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Journal of Aoolied Bacterioloqv 1996, 81, 174-1 80

Effect of seawater on Escherichia coli fl-galactosidase

M. Pommepuy, L. Fiksdal, M. Gourmelon, H. Melikechi, M.P. Caprais, M. Cormier2 and
R.R. Colwel13
IFREMER Laboratoire de Microbiologie, DEL, Plouzane, France, Department of Hydraulic and Environmental
Engineering, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, *UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Laboratoire
de Microbiologie, Rennes, France, and 3University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, College Park, MD, USA
5485/09/95: received 7 September 1995, revised and accepted 6 February 1996
R.R. COLWELL. 1996. An investigation of P-galactosidase activity of Eschrrzclzia colt strain
H 10407, under different physiological and environmental conditions, e. g. induced and
uninduced osmotic stress, light, etc., was undertaken. I n this study E. coli was
employed as a model for faecal coliforms in waste water. fi-Galactosidase activity was
induced by isopropyl-B-D-thiogalactoside (I PTG). Enzyme activity (U cell )/cell for sewage
bacteria and for induced E. coli was similar, i.e. log U cell- =- 8.5 whereas uninduced
E. roli yielded log U cell- =- 12.1. Initial enzyme activity was not dependent on phase of
growth of the cell (exponential us stationary phase) or whether marine or fresh water at
thc time of initial dilution. However, osmotic change resulted in a decrease i n
culturable cells, even though enzyme activity remained constant. A significant decrease
in the number of culturable bacteria, followed by a decrease in P-galactosidase activity, was
observed after exposure of cells to visible light radiation. It is concluded that p-
galactosidase enzyme is retained in viable but non-culturable B. coli. Furthermore, [j-
galactosidase appears to offer a useful and rapid (25 min) measure of the viability of
ftiecal coliforms, and thcrefore, of the water quality of bathing and shellfishing
I NTRODUCTI ON into the sample for rapid, fluorimetric assa) (Berg and Fiksdal
Hoth disposal of urban wastewater i nto rivers and non-point
source run-off comprise major sources of pollution of near-
shore and coastal areas. Where such pollution occurs, sewage
bsctcria posc a threat to public health and shellfish cultivation,
requiring water quality to be monitored. Faecal con-
tamination of coastal waters usually is estimated by faecal
coliform counts. Kapid and low cost methods have been
developed to improve the reliability of monitoring, as well as
provide information more quickly. Recently, several methods,
based on methylunibclliferyl (MU) substrate utilization by
fiecal colifornw have been reported. Usually, MU substrate
is added to the culture medium (Hernandez e t nl. 1991 ;
LlcFeters et ~ r / . 1993 ; Palmer et r r l . 1993) or mixed directly
1988 ; Apte and Hatley 1992 ; Fiksdal et a/ . 1994).
Bacterial survival in seawater is influenced by several
important, environmental factors, viz. temperature and
orgmic matter (Fujoka r t a/ . 1 Wl), light radiation (Rarcina
et a/ . 1989; Davics-Colley et n/ . 1994; Siton et a/. 1994) or
combincd effects (Solic and Krstulovic 1992). Furthermore,
dilution of sewage discharged into coastal waters can reducc
bacterial contamination. I Iowcver, the bacteria, including
pathogens, may survive for days, months, or longer (Salomon
and Pommepuy 1990; Pommepuy and Salomon 1991). The
proportion of viable, non-culturable cells can change during
exposure to natural waters (Uarcina el a/. 1989), as can enzyme
activity related to starvation (Kjelleberg et a/ . 1987 ; Matin et
u/ . 1989).
Rapid enzymatic MU assays can be potential methods for
detecting viable, non-culturable cells (Fiksdal et nl. 1994).
Knowledgc of how environmental factors such as nutrient,
0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology
Criir-cspriiiili~tii.i~ l o : 1)r \lontyrrr Potnmrpu),. IFRE.11I:R Luburii/orw ilc
. t J ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ? / r ~ l r ~ , ~ ~ ~ , , DI;l,< BP i(1, 20280 PIouzmiP. ~f l / i 7i . C. ( i , - mi I : pomwept(y
f i r !/i.Lwi,r./i).
pH, toxic compounds, osmotic stress and light influence
enzyme activity in cells under different physiological con-
ditions whether induced or uninduced, is important for
interpretation and application of assay results. Faecal coliform
bacteria comprise several bacterial species and their response
to environmental factors may not be the same for each species.
Studies of the response of a single species of faecal coliform
bacteria are, therefore, important.
The objective of the study presented here was to evaluate
P-galactosidase activity of E. coli, as a potential model for
faecal coliform bacteria in rapid assays under different physio-
logical conditions, notably induced and uninduced cells, and
to assess the effect of environmental factors that are con-
sidered to be important for survival, including osmotic stress
and light, on enzyme activity.
Sample preparation
Pure culture. Escherichia coli strain H10407, isolated by Evans
et al. (1977), was provided by B. J oly, Universite de Cler-
mont-Ferrand, France. Working stock cultures were main-
tained on Tryptone Soy Agar (Oxoid).
P-Galactosidase induction was achieved by including 2.5
mmol I - ' isopropyl-8-D-thiogalactoside (I PTG) (Sigma
Chemical Co., St Louis, MO), added to a basal medium
containing (I -'): KH2P04, 2 g; K,HPO,, 7 g; (NHJ 2S04, 1
g ; MgCI?. 6H20, 0.1 g ; and vitamin-free casein hydrolysate,
2.5 g (pH 7.2) (Oxoid) (Dobrogosz 1981). The medium,
without addition of I PTG, was used to grow non-induced E.
coli; all cultures were grown with vigorous shaking (37C)
Cells from the stationary phase were washed twice with
physiological saline solution after centrifugation at 3000 g at
4C for 20 min.
Exponential phase culture was obtained by transferring
cells from an overnight culture (200 pl) to a flask containing
20 ml of basal medium, followed by incubation at 37C for 5
h, with shaking. The medium was amended with I PTG in
experiments where enzyme activity of induced and uninduced
cells was compared. The cells were harvested, washed and
prepared as described above.
Bacteria counts were made on Tryptone Soy Broth (Oxoid)
cultures, after incubation for 24 h at 37C.
Environmental samples. Water samples were collected from
a sewage treatment plant employing secondary treatment with
activated sludge (Maison Blanche, Brest, France). Faecal
coliforms were recovered using MacConkey medium (Merck,
Germany), with incubation of inoculated media for 24 h at
Microcosm experiments
Experiments were carried out using 1 1 borosilicate glass flasks
(Duran) containing 800 ml of autoclaved, synthetic seawater
(Instant Ocean, Aquarium Systems, France). The flasks were
inoculated with E. coli at a concentration of lo7 cells ml-'
and cultures were incubated at 15"C, in the dark, with gentle
stirring. Experiments using waste water diluted in synthetic
seawater were carried out under the same conditions as with
pure cultures of E. coli.
In light exposure experiments, flasks were placed in an
incubator (New Brunswick Scientific Co., Model G25) at
15C and exposed to artificial, continuous, visible light from
a bank of seven fluorescent lights (Lumilux de luxe Osram,
Germany). Light intensity was approximately 800 pEm-2
s-I, measured with a Li 100 instrument (LI-COR, Inc.,
Lincoln, Nebraska). Half the samples were incubated in the
dark by covering the flasks with aluminium foil. All samples
were incubated for 10 d with shaking (180 rev min-I).
j-Galactosidase assay
Water samples were filtered using 0.22 pm pore size 47 mm
diameter membrane filters (Polycarbonate Nuclepore Costar
Sc. Corp., UK). Each filter was placed in a 250 ml flask
containing 13.5 ml of sterile 0.05 mol I -' phosphate buffer
(pH 7-9) and 0.05% sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) (Sigma).
4-MU-P-D-galactopyranoside (MUgal) (Sigma) (0.25 mg ml-I)
was dissolved in 0.05 mol I-' phosphate buffer with 0.05%
SLS by heating to 70C. Approximately 9 ml of the solution
was added to each flask and to a sterile control flask containing
13.5 ml of buffer and 0.05% SLS. The flasks were incubated
in a water bath shaker at 445C.
Sample aliquots were taken from the flask at 5 min intervals
for 25 min and fluorescence of released methylumbelliferyl
(MU) in aliquots was measured using a Sequoia Turner
instrument Model 450 (OSI), with excitation set at 369 nm
and emission at 450 nm, after addition of 100 p1 of 10 mol
1-' NaOH to 2.5 ml of sample in the basin.
Enzymatic activity was measured as the rate of released
MU (pmol min- I ) , determined by least square linear
regression of fluorescence data points in MU-standard solu-
tion (MU (Sigma) in sterile 0.05 mol 1-' phosphate buffer
(pH 7.9) and 0.05% SLS).
One unit (U) of 1-galactosidase activity was defined as the
amount of enzyme releasing 1 pmol of MU from the substrate
per min at 44.5"C.
Resistance to inactivation of P-galactosidase in induced E.
coli was investigated using chloramphenicol (final con-
centration of 100 pg ml-'). After addition of chloramphenicol
to E. colicultures with I NPG in the growth medium described
above, the cultures were incubated for 1 h at 37C at the
end of the stationary phase (0.D.600 0.36) and during the
0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 174-1 80
exponential phase (O.D.,,,", 0.13). P-Galactosidase activity was
measured, comparing chloramphenicol treatment with con-
trols (untreated). Effects of chloramphenicol on selected
metabolic activities were measured using API 20E (Bio-
'To determine /l-galactosidase activity of E. coli under dif-
ferent physiological conditions (including induced and unin-
duced cells, by rapid assay) cultures were grown in a medium
with and without I PTG, a non-metabolizable inducer. Cul-
tures of E. cnli, both induced and uninduced, were diluted
in seawater (1 / 100 v/v). Corresponding cell numbers and
enzyme activity 1-2 h after dilution (time TJ are shown in
Fig. 1. Uninduced E. coli cells were characterized by low
enzyme activity (log U) at high cell numbers (cfu). Enzyme
activity of induced cells was 1000 times higher while cell
number remained unchanged (Fig. 1). Initial enzyme activity
per cell (log U cell-') of uninduccd cells varied from - 11.9
to - 12.2, while activity of induced cells ranged from - 8.0
Induced cell suspensions of E. cult' were diluted in artificial
seawater (1/100 v/ v) to establish whether a correlation (Fig.
1) existed between number of cells and enzyme activity under
the same physiological conditions. The slope of the cor-
relation line was found to be approximately 1 (log U
I - ' =0.98 log cfu per 100 ml- 5.34; r =0.95).
Enzyme activity and corresponding culturable cell num-
bers of faecal coliform bacteria in seawater dilutions of sewage
were measured. The results (Fig. 1) showed that the mean
enzyme activity per cell, for sewage bacteria, was similar to
that of induced E. coli cells (log U cell -' =-8. 5).
Separate T, data sets were obtained for induced E. coli and
sewage bacteria, respectively. Enzyme activity 'usFC counts
were plotted on a line, using weighted least squares. The
to -9.0.
E L - -1
'i; -2
, !0 I
x x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Log cfu per 100 ml
Fig. 1 Correlation of culturablc cell number of Eschrrcchiu coli
( A, 0) or faecal coliforms ( x ) and /3-galactosidase activity of
uninduced ( A) E. coli, IPTG-induced (0) E. coli and sewage
hacteria ( x ) after dilution in seawater
slope and intercept, respectively, of each fit were tested using
an F-test, and they were found not to be significantly different
(significance level of the test P <0.05). Because induced E.
coli offers a potential model for faecal coliform bacteria, two
data sets were combined (Fig. 1) and least square analysis
was used to obtain the global slope and intercept (log U
1-' =0.82 log cfu per 100 ml-4.90; r =0.97, n =41).
The range of E. colz /l-galactosidase activity observed in
this study, not unexpectedly, was dependent on growth con-
dition, i.e. absence or presence of I PTG (Table 1, experi-
ments 14). When cells in the exponential phase of growth
were diluted (dilution 1/100 v/v) in fresh water and seawater
(salinity 34%0), and enzyme activity and bacterial numbers
measured within 1-2 h after dilution (To), a significant dif-
ference ( 3 4 log units) in enzyme activity, U cell-', was
observed between uninduced and induced cells; whereas a
much lower or no significant difference (1 log unit) ascribable
to salt concentration (seawater us fresh water) was detected.
The experiments reported here were carried out using bac-
teria in the exponential (expt 5, 5b) and stationary phases
(expt 6, 6b) of growth, with no significant change observed
due to the growth phase.
Chloraniphenicol added to the culture medium did not
reduce P-galactosidase activity of E. colz, instead an increase
was observed (Table 1, expt 5, 6). These results are in agree-
ment with API 20E data (Table 2), demonstrating that meta-
bolic activity, except P-galactosidase, was inhibited by
Thus, the results obtained in this study indicate that E.
coli P-galactosidase activity can range over a relatively large
scale but depending on culture conditions, i.e. mainly
whether or not induction has occurred. Higher values were
obtained using I PTG and were similar to those obtained
with faecal coliforms in natural waste water samples. I t was
concluded that initial enzyme activity be associated with
growth conditions at the time of initial dilution, rather than
with osmotic stress, i.e. salinity.
The effect of osmotic stress on the numbers of culturable
cells and on 0-galactosidase activity using E. coli grown with,
and without, I PTG was studied by exposing E. colz cells, in
the exponential phase of growth, to fresh water and seawater,
respectively. Cell number and enzyme activity per litre
remained constant for uninduced and induced cells during
exposure in fresh water (Table 3). In seawater, however, the
culturable cell number decreased by several log units during
exposure, while enzyme activity per litre of induced and
uninduced cells remained constant. In seawater, enzyme
activity per culturable cell, therefore, appeared to increase
with time. Similar results were obtained when E. colz in
stationary phase were exposed to seawater (data not shown)
even though survival of E. coli in the stationary phase has
been reported to be greater than when in the exponential
phase (Kolter 1992).
0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 174-1 80
Table 1 Comparison of f i -
galactosidase activity (U) of Experiment Log culturable Log U cell-'
Escherichia cob H10407 (initial (To) no. bacteria 100 ml-' Log U 1-' Log U cell-' chloramphenicol
grown under different
conditions and diluted in seawater or 1 8.98 - 3.22 - 12.2 ND
fresh water) 2 8.92 - 3.00 -11.9 ND
3 5.00 0.75 - 8.0 ND
4 5.80 0.58 - 9.0 ND
5 6.90 1.99 - 7.6 - 6.9
6 6.11 2.26 - 6.8 - 6.0
5b 7.00 1.05 - 9.0 ND
6b 6.64 1.16 - 8.5 ND
~ ~ ~~~~
1, Without I PTG, exponential phase, fresh water; 2, without I PTG, exponential phase,
seawater ; 3, with I PTG, exponential phase, fresh water; 4, with I PTG, exponential phase,
seawater ; 5, with I PTG, exponential phase, seawater ; 6, with I PTG, stationary phase,
seawater ; 5b, with I PTG, exponential phase, seawater ; 6b, with I PTG, stationary phase,
Table 2 Effect of chloramphenicol
(Cp) on metabolic activities of Exponential phase Stationary phase Exponential phase Stationary phase
Escherichiu colz, employing API 20E (O.D. =0.16) (O.D. =0.38) (O.D. =0.10) (O.D. =0.26)
without Cp without Cp with Cp with Cp
Table 3 A comparison of /I-
galactosidase activity of
Escherichiu COP exposed to fresh
water and seawater
E. coli (without I PTG)
Culturable Culturable
bacteria Enzyme bacteria Enzyme activities
E. coli (with I PTG)
(1% activity (log
cfu 100 (log Log cfu 100 Log Log
Time (d) ml-I) U I-') Ucel1-l m1-I) U I -' U cell-'
Fresh water
Tn 5.98 - 3.22 - 12.2 5.0 0.75 -8.0
T3 5.34 - 2.82 -11.7 5.0 0.20 -8.2
T7 5.12 - 3.05 -11.2 5.0 0.25 -7.8
Seawater (30%0)
Tn 5.92 - 3.00 -11.9 5.8 0.58 -9.0
T3 4.63 -3.15 -10.6 4.0 0.40 - 7. 5
T7 2.12 - 3.30 -8.4 2.5 0.43 -6.0
*Cells from exponential growth phase were diluted in fresh water or seawater (l/lOO).
0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 174-1 80
-- 7
" To
$ 1
w -4- -
- I - _ I I I I I - . 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Log cfu per 100 ml
Fig. 2 Effect of seawater on P-galactosidase activities of induced
Esiheuirhtu M/ J (0) and sewagebacteria (x). Measurements
were madeat TI (1-2 h after dilution) to T, (end of
experimentation, 7 d after dilution)
The effect of osmotic stress on bacterial counts and on p-
galactosidase activity of induced E. coli was compared with
faecal coliform bacteria in sewage (Fig. 2). At high initial cell
numbers of E. coli (log cfu per 100 ml =8) and high enzyme
activity, cell numbers decreased, while enzyme activity
remained constant. In comparison, sewage bacteria exposed
to seawater showed rapid drops in cell numbers compared to
enzyme activity, 3 log and 1 log, respectively.
The effect of exposure to light on P-galactosidase activity
of E. col i , was decreased enzymatic activity and reduced
bacterial counts (Fig. 3). The number of bacteria in the
controls incubated in the dark was reduced by 3 log units
after 10 d, while enzymatic activity remained approximately
the same. The first day of light treatment yielded similar
results, namely a decrease in counts of 3 log units, while
enzyme activity remained constant. Thereafter, with light
- - l o b-..
Z L '.
1 1
0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 174-1 80
treatment, culturable bacteria could not be detected and
enzyme activity rapidly decreased to a low but detectable
Water quality in coastal areas is most frequently monitored
employing methods based on detection of P-galactosidase
activity of coliform and faecal coliform bacteria, e.g. plate
counts, most probable number estimations, and enzyme
activity assays (Apte and Ratley 1992 ; McFeters et al. 1993 ;
Palmer et al. 1993 ; Fiksdal et al. 1994).
If rapid enzymatic assays are used to determine the number
of bacteria present, some knowledge of cnzyme activity per
cell is necessary. This is not the case, however, when selective
media are used for plate counts or for most probable number
estimations because, in each case the bacteria are usually
introduced into a medium containing lactose, thereby
inducing /3-galactosidase activity during incubation.
Results obtained in this study show that the level of enzyme
activity of faecal coliforms in sewage is similar to that of
induced E. coli cells and that P-galactosidase activity of faecal
coliform bacteria is maintained at the induced level, even
after exposure to seawater for several days. Other inves-
tigators have demonstrated that environments contaminated
by sewage are favourable for survival of faecal coliforms.
Dupray et al. (1995) demonstrated that Salmonella spp. in
sewage effluent are able to synthesize osmoprotective com-
pounds, contributing to survival and retention of culturability
in seawater. When seawater medium was enriched with
sewage, Munro et al. (1987) demonstrated increased survival
of E. coli.
A variability of P-galactosidase activity in E. coli in pure
culture may occur, based on whether or not the cells are
induced. When an inducer, I PTG, is used, enzyme activity
in E. coli increases by 3 log units, compared to uninduced
cells. These results are in agreement with those of Lewin
(1988) and Freidelder (1990) who showed protein synthesis
occurs in E. coli when lactose is the inducer. In this study
enzyme activity, using lactose and I PTG, respectively, was
found to be the same (data not shown). Because lactose is
metabolized by E. coli, and can affect thc behaviour of E. coli
during exposure to various environmental conditions, IPTG
was used as the inducer.
Both the genetics and physiological state of E. coli cells
are important in enzyme expression (Martins et al . 1993).
However, results of these studies showed that whether cells
were in exponential or stationary growth phase was not a
factor in expressing 0-galactosidase activity, even though a
decrease in culturable cell number occurred more rapidly
for bacteria in the exponential growth phase, as previously
demonstrated by Kolter (1992). Induction did not have an
influence on survival of E. col i in seawater and the difference
between enzyme activity in induced and uninduced cells was
the same, whether the cells were exposed to fresh water or
seawater. B-Galactosidase cnzyme was maintained, therefore,
and not degraded by endogenous metabolism of bacteria in
During exposure of E. coli cells to light for short periods
of time (1-2 d), p-galactosidase activity remained high, while
the number of culturable cells decreased. Bacteria employ
different strategies for survival in natural environments and
it has been demonstrated that E. coli can retain an active
metabolism without being culturable (Rozack and Colwell
1987). Persistence of B-galactosidase activity in E. coli after
more than 10 d of exposure to seawater has also been demon-
strated (Anderson et al. 1979; Munro et al. 1987). Enzyme
activity and culturability of cells, incubated in the light and
in the dark in seawater, were different in this study. That is,
the culturable cell number decreased, whereas enzyme
activity either remained constant (in the dark) or decreased
at a lower rate (in the light). Enzyme activity per culturable
cell appeared to increase, but a more probable explanation
is that both culturable and non-culturable cells retain p-
galactosidase activity (Nwoguh et al. 1995). An apparent
increase of p-galactosidase activity per culturable faecal
coliform, when the number of cells decreased in polluted
coastal areas, has been reported (Fiksdal et al. 1994). Different
environmental conditions (e.g. salinity, temperature and
nutrient concentration) can affect the physiological state of a
cell, and the relationship between the number of culturable
cells and viable, but non-culturable cells. If an increase of p-
galactosidase activity per culturable faecal coliform cell is
demonstrated, it may, instead, be a response to the environ-
mental change and whether enzyme induction has occurred.
Thus, it is more likely due to an increase in viable, but non-
culturable bacteria, leading to an apparent increase in activity
per cell.
The first hypothesis of induction of enzyme activity during
conditions not optimal for growth has been discussed by
several authors. Increased enzyme activity during starvation
or other stress conditions has been described as a bacterial
response to environmental changes (Kjelleberg et at. 1987).
According to Matin et ul. (1989), bacteria generally increase
their scavenging enzyme content, in response to deprivation
of specific nutrients. However, these hypotheses are not sup-
ported by results of the present study, with respect to B-
galactosidase activity. When uninduced E. coli cells were
exposed to seawater, P-galactosidase activity 1-' did not
increase, while 8-galactosidase activity 1- ' of induced E. coli
cells was reduced during exposure to seawater. Moreover,
when chloramphenicol was added to the culture medium of
pure cultures of E. coli at the beginning of the stationary
phase of growth, increase of p-galactosidase activity was not
observed. These results do not support the theory that p-
galactosidase activity of E. coli cells is increased by induction
during exposure to seawater.
However, the observed increase in enzyme activity per
culturable cell is best explained by ,L&galactosidase activity
being retained in non-culturable cells, since non-culturable
cells have been shown to retain B-galactosidase (Byrd et al.
1995). Using enzymatic methods (4-MU derivatives), enzyme
activity occurs within a few minutes and the substrate which
enters the cell results from the appropriate permease or other
activity (Bascomb 1987), suggesting active metabolism by
viable cells.
The relationship observed between p-galactosidase activity
and cell number when dilutions of E. coli were analysed
shortly (1-2 h) after dilution indicates that under conditions
suitable for growth, enzyme activity per cell is not dependent
upon cell number (the slope of the correlation line, based on
the logarithmic number, was observed to be equal to 1). When
E. cok and coliform bacteria were exposed for 7 d to seawater,
enzyme activity per culturable cell increased while cell num-
ber decreased (the slopes of correlation lines were less than
1). Thus, loss in culturability, but not cell death, i.e. the entry
of cells into a viable but non-culturable state occurs. Upon
initial exposure to seawater, P-galactosidase activity of log U
1-' <-4 was found to correspond to 10" FC per 100 ml,
but at the end of the exposure time the same activity was
calculated as representing 10' FC per 100 ml, or less. In other
field investigations, Fiksdal et al. (1994) showed that this
level of enzyme activity would correspond to an even lower
concentration of culturable cells FC per 100 ml).
AODC counts give different results than the culturable
counts, adding even greater support to the hypothesis that
viable but non-culturable E. cnli remain metabolically active,
i.e. producing p-galactosidase. Comparison of cell number-
enzyme activity relationships for faecal coliform bacteria
under similar conditions indicates the slope of the correlation
line can reflect differences in cellular response.
In summary, the rapid p-galactosidase test may offer a
useful measurement of faecal coliforms, but such results must
be interpreted with care, since viable but non-culturable E.
coli retain p-galactosidase activity. Comparing direct counts
employing a fluorescent-labelled antibody, or nucleic acid
probes designed for enumeration of E. coli and/or coliforms
is also useful. I t must be understood that culturable counts
can provide misleading conclusions, with respect to water
quality and degree of sewage contamination.
Anderson, I.M., Rhodes, M. and Kator, H.I. (1979) Sublethal stress
in Escherichia coli: a function of salinity. Apphed and Envtron-
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0 1996 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, J ournal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 174-180

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