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Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL

1 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress

!"#$ %&"'()*+, %-#) "/ ,0((+& 1#-',2-)*"' 3(/*'*)*"' 45-602( ,(')('+( 7'*) %-8(
skln Lone /skin Loon/ (n) PauLLon colour of your skln My !"#$ &'$( ls folt bot my slstets ls polte Jotk. 1 S8 9
Lanned /Lnd/ (ad[) braun gebrannL havlng a brown skln colour as a resulL of belng
ln Lhe sun
kote wos &)$$(* oftet bet beocb bollJoy. 1 S8 9
hazel /heizl/ (ad[) haselnussbraun (eye colour), greenlsh- or reddlsh-brown 1 S8 9
bushy /bo[l/ (ad[) buschlg Lhlck, ofLen used Lo descrlbe eyebrows 1 S8 9
hooked /hokL/ (ad[) Paken- wlLh a curved shape, ofLen used Lo descrlbe a
1be olJ womoos +''"(* oose moJe bet look polte ftlqbteoloq to tbe cbllJteo. 1 S8 9
Lurned up /Ls:nd tp/ (ad[) SLups- shape of a nose LhaL llfLs a llLLle aL Lhe polnL 1 S8 9
slmllar (Lo) /similo(r)/ (ad[) ahnllch (wle) belng llke sb / sLh else buL noL exacLly Lhe same lm polte !#,#-). &' my motbet lo looks. we botb bove Jotk bolt ooJ bloe eyes. 1 S8 9
personallLy /ps:sonloLl/ (n) ersnllchkelL whaL ls speclal abouL your characLer LhaL
makes you dlfferenL from oLhers
nes ooly foot yeots olJ bot olteoJy bos o /(.!'$)-#&0 of bls owo. 1 S8 9
slbllng /sibliq/ (n) CeschwlsLer-,
a broLher or slsLer 1 S8 9
ldenLlcal /aidenLikl/ (ad[) ldenLlsch belng exacLly Lhe same as sb / sLh else 1bls bomewotk ls #*($&#1)- to Cotys. ulJ yoo copy lt? 1 S8 10
feaLure /fl:L[o(r)/ (n) Merkmal parL of Lhe face such as eyes, nose, eLc. net blq, Jotk eyes ote bet best 2()&3.(. 1 S8 10
lnherlL /inheriL/ (v) erben recelve money afLer a person's deaLh, ofLen a
Molly #$+(.#&(* o mlllloo poooJs wbeo bet qtooJfotbet JleJ. 1 S8 10
equally /l:kwoll/ (adv) glelch Lo Lhe same degree, ln Lhe same or a slmllar
1be two testootoots ote (43)--0 qooJ. lve boJ excelleot meols lo botb. 1 S8 10
ralse /reiz/ (v) aufzlehen brlng up l wos boto lo tbe uk bot .)#!(* lo coooJo. 1 S8 10
geneLlcally /deneLikll/ (adv) geneLlsch havlng Lhe same lnherlLed blologlcal feaLures 1wlos ote 5($(&#1)--0 tbe some bot ofteo bove Jlffeteot petsooolltles. 1 S8 10
allke /olaik/ (ad[) ahnllch slmllar My slstet ooJ l Jo oot look )-#"(. 1 S8 10
adopLlve /odupLiv/ (ad[) AdopLlv- havlng legally Laken a chlld lnLo your famlly Lo
brlng up as your own
6*'/&#7( poteots osoolly btloq cbllJteo op os lf tbey wete tbelt bloloqlcol
1 S8 10
reacL (Lo) /rlkL/ (v) (auf eLw.) reagleren do sLh ln response Lo an evenL or slLuaLlon 1etty .()1&(* boJly &' bls poot exom tesolts. ne qot vety ooqty. 1 S8 10
researcher /riss:L[o(r)/ (n) lorscher(ln) a person who sLudles sLh carefully and Lrles Lo
dlscover new facLs abouL lL
Mott wotks os o oolvetslty .(!().1+(.. 1 S8 10
colncldence /kooinsidons/ (n) Zufall Lwo Lhlngs happenlng aL Lhe same Llme by
5oe ooJ Ieooy wote tbe some ootflt to 5oms potty. wbot o 1'#$1#*($1(! 1 S8 10
deLermlne /diLs:min/ (v) besLlmmen lnfluence and dlrecL Ooollflcotloos ofteo *(&(.,#$( yoot fotote coteet. 1 S8 10
LreaL /Lrl:L/ (v) behandeln behave ln a parLlcular way Lowards sb My peopols poteots &.()&(* me vety kloJly wbeo l stoyeJ wltb tbem lo
1 S8 10
surroundlngs /soroondiqz/ (n pl) umgebung everyLhlng around or near you l llke my !3..'3$*#$5! to be colm ooJ peocefol. 1 S8 10
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
2 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lake (sLh) for granLed /Leik . fo
(ldm) (eLw.) fur
halLen, als
accepL sLh wlLhouL Lhlnklng abouL lL we &)"( olt ttovel 2'. 5.)$&(* bot two booJteJ yeots oqo lt wosot posslble. 1 S8 11
unlque /[unl:k/ (ad[) elnzlgarLlg belng Lhe only one lloqetptlots ote 3$#43( to eocb petsoo. 1 S8 11
fasclnaLlng /fsineiLiq/ (ad[) faszlnlerend very unusual and lnLeresLlng oot ttlp to Alosko soooJs obsolotely 2)!1#$)&#$5. 1 S8 11
challenge /L[lind/ (v) herausfordern go agalnsL an ldea
also: lnvlLe sb Lo flghL or compeLe
5ome scleotlsts soy tbot tbe foct tbot potts of tbe Atctlc ote qettloq colJet
1+)--($5(! tbe tbeoty of qlobol wotmloq.
Iomes 1+)--($5(* locy to o toce octoss tbe flelJs.
1 S8 11
noLlon /noo[n/ (n) vorsLellung ldea At fltst people coolJot ooJetstooJ tbe $'&#'$ tbot tbe eottb wos toooJ ooJ
oot flot!
1 S8 11
unnervlngly /tnns:viqll/ (adv) enervlerend, schler
sLrangely, upseLLlngly lt wos 3$$(.7#$5-0 polet lo tbe fotest wbeo l took tbe Joq fot o wolk. 1 S8 11
ln Lerms of /in Ls:mz ov/ (phr) hlnslchLllch, bezugllch when Lhlnklng abouL 8$ &(.,! '2 eotboslosm sbes oo excelleot stoJeot, bot #$ &(.,! '2
cooceottotloo sbe coolJ lmptove!
1 S8 11
mannerlsm /mnorizom/ (n) LlgenarL sLh you do LhaL you are ofLen unaware of Oot teocbet bos o ,)$$(.#!,. 5be olwoys tops bet peo oo tbe Jesk. 1 S8 11
LralL /LreiL/ (n) LlgenschafL a speclal quallLy or parL of your personallLy My fotbet ooJ l sbote o lot of petsooollty &.)#&!. 1 S8 11
occur /oks:(r)/ (v) slch erelgnen happen 1be botqloty '113..(* oo MooJoy motoloq wbeo evetyooe wos wotkloq. 1 S8 11
aL random /oL rndom/ (phr) wlllkurllch wlLhouL a parLlcular reason 1be teocbet cbose two qltls )& .)$*', to belp wltb tbe ptepototloos fot tbe
1 S8 11
regardless of /rigo:dlos ov/ (phr) unabhanglg von noL dependlng on vetyooe qoes op to tbe oext closs .(5).*-(!! '2 tbelt exom tesolts. 1 S8 11
eLhnlc /e0nik/ (ad[) eLhnlsch culLural or naLlonal 5toJeots ftom mooy Jlffeteot (&+$#1 qtoops otteoJ tbls colleqe. 1 S8 11
unA /dl: en ei/ (n) unS geneLlc flngerprlnL 1be pollce cotcb o lot of ctlmlools by cbeckloq tbelt 9:6. 1 S8 11
sLage /sLeid/ (n) hase
a sLep ln a process
also: a place where acLors perform ln a LheaLre
1bete ote sevetol !&)5(! lo cookloq tbls Jlsb. lltst ls tbe ptepototloo !&)5(.
1be ooJleoce tbtew flowets ooto tbe !&)5(.
1 S8 11
pregnancy /pregnonsl/ (n) SchwangerschafL Lhe nlne monLhs durlng whlch a baby grows
lnslde a woman
8teoJo boJ o boJ /.(5$)$10. 5be wos slck evety Joy. 1 S8 11
dlsappear /disopio(r)/ (v) verschwlnden sLop exlsLlng Oot cooottyslJe ls *#!)//().#$5 ot oo olotmloq tote. 1 S8 11
aspecL /spekL/ (n) AspekL parL of an ldea or slLuaLlon 1be )!/(1& of stoJyloq ot oolvetslty l llke most ls tbe fteeJom to wotk
1 S8 11
aglng /eidiq/ (n unc) AlLern, lLerwerden geLLlng older Mote people ote wottleJ oboot )5#$5 tboo evet befote. 1 S8 11
Lruly /Lru:ll/ (adv) wlrkllch really l &.3-0 belleveJ lo tbe tootb folty wbeo l wos yoooqet! 1 S8 11
reunlLe /rl:[u:naiL/ (v) wleder
wleder zusammenfuhren
brlng LogeLher afLer a separaLlon 1be fomlly wos .(3$#&(* oftet tbe wot. 1 S8 11
share /[eo(r)/ (v) Lellen have Lhe same as sb else
also: dlvlde sLh beLween several people
8ecoose tbey boJ beeo to tbe some scbool, tbe boys !+).(* tbe some
we !+).(* tbe plzzo betweeo tbe foot of os.
1 S8 11
youngsLer /[tqsLo(r)/ (n) !ugendllche(r) young person 1be comp ls fot 0'3$5!&(.! oqeJ elqbt to footteeo. 1 S8 11
sherlff /[erif/ (n) Sherlff offlcer of Lhe law ln Lhe uS 1 S8 11
mlgralne /maigrein/ (n) Mlgrane very bad headache l'm qettloq o ,#5.)#$(. 1 S8 11
eerlly /ioroll / (adv) unhelmllch sLrangely and mysLerlously 1 S8 11
lnsLance /insLons/ (n) 8elsplel, lall example 1bete wete sevetol #$!&)$1(! of cbeotloq lo spotts competltloos. 1 S8 11
upbrlnglng /tpbriqiq/ (n) Lrzlehung belng broughL up l boJ oo excltloq 3/;.#$5#$5 lo Aosttollo. 1 S8 11
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
3 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
[anlLor /dniLo(r)/ (n) PausmelsLer(ln) careLaker, person whose [ob ls Lo look afLer a
1 S8 11
rural /roorol/ (ad[) landllch belng ln Lhe counLryslde My poteots JeclJeJ to boy o boose lo o .3.)- oteo becoose lts poletet. 1 S8 11
facLor /fkLo(r)/ (n) lakLor sLh LhaL conLrlbuLes Lo a resulL 8efote mokloq o Jeclsloo yoo bove to cooslJet mooy Jlffeteot 2)1&'.!. 1 S8 11
shape /[eip/ (v) pragen, formen lnfluence Lhe developmenL of sLh / sb A petsoos opbtloqloq ofteo !+)/(! bls / bet fotote llfe. 1 S8 11
lndlcaLe /indikeiL/ (v) auf (eLw.) hlndeuLen show 1bese qtoJes #$*#1)&( tbot yoo bove beeo stoJyloq botJ. 1 S8 11
argumenLaLlve /o:g[umenLoLiv/ (ad[) sLrelLsuchLlg ofLen argulng lete ls so ).53,($&)&#7(. ne oevet oqtees wltb ooytbloq! 1 S8 12
arroganL /rogonL/ (ad[) arroganL bellevlng and acLlng as lf you are beLLer Lhan
Mlke ls so )..'5)$&! ne ossomes bell come top lo tbe exoms. 1 S8 12
bossy /busl/ (ad[) herrlsch always Lelllng oLhers whaL Lo do wbeo l wos yoooq, my elJet slstet wos vety ;'!!0 ooJ l boJ to Jo evetytbloq
sbe solJ.
1 S8 12
eccenLrlc /iksenLrik/ (ad[) exzenLrlsch acLlng dlfferenLly from normal people l bove oo ooot wbo ls polte (11($&.#1. 5be olwoys weots o bot lo beJ! 1 S8 12
narrow-mlnded /nroo maindid/ (ad[) engsLlrnlg noL LoleranL of dlfferenL behavlour, ldeas, eLc. My qtooJfotbet wos o $)..'<=,#$*(* petsoo. ne coolJ oevet see my JoJs
polot of vlew.
1 S8 12
loyal /laiol/ (ad[) loyal remalnlng falLhful Lo sb / sLh 5be bos olwoys temoloeJ -'0)- to bet ftleoJs. 1 S8 12
senslLlve /sensoLiv/ (ad[) empflndsam reacLlng easlly Lo emoLlonal slLuaLlons >($!#&#7( people ofteo cty ot tbe eoJ of soJ fllms. 1 S8 12
do your own Lhlng /du: [a:r oon 0iq/ (ldm) seln elgenes ulng
machen (colloq.)
do whaL you wanL Lo wlLhouL worrylng whaL
people Lhlnk
1bete oteo't mooy toles bete - yoo coo jost *' 0'3. '<$ &+#$5. 1 S8 12
speak your mlnd /spl:k [a: maind/ (ldm) (offen) dle Melnung
say whaL you Lhlnk l olwoys !/()" ,0 ,#$*, bot sometlmes people jost Joot woot to beot tbe
1 S8 12
Lake place /Leik pleis/ (phr) sLaLLflnden happen 1be coocett wlll &)"( /-)1( lo tbe scbool boll oo ltlJoy. 1 S8 13
geL hold of /geL hoold ov/ (phr) (eLw.) habhafL werden,
ln dle Pande bekommen
learn abouL A 1v tepottet 5'& +'-* '2 tbe stoty tbot Ctoo boJ woo tbe lottety. 1 S8 13
reckon /rekon/ (v) schaLzen Lhlnk l .(1"'$ lts qoloq to tolo lotet oo. look ot tbe sky. 1 S8 13
face-llfL /feis lifL/ (n) lacellfLlng surgery on Lhe face Lo make Lhe skln LlghLer 1boosooJs of people boJ 2)1(=-#2&! lo tbe uk lost yeot. vetyooe woots to look
1 S8 13
lmmorLallLy /ima:LloLl/ (n unc) unsLerbllchkelL facL of llvlng forever leople bove beeo seotcbloq fot tbe sectet to #,,'.&)-#&0 fot ceototles. 1 S8 14
argue /o:g[u:/ (v) argumenLleren glve reasons why you Lhlnk LhaL sLh ls rlghL or
ne ).53(* tbot tbey oeeJeJ mote tlme to flolsb tbe ptoject. 1 S8 14
use up /[u:z tp/ (phr v) verbrauchen use all of sLh so LhaL Lhere ls none lefL nove yoo 3!(* 3/ oll of tbe mllk? 1 S8 14
overcrowded /oovokraodid/ (ad[) uberfullL havlng Loo many people ln a place lm sotty, yoo coot stoy wltb os. 1be flot ls '7(.1.'<*(* olteoJy. 1 S8 14
deal wlLh /dl:l wi/ (phr v) (slch) mlL (eLw. / [mdm.)
Lake Lhe rlghL acLlon ln a slLuaLlon 1be beoJ teocbet olwoys *()-! <#&+ ptoblem stoJeots blmself. 1 S8 14
populaLlon /pup[ulei[n/ (n) 8evlkerung all Lhe people who llve ln a parLlcular area, clLy
or counLry
cbloo bos tbe wotlJs blqbest /'/3-)&#'$? 1 S8 14
commlL /komiL/ (v) begehen do (a crlme) 8toce 1',,#&&(* sevetol setloos ctlmes ooJ ls oow lo ptlsoo. 1 S8 14
polnLless /painLlos/ (ad[) slnnlos noL havlng a good reason lts /'#$&-(!! woltloq fot Aoqelo. 5bes qoloq to be ot leost oootbet boot. 1 S8 14
emoLlon /imoo[n/ (n) Cefuhl, LmoLlon a sLrong feellng such as love, fear or anger ne lost coottol of bls (,'&#'$!? 1 S8 14
wlsdom /wizdom/ (n unc) WelshelL knowledge LhaL comes from experlence leople soy tbot <#!*', comes wltb oqe. 1 S8 14
splral ouL of conLrol /spairol aoL ov
(phr) auer konLrolle geraLen lncrease, grow Loo qulckly Lo llmlL 1be yoooq boys bebovloot !/#.)--(* '3& '2 1'$&.'- ooJ bls poteots JlJot
koow wbot to Jo wltb blm.
1 S8 14
ploL /pluL/ (n) Pandlung sLory of a book, fllm or play l loveJ tbe book. 1be /-'& wos teolly excltloq. 1 S8 13
sollLary /suloLrl/ (ad[) elnzelgangerlsch llklng Lo spend Llme alone kltos o !'-#&).0 petsoo. l ofteo see bet teoJloq olooe lo tbe potk. 1 S8 13
plne /pain/ (n) klefer Lree wlLh leaves LhaL don'L fall and whlch
grows ln cold cllmaLes
1 S8 13
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
4 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
mounLaln range /maonLon reind/ (n) Ceblrgszug group of mounLalns 1 S8 13
Lake parL (ln) /Leik po:L/ (ldm) (an eLw.) Lellnehmen be lnvolved ln sLh Ate yoo qoloq to &)"( /).& #$ tbe competltloo? 1 S8 16
Lake lnLo accounL /Leik inLu
(ldm) beruckslchLlgen conslder sLh before maklng a declslon oo sboolJ &)"( otbet peoples feelloqs #$&' )11'3$&? 1 S8 16
make sense (of) /meik sens/ (ldm) (eLw.) versLehen, aus
(eLw.) schlau werden
undersLand sLh LhaL ls dlfflculL l coo't ,)"( !($!( of tbot polotloq. 1 S8 16
have a row /hov o rao/ (phr) slch sLrelLen quarrel wlLh sb My JoJ +)* ) .'< wltb my mom lost olqbt. 1 S8 16
make fun of /meik ftn ov/ (ldm) slch uber ([mdn.) lusLlg
laugh aL sb/sLh ln an unklnd way wby Jo yoo olwoys ,)"( 23$ '2 otbet people? 1 S8 16
play a parL (ln) /plei o po:L/ (ldm) (an eLw.) mlLwlrken be responslble for sLh we oll /-)0(* ) /).& #$ tbe soccess of tbe ptoject. 1 S8 16
sLubborn /sLtbon/ (ad[) sLur refuslng Lo do whaL you don'L wanL Lo do lve ttleJ to petsooJe Nlqel to come wltb os, bot bes vety !&3;;'.$ ooJ soys
be woot.
1 S8 16
equlvalenL /ikwivolonL/ (n) LnLsprechung a word, Lhlng, eLc. LhaL ls equal Lo anoLher ln
value, amounL, meanlng, lmporLance, eLc.
lqbt kllomettes ls tooqly (43#7)-($& to flve mlles. 1 S8 17
lmpollLe /impolaiL/ (ad[) unhfllch noL havlng good manners or respecL for Lhe
feellngs of oLhers
5ome people tblok lt ls #,/'-#&( to osk someooe's oqe. 1 S8 17
probe /proob/ (n) Sonde small, unmanned spaceshlp 1 S8 17
l can'L hear myself Lhlnk! /ai ko:nL hio
maiself 0iqk/
(phr) lch kann meln elgenes
WorL nlchL versLehen!
when sLh ls Loo loud 1be volome wos so blqb oo tbe 1v tbot 8 1'3-*$@& +(). ,0!(-2 &+#$"! 1 S8 17
reslde /rizaid/ (v) wohnhafL seln llve ln a parLlcular place 1belt posspotts Jo oot qlve tbem tbe tlqbt to .(!#*( lo 8tltolo. 1 S8 18
sufflclenL /sofi[nL/ (ad[) genugend enough l JlJot speoJ !322#1#($& tlme oo tbls ptoject ooJ l coolJ bove Jooe bettet. 1 S8 18
purchase /ps:L[os/ (v) kaufen buy we /3.1+)!(* tbls 1v ftom yoo lost week ooJ lts btokeo olteoJy. 1 S8 18
Lo myself /Lu maiself/ (ldm) lm SLlllen, fur mlch for Lhe speaker or wrlLer alone, noL shared l ptoctlseJ tbe pteseototloo &' ,0!(-2 fltst. 1 S8 18
commence /komens/ (v) beglnnen begln Lo happen 1be meetloq ls scbeJoleJ to 1',,($1( ot oooo. 1 S8 18
encounLer /inkaonLo(r)/ (v) begegnen meeL sb 5be wos tbe most temotkoble womoo be boJ evet ($1'3$&(.(*. 1 S8 18
lmmedlaLe /iml:dloL/ (ad[) unmlLLelbar very close Lo a parLlcular place or Llme 1be Jltectot ls stooJloq oo bet #,,(*#)&( tlqbt. 1 S8 18
asslsL /osisL/ (v) unLersLuLzen help sb Lo do sLh Aoyooe wlllloq to )!!#!& coo cootoct tbls oombet. 1 S8 18
resemble /rizembl/ (v) ahnllch sehen look llke 5o mooy botels .(!(,;-( eocb otbet. 1 S8 18
occaslonally /okeinoll/ (adv) gelegenLllch someLlmes buL noL ofLen we '11)!#'$)--0 meet fot o Jtlok oftet wotk. 1 S8 19
fall ouL /fa:l aoL/ (phr v) slch mlL [mdm.
sLop belng frlends l 2(-- '3& wltb Cteto lost mootb ooJ we boveot spokeo sloce tbeo. 1 S8 19
parLlclpaLe /po:LisipeiL/ (v) slch beLelllgen Lake parL ln 5be JlJo't /).&#1#/)&( lo tbe Jlscossloo. 1 S8 19
carry ouL /krl aoL/ (phr v) durchfuhren do (a sLudy or survey) lost sommet oot closs 1)..#(* '3& o sotvey oo meols lo tbe cofetetlo. 1 W8 4
seL ouL /seL aoL/ (phr v) anLreLen begln a Lask wlLh a parLlcular goal 1bey !(& '3& to moke o fottooe. 1 W8 3
on Lhe conLrary /un o kunLrorl/ (phr) lm CegenLell Lhe opposlLe of whaL has [usL been sald l tbooqbt keo llkeJ 8toJ lltt fllms. A$ &+( 1'$&.).0, be botes tbem. 1 W8 3
Lhrow doubL on /0roo daoL un/ (phr) lnfrage sLellen, Zwelfel
aufkommen lassen,
Zwelfel aufwerfen
make sLh less bellevable 1be tesolt of tbe lost motcb &+.'<! *'3;& '$ wbetbet tbe clob coo wlo tbe
1 W8 3
aL flrsL slghL /oL fs:sL saiL/ (ldm) auf den ersLen 8llck when you see sb for Lhe flrsL Llme lt wos love )& 2#.!& !#5+&. 1 W8 6
selze Lhe chance /sl:z o L[o:ns/ (phr) dle CelegenhelL
Lake and use an opporLunlLy wbeo tbe teocbet qove tbe stoJeots tbe Joy off, looto !(#B(* &+( 1+)$1( to
qo to looJoo to vlslt bet btotbet.
1 W8 6
make up /meik tp/ (phr v) slch vershnen end a quarrel wlLh sb and become frlends
l wlsb yoo woolJ ,)"( 3/ wltb yoot btotbet. 1 W8 6
spllL up /spliL tp/ (phr v) slch Lrennen sLop havlng a relaLlonshlp wlLh sb ne !/-#& 3/ ftom bls qltlftleoJ lost week. 1 W8 6
for good /fa: god/ (ldm) fur lmmer permanenLly 1bey bove left tbe coootty 2'. 5''*. 1 W8 6
break off /breik uf/ (phr v) lsen, beenden end sLh suddenly 5bes ;.'"($ '22 tbelt eoqoqemeot. 1 W8 6
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
3 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
sulL me down Lo Lhe
/su:L ml: daon Lo
o graond/
(phr) perfekL passen, genau
das 8lchLlge seln
be exacLly rlghL for you 1be oew flot !3#&! ,( *'<$ &' &+( 5.'3$*. lts oeot my wotk ooJ opposlte o
1 W8 7
Lake (sLh) for granLed /Leik fo gro:nLid/ (ldm) (eLw.) als gegeben /
be so used Lo sb / sLh LhaL you do noL
recognlze Lhelr Lrue value any more and do noL
show LhaL you are graLeful
l Jo so mocb otoooJ tbe boose tbot yoo &)"( my belp 2'. 5.)$&(*. 1 W8 8
ln broad dayllghL /in bra:d deilaiL/ (ldm) am hellllchLen 1ag ln Lhe clear llghL of day, when lL ls easy Lo see 1be tobbety boppeoeJ #$ ;.')* *)0-#5+&. 1 W8 9
seL off /seL uf/ (phr v) aufbrechen begln a [ourney we !(& '22 fot looJoo jost oftet teo. 2 S8 21
slghL /saiL/ (n) Anbllck
erspahen, erbllcken
a Lhlng LhaL you see
also: Lhe acL of seelng sb or sLh
1be bltJ ls oow o tote !#5+& lo tbls coootty.
5be cooqbt !#5+& of o cot lo tbe Jlstooce.
2 S8 21
lsolaLed /aisoleiLid/ (ad[) abgeschleden on your own, away from oLher bulldlngs or
1be vllloqe ls vety #!'-)&(*. 1be oeotest towo ls flfteeo mlles owoy. 2 S8 21
lnsulaLed /ins[uleiLid/ (ad[) lsollerL proLecLed Lo prevenL heaL geLLlng ouL 1be boose ls well #$!3-)&(* oqolost tbe colJ. 2 S8 21
cosmopollLan /kuzmopuliLon/ (ad[) welLoffen,
havlng an lnLernaLlonal feellng looJoo ls o 1'!,'/'-#&)$ clty wltb lobobltoots ooJ vlsltots ftom mooy
Jlffeteot coltotes ooJ cooottles.
2 S8 21
urban /s:bon/ (ad[) urban, sLadLlsch of a clLy 2oe coolJot llve lo tbe cooottyslJe - sbe bos o vety 3.;)$ llfestyle. 2 S8 21
on all fours /un a:l fa:z/ (phr) auf allen vleren uslng hands and feeL Lo walk 5cleotlsts soy tbot, o looq tlme oqo, eotly bomoos oseJ to wolk '$ )-- 2'3.!. 2 S8 22
herd /hs:d/ (n) Perde a group of anlmals such as cows 1bete ls o +(.* of cows lo tbe flelJ by tbe mototwoy. 2 S8 22
rooL /ru:L/ (n) Wurzel Lhe parL of a planL LhaL grows under Lhe
1tee .''&! coo coose Jomoqe to bollJloqs. 2 S8 22
herblvore /hs:biva:(r)/ (n) flanzenfresser anlmal LhaL only eaLs grass and oLher planLs cows ote +(.;#7'.(! ooJ oevet eot meot. 2 S8 22
palm /po:m/ (n) Pandflache flaL, lnner parL of Lhe hand below Lhe flngers leople soy tbot tbe lloes oo yoot /)-, sbow yoot fotote. 2 S8 22
shepherd /[epod/ (n) Schafer(ln) person whose [ob ls Lo look afLer sheep 2 S8 22
evenLually /ivenL[uoll/ (adv) leLzLendllch ln Lhe end Oot fllqbt (7($&3)--0 left flve boots lote. 2 S8 22
famlllar (wlLh) /fomillo(r)/ (ad[) mlL (eLw.) verLrauL seln knowlng and undersLandlng lm oot 2),#-#). <#&+ tbe looqooqe of tbe coootty bot l coo olwoys leoto. 2 S8 22
vlolenL /vaiolonL/ (ad[) gewalLLaLlg lnvolvlng physlcal force LhaL ls lnLended Lo hurL
or klll sb
5toJeots wete lovolveJ lo 7#'-($& closbes wltb tbe pollce. 2 S8 22
feral /ferol/ (ad[) wlld wlld, llvlng away from clvlllzaLlon 1bete ote o lot of 2(.)- cots lo tbe oteo. 1bey too owoy lf yoo qet close. 2 S8 23
ape /eip/ (n) Menschenaffe large anlmal llke a monkey, wlLh no Lall 2 S8 23
flcLlonal /fik[onl/ (ad[) flkLlv noL real, lmaglned 5betlock nolmes wos o 2#1&#'$)- Jetectlve cteoteJ by tbe wtltet Attbot coooo
2 S8 23
accounL /okaonL/ (n) 8erlchL a wrlLLen or spoken descrlpLlon of sLh LhaL has
5be qove tbe pollce o foll )11'3$& of tbe loclJeot. 2 S8 23
separaLe /seporeiL/ (v) Lrennen move aparL 5tlt tbe sooce coostootly so tbot lt Joes oot !(/).)&(. 2 S8 23
folklore /fookla:(r)/ (n) 8rauchLum LradlLlonal sLorles of a counLry AccotJloq to 2'-"-'.(, yoo most wolk toooJ tbe ttee tbtee tlmes ot mlJolqbt lf
yoo woot to be tlcb.
2 S8 23
summon /stmon/ (v) herbelzlLleren call sb Lo help you 1be ltlme Mlolstet !3,,'$(* bls oJvlsots to Jlscoss tbe ptoblem. 2 S8 23
capLure /kpL[o(r)/ (v) elnfangen Lake an anlmal from freedom 1be bltJ escopeJ ftom tbe coqe, bot wos polckly 1)/&3.(* oqolo. 2 S8 23
ldenLlfy /aidenLifai/ (v) ldenLlflzleren know and say who a person ls 1be JeoJ boJy wos floolly #*($&#2#(* by o telotlve. lt wos 5otob 8tlots. 2 S8 23
come up Lo /ktm tp Lu/ (phr v) auf ([mdn.) zugehen Lo move Lowards sb, ln order Lo Lalk Lo Lhem 5evetol people 1),( 3/ &' blm oftet bls tolk. 2 S8 23
genulne /den[uin/ (ad[) echL real, noL fake 1be JlomooJs lo Iooloes oeckloce ote 5($3#$( ooJ wottb o lot of mooey. 2 S8 23
eye conLacL /ai kunLkL/ (n) 8llckkonLakL looklng lnLo anoLher person's eyes 5toJeots ovolJ (0( 1'$&)1& wltb o teocbet lf tbey Joot koow tbe ooswet to o
2 S8 23
anLhropologlsL /n0ropulodisL/ (n) AnLhropologe,
person who sLudles Lhe hlsLory and
developmenL of human llfe
2 S8 23
nomad /noomd/ (n) nomade, nomadln a member of a Lrlbe LhaL moves wlLh lLs
anlmals from place Lo place
lt wos botJ fot tbe $',)*! to sotvlve lo tbe wlotet. 2 S8 23
chase /L[eis/ (v) [agen run afLer sb / sLh ln order Lo caLch Lhem My Joq llkes 1+)!#$5 tobblts. 2 S8 23
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
6 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
leap /ll:p/ (n) Sprung a long way or hlgh [ump wltb ooe -()/ tbe tlqet wos oo top of tbe cot. 2 S8 23
record /reka:d/ (n) Aufzelchnung wrlLLen lnformaLlon 1bete ote oo .(1'.*! of people llvloq ovet tbe oqe of 125. 2 S8 23
companlon /kompnlon/ (n) 8eglelLer(ln) person or anlmal LhaL Lravels or sLays wlLh you
and sLops you belng alone
My qtoo soys bet cot ls o qooJ 1',/)$#'$ ooJ sbe oevet feels olooe wbeo
bes lo tbe boose wltb bet.
2 S8 23
recover /riktvo(r)/ (v) wlederflnden,
flnd sLh LhaL was losL 1be pollce eveotoolly .(1'7(.(* tbe stoleo polotloqs. 2 S8 23
barely /beoll/ (adv) kaum hardly, wlLh dlfflculLy we coolJ ;).(-0 see tbe ttees lo tbe qotJeo becoose of tbe foq. 2 S8 23
keep up /kl:p tp/ (phr v) SchrlLL halLen walk or run aL Lhe same speed as sb lool wos wolkloq so fost l coolJot "((/ 3/. 2 S8 23
bend /bend/ (v) beugen lf you bend your arm, leg, eLc. you move lL so
LhaL lL ls no longer sLralghL
also: force sLh LhaL was sLralghL lnLo an angle
or a curve
C($* yoot koees, keeploq yoot bock sttolqbt.
1be kolves wete ;($& oot of sbope.
2 S8 23
uprlghL /tpraiL/ (adv) aufrechL sLandlng sLralghL wlLh head up, noL bendlng Mookeys wolk 3/.#5+& o lot of tbe tlme. 2 S8 23
rlghL angle /raiL qgl/ (n) (lm) rechLen Wlnkel space of nlneLy degrees (a quarLer of a clrcle)
beLween Lwo llnes or surfaces LhaL [oln
ne loy oo bls bock wltb bls otms tolseJ ot .#5+& )$5-(! to bls boJy. 2 S8 23
asLonlshlng /osLuni[iq/ (ad[) ersLaunllch very surprlslng, dlfflculL Lo belleve l floJ lt obsolotely )!&'$#!+#$5 tbot yoo JlJo't llke lt. 2 S8 23
come upon /ktm opun/ (phr v) auf (eLw.) sLoen flnd or meeL by chance wblle we wete wolkloq lo tbe fotest we 1),( 3/'$ o Jeet tbot boJ beeo bott. 2 S8 23
naked /neikid/ (ad[) nackL wlLh no cloLhes on l slept $)"(* becoose lt wos so bot lo tbe toom. 2 S8 23
cardboard /ko:dba:d/ (n unc) appe, app-, karLon maLerlal made of Lhlck paper 1be cbllJteo bollt o ploy boose oot of 1).*;').* boxes. 2 S8 23
proLecLlon /proLek[n/ (n unc) SchuLz sLaLe of belng looked afLer, kepL ouL of danger ne oskeJ to be pot ooJet pollce/.'&(1&#'$. 2 S8 23
mllk LooLh /milk Lu:0/ (n) Mllchzahn flrsL LooLh LhaL comes ouL and ls laLer replaced
by anoLher sLronger LooLh
My slstet lost oll bet ,#-" &((&+ by tbe oqe of slx. 2 S8 23
orphanage /a:fonid/ (n) Walsenhaus place where chlldren wlLh no parenLs llve Aftet bls poteots wete kllleJ, tbe yoooq boy llveJ lo oo './+)$)5( fot teo
2 S8 23
remoLe /rimooL/ (ad[) abgelegen far away from places where oLher people llve Oot teocbet oseJ to llve lo o .(,'&( pott of woles. lt wos oo boot ftom tbe
oeotest towo!
2 S8 23
dune /d[u:n/ (n) uune small hlll of sand formed by Lhe wlnd, near Lhe
sea or ln a deserL
2 S8 24
lagoon /logu:n/ (n) agune area of salL waLer nearly closed off from Lhe
we loveJ to qo swlmmloq lo tbe -)5''$. 2 S8 24
pond /pund/ (n) 1elch a small area of sLlll waLer My cbllJteo llke to feeJ tbe Jocks lo tbe /'$*. 2 S8 24
plaln /plein/ (n) Lbene large flaL area of land 2 S8 24
hedge /hed/ (n) Pecke small Lrees grown LogeLher Lo separaLe
gardens or flelds
My JoJ bos to cot tbe +(*5( evety sommet becoose lt qtows so blqb. 2 S8 24
kayaklng /kaikiq/ (n) ka[akfahren sporL where you move across waLer ln small
canoe-llke boaLs
2 S8 24
survlval /sovaivl/ (n unc) berleben Lhe sLaLe of conLlnulng Lo llve ln a dlfflculL
1bete ote mooy stotles of !3.7#7)- oftet tettlble occlJeots lo tbe moootolos. 2 S8 23
wllderness /wildonos/ (n unc) Wlldnls area of land LhaL has never been developed
because llfe Lhere would be Loo hard
AJveototets love to explote tbe <#-*(.$(!!. 2 S8 23
end up /end tp/ (phr v) landen flnd yourself ln a place or slLuaLlon LhaL you dld
noL lnLend Lo be ln
ne wos ottesteJ sevetol tlmes ooJ ($*(* 3/ lo ptlsoo fot two yeots. 2 S8 23
broken-down /brookon daon/ (ad[) llegen geblleben (of a vehlcle) sLopped, lmposslble Lo drlve 1be tooJ tbtooqb tbe moootolos wos tettlble ooJ we posseJ sevetol ;.'"($=
*'<$ veblcles.
2 S8 23
prlorlLy /praiuroLl/ (n unc) rlorlLaL mosL lmporLanL Lhlng Lo conslder Aftet tbe looq wolk lo tbe colJ, oot fltst /.#'.#&0 wos to bove o bot Jtlok. 2 S8 23
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
7 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
clvlllzaLlon /sivolaizei[n/ (n unc) ZlvlllsaLlon a place LhaL offers you Lhe comforLable way of
llfe of a modern socleLy
we btoke Jowo lo tbe Jesett, mlles owoy ftom 1#7#-#B)&#'$. 2 S8 23
shelLer /[elLo(r)/ (n) unLersLand sLh Lo keep you dry and safe l temembet bollJloq o !+(-&(. lo tbe fotest to ploy lo wbeo we wete cbllJteo. 2 S8 23
puL off /poL uf/ (phr v) verschleben change Lo a laLer Llme or daLe coo we /3& tbe meetloq '22 ootll tomottow? 2 S8 23
enlarge /inlo:d/ (v) vergrern make blgger coo yoo ($-).5( tbls pboto fot me? lJ llke to pot lt oo tbe woll. 2 S8 23
vegeLaLlon /vedoLei[n/ (n unc) vegeLaLlon planLs 1be oteo wos coveteJ wltb 7(5(&)&#'$ of Jlffeteot types ooJ coloots. 2 S8 23
molsLure /maisL[o(r)/ (n) leuchLlgkelL small drops of waLer 5ometlmes tbete ls ,'#!&3.( oo tbe loslJe of my beJtoom wloJows lo tbe
2 S8 23
appeLlzlng /piLaiziq/ (ad[) appeLlLllch looklng good Lo eaL 1be Jlooet wos vety )//(&#B#$5 ooJ we teolly eojoyeJ lt. 2 S8 23
face /feis/ (v) (eLw.) erLragen, slch ln
der age sehen, (eLw.) zu
lf you canL face sLh unpleasanL, you feel
unable or unwllllng Lo deal wlLh lL
l coot 2)1( eotloq o ftleJ bteokfost eotly lo tbe motoloq. 2 S8 23
worm /ws:m/ (n) Wurm long, Lhln creaLure wlLh no arms or legs LhaL
llves ln soll
5ome flsbetmeo ose <'.,! to cotcb flsb. 2 S8 23
nourlshlng /ntri[iq/ (ad[) nahrhafL (of food) healLhy and good for you lost fooJ ls tosty, bot oot especlolly $'3.#!+#$5. 2 S8 23
dare /deo(r)/ (v) wagen be brave enough Lo do sLh dlfflculL Nooe of my ftleoJs *).(* cllmb tbe scbool woll wbeo we wete yoooq. 2 S8 23
slgnal /signol/ (v) slgnallsleren make a slgn Lo aLLracL people 1be pollcemoo !#5$)--(* to os to stop tbe cot. 2 S8 23
polsonous /paizonos/ (ad[) glfLlg dangerous lf eaLen ulJ yoo koow tbot cbocolote ls /'#!'$'3! fot Joqs? 1bey coo Jle lf tbey eot o
smoll plece.
2 S8 23
recommend /rekomend/ (v) empfehlen advlse a parLlcular course of acLlon 1be tepott .(1',,($*(* o 10X poy locteose. 2 S8 23
Lroubled /Lrtbld/ (ad[) gesLrL havlng problems, worrylng abouL Lhlngs Mooy &.'3;-(* yoooq people floJ belp ot speclol ceottes lo tbe commoolty. 2 S8 26
ln shorL /in [a:L/ (phr) kurz gesagL Lo summarlze 1bls mootb lve booqbt o cot, beeo oo bollJoy ooJ teJecototeJ tbe boose. #$
!+'.&, lve speot too mocb!
2 S8 26
key /kl:/ (ad[) PaupL-, Schlussel- mosL lmporLanL 1bete ote two "(0 polots we oeeJ to Jlscoss fltst - we coo tolk oboot tbe
otbets lotet.
2 S8 26
courage /ktrid/ (n unc) MuL Lhe ablllLy Lo do sLh dangerous ne sboweJ qteot 1'3.)5( ooJ Jetetmlootloo. 2 S8 26
LrusL /LrtsL/ (n unc) verLrauen bellef LhaL sb wlll do whaL he/she says D.3!& ls vety lmpottoot lo o telotloosblp. oo bove to belleve eocb otbet. 2 S8 26
compasslon /komp[n/ (n unc) MlLgefuhl feellng for and deslre Lo help Lhose who have
problems or who have less Lhan you have
ne sboweJ bls 1',/)!!#'$ by qlvloq o mlllloo poooJs to belp tebollJ tbe
bomes oftet tbe flooJs.
2 S8 26
(be) ouL of /aoL ov/ (phr) nlchL mehr (haben) (have) no more we@.( '3& '2 bteoJ. coo yoo boy some lotet? 2 S8 26
dense /dens/ (ad[) dlchL Lhlck lt wos Jlfflcolt to see ooytbloq lo tbe *($!( foq. 2 S8 27
snow-capped /snoo kpL/ (ad[) schneebedeckL (of mounLalns and hllls) covered wlLh snow on
1be clty ls locoteJ below !$'<=1)//(* moootolos. 2 S8 27
ln slngle flle /in siqgl fail/ (phr) lm Cansemarsch ln a llne, one person behlnd anoLher we ctosseJ tbe oottow btlJqe #$ !#$5-( 2#-(. 2 S8 27
addlcLed Lo /odikLid Lo/ (ad[) abhanglg von, suchLlg
unable Lo sLop dolng sLh My oocles beeo )**#1&(* &' clqotettes sloce be wos tweoty. 2 S8 28
hooked (on) /hokL/ (ad[) abhanglg (von), suchLlg
addlcLed Lo 2 S8 28
llLLer /liLo(r)/ (n unc) Abfall small pleces of rubblsh LhaL people have lefL
lylng ln a publlc place
1bete wlll be floes fot people wbo Jtop -#&&(.. 2 S8 28
lnLroduce /inLrod[u:s/ (v) elnfuhren, vorsLellen Lo make sb learn abouL sLh or do sLh for Lhe
flrsL Llme
1be fltst lectote #$&.'*31(! stoJeots to tbe molo toplcs of tbe cootse. 2 S8 28
depend on /dipend un/ (phr v) abhangen von be affecLed or declded by sLh lt *(/($*! '$ bls Jeclsloo. 2 S8 28
polnL of vlew /painL ov v[u:/ (n) AnslchL oplnlon, Lhe way you look aL sLh 1bete wete o lot of Jlffeteot /'#$&! '2 7#(< oo tbe lssoe. 2 S8 28
carnlval /ko:nivl/ (n) karneval fesLlval LhaL lnvolves muslc and danclng ln Lhe
sLreeLs for whlch people wear brlghLly-
coloured cloLhes
1bete ls o locol 1).$#7)- evety yeot. 2 S8 28
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
8 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
proLesL /prooLesL/ (n) roLesL Lhe expresslon of sLrong dlsagreemenL 1be Jltectot teslqoeJ lo /.'&(!& ot tbe Jeclsloo. 2 S8 28
ln[ured /indod/ (ad[) verleLzL physlcally hurL locklly, sbe woso't #$E3.(*. 2 S8 28
abandoned /obndond/ (ad[) ausgeseLzL lefL and no longer wanLed 1be cbllJ wos foooJ );)$*'$(*, bot oobotmeJ. 2 S8 28
squlrrel /skwirol/ (n) Llchhrnchen a small anlmal wlLh a long Lhlck Lall and red,
grey or black fur
1be !43#..(- wos botyloq oots. 2 S8 28
anlmal welfare
/niml welfeor
(n) 1lerschuLzorganlsaLlon an organlzaLlon LhaL helps anlmals ln need lve joloeJ oo )$#,)- <(-2).( '.5)$#B)&#'$ to belp ptotect oolmols. 2 S8 28
lnsLlncL /insLiqkL/ (n) lnsLlnkL a naLural Lendency for people and anlmals Lo
behave ln a parLlcular way
nls fltst #$!&#$1& wos to too owoy. 2 S8 28
manlfesL /mnifesL/ (v) slch auern appear 5oclol teosloos wete ,)$#2(!&(* lo tbe teceot polltlcol ctlsls. 2 S8 28
scraLch /skrL[/ (v) zerkraLzen damage your skln sllghLly wlLh sLh sharp l'J !1.)&1+(* my leq ooJ lt wos bleeJloq. 2 S8 28
rables /reibl:z/ (n unc) 1ollwuL a dlsease of dogs and oLher anlmals LhaL
causes madness and deaLh
2 S8 28
flock /fluk/ (n) Perde a group of sheep, goaLs or blrds of Lhe same
A 2-'1" of sbeep ctosseJ tbe tooJ. 2 S8 29
pack /pk/ (n) 8udel a group of anlmals LhaL hunL LogeLher wolves ote koowo to boot lo /)1"!. 2 S8 29
casL /ko:sL/ (n) 8eseLzung all Lhe people who acL ln a play or fllm 1be wbole 1)!& petfotms btllllootly. 2 S8 29
panel /pnl/ (n) 1eam, anel a group of speclallsLs who glve Lhelr advlce or
oplnlon abouL sLh
we bove two polltlcloos oo toolqbt's /)$(-. 2 S8 29
break ouL /breik aoL/ (phr v) ausbrechen sLarL suddenly A flqbt ;.'"( '3& ootslJe tbe olqbtclob, bot tbe pollce JlJot koow wby lt
2 S8 29
plgeon /pidin/ (n) 1aube blrd ofLen found ln parks and someLlmes used
for raclng long dlsLances
lt oseJ to be o popolot bobby fot people to keep tocloq /#5('$!. 2 S8 29
lane /lein/ (n) Weg a narrow road ln Lhe counLry we Jtove olooq o moJJy -)$( to teocb tbe fotmboose. 2 S8 29
LhreaLen /0reLn/ (v) drohen say sLh bad wlll happen lf sb doesnL do whaL
you wanL
My mom &+.()&($(* to moke me mlss tbe potty lf l JlJot flolsb my
2 S8 29
go on sLrlke /goo un sLraik/ (phr) sLrelken sLop work Lo force employers Lo do sLh wotkets ot tbe foctoty <($& '$ !&.#"( wbeo tbelt bollJoy ollowooce wos
2 S8 29
gaLher /go(r)/ (v) slch versammeln come LogeLher A qtoop of people 5)&+(.(* oeot tbe sceoe of tbe occlJeot. 2 S8 29
spellbound /spelbaond/ (ad[) gebannL unable Lo speak or move because of sLh
amazlng LhaL you are waLchlng
l wos !/(--;'3$* wbeo l wotcbeJ tbe bollet. 2 S8 29
enLlre /inLaio(r)/ (ad[) gesamL lncludlng everyLhlng, whole l bove oevet lo my ($&#.( llfe beotJ socb oooseose! 2 S8 29
ban /bn/ (v) verbleLen forbld sLh offlclally cbemlcol weopoos ote ;)$$(* lotetootlooolly. 2 S8 30
[usLlfy /dtsLifai/ (v) rechLferLlgen glve an explanaLlon for dolng sLh now coo tbey E3!&#20 poyloq socb boqe solotles? 2 S8 30
Lo my mlnd /Lu mai maind/ (ldm) melner AnslchL nach ln my oplnlon D' ,0 ,#$*, boqe solotles sboolJ be boooeJ. 2 S8 30
ouLrlghL /aoLraiL/ (ad[) klar compleLe and LoLal 5be wos tbe '3&.#5+& wlooet. 2 S8 30
rely on /rilai un/ (phr v) slch auf (eLw. / [mdn.)
depend on l coo .(-0 '$ bet lo tlmes of ttooble. 2 S8 30
furLhermore /fs:oma:(r)/ (adv) auerdem ln addlLlon Lo whaL has [usL been sald ne solJ be boJ oot JlscosseJ tbe mottet wltb bet. F3.&+(.,'.(, be boJ oot
eveo cootocteJ bet.
2 S8 30
resLrlcL /risLrikL/ (v) begrenzen llmlL 5peeJ ls .(!&.#1&(* to J0 mpb lo towos. 2 S8 30
flrmly /fs:mll/ (adv) besLlmmL ln a sLrong or deflnlLe way l coo moooqe, sbe solJ 2#.,-0. 2 S8 30
moreover /ma:roovo(r)/ (adv) zudem, auerdem ln addlLlon A toleoteJ ottlst, be wos, ,'.('7(., o wtltet of some oote. 2 S8 31
plunge /pltnd/ (v) sLurzen move suddenly forwards and / or downwards 1be ttolo left tbe ttock ooJ /-3$5(* Jowo tbe embookmeot. 2 S8 32
sLreLch /sLreL[/ (v) slch ersLrecken spread over an area of land llelJs ooJ bllls !&.(&1+(* oot os fot os we coolJ see. 2 S8 32
burglar /bs:glo(r)/ (n) Llnbrecher(ln) person who enLers oLher people's houses Lo
sLeal Lhlngs
C3.5-).! btoke loto tbe qollety ooJ stole Jozeos of polotloqs. 2 S8 32
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
9 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lap /Lp/ (v) (lelse) klopfen hlL very llghLly leo &)//(* oo my wloJow to woke me op. 2 S8 32
bank balance /bqk blons/ (n) konLosLand amounL of money you have ln Lhe bank My ;)$" ;)-)$1( wos vety low lost mootb. 2 S8 32
on Lop of Lhe world /un Lup ov o
(phr) ubergluckllch very happy Ioos beeo feelloq '$ &'/ '2 &+( <'.-* sloce Mlke oskeJ bet oot. 2 S8 32
mlsLake for /misLeik fa:(r)/ (phr v) verwechseln mlL Lhlnk wrongly LhaL sb / sLh ls sb / sLh else nes ofteo ,#!&)"($ 2'. someooe fomoos. 2 W8 11
pay Lhrough Lhe nose /pei 0ru: o
(ldm) ubermalg vlel bezahlen,
elnen zu hohen rels
pay Loo much money for sLh 1tost me. ooll /)0 &+.'35+ &+( $'!( fot evetytbloq lo looJoo. 2 W8 12
geL on (sbs) nerves /geL un ... ns:vz/ (ldm) ([mdm.) auf dle nerven
be annoyed by sLh / sb My slstet ls teolly stottloq to 5(& '$ ,0 $(.7(!. 2 W8 12
my hearL ls ln Lhe rlghL
/mai ha:L iz in o
raiL pleis/
(ldm) meln Perz lsL am rechLen
used Lo say LhaL sbs lnLenLlons are klnd and
slncere even Lhough Lhey someLlmes do Lhe
wrong Lhlng
l moJe o mlstoke, bot ,0 +().& #! #$ &+( .#5+& /-)1(. 2 W8 12
glve (sb) Lhe cold shoulder /giv ... o koold
(ldm) ([mdm.) dle kalLe
SchulLer zelgen
LreaL sb ln an unfrlendly way vet sloce oot otqomeot be bos 5#7($ ,( &+( 1'-* !+'3-*(.. 2 W8 12
puL a brave face on lL /poL un o breiv
(ldm) slch nlchLs anmerken
preLend LhaL you feel confldenL and happy
when you do noL
lm sote sbes opset ooJ jost /3&&#$5 ) ;.)7( 2)1( '$ #&. 2 W8 12
behlnd (sbs) back /bihaind ... bk/ (ldm) hlnLer ([mds.) 8ucken wlLhouL sbs knowledge or permlsslon 1bey spoke to tbe moooqet ;(+#$* my ;)1". 2 W8 12
go halves wlLh (sb) /goo ho:vz wi/ (phr) halbe-halbe machen pay half Lhe cosL wlLh sb 1bot meol wos vety expeoslve. lll 5' +)-7(! <#&+ yoo. 2 W8 13
afLer a fashlon /o:fLor o f[n/ (ldm) mehr schlechL als rechL Lo some exLenL, buL noL very well l coo ploy tbe plooo, )2&(. ) 2)!+#'$. 2 W8 13
(be) aL a loss /oL o lus/ (ldm) raLlos seln noL knowlng whaL Lo say or do l wos )& ) -'!! os to bow to solve tbe ptoblem. 2 W8 13
blzarre /bizo:(r)/ (ad[) blzarr very sLrange 1belt bebovloot wos vety ;#B)..(. 3 S8 33
hllarlous /hileorlos/ (ad[) urkomlsch exLremely funny 1be oew comeJy setles oo cboooel foot ls +#-).#'3!. l looqbeJ oll tbe woy
3 S8 33
pecullar /pik[u:llo(r)/ (ad[) selLsam unpleasanLly unusual 1bete wos sometbloq /(13-#). lo tbe woy be smlleJ. 3 S8 33
odd /ud/ (ad[) merkwurdlg sLrange or unusual 1bey'te vety '** people. 3 S8 33
humorous /h[u:moros/ (ad[) launlg, humorvoll funny and enLerLalnlng ne qove o +3,'.'3! occooot of tbelt ttlp to 5polo. 3 S8 33
hysLerlcal /hisLerikl/ (ad[) urkomlsch
exLremely funny
also: crylng, laughlng, eLc. ln an unconLrolled
1be fllm wos obsolotely +0!&(.#1)-. we coolJot stop looqbloq.
ne become olmost +0!&(.#1)- wbeo l tolJ blm oboot tbe occlJeot.
3 S8 33
conflne (Lo) /konfain/ (v) slch beschranken (auf) keep sb / sLh lnslde Lhe llmlLs of a parLlcular
1be wotk wlll be 1'$2#$(* &' tbe Closqow oteo. 3 S8 34
reLlred /riLaiod/ (ad[) lm 8uhesLand seln havlng sLopped work because you have
reached a cerLaln age
uoJ ls .(&#.(* oow tbot bes slxty-flve. 3 S8 34
enLerLalner /enLoLeino(r)/ (n) unLerhalLer(ln) a person whose [ob ls amuslng people 1be spoote wos foll of stteet ($&(.&)#$(.!. 3 S8 34
hook /hok/ (n) Paken a curved plece of meLal for hanglng Lhlngs on nooq yoot towel oo tbe +''". 3 S8 34
fasLener /fo:sno(r)/ (n) verschluss a devlce, such as a buLLon or a zlp, used Lo
close a plece of cloLhlng
coo yoo flx my jocket? 1be 2)!&($(. ls btokeo. 3 S8 34
sLuck /sLtk/ (ad[) fesLgefahren, sLecken
unable Lo move or Lo be moved 1be wbeels wete !&31" lo tbe moJ. 3 S8 34
sucLlon /stk[n/ (n unc) Ansaugen Lhe process of removlng alr from a space so
LhaL Lwo surfaces can sLlck LogeLher
vocoom cleooets wotk by !31&#'$. 3 S8 34
sucker /stko(r)/ (n) Sauger, Saugnapf a speclal organ on Lhe body of some anlmals
LhaL enables Lhem Lo sLlck Lo a surface
3 S8 34
LenLacle /LenLokl/ (n) 1enLakel a long, Lhln parL of Lhe body of some creaLures,
such as an ocLopus, used for feellng or holdlng
A spolJ oses lts &($&)1-(! to bolJ fooJ. 3 S8 34
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
10 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
vlllaln /vilon/ (n) Schurke Lhe maln bad characLer ln a sLory ne ofteo ploys tbe pott of tbe 7#--)#$. 3 S8 34
evll /l:vl/ (ad[) bse harmful lts ooe of tbe (7#- effects of toclsm. 3 S8 34
grumpy /grtmpl/ (ad[) ubellaunlg bad-Lempered nes jost o 5.3,/0 olJ moo. 3 S8 34
alLernaLlve /a:lLs:noLiv/ (ad[) alLernaLlv dlfferenL from Lhe usual Mooy cooottles ote lovestloq lo )-&(.$)&#7( eoetqy. 3 S8 34
echo /ekoo/ (n) Lcho Lhe reflecLlng of sound off a surface 1bete wos oo (1+' oo tbe pbooe ooJ l coolJo't beot cleotly. 3 S8 33
sonar /soona:(r)/ (n) SonargeraL equlpmenL or a sysLem for flndlng ob[ecLs
underwaLer uslng sound waves
3 S8 33
maLerlal /moLiorlol/ (n) MaLerlal a subsLance LhaL Lhlngs can be made from wbot bollJloq ,)&(.#)-! Jo we oeeJ? 3 S8 33
lndlgesLlble /indidesLobl/ (ad[) schwer verdaullch (of food) LhaL cannoL easlly be processed ln Lhe
8eoos coo be totbet #$*#5(!&#;-(. 3 S8 33
rubber /rtbo(r)/ (n unc) Cumml a sLrong subsLance LhaL can be sLreLched and
does noL allow llqulds Lo pass Lhrough lL
1be box wos moJe ftom .3;;(.. 3 S8 33
break up /breik tp/ (phr v) zerbrechen separaLe lnLo smaller pleces 5be ;.'"( 3/ tbe cbocolote bot ooJ sboteJ lt oot. 3 S8 33
swallow /swuloo/ (v) (hlnunLer)schlucken make food, drlnk, eLc. go down your LhroaL
lnLo your sLomach
Alwoys cbew fooJ well befote !<)--'<#$5 lt. 3 S8 33
lnLesLlne /inLesLin/ (n) uarm a long Lube ln Lhe body where food ls senL Lo
afLer lL leaves Lhe sLomach
looJ posses ftom tbe stomocb to tbe smoll #$&(!&#$( ooJ ftom tbete to tbe
lotqe #$&(!&#$(.
3 S8 33
(sLomach) acld /sid/ (n) Magensaure sour subsLance ln Lhe sLomach LhaL helps lL
break up food
lt tokes o looq tlme fot !&',)1+ )1#* to bteok lt Jowo. 3 S8 33
chaln /L[oin/ (v) dle keLLe vorlegen fasLen sLh wlLh a serles of connecLed meLal
1be Joots wete olwoys lockeJ ooJ 1+)#$(*. 3 S8 33
asLoundlng /osLaondiq/ (ad[) verbluffend so surprlslng LhaL lL ls dlfflculL Lo belleve 1bete wos oo )!&'3$*#$5 20X locteose lo soles. 3 S8 36
bolllng /bailiq/ (ad[) kochend (hel) exLremely hoL oo most be ;'#-#$5 lo tbot sweotet! 3 S8 36
fllLhy /fil0l/ (ad[) drecklg exLremely dlrLy lt's 2#-&+0 lo bete! 3 S8 36
furlous /f[oorlos/ (ad[) wuLend
exLremely angry
also: wlLh greaL energy
ne wos 23.#'3! wltb blmself fot lettloq tbloqs qet so oot of coottol.
Motk boJ o 23.#'3! otqomeot wltb bls boss tbls motoloq ooJ bes tblokloq of
cbooqloq jobs.
3 S8 36
hldeous /hidlos/ (ad[) scheullch exLremely ugly and unpleasanL 1belt oew coloot scbeme ls +#*('3!! 3 S8 36
spoLless /spuLlos/ (ad[) makellos sauber exLremely clean 5be cleooeJ tbe cot befote sbe tetotoeJ lt to me. lt wos !/'&-(!!. 3 S8 36
sLarvlng /sLo:viq/ (ad[) ausgehungerL exLremely hungry 1be lmoqes of !&).7#$5 cbllJteo wete vety opsettloq. 3 S8 36
uLLerly /tLoll/ (adv) vollkommen compleLely oooq cbllJteo ote 3&&(.-0 JepeoJeot oo tbelt poteots. 3 S8 36
seaLbelL /sl:L belL/ (n) SlcherhelLsgurL a belL LhaL ls aLLached Lo Lhe seaL ln a car Lo
proLecL you ln an accldenL
losteo yoot !()&;(-&!. 3 S8 36
flre brlgade /faio brigeid/ (n) leuerwehr servlce LhaL puLs ouL flres wbeo tbete wos smoke lo tbe kltcbeo we colleJ tbe 2#.( ;.#5)*(. 3 S8 36
genLly /denLll/ (adv) sanfL ln a quleL and careful way 5be belJ tbe boby 5($&-0. 3 S8 37
menLal /menLl/ (ad[) gelsLlg happenlng ln Lhe mlnd uo yoo bove o ,($&)- plctote of wbot lt wlll look llke? 3 S8 38
glggle /gigl/ (n) klchern a sllghL, sllly repeaLed laugh 5be qove o oetvoos 5#55-(. 3 S8 38
hang on /hq un/ (phr v) warLen walL coo yoo +)$5 '$ o mloote? l coot floJ my keys. 3 S8 38
make lL /meik iL/ (ldm) erfolgrelch seln compleLe a Lask successfully ne oevet teolly ,)*( #& os oo octot. 3 S8 38
geL (sb) down /geL . daon/ (phr v) runLerzlehen make sb feel sad or depressed koloy weotbet teolly 5(&! me *'<$. 3 S8 38
work ouL /ws:k aoL/ (phr v) herausflnden flnd, dlscover lve floolly <'."(* '3& tbe solotloo. 3 S8 38
esLaLe agenL /isLeiL eidonL/ (n) lmmoblllenmakler(ln) a person whose [ob ls Lo sell houses and land
for people
1be (!&)&( )5($& took tbem otoooJ tbe boose. 3 S8 38
lnLruder /inLru:do(r)/ (n) Llndrlngllng a person who enLers a bulldlng lllegally 1be #$&.3*(. flteJ ot leost ooe mote sbot ot tbe qootJ, tbeo too. 3 S8 38
be lnLo /bl inLu:/ (phr v) auf (eLw.) sLehen
be lnLeresLed ln ne@! teolly #$&' compotet qomes. 3 S8 38
glve lL a go /giv iL o goo/ (phr) (eLw.) ausprobleren Lry sLh even lf success ls uncerLaln lve oevet Jooe lt befote, bot lll 5#7( #& ) 5'. 3 S8 38
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
11 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
[unk /dtqk/ (n unc) lunder Lhlngs LhaL are consldered useless or of llLLle
l've cleoteJ oot oll tbot olJ E3$" lo tbe ottlc. 3 S8 38
be worLh /bl ws:0/ (phr) werL seln, slch lohnen recommended because lL mlghL be useful,
en[oyable, eLc.
1be moseom ls cettololy <'.&+ o vlslt. 3 S8 38
rebelllous /ribel[os/ (ad[) rebelllsch noL wllllng Lo obey rules or accepL normal
sLandards of behavlour
l wos vety .(;(--#'3! wbeo l wos o teeooqet ooJ tefoseJ to Jo wbot my
poteots wooteJ.
3 S8 40
unconvenLlonal /tnkonven[onl/ (ad[) unkonvenLlonell noL Lhe same as everyone else, dolng Lhlngs
Oot oew teocbet ls polte 3$1'$7($&#'$)-. ne lets os slt oo tbe floot. 3 S8 40
survey /ss:vei/ (n) umfrage an lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe oplnlons, behavlour,
eLc. of a parLlcular group of people
A teceot !3.7(0 sboweJ 75X of tbose poestlooeJ wete lo fovoot of tbe ploo. 3 S8 40
Lle ln wlLh /Lai in wi/ (phr v) mlL (eLw.)
have a llnk wlLh 1be tesolts ftom oot sotvey &#( #$ <#&+ tbe tesolts ftom scbools lo otbet oteos. 3 S8 40
flrsLborn /fs:sLba:n/ (ad[) ersLgeboren a persons flrsL chlld l wos tbe 2#.!&;'.$ cbllJ. 3 S8 40
maLLer /mLo(r)/ (n) AngelegenhelL a sub[ecL or slLuaLlon LhaL you musL conslder
or deal wlLh
1bey boJ lmpottoot ,)&&(.! to Jlscoss. 3 S8 40
flndlngs /faindiqz/ (n pl) Lrgebnlsse Lhe resulLs of research or surveys 1be 2#$*#$5! of tbe commlssloo wlll be pobllsbeJ toJoy. 3 S8 40
exLend /iksLend/ (v) erwelLern, ausbauen make sLh longer wete qoloq to (G&($* tbe kltcbeo by two mettes. 3 S8 40
puL up wlLh /poL tp wi/ (phr v) (eLw.) hlnnehmen accepL sLh LhaL ls annoylng wlLhouL
ne /3& 3/ <#&+ tbe extto wotk be wos qlveo. 3 S8 41
puL (sb) down /poL . daon/ (phr v) ([mdn.) runLermachen make sb look or feel sLupld, esp. ln fronL of
oLher people
wby Jo yoo olwoys /3& me *'<$? 3 S8 41
puL (sb) up /poL . tp/ (phr v) ([mdn.) aufnehmen leL sb sLay aL your home lm /3&&#$5 my btotbet 3/ fot o week. 3 S8 41
puL (sLh) down Lo /poL . daon Lu/ (phr v) (eLw.) auf (eLw.)
Lo conslder LhaL sLh ls caused by sLh l pot ,0 soccess *'<$ &' lock. 3 S8 41
overLhrow /oovo0roo/ (v) sLurzen replace by force 1be qovetomeot wos '7(.&+.'<$ by o qtoop of tebels. 3 S8 41
puL down /poL daon/ (phr v) nlederschlagen
sLop sLh by force
also: pay parL of Lhe cosL of sLh
1be mllltoty qovetomeot ls JetetmloeJ to /3& *'<$ oll opposltloo.
oo oeeJ to /3& *'<$ o I100 Jeposlt.
3 S8 41
revolL /rivulL/ (n) 8evolLe, AufsLand a proLesL agalnsL auLhorlLy Attempts to oeqotlote peoce eoJeJ lo otmeJ .(7'-&. 3 S8 41
shorLage /[a:Lid/ (n unc) knapphelL noL enough of sLh 1betes beeo o wotet !+'.&)5( tbls sommet becoose of tbe bot weotbet. 3 S8 41
puL (sb) up Lo (sLh) /poL . tp . Lu/ (phr v) ([mdn.) zu (eLw.)
encourage or persuade sb Lo do sLh wrong or
5be /3& blm 3/ &' tbe cbolleoqe. 3 S8 41
vandallze /vndolaiz/ (v) (muLwllllg) zersLren damage sLh for fun Oot cot wos 7)$*)-#B(* lost olqbt. 1be wloJows wete btokeo ooJ tbete wos
wblte polot oll ovet lt.
3 S8 41
accommodaLe /okumodeiL/ (v) unLerbrlngen provlde sb wlLh a room or place Lo sleep 1be botel coo )11',,'*)&( op to 500 qoests. 3 S8 41
suppress /sopres/ (v) unLerdrucken sLop sLh llke an aLLack or sLrong deslre 1be qovetomeot bos !3//.(!!(* ottempts to cbooqe tbe low oo bootloq. 3 S8 41
humlllaLe /h[u:milleiL/ (v) demuLlgen make sb look sllly CooJ teocbets Joot +3,#-#)&( stoJeots lo ftoot of tbelt ftleoJs. 3 S8 41
LoleraLe /LuloreiL/ (v) Lolerleren puL up wlLh sLh 1bls sott of bebovloot wlll oot be &'-(.)&(*. 3 S8 41
bump lnLo (sb) /btmp inLu/ (phr v) ([mdn.) zufalllg Lreffen meeL sb by chance l ;3,/(* #$&' Mottlo lo towo. 3 S8 42
loads (of) /loodz/ (n pl) [ede Menge a large number or amounL 5be's qot -')*! '2 ftleoJs. 3 S8 42
goodness knows /godnos nooz/ (ldm) wer wel used Lo emphaslze LhaL you do noL know sLh H''*$(!! "$'<!wbot tlme tbeyll qet bete. 3 S8 42
play pracLlcal [okes /plei prkLikl
(phr) SLrelche splelen play Lrlcks on sb Lo make Lhem look sLupld and
Lo make oLher people laugh
nes olwoys /-)0#$5 /.)1&#1)- E'"(! oo people. 3 S8 42
harmless /ho:mlos/ (ad[) harmlos unllkely Lo cause damage 1be boctetlo ote +).,-(!! to bomoos. 3 S8 42
fake /feik/ (ad[) gefalschL noL genulne lts so cbeop lt most be 2)"(. 3 S8 42
spoL /spuL/ (v) enLdecken noLlce sLh l floolly !/'&&(* my ftleoJ lo tbe ctowJ. 3 S8 42
company /ktmponl/ (n unc) CesellschafL Lhe facL of belng wlLh sb else and noL alone l eojoy Io's 1',/)$0. 3 S8 42
opLlmlsLlc /upLimisLik/ (ad[) opLlmlsLlsch Lhlnklng good Lhlngs are golng Lo happen lm '/&#,#!&#1 oboot my tesolts. l tblok tbeyte qoloq to be qooJ! 3 S8 44
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
12 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
lmpersonal /imps:sonl/ (ad[) unpersnllch noL very frlendly or showlng an lnLeresL ln
1be lettet ftom tbe compooy wos vety #,/(.!'$)- ooJ JlJot eocootoqe me to
woot to wotk tbete.
3 S8 44
overall /oovora:l/ (adv) lnsgesamL ln LoLal, generally 1be compooy wlll lovest 51.6m '7(.)-- lo oew epolpmeot. 3 S8 44
barrler /brlo(r)/ (n) 8arrlere, Sperre sLh LhaL separaLes Lwo areas 1be pollce pot op o ;)..#(. to keep people owoy ftom tbe fllm stot. 3 S8 44
force /fa:s/ (v) zwlngen make sb do sLh LhaL Lhey do noL wanL Lo do 1be lteslJeot wos 2'.1(* to teslqo. 3 S8 44
roll abouL /rool obaoL/ (phr v) slch kugeln be laughlng so much LhaL you can hardly
conLrol yourself
1be fllms so foooy yooll .'-- );'3& wltb looqbtet. 3 W8 17
aL Lhe forefronL /oL o fa:frtnL/ (ldm) an der SplLze sLh / sb LhaL leads Lhe way for sLh new 1bls booJ ls )& &+( 2'.(2.'$& of o completely oew tteoJ lo moslc. 3 W8 17
Lake Lo Lhe sLreeLs /Leik Lu o sLrl:Ls/ (phr) auf dle SLrae gehen walk around ln Lhe sLreeLs leople ote &)"#$5 &' &+( !&.((&! lo ptotest. 3 W8 17
pull aparL /pol opo:L/ (phr v) auselnanderzlehen separaLe by pulllng ln dlfferenL dlrecLlons 1be meot wos so soft l coolJ jost /3-- lt )/).&. 3 W8 17
pull off /pol uf/ (phr v) zusLande brlngen succeed ln dolng sLh dlfflculL 1bey /3--(* '22 tbe pteseototloo ooJ qot tbe coottoct. 3 W8 17
pull over /pol oovo(r)/ (phr v) zur SelLe fahren (of a vehlcle or lLs drlver) Lo move Lo Lhe slde
of Lhe road ln order Lo sLop
1be pollce moJe blm /3-- '7(.. 3 W8 17
pull Lhrough /pol 0ru:/ (phr v) uberleben, (eLw.)
geL beLLer afLer a serlous lllness nell /3-- &+.'35+. nes o sttooq moo. 3 W8 17
pull myself LogeLher /pol maiself
(phr v) mlch zusammenrelen Lake conLrol of my feellngs and behave ln a
calm way
lt wos Jlfflcolt to /3-- ,0!(-2 &'5(&+(. oftet beotloq tbe oews. 3 W8 17
Lhlnk of /0iqk ov/ (phr v) von (eLw.) halLen conslder sb/sLh ln a parLlcular way wbot Jo yoo &+#$" '2 Jlooet? 3 W8 19
run up agalnsL /rtn tp ogensL/ (phr v) gegen (eLw. / [mdn.)
face sLh dlfflculL 1be cooocll .)$ 3/ )5)#$!& o lot of opposltloo wbeo tbey JeclJeJ to bollJ o blq
block of flots lo tbe potk.
3 W8 19
cosL a forLune /kusL o fa:L[u:n/ (phr) eln vermgen kosLen cosL a loL of money ulooet wos olce, bot lt 1'!& ) 2'.&3$(! 3 W8 20
slgn up /sain tp/ (phr v) slch verpfllchLen, slch (zu
eLw.) anmelden
slgn a form whlch says LhaL you agree Lo do a
[ob or Lake parL ln sLh
lve !#5$(* 3/ to Jo o mototboo oext yeot. 3 W8 21
blasL off /blo:sL uf / (phr v) abheben leave LarLh suddenly (as ln a rockeL) 1be tocket ;-)!&(* '22 ot oooo. 3 W8 21
draw Lhe llne (aL) /dra: o lain/ (ldm) (bel eLw.) dle Crenze
puL a llmlL on l sometlmes ose otbet peoples lJeos bot l *.)< &+(-#$( )& copyloq tbelt wotk
3 W8 21
lnsplre /inspaio(r)/ (v) lnsplrleren glve sb creaLlve ldeas 1be bllls ooJ moootolos #$!/#.(* mooy of bls polotloqs. 4 S8 43
admlre /odmaio(r)/ (v) bewundern respecL a person for whaL Lhey have done l teolly )*,#.( people wbo bove wotkeJ botJ to qet to tbe top of tbelt
4 S8 43
lnvenLor /invenLo(r)/ (n) Lrflnder(ln) person who creaLes sLh new such as a machlne Iomes wott wos o fomoos #$7($&'. wbo moJe tbe fltst steom ttolo. 4 S8 43
dlsLracL /disLrkL/ (v) ablenken Lake sbs aLLenLlon away from sLh Lhey are
Lrylng Lo do
oo'te *#!&.)1&#$5 me ftom my wotk. 4 S8 46
gadgeL /gdiL/ (n) CeraL, CadgeL a small Lool or devlce LhaL does sLh useful ne olwoys bos to boy tbe lotest 5)*5(&. 4 S8 46
go Lhrough /goo 0ru:/ (phr v) durchmachen experlence or suffer sLh ne's omozloqly cbeetfol cooslJetloq oll be's boJ to 5' &+.'35+. 4 S8 46
sheer /[io(r)/ (ad[) schler, blo used Lo emphaslze Lhe slze, degree or amounL
of sLh
1be oteo ls ooJet tbteot ftom tbe !+((. oombet of tootlsts vlsltloq lt. 4 S8 46
llken (sLh/sb) Lo /laikon . Lu:/ (phr v) ([mdn.) mlL ([mdm.)
compare one person or Lhlng Lo anoLher and
say Lhey are slmllar
lve beeo -#"($(* &' uovlJ 8eckbom. 4 S8 46
process /prooses / (n) rozess a serles of Lhlngs LhaL are done ln order Lo
achleve a parLlcular resulL
l'm oftolJ qettloq tbloqs cbooqeJ wlll be o slow /.'1(!!. 4 S8 46
sLaLe of mlnd /sLeiL ov maind/ (phr) SLlmmung,
way of Lhlnklng l bove to be lo o pottlcolot !&)&( '2 ,#$* to wtlte. 4 S8 46
Lurn lnLo /Ls:n inLu/ (phr v) zu (eLw.) werden make sb / sLh become sb / sLh else oo &3.$ #$&' o bottlble petsoo wbeo yoote ooJet sttess. 4 S8 46
lmage /imid/ (n) vorsLellung a menLal plcLure l boJ o meotol #,)5( of wbot sbe woolJ look llke. 4 S8 46
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13 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
LorLured /La:L[od/ (ad[) gequalL sufferlng severely 5be fell loto o &'.&3.(* sleep. 4 S8 46
clog (up) /klug/ (v) versLopfen become blocked wltblo o few yeots, tbe plpes beqoo to 1-'5 3/. 4 S8 46
edlLor /ediLo(r)/ (n) 8edakLeur(ln) sb who prepares a fllm, song, book, eLc. for
belng shown or broadcasL by decldlng whaL Lo
lnclude, and whaL order lL should be ln
1be (*#&'. teJoceJ foot boots of fllm to two boots. 4 S8 46
lnLerfere wlLh /inLofio wi/ (phr v) sLrend beelnflussen prevenL sLh from happenlng as planned 5be oevet ollows bet petsoool feelloqs to #$&(.2(.( <#&+ bet wotk. 4 S8 46
run wlld /rtn waild/ (ldm) verwlldern grow or develop freely wlLhouL any conLrol lotts of tbe clty bove .3$ <#-*. 4 S8 46
fragmenL /frgmonL/ (n) SpllLLer a small parL of sLh lollce foooJ 2.)5,($&! of qloss oeot tbe sceoe. 4 S8 46
frusLraLlng /frtsLreiLiq/ (ad[) frusLrlerend causlng you Lo feel annoyed and lmpaLlenL lt's 2.3!&.)&#$5 to bove to wolt so looq. 4 S8 46
dlsclpllned /disoplind/ (ad[) dlszlpllnlerL keeplng your behavlour under conLrol 5be bos o *#!1#/-#$(* opptoocb to wotk. 4 S8 46
awkward /a:kwod/ (ad[) unangenehm dlfflculL Lo deal wlLh uoo't osk )<"<).* poestloos. 4 S8 46
pace /peis/ (v) auf- und abgehen walk up and down ln a small area many Llmes 5be /)1(* op ooJ Jowo ootslJe tbe toom. 4 S8 46
geL on wlLh (sLh) /geL un wi/ (phr v) mlL (eLw.) vorankommen conLlnue dolng sLh, esp. afLer an lnLerrupLlon lt wos Jlfflcolt to 5(& '$ <#&+ my wotk wltb oll of tbe oolse. 4 S8 46
preLLy /priLl/ (adv) zlemllch qulLe, falrly l'm /.(&&0 sote l'll be qoloq. 4 S8 47
domesLlc /domesLik/ (ad[) hausllch, Paus- connecLed wlLh Lhe home or famlly l bote *',(!&#1 cbotes llke cookloq, cleooloq ooJ ltooloq. 4 S8 47
chore /L[a:(r)/ (n) 8ouLlnearbelL a Lask LhaL you do regularly l Jo tbe Jomestlc 1+'.(! oo o 1botsJoy. 4 S8 47
deflne /difain/ (v) deflnleren show sLh accuraLely we oeeJ to *(2#$( tbe tosk vety cleotly. 4 S8 47
lonellness /loonllnos/ (n unc) LlnsamkelL Lhe sLaLe of belng unhappy because you are
lt wos o petloJ of -'$(-#$(!! lo bls llfe. 4 S8 47
snaLch /snL[/ (n) leLzen a very small parL of sLh l ooly cooqbt !$)&1+(! of tbe coovetsotloo. 4 S8 47
lyrlcs /liriks/ (n pl) 1exL Lhe words of a song 1be -0.#1! of tbe sooq moJe me cty. 4 S8 47
spurL /sps:L/ (n) SLrahl an amounL of sLh LhaL comes ouL wlLh greaL
1be wotet come oot of tbe top lo !/3.&!. 4 S8 47
poppy /pupl/ (ad[) popplg popular, havlng a wlde appeal, esp. of muslc, a
group, eLc.
1bot booJ's lostest tecotJ ls vety /'//0. 4 S8 47
flow /floo/ (n) lluss Lhe sLeady and conLlnuous movemenL of sLh ln
one dlrecLlon
1bete wos o steoJy 2-'< of ttofflc tbtooqb tbe clty. 4 S8 47
devlce /divais/ (n) CeraL
verfahren, MlLLel
an ob[ecL or a plece of equlpmenL LhaL has
been deslgned Lo do a parLlcular [ob
also: a meLhod of dolng sLh LhaL produces a
parLlcular resulL
1bls *(7#1( eoobles Jeof people to commoolcote by typloq messoqes losteoJ
of speokloq
lostol oJvettlsloq ls o vety soccessfol motketloq *(7#1(.
4 S8 47
lnLerrupLlon /inLortp[n/ (n) unLerbrechung Lemporary sLop of an acLlvlLy l moooqeJ to wotk fot two boots wltboot #$&(..3/&#'$. 4 S8 47
sclence-flcLlon /saions fik[n/ (n unc) Sclence-llcLlon a Lype of fllm LhaL ls based on lmaglned
sclenLlflc dlscoverles of Lhe fuLure
A lot of !1#($1(=2#1&#'$ ftom tbe post bos octoolly become teollty toJoy. 4 S8 48
movlng /mu:viq/ (ad[) bewegend sad, maklng you wanL Lo cry 5be qove o ,'7#$5 occooot of bet expetleoces lo Aftlco. 4 S8 48
grlpplng /gripiq/ (ad[) packend so good you can'L sLop waLchlng because you
wanL Lo know whaL happens, exclLlng
lt wos socb o 5.#//#$5 fllm. 4 S8 48
powerful /paoofl/ (ad[) sLark havlng a sLrong effecL on your mlnd or body leot ls o /'<(.23- emotloo. 4 S8 48
sLunL /sLtnL/ (n) SLunL dangerous acLlon ln a fllm Most octots Joo't Jo tbelt owo !&3$&!. 4 S8 48
peace /pl:s/ (n) lrleden a perlod of Llme ln whlch Lhere ls no war or
vlolence ln a counLry or an area
Aftet yeots of wot, tbe people looq fot o lostloq /()1(. 4 S8 48
dove /dtv/ (n) 1aube a small whlLe blrd whlch ls a Lype of plgeon 4 S8 48
feaLher /feo(r)/ (n) leder one of Lhe many sofL llghL parLs coverlng a
blrd's body
4 S8 48
beak /bl:k/ (n) Schnabel Lhe hard polnLed or curved ouLer parL of a
blrds mouLh
1be bltJ belJ tbe flsb lo lts ;()". 4 S8 48
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
14 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
peck /pek/ (v) plcken when a blrd blLes A bltJ /(1"(* me oo tbe otm ooJ lve qot o teJ motk oow. 4 S8 48
splendld /splendid/ (ad[) ausgezelchneL very lmpresslve wbot o !/-($*#* lJeo! 4 S8 49
overhear /oovohio(r)/ (v) belauschen hear, esp. by accldenL, a conversaLlon ln whlch
you are noL lnvolved
we tolkeJ poletly so os oot to be '7(.+().*. 4 S8 30
suppller /soplaio(r)/ (n) leferanL a person or company LhaL provldes goods l om expectloq o Jellvety ftom my !3//-#(.. 4 S8 30
dalry /deorl/ (ad[) Mllch- made from mllk 1be Joctot tolJ me to eot less teJ meot ooJ *)#.0 ptoJocts. 4 S8 30
flnd ouL /faind aoL/ (phr v) herausflnden dlscover, geL some lnformaLlon coo yoo 2#$* '3& wbot tlme tbe sbow stotts? 4 S8 30
Lake up /Leik tp/ (phr v) (eLw.) beglnnen, (eLw.)
learn or sLarL Lo do sLh, esp. for pleasure lm qoloq to &)"( 3/ 5poolsb tbls sommet. 4 S8 30
glve up /giv tp/ (phr v) aufgeben sLop dolng or havlng sLh lm qoloq to 5#7( 3/ soqot fot o mootb. 4 S8 30
lnsLallaLlon /insLolei[n/ (n) lnsLallaLlon a plece of modern sculpLure LhaL ls made uslng
sound, llghL, eLc. as well as ob[ecLs
also: a plece of equlpmenL or machlnery LhaL
has been flxed ln poslLlon so LhaL lL can be
1be #$!&)--)&#'$ wlll be JlsployeJ fot slx mootbs. 4 S8 31
showcase /[ookeis/ (n) SchaukasLen a box wlLh a glass Lop or sldes LhaL ls used for
showlng ob[ecLs ln a shop or sLore, museum,
1be !+'<1)!( JlsployeJ some of tbe most lmpottoot ltems of tbe tlme. 4 S8 31
repuLaLlon /rep[uLei[n/ (n unc) 8uf known by many people for sLh Oot sbop bos o qteot .(/3&)&#'$ fot poollty ptoJocts. 4 S8 32
reserved /rizs:vd/ (ad[) reservlerL noL showlng a loL of emoLlon leople of my qtooJpoteots oqe ote osoolly mocb mote .(!(.7(* tboo
yoooqet people.
4 S8 32
8enalssance /rineisns/ (n) 8enalssance Lhe perlod ln Lurope durlng Lhe fourLeenLh -
slxLeenLh cenLurles when people became
lnLeresLed ln arL, llLeraLure, eLc.
4 S8 32
a man before hls Llme /o mn bifa: hiz
(phr) eln Mann, der selner ZelL
voraus lsL
sb wlLh advanced new ldeas LhaL oLher people
use or copy laLer
uo vlocl wos ) ,)$ ;(2'.( +#! &#,(. 4 S8 32
genlus /dl:nlos/ (n) Cenle person wlLh a greaL LalenL or unusual
A boy lo oot closs ls o 5($#3!. ne coo Jo ooy motbemotlcol ptoblems lo bls
4 S8 32
renowned /rinaond/ (ad[) bekannL famous 1be clty ls .($'<$(* fot lts beootlfol cbotcbes ooJ moseoms. 4 S8 32
lnqulrlng /inkwaioriq/ (ad[) forschend curlous, wanLlng Lo learn new Lhlngs Iocks #$43#.#$5 mloJ bos leJ blm loto oll sotts of ttooble! 4 S8 32
apprenLlce Lo /oprenLis Lo/ (v) ln dle ehre gehen employed Lo work wlLh sb Lo learn Lhe [ob Mooy yoooq ottlsts wete )//.($&#1(* &' soccessfol ottlsts to leoto ftom tbem. 4 S8 32
walk ouL on (sb) /wa:k aoL un/ (phr v) ([mdn.) verlassen abandon sb ne <)-"(* '3& '$ bls fomlly wbeo tbey wete yoooq. 4 S8 33
accuse (sb) of /ok[u:z . ov/ (v) ([mdn. elner Sache)
say sb has done sLh wrong 1be teocbet )113!(* 5too '2 cbeotloq lo tbe exom. 4 S8 33
Lake aparL /Leik opo:L/ (phr v) zerlegen
separaLe a machlne or plece of equlpmenL lnLo
Lhe dlfferenL parLs LhaL lL ls made of
also: defeaL sb easlly ln a game or compeLlLlon
ne &''" tbe compotet )/).& ooJ tebollt lt.
we wete slmply &)"($ )/).& by tbe otbet teom.
4 S8 33
Lake ln /Leik in/ (phr v) elngenommen
make sb belleve sLh LhaL ls noL Lrue
also: undersLand or remember sLh LhaL you
hear or read
ne wos &)"($ #$ by tbelt stoty.
nolfwoy tbtooqb tbe cboptet, l teollzeJ l boJo't &)"($ ooytbloq #$.
4 S8 33
Lake off /Leik uf/ (phr v) parodleren
copy sbs volce, acLlons or manner ln an
amuslng way
also: (of an ldea, a producL, eLc.) become
popular very qulckly
nes oble to &)"( '22 lots of fomoos people.
net sloqloq coteet &''" '22 oftet bet 1v oppeotooce.
4 S8 33
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
13 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lake on /Leik un/ (phr v) aufnehmen
employ sb
also: agree Lo be responslble for sb or sLh
5be wos &)"($ '$ os o ttoloee.
l coo't &)"( '$ ooy extto wotk.
4 S8 33
Lake up /Leik tp/ (phr v) kurzen make a plece of cloLhlng shorLer 1bls skltt oeeJs &)"#$5 3/. 4 S8 33
relocaLe /rl:lookeiL/ (v) umzlehen move Lo anoLher area usu. because of work My ftleoJs fomlly .(-'1)&(* to looJoo becoose bet fotbet wos ptomoteJ. 4 S8 33
decelve /disl:v/ (v) Lauschen make sb belleve sLh LhaL ls noL Lrue net bosbooJ boJ beeo *(1(#7#$5 bet fot yeots. 4 S8 33
car chase /ko: L[eis/ (n) AuLoverfolgungs[agd a scene ln a fllm wlLh fasL cars chaslng one
4 S8 34
llghL-hearLed /laiLho:Lid/ (ad[) unbeschwerL lnLended Lo be amuslng or easlly en[oyable
raLher Lhan Loo serlous
lt wos o -#5+&=+().&(* look ot tbe polltlcol sltootloo. 4 S8 34
sLand ouL /sLnd aoL/ (phr v) herausragen be much beLLer net tesolts moJe bet !&)$* '3& ftom tbe otbet oppllcoots. 4 S8 34
sophlsLlcaLed /sofisLikeiLid/ (ad[) ausgeklugelL,
clever and compllcaLed MeJlcol tecbolpoes ote becomloq mote !'/+#!&#1)&(*. 4 S8 33
revolve around /rivulv oraond/ (phr v) slch um (eLw.) drehen have as Lhe maln sub[ecL 1be moJole .(7'-7(! ).'3$* otopeoo polltlcs. 4 S8 33
aLLempL /oLempL/ (n) versuch an acL of Lrylng Lo do sLh l posseJ my Jtlvloq test ot tbe fltst )&&(,/&. 4 S8 33
shadowy /[dool/ (ad[) undurchslchLlg mysLerlous 1be !+)*'<0 wotlJ of polltlcs ls o wottyloq tbloq. 4 S8 33
launch /la:nL[/ (v) erffnen sLarL an organlzed acLlvlLy 1be ptloce -)3$1+(* tbe opeoloq cetemooy. 4 S8 33
foll /fail/ (v) durchkreuzen prevenL sb from dolng sLh costoms offlclols 2'#-(* oo ottempt to smoqqle tbe polotloqs oot of tbe
4 S8 33
scrlpL /skripL/ (n) urehbuch a wrlLLen LexL of a fllm 1bot lloe lso't lo tbe otlqlool !1.#/&. 4 S8 33
wlLLy /wiLl/ (ad[) wlLzlg clever and amuslng 5bes socb o <#&&0 speoket. 4 S8 33
snappy /snpl/ (ad[) blsslg clever or amuslng and shorL 1be sloqoo oeeJs to be !$)//0. 4 S8 33
vlsually /viuoll/ (ad[) vlsuell connecLed wlLh seelng or slghL 1be ottwotk ls 7#!3)--0 oppeolloq. 4 S8 33
superb /su:ps:b/ (ad[) hervorragend of very good quallLy 1be cot's lo !3/(.; cooJltloo. 4 S8 33
hallmark /ha:lmo:k/ (n) kennzelchen, (eLw.)
woran man (eLw.)
a slgn, Lyplcal feaLure 1bls polotloq bos tbe +)--,)." of o qteot mostet. 4 S8 33
complex /kumpleks/ (ad[) komplex dlfflculL Lo undersLand 1be otqomeot wos 1',/-(G ooJ Jlfflcolt to follow. 4 S8 33
faulL /fa:lL/ (v) bemangeln crlLlclze net colleoqoes coolJ oot 2)3-& bet JeJlcotloo to tbe job. 4 S8 33
wholehearLedly /hoolho:Lidll/ (adv) voll und ganz compleLely, enLhuslasLlcally l <+'-(+().&(*-0 oqtee wltb yoot lJeos. 4 S8 33
lnfecL /infekL/ (v) lnflzleren pass an lllness on Lo sb
also: make a compuLer vlrus spread Lo anoLher
compuLer or program
uofottoootely tbe ptoqtomme #$2(1&(* otbet softwote, too. 4 S8 36
Lrlp over /Lrip oovo(r)/ (v) sLolpern fall over sLh l btoke my leq wbeo l &.#//(* '7(. tbe boq oo tbe floot. 4 S8 36
wlcked /wikid/ (ad[) bse morally bad, evll 1bot wos o <#1"(* JeeJ. 4 S8 36
wlLch /wiL[/ (n) Pexe woman from LradlLlonal sLorles who has evll
maglcal powers
4 S8 36
hang around /hq oraond/ (phr v) rumhangen walL near a place, noL dolng very much l boJ to +)$5 ).'3$* oll Joy woltloq fot blm. 4 S8 36
plck up /pik tp/ (phr v) aufheben
Lake away from Lhe floor
also: allow sb Lo geL lnLo your vehlcle and Lake
Lhem somewhere
5be /#1"(* 3/ tbe tobblsb ooJ pot lt lo tbe blo.
1be bos /#1"! 3/ posseoqets ootslJe tbe oltpott.
4 S8 36
shuL down /[tL daon / (phr v) herunLerfahren Lurn off oo oeeJ to !+3& *'<$ yoot compotet ot tbe eoJ of tbe Joy. 4 S8 36
sLarL off /sLo:L uf/ (phr v) anfangen begln happenlng 1be Jlscossloo !&).&(* '22 mllJly eoooqb. 4 S8 36
Lhlnk up /0iqk tp/ (phr v) slch ausdenken lnvenL we oeeJ to &+#$" 3/ o qooJ teosoo. 4 S8 36
fLe /feiL/ (n) arLy, lesL open-alr summer evenL where people can play
games, buy food and drlnk, eLc.
4 S8 36
parLnershlp /po:Lno[ip/ (n) ZusammenarbelL cooperaLlon ne JevelopeJ bls owo ptoqtom lo /).&$(.!+#/ wltb oo Ametlcoo expett. 4 S8 36
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
16 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lake (sb) aback /Leik obk/ (phr v) ([mdn.) schockleren shock, surprlse sb very much ne wos &)"($ );)1" by bet soJ oews. 4 S8 36
lmpersonaLe /imps:soneiL/ (v) nachahmen, lmlLleren preLend Lo be sb 1be comeJloo #,/(.!'$)&(! tbe ltlme Mlolstet wooJetfolly. ne soooJs jost
llke blm!
4 S8 36
cope (wlLh) /koop/ (v) (mlL eLw.) ferLlgwerden manage ne woso't oble to 1'/( <#&+ tbe sttesses ooJ sttolos of tbe job. 4 S8 36
off Lhe coasL /uf o koosL/ (phr) vor der kusLe aL a shorL dlsLance from Lhe coasL Atoo lslooJs ote'22 &+( west 1')!& of ltelooJ. 4 W8 23
pose a problem /pooz o prublom/ (ldm) eln roblem seln make dlfflculL nls oqe /'!(! ) /.';-(,. we teolly oeeJ someooe olJet. 4 W8 23
meeL up /ml:L tp/ (phr v) slch Lreffen meeL sb, esp. by arrangemenL 5boll we ,((& 3/ oo 1oesJoy? 4 W8 26
come up wlLh /ktm tp wi/ (phr v) auf (eLw.) kommen,
flnd or produce an answer No ooe coolJ 1',( 3/ <#&+ o solotloo to tbe ptoblem. 4 W8 27
sorL ouL /sa:L aoL/ (phr v) ordnen organlze sLh ln a saLlsfacLory way 1be copbootJs oeeJ !'.&#$5 '3&. 4 W8 27
cheaL /L[l:L/ (v) mogeln Lrlck or decelve sb ne 1+()&(* bls woy loto tbe job. 3 S8 37
forgery /fa:dorl/ (n) lalschung sLh wrlLLen LhaL ls noL real buL made Lo look
llke lL
1be lettet wosot teolly wtltteo by Iobo leoooo. lts oo obvloos 2'.5(.0. 3 S8 37
own up /oon tp/ (phr v) (eLw.) zugeben admlL you dld sLh, say lL was you 5omeooe JomoqeJ tbe teocbets cot. No ooe '<$(* 3/ so we oll boJ to stoy
oftet scbool.
3 S8 37
accldenLally /ksidenLoll/ (adv) zufalllg by chance As l totoeJ otoooJ, l )11#*($&)--0 blt blm lo tbe foce. 3 S8 37
crack /krk/ (v) elnen Sprung / Sprunge
break sLh wlLhouL dlvldlng lnLo separaLe
l occlJeotolly koockeJ ovet tbe cop ooJ 1.)1"(* lt. 3 S8 37
ornamenL /a:nomonL/ (n) Schmuck a small ob[ecL used as a decoraLlon 1bey btooqbt tbe cbtlstmos ttee '.$),($&!. 3 S8 37
glve away /giv owei/ (phr v) verschenken
glve sLh as a glfL
also: reveal
ne 5)7( )<)0 most of bls mooey to cbotlty.
5be 5)7( )<)0 stote sectets to tbe eoemy.
3 S8 37
con /kun/ (n) Schwlndel Lrlck, acL of cheaLlng sb 1be telepbooe competltloo wos o 1'$, bot lots of people belleveJ lt. 3 S8 38
fraud /fra:d/ (n unc) 8eLrug Lhe crlme of decelvlng sb Lo geL money lllegally ne weot to ptlsoo fot 2.)3* oftet be wos cooqbt steolloq mooey ftom tbe
3 S8 38
lmposLor /impusLo(r)/ (n) PochsLapler(ln) sb who lsn'L who he says he ls 1bey tbooqbt Mottbew wos tbelt cooslo bot be wos oo #,/'!&'.. 3 S8 38
pose as /pooz oz/ (phr) slch (als [md.) ausgeben preLend Lo be 1be moo /'!(* )! o wloJow cleooet ooJ stole oll bet mooey. 3 S8 38
leglLlmaLe /lodiLimoL/ (ad[) rechLmalg allowed and accepLable accordlng Lo Lhe law ls bls bosloess sttlctly -(5#&#,)&(? 3 S8 38
graduaLe / rdueiL/ (v) elnen
geL a degree from a unlverslLy or college Ooly tbtee stoJeots 5.)*3)&(* lo czecb stoJles. 3 S8 39
surgeon /ss:don/ (n) Chlrurg(ln) docLor who does operaLlons leooys oocle ls o !3.5('$ ooJ Joes beott opetotloos. 3 S8 39
Lroops /Lru:ps/ (n pl) 1ruppen armed forces 1be &.''/! wbo wete obtooJ fot cbtlstmos tecelveJ speclol fooJ potcels. 3 S8 39
clLlzen /siLizn/ (n) 8urger(ln) a person who llves ln a parLlcular place wbeo yoo'te olJ, people tteot yoo llke o secooJ-closs 1#&#B($. 3 S8 39
sLaLlon /sLei[n/ (v) sLaLlonleren send sb from one of Lhe armed forces Lo work
ln a place for a perlod of Llme
1be otmy !&)&#'$(* blm lo Cetmooy fot slx mootbs. 3 S8 39
posL morLem /poosL ma:Lom/ (n) CbdukLlon a medlcal examlnaLlon of Lhe body of a dead
1be /'!& ,'.&(, sboweJ be wos motJeteJ. 3 S8 39
ln facL /in fkL/ (ldm) elgenLllch ln reallLy l tbooqbt tbe wotk woolJ be Jlfflcolt. 8$ 2)1&, lt's vety eosy. 3 S8 39
prlnclpal /prinsopl/ (n) SchuldlrekLor(ln) Lhe person who ls ln charge of a college or a
My JoJ ls /.#$1#/)- of 5t Iobo's colleqe. 3 S8 39
confess /konfes/ (v) gesLehen say you have done sLh bad 1be ctlmlool 1'$2(!!(* to teo tobbetles. 3 S8 39
run away /rtn owei/ (phr v) weglaufen leave a place suddenly, escape from a place ne .)$ )<)0 ftom bome ot tbe oqe of tbltteeo. 3 S8 39
release /rill:s/ (v) frellassen allow ouL of prlson 1be motJetet wos .(-()!(* oftet ooly tbtee yeots lo ptlsoo. 3 S8 39
combaL /kumbL/ (v) bekampfen sLop sLh harmful from happenlng 1be qovetomeot lottoJoceJ meosotes to 1',;)& ctlme. 3 S8 39
flock /fluk/ (v) sLrmen go or gaLher LogeLher ln a large group leople 2-'1"(* to tbe sbops wbeo tbe soles beqoo. 3 S8 39
address /odres/ (v) zu ([mdm.) sprechen make a formal speech Lo a group of people 1be lteslJeot bos beeo oskeJ to )**.(!! tbe ossembly. 3 S8 39
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
17 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lhe wlld /o waild/ (n) dle Wlldnls a naLural envlronmenL LhaL ls noL conLrolled by
1be oolmols wete teleoseJ bock loto &+( <#-* wbeo tbey boJ tecoveteJ. 3 S8 39
lncredlble /inkredobl/ (ad[) unglaubllch lmposslble or very dlfflculL Lo belleve lt seemeJ #$1.(*#;-( tbot sbe boJ beeo tbete o week olteoJy. 3 S8 39
profess /profes/ (v) beLeuern clalm LhaL sLh ls Lrue 5be stlll /.'2(!!(! bet loooceoce. 3 S8 39
publlc /ptblik/ (ad[) ffenLllch known Lo people ln general uetolls of tbe qovetomeot tepott bove oot yet beeo moJe /3;-#1. 3 S8 39
menLal asylum /menLl osailom/ (n) nervenhellansLalL an lnsLlLuLlon where menLally lll people llve Aftet oometoos loclJeots be wos pot lo o ,($&)- )!0-3,. 3 S8 39
ruler /ru:lo(r)/ (n) 8egenL(ln) sb who has auLhorlLy over a counLry, a group
of people, eLc.
1be kloq ls tbe .3-(. of tbe coootty. 3 S8 39
revoluLlonary /revolu:[onorl/ (n) 8evoluLlonar(ln) a person who sLarLs or supporLs a revoluLlon,
esp. a pollLlcal one
5be wos o .(7'-3&#'$).0 wbo cbooqeJ tbe woy tbe coootty wos too. 3 S8 39
conclude /konklu:d/ (v) schlleen belleve sLh as a resulL of whaL you have heard
or seen
wbot Jo yoo 1'$1-3*( ftom tbot? 3 S8 39
pass away /po:s owei/ (phr v) enLschlafen dle My oocle /)!!(* )<)0 lost weekeoJ. 3 S8 39
subsequenL /stbsikwonL/ (ad[) anschlleend, spaLer happenlng afLer sLh else >3;!(43($& eveots coofltmeJ oot Joobts. 3 S8 39
beyond doubL /bi[und daoL/ (ldm) ohne Zwelfel,
ln a way LhaL sLh ls compleLely cerLaln 1be teseotcb sboweJ ;(0'$* *'3;& tbot smokloq coottlbotes to beott
3 S8 39
lnfluenLlal /influen[l/ (ad[) elnflussrelch havlng Lhe power Lo affecL Lhe way sb behaves
and Lhlnks
5be ls ooe of tbe most #$2-3($&#)- flqotes lo locol polltlcs. 3 S8 39
bellow /beloo/ (v) brullen shouL ln a loud volce 1be teocbet ;(--'<(* ot me to leove tbe closstoom lmmeJlotely. 3 S8 60
grumble /grtmbl/ (v) murren complaln abouL sb / sLh ln a bad-Lempered way 5be's olwoys 5.3,;-#$5 oboot bow boJly sbe's tteoteJ ot wotk. 3 S8 60
mumble /mtmbl/ (v) nuscheln speak ln a low volce, unclearly ne ,3,;-(* sometbloq oboot beloq lote ooJ left. 3 S8 60
murmur /ms:mo(r)/ (v) murmeln speak ln a low volce l beotJ 8etb ,3.,3. sometbloq to neleo lo closs. 3 S8 60
muLLer /mtLo(r)/ (v) brummen say sLh ln a quleL volce LhaL ls dlfflculL Lo hear now Jote sbe, be ,3&&(.(* ooJet bls bteotb. 3 S8 60
shrlek /[rl:k/ (v) krelschen glve a loud hlgh shouL 5be !+.#("(* lo ftlqbt. 3 S8 60
whlsper /wispo(r)/ (v) flusLern speak very quleLly Lo sb so LhaL oLher people
cannoL hear whaL you are saylng
uoo't yoo koow lt's toJe to <+#!/(.? 3 S8 60
ob[ecL (Lo) /obdekL/ (v) gegen (eLw.) seln noL agree Lo sLh 1be people lo tbe oteo ';E(1&(* &' tbe ploos fot o oew cot potk. 3 S8 60
beg /beg/ (v) beLLeln ask for sLh ln an anxlous way ne woots tbem to ;(5 fot fotqlveoess. 3 S8 60
order /a:do(r)/ (v) anwelsen use your poslLlon of auLhorlLy Lo Lell sb Lo do
1bey wete '.*(.(* oot of tbe closs fot flqbtloq. 3 S8 61
managlng dlrecLor /mnodiq
(n) CeschafLsfuhrer(ln) Lhe person who ls ln charge of a buslness 1be ,)$)5#$5 *#.(1&'. mokes key floooclol Jeclsloos evety Joy. 3 S8 61
kldnapper /kidnpo(r)/ (n) LnLfuhrer(ln) sb who Lakes people lllegally and makes oLhers
pay money Lo geL Lhem back
1be "#*$)//(.! wooteJ o mlllloo poooJs to qlve tbe boby bock to lts poteots. 3 S8 61
carpenLer /ko:ponLo(r)/ (n) Schrelner(ln), 1lschler(ln) person who makes and repalrs wooden ob[ecLs we employeJ o 1)./($&(. to bollJ os oew Joots ooJ sbelves. 3 S8 61
cholr /kwaio(r)/ (n) Chor group of people who slng LogeLher ln a church 3 S8 62
adopL /odupL/ (v) annehmen choose a new name and begln Lo use lL as your
wbeo be qtew op, be )*'/&(* tbe oome of ltook. 3 S8 62
conducLor /kondtkLo(r)/ (n) ulrlgenL(ln) a person who sLands ln fronL of an orchesLra, a
group of slngers, eLc. and dlrecLs Lhelr
3 S8 62
aL Lhe Llme /oL o Laim/ (phr) damals Lhen l wosot sote )& &+( &#,(, bot oow l koow lm tlqbt. 3 S8 62
bang lnLo /bq inLu/ (phr v) slch (an eLw.) sLoen hlL sLh by mlsLake l bott my leq wbeo l ;)$5(* #$&' tbe toble. 3 S8 62
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
18 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
sLand up for /sLnd tp fa:(r)/ (phr v) slch fur ([mdn. eLw.)
supporL or defend sb / sLh leople ose soclol meJlo to !&)$* 3/ 2'. tbe tlqbts of mooy people. 3 S8 62
on balance /un blons/ (phr) unLerm SLrlch generally, Laklng everyLhlng lnLo conslderaLlon A$ ;)-)$1(, tbe compooy bos boJ o soccessfol yeot. 3 S8 63
break down /breik daon/ (phr v) elne anne haben, llegen
blelben (AuLo), elnen
uefekL haben (Maschlne)
(of a machlne or vehlcle) Lo sLop worklng
because of a faulL
1be cot ;.'"( *'<$ oo tbe slJe of tbe tooJ. 3 S8 63
on Lhe way /un o wei/ (ldm) auf dem Weg durlng Lhe [ourney Oot cot btoke Jowo '$ &+( <)0 to Moocbestet. 3 S8 63
aware /oweo(r)/ (ad[) slch bewussL seln know or reallze sLh ne wos )<).( of tbe ptoblem. 3 S8 64
sane /sein/ (ad[) zurechnungsfahlg noL mad 1be klllet wos polte !)$( wbeo be motJeteJ tbe womoo. 3 S8 64
referee /reforl:/ (n) SchledsrlchLer(ln) Lhe offlclal who conLrols Lhe game ln some
ne wos seot off fot otqoloq wltb tbe .(2(.((. 3 S8 64
volcano /vulkeinoo/ (n) vulkan a mounLaln wlLh a large openlng aL Lhe Lop
Lhrough whlch gases and lava are forced ouL
lnLo Lhe alr
Ao octlve 7'-1)$' moy etopt ot ooy tlme. 3 S8 64
erupL /irtpL/ (v) ausbrechen when a volcano sLarLs Lo send hoL llquld and
ash lnLo Lhe alr
nooJteJs of vllloqets boJ to leove tbelt bomes wbeo tbe volcooo (.3/&(*. 3 S8 64
quesLlonable /kwesL[onobl/ (ad[) fragwurdlg LhaL you have doubLs abouL because you Lhlnk
lL ls noL accuraLe or correcL
lt ls 43(!&#'$);-( wbetbet tbls ls o qooJ woy of solvloq tbe ptoblem. 3 S8 63
compuLer-generaLed /komp[u:Lo
(ad[) compuLergenerlerL noL real, made by a compuLer 1be fllm bos lots of 1',/3&(.=5($(.)&(* cbotoctets. 3 S8 63
lndlsLlngulshable (from) /indisLiqgwi[obl/ (ad[) (von eLw.) nlchL zu
unLerschelden seln
lf Lwo Lhlngs are lndlsLlngulshable, lL ls
lmposslble Lo see any dlfferences beLween
1be mole of tbe specles ls olmost #$*#!&#$53#!+);-( 2.', tbe femole. 3 S8 63
slnk /siqk/ (v) slnken go down under Lhe waLer My moJel boot stotteJ to !#$". 3 S8 63
speak ouL (agalnsL sLh) /spl:k aoL/ (phr v) slch (gegen eLw.)
sLaLe your oplnlons publlcly, esp. agalnsL sLh 1bey !/'"( '3& )5)#$!& tbe qovetomeots ptoposol. 3 S8 63
geL Lo Lhe polnL /geL Lu opainL/ (phr) zur Sache kommen say exacLly whaL you Lhlnk l wlsb be woolJ 5(& &' &+( /'#$&. 3 S8 63
geL Lhe wrong end of Lhe
/geL oruq end
ov dosLik/
(ldm) (eLw.) falsch versLehen undersLand sLh ln Lhe wrong way 5otty. l tblok yoove 5'& &+( <.'$5 ($* '2 &+( !&#1". l oqtee wltb yoot
3 S8 63
Lalk behlnd (sb's) back /La:k bihaind .
(phr) hlnLer ([mds.) 8ucken
Lalk badly abouL sb wlLhouL Lhelr knowledge nove yoo beeo &)-"#$5 oboot me ;(+#$* my ;)1"? 3 S8 63
Lalk down Lo (sb) /La:k daon Lu/ (phr v) herablassend behandeln speak Lo sb as lf Lhey were less lmporLanL or
lnLelllgenL Lhan you
3 S8 63
Lalk (sb) lnLo (sLh) /La:k . inLu . / (phr v) ([mdn.) zu (eLw.)
persuade sb Lo do sLh ne wos &)-"(* #$&' stoyloq oot lote. 3 S8 63
mlsundersLand /mistndosLnd/ (v) mlssversLehen fall Lo undersLand sb/sLh correcLly l completely ,#!3$*(.!&''* bet loteotloos. 3 S8 63
ln[usLlce /indtsLis/ (n) ungerechLlgkelL Lhe facL of a slLuaLlon belng unfalr and of
people noL belng LreaLed equally
1be tepott exposes tbe #$E3!&#1(! of tbe system. 3 S8 63
dlrecL /direkL/ (ad[) dlrekL saylng exacLly whaL you Lhlnk lleose be *#.(1& wltb me. l oeeJ to koow yoot oploloo of tbe wotk. 3 S8 63
congesLed /kondosLid/ (ad[) uberfullL full of vehlcles or Lrafflc Mooy of otope's oltpotts ote beovlly 1'$5(!&(*. 3 S8 66
dllapldaLed /dilpideiLid/ (ad[) baufalllg (of furnlLure and bulldlngs) old and ln very bad
1be oteo ls foll of *#-)/#*)&(* bollJloqs. 3 S8 66
dreary /driorl/ (ad[) de dull and noL lnLeresLlng lt wos o looq ooJ *.().0 jootoey oo tbe ttolo. 3 S8 66
exLorLlonaLe /iksLa:[onoL/ (ad[) horrend (of prlces) much Loo hlgh 1be ptlces tbey cbotqe ote (G&'.&#'$)&(. 3 S8 66
dlre /daio(r)/ (ad[) faLal very serlous 5ocb octloo moy bove *#.( coosepoeoces. 3 S8 66
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
19 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
renovaLlon /renovei[n/ (n unc) 8enovlerung maklng all necessary changes Lo an old
bulldlng, a plece of furnlLure, eLc. so LhaL lL ls ln
good condlLlon agaln
1be bospltol ls lo oeeJ of .($'7)&#'$. 3 S8 66
packed ouL /pkL aoL/ (ad[) ausgebuchL compleLely full of people or Lhlngs 1be stoJlom wos /)1"(* '3& fot tbe qome. 3 S8 66
run-down /rtndaon/ (ad[) herunLergekommen (of a bulldlng or place) ln very bad condlLlon Mooy of tbe bollJloqs ote .3$=*'<$ ooJ lo oeeJ of tepolt. 3 S8 66
deal /dl:l/ (n) Abmachung agreemenL ulJ yoo moke o *()-? 3 S8 66
warLs and all /wa:Ls on o:l/ (ldm) ohne 8eschnlgung lncludlng all Lhe bad or unpleasanL feaLures 5be tolJ tbe stoty to tbe oewspopet - <).&! )$* )--. 3 S8 66
greasy /grl:sl/ (ad[) feLLlg cooked wlLh Loo much oll 1be slok wos plleJ blqb wltb 5.()!0 Jlsbes. 3 S8 66
drawback /dra:bk/ (n) nachLell dlsadvanLage 1be molo *.)<;)1" to lt ls tbe cost. 3 S8 67
eyesore /aisa:(r)/ (n) Schandfleck an ob[ecL LhaL ls unpleasanL Lo look aL 1bot olJ foctoty ls o teol (0(!'.(! 3 S8 67
lL's a shame /iLs o [eim/ (phr) schade lL ls dlsappolnLlng 8&@! ) !+),( yoo coot stoy looqet. 3 S8 67
deny /dinai/ (v) demenLleren say LhaL sLh ls noL Lrue 1be spokesmoo tefoseJ eltbet to coofltm ot *($0 tbe tepotts. 3 S8 67
slncere /sinsio(r)/ (ad[) aufrlchLlg showlng whaL you really Lhlnk or feel lleose occept oot !#$1(.( tbooks. 3 S8 68
measure /meo(r)/ (v) Ma nehmen flnd Lhe slze of sLh
also: be a parLlcular slze, lengLh, amounL, eLc.
ne's qooe to be ,()!3.(* fot o oew solt.
1be molo beJtoom ,()!3.(! tbtee mettes by foot mettes.
3 S8 68
lnsLrumenL /insLromonL/ (n) lnsLrumenL, CeraL a Lool or devlce used for sclenLlflc work lts oo #$!&.3,($& to ooolyse tbe sotfoce. 3 S8 68
wlpe /waip/ (v) abwlschen clean by uslng a cloLh 3 S8 68
raclsm /reisizom/ (n unc) 8asslsmus Lhe unfalr LreaLmenL of people who belong Lo
a dlfferenL race
nolf o mlllloo people belJ o moss ptotest oqolost .)1#!, lost olqbt. 3 S8 68
examlne /igzmin/ (v) unLersuchen conslder sLh very carefully 1bese lJeos wlll be (G),#$(* lo mote Jetoll lo cboptet teo. 3 S8 68
amaLeur /moLo(r)/ (n) AmaLeur(ln) person who ls noL Lralned or pald Lo do sLh lloJy lsot o ptofessloool octtess, sbes jost oo ),)&(3.. 3 S8 68
fossll /fusl/ (n) lossll remalns of an anlmal or planL whlch have
become hard and Lurned lnLo rock
1be moseom bos o lot of 2'!!#-! ftom tbe tlme of tbe Jloosoots. 3 S8 68
skull /sktl/ (n) Schadel Lhe bone sLrucLure LhaL forms Lhe head 5be ftoctoteJ bet !"3--. 3 S8 68
represenL /reprizenL/ (v) zelgen be, show 1be stotlstlcs .(/.(!($&(* tbe ptoqtess tbe compooy boJ moJe lo o yeot. 3 S8 68
llnk /liqk/ (n) verblndung a connecLlon lollce sospect tbete moy be o -#$" betweeo tbe two motJets. 3 S8 68
ancesLor /nsesLo(r)/ (n) vorfahr(ln) person who llved before us elLher ln our famlly
or ln Lhe hlsLory of man
Oot )$1(!&'.! oseJ to boot oolmols fot fooJ. 3 S8 68
subsLance /stbsLons/ (n) SubsLanz Lype of maLerlal, solld, llquld or gas 1be stoJeots wete ployloq wltb o !3;!&)$1( tbot left tbelt floqets bloe! 3 S8 68
on duLy /un d[u:Ll/ (phr) lm ulensL worklng aL a parLlcular Llme 1be Joctot wos '$ *3&0 fot fotty-elqbt boots wltboot o bteok. 3 W8 31
wear on /weor un/ (phr v) forLschrelLen pass, esp. ln a way LhaL seems slow As tbe Joy <'.( '$, uoves oew sboes bott mote ooJ mote. 3 W8 31
Lhlck and fasL /0ik on fo:sL/ (phr) Schlag auf Schlag more and more ofLen Aftet tbe oews ptoqtomme, tepotts of slqbtloqs come &+#1" )$* 2)!&. 3 W8 31
hang up /hq tp/ (phr v) auflegen flnlsh a phone call ne wlsbeJ me o boppy blttbJoy ooJ tbeo +3$5 3/! 3 W8 31
make ouL /meik aoL/ (phr v) ausmachen manage Lo see sLh l coolJ jost ,)"( '3& o Jotk sbope lo tbe foq. 3 W8 31
lose my Lemper /lu:z mai
(phr) melne Ceduld verlleren noL manage Lo conLrol my anger l -'!& ,0 &(,/(. wbeo tbey JtoppeJ tbe fooJ oll ovet tbe floot. 3 W8 33
glve (sb) a llfL /giv . o lifL/ (phr) ([mdn.) mlLnehmen glve sb a free rlde ln a car coo l 5#7( yoo ) -#2& loto towo? 3 W8 33
cause a sLlr /ka:z o sLs:(r)/ (phr) Aufsehen erregen make people reacL sLrongly 1be boss 1)3!(* polte ) !&#. wltb bls oooooocemeot. 3 W8 34
polnL ouL /painL aoL/ (phr v) hlnwelsen menLlon sLh ln order Lo make sb noLlce lL lt's oot vety fot, sbe /'#$&(* '3&. 3 W8 34
wash (sLh) up /wu[ . tp/ (phr v) anschwemmen (of waLer) carry sLh onLo Lhe shore kobblsb <)!+(* 3/ oo tbe sbote of tbe beocb. 3 W8 33
lawnmower /la:nmooo(r)/ (n) 8asenmaher a machlne for cuLLlng Lhe grass ln a garden ne cot tbe qtoss wltb tbe -)<$,'<(.. 6 S8 70
supporLer /sopa:Lo(r)/ (n) unLersLuLzer(ln),
a person who helps or encourages sb nes o !3//'.&(. of tbe qovetomeot. 6 S8 70
sLrengLhen /sLreq0on/ (v) sLarken make sLronger utlok o lot of mllk ooJ lt wlll !&.($5&+($ yoot teetb ooJ booes. 6 S8 70
odyssey /udosl/ (n) Cdyssee very long [ourney full of dlfferenL experlences 6 S8 71
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
20 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
eplc /epik/ (ad[) eplsch very greaL and lmpresslve nllloty wlll olwoys be temembeteJ fot bls (/#1 cllmb of Mooot vetest lo 195J. 6 S8 71
dlslllusloned /disilu:nd/ (ad[) desllluslonlerL dlsappolnLed because whaL you belleved Lo be
good now seems wlLhouL value
Aftet wotkloq fot tbe fllm compooy fot o mootb 5otob become *#!#--3!#'$(*. 6 S8 71
(Lhe) malnland /meinlnd/ (n) (das) lesLland Lhe maln area of land of a counLry, noL
lncludlng any lslands near Lo lL
1be nebtlJes ote to tbe west of tbe 5cottlsb ,)#$-)$*. 6 S8 71
bllsLer /blisLo(r)/ (n) 8lase palnful place on Lhe skln afLer rubblng agalnsL
sLh llke a shoe
AoJy boJ tettlble ;-#!&(.! oo bls feet oftet toooloq tbe mototboo. 6 S8 71
swell /swel/ (v) anschwellen geL blgger 8octetlo coo coose qoms to !<(-- ooJ bleeJ. 6 S8 71
arLlculaLed lorry /o:Lik[oleiLid lurl/ (n) SaLLelschlepper long vehlcle wlLh Lwo or more secLlons LhaL
move separaLely so LhaL lL can go round
corners more easlly
oo bove to bove o speclol llceoce to Jtlve oo ).&#13-)&(* -'..0. 6 S8 71
Lhunder /0tndo(r)/ (v) donnern move very fasL and wlLh a loud deep nolse
also: when lL Lhunders, Lhere ls a loud nolse ln
Lhe sky durlng a sLorm
neovy ttocks kept &+3$*(.#$5 post.
As o cbllJ, l oseJ to qet teolly scoteJ wbeo lt &+3$*(.(*.
6 S8 71
Lhe CuLback /l aoLbk/ (n) lm (ausLrallschen) 8usch Lhe area of AusLralla LhaL ls a long way from
Lhe coasL and Lhe Lowns, where few people
ne wos lost lo &+( A3&;)1" fot tbtee Joys. 6 S8 71
achlng /eikiq/ (ad[) schmerzend hurLlng, paln LhaL ls noL sharp buL goes on for a
long Llme
l wotkeJ ot tbe compotet fot too looq ooJ weot to beJ wltb oo )1+#$5 beoJ. 6 S8 71
consLanL /kunsLonL/ (ad[) permanenL happenlng all Lhe Llme or repeaLedly 8obles oeeJ 1'$!&)$& otteotloo. 6 S8 71
facLor /fkLo(r)/ (n) lakLor a parLlcular level on a scale of measuremenL 1be wloJ-cblll 2)1&'. wlll moke lt seem colJet. 6 S8 71
conLemplaLe /kunLompleiL/ (v) erwagen, uber (eLw.)
Lhlnk abouL, conslder wbeo my JoJ wos yoooq be oevet 1'$&(,/-)&(* qoloq to colleqe, bot oow be
wlsbes be boJ.
6 S8 71
wear /weo(r)/ (v) abnuLzen (of cloLhes, shoes, eLc.) damage sLh because
you have used lL a loL
1be cotpets ote stottloq to <().. 6 S8 71
calf /ko:f/ (n) Wade back of Lhe leg below Lhe knee 6 S8 71
fearsome /fiosom/ (ad[) furchLerregend frlghLenlng lo tbe book tbe solJlets meet some 2().!',( oolmols lo tbe fotest. 6 S8 71
Lrall /Lreil/ (v) auf der Spur seln follow 1be pollce &.)#-(* tbe sospect fot tbtee Joys. 6 S8 71
smash a record /sm[ o reka:d/ (phr) elnen 8ekord brechen beaL Lhe besL ever resulL by a long way lbll !,)!+(* tbe scbool blqb jomp .(1'.* by sevetol ceotlmettes. 6 S8 71
seL a record /seL o reka:d/ (phr) elnen 8ekord aufsLellen esLabllsh Lhe besL resulL LhaL has ever been
koty !(& o .(1'.* fot eotloq tbe most blscolts lo teo mlootes! 6 S8 71
brulse /bru:z/ (n) 8luLerguss, blauer lleck a dark mark LhaL appears on Lhe skln afLer sb
has fallen, been hlL, eLc.
Aftet tbe flqbt, be wos coveteJ lo ;.3#!(!. 6 S8 71
hlp /hip/ (n) PufLe parL of Lhe slde of Lhe body beLween Lhe Lop of
Lhe leg and Lhe walsL
6 S8 71
ln Lhe shorL Lerm /in o [a:L Ls:m/ (phr) kurzfrlsLlg over a shorL perlod of Llme ln Lhe fuLure lt wos tbe best Jeclsloo #$ &+( !+'.& &(.,. 6 S8 71
sklnny /skinl/ (ad[) dunn very Lhln nes lookloq vety !"#$$0 tbese Joys. l bope be's eotloq eoooqb. 6 S8 71
warm down /wa:m daon/ (phr v) abkuhlen gradually brlng your body Lo a resL afLer
sLrenuous exerclse
1be teom <).,(* *'<$ to ovolJ lojoty. 6 S8 71
for Lhe Llme belng /fo e Laim bl:iq/ (phr) elnsLwellen aL Lhe momenL, Lemporarlly F'. &+( &#,( ;(#$5 lm wotkloq ot tbe sopetmotket, bot l bope to qo bock to
colleqe lotet lo tbe yeot.
6 S8 71
ln Lhe long Lerm /in o luq Ls:m/ (phr) langfrlsLlg over a long perlod of Llme ln Lhe fuLure wete boppy llvloq bete ot tbe momeot, bot #$ &+( -'$5 &(., l tblok well
moke o bome lo Ametlco.
6 S8 71
on Lhe cards /un o ko:dz/ (ldm) zu erwarLen seln llkely Lo happen lts '$ &+( 1).*! tbot tbe fllm wlll wlo ot leost tbtee Oscots. 6 S8 71
check-ln /L[ek in/ (n) Check-ln place ln an alrporL where you glve ln your
cases and recelve a pass Lo geL on Lhe plane
Alm to ottlve ot 1+(1"=#$ ot leost two boots befote Jepottote. 6 S8 72
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
21 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
deparLure lounge /dipo:L[o laond/ (n) Abflughalle place ln an alrporL where you walL Lo geL on
Lhe plane
we boJ to wolt lo tbe *(/).&3.( -'3$5( fot two boots. 6 S8 72
overhead locker /oovohed luko(r)/ (n) Cepackfach one of Lhe small cupboards above Lhe seaLs ln
a plane where passengers can sLore Lhlngs
durlng a fllghL
lot yoot boq lo tbe '7(.+()* -'1"(.. 6 S8 72
sall /seil/ (n) Segel a sheeL of sLrong fabrlc whlch Lhe wlnd blows
agalnsL Lo make a boaL Lravel Lhrough Lhe
As tbe boot moveJ Jowo tbe tlvet tbe wloJ beqoo to flll tbe !)#-!. 6 S8 72
masL /mo:sL/ (n) MasL Lall pole on a boaL where Lhe salls are
lo tbe blqb wloJs, tbe smoll boot lost lts ,)!& ooJ oeotly sook. 6 S8 72
fllghL aLLendanL /flaiL oLendonL/ (n) llugbeglelLer(ln) a person whose [ob ls Lo serve and Lake care of
passengers on an alrcrafL
1be 2-#5+& )&&($*)$& btooqbt me o qloss of wotet. 6 S8 72
propeller /propelo(r)/ (n) ropeller a devlce wlLh Lwo or more blades LhaL Lurns
qulckly Lo allow a boaL or plane Lo move
Lhrough Lhe waLer or alr
1be eoqloe stotteJ tbe /.'/(--(.. 6 S8 72
barge /bo:d/ (n) (asL-)kahn boaL LhaL LransporLs Lhlngs along a rlver 1be ;).5( ttovelleJ Jowo tbe tlvet. 6 S8 72
hovercrafL /huvokro:fL/ (n) PovercrafL,
boaL LhaL Lravels sllghLly above Lhe waLer on a
cushlon of alr
6 S8 72
mounL /maonL/ (v) besLelgen geL on a blcycle, horse, eLc. ln order Lo rlde lL ne ,'3$&(* bls botse ooJ toJe owoy. 6 S8 72
boardlng pass /ba:diq po:s/ (n) 8ordkarLe LlckeL you need when geLLlng on a plane we collecteJ oot ;').*#$5 /)!! ooJ weot to tbe qote. 6 S8 72
alsle /ail/ (n) Cang a passage beLween rows of seaLs ln a church,
LheaLre, Lraln, eLc.
woolJ yoo llke oo )#!-( seot ot o wloJow seot? 6 S8 72
Lo cap lL all /Lu kp iL a:l/ (phr) zu allem berfluss Lhe flnal and worsL / besL Lhlng Lo happen we poeoeJ fot boots to boy tlckets fot tbe coocett ooJ &' 1)/ #& )-- lt stotteJ
to tolo!
6 S8 72
runway /rtnwei/ (n) 8unway, SLarLbahn,
sLrlp of ground LhaL planes use Lo Lake off and
land aL an alrporL
1be oltpott ls so bosy tbot tbey ote qoloq to bollJ o oew .3$<)0. 6 S8 72
bump /btmp/ (n) lumps, dumpfer Schlag Lhe acLlon or sound of sLh hlLLlng a hard
ne fell to tbe qtoooJ wltb o ;3,/. 6 S8 72
pull away /pol owei/ (phr v) wegfahren (of a vehlcle) sLarL movlng 1be cot /3--(* )<)0 ftom tbe slJe of tbe tooJ. 6 S8 72
sLeer /sLio(r)/ (v) sLeuern dlrecL a car or boaL wbeo l wos leotoloq to Jtlve, l boJ teol ttooble !&((.#$5 tbe cot toooJ
6 S8 73
dlrecLlon /dorek[n/ (n) 8lchLung Lhe general poslLlon a person or Lhlng moves
1om weot off lo tbe *#.(1&#'$ of bome. 6 S8 73
grounded /graondid/ (ad[) auf Crund gelaufen when a boaL goes lnLo shallow waLer and can'L
move because lL has hlL Lhe boLLom
wblle we wete flsbloq, tbe boot become 5.'3$*(*. 6 S8 73
alongslde /oluqsaid/ (adv) langsselLs nexL Lo or aL Lhe slde of sLh else Oot boot woolJot stott, bot Coty come )-'$5!#*( lo bls boot ooJ belpeJ os. 6 S8 73
sLeady /sLedl/ (ad[) sLabll, ruhlg noL movlng up and down l Joot qet slck wbeo tbe boot ls !&()*0, bot lf tbe seo ls tooqb l qet vety lll! 6 S8 73
aboard /oba:d/ (adv) an 8ord on or onLo a shlp, plane, bus or Lraln ne wos olteoJy );').* tbe plooe. 6 S8 73
scheduled /[ed[u:ld/ (ad[) lnlen- arranged Lo happen aL a parLlcular Llme Ate yoo ttovellloq oo o !1+(*3-(* fllqbt? 6 S8 73
no doubL /noo daoL/ (ldm) keln Zwelfel cerLalnly Lrue 1bete ls $' *'3;& tbot we JlJ tbe tlqbt tbloq. 6 S8 73
lmpacL (on) /impkL/ (n) Llnfluss (auf) Lhe powerful effecL LhaL sLh has on sb / sLh net speecb moJe oo #,/)1& '$ evetyooe. 6 S8 73
mlnlmlze /minimaiz/ (v) mlnlmleren reduce Lo Lhe lowesL posslble level oo coo ,#$#,#B( tbe tlsk of cotcbloq o colJ by eotloq lots of ftolt. 6 S8 73
alLogeLher /a:lLogeo(r)/ (adv) nlchL ganz compleLely l Joo't )-&'5(&+(. oqtee wltb yoo. 6 S8 73
measure /meo(r)/ (n) Manahme an offlclal acLlon LhaL ls done ln order Lo
achleve a parLlcular alm
1be qovetomeot ls lottoJocloq tooqbet ,()!3.(! to combot ctlme. 6 S8 73
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22 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
LransporL /Lrnspa:L/ (n unc) verkehr a sysLem for carrylng people or goods from
one place Lo anoLher uslng vehlcles, roads, eLc.
kooJ &.)$!/'.& oeeJs to be lmptoveJ. 6 S8 73
endangered specles /indeindod
(n) (sLark) gefahrdeLe ArL a parLlcular group of anlmals or planLs, eLc.
LhaL may soon no longer exlsL
1bete ote booJteJs of ($*)$5(.(* !/(1#(! lo tbe wotlJ. 6 S8 73
flaL Lyre /flL Laio(r)/ (n) laLLen when Lhe alr has gone ouL of Lhe rubber rlng ln
a car or blcycle wheel
6 S8 74
run ouL (of) /rtn aoL/ (phr v) (eLw.) nlchL mehr haben use up or flnlsh a supply of sLh weve .3$ '3& '2 mllk. coo yoo qet some ftom tbe sbops? 6 S8 74
lndeclslve /indisaisiv/ (ad[) unenLschlossen unable Lo make declslons 5ome blome #$*(1#!#7( leoJetsblp fot tbe qovetomeots ptoblems. 6 S8 74
boredom /ba:dom/ (n unc) angewelle Lhe sLaLe of feellng bored 1v belps to telleve tbe ;'.(*', of tbe looq wlotet eveoloqs. 6 S8 74
lmpaLlenLly /impei[nLll/ (adv) ungeduldlg ln a way LhaL shows you are annoyed or
lrrlLaLed because you have Lo walL for a long
we sot woltloq #,/)&#($&-0 fot tbe movle to stott. 6 S8 74
on second LhoughLs /un sekond 0a:Ls/ (ldm) slch (eLw.) anders
used Lo say LhaL you have changed your
A$ !(1'$* &+'35+&!, lll bove cblps, oot tlce. 6 S8 74
(why) on earLh /un s:0/ (ldm) (warum) ln aller WelL used Lo emphaslze Lhe quesLlon you are asklng
when you are surprlsed or angry or cannoL
Lhlnk of an obvlous answer
I+0 '$ ().&+JlJ yoo soy tbot to bet? 6 S8 74
excurslon /iksks:[n/ (n) Ausflug organlzed Lrlp or shorL break wblle Ioo ooJ l wete oo bollJoy lo qypt we weot oo oo (G13.!#'$ to tbe
6 S8 73
feel slck /fl:l sik/ (phr) ubel seln feel LhaL you wanL Lo vomlL l 2(-& !#1" oftet tbe bos jootoey. 6 S8 73
ln favour of /in feivor ov/ (phr) fur (eLw. seln) lf you are ln favour of sLh, you supporL and
agree wlLh lL
lm #$ 2)7'3. '2 o boo oo smokloq. 6 S8 73
go for (sLh) /goo fa:(r)/ (phr v) slch fur (eLw.)
choose sLh 6 S8 73
Lomb /Lu:m/ (n) Crabmal a large grave, esp. one bullL of sLone above or
below Lhe ground
lts o &',; of tbe pbotoobs. 6 S8 73
pharaoh /feoroo/ (n) harao a ruler of anclenL LgypL 1be /+).)'+! wete botleJ lo pytomlJs. 6 S8 73
as opposed Lo /oz opood Lo/ (ldm) lm unLerschled zu used Lo make a conLrasL beLween Lwo Lhlngs lotty people otteoJeJ, )! '//'!(* &' slxty tbe ptevloos yeot. 6 S8 73
seelng LhaL /sl:iq oL/ (ldm) nachdem because of Lhe facL LhaL >((#$5 &+)& be's beeo off slck oll week, be's oollkely to come. 6 S8 76
provlded /provaidid/ (con[) falls lf we'll boy evetytbloq yoo ptoJoce, /.'7#*(* tbe ptlce ls tlqbt. 6 S8 76
lean /ll:n/ (v) lehnen bend or move from an uprlghL poslLlon l -()$(* bock lo my cbolt. 6 S8 76
pay ln full /pei in fol/ (phr) vollsLandlg bezahlen pay Lhe compleLe amounL l Joot owe ooy mooey. l /)#* #$ 23-- wbeo l moJe tbe bookloq. 6 S8 77
come up Lo scraLch /ktm tp Lo skLL[
(ldm) den Anforderungen
be good enough ne wos flteJ becoose bls wotk JlJot 1',( 3/ &' !1.)&1+. 6 S8 77
as far as (sLh) goes /oz fo:r oz ...
(ldm) was . angehL used Lo glve facLs or an oplnlon abouL a
parLlcular aspecL of someLhlng
5be's Joloq floe )! 2). )! lteocb 5'(! - lt's bet Cetmoo l'm wottleJ oboot. 6 S8 77
when lL comes Lo /wen iL ktmz Lo / (ldm) wenn es um . gehL when you're Lhlnklng abouL or conslderlng l llke sloqloq, bot <+($ #& 1',(! &' qoloq oo stoqe l qet vety ftlqbteoeJ. 6 S8 77
lL goes Lo show LhaL /iL gooz Lo [oo
(ldm) was zelgL, dass ... lL proves LhaL, from Lhls you can see LhaL My ooot, wbo ls elqbty-flve, bos jost boJ bet fltst book pobllsbeJ. 8& 5'(! &'
!+'< &+)& yoote oevet too olJ to stott o oew coteet!
6 S8 77
come Lo mlnd /ktm Lo maind/ (ldm) elnfallen suddenly remember or Lhlnk of sLh wbot 1',(! &' ,#$* wbeo yoo tblok of Cetmooy? 6 S8 77
furnlsh /fs:ni[/ (v) mblleren puL furnlLure ln a house, room, eLc. 1be toom wos 23.$#!+(* wltb ootlpoes. 6 S8 77
cell /sel/ (n) Zelle room where prlsoners are kepL ln a prlson 1be ptlsooet wos lockeJ lo bls 1(-- fot flfteeo boots evety Joy. 6 S8 77
hearLbroken /ha:Lbrookon/ (ad[) unLrsLllch very, very upseL l wos +().&;.'"($ wbeo oot olJ cot floolly JleJ. 6 S8 77
look forward Lo (sLh) /lok fa:wod Lo/ (phr v) slch auf (eLw.) freuen be Lhlnklng wlLh pleasure abouL sLh LhaL ls
golng Lo happen
lm -''"#$5 2'.<).* &' tbe weekeoJ. 6 S8 77
global /gloobl/ (ad[) global coverlng or affecLlng Lhe whole world 1be otqoolzotloo woots o 5-';)- boo. 6 S8 78
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
23 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
broaden /bra:dn/ (v) erwelLern lncrease your experlence, knowledge, eLc. lew woolJ Jlsoqtee tbot ttovel ;.')*($! tbe mloJ. 6 S8 78
poverLy /puvoLl/ (n unc) ArmuL Lhe sLaLe of belng poor Mooy elJetly people llve lo /'7(.&0. 6 S8 78
lncome /inktm/ (n) Llnkommen Lhe money LhaL a person earns from work ne bos o qooJ job ooJ ls oo o blqb #$1',(. 6 S8 78
coasLllne /koosLlain/ (n) kusLenllnle Lhe land along a coasL 1bey oeeJ to ptotect tbe 1')!&-#$( bettet. 6 S8 78
ouLwelgh /aoLwei/ (v) uberwlegen be greaLer or more lmporLanL Lhan sLh 1be oJvootoqes fot '3&<(#5+ tbe JlsoJvootoqes. 6 S8 78
flrsL and foremosL /fs:sL on
(ldm) vor allem more Lhan anyLhlng else ne Joes o llttle teocbloq, bot 2#.!& )$* 2'.(,'!& be's o wtltet. 6 S8 79
acknowledge /oknulid/ (v) elngesLehen accepL LhaL sLh ls Lrue Ate yoo ptepoteJ to )1"$'<-(*5( yoot tespooslblllty? 6 S8 79
sLore /sLa:(r)/ (v) aufheben,
puL sLh somewhere and keep lL Lhere Lo use
oo coo !&'.( coffee beoos lo tbe fteezet to keep tbem ftesb. 6 S8 79
lgnore /igna:(r)/ (v) lgnorleren pay no aLLenLlon Lo sLh l moJe o soqqestloo, bot tbey cbose to #5$'.( lt. 6 S8 79
mlnlsLer /minisLo(r)/ (n) MlnlsLer(ln) a senlor member of Lhe governmenL who ls ln
charge of a governmenL deparLmenL
5be wos moJe tbe ,#$#!&(. fot eJocotloo. 6 S8 79
nocLurnal /nukLs:nl/ (ad[) nachLllch acLlve aL nlghL, noL durlng Lhe day 1be owl ls o $'1&3.$)- bltJ. ooll totely see ooe Jotloq tbe Joy. 6 S8 79
growl /graol/ (n) knurren a deep angry sound nls volce wos llke o looJ 5.'<-. 6 S8 79
cub /ktb/ (n) [unges 1ler, 1ler[unge a young leopard, llon, bear, eLc. we sow o llooess qootJloq bet 13;!. 6 S8 79
mlss ouL (on sLh) /mis aoL/ (phr v) verpassen fall Lo beneflL from sLh useful or en[oyable by
noL Laklng parL ln lL
l ,#!!(* '3& oo o lot of foo by oot qoloq to oolvetslty. 6 W8 37
hlgh and low /hai on loo/ (ldm) uberall everywhere l seotcbeJ +#5+ )$* -'< fot my keys. 6 W8 39
keep an eye on /kl:p on ai un/ (ldm) aufpassen Lake care of sb / sLh and make sure LhaL Lhey
are noL harmed
coo yoo "((/ )$ (0( '$ tbe cbllJteo fot me? 6 W8 39
(be) ln Lhe way /in o wei/ (phr) lm Weg (seln) sLop sb from dolng sLh oot blke #! #$ &+( <)0. coo yoo move lt? 6 W8 40
can'L help lL /ko:nL help iL/ (phr) nlchLs dafur knnen lL ls lmposslble Lo prevenL or avold sLh l 1)$@& +(-/ #&. l llke cbocolote too mocb! 6 W8 40
a leaner llfesLyle /o ll:no laifsLail/ (phr) elnen gesunderen
a healLhler, more naLural and acLlve way of
Mooy MeJltettooeoo cooottles bove ) -()$(. -#2(!&0-(. 6 W8 40
aL Lhe fllck of a swlLch /oL o flik ov o
(phr) auf knopfdruck slmply by uslng a slngle swlLch oo bove occess to booJteJs of cboooels )& &+( 2-#1" '2 ) !<#&1+. 6 W8 43
mlcro-blogglng /maikroo blugiq/ (n unc) Mlcroblogglng a form of blogglng LhaL leLs users publlsh shorL
LexL updaLes
J#1.'=;-'55#$5 oo celebtltles ls polte commoo oowoJoys. 7 S8 81
have (sLh) aL (your)
/hv . oL ...
(ldm) zur Pand haben, grelfbar
be able Lo flnd sLh easlly and use lL qulckly l moJe sote l +)* oll tbe focts )& ,0 2#$5(.&#/! befote otteoJloq tbe meetloq. 7 S8 82
poLenLlal /poLen[l/ (ad[) poLenzlell posslble ln Lhe fuLure lm meetloq o /'&($&#)- clleot tbls oftetoooo. 7 S8 82
dlsLress slgnal /disLres signol/ (n) noLslgnal a message asklng for help 1be boot seot o *#!&.(!! !#5$)- to tbe coostqootJ. 7 S8 82
LransmlL /LrnsmiL/ (v) uberLragen send an elecLronlc slgnal 1be cetemooy wos &.)$!,#&&(* llve by sotelllte to ovet flfty cooottles. 7 S8 82
Lorch /La:L[/ (n) 1aschenlampe a small elecLrlc lamp LhaL uses baLLerles and
LhaL you can hold ln your hand
5bloe tbe &'.1+ oo tbe lock wblle l tty to qet tbe key lo. 7 S8 82
effecLlve /ifekLiv/ (ad[) effekLlv, wlrkungsvoll havlng a good resulL 1v oJvetts ote vety (22(1&#7( becoose so mooy people see tbem. 7 S8 82
sLand ouL /sLnd aoL/ (phr v) auffallen be easlly seen l weot tbls jocket to !&)$* '3& lo tbe Jotk. 7 S8 82
flash /fl[/ (n) 8llLz qulck brlghL llghL l sow o 2-)!+ of llqbt betweeo tbe ttees. 7 S8 83
surface /ss:fis/ (n) Cberflache Lhe ouLslde or Lop layer of sLh we'll oeeJ o flot !3.2)1( to ploy tbe qome oo. 7 S8 83
cockplL /kukpiL/ (n) CockplL an enclosed area ln a plane where Lhe plloL slLs 1be pllot let tbe cbllJteo look lo tbe 1'1"/#&. 7 S8 83
rapldly /rpidll/ (adv) schnell qulckly ctlme flqotes ote tlsloq .)/#*-0. 7 S8 83
gunflre /gtnfaio(r)/ (n) Schusse sound of guns flrlng we beotJ 53$2#.( lo tbe book ooJ blJ bebloJ tbe cot. 7 S8 83
long range /luq reind/ (ad[) angsLrecken- Lravelllng a long dlsLance Mooy cooottles bove -'$5=.)$5( mlsslles fot ptotectloo 7 S8 83
llfe-rafL /laif ro:fL/ (n) 8eLLungsbooL small boaL carrled for use ln emergencles 1be posseoqets escopeJ lo tbe -#2(=.)2&. 7 S8 83
convey / konvei/ (v) ubermlLLeln pass lnformaLlon from one person Lo anoLher lleose 1'$7(0 my opoloqles to yoot motbet. 7 S8 83
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
24 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
arc /o:k/ (n) 8ogen a curved shape 1be beocb swept otoooJ lo oo ).1. 7 S8 83
rock /ruk/ (v) schaukeln move genLly backwards and forwards or from
slde Lo slde
1be boot .'1"(* ftom slJe to slJe lo tbe woves. 7 S8 83
hay fever /hei fl:vo(r)/ (n unc) Peuschnupfen lllness LhaL affecLs Lhe nose, eyes and LhroaL
caused by cerLaln planLs and flowers
l olwoys qet +)0 2(7(. lo Aoqost. My eyes qo teJ ooJ l soeeze oll tbe tlme. 7 S8 84
naLlonwlde /nei[nwaid/ (ad[) landeswelL happenlng all over Lhe counLry 1bete bos beeo o $)&#'$<#*( seotcb fot tbe meo wbo tobbeJ tbe book. 7 S8 84
crackdown /krkdaon/ (n unc) enLschledenes vorgehen severe acLlon Laken Lo sLop a crlme or rule
1betes beeo o 1.)1"*'<$ oo loteoess ot oot colleqe tbls tetm. lf wete lote
we bove to bove o vety qooJ teosoo.
7 S8 84
spokesperson /spooksps:sn/ (n) Sprecher(ln) a person who speaks on behalf of a group or
an organlzaLlon
nes tbe !/'"(!/(.!'$ fot tbe cbotlty. 7 S8 84
neLwork /neLws:k/ (n) neLz sysLem of roads, llnes, Lubes, eLc. LhaL are all
1be compotets oll ose tbe some $(&<'." so tbey coo commoolcote. 7 S8 84
handseL /hndseL/ (n) Prer moblle phone 1be compooy ptovlJeJ oll lts employees wltb tbe lotest +)$*!(&!. 7 S8 84
(ln) pollce cusLody /poll:s ktsLodl/ (n unc) (ln) ollzelgewahrsam Lhe sLaLe of belng held ln a pollce sLaLlon nes beeo #$ /'-#1( 13!&'*0 fot teo boots oow. 7 S8 83
convlcL /konvikL/ (v) verurLellen flnd gullLy 1be pollce weteo't oble to 1'$7#1& tbe ctlmlool. 7 S8 83
flne /fain/ (v) mlL elner CeldsLrafe /
Celdbue belegen, zu
elner CeldsLrafe
make sb pay money as a punlshmenL ne JlJot qo to ptlsoo. ne wos 2#$(* losteoJ. 7 S8 83
LerrorlsL /LerorisL/ (n) 1errorlsL(ln) a person who Lakes parL ln Lhe use of vlolenL
acLlon ln order Lo achleve pollLlcal alms
1be &(..'.#!&! ote tbteoteoloq to blow op tbe plooe. 7 S8 83
posLmark /poosLmo:k/ (n) osLsLempel mark on an envelope LhaL shows when and
where lL was posLed.
7 S8 83
colllde (wlLh) /kolaid/ (v) (mlL [mdm.)
accldenLally hlL 1loo 1'--#*(* <#&+ tbe teocbet os tbey wete leovloq tbe closstoom. 7 S8 83
flne /fain/ (ad[) guL of hlgh quallLy 5be's o 2#$( octot ooJ oo eveo floet Joocet. 7 S8 83
ransom /rnsom/ (n) segeld money demanded by sb Lo seL free a person
who ls belng held lllegally
1be pollce oJvlseJ tbe bosloessmoos fomlly oot to poy tbe .)$!',. 7 S8 83
mlshear /mishio(r)/ (v) falsch versLehen fall Lo hear correcLly whaL sb says oo moy bove ,#!+().* bet - l'm sote sbe JlJo't meoo tbot. 7 S8 86
come up /ktm tp/ (phr v) slch erelgnen happen l'm oftolJ sometbloq otqeot bos 1',( 3/. 7 S8 86
Lurn ouL /Ls:n aoL/ (phr v) slch heraussLellen prove Lo be lt &3.$(* '3& tbot sbe wos o ftleoJ of my slstet. 7 S8 86
Lurn up /Ls:n tp/ (phr v) erschelnen arrlve we ottooqeJ to meet ot 7.J0, bot sbe oevet &3.$(* 3/. 7 S8 86
a blLe Lo eaL /o baiL Lo l:L/ (phr) elne klelnlgkelL essen small meal wby Joot we qo fot ) ;#&( &' ()& oftet tbe cloemo? 7 S8 86
ln full swlng /in fol swiq/ (ldm) ln vollem Cang havlng reached a very llvely level 8y tbe tlme l qot tbete tbe potty wos #$ 23-- !<#$5. 7 S8 86
swear /sweo(r)/ (v) schwren be very sure l !<(). l left my boq lo tbe cot. 5omeooe most bove tokeo lt. 7 S8 86
geL aL /geL L/ (phr v) ([mdn.) krlLlsleren,
crlLlclze ne's olwoys 5(&&#$5 )& me. 7 S8 88
geL ln /geL in/ (phr v) ankommen arrlve 1be ttolo 5'& #$ lote. 7 S8 88
geL on /geL un/ (phr v) alLern grow old My fotbet ls 5(&&#$5 '$ o blt oow. 7 S8 88
geL ouL of /geL aoL ov/ (phr v) herauskommen avold we ptomlseJ we'J qo - we coo't 5(& '3& '2 lt oow. 7 S8 88
geL Lhrough /eL 0ru:/ (phr v) durchbrlngen use up a large amounL of sLh we 5'& &+.'35+ o fottooe wblle we wete lo New otk! 7 S8 88
geL up Lo /eL tp Lo/ (phr v) gelangen reach a parLlcular polnL we 5'& 3/ &' poqe 172 lost lessoo. 7 S8 88
dreadful /dredfl/ (ad[) furchLbar very bad or unpleasanL wbot o *.()*23- tbloq to soy! 7 S8 88
glve me a break /giv ml o breik/ (ldm) [eLzL hr aber auf! (fam.
sLop dolng or saylng sLh LhaL ls annoylng H#7( ,( ) ;.()"? l coot llsteo to ooy mote of tbls oooseose. 7 S8 88
depress /dipres/ (v) deprlmleren make sb sad and wlLhouL enLhuslasm or hope wet weotbet olwoys *(/.(!!(! me. 7 S8 88
spell /spel/ (v) bedeuLen mean, have as a resulL 1bls Jefeot !/(-& tbe eoJ of bls bopes of wlooloq tbe tltle oqolo. 7 S8 88
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
23 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
forward /fa:wod/ (v) welLerlelLen send on goods or lnformaLlon Lo sb else l 2'.<).*(* neleos teply to evetyooe lo tbe offlce. 7 S8 88
on purpose /un ps:pos/ (ldm) abslchLllch noL by accldenL ne JlJ lt '$ /3./'!(, koowloq lt woolJ ooooy bet. 7 S8 88
sLlnglng /sLiqiq/ (ad[) scharf severe and sLrongly expressed 1be jootoollst qot o !&#$5#$5 tespoose to bls poestloo oboot tbe polltlcloos
ptlvote llfe.
7 S8 88
clrculaLe /ss:k[oleiL/ (v) krelsen pass from one person Lo anoLher komoots beqoo to 1#.13-)&( oboot bls floooclol ptoblems. 7 S8 89
omlL /omiL/ (v) auslassen noL lnclude sLh / sb lf yoo ote o stoJeot, yoo coo ',#& poestloos 16-18. 7 S8 89
lmprlson /imprizn/ (v) elnsperren puL sb ln a prlson or anoLher place from whlch
Lhey cannoL escape
1bey wete #,/.#!'$(* fot possessloo of Jtoqs. 7 S8 89
acceleraLe /okseloreiL/ (v) beschleunlgen happen or Lo make sLh happen fasLer xposote to tbe soo coo )11(-(.)&( tbe oqeloq ptocess. 7 S8 89
faulLy /fa:lLl/ (ad[) defekL noL worklng correcLly Ask fot o tefooJ lf tbe qooJs ote 2)3-&0. 7 S8 89
vacaLe /vokeiL/ (v) raumen leave a bulldlng, seaL, eLc., esp. so LhaL sb else
can use lL
Coests ote tepoesteJ to 7)1)&( tbelt tooms by oooo oo tbe Joy of Jepottote. 7 S8 89
brlng up /briq tp/ (phr v) erwahnen, vorbrlngen menLlon a sub[ecL or sLarL Lo Lalk abouL lL C.#$5 lt 3/ ot tbe meetloq. 7 S8 89
Lurn down /Ls:n daon/ (phr v) ablehnen re[ecL or refuse Lo conslder an offer, a
proposal, eLc.
ne &3.$(* *'<$ tbe job offet. 7 S8 89
hold up /hoold tp/ (phr v) aufhalLen delay 1bey wete +(-* 3/ by tbe occlJeot. 7 S8 89
run lnLo /rtn inLu/ (phr v) (Schulden) machen experlence dlfflculLles, eLc. 8e cotefol oot to .3$ #$&' Jebt. 7 S8 89
submlL /stbmiL/ (v) elnrelchen glve a documenL, proposal, eLc. Lo sb ln
completeJ ptojects most be !3;,#&&(*. 7 S8 89
make off /meik uf/ (phr v) abhauen hurry away, escape 1bey ,)*( '22 wltb tbe mooey os fost os tbey coolJ. 7 S8 89
make up /meik tp/ (phr v) (eLw.) erflnden, slch
(eLw.) ausdenken
lnvenL a sLory, eLc. ne ,)*( 3/ some excose oboot bls Jooqbtet beloq slck. 7 S8 89
purchase /ps:L[os/ (n) kauf Lhe acL of buylng sLh 1be compooy bos jost ooooooceJ lts /3.1+)!( of lotk notel. 7 S8 89
launch /la:nL[/ (v) auf den MarkL brlngen make a producL avallable Lo Lhe publlc for Lhe
flrsL Llme
1bey -)3$1+(* tbe Jtlok lo 2005. 7 S8 89
ln excess of /in ikses ov/ (phr) hher als more Lhan 1be locteose wlll oot be #$ (G1(!! '2 2X. 7 S8 89
aL Lhe expense of /L l ikspens ov/ (phr) zulasLen von wlLh loss or damage Lo sb / sLh ne bollt op tbe bosloess )& &+( (G/($!( '2 bls beoltb. 7 S8 89
clarlLy /klroLl/ (n unc) Scharfe
lf a plcLure, subsLance or sound has clarlLy, you
can see or hear lL very clearly
also: Lhe quallLy of belng expressed clearly
1be 1-).#&0 of tbe lmoqes oo 1v ls mocb bettet oowoJoys.
1be btlllloot 1-).#&0 of bls otqomeot coolJ oot be foolteJ.
7 S8 89
llleglble /iledobl/ (ad[) unleserllch dlfflculL or lmposslble Lo read oot wtltloq ls #--(5#;-(! 7 S8 89
sLralghLforward /sLreiLfa:wod/ (ad[) elndeuLlg noL compllcaLed 1be ptoblem ls foltly !&.)#5+&2'.<).*. 7 S8 89
llke-mlnded /laik maindid/ (ad[) glelchgeslnnL havlng slmllar ldeas and lnLeresLs l joloeJ tbe clob to meet -#"(=,#$*(* people. 7 S8 89
all ln all /a:l in a:l/ (ldm) alles ln allem when everyLhlng ls consldered All lo oll, we boJ o qteot bollJoy. 7 S8 89
leave a loL Lo be deslred /ll:v luL Lu bl
(ldm) vlel zu wunschen ubrlg
be bad or unaccepLable 1be poollty of tbe fooJ -(2& ) -'& &' ;( *(!#.(*. 7 S8 89
dedlcaLed /dedikeiLid/ (ad[) engaglerL worklng hard aL sLh because lL ls very
lmporLanL Lo you
5be ls *(*#1)&(* to bet job. 7 S8 89
glance /glns/ (n) 8llck a qulck look 5be boJ o 5-)$1( ot tbe oewspopet beoJlloes. 7 S8 89
shorL cuL /[a:LktL/ (n) Abkurzung a way of dolng sLh LhaL ls qulcker Lhan Lhe
usual way
1bete ote oo !+'.& 13&! to ecooomlc tecovety. 7 S8 89
weak spoL /wl:k spuL/ (n) Schwache weakness ne koew sbe boJ o <()" !/'& fot blm. 7 S8 89
room (for) /ru:m/ (n unc) 8aum fur posslblllLy of sLh exlsLlng or happenlng 1bete's some .'', 2'. lmptovemeot lo yoot wotk. 7 S8 89
connecLlon /konek[n/ (n) Anschluss a Lraln, bus or plane LhaL a passenger can Lake
soon afLer geLLlng off anoLher ln order Lo
conLlnue Lhelr [ourney
we ottlveJ lo qooJ tlme fot tbe 1'$$(1&#'$ to lotls. 7 S8 92
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
26 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
gravlLy /rvoLl/ (n unc) SchwerkrafL Lhe force LhaL aLLracLs ob[ecLs Lowards Lhe
cenLre of Lhe LarLh
1oJoy we'te leotoloq oboot Newtoo's low of 5.)7#&0. 7 S8 92
rockeL /rukiL/ (n) 8akeLe a spacecrafL ln Lhe shape of a Lube used Lo Lake
asLronauLs lnLo space
1be .'1"(& wos looocbeJ lo 2007. 7 S8 92
rush hour /rt[ aoo(r)/ (n) 8erufsverkehr Lhe Llme when Lhe roads are full of Lrafflc 1be jootoey coo toke twlce os looq lo &+( .3!+ +'3.. 7 S8 92
house-warmlng (parLy) /haos wa:miq/ (n) Llnwelhungs(feler) a parLy glven by sb who has [usL moved lnLo a
new house
Oot oew oelqbboots ote bovloq o +'3!(=<).,#$5 /).&0. 7 S8 92
puL off (sb) /poL uf/ (phr v) ([mdm. eLw.) verlelden make sb lose lnLeresL ln ne wos /3& '22 scleoce by boJ teocbloq. 7 S8 92
seL up /seL tp/ (phr v) elnrlchLen creaLe sLh or sLarL lL 1bey !(& 3/ o oew testootoot lo towo. 7 W8 43
leL down /leL daon/ (phr v) lm SLlch lassen dlsappolnL l feel -(& *'<$ by my boyftleoJ. 7 W8 46
sum up /stm tp/ (phr v) zusammenfassen sLaLe Lhe maln polnLs coo l jost !3, 3/ wbot we've oqteeJ so fot? 7 W8 46
run afLer /rtn o:fLo(r)/ (phr v) hlnLerherlaufen run Lo Lry Lo caLch sb 1be pollce .)$ )2&(. tbe ctlmlool. 7 W8 46
come across /ktm okrus/ (phr v) flnden flnd or meeL by chance 5be 1),( )1.'!! some olJ pbotoqtopbs lo o Jtowet. 7 W8 46
call off /ka:l uf/ (phr v) absagen declde LhaL sLh wlll noL happen 1bey 1)--(* '22 tbe qome becoose of tbe weotbet. 7 W8 46
sLand by /sLnd bai/ (phr v) ([mdm.) zur SelLe sLehen supporL 1bey !&''* ;0 tbe moooqet eveo wbeo tbey wete losloq. 7 W8 46
cuL off /ktL uf/ (phr v) unLerbrechen dlsconnecL ne 13& '22 tbelt pbooe coll oo potpose. 7 W8 46
Lurn on /Ls:n un/ (phr v) auf ([mdn.) losgehen aLLack 1bey &3.$(* '$ tbe moooqet lo tbe meetloq. 7 W8 46
cllck my flngers / klik mai fiqgoz/ (phr) mlL den llngern
rub a flnger and Lhumb LogeLher hard Lo make
a shorL sharp sound
lts vety toJe to 1-#1" 0'3. 2#$5(.! wbeo yoo woot to otttoct tbe otteotloo of o
7 W8 46
wlpe ouL /waip aoL/ (phr v) auslschen desLroy sb / sLh compleLely wbole vllloqes wete <#/(* '3& by tbe eottbpooke. 7 W8 47
aL ease /oL l:z/ (ldm) slch wohlfuhlen,
enLspannL seln
relaxed and confldenL 5bes qteot ot pottloq people )& ()!( lo sttessfol sltootloos. 7 W8 48
mlnd you /maind [u:/ (ldm) allerdlngs used Lo add a commenL l've beotJ tbey'te qettloq JlvotceJ. J#$* 0'3, l'm oot sotptlseJ - tbey wete
olwoys otqoloq.
7 W8 48
keep ln Louch /kl:p in LtL[/ (ldm) ln konLakL blelben conLlnue Lo communlcaLe wlLh sb lets "((/ #$ &'31+ oftet tbe bollJoy. 7 W8 48
add up /d tp/ (phr v) slch summleren lncrease gradually unLll Lhere ls a large LoLal wbeo yoo'te feeJloq o fomlly of slx, tbe bllls sooo )** 3/. 7 W8 48
keep Lrack (of) /kl:p Lrk/ (ldm) den berbllck behalLen have lnformaLlon abouL sLh lts Jlfflcolt to "((/ &.)1" '2 evetytbloq. 7 W8 49
savoury /seivorl/ (ad[) herzhafL salLy, noL sweeL l mocb ptefet !)7'3.0 Jlsbes. l Joot llke sweet tbloqs vety mocb. 8 S8 93
LexLure /LeksL[o(r)/ (n) konslsLenz how sLh feels when you Louch lL 1be &(G&3.( of tbe soop wos teolly smootb. 8 S8 93
seL abouL /seL obaoL/ (phr v) (eLw.) angehen sLarL dolng sLh we oeeJ to !(& );'3& floJloq o solotloo. 8 S8 93
snall /sneil/ (n) Schnecke small sofL creaLure wlLh a hard, round shell on
lLs back, LhaL moves very slowly
>$)#-! ote lots of tbe smoll ploots lo oot qotJeo. 8 S8 94
porrldge /purid/ (n) orrldge, Paferbrel hoL breakfasL cereal made wlLh oaLs and mllk
or waLer
lottlJqe ls o qteot bteokfost lo wlotet. 8 S8 94
solely /soolll/ (adv) ausschllellch, elnzlg only ne become !'-(-0 tespooslble fot tbe fltm. 8 S8 94
exclude /iksklu:d/ (v) ausschlleen keep sLh ouL 1be competltloo (G1-3*(! people ovet elqbteeo so my slstet, wbo ls tweoty-
two, coot toke pott.
8 S8 94
lnpuL /inpoL/ (n) lnpuL Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL sb / sLh recelves nls #$/3& ot tbe meetloq wos teolly osefol ooJ eocootoqeJ o lot of Jlscossloo. 8 S8 94
plLch-black /piL[ blk/ (ad[) sLockflnsLer compleLely black or dark lt wos o /#&1+=;-)1" olqbt. 8 S8 94
lose ouL (on) /lu:z aoL/ (phr v) (eLw.) versaumen noL geL sLh you wanLed or LhoughL you should
weve -'!& '3& oo tbe cbooce of wlooloq tbe leoqoe tbls yeot oftet yestetJoys
8 S8 94
lnLenslfy /inLensifai/ (v) lnLenslvleren, slch
lncrease, helghLen vloleoce #$&($!#2#(* Jotloq tbe olqbt. 8 S8 93
lnLlmacy /inLimosl/ (n unc) lnLlmlLaL sLaLe of havlng a close personal relaLlonshlp
wlLh sb, feellng of closeness
l llkeJ tbe #$&#,)10 of tbe testootoot. lt wos smoll ooJ evetyooe sot oeot eocb
8 S8 93
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
27 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
sensory /sensorl/ (ad[) sensorlsch connecLed wlLh Lhe senses we tely oo oot !($!'.0 otqoos to expetleoce mocb of llfe. 8 S8 93
preconcepLlon /prl:konsep[n/ (n) vorurLell oplnlon formed before you experlence sLh leople boJ o lot of /.(1'$1(/&#'$! oboot tbe oew beoJ teocbet, bot bes
sbowo blmself to be excelleot.
8 S8 93
abrupLly /obrtpLll/ (adv) abrupL sharp, qulckly wlLhouL preparaLlon 1be bos stoppeJ );.3/&-0 wbeo tbe Joq too octoss tbe tooJ. 8 S8 93
feel (for) /fl:l/ (v) absuchen search for sLh wlLh your hands ne 2(-& lo bls pockets 2'. some mooey. 8 S8 93
cuLlery /ktLlorl/ (n unc) 8esLeck Lhlngs we use Lo eaL and serve food wlLh:
knlves, forks and spoons
1be 13&-(.0 wosot vety cleoo so my mom comploloeJ. 8 S8 93
domlnanL /duminonL/ (ad[) domlnanL sLronger or more lmporLanL Lhan oLher Lhlngs 1be fltm bos ocbleveJ o *',#$)$& posltloo lo tbe wotlJ motket. 8 S8 93
worLhwhlle /ws:0wail/ (ad[) lohnenswerL valuable, worLh spendlng Llme on neleo belps oot ot o cbllJteos bome. l tblok lts o teolly <'.&+<+#-( tbloq to
8 S8 93
venLure /venL[o(r)/ (n) unLernehmung pro[ecL Mt lotks woots people to lovest lo o bosloess 7($&3.(, bot l Joot tblok lt wlll
be vety soccessfol.
8 S8 93
dlner /daino(r)/ (n) Spelsende(r) person eaLlng aL a resLauranL or caf 1be testootoot ls copoble of seotloq 100 *#$(.!. 8 S8 93
crash /kr[/ (v) krachen hlL sLh hard whlle movlng, causlng nolse A btlck 1.)!+(* tbtooqb tbe wloJow. 8 S8 93
enLlLle /inLaiLl/ (v) beLlLeln glve a name Lo sLh ne teoJ o poem ($&#&-(* 1be 5eo. 8 S8 93
seashell /sl:[el/ (n) Muschel Lhe shell of a small creaLure LhaL llves ln Lhe
cbllJteo wete collectloq !()!+(--! oo tbe beocb. 8 S8 93
breadcrumbs /bredkrtmz/ (n pl) 8roLkrumel very small pleces of bread LhaL can be used ln
1be flsb wos coveteJ lo ;.()*1.3,;!. 8 S8 93
eel /l:l/ (n) Aal long, Lhln, snake-llke anlmal LhaL llves ln Lhe
8 S8 93
edlble /edobl/ (ad[) essbar flL or sulLable Lo eaL 1bls meol ls botely (*#;-(! lts oot ptopetly cookeJ ooJ lt tostes bottlble. 8 S8 93
seaweed /sl:wl:d/ (n) SeeLang planL LhaL grows ln or near Lhe sea 8 S8 93
flnal Louch /fainl LtL[/ (n) (der) leLzLe Schllff lasL deLall ne pot tbe 2#$)- &'31+(! to tbe polotloq befote sbowloq lt to bls teocbet. 8 S8 93
enhance /inho:ns/ (v) verschnern make beLLer 1be moslc ooJ cooJlellqbt ($+)$1(* tbe otmospbete of tbe toom. 8 S8 93
oysLer /aisLo(r)/ (n) AusLer shellflsh found ln a rough shell, someLlmes
eaLen allve
8 S8 93
chewy /L[u:l/ (ad[) zah needlng Lo be chewed a loL before lL can be
1be meot wosot vety qooJ poollty ooJ lt wos vety 1+(<0. 8 S8 96
crunchy /krtnL[l/ (ad[) knusprlg flrm and crlsp and maklng a sharp sound when
you blLe lL
l tblok tbete wos some sooJ lo tbe seofooJ - lt wos vety 1.3$1+0! 8 S8 96
mlld /maild/ (ad[) lelchL gewurzL noL sLrong, splcy or blLLer (of a flavour) My JoJ Joesot llke ,#-* cottles. ne mocb ptefets teolly bot ooes. 8 S8 96
rlch /riL[/ (ad[) relchhalLlg
food LhaL ls heavy and LhaL you can only eaL a
llLLle of
also: havlng a loL of money
My mom olwoys cooks o teolly .#1+ ftolt coke fot oot blttbJoys.
NoboJy qets .#1+ ftom wtltloq oowoJoys.
8 S8 96
sLodgy /sLudl/ (ad[) pamplg (colloq.) heavy and fllllng food LhaL ls noL pleasanL At scbool we oseJ to bove vety !&'*50 poJJloqs tbot tosteJ bottlble. 8 S8 96
LasLeless /LeisLlos/ (ad[) geschmacklos havlng no flavour 1be tlce wos &)!&(-(!! becoose l fotqot to oJJ ooy solt! 8 S8 96
Lender /Lendo(r)/ (ad[) zarL easy Lo blLe Lhrough and cuL
also: genLle and klnd
1be steok wos so &($*(. yoo botJly oeeJeJ o kolfe to cot lt.
wbot be oeeJs oow ls o lot of &($*(. lovloq cote.
8 S8 96
sLew /sL[u:/ (v) LlnLopf cook sLh slowly ln llquld ln a closed dlsh 1be meot oeeJs to !&(< fot two boots. 8 S8 96
dlsagree wlLh /disorl: wi/ (phr v) nlchL bekommen
nlchL uberelnsLlmmen
cause an upseL sLomach
also: have a dlfferenL oplnlon from
l ote sometbloq yestetJoy tbot *#!)5.((* <#&+ me.
ne *#!)5.((* <#&+ bls poteots oo most tbloqs.
8 S8 96
you musL be [oklng /[u mosL bl
(ldm) Soll das eln WlLz seln used Lo show LhaL you are very surprlsed aL
whaL sb has [usL sald
now mocb?! K'3 ,3!& ;( E'"#$5. 8 S8 97
glve (sb) Lhe sack /iv . o sk/ (ldm) ([mdn.) feuern Lell sb you don'L wanL Lhem Lo work for you
any more
1be oew boss 5)7( bls sectetoty &+( !)1" oftet two Joys becoose be solJ sbe
wos loefflcleot.
8 S8 97
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
28 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
spread /spred/ (n) Mahl Lable full of food, large meal prepared for a
speclal occaslon
1bete wos o wooJetfol !/.()* ot my slstets weJJloq. 8 S8 97
sLaln /sLein/ (n) lleck a dlrLy mark on sLh now coo l qet tbls !&)#$ oot? 8 S8 97
on Lhe spur of Lhe momenL /un o sps:(r) uv
o moomonL/
(ldm) sponLan wlLhouL plannlng we JeclJeJ to qo to tbe cloemo '$ &+( !/3. '2 &+( ,',($&. 8 S8 97
cramped /krmpL/ (ad[) beengL noL havlng much space lJ llke o blqqet beJtoom. Mloe ls vety 1.),/(*, pottlcolotly wltb oll my
fotoltote ooJ sbelves.
8 S8 99
Lrendy /Lrendl/ (ad[) Lrendlg, modlsch fashlonable 1be oew bot ls o vety &.($*0 ploce to qo. 8 S8 99
flsh and chlps /fi[ on L[ips/ (n) llsh Chlps popular Lakeaway ln 8rlLaln, whlch conslsLs of
frled flsh and poLaLo chlps
F#!+ )$* 1+#/! ote best eoteo oeot tbe coost. 8 S8 99
dlsLanL /disLonL/ (ad[) dlsLanzlerL noL frlendly lot soooJeJ vety colJ ooJ *#!&)$& oo tbe pbooe. 8 S8 100
shelLer /[elLo(r)/ (n) unLerkunfL, 8lelbe a bulldlng LhaL provldes a place Lo sLay for
people wlLhouL a home
1betes o olqbt !+(-&(. fot tbe bomeless. 8 S8 100
merry /merl/ (ad[) frhllch happy and cheerful 1bey boJ o ,(..0 tlme. 8 S8 101
saylng /seiiq/ (n) SprlchworL a well-known phrase AcclJeots wlll boppeo, os tbe !)0#$5 qoes. 8 S8 101
wellbelng /welbl:iq/ (n unc) Wohlbeflnden healLh and happlness 1be qovetomeots tespooslblllty ls to look oftet tbe <(--;(#$5 of lts people. 8 S8 101
gullL /ilL/ (n unc) Schuld feellng or knowlng LhaL you have done sLh
1be motJetet oJmltteJ bls 53#-& to tbe pollce ooJ be wos seot to ptlsoo. 8 S8 101
Lhere's no polnL (ln) /eoz noo painL/ (phr) es haL kelnen Slnn lL makes no sense D+(.(@! $' /'#$& #$ speoJloq too mocb tlme oo lt. 8 S8 101
law and order /la: on a:do(r)/ (ldm) 8echL und Crdnung a slLuaLlon ln whlch people obey Lhe law and
behave ln a peaceful way
1be qovetomeot sttoqqleJ to molotolo -)< )$* '.*(.. 8 S8 101
(be) slck and Llred /sik on Laiod/ (phr) (eLw.) saLLhaben (be) really bored lL, !#1" )$* &#.(* of yoot moooloq. 8 S8 101
plck and choose /pik on L[u:z/ (ldm) wahlerlsch seln choose only Lhose Lhlngs LhaL you llke oo bove to toke ooy job yoo coo qet - yoo coo't /#1" )$* 1+''!(. 8 S8 101
safe and sound /seif on saond/ (phr) wohlbehalLen unharmed 1bey totoeJ op !)2( )$* !'3$*. 8 S8 101
peace and quleL /pl:s on kwaioL/ (phr) 8uhe und lrleden Lhe sLaLe of belng calm l woolJ wotk bettet lf l boJ some /()1( )$* 43#(&. 8 S8 101
blLs and pleces /biLs on pl:siz/ (ldm) Slebensachen small ob[ecLs of varlous klnds 5be stoffeJ oll bet ;#&! )$* /#(1(! loto o boq ooJ left. 8 S8 101
spare room /speo(r) rom/ (n) CasLezlmmer a room LhaL ls noL belng used we bove o !/).( .'', yoo coo stoy lo. 8 S8 101
puL forward /poL fa:wod/ (phr v) vorschlagen suggesL sLh for dlscusslon ne /3& 2'.<).* o oombet of optloos. 8 S8 102
fellow sLudenL /feloo sL[u:dnL/ (n) (unlv.) kommlllLone,
kommlllLonln, (school)
anoLher sLudenL ln my class or school now Jo yoo qet oo wltb yoot 2(--'< !&3*($&!? 8 S8 102
pros and cons /prooz on kuns/ (ldm) lur und Wlder Lhe advanLages and dlsadvanLages of sLh we welqbeJ op tbe /.'! )$* 1'$!. 8 S8 102
common room /kumon ru:m/ (n) CemelnschafLsraum a room used by Lhe Leachers or sLudenLs when
Lhey are noL Leachlng or sLudylng
1be stoJeots teloxeJ lo tbe 1',,'$ .'', ot loocb. 8 S8 102
Lake up /Leik tp/ (phr v) elnnehmen flll or use an amounL of space 1be toble &)"(! 3/ too mocb toom. 8 S8 102
flzzy drlnk /fizl driqk/ (n) kohlensaurehalLlges
a sofL drlnk LhaL has gas ln lL F#BB0 *.#$"! cootolo o lot of soqot. 8 S8 102
recreaLlon /rekrlei[n/ (n unc) lrelzelL play, noL work 1be cbllJteos .(1.()&#'$ tlme ls 11.00 to 11.J0. 1beo lessoos beqlo oqolo. 8 S8 103
flnance /fainns/ (n) llnanzwesen Lhe acLlvlLy of managlng money ne bos o Jlplomo lo 2#$)$1(. 8 S8 104
puddlng /podiq/ (n) nachLlsch, uesserL sweeL dlsh eaLen aL Lhe end of a meal wbeo l wos yoooqet lf l JlJot eot my Jlooet my mom woolJot let me bove
8 S8 104
summon Lhe nerve /stmon o ns:v/ (phr) den MuL aufbrlngen make an efforL Lo be brave l !3,,'$(* &+( $(.7( to osk Iooe oot lost weekeoJ, bot sbe tefoseJ! 8 W8 30
phase ouL /feiz aoL/ (phr v) auslaufen lassen sLop slowly, ln sLages 1beyte qoloq to /+)!( '3& oobeoltby scbool meols tbls yeot. 8 W8 30
when lL comes down Lo lL /wen iL ktmz
daon Lo iL/
(phr) wenn es darauf
when Lhe Llme comes Lo do sLh I+($ #& 1',(! *'<$ &' #& lm sote yooll koow wbot to Jo. 8 W8 31
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
29 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
eaL your flll /l:L [a:(r) fil/ (phr) essen Sle, so vlel Sle
eaL as much as you can 1bete ote oll sotts of Jellcocles oo tbe toble, ()& 0'3. 2#--! 8 W8 31
blL by blL /biL bai biL/ (ldm) SLuck fur SLuck gradually 1be memotles ote comloq bock to me ;#& ;0 ;#&. 8 W8 32
a hearL Lo hearL /o ho:L Lo ho:L/ (ldm) eln offenes Cesprach a conversaLlon beLween Lwo people who Lalk
honesLly abouL Lhelr feellngs and personal
l ofteo bove ) +().& &' +().& wltb my best ftleoJ wbeo l om feelloq Jowo. 8 W8 32
pay off /pei uf/ (phr v) abzahlen flnlsh paylng money owed for sLh we /)#* '22 oot mottqoqe oftet flfteeo yeots. 8 W8 32
sLlck by /sLik bai/ (phr v) zu ([mdm.) halLen be loyal, supporL sb, esp. ln a dlfflculL slLuaLlon AJtloo wlll olwoys !&#1" ;0 yoo. 8 W8 34
llve off /liv uf/ (phr v) slch von (eLw.) ernahren have one parLlcular Lype of food as Lhe maln
Lhlng you eaL
ne seems to -#7( '22 jook fooJ. 8 W8 34
Llme-keeper /Laimkl:po(r)/ (n) [md., der seln ZelLsoll
person able Lo do Lhlngs aL Lhe rlghL Llme Ollvet ls o tettlble &#,(="((/(.. nes olwoys lote fot evetytbloq. 9 S8 103
shopahollc /[upohulik/ (n) Shopahollc,
person who ls addlcLed Lo shopplng 1lm speoJs so mocb tlme ot tbe sbopploq ceotte. l tblok be's o blt of o
9 S8 103
obsesslvely /obsesivll/ (adv) wle besessen, obsesslv ln a way LhaL reveals sb ls Lhlnklng Loo much
abouL one parLlcular person or Lhlng
ne wottles ';!(!!#7(-0 oboot bls oppeotooce. 9 S8 103
mess (sLh) up /mes . tp/ (phr v) durchelnanderbrlngen make sLh dlrLy or unLldy l Joo't woot yoo ,(!!#$5 3/ my olce cleoo kltcbeo. 9 S8 103
counLless /kaonLlos/ (ad[) zahllos very large number 8teoJo bos 1'3$&-(!! polts of sboes! 9 S8 106
even /l:vn/ (ad[) eben smooLh, all Lhe same level 1bls floot lsot vety (7($ - some potts ote blqbet tboo otbets. 9 S8 106
ma[or /meido(r)/ (ad[) bedeuLend very large or lmporLanL Ooe of Ctetos ,)E'. ocblevemeots wos to wlo tbe stoJeot of tbe yeot owotJ. 9 S8 106
slngle-mlnded /siql maindid/ (ad[) zlelsLreblg focuslng wlLh deLermlnaLlon on one parLlcular
alm or goal
Iosoo ls vety !#$5-(=,#$*(* ooJ olwoys Joes wbot be sets oot to Jo. 9 S8 106
addlcLlve /odikLiv/ (ad[) suchLlg machend maklng you wanL more and more 5ome people floJ coffee ot cbocolote )**#1&#7(. 9 S8 106
compel /kompel/ (v) zwlngen force l wos 1',/(--(* to qo oot ooJ boy sweets! 9 S8 106
explolL /eksplaiL/ (n) CroLaL unusual and lnLeresLlng acLlvlLy ne ofteo tells os stotles oboot bls (G/-'#&! wbeo be llveJ lo Ametlco. 9 S8 106
ponder /pundo(r)/ (v) uber (eLw.) nachdenken Lhlnk deeply abouL sLh 5cleotlsts toJoy ote /'$*(.#$5 tbe poestloo of wbetbet tbete ls llfe oo otbet
9 S8 106
scorplon /ska:plon/ (n) Skorplon small anlmal, llvlng ln hoL counLrles, wlLh a
hard body and a Lall LhaL can dellver a
polsonous sLlng
9 S8 106
feaL /fl:L/ (n) MelsLerlelsLung,
acLlon LhaL needs sklll, sLrengLh or courage Cettloq Alex to come to tbe scbool ploy wos polte o 2()&! 9 S8 106
sLlng /sLiq/ (v) sLechen puL a small amounL of polson lnLo you, ofLen
from an lnsecL llke a bee
5ome bees Jle oftet tbey !&#$5 people. 9 S8 106
sub-zero /stb zioroo/ (ad[) Mlnus-, unLer dem
(of LemperaLures) below zero lo wlotet lt ofteo teocbes !3;=B(.' tempetototes. 9 S8 106
layer /leio(r)/ (n) SchlchL quanLlLy of sLh LhaL lles over a surface lot tbls Jessett yoo oeeJ o -)0(. of ftolt followeJ by o loyet of postty. 9 S8 106
seal /sl:l/ (n) 8obbe sea anlmal wlLh smooLh, black body LhaL llves
around Lhe coasL
8oby !()-! oseJ to be booteJ fot tbelt wblte fot, bot toJoy lts fotblJJeo. 9 S8 106
llve up Lo (sLh) /liv tp Lu/ (phr v) (eLw.) gerechL werden do as well as oLher people expecL you Lo ne JlJ polte well, bot be JlJot -#7( 3/ &' peoples expectotloos. 9 S8 106
commander /komo:ndo(r)/ (n) 8efehlshaber(ln) an offlcer ln charge of a parLlcular group of
1be 1',,)$*(. leJ tbe solJlets tbtooqb tbe jooqle. 9 S8 106
reglmenL /redimonL/ (n) 8eglmenL large group of soldlers My oocle wos lo cbotqe of o .(5#,($& lo tbe otmy bot oow bes tetlteJ. 9 S8 106
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30 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
squash /skwu[/ (v) vernlchLen
sLop sLh
also: press sLh so LhaL lL becomes sofL or flaL
nls bopes of becomloq o teocbet wete !43)!+(* wbeo be folleJ tbe oolvetslty
>43)!+ yoot coos flot befote tecyclloq.
9 S8 106
sLablllLy /sLobiloLl/ (n unc) SLablllLaL Lhe sLaLe of belng sLeady and noL changlng 8eloq bock wltb tbelt fomlly sboolJ ptovlJe emotloool !&);#-#&0 fot tbe
9 S8 106
evolve /ivulv/ (v) enLwlckeln develop gradually and change Aolmols bove (7'-7(* ovet mlllloos of yeots ooJ ote stlll evolvloq. 9 S8 106
bald-headed /ba:ld hedid/ (ad[) glaLzkpflg, kahlkpflg havlng llLLle or no halr on Lhe head nes o ;)-*=+()*(* moo lo bls lote elqbtles. 9 S8 108
rosy-cheeked /roozl L[l:kL/ (ad[) roLwanglg havlng plnk cheeks oo look .'!0=1+(("(*. nove yoo beeo toooloq? 9 S8 108
absenL-mlnded /bsonL maindid/ (ad[) gelsLesabwesend forgeLful wbeo people qtow olJ, tbey ofteo become );!($&=,#$*(* ooJ fotqet wbete
tbey pot tbloqs.
9 S8 108
self-cenLred /self senLod/ (ad[) lchbezogen Lhlnklng abouL yourself all Lhe Llme Mlke ls vety !(-2=1($&.(* ooJ woot Jo ooytbloq ooless lt beoeflts blm. 9 S8 108
blg-headed /big hedid/ (ad[) elngeblldeL Loo proud uoot be so ;#5=+()*(*. oo boveot ocbleveJ tbot mocb. 9 S8 108
hard-headed /ho:d hedid/ (ad[) nuchLern deLermlned and noL allowlng your emoLlons Lo
affecL your declslons
nes o +).*=+()*(* bosloessmoo wbeo lt comes to mokloq o Jeol. 9 S8 108
parLy /po:Ll/ (n) Cruppe a group of people Lravelllng LogeLher 1be scbool ls tokloq o /).&0 of fotty cbllJteo to ltooce. 9 S8 108
supply depoL /soplai depoo/ (n) nachschubbasls,
place where large amounLs of food or
equlpmenL ls sLored
1bey bove o lot mote lo tbe !3//-0 *(/'&. 9 S8 108
grocerles /roosorlz/ (n pl) ebensmlLLel Lhlngs usu. boughL weekly LhaL you need for
eaLlng and cooklng
l boveot booqbt tbe 5.'1(.#(! tbls week, lm oftolJ. 9 S8 109
paella /paielo/ (n) aella Spanlsh dlsh made wlLh rlce, chlcken and / or
seafood and vegeLables
9 S8 109
you name lL /[u: neim iL/ (phr) was auch lmmer Sle
(haben) wollen
anyLhlng you can lmaglne K'3 $),( #&, yoo coo bove lt. 9 S8 110
grand /grnd/ (ad[) prachLvoll lmpresslve lt's oot o vety 5.)$* boose. 9 S8 111
lmposlng /impooziq/ (ad[) lmposanL maklng a sLrong lmpresslon lts o qtooJ ooJ #,/'!#$5 bollJloq. 9 S8 111
heel /hl:l/ (n) Packe, lerse parL of Lhe fooL aL Lhe back whlch Louches Lhe
l coolJot wolk fot Joys becoose l cot my +((- oo some btokeo qloss. 9 S8 113
shln /[in/ (n) Schlenbeln fronL, lower parL of Lhe leg l qot klckeJ lo tbe !+#$! ployloq footboll yestetJoy. 9 S8 113
Lhlgh /0ai/ (n) Cberschenkel upper parL of Lhe leg 9 S8 113
walsL /weisL/ (n) 1allle area around Lhe mlddle of Lhe body, ofLen Lhe
narrowesL parL
ne pot bls otm otoooJ bet <)#!&. 9 S8 113
wrlsL /risL/ (n) Pandgelenk where Lhe hand and Lhe arm meeL IoJltb ofteo weots o qolJ wotcb oo bet left <.#!&. 9 S8 113
LwlsL (sb's) arm /LwisL . o:m / (ldm) ([mdn.) uberreden force sb Lo do sLh 5be JlJot woot to qo, bot l &<#!&(* +(. ).,. 9 S8 113
pull (sb's) leg /pol . leg/ (ldm) ([mdn.) auf den Arm
play a [oke on sb and make Lhem belleve sLh
LhaL ls noL Lrue
lm jokloq! l wos /3--#$5 0'3. -(5. 9 S8 113
puL my fooL ln lL /poL mai foL in iL/ (ldm) lns leLLnapfchen LreLen say or do sLh LhaL upseLs or embarrasses sb l /3& ,0 2''& #$ #&. l boJot teollzeJ lt wos o sectet. 9 S8 113
plck (sb's) bralns /pik . breinz/ (ldm) ([mdn.) ausfuhrllch
befragen, slch bel
([mdm.) Anregungen
ask sb a loL of quesLlons abouL sLh because
Lhey know more abouL Lhe sub[ecL Lhan you do
oo llveJ lo MoJtlJ. coo l /#1" 0'3. ;.)#$! oboot wbete to qo ooJ wbot to Jo? 9 S8 113
Lhe solar sysLem /o soolo sisLom/ (n) das SonnensysLem Lhe sun and all Lhe planeLs LhaL move around lL 9 S8 114
Lackle /Lkl/ (v) angehen make a deLermlned efforL Lo deal wlLh a
dlfflculL problem
l tblok l'll &)1"-( tbe tepolts oext weekeoJ. 9 S8 114
lnhablL /inhbiL/ (v) bewohnen llve ln a parLlcular place ne teflecteJ oo wbot o sttooqe wotlJ 5tepbeo ooJ vetoolco #$+);#&(*. 9 S8 114
fund /ftnd/ (v) flnanzleren provlde money for sLh 1be moseom ls ptlvotely 23$*(*. 9 S8 114
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31 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
Lhe human race /o h[u:mon reis/ (n) dle MenschhelL all people, consldered LogeLher as a group 1be Jlsostet coolJ be tbe eoJ of &+( +3,)$ .)1(. 9 S8 114
nod off /nud uf/ (phr v) wegnlcken go Lo sleep for a shorL Llme 5be wos so tlteJ tbot sbe $'**(* '22 lo closs yestetJoy. 9 S8 116
glacler /lslo(r)/ (n) CleLscher large mass of lce ln Lhe mounLalns LhaL moves
very slowly down a valley
9 S8 116
f[ord /f[a:d/ (n) l[ord long, narrow sLrlp of waLer comlng from Lhe
sea, esp. ln norway
9 S8 116
prospecL /pruspekL/ (n) AusslchL ldea of whaL mlghL happen ln Lhe fuLure 1be /.'!/(1& of speoJloq o olqbt lo tbe olJ boose wos ftlqbteoloq, bot we JlJ
9 S8 116
frosL-blLe /frusLbaiL/ (n) lrosLbeulen,
damage Lo skln from severe cold weaLher Aftet tbtee Joys oo tbe moootolo be qot 2.'!&=;#&( oo two floqets. 9 S8 116
go Lo exLraordlnary lengLhs /oo Lo iksLra:dnrl
(ldm) alles Lrdenkllche Lun do very compllcaLed and dlfflculL Lhlngs Lo geL
Lhe resulL you wanL
5ome stoJeots 5' &' (G&.)'.*#$).0 -($5&+! to ovolJ spotts lessoos. 9 W8 37
galn an edge /ein n ed/ (ldm) slch elnen vorLell
gegenuber ([mdm.)
geL a small advanLage over sb 5llqbt lmptovemeots lo cot Jeslqo ollow tocloq Jtlvets to 5)#$ )$ (*5( ovet
tbelt tlvols.
9 W8 37
occur Lo /oks:(r) Lu/ (phr v) ([mdm.) elnfallen come lnLo your mlnd 1be lJeo '113..(* &' blm lo o Jteom. 9 W8 37
resorL Lo /riza:L Lo/ (phr v) auf (eLw.) zuruckgrelfen do sLh because noLhlng else ls posslble wbeo my JoJ coot tblok of o qooJ otqomeot be osoolly .(!'.&! &' sbootloq! 9 W8 37
come forward /ktm fa:wod/ (phr v) slch melden offer help, glve requesLed lnformaLlon 1wo people wbo boJ seeo tbe occlJeot floolly 1),( 2'.<).*. 9 W8 37
pull ouL of /pol aoL uv/ (phr v) dle 1ellnahme
noL Lake parL ln sLh you had enLered or agreed
Lo do
1be boy boJ to /3-- '3& '2 tbe competltloo becoose be bott bls otm. 9 W8 37
scores of /ska:z uv/ (phr) vlele (Male) loLs of lts oo ptoblem. lve Jooe tbls !1'.(! '2 tlmes. 9 W8 38
flL ln /fiL in/ (phr v) unLerbrlngen manage Lo flnd Lhe Llme Lo do Lhlngs l coot 2#& #$ spotts ttololoq wltb oll tbls scboolwotk! 9 W8 60
wheL your appeLlLe (for) /weL [a:(r) piLaiL/ (ldm) ([mdm.) AppeLlL (auf)
eLw. machen
make you wanL more of sLh 1bls book wlll <+(& 0'3. )//(&#&( 2'. mote of bet wotk. 9 W8 60
cross my mlnd /krus mai mind/ (ldm) mlr elnfallen Lhlnk of 1be tbooqbt oevet 1.'!!(* ,0 ,#$*. 9 W8 61
make up my mlnd /meik tp mai
mind /
(ldm) mlch enLschelden declde l coot ,)"( 3/ ,0 ,#$* wblcb ooe to cboose. 9 W8 61
be up Lo my eyes ln (sLh) /bl tp Lu mai aiz
(ldm) bls uber belde Chren ln
(eLw.) sLecken
have a loL of sLh Lo deal wlLh l@, 3/ &' ,0 (0(! lo wotk ot tbe momeot. 9 W8 61
noL see eye Lo eye /nuL sl: ai Lu ai/ (ldm) nlchL elner Melnung seln noL share Lhe same vlews as sb abouL sLh l bove$@& !(($ (0( &' (0( wltb my btotbet fot oqes. 9 W8 61
charL /L[o:L/ (n) ulagramm, Craflk vlsual represenLaLlon of lnformaLlon Oot fomlly kept o 1+).& of tbe belqbts of tbe cbllJteo os tbey wete qtowloq op. 10 S8 117
epllepLlc flL /epilepLik fiL/ (n) epllepLlscher Anfall a sudden aLLack of an lllness ln whlch sb
becomes unconsclous and Lhelr body may
make vlolenL movemenLs
10 S8 118
llngulsLlc /liqgwisLik/ (ad[) llngulsLlsch connecLed wlLh language cbllJteo bove oo looote -#$53#!&#1 oblllty. 10 S8 118
reclLe /risaiL/ (v) rezlLleren, vorLragen say aloud a serles of Lhlngs ocb cbllJ boJ to .(1#&( o poem to tbe closs. 10 S8 118
declmal place /desiml pleis/ (n) uezlmalsLelle Lhe number of flgures afLer Lhe polnL LhaL
separaLes a whole number from lLs fracLlon
1be ooswet wos toooJeJ to two *(1#,)- /-)1(!. 10 S8 118
a maLLer of /o mLor ov/ (ldm) ln wenlgen only a few l qo oo bollJoy lo ) ,)&&(. '2 Joys. 10 S8 118
absLracL /bsLrkL/ (ad[) absLrakL based on general ldeas and noL on any
parLlcular real person, Lhlng or slLuaLlon
l ptefet to Jeol wltb cooctete focts ooJ flqotes, oot );!&.)1& lJeos. 10 S8 118
come Lo Lerms (wlLh) /ktm Lu Ls:mz/ (ldm) slch (mlL eLw.) abflnden flnd a way of accepLlng sLh unpleasanL 1be eoemy wos eveotoolly fotceJ to 1',( &' &(.,! <#&+ tbe lJeo of Jefeot. 10 S8 118
volume /vul[u:m/ (n) 8and book, ofLen parL of a serles l woot to teoJ tbe secooJ 7'-3,( lo tbls setles. 10 S8 119
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
32 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
encyclopaedla /insaiklopl:dlo/ (n) Lnzyklopadle book or onllne resource where you can flnd
lnformaLlon abouL all areas of knowledge, usu.
arranged alphabeLlcally
lve oo lJeo wbete tbot oolmol llves. look lt op lo tbe ($101-'/)(*#). 10 S8 119
slmulLaneously /simlLeinlosll/ (adv) glelchzelLlg happenlng aL Lhe same Llme Ietty ooJ 5bltley qove tbe ooswet !#,3-&)$('3!-0 ooJ evetyooe lo closs
10 S8 119
(Lo) Lhe naked eye /o neikid ai/ (n) (bel) bloem Auge Lhe normal power of your eyes wlLhouL Lhe
help of an lnsLrumenL
lts too smoll to see wltb &+( $)"(* (0(. 10 S8 119
lnLrlgulngly /inLrl:iqll/ (adv) lnLeressanLerwelse lnLeresLlngly, noL easy Lo explaln 8$&.#53#$5-0, ltooces left tbe potty teo mlootes oftet sbe boJ ottlveJ. 10 S8 119
acqulre /okwaio(r)/ (v) slch anelgnen galn 5be bos )143#.(* o qooJ koowleJqe of oqllsb. 10 S8 119
consclous /kun[os/ (ad[) bewussL dellberaLe or conLrolled l moJe o 1'$!1#'3! effott to qet tbete oo tlme. 10 S8 119
funcLlon /ftqk[n/ (n) lunkLlon a speclal acLlvlLy of a person or Lhlng 1be 23$1&#'$ of tbe beott ls to pomp blooJ tbtooqb tbe boJy. 10 S8 119
reLaln /riLein/ (v) behalLen conLlnue Lo have 5be .(&)#$(* bet teools tltle fot tbe tbltJ yeot. 10 S8 119
wlre a plug /waior o pltg/ (phr) elnen SLecker
connecL a plece of equlpmenL Lo an elecLrlclLy
uo yoo koow bow to <#.( ) /-35? 10 S8 119
reflecL (on) /riflekL/ (v) (uber eLw.) nachdenken Lhlnk carefully and deeply abouL 1be stoty ls oboot oo olJ moo wbo .(2-(1&! '$ bls llfe. 10 S8 119
recollecL /rekolekL/ (v) slch erlnnern remember lm oftolJ l coot .(1'--(1& wbete we met. 10 S8 120
comprehend /kumprihend/ (v) versLehen undersLand sLh fully 5be coolJ oot 1',/.(+($* bow someooe woolJ tlsk people's llves lo tbot woy. 10 S8 120
comedlan /koml:dlon/ (n) komdlanL(ln),
an enLerLalner who makes people laugh by
Lelllng [okes or funny sLorles:
nes ooe of tbe fooolest 1',(*#)$! lve evet seeo. 10 S8 120
LalkaLlve /La:koLiv/ (ad[) gesprachlg llklng Lo Lalk a loL ne's oot vety &)-")&#7(, ls be? 10 S8 120
graceful /greisfl/ (ad[) anmuLlg movlng ln a conLrolled, aLLracLlve way 1be Joocets wete oll toll ooJ 5.)1(23-. 10 S8 120
nepLune /nepL[u:n/ (n) nepLun a planeL ln Lhe solar sysLem LhaL ls elghLh ln
order of dlsLance from Lhe sun
10 S8 121
SaLurn /sLs:n/ (n) SaLurn a large planeL ln Lhe solar sysLem LhaL has rlngs
around lL and ls slxLh ln order of dlsLance from
Lhe sun
10 S8 121
sLeel /sLl:l/ (n unc) SLahl a sLrong hard meLal LhaL ls made of a mlxLure
of lron and carbon
1be ftome ls moJe of !&((-. 10 S8 121
chlmpanzee /L[impnzl:/ (n) Schlmpanse a small, lnLelllgenL Afrlcan ape - llke a large
monkey buL wlLhouL a Lall
lo tbe memoty tests, tbe 1+#,/)$B((! JlJ vety well. 10 S8 121
sequence /sl:kwons / (n) 8elhenfolge a seL of evenLs, numbers, eLc. whlch have a
parLlcular order
ne JesctlbeJ tbe !(43($1( of eveots leoJloq op to tbe tobbety. 10 S8 122
work ouL /ws:k aoL/ (phr v) gellngen have a good resulL l tbooqbt tbe bollJoy wltb yoot poteots wos qoloq to be o Jlsostet bot lt
<'."(* '3& well.
10 S8 122
go on abouL /oo un obaoL/ (phr v) andauernd (uber eLw.)
Lalk abouL sLh Loo ofLen nes beeo 5'#$5 '$ );'3& bls bollJoy fot two weeks oow. lm qettloq feJ op. 10 S8 122
aglllLy /oiloLl/ (n unc) AglllLaL, WendlgkelL ablllLy Lo move qulckly and easlly ne boJ tbe )5#-#&0 of o moo bolf bls oqe. 10 S8 123
perseverance /ps:siviorons/ (n unc) 8eharrllchkelL Lhe quallLy of conLlnulng Lo Lry Lo achleve a
parLlcular alm ln splLe of dlfflculLles
1bey sboweJ qteot /(.!(7(.)$1( lo tbe foce of Jlfflcolty. 10 S8 123
sLamlna /sLmino/ (n unc) uurchhalLevermgen Lhe physlcal or menLal sLrengLh LhaL enables
you Lo do sLh dlfflculL for long perlods of Llme
lt tokes o lot of !&),#$) to too o mototboo. 10 S8 123
donaLe /dooneiL/ (v) spenden glve money or Lhlngs Lo charlLy Oot scbool *'$)&(* o tboosooJ poooJs to cbotlty lost yeot. 10 S8 124
puncLual /ptqkL[uol/ (ad[) punkLllch on Llme, noL laLe l tblok lts lmpottoot to be /3$1&3)- ooJ oot keep people woltloq. 10 S8 124
pursue /pos[u:/ (v) verfolgen follow, Lry Lo reach sb or sLh 1etty ls /3.!3#$5 bls ombltloo to be o pllot by qoloq to o speclol colleqe. 10 S8 124
composer /kompoozo(r)/ (n) komponlsL(ln) a person who wrlLes muslc, esp. classlcal muslc 5bes tbe 1',/'!(. of tbe fllms moslc. 10 S8 124
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
33 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
(chlld) prodlgy /prudil/ (n) Wunderklnd young person who ls exLremely LalenLed or
Mozott wos o 1+#-* /.'*#50 ooJ omozeJ evetyooe wbo beotJ blm ploy. 10 S8 124
mlnd my own buslness /maind mai oon
(ldm) slch um selne elgenen
Lhlnk abouL my own affalrs and noL Lry Lo geL
lnvolved ln oLher peoples llves
l wos slttloq lo o cof ,#$*#$5 ,0 '<$ ;3!#$(!!, wbeo tbe tobbet come lo. 10 S8 123
change my mlnd /ein mai
(ldm) melne Melnung andern change a declslon l have made lf yoo 1+)$5( 0'3. ,#$* oboot comloq oot toolqbt, qlve me o tloq. 10 S8 123
mlnd your head /maind [a:(r) hed/ (phr) 8lLLe den kopf elnzlehen! be careful LhaL you don'L hlL your head, e.g.
because Lhe celllng ls low
J#$* 0'3. +()*! 1be Jootwoy ls vety low. 10 S8 123
Lake your mlnd off (sLh) /Leik [a:(r) maind
(ldm) slch ablenken make you sLop Lhlnklng abouL sLh l wos vety wottleJ oboot my exom tesolts so l wotcbeJ o fllm to &)"( ,0 ,#$*
'22 lt.
10 S8 123
be bored ouL of my mlnd /bl ba:d aoL ov mai
maind /
(ldm) exLrem gelangwellL seln be exLremely bored 1be fllm wos tettlble. l <)! ;'.(* '3& '2 ,0 ,#$*. 10 S8 123
be ln Lwo mlnds (abouL
/bl in Lu: maindz/ (ldm) unenLschlossen seln be unable Lo make a declslon l@, #$ &<' ,#$*! );'3& tokloq tbe job. 10 S8 123
bear (sLh) ln mlnd /beor . in maind/ (ldm) an (eLw.) denken, (eLw.)
remember C(). #$ ,#$* tbot yooll ooly bove tweoty mlootes. 10 S8 123
lnLerfere /inLofio(r)/ (v) slch elnmlschen geL lnvolved ln and Lry Lo lnfluence a slLuaLlon
LhaL does noL concern you
l wlsb my motbet woolJ stop #$&(.2(.#$5 ooJ let me moke my owo Jeclsloos. 10 S8 123
posL-graduaLe /poosLgruoL/ (ad[) osLgradulerLen- done afLer a (flrsL) unlverslLy degree nes stotteJ o /'!&=5.)*3)&( Jeqtee lo moooqemeot. 10 S8 126
MA /em ei/ (n) M.A. a second unlverslLy degree ln an arLs sub[ecL 5bes Joloq oo J6 lo polltlcs. 10 S8 126
hu /pl: ei dl:/ (n) hu (romoLlon),
a unlverslLy degree of a very hlgh level LhaL ls
glven Lo sb who has done research ln a
parLlcular sub[ecL
nls M+9 teseotcb ls oo motlvotloo lo looqooqe leotoloq. 10 S8 126
ln response Lo /in rispuns Lo/ (phr) als AnLworL auf Lo answer 8$ .(!/'$!( &' yoot poestloos oboot wbo yoot oew teocbet wlll be, lm oftolJ
yoo wlll bove to wolt fot o coople of weeks.
10 S8 126
dlsLlncLlon /disLiqk[n/ (n) Auszelchnung a speclal mark for excellence ln an exam lool wlll Jefloltely qet o *#!&#$1&#'$ lo bls exoms. 10 S8 126
enclose /inklooz/ (v) bellegen puL sLh ln Lhe same envelope, emall, eLc. as sLh
lleose tetoto tbe completeJ fotm, ($1-'!#$5 o teceot pbotoqtopb. 10 S8 127
occaslon /okein/ (n) CelegenhelL a parLlcular Llme when sLh happens l've met blm oo sevetol '11)!#'$!. 10 S8 127
syllabus /silobos/ (n) ehrplan a llsL of Lhe Loplcs, books, eLc. LhaL sLudenLs
should sLudy ln a parLlcular sub[ecL
ls tbot book oo tbe !0--);3!? 10 S8 127
aL your (earllesL)
/oL [a: .
(ldm) sobald es lhnen mgllch
aL a Llme whlch ls (Lhe mosL) sulLable for sb lleose seoJ lt bock )& 0'3. ().-#(!& 1'$7($#($1(. 10 S8 127
oversubscrlbed /oovosobskraibd/ (ad[) uberbuchL lf an acLlvlLy, servlce, eLc. ls oversubscrlbed,
Lhere are fewer places, LlckeLs, eLc. Lhan Lhe
number of people who are asklng for Lhem
1be popolot secooJoty scbools lo tbe towo ote osoolly '7(.!3;!1.#;(*. 10 S8 127
by hearL /bai ha:L/ (phr) auswendlg uslng only your memory l've JlolleJ tbe oombet so mooy tlmes l koow lt ;0 +().&. 10 S8 128
lllegallLy /illgloLl/ (n unc) lllegallLaL Lhe sLaLe of noL belng allowed by Lhe law No #--(5)-#&0 ls sospecteJ. 10 S8 128
carelessness /keolosnos/ (n unc) AchLloslgkelL noL enough aLLenLlon and LhoughL, so LhaL
mlsLakes are made
lt wos o momeot of 1).(-(!!$(!!. 10 S8 128
sLrlklng /sLraikiq/ (ad[) elndrucksvoll lnLeresLlng and unusual enough Lo aLLracL
5be beots o !&.#"#$5 tesemblooce to bet olJet slstet. 10 S8 128
over-commlL /oovo(r) komiL/ (v) slch uberladen agree Lo do more Lhlngs Lhan you can lve '7(.=1',,#&&(* tbls mootb ooJ lm oevet qoloq to be oble to Jo
10 S8 128
refer Lo /rifs: Lu/ (phr v) slch bezlehen auf be connecLed Lo 1bls potoqtopb .(2(.! &' tbe eveots of lost yeot. 10 W8 64
sLreLch ouL /sLre aoL/ (phr v) slch aussLrecken lle down ln order Lo relax or sleep ne !&.(&1+(* blmself '3& oo tbe sofo ooJ fell osleep. 10 W8 66
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
34 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
cheer up /ior tp/ (phr v) aufhelLern become more cheerful Clve Moty o coll, sbe oeeJs 1+((.#$5 3/. 10 W8 68
show off /[oo uf/ (phr v) angeben Lry Lo lmpress oLhers by Lalklng abouL your
ne's jost !+'<#$5 '22 becoose tbot qltl be llkes ls bete. 10 W8 68
obsoleLe /ubsoll:L/ (ad[) uberflusslg no longer used because sLh new has been
wltb tecbooloqlcol cbooqes, mooy ttoJltloool skllls bove become ';!'-(&(. 11 S8 129
Lechnlcally llLeraLe /Leknikll liLoroL/ (phr) Lechnlsch verslerL able Lo use new Lechnology My qtooJoJ ls cettololy oot &(1+$#1)--0 -#&(.)&(! 11 S8 130
glsmo /gizmoo/ (n) Clzmo, ulng a small plece of equlpmenL, ofLen one LhaL
does sLh ln a new and clever way
5be bos evety lotest 5#!,' ovolloble. 11 S8 130
dramaLlcally /dromLikll/ (adv) dramaLlsch exLremely ltlces bove locteoseJ *.),)&#1)--0 lo tbe lost few yeots. 11 S8 130
moLor skllls /mooLo skilz/ (phr) moLorlsche lahlgkelLen ablllLles connecLed wlLh Lhe nerves LhaL conLrol
cbllJteos ,'&'. !"#--! Jevelop Jtomotlcolly lo tbe fltst few yeots of tbelt llves. 11 S8 130
co-ordlnaLlon /kooa:dinei[n/ (n unc) koordlnaLlon 0 oo oeeJ qooJ booJ-eye 1'='.*#$)&#'$ to ploy boll qomes. 11 S8 130
empowermenL /impaoomonL/ (n unc) SLarkung Lhe acL of glvlng power 1be tbeoty ls oboot tbe (,/'<(.,($& of tbe loJlvlJool. 11 S8 130
conslderable /konsidorobl/ (ad[) beLrachLllch greaL 1be ptoject wosteJ o 1'$!#*(.);-( omooot of tlme ooJ mooey. 11 S8 131
cyberspace /saibospeis/ (n unc) Cyberspace Lhe lmaglnary place where elecLronlc
messages, plcLures, eLc. exlsL whlle Lhey are
belng senL beLween compuLers
11 S8 131
alLer /a:lLo(r)/ (v) slch andern make sb / sLh dlfferenL ltlces JlJ oot )-&(. slqolflcootly Jotloq 2007. 11 S8 131
aLLaln /oLein/ (v) errelchen succeed ln geLLlng sLh afLer a loL of efforL Most of oot stoJeots )&&)#$(* flve A qtoJes lo tbelt exoms. 11 S8 131
conLenL /kunLenL/ (n unc) lnhalL Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of sLh, e.g. a LexL net poetty bos o qooJ Jeol of polltlcol 1'$&($&. 11 S8 131
reasonlng /rl:zoniq/ (n unc) ArgumenLaLlon Lhe process of Lhlnklng abouL Lhlngs ln a loglcal
wbot ls tbe .()!'$#$5 bebloJ tbls Jeclsloo? 11 S8 131
hlnder /hindo(r)/ (v) behlndern make lL dlfflculL for sb Lo do sLh 5ome teocbets felt +#$*(.(* by o lock of tesootces. 11 S8 131
wlreless /waiolos/ (ad[) drahLlos, kabellos LhaL operaLes wlLhouL a wlre Most Jevlces ote <#.(-(!! oowoJoys. 11 S8 131
keypad /kl:pd/ (n) 1asLaLur a small seL of buLLons wlLh numbers on Lhem,
used Lo operaLe a Lelephone, 1v, eLc.
1be bottoos ote stock oo my pbooe's "(0/)*. 11 S8 131
volce-acLlvaLed /vais kLiveiLid/ (ad[) sprachakLlvlerL (of equlpmenL) LhaL sLarLs worklng when sb
Lalks lnLo lL
l bove 7'#1(=)1&#7)&(* softwote oo my loptop. 11 S8 131
hlgh-resoluLlon /hai rezolu:[n/ (n unc) hochauflsend Lhe power of a compuLer screen, prlnLer, eLc.
Lo glve a very clear lmage
My oew mooltot bos o +#5+=.(!'-3&#'$ Jlsploy. 11 S8 131
headphones /hedfoonz/ (n pl) kopfhrer a plece of equlpmenL worn over Lhe ears LhaL
makes lL posslble Lo llsLen Lo sLh wlLhouL oLher
people hearlng lL
11 S8 131
burn /bs:n/ (v) brennen copy wlLh Lhe use of a compuLer programme My cooslo ;3.$! movles oll tbe tlme. 11 S8 133
manual /mn[uol/ (n) Pandbuch a book LhaL Lells you how Lo do or operaLe sLh wby Joo't yoo teoJ tbe ,)$3)-? 11 S8 133
approve (of) /opru:v/ (v) mlL (eLw.) elnversLanden
Lhlnk LhaL sb / sLh ls good, accepLable or
uo yoo )//.'7( '2 my lJeo? 11 S8 134
obllgaLory /obligoLrl/ (ad[) verpfllchLend LhaL you musL do lt ls ';-#5)&'.0 fot oll employees to weot ptotectlve clotbloq. 11 S8 134
headllghLs /hedlaiLs/ (n pl) Schelnwerfer Lhe large llghLs aL Lhe fronL of a moLor vehlcle ne JlppeJ bls +()*-#5+&! fot tbe oocomloq ttofflc. 11 S8 134
ad[usL /otsL/ (v) regulleren change sLh sllghLly 1bls bottoo ls fot )*E3!&#$5 tbe volome. 11 S8 133
pressure group /pre[o gru:p/ (n) lnLeressenverband,
a group of people who Lry Lo lnfluence Lhe
governmenL and ordlnary peoples oplnlon
lt wos stotteJ by tbe eovltoomeotol /.(!!3.( 5.'3/ Cteeopeoce. 11 S8 136
propose /propooz/ (v) vorschlagen suggesL 1be qovetomeot /.'/'!(* cbooqes to tbe votloq system. 11 S8 136
geneLlc englneerlng /oneLik
(n unc) CenLechnologle Lhe sclence of changlng how a llvlng creaLure
or planL develops by changlng Lhe lnformaLlon
ln lLs genes
11 S8 136
menlal /ml:nlol/ (ad[) nledere rouLlne, done by hand Mooy people Joot llke Joloq ,($#)- wotk otoooJ tbe bome. 11 S8 136
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
33 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
conLrlbuLlon /kunLrib[u:[n/ (n) 8elLrag an acLlon or servlce LhaL adds Lo sLh, maklng lL
blgger or beLLer
ne moJe o vety posltlve 1'$&.#;3&#'$ to tbe soccess of tbe ptoject. 11 S8 136
compaLlble (wlLh) /kompLobl/ (ad[) kompaLlbel (of machlnes, esp. compuLers) able Lo be used
1be oew system wlll be 1',/)&#;-( wltb exlstloq epolpmeot. 11 S8 136
humanold /h[u:monaid/ (n) humanold a machlne LhaL looks and behaves llke a human
11 S8 137
Lalk back /La:k bk/ (phr v) WlderworLe geben argue My mom oseJ to qet ctoss lf l &)-"(* ;)1" to bet wbeo l wos yoooq. 11 S8 137
mlsslon /mi[n/ (n) Mlsslon lmporLanL offlclal [ob a person or group ls
asked Lo do
1be otmy seot my btotbet oo o speclol ,#!!#'$ to 5ootb Aftlco. 11 S8 137
arLlflclal lnLelllgence /o:Lifi[l
(n unc) kunsLllche lnLelllgenz area of sLudy concerned wlLh maklng
compuLers copy lnLelllgenL human behavlour
5cleotlsts bove beeo ttyloq to Jevelop ).&#2#1#)- #$&(--#5($1( fot o looq tlme
wltb llttle soccess.
11 S8 137
conLacLable /kunLkLobl/ (ad[) errelchbar avallable Lo be reached by phone l'll be 1'$&)1&);-( oo tbls oombet. 11 S8 138
relnforce /rl:infa:s/ (v) versLarken make sLronger 5ocb jokes teoJ to .(#$2'.1( toclol steteotypes. 11 S8 139
physlcal educaLlon /fizikl eukei[n/ (n) SporL sporL and exerclse LhaL ls LaughL ln schools l teocb /+0!#1)- (*31)&#'$ ot tbe secooJoty scbool octoss towo. 11 S8 139
knowledgeable /nuliobl/ (ad[) sachkundlg, bewanderL knowlng a loL 5be ls vety "$'<-(*5();-( oboot ploots. 11 S8 139
updaLe /tpdeiL/ (v) akLuallsleren change sLh accordlng Lo Lhe mosL recenL
Oot tecotJs ote teqolotly 3/*)&(*. 11 S8 139
be beLLer off /bl beLo(r) uf/ (ldm) besser havlng more money or belng ln a beLLer
ooJ ;( ;(&&(. '22 oskloq klto oboot tbe bomewotk. l wosot llsteoloq! 11 W8 70
flgure ouL /fio(r) aoL/ (phr v) slch erklaren (knnen) undersLand sLh l coot 2#53.( '3& wbot lve speot oll my mooey oo tbls mootb. 11 W8 70
no wonder /noo wtndo(r)/ (ldm) keln Wunder lL ls noL surprlslng lts $' <'$*(. tbey lost. 1bey ote tettlble! 11 W8 72
knock over /nuk oovo(r)/ (phr v) umwerfen hlL sLh and make lL fall Lo Lhe ground oo oeeJ to "$'1" '7(. tbe coo to wlo. 11 W8 73
(sb's) days are numbered /deiz o:(r)
(ldm) ([mds.) 1age slnd gezahlL noL golng Lo lasL long Aftet bls tettlble mlstoke, tbe polltlcloos *)0! ).( $3,;(.(*. 11 W8 73
Lrack down /Lrk daon/ (phr v) aufspuren flnd sb / sLh afLer a dlfflculL search l floolly &.)1"(* *'<$ my btotbet. ne wos ployloq compotet qomes ot bls
ftleoJs boose.
11 W8 73
homelessness /hoomlosnos/ (n unc) CbdachloslgkelL Lhe sLaLe of havlng no home N',(-(!!$(!! omooqst yoooq people bos tlseo to tecotJ levels. 12 S8 141
grafflLl /rofl:Ll/ (n unc) CrafflLl drawlngs or wrlLlng on a wall, eLc. ln a publlc
1be sobwoy wos coveteJ lo 5.)22#&#. 12 S8 141
publlclLy sLunL /ptblisoLl sLtnL/ (n) Werbegag unusual acLlon Lo galn aLLenLlon for a parLlcular
cause or Lo adverLlse sLh
ltotestots tbtew potple powJet ovet tbe ltlme Mlolstet os o /3;-#1#&0 !&3$&. 12 S8 142
sLage a proLesL /sLeid o
(phr) proLesLleren make a publlc expresslon of sLrong
dlsagreemenL Lo sLh
Oot closs !&)5(* ) /.'&(!& wbeo tbey cbooqeJ oot exom Jotes. 12 S8 142
cause /ka:z/ (n) Sache an ldea LhaL people supporL or flghL for 1be compolqoets tolseJ o lotqe omooot of mooey fot tbelt 1)3!(. 12 S8 142
publlc flgure /ptblik figo(r)/ (n) ffenLllche erson a person who ls well known because Lhey are
ofLen on Lhe 1v, radlo, eLc.
M3;-#1 2#53.(! oeeJ to be cotefol bow tbey bebove. 12 S8 143
self-lmporLanL /self impa:LonL/ (ad[) selbsLgefalllg Lhlnklng LhaL you are more lmporLanL Lhan
oLher people
5top beloq so !(-2=#,/'.&)$&! 12 S8 143
vlcLlm /vikLim/ (n) Cpfer person who has been aLLacked 1be 7#1&#, of tbe tobbety wos blt oo tbe beoJ ooJ boJ to speoJ o week lo
12 S8 143
ob[ecLlve /obekLiv/ (n) Zlel sLh LhaL you are Lrylng Lo achleve oo most set teollstlc olms ooJ ';E(1&#7(! fot yootself. 12 S8 143
feaLure /fl:o(r)/ (v) ([mdn.) ln elner (PaupL-
)8olle zelgen
presenL or be presenLed 1be fllm 2()&3.(! coty Ctoot os o ptofessot. 12 S8 143
Lrack record /Lrk reka:d/ (n) Lrfolgsbllanz all Lhe pasL achlevemenLs of a person ne bos o qooJ &.)1" .(1'.* lo soles. 12 S8 143
LulLlon fees /L[ui[n fl:z/ (n) SLudlengebuhren Lhe money LhaL you pay Lo be LaughL, esp. ln a
college or unlverslLy
5toJeots poy mocb blqbet &3#&#'$ 2((! oowoJoys. 12 S8 143
eye-caLchlng /ai kiq/ (ad[) auffalllg sLh LhaL makes people noLlce 1be pop stot wote oo (0(=1)&1+#$5 ootflt ot tbe coocett. 12 S8 143
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
36 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
scandal /skndl/ (n) Skandal shocklng evenL LhaL people Lhlnk ls wrong 1be ptloce cooseJ o !1)$*)- by mottyloq oo ookoowo stoJeot. 12 S8 143
swan /swun/ (n) Schwan large waLerblrd LhaL ls usu. whlLe and has a
long neck
12 S8 143
monarchy /munokl/ (n unc) Monarchle sysLem of governmenL by a klng or queen 1be ,'$).1+0 ls stlll vety popolot lo oot coootty, especlolly omooqst tbe olJet
12 S8 143
acLlvlsL /kLivisL/ (n) AkLlvlsL(ln) a person who works Lo achleve pollLlcal or
soclal change
1be oolmol tlqbts )1&#7#!&! wete moveJ oo. 12 S8 143
skyscraper /skaiskreipo(r)/ (n) WolkenkraLzer a very Lall bulldlng ln a clLy lts tbe tollest !"0!1.)/(. lo tbe wotlJ. 12 S8 143
wlLh your bare hands /wi [a:(r) beo(r)
(phr) mlL bloen Panden wlLhouL Lools or weapons 1bete ote people wbo wtestle ctocoJlles <#&+ &+(#. ;).( +)$*!. 12 S8 143
onlooker /unloko(r)/ (n) SchaulusLlge(r) person who waLches sLh LhaL ls happenlng buL
ls noL lnvolved ln lL
1be pollce tolJ oll tbe '$-''"(.! ot tbe sceoe of tbe occlJeot to qo bome. 12 S8 143
cheer /io(r)/ (v) [ubeln shouL loudly, Lo show supporL or pralse for sb we oll 1+((.(* os tbe teom come oo to tbe flelJ. 12 S8 143
nlckname /nikneim/ (n) SplLzname famlllar name your frlends call you My $#1"$),( ot scbool wos cottots becoose l boJ teJ bolt. 12 S8 143
chlef /l:f/ (ad[) PaupL-, bedeuLendsLe(r,
maln, mosL lmporLanL 1be 1+#(2 coose wos tbe omooot of tolo. 12 S8 143
shorL-haul /[a:L ha:l/ (ad[) kurzsLrecken- LhaL lnvolves LransporLlng people or goods
over shorL dlsLances
lt wos ooly o !+'.&=+)3- fllqbt. 12 S8 143
occupy /uk[upai/ (v) elnnehmen enLer a place ln a large group and Lake conLrol
of lL
1be beJ seemeJ to '113/0 most of tbe toom. 12 S8 143
unfurl /tnfs:l/ (v) enLrollen, slch ffnen make sLh open, LhaL ls curled or rolled LlghLly 1be leoves slowly 3$23.-(*. 12 S8 143
banner /bno(r)/ (n) 8anner, 1ransparenL a long plece of fabrlc wlLh a message on lL LhaL
ls carrled beLween Lwo poles or hung ln a
publlc place Lo show supporL for sLh
A boqe ;)$$(. ovet tbe stteet solJ welcome bome. 12 S8 143
slogan /slooon/ (n) Slogan shorL phrase LhaL ls easy Lo remember Lo
remlnd people abouL a producL or an ldea
1be ctowJ stotteJ sbootloq ootl-wot !-'5)$!. 12 S8 143
call for /ka:l fa:(r)/ (phr v) auffordern publlcly ask for sLh Lo happen 1be opposltloo bove 1)--(* 2'. blm to teslqo. 12 S8 143
scrap /skrp/ (v) aufgeben geL rld of 1bey boJ beeo fotceJ to !1.)/ tbe ploos fot o oew scbool bollJloq. 12 S8 143
convenLlon cenLre /konven[n
(n) kongresszenLrum a large venue where conferences Lake place 1be polltlcloos met lo tbe 1'$7($&#'$ 1($&.(. 12 S8 143
rellglous /rilios/ (ad[) rellgls connecLed wlLh one of Lhe sysLems of falLh nls .(-#5#'3! bellefs ote lmpottoot to blm. 12 S8 143
grounds /graondz/ (n pl) Crunde a good reason for dolng or bellevlng sLh oo bove oo 5.'3$*! fot complolot. 12 S8 143
hand ouL /hnd aoL/ (phr v) verLellen dlsLrlbuLe, glve Lo people 1bey +)$*(* '3& tbe leoflet oo tbe blqb stteet. 12 S8 143
leafleL /ll:floL/ (n) MerkblaLL, 8roschure prlnLed sheeLs of paper LhaL are glven free of
charge Lo adverLlse or glve lnformaLlon abouL
llck op o ftee -()2-(& ftom yoot locol post offlce. 12 S8 143
baffle /bfl/ (v) verbluffen, ([mdn. vor
eln 8aLsel sLellen)
confuse sb compleLely l'm ;)22-(* os to wby sbe boso't colleJ. 12 S8 143
condemn /kondem/ (v) verurLellen express very sLrong dlsapproval of sb / sLh, 1be qovetomeot lssoeJ o stotemeot 1'$*(,$#$5 tbe klllloqs. 12 S8 143
emerge /lms:/ (v) aufLauchen appear or become known 5be floolly (,(.5(* ftom bet toom ot oooo. 12 S8 143
hlre (sb) /haio(r)/ (v) ([mdn.) elnsLellen glve sb a [ob 5be wos+#.(* tbtee yeots oqo. 12 S8 143
mounL /maonL/ (v) organlsleren, sLarLen organlze and begln sLh 1bey ,'3$&(* o compolqo oqolost tbe qovetomeot. 12 S8 143
reallze /rl:olaiz/ (v) umseLzen achleve l Joot tblok Motlo wlll evet .()-#B( bet ombltloo of beloq o pop stot. 12 S8 144
pollcy /pulosl/ (n) 8lchLllnlen an agreed or chosen plan of acLlon 1be compooy bos oJopteJ o fltm /'-#10 oo sbopllftloq. 12 S8 144
develop /divelop/ (v) enLwlckeln LreaL phoLographlc fllm wlLh chemlcals so LhaL
Lhe plcLures can be seen
l boJ tbe fllm *(7(-'/(* yestetJoy. 12 S8 144
back /bk/ (v) unLersLuLzen supporL sb / sLh net poteots ;)1"(* bet lo bet cbolce of coteet. 12 S8 144
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
37 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
dye /dai/ (v) farben change colour of sLh nos llooo *0(* bet bolt? lt looks mocb blooJet tboo lt JlJ befote. 12 S8 144
coaL of palnL /kooL ov peinL/ (n) AnsLrlch a layer of palnL LhaL covers a surface 1be Joot ls lo oeeJ of o 1')& '2 /)#$&. 12 S8 144
surgery /ss:orl/ (n) (ArzL-)raxls a place where a docLor sees paLlenLs l boJ to wolt fot ovet oo boot ot tbe Joctot's !3.5(.0. 12 S8 143
crooked /krokid/ (ad[) korrupL
also: noL ln a sLralghL llne, benL
All tbe offlclols ote 1.''"(*.
oot qlosses ote 1.''"(*.
12 S8 146
morals /murolz/ (n pl) SLlmmung sLandards or prlnclples of good behavlour oooq people tbese Joys bove oo ,'.)-!. 12 S8 146
hlgh-plLched /hai piL/ (ad[) hoch (of sounds) very hlgh 5be bos o teolly +#5+=/#&1+(* volce. 12 S8 146
Lry ouL /Lrai aoL/ (phr v) ausprobleren LesL sLh ne &.#(* '3& o oew cot. 12 S8 146
enclosure /inklooo(r)/ (n) koppel area of land surrounded by a fence or wall 1be oolmols wete kept lo oo ($1-'!3.( tbtooqboot tbe wlotet mootbs. 12 S8 147
exposed (Lo) /ikspoozd/ (ad[) (eLw.) ausgeseLzL seln noL proLecLed from aLLack 1be qtoop wete (G/'!(* &' oo ottock. 12 S8 147
exLlncLlon /iksLiqk[n/ (n unc) AusroLLung deaLh, dlsappearance of a specles of anlmal Mooy people tblok cllmote cbooqe wlll coose tbe (G&#$1&#'$ of mooy specles. 12 S8 147
confronLaLlon /kunfrtnLei[n/ (n unc) konfronLaLlon an angry dlsagreemenL beLween people or
groups who have dlfferenL oplnlons
5be wooteJ to ovolJ oootbet 1'$2.'$&)&#'$ wltb bet fotbet. 12 S8 148
commlLLed /komiLid/ (ad[) verpfllchLeL havlng made a declslon Lo deflnlLely do sLh 1be qovetomeot ls 1',,#&&(* to lmptovloq llfe fot pootet people lo oot
12 S8 148
fllllng sLaLlon /filiq sLei[n/ (n) 1anksLelle place where you can buy peLrol for your car 12 S8 148
segmenL /semonL/ (n) SegmenL, 1ell plece, secLlon of sLh l llke tbe !(5,($& of tbe ptoqtomme wbete tbey qlve tbe vlewets oploloos. 12 S8 148
blodlesel /baioodl:zl/ (n) 8lodlesel fuel made from vegeLable oll or anlmal faL C#'*#(!(- bos beeo ptomoteJ os oo oltetootlve to pettol. 12 S8 148
longsLandlng /luqsLndiq/ (ad[) lang[ahrlg havlng exlsLed for a long Llme 1bey ote lo o -'$5!&)$*#$5 telotloosblp. 12 S8 148
appllcable /oplikobl/ (ad[) anwendbar LhaL can be puL lnLo pracLlce
also: relevanL
New tecbooloqy ls oot olwoys )//-#1);-( to fotmloq.
Clve ooly )//-#1);-( Jetolls.
12 S8 148
labour-savlng /leibo seiviq/ (ad[) arbelLssparend savlng Llme and energy we bove o lot of -);'3.=!)7#$5 mocbloes lo oot bomes tbese Joys. 12 S8 149
LhlrsL-quenchlng /0s:sL kwenL[iq/ (ad[) uursLlscher sLopplng you belng LhlrsLy Otooqes ote vety &+#.!&=43($1+#$5. 12 S8 149
hearL-warmlng /ho:L wa:miq/ (ad[) herzerwarmend maklng you feel good 1be fllm ls o +().&=<).,#$5 stoty of o yoooq boy wbo floJs bls fomlly oftet
seotcbloq fot yeots ooJ yeots.
12 S8 149
mouLh-waLerlng /mao0 wa:Loriq/ (ad[) schmackhafL maklng you wanL Lo eaL lL 1be plctote of tbe meol wos so ,'3&+=<)&(.#$5 tbot be soJJeoly become
12 S8 149
lap /lp/ (n) 8unde one [ourney from beglnnlng Lo end of a Lrack Aftet foot -)/!, neleo wos too tlteJ to cootlooe tbe toce. 12 S8 149
vlneyard /vin[od/ (n) Welnberg place where grapes are grown Lo make wlne 12 S8 149
layabouL /leiabaoL/ (n) laulenzer(ln) a lazy person who does noL do much work oote socb o -)0);'3&. oo oeeJ to qet o job. 12 S8 149
award /owa:d/ (n) Auszelchnung, rels a prlze such as money, eLc. for sLh LhaL sb has
ne wos oomlooteJ fot tbe best octot )<).*. 12 S8 149
mulLl-sLorey (car park) /mtlLl sLa:rl/ (ad[) mehrgeschosslg(es
a large bulldlng wlLh several floors for parklng
cars ln
1be ,3-&#=!&'.(0 1). /)." bolJs 1,000 cots. 12 S8 130
demollsh /dimuli[/ (v) abrelen pull down, desLroy Oot fltst boose wos *(,'-#!+(* teo yeots oqo. 12 S8 130
bank /bqk/ (n) ufer sldes of a rlver or lake 1be tlvet ;)$"! ote coveteJ wltb bloe flowets ot tbls tlme of tbe yeot. 12 S8 130
resurface /rl:ss:fis/ (v) SLraendecke erneuern puL a new surface on a road, paLh, eLc. 1be tooJ oeeJs to be .(!3.2)1(* becoose tbete ote o lot of boles lo lt. 12 S8 131
peLlLlon /poLi[n/ (n) eLlLlon llsL of people's slgnaLures aLLached Lo a
documenL LhaL asks sb ln auLhorlLy Lo do or
change sLh
l slqoeJ o /(&#&#'$ toJoy to sove oot locol bospltol ftom closloq. 12 S8 132
dynamlLe /dainomaiL/ (n) uynamlL, SprengsLoff a powerful exploslve 1bey blew tbe bollJloq op wltb *0$),#&(. 12 S8 132
carbon /ka:bon/ (n) kohle a chemlcal elemenL found ln all llvlng Lhlngs O).;'$ ls ooe of tbe most commoo elemeots lo tbe wotlJ. 12 S8 132
emlsslon /lmi[n/ (n) Lmlsslon, AussLo Lhe producLlon of or sendlng ouL of llghL, heaL,
gas, eLc.
cotboo (,#!!#'$! ftom cots moke pollotloo wotse. 12 S8 132
LaranLula /Lornolo/ (n) 1aranLel a large halry splder LhaL llves ln hoL counLrles 12 S8 132
LacLlc /LkLik/ (n) LakLlsch Lhe parLlcular meLhod you use Lo achleve sLh,
e.g. wln a game
wbeo l ploy teools l Joot tblok oboot &)1&#1! 9 l jost qo oot ooJ blt tbe boll! 12 S8 132
Cambrldge Lngllsh llrsL 8esulL Cerman wordllsL
38 A002132 Cxford unlverslLy ress
preserve /prizs:v/ (v) aussuchen keep sLh ln lLs orlglnal sLaLe ln good condlLlon ne wos ooxloos to /.(!(.7( bls tepototloo. 12 S8 132
fossll fuel /fusil f[u:ol/ (n) fossller 8rennsLoff fuel such as coal or oll 1be coootty ls too telloot oo 2'!!#- 23(-!. 12 S8 132
hlppy /hipl/ (n) Plpple person who belleves ln peace and love and
re[ecLs convenLlonal soclal rules
My ooot wos o +#//0 lo tbe 1960s! l coot lmoqloe bet JtesseJ lo looq skltts
wltb flowets lo bet bolt!
12 S8 132
generaLor /denoreiLo(r)/ (n) CeneraLor machlne used Lo produce elecLrlclLy 12 S8 132
well off /wel uf/ (ldm) wohlhabend havlng a loL of money 1be coople ote vety <(-- '22 . 12 W8 77
sLlck Lo /sLik Lo/ (phr v) slch an (eLw.) halLen conLlnue dolng sLh ln splLe of dlfflculLles 5be floJs lt lmposslble to !&#1" &' o Jlet. 12 W8 78
lnvlLe (sb) round /invaiL . raond/ (phr) ([mdn.) elnladen ask sb Lo vlslL you (usu. aL your home) 12 W8 78
flngers crossed /fiqgoz krusL/ (phr) ([mdm.) dle uaumen
leL's hope for Lhe besL F#$5(.! 1.'!!(* yoo wlo! 12 W8 82

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