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Dharmastuti Ajeng Hapsari Kusuma Putri

English For Nursing D, Focus Group II
Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia

There is an art of reading, as well as an art of thinking, and an art of
writing (Isaac Disraeli)

The Topics :
Vocabulary Knowledge for Effective Reading
Making Inference

How to widened our knowledge? What should i do to get many informations?
The solution is reading. According to my opinion, Reading is a major needs. Reading is a
must! Especially for college student to make our knowledge as wide as our world. Well,
we need skill to make our reading more effective. I will explain how to make our reading
skill more effective. Especially in vocabulary knowledge and making inference.
Here are six steps of effective reading (-, 2004)
1. Feeling right about reading
This is about how you feel about reading. If you enjoy reading. It will be easier
for you to understand the books.
2. Develop the 3Rs of reading
This is about the purpose of your reading. Reading to reveal, reading to review or
reading to remind.
3. Become a more selective reader
If youre clear about the purpose, and what it is you want from a text before, you
can select the most appropriate source and concentrate in it. And also if you
prefer books that illustrate ideas with picture or graphic. You should read that
kind of books.
4. Become a smarter reader
Read the summarize chapter to get the key point

5. Become a more focused and faster reader.
6. Become a more active reader
Make a note not take a note. Read all of the books and sumarising or highliting
what you feel is important or relevant to note.

I. Vocabulary Knowledge for Effective Reading

Vocabulary knowledge is critical to reading development (Gagen, 2007).
Vocabulary is about understanding the meaning of the word. If we dont know the
vocabulary, its impossible to understand what is the writer tell to the reader. Reading
will improve our vocabulary reading. The less you read the less vocabulary that you will
know. If you have less knowledge about vocabulary, its not easy to you to understand
the books or text.
There are strategies to increase the vocabulary knowledge (Miller, -)
a. Implicit >> Wide reading
Readers learn new words by repeatedly encountering them in text
b. Explicit
When the reader dont know the meaning of the verb, the reader look for the structure
and analyze it.
Structural Analysis
The structural analysis can help us to know the use of word parts. We observe in
the uses of prefix, suffix, and roots word because many words in the English words are
made up of words parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
For Example : Incomprehensible
in = not, comprehen = to understand, ible = able to do something; also changes this word
from verb to adjective. So incomprehensible is not able to understand
Words can have more than one prefix, suffix or root.
Two or more roots geo/logy: earth/study of
Two prefixes in/sub/ordination: not/under/order
Two suffixes beauti/ful/ly: beauty/full of- noun to adjective/ly- adjective to
Different prefixes, roots or suffixes may have the same meaning. For example bi-, duo-, di-, duo-.
And all the meaning are two.
Context Clues
Context clues will you get around an unfamiliar word. Thats give you the clue or meaning.
Types of context clues :
Formal definition
For example : The settlers reached the piedmont, a gently rolling foothill area
between a plain and mountains
Synonym or brief phase
For Example : The kings laws were often arbitrary; in other words, he made rules
based on how he felt at the moment.
Context of word
For Example : Our science class is studying crustaceans, such as lobsters, shrimp,
and crab
For Example : The amethyst, like other precious stones known for hardness, cannot
be cut with a knife or scratched by glass
Contrast or Antonym
For example : Lincolns Gettysburg Address was concise, in sharp contrast to the
long-winded, two-hour speech that he presented earlier.

II. Making an Inference

When we dont know about the meaning of the word. The reader must infer or make
an educated guess about the word that the reader dont know what is the meaning of it.
For example : By the middle of the semester, Bob started to see the fallacy in this thinking. Since
he had done well in high school without doing much reading or schoolwork, he thought he could
continue this routine in college. He now realized he had been mistaken. He would have to work to
earn the grades.
So, the educated guess is fallacy must mean to make an error in judgment.
We can make an inference by analyze the structure and the context clue that Ive stated above.

-, 2004. Six Steps to Effective Reading : Bradford University of Management
Gagen, Miscese. 2007. Expanding Vocabulary Knowledge.
Miller, Ana. Vocabulary Development.

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