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(A study on Pematang Rahim Village, Mendahara Ulu Subdistrict), A Thesis of S1 Program
Study of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Nurdin Hamzah Jambi, Supervised by
Dida Helena, S.IP, M.Si and Bulian Senjaya, S.Hi, MA on 23 July 2014, 80 pages, + xiv +
bibliography and enclosements).

The rural existence is formally elaborated in National Law no 32 year 2004 about rural
administration and Government Law no 72 year 2005 about rural. Based on those laws, a
rural is identified as a whole law-society restricted to particular area bounds, in authorities
to control and meet societys needs, following to ethnic and tradition that is admitted and
respected by the system of government of Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. The above
definition considers politically a rural as a governmental organization authorizes for
controlling and fulfilling peoples needs.

The aim of this thesis is to describe the implementation on rural fund policy in the year of
2013 at Pematang Rahim Village, Mendahara Ulu subdristict based on model of
implementation policy, that is, structure of organization, resources, behaviours,
communications, and barriers related to the Law of Regent of Tanjung Jabung Timur no 4
year 2013 on Guidance to manage rural fund in Tanjung Jabung Regency in 2013.

The method used in this thesi is qualitative method, in which the key informant is the writer
himself who directly involved in the managerial team of executing rural fund-activities in
2013 at Pematang Rahim Village, Mendahara Ulu subdristict, the source data the writer
used is primary data and the secondary data in situation and empirical condition in
implementation policy. The technique in data collection used is field-study with interview to
Jumri ex-head village periode 2007-2013, Drs. M Suandy chief of BPD, Ismail the chief of
LPM, and Syamsuri the head village 2013-2019, that is the organization involved in the
implementation of rural fund policy and literature study on theory and concept and
supporting data in the implementation of rural fund policy at Pematang Rahim Village.

According to George C Edward III states that implementation policy is influenced by 4
variables: communication, resource, behaviors and structure of birocracy that is connected
and influences each other in public policy implementation of rural fund policy 2013.

The finding of the research shows that the implementation on rural fund policy in the year
2013 in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency runs quite well. Although from the achievement of
the goal of the rural fund policy in accordance with the Law of Regent of Tanjung Jabung
Timur no 4 year 2013 on Guidance to manage rural fund in Tanjung Jabung Regency in 2013
at Pematang Rahim Village has not optimized yet, due to the lack of human resource and
the understanding on the policy. Though the goal of development on government increase,
the development and society has done well but on the increase of social institution at the
village in planning, actuating and controlling the development of village is not optimal. It is
because the team work who works collectively has not known their jobs respectively.

Key word: public policy, rural fund

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