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1. Differentiate Software Quality Verification and Validation.

2. Define Quality Management.
Quality management is focused not only on product/service quality, but also the
means to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of
processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.
3. Define Conditional code.

4. What are the tools and methods used to develop the software configuration

5. Write any four benefits of Software Standards.
Most experienced software managers can cite at least one standard that was key to
a programs success. In the case of IBMs OS/360, a standard assembler language
permitted cooperative development by 13 laboratories in 6 countries.
Standard higher-level language (PLS) also saved a great deal of money in
development and support
Standards and procedures ranked first.

6. How inspection is being conducted for software.

7. Write down how Black Box testing differs from White Box testing.
There are two basic ways of constructing tests: white box and black box.
White box tests examine the internal design of the program and require that the tester has
detailed knowledge of its structure. Black box tests, however, are generally based on the
functional requirements.
8. List out all categories of software defects.

9. What are the logical methods to prevent software from defect?
1. To meet the escalating needs of society, progressively larger and more complex
programs will be needed.
2. Since these programs will be used in increasingly sensitive applications, software
defects will likely become progressively more damaging to society.
3. For the foreseeable future, programs will continue to be designed by error prone
4. This means that, with present methods, the number and severity of bugs encountered
by systems users will increase.

10. Write down the drawbacks during the Software Process Change.

11. Explain the Software Assessment Process with suitable example.
Any assessment is to identify the organization to be assessed and the team to do it.
Professional assessment groups are rare
Most organizations will have to assemble an assessment team of their own
Group is available- corporate- division headquarters.
Forming an assessment team
Self- Assessment considerations
Assessment ground rules
(a) The assessment results will be kept confidential by team member
(b) The site manager personally agrees to participate in the opening and closing
(c) In addition to the regular members
(d) The site manager commits to developing and implementing appropriate action
(e) Manager agrees to designate a person responsible for developing the action
Assessment team training
The On-Site period
12. Explain the process of Bench Marking in Total Quality Management.

13. Describe Baseline with suitable example.
The baseline is the foundation for configuration management.
Subsequent work is based and to which only authorized changes are made.
Baseline scope
- The current level of each module, including source and object code
- The current level of each test case, including source and object code
- The current level of each assembler, compiler, editor, or other tool used
- The current level of any special test or operational data
- The current level of all macros, libraries, and files
- The current level of any installation or operating procedures

Baseline control
Configuration management records
As the change is mode, a record is kept of what was done. This change log includes
the information .
14. Write short notes on
a. Test plan

b. Configuration Accounting
The information required for comprehensive status accounting includes:
- The time at which each baseline was established.
- When each software configuration item and changes was included in the
- A description of each configuration item
- The status of each software related engineering change
- The description of each software change
- The status of each software change
- The documentation status for each baseline.
Configuration Audit.
Rules for SCM audits:
- They are periodically needed to ensure the integrity of the software baselines.
- A successful audit is performed before every major baseline change.
- The audit verifies that changes to the baseline are implemented as intended.
- The auditing function is an integral part of the SCM system.
Proper actions are taken as follows:
- Requirements
- Functional
- High-level design
- Design
- Product
- Operational
15. Explain the objectives and basic principles of Inspection.
Inspection objectives:
- To find error at the earliest possible point in the development cycle.
- To ensure that the appropriate parties technically agree on the work
- To verify that the work meets predefined criteria
- To formally complete a technical task
- To provide data on the product and the inspection process.
Host of secondary benefits:
- They ensure that associated worked are technically aware of the product.
- They help to build an effective technical team.
- They help to utilize the best talents in the organization.
Inspection principles:
- The inspection if a formal, structured process with a system of checklists and
defined roles for the participants.
- Generic checklists and standards are developed for each inspection type and
where appropriate
- The reviewers are prepared in advance and have identified their concerns and
questions before the inspection starts.
- An inspection is conducted by technical people for technical people.
16. Explain in detail the Reason and Benefits of Software Standards.
Reason for software standards:
Standards are needed when many people, products or tools must coexist. They are
essential for establishing common support environments, performing integration, or
System test.
The large software organizations are finding that the value of one set of uniform
procedures for the whole shop justifies a significant investment is training and procedure
Benefits of software standards:
Most experienced software managers can cite at least one standard that was key to
a programs success. In the case of IBMs OS/360, a standard assembler language
permitted cooperative development by 13 laboratories in 6 countries.
Standard higher-level language (PLS) also saved a great deal of money in
development and support
Standards and procedures ranked first.
17. What is meant by Testing? Explain the different types of Testing.
Testing :
The process of executing a program (or part of a program) with the intention of
finding errors.
Types of software testing:
- Unit testing(white box)
- Integration testing
- Function testing (black box)
- Regression testing
- System testing
- Acceptance and installation testing
18. Discuss about the estimation of software quality.
Making a software quality estimate it is important to remember that every
project is different.
- The anticipated rate of customer installation for this type of product
- The product release history
- The distribution plan
- The service system established
Making a software quality estimate
Software quality models
Intuitive quality models
19. Write any two case studies for Software Process Changes.
Six requirement for software process change are:
1. Sell top management
2. Get technical support
3. Involve all management levels
4. Establish an aggressive strategy and a conservative plan
5. Stay aware of the current situation
6. Keep progress visible
20. What is meant by software defect and how to prevent it?

Management commitment, the implementation steps for a defect prevention
program are:
- Defect reporting
- Cause analysis
- Action plan development
- Action implementation
- Performance tracking
- Stating over

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