ork items, !orkflo! events, and !orkflo! statistics.
<. 7t allo!s the administrator to search in specific area. Follo!ing areas are available for
o #orkflo! roster
o $ser queue
o ,omponent queue
o #ork queue
o 6ystem queue
o 4vent log .only for searching events/
>. 7t allo!s to manage the !orkflo!s and !ork items in follo!ing !ays)
o ssign or reassign !ork to a user
o ,hange !orkflo! attributes, such as data field values and !orkflo! group
o ,omplete !ork and send it on to the ne't step
o Terminate !ork and send it to the termination step
o (elete !ork, one or more !ork items or an entire !orkflo!
o $nlock !ork based on the current user or queue
?. 7t allo!s opening Process Tracker for the selected !ork item.
Where to ind inormation about the wor/lows or wor/ items which are terminated?
The FileNet Process dministrator allo!s administrator to search for events in event lo#s. The
information about the terminated !ork items can be found though Process dministrator by
search for events.
Please note that P4 queues only hold the information about active !ork items F !orkflo!s.
What is Process En#ine Connection Point?
,onnection point .or Process 4ngine ,onnection Point/ allo!s Process 4ngine P73s to connect
to an associated isolated region. The router process in FN >.E !as replaced by connection points
in FN ?.I on!ard releases.
FileNet ,4 uses connection points to connect to P4.
,onnection points are defined in ,4 P7s and persisted in the Dlobal ,onfiguration (ata .D,(/
on the ,ontent 4ngine. The ,ontent 4ngineCs 4nterprise "anager $7 is used to create and
manage connection points.
P4 ,onnection Point sample)
PE Server :&S4 Port4 *solated 2e#ion &umber
What is the dierence between Wor/place and Wor/place 01? What are the beneits o
usin# File&et Wor/place 01?
75" FileNet #orkplace, a part of FileNet ,ontent "anager product suite, is an out-of-bo' !eb
based user interface for FileNet P8 Products.
#orkplace %T is the ne't-generation FileNet P8 platform #eb application.
"ost of #orkplace %T feature are same as #orkplace1 ho!ever, the procedures user perform to
complete an activity are different.
#orkplace %T is faster, user friendly and has features like drag and drop to add documents.
75" launched #orkplace %T to compete !ith documentum and lfresco, !ho has similar !eb
#hile most of the functionalities of #orkplace %T are similar to the #orkplace, it cannot be
considered as product upgrade as #orkplace %T is built using Bava 6erver Faces .B6F/
#orkplace %T has better folder structure and nicer !ay to organi0e favorites.
#orkplace %T does not provide a development environment for customi0ation1 ho!ever,
#orkplace continues to provide the #orkplace pplication Toolkit and related development
tools for #orkplace customi0ation.
Note) 75" has plans to release the #orkplace %T development tool kit in future releases.
FileNet P8 programming ob-ective type questions for FileNet developers. (evelopers can use
these questions for preparation of intervie! as !ell as FileNet certifications.
Note) The bold marked option is ans!er of the question.
;. +o! many isolated regions can be created in FileNet P4H
;. ;I
<. E
75 CJ,A
?. $nlimited
<. #hich component queue gets installed along !ith the P4 installationH
;. P4N8perations
<. ProcessKueue
75 CE?Operations
?. 4N8perations
>. $sing !hich protocol P4 and 4 communicate !ith ,4H
;. $(P
<. +TTP
>. 778P
?. #hich command is used in the v!tool to configure the connection to the e'ternal
;. create(5Mie!s
<. create,on
75 dbconi#
?. listdbconfig
E. #hich one of the follo!ing step the !orkflo! must end !ithH
;. Terminate 6tep
<. 4nd 6tep
>. Terminate branch step
A5 1here is no such constraint
G. +o! many isolated regions can be connected to component manager at a timeH
C5 C
<. <
>. ;I<?
?. $nlimited
J. 7n !orkflo!s !hich of the follo!ing system function can be used to provide the !eb
service !hich can be invokedH
;. 7nvoke
,5 2eceive
>. =eply
?. #aitFor,ondition
8. #hich data type is not supported by #orkflo!sH
;. 8b-ect
<. (ate
>. Time
A5 9LO9
L. #hich of the follo!ing method calls retrieves a desired event logH
;. my6ession.get4vent&og.event&ogName/
,5 m!Session5etchtEventLo#%eventLo#&ame'
>. my6ession.get4vents+istory.event&ogName/
?. my6ession.find4vent&og.event&ogName/
;I. #hich method should be used to move a !ork item to another user3s inbo'H
C5 "WStepElement5do2eassi#n%userid4 alse4 null'K
<., false, 9inbo':/1
>. M#6tep4lement.moveTo7nbo'.userid, false/1
?. M#6tep4lement.reassign.userid/1
;;. #hich one of the follo!ing method calls retrieves a list of the names of all !ork
classesF!orkflo!s !ithin the isolated regionH
;. 6tringST names U myP46ession.fetch#orkflo!Names.true/
,5 Strin#LM names N m!PESession5etchWor/class&ames%true'
>. 6tringST names U myP46ession.get#orkflo!Names.true/
?. 6tringST names U myP46ession.list#orkflo!Names.true/1
;<. #hich !ork element provides access to all the fields of the !ork itemH
C5 "WWor/Object
<. M#6tep4lement
>. M#Kueue4lement
?. M##orkflo!(efinition
;>. 7n the follo!ing line of Bava code, 9v!8b-ect must be an instance of !hich classH
Kuery U v!8b-ect.createKuery.null, null, null, queryFlag, filters, null,
;. M#6ession
<. M#Kueue
75 "W3ueue or "W2oster
?. M#$ser
;?. #hich one of the follo!ing method calls !ill end a Process 4ngine session and log the
user offH
;. M#6ession.end./
,5 "WSessiom5lo#o%'
>. M#6esssion.release6ession./
?. M#6ession.terminate./
;E. #hich M#6tep4lement method is used to save the changes made to the !ork ob-ect
associated !ith this step element and advances the !ork item to the ne't !orkflo! stepH
;. do,omplete./
,5 do:ispatch%'
>. do6ave./
?. doPromote./
;G. #hich of the follo!ing method calls retrives a M##orkflo!"ilesteones collectionsH
;. M#Process.fetch#orkflo!"ilestones.level/
,5 "WProcess5etch2eachedWor/low$ilestones%level'
>. M#Process.fetch#orkflo!"ilestones.level/
;J. #hich method unlocks a !ork item associated !ith a step !ithout updating the fields on
the !ork itemH
C5 "WStepElement5doAbort%'
?. M#6tep4lement.doTerminate./
;8. n nnotation ob-ect can be added to !hich ob-ect typeH
;. (ocument only
<. (ocuments and custom ob-ects
75 :ocuments4 custom objects and Folders
?. ,ustom 8b-ects only
;L. #hich of the follo!ing files contains the configuration information for the ,ontent
4ngine 6essionH
;. ,46ession,
<. ,ontentpp,
75 WcmApiConi#5properties
<I. #hich method !ould be used o determine if an ccess ,ontrol 4ntry on a folder allo!s
or denies access to a user or groupH
C5 permission5#etAccess1!pe%O'
<. permission.getccess .V/
>. permission.getDranteeType./
?. permission.get,4./
E. ny of the above
<;. #hich one of the follo!ing statements is falseH
C5 Object obtained usin# ObjectFactor! methods are persisted in the
<. s 8b-ect6tore ob-ect can be instantiated using the 8b-ectFactory
>. 8b-ectFactory methods help to create ne! and empty collection ob-ects
<<. #hich one of the follo!ing statement creates an instance of ,ustom8b-ectH
;. 8b-ectFactory.get8b-ect.,lass(escription.T2P4N,$6T8"85B4,T/1
<. ob-ect6tore.get8b-ect.5ase8b-ect..T2P4N,$6T8"85B4,T,
75 objectStore5createObject%customObjectClass&ame4 properties4 permissions'
<>. #hich line of code belo! retrieves the associations for a given documentH
;. 8b-ectFactory.get8b-ect.5ase8b-ect.T2P4Nssociation, documentPath/
<. ob-ect6tore.get8b-ect.5ase8b-ect.T2P4Nssociation, documentPath/
75 document5#etProperties"alues"alue%Propert!5A&&O1A1*O&S'
<?. 7f the subscription is assigned to the content engine 8b-ect class, !hich one of the
follo!ing results is correctH
;. subscriptions must me assigned indivisually to each ob-ect of that class
<. subscriptions automatically applies to the first instance of that class
>. subscription automatically applies to all ne! ob-ects of the class
<E. #hat does folder.get,ontainees./ doH
;. retrieves the folders properties ob-ect
,5 retrieves a collection o document4 custom object and older objects
contained in the older
>. retrieves a collection of (ocument ob-ects contained in the folder
<G. s event action procedure can be defined in !hich of the follo!ing !aysH
;. M56cript or Bscript only
<. com ob-ect only
75 "9Script4 +script or CO$ Object
<J. #hich ob-ect is most suitable for storing properties !ith no contentH
;. (ocument !ith no content
<. Properties ob-ect
75 Custom object
<8. 7n !hat format an ob-ect stored searches saved in a FileNet P8 ob-ect storeH
;. They are stored using a FileNet propritery format.
<. They are stored as +T"& document
75 1he! are stored as 0$L document
<L. #hich one of the follo!ing methods belo! does not perform documents
;. document.set,ontent.content6ource, true, true/1
,5 document5autoClassi!%'K
>. document.checkin.true, true/1
>I. #hich of the follo!ing statement retrieves a folder ob-ectH
;. 8b-ectFactory.get8b-ect.5ase8b-ect.T2P4NF8&(4=, folder7d/1
<. ob-ect6tore.geFolder.folder7d/1
75 objectStore5#etObject%9aseObject518PE?FOL:E24 older*d'K

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