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ASI eksklusif adalah pemberian ASI saja kepada bayi mulai ia lahir sampai
berumur 6 bulan, tanpa tambahan cairan lain dan tambahan makanan lain. Khasiat
ASI dapat menurunkan risiko bayi mengidap berbagai penyakit. Di wilayah kerja
Puskesmas Munte Kabupaten Karo pada tahun 2011 diketahui cakupan pemberian
ASI eksklusif sekitar 59,4%. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh
karakteristik (umur, paritas, pendidikan, pekerjaan, sumber informasi), pengetahuan
dan sikap ibu menyusui terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja
Puskesmas Munte Kabupaten Karo Tahun 2013.
J enis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey explanatory, dengan desain
cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu menyusui yang mempunyai bayi berumur
6-12 bulan yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Munte Kabupaten Karo. Sampel
berjumlah 93 orang dengan tehnik simple random sampling. Analisa data dengan Chi
Square dan Regresi Logistik Berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif di
wilayah kerja Puskesmas Munte Kabupaten Karo hanya 4,3%. Pekerjaan (p=0,025)
dan Pengetahuan (p=0,043), mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif.
Nilai Percentage Correct menunjukkan variabel pekerjaan dan pengetahuan, bisa
menjelaskan pengaruhnya terhadap pemberian ASI ekslusif sebesar 95,7%,
sedangkan sisanya sebesar 4,3% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain seperti dukungan
keluarga, dan tenaga kesehatan.
Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Munte
Kabupaten Karo melakukan penyuluhan secara berkala tentang manfaat, cara
pemberian ASI eksklusif kepada bayi. Diharapkan ibu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas
Munte Kabupaten Karo yang sedang hamil lebih aktif datang ke fasilitas kesehatan
untuk menerima informasi tentang pemberian ASI eksklusif sehingga pengetahuan
ibu tentang ASI eksklusif meningkat

Kata Kunci : Karekteristik, Pengetahuan, Sikap, ASI Eksklusif


Exclusive breastfeeding is the giving of breast milk in to babies without any
other liquid or foods supplements since they are born until they are six months old.
The benefit of exclusive breastfeeding is to reduce the risk of illness in babies. The
coverage of Exclusive breastfeeding at the working area of Munthe Health Center,
Karo District, in 2011 was about 59.4%. The aim of the research was to analyze the
influence of characteristics (age parity, education, and information sources) and
knowledge and attitude of mothers who breastfed their babies on the giving of
exclusive breastfeeding at the working area of Munthe Health Center, Karo District
in 2013.
The type of the research was an explanatory survey with crossectional design.
The population was all mothers who breastfed their 6 to 12 month old babies at the
working area of Munthe Health Center, Karo District, and 93 of them were used as
the samples, using simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed by
using chi-squre and multiple logistic regression tests.
The result of the research showed that the coverage of giving exclusive
breastfeeding at the working area of Munthe Health Center, Karo District, was only
43%. Occupation (p=0.025) and knowledge (p=0.043) influenced the giving
exclusive breastfeeding the percentage correct value indicated that the variables of
occupation and knowledge could explain the influence on giving exclusive
breastfeeding of 95.7%, while the rest (4.3%) was influenced by other factors such as
family support, and health workers.
It is recommended that health workers at the working area of Munte Health
Center, Karo Diskrit, should provide counseling regularly about the benefit and the
way of giving exclusive breastfeeding to babies and the pregnant mothers at the
working area of Munte Health Center, Karo District, should actively visit health
facilities so tht they can get information about the giving exclusive breastfeeding and
increase their knowledge in exclusive breastfeeding.

Keywords : Charactristics, Knowledge, Attitude, Exclusive Breastfeeding

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