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Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

Abortion on Law and Moral Perspective in Indonesia

+anny ,anuwi-aya
.octorate at Law +aculty, Je/ber 0ni1ersity. 2esearc3 +ield4 5ri/inal Law
6-/ail of t3e corres#onding aut3or 4 tfangfang78g/

Pro and cons about abortion is still being debated today. 9ctually, abortion is #ro3ibited in Indonesian :edical
6t3ics 5ode and 5ri/inal 5ode, 3owe1er ,3e Law on ;ealt3 2!!& "re#lacing ,3e Law on ;ealt3 *&&2$ said
t3at t3e abortion can be done wit3 certain conditions. Now a days, de1elo#/ents of t3e abortion regulation laws
",3e Law on ;ealt3 2!!&$ is <uestionable, w3et3er as a ste# to /o1ing forward or -ust li=e suc3 of /oral
decline t3at was beco/e an outline in t3e law #roduct> In #rinci#le ,3e Law on ;ealt3 2!!& was declare t3at t3e
act of abortion s3ould not be done, but in ot3er case t3ere are so/e e?ce#tions suc3 as :edically Indicated,
fetus suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations, and as an i/#act of t3e ra#e. +ro/ t3e
law side and also fro/ t3e et3ics and /oral oriented in 3u/an life, abortion can@t be -ustified but t3e new rules
in daily a##lication /ust be de#ended by considering t3e et3ical and /oral as#ect. Aecause of t3at law ai/s to
regulate conduct and tran<uility in society, w3ile /oral set t3e inner action. ,3is article atte/#ts to 3ig3lig3t t3e
legalization of abortion in t3e act of t3e law legislature, based on t3e et3ics and /oral as#ects.
Keywords: abortion, law, et3ic, /oral.

1. Introduction
9bortion is a ter/ of t3e deat3 of fetus in wo/an@s wo/b. ,3ere is no /ore e?#lanation of t3is case in Law, but
based on t3e ter/ of abortion it /eans to abort or so/et3ing t3at /a=e it aborted w3ic3 /eans fall or fail. So,
#regnancy abortion /eans aborting t3e #regnancy intentionally or /a=ing t3e fetus failed to be ali1e ":usa
Perdana=usu/a, *&)44*&2$. 9n abortion is done to a fetus w3ic3 is not viable yet and it is still in t3e wo/an@s
0ntil t3ese days, abortion still e/erges #ro and contradiction in t3e world, es#ecially based on t3e 1iew
of religion, nor/, et3ics, and /oral. Aased on /oral 1iew, an abortion /eans to ta=e t3e fetus intentionally and
it will cause t3e deat3 of t3e fetus, w3ic3 3a##ens since t3e conce#tion #rocess until t3e end of its birt3.

,3ere are so/e /edic ter/s of t3e #regnancy /iscarriage w3ic3 are based on t3e ages of t3e #regnancy,
t3ose are4
abortus, it is for #regnancy /iscarriage before wee=- *7
B partus immaturus is for #regnancy
/iscarriage on wee=- 2)
, partus immaturus is t3e birt3 of t3e infant before its ti/e. ,3e contradiction of t3ese
infant age boundaries w3ic3 is aborted are not focused in t3is literature, because t3e focus of t3e discussion is
li/ited on t3e abortion based on et3ics and /oral #ers#ecti1es related to t3e certainty of abortion in t3e Law
,3e :edical 6t3ics 5ode of Indonesia "C'.6CI$ and Indonesian 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ #ro3ibit an
abortion. The Law on Health No.23/*&&2 w3ic3 3as been re#laced wit3 Law on Health 2009 No. 7D2!!&
basically #ro3ibit an abortion, and an abortion can be done wit3 so/e certainties. ,3is et3ics researc3 is
obser1ed based on general et3ics, and it is also related to t3e et3ics of .octoral #rofession, because ,3e Law on
;ealt3 2!!& only deter/ines t3e doctors w3o are allowed to do t3e abortion.
9n abortion w3ic3 is done intentionally (abortus provocatus) can be legal or illegal de#ends on ,3e
Law of a country w3ere t3ose Law regulates t3is case. 9n abortion t3at is done intentionally because of /edical
reason (abortus provocatus meicalis)! and an abortion w3ic3 is done intentionally for t3e non-/edical reason
can be categorized as a cri/e (abortus provocatus criminalis)! besides, t3ere is also =nown an abortion w3ic3 is
done because of social reason.
"bortus provocatus meicalis is stated t3at it is legal in +rance and Pa=istanB abortion because of social
reason is legal in Swedia, 6ngland, and Eugosla1iaB

w3ile Indonesia stated t3at abortus provocatus meicalis is

legal since Law of ;ealt3y *&&2 are /ade. Indonesia 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ does not gi1e t3e certainty
e?ce#tion of abortion act, in ot3er words abortion is e<ual wit3 abortus provocatus criminalis. Aefore Law on
;ealt3 *&&2 are /ade, abortion was done to sa1e t3e /ot3er@s life because t3ere was a /edical indicated, based
on SC ;ealt3 :inistry.

Indonesia 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ deter/ines t3at abortion is illegal act wit3out any e?ce#tion,

5A. Cus/aryanto, S5J, #ontroversi "borsi, "Ja=arta, Grasindo, 2!!2$, 3l/. *2.
N-owito ;a/dani, $lmu #eo%teran #eha%iman &isi #eua, "Ja=arta, Gra/edia Pusta=a 0ta/a, *&&2$,2!F-2!).

Sofwan .a3lan, $lmu #eo%teran 'orensi% (eoman )a*i +o%ter an (ene*a% Hu%um, "Se/arang, Aadan Penerbit
0ni1ersitas .i#onegoro, 2!!!$, 3l/. 2.
N-owito ;a/dani, op.cit. 3l/. 2!7.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

e?#lained in 9cts 2&&
, 47, 4F and 4). 9cts 47, 4F and 4) under c3a#ter GIG about ,3e 5ri/e on a SoulB
w3ile 9ct 2&& under c3a#ter GI( about :oral 5ri/e. 9bortion regulation in Indonesia 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$
es#ecially Aoo= II about 5ri/e indicates t3at abortion act is a cri/inal or called as abortus provocatus
criminalis, wit3out any e?ce#tion. So, Indonesia 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ deter/ines abortion cri/e tig3tly, but
it does not gi1e t3e age boundaries of t3e #regnancy w3ic3 are #ro3ibited to be aborted, but it differs t3e
abortion and t3e /urder of t3e infant at t3e ti/e of its birt3 or not longer after it is born "deter/ined in
Indonesia 5ri/inal 5odeDC0;P 9cts 4* and 42$.
,3e de1elo#/ent of /edical tec3nology or t3e /odern doctoral e<ui#/ents gi1e a lot of c3ance to
detect t3e condition of t3e fetus in t3e wo/b earlier. ,3e ultra sono *ra,i "0SG$ can =now, detect, analize, and
/onitor t3e fetus de1elo#/ent since t3e beginning of its growt3, so t3e condition of t3e fetus can be /onitored
earlier, including if t3e fetus is in t3e congenital /alfor/ations.
Law on ;ealt3 2!!& w3ic3 was legalized on 'ctober,*
on 2!!& w3ic3 was included on State Gazette
on 2!!& No. *44, decided t3at t3e conditions of abortion are in 9cts F%, F7 and FFB w3ile t3e cri/inal sanctions
of t3e cri/eD 1iolation of t3e abortion conditions were included in 9ct *&4, t3ose are Laws t3at gi1e t3e law
#rotection for t3e #re1ailing of abortion nor/s in Indonesia.
,3e abortion nor/s t3at were legalized in Law of 3ealt3 on 2!!& are different wit3 ,3e Law of ;ealt3
on *&&2. ,3e nor/s of Law on ;ealt3 2!!& 3a1e wider sco#es in deter/ining t3e abortion actsB w3ile Law on
;ealt3 *&&2 deter/ined t3e abortion in 9ct *%, it can be deter/ined wit3 tig3t re<uire/ents, w3ic3 are only
used to safe t3e life of t3e #regnant /ot3er andD t3e fetus.
Aasically, an abortion is forbidden in Law on ;ealt3 2!!& 9ct F%, but an abortion can be done if it
co/#letes t3ose conditions4
- ,3e indication of /edic e/ergency w3ic3 is detected since t3e earlier #regnancy, w3ic3 t3reaten t3e
safety of t3e /ot3er andD t3e fetus, suffering se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations,
w3ic3 cannot be cured and finally /a=e t3e fetus cannot ali1e outside t3e wo/bB or
- 9 #regnancy as t3e i/#act of a ra#e t3at causes #syc3ology trau/a for t3e 1icti/.
)ase on the certaint- o, positive law (The Law on Health 2009), e.planation in the below is the
observation relate to moralit- as has been e.plaine above, an in its turn strate*- issues emer*e as the Law
issue, that is/ on0t the law on health 2009 which le*ali1es an abortion in $nonesia contraict with the moral
values2 ,3is law issue e/erges, because it is =nown t3at Law controls t3e action, w3ic3 t3e #ur#ose is to
conduct t3e tran<uility and t3e co/#osure in societyB w3ile t3e #ur#ose of /orality is to organize t3e s#iritual

Aesides, based on t3e as#ects of /edic tec3nology de1elo#/ent w3ic3 is t3e #art of =nowledge
de1elo#/ent, t3e e<ui#/ent in1ention t3at 3as an ability to detect a fetus 3as legalized an abortion w3ic3 is not
only related to t3e 1iew of Law, but also related to /oral and et3ics 1iews "e1en t3e 1iew of religion$. ,3is case
re/inds us t3at basically t3ere /ust be t3e boundaries of /oral and a/oral fro/ eac3 indi1idual, in a s3ort and
si/#le ter/ it is called Hnot included to Law AusinessI.

9ccording to I//anuel Cant,

/orality is a fait3 and a
s#iritual attitude, and it is not only a t3ing t3at is related to t3e way we ada#t oursel1es to t3e world, not only t3e
State rules, custo/s or religion, so it can be said t3at obeying t3e rules does not guarantee t3e <uality of /oral.
So t3at, t3e abortion legalization on 9ct F% Law on ;ealt3 2!!& will be obser1ed based on t3e Law as#ect,
et3ics as#ect and /oral as#ect w3ic3 are t3e researc3 focuses in t3is literature.

2. Research Methods
2esearc3 is t3e way to sol1e an issue, and t3e issue of t3is researc3 is a legal issue. ,3is researc3 used
t3e nor/ati1e legal researc3
. ,3e researc3 of nor/ati1e legal is a sort of researc3 w3ic3 obser1es and analyzes

9rticle 2&& of t3e 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ is for/al offense in t3e cri/inal law, w3ic3 #ro3ibits certain acts of t3e
#er#etrator wit3out t3e need of its act effectB because t3e forbidden #oint in for/al offense is t3e action.
6ugenius Su/aryono, 'ilsa,at Hu%um 3ebuah (en*antar 3in*%at, "Eogya=arta, 0ni1ersitas 9t/a Jaya, *&)7$, 3l/

;.L.9. ;art "Pener-e/a34 9ni :ualifatul :aisa3$, Law Libert- an 4oralit-, Hu%um #ebebasan an 4oralitas,
"Eogya=arta, Genta Publis3ing, 2!!&$, 3l/. 2!.
+ranz :agnis Suseno, dala/ S.P. Lili ,-a3-adi, Hu%um 4oral "5aran $mmanuel #ant tentan* &ti%a an $mperati,
#ate*oris, "Eogya=arta, Canisius, *&&*$, 3l/. **.
Jo3nny Ibra3i/. 4etoe (enelitian Hu%um Normati,, Aayu/edia, :alang Jawa ,i/ur. 2!!7.3.4).
Nor/ati1e Legal 2esearc3 "e beovenin*6het e beri5ven$ was conducted to #ro1e t3e following4 "*$.are nor/s t3at are in
#ositi1e law #ro1ision in law #ractice 3a1e been already a##ro#riate or 3a1e it reflected t3e legal #rinci#les t3at want to
create -ustice> B "2$. If t3e law #ro1ision is not t3e reflection of t3e legal #rinci#les, t3en is it a for/ of t3e concretion of legal
#3iloso#3y> B "$. 9re t3ere any new legal #rinci#le as t3e reflection of t3e e?ist law 1alues> B "4$. Is t3e idea of t3e law
regulation will be a certain action t3at is based on t3e legal #rinci#le, legal t3eory, or law #3iloso#3y>

Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

t3e legal substances w3ic3 3a1e been collected. ,o sol1e t3e legal issue w3ic3 is used as t3e issue, so/e =inds of
a##roac3es will be used, t3ose a##roac3es are4 statute approach, conceptual approach, and moral approach.
,3e statue a##roac3 is used to obser1ed and analyze Law w3ic3 substantially organizes t3e abortion
/atter. ,3ose Laws are4 Law on ;ealt3 "bot3 t3e #re1ious regulation and #re1ailing regulation$ and Indonesia
5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$. ,3is statue a##roac3 s#ecifically not only see t3e s3a#e of t3e statue regulation, but
also analyze t3e content of t3e substance, t3e ontology basic of 3ow t3ose Laws are created, t3e #3iloso#3y basic
of Law and t3e ratio le*is of t3e Law certainties. 5once#tual a##roac3 is used to find t3e Law Aac3elors@ 1iews
and also t3e doctrines w3ic3 are de1elo#ing in legal field. ,3e legal #rinci#les will be found t3roug3 t3e analysis
of Law Aac3elor@ 1iews and t3e doctrines, and it can be used to analyze t3e -uridical conce#ts t3at are related to
t3e 1alidity as abortion legality. J3ile t3e moral approach is used to find t3e basic of /oral 1alues as t3e
foundation t3at can be used as t3e legal 3int, in t3is case statue regulation is as t3e #ara/eter of t3e abortion

3. Result and iscussion
Abortion le!ality based on Law on "ealth in Indonesia by #oncernin! the Moral Aspect.
,3e #ro and contradiction of abortion in t3e world were started w3en t3ere were t3e differences of o#inions in
deter/ining t3e beginning of life. 'ne of t3e reason of su##orting t3e abortion is t3at wo/en 3a1e rig3ts to
decide so/et3ing t3at is going on t3eir bodies, and to decide by t3e/sel1es so/et3ing t3at t3ey want and
so/et3ing t3at t3ey do not want. +etus is regarded as t3e #art of t3eir bodies so t3at@s w3y it can be se#arated
fro/ t3e/. ,3e life rig3t of t3e fetus is defeated by t3e rig3t of c3oosing w3at t3ey can be "autono/y$ and t3e
rig3t of wo/an freedo/.
J3ile t3e reason of o##osing t3e abortion based on t3e consideration t3at fetus 3as 3ad a life since t3e
#rocess of fertilization
, it /eans t3at t3e fetus will be a 3u/an w3o 3a1e a rig3t to get its life. In detail, Law on
;ealt3 2!!& deter/ines t3e abortion /atters as following state/ents4
- 9ct F%4
"*$ 9ll of indi1iduals are not allowed to do t3e abortion.
"2$ ,3ose #ro3ibitions w3ic3 are stated on 5lause "*$ can be an e?ce#tion if4
a. ,3ere is an indication of /edical indicated w3ic3 is detected since t3e earlier age of t3e
#regnancy, bot3 so/et3ing t3at t3reatens t3e safety of t3e /ot3er andD t3e safety of t3e
fetus, t3e fetus t3at suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations,
or so/et3ing t3at cannot be cured and trouble t3e fetus to be ali1e outside t3e wo/bB or
b. 9 #regnancy as a result of a ra#e t3at can gi1e #syc3ologist trau/a effects to t3e 1icti/.
"$ ,3e act as 3as been e?#lained on clause "2$ can be done after doing t3e consultancy t3roug3 t3e
counseling andD or t3e ad1isor of #re- abortion and t3e #rocess is end by t3e counseling #ost-
abortion t3at is done by a co/#etent counselor w3o in c3arge in t3is field.
"4$ +urt3er /edic conditions and ra#e /edical indicated as e?#lained on clause "2$ and clause "$ are
arranged in go1ern/ent regulation.
- 9ct F74
9n abortion as e?#lained in 9ct F% only can be done4
a. ,3e age of t3e #regnancy is less t3an si? wee=s, counted fro/ t3e first day of t3e last #eriod ti/e,
e?ce#t so/et3ing t3at related wit3 /edical indication.
b. by an e?#ert w3o 3as co/#etency and w3o is in c3arge and 3as certificate w3ic3 3as been
legalized by :inistry.
c. by t3e a##ro1al of t3e #regnant /ot3er t3at is concerned in t3is case.
d. by t3e a##ro1al of 3er 3usband, e?ce#t s3e is t3e 1icti/ of a ra#eB and
e. Pro1ider of sanitation ser1ice t3at fulfills t3e re<uire/ent w3ic3 is deter/ined by :inistry.

- 9ct *&44
61ery indi1idual w3o do t3e abortion intentionally and does not follow t3e certainties abo1e, e?#lained
in 9ct F% clause "2$ will get -ail #unis3/ent wit3 t3e longest ti/e is *! years and 3as to #ay fine as
/uc3 as 2#.*.!!!.!!!.!!!,!! "one /illion ru#ia3s$.
,o /a=e t3e discussion easier, t3e in1estigation w3ic3 is based on t3e abortion re<uire/ents on 9ct F%
about ;ealt3y 2!!& is e?#lained syste/atically, t3ose are4

$1% An abortion &or indication o& 'edical indicated.
,3e re<uire/ent to do t3e abortion based on Laws 9ct F% on ;ealt3y 2!!& are4 t3e indication of
/edical e/ergency t3at can be detected in t3e early age of t3e #regnancy, so/et3ing t3reatens t3e safety of t3e

,3is #rocess also called as fertilization or conce#tion.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

/ot3er andD or t3e fetus as well. ,3e /edical indication in t3is case is a condition t3at really 3a1e to be ta=en to
sto# t3at #regnancy, and if t3is action does not do so it will t3reaten t3e life of t3e /ot3er. ,3e #regnancy w3ic3
t3reaten t3e life of t3e /ot3er is /ore considered to sa1e t3e life of t3e /ot3er t3an t3e safety of t3e fetus, it can
be acce#ted according to t3e #rinci#le of le*itimate e,ense.
In t3is case t3ere will be two o#tions, sa1ing t3e
life of t3e /ot3er or sa1ing t3e life of t3e fetus. Sa1ing t3e life of t3e /ot3er is /ore i/#ortant t3an its fetus and
t3is c3oice is t3e rig3t decision based on /oral and et3ics 1iew, t3e c3oice is su##orted because t3e /ot3er is t3e
one w3o li1e longer t3an t3e fetus itself so t3at@s w3y t3e /ot3er 3a1e rig3t to li1e /ore t3an t3e fetus.
If we sacrifice t3e e?#ectant /ot3er it /eans t3at we ta=e t3e li1ing rig3t of 3er indirectly. ,3e e?a/#le
case, a /ot3er 3as already 3ad two c3ildren. In 3er t3ird #regnancy s3e gets so/e #roble/s w3ic3 t3reaten 3er
life, t3e only way to sa1e 3er life is by doing t3e abortion. ,3is sol1e is c3osen considering t3at s3e still 3as two
ot3er c3ildren t3at 3a1e to be =e#t ali1e. So in t3is case, t3e #ur#ose of t3e abortion in sa1ing t3e e?#ectant
/ot3er can be -udged as t3e rig3t action according to /oral and et3ics 1iew.
J3ile an abortion w3ic3 is done because t3e fetus suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital
/alfor/ations, and it cannot be cured and causes t3e fetus cannot be ali1e outside t3e wo/b well, still need to
be discussed furt3er based on t3e /oral and et3ics 1iew. ,3e utilization of /edical tec3nology as t3e result of
=nowledge de1elo#/ent is li/ited by /oral and et3ics 1iew. ,3is is also su##orted by t3e :edical et3ics 5ode
w3ic3 3as already begun since t3e era of ;i#ocrates, t3e #riority of t3e doctoral #rofession i/#le/entation is to
sa1e 3u/an life and oriented for 3u/an beneficial. ,3e #rofession et3ics itself 3as an understanding t3at4

2es#onsibility and ability t3at e/erge fro/ conscience and reason to fulfill t3e need of #rofessional
ser1ice wit3 seriousness and accuracy and t3e asse/bly of e?#ertise, #roficiency, and scientific to do
t3e society res#onsibility to t3e society w3o needs 3el#. Profession et3ics 3as for /ain basic rules4
a. #rofession 3as to be seen and understood as a ser1ice w3ic3 does not 3o#e so/e #rofit.
b. refer to t3e interest and t3e noble 1alues as t3e critic nor/s t3at gi1e /oti1ation to /anner and
c. oriented to t3e society as t3e w3ole nationB
d. solidarity s#irit a/ong colleagues in t3e sa/e #rofession w3ic3 attend to =ee# t3e <uality and t3e
dignity of t3e #rofession.
,3e e?#lanation of #rofession et3ic is described in #rofession et3ics code w3ic3 is as a tool of t3e
arrange/ent for concrete be3a1ior of t3e #rofession doer. C'.6CI as long as it arranges t3e certainties related
to an abortion is deter/ined in 9ct *!, stated t3at Hall of doctors 3a1e to re/e/ber t3eir res#onsibility to #rotect
t3e life of t3e li1ing t3ingsI. In C'.6CI w3ic3 was establis3ed by I.I, e?#lained in t3e descri#tion 9ct *!, t3at
a doctor is not allowed to do abortus provocatus and euthanasia, and in t3e ot3er e?#lanation it was said t3at
abortus provocatus can be done as t3e /edical action if it is t3e only way to sa1e t3e life of t3e e?#ectant /ot3er.
(abortus provocatus therapeuticus).

9ct ** C'.6CI decided t3at4 e1ery doctor 3as to u#3old, a##reciate, and i/#le/ent t3e .octor (ow.
2elated to t3e case of abortion, on t3e .octor (ow nu/ber & stated HI will res#ect e1ery li1ing t3ing fro/ t3e
#rocess of its fertilizationI.
,3e certainties on C'.6CI and ,3e .octor (ow clarify t3at .octors in Indonesia are not allowed to
do t3e abortion because e1ery doctor 3as res#onsibility to #rotect t3e indi1idual since its fertilization #rocess.
2elated to t3e case of a fetus t3at suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations and cannot
be cured and /a=e t3at fetus cannot sur1i1e outside t3e wo/b. 9ccording to C'.6CI and ,3e (ow of .octor
Profession w3ic3 stated t3at t3ey 3a1e to res#ect e1ery li1ing indi1idual since its fertilization #rocess, so t3e
abortion because of suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations cannot be agreed.
,3us, doctors are not allowed to do t3e abortion, t3is state/ent e/erged because t3e s#iritualD soul
/atter is not t3e business of /edical or biological field, and t3e /atter of /edical and biological field is t3e
#3ysical life of a 3u/an t3at is started since t3e fertilization #rocessB w3ile t3e s#iritual /atter is a t3eology
/atter w3ic3 is related to religion,
and in in Isla/ an abortion is forbidden. If we relate wit3 t3eology as#ect,
religion is t3e t3eology i/#le/entation to /orality, and /orality e/erged before t3e religion.
+ro/ t3e religion
as#ect, 9n abortion because a fetus suffered fro/ congenital /alfor/ations cannot be agreed, and t3is case 3as
to be studied furt3er and s#ecifically.

5A. Cus/aryanto, S5J, op.cit., 3l/. *72.
A. 9rief Sid3arta, Aa3an Culia3 ,eori ;u=u/ dan Il/u ;u=u/ #ada Progra/ .o=tor Il/u ;u=u/-0ni1ersitas
.i#onegoro 2!!&D2!*!, dala/ Aab &ti%a (ro,esi, 3l/. )-&. ,ida= di#ubli=asi=an.

53risdiono :. 9c3adiat, +inami%a &ti%a an Hu%um #eo%teran +alam Tantan*an 7aman, ""Ja=arta, Penerbit Au=u
Cedo=teran 6G5, 2!!4$, 3l/.*7%.
5A. Cus/aryanto, S5J, op.cit., 3l/. *!).
S.P. Lili ,-a3-adi, Hu%um 4oral "5aran $mmanuel #ant tentan* &ti%a an $mperati, #ate*oris, "Eogya=arta, Canisius,
*&&*$, 3l/. %7.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

+ro/ t3e /oral as#ect, an abortion because of congenital /alfor/ations cannot be agreed, because
according to 6//anuel Cant, t3e #ur#ose of /orality is Ht3e 3ig3est =indnessI (summum bonum), and it /eans
Ha #erfect 3a##inessI and Ht3e 3ig3est =indnessI is ne1er reac3ed #erfectly because of t3e cri/e
. Generally
e1ery indi1idual 3as a fear of 3a1ing a defect baby born. ,3e difficulty of raising a defect c3ild beco/es a
burden for eac3 fa/ily. 53ildren wit3 disabilities in #3ysically or /entally are regarded t3at t3ey are not 3a##y
rat3er t3an ot3er nor/al c3ildren. ,3is is a discri/ination between t3e nor/al indi1iduals wit3 t3ose disable
indi1iduals. J3ile a discri/ination in e1ery =ind of situation and condition cannot be agreed.
Nor/ati1ely, it is difficult enoug3 to deter/ine ob-ecti1ely t3e boundaries w3ere a fetus 3as been
already -udged suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations as e?#lained on Law act F%
on ;ealt3. ,3us, related to an abortion of a fetus t3at suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital
/alfor/ations, w3ere it is in 3el#less #osition to c3oose being born or being =illed, does not t3ose indi1iduals
3a1e rig3ts to be born and to 3a1e ali1e> in t3e conte?t of abortion /atter, t3e disable indi1iduals 3a1e rig3ts to
de/and t3at defect fetus deser1e to get li1ing rig3ts as nor/al fetus@ li1ing rig3ts
, t3is condition is si/ilar wit3
t3e condition w3ere t3ose disable indi1iduals de/and to get t3e e<ual treat/ent as t3e treat/ent t3at is gotten by
t3e nor/al indi1iduals.

"2$ An Abortion to (he Pre!nancy o& Rape )icti'
Jo/en w3o beco/e ra#e 1icti/s #assed t3e /ost terrible /o/ent in t3eir life. Generally, t3ey suffer #3ysically,
#syc3ologically, and socially. ,3e social stig/a t3at e/erges as t3e result of t3e ra#e case is t3e burden of t3e
1icti/s, besides t3e #ri1ate #roble/ because of #3ysic and #syc3ological 1iolence t3at t3ey got fro/ t3e forcible
,3e #regnancy because of t3e ra#e rarely 3a##en, but t3ere is still t3e #ossibility of t3is condition.
61eryone absolutely does not want to be #regnant because of t3e ra#e, and t3e #regnancy t3at is not e?#ected by
anyone will gi1e bad i/#acts to t3e e?#ectant /ot3er and 3er fetus too. ,3e #regnancy because of t3e ra#e can
be a1oided /edically, because t3ere is still so/e ti/es since t3e e-aculation #rocess and t3e fertilization #rocess.
Pre1ention of t3e conce#tion #rocess still can be done, for instance4 using spermicial to =ill t3e s#er/s of t3e
ra##er or drin=ing t3e 3or/one /edicine to #re1ent t3e o1ulation.

5onsu/ing &mer*enc- 8ontraceptive (ills

(&8() will be effecti1e in #re1enting t3e un3o#ed #regnancy if it is drun= in less F2 3ours after t3e ti/e of t3e
In fact, not all of t3e 1icti/s re#ort t3e accident t3at 3a##ened to t3e/, because of so/e reasons, for
e?a/#le4 afraid of t3e t3reatening of t3e ro#er, s3a/e, #sycis trau/a, etc. Aesides, not all of t3e doctors want to
gi1e t3e &mer*enc- 8ontraceptive (ills (&8().
.ecision of doing t3e abortion as t3e result of tinda= #idana #er=osaan is not a wise decision, but as t3e
reaction of t3e ri#e cri/e as e?#lained in 9ct F% Law on ;ealt3 2!!&. Aut in t3e condition of se1ere #sycis
trau/a, it is worried t3at t3e 1icti/ will suffer se1ere /ental disorder, t3us t3e abortion can be done as t3e sol1e
to sa1e t3e soul of t3e 1icti/s. It is necessary to in1ol1e #syc3ologist to decide t3e condition of 1icti/ #syc3es
#ost- t3e ra#e w3et3er t3e 1icti/s get se1ere #syc3es trau/a or do not.
,3e /ain issue t3at legalizes t3e abortion of t3e result ra#e cri/inal law is t3e #syc3ology as#ect, t3at is
t3e trau/a i/#act of t3e enforced se? w3ic3 is done by t3e ra##er and effect #syc3ology burden, and anot3er
worries is if t3e c3ild is si/ilar #3ysically wit3 t3e ra##er. If t3e #regnancy because of t3e ra##er is as t3e cause
of #syc3ology reaction, so t3e #syc3ology t3era#y can be done as t3e alternati1e way to sol1e it.
Generally, #syc3ology trau/a as t3e i/#act of t3e ra#e are guilty, fearness, and also unconfident
feeling. ,3us, t3eir fa/ilies and anyone w3o truly cares of t3e 1icti/s can assist t3e/ intensi1ely.
Princi#ally, 9 ra#e is a cri/e t3at destroys a life, w3et3er #3ysically, #syc3ologically or e1en socially.
Aeing t3e ra#e 1icti/ is so/et3ing t3at will ne1er be forgotten by 3er and it cannot be 3ealed by doing t3e
abortion, if s3e is #regnant. Aut, doing t3e abortion to t3e ra#e 1icti/ as si/ilar wit3 doing t3e cri/e to unsin
wo/an, it is because an abortion is always related and directly connected to t3e e?#ectant /ot3ers and t3e deat3
of t3e li1ing t3ing. ,3en, a <uestion e/erged, do wo/en of t3e ra#e 1icti/s always want to do t3e abortion>
,3e #ur#ose of t3e abortion of t3e ra#e 1icti/s is actually su##orted by t3e consideration of t3e 1icti/s@
willing to forget t3e accident, by t3rowing away t3e e1idence of t3at cri/e. ,3e e?istence of negati1e stig/a as
t3e ra#e 1icti/s strengt3en t3e willing of t3e 1icti/s to do it, t3ey will be in difficult #osition, between t3e
c3oices to do t3e abortion or let t3e fetus being ali1e. ,3e o#inion, attitudes, and trust of t3e fa/ilies and
societies or e1en #eo#le around t3e ra#e 1icti/s often /a=e t3e/ 3ard to c3oose t3e ot3er o#tion, only doing t3e
abortion to t3row away t3e e1idence t3at co/es u# in t3eir /inds. Aesides, being afraid of gi1ing a birt3 as t3e

$bi 3l/. %%.
C. Aertens, "borsi 3eba*ai 4asalah &ti%a, "Ja=arta, Gra/edia Jidiasarana Indonesia, 2!!2$, 3l/. 4).

3tt#4DDwww.aborsi.orgDarti=elF.3t/, dia=ses tanggal 2) Januari 2!**.

Suryono 6=ota/a, d==., "bortus (rovocatus )a*i #orban (er%osaan (erspe%ti, 9i%timolo*i, #riminolo*i an Hu%um
(iana, "Eogya=arta, 0ni1ersitas 9t/a Jaya, 2!!*$, 3l/. *&*.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

cri/e i/#act beco/es t3e burden for t3e/.
9n abortion can gi1e a new issue, it can be as t3e #syc3ology trau/a in t3e 1icti/ life for furt3er days.
9n abortion does not 3el# t3e 1icti/s to 3eal t3e ra#e trau/a, because t3e abortion itself can gi1e inner 3urt t3at
will gi1e /ore suffer to t3e ra#e 1icti/s. ,3e suffering of t3e 1icti/s will be /ore se1ere if t3e #regnancy itself
is aborted, because t3ey will not only suffer because of beco/ing t3e ra#e 1icti/s but also trau/a as t3e i/#act
of t3e abortion. 9n abortion will gi1e guilty feeling to t3e 1icti/s and t3is feeling will not be easily gone out of
t3eir life. ,3e Psycology ter/ is called as post6abortion s-nrome "sindro/ #asca-aborsi$.

Aesides t3e disru#tion in #syc3ology 3ealt3, t3e #3ysical disru#tion also will be gotten by t3e 1icti/s. 'n
a boo= entitled H'acts o, Li,e: written by Arian 5lowes, it is said t3at #3ysical effects of t3e abortion are4
Sudden deat3 because of se1ere bleeding or t3e failure of t3e anest3esia, slow deat3 because t3ere is se1ere
infection around t3e wo/b, (uterine per,oration), (cervical lacerations) t3at will cause t3e defect to t3e ne?t
c3ild, cannot 3a1e anot3er in3erit (ectopic pre*nanc-), etc.

5onsidering t3e dangerousness of an abortion, e1en #3ysically or #syc3ologically, t3us it 3as to be
considered /ore to do t3e abortion. ,o =ee# t3e #regnancy t3at does not danger t3e life of t3e /ot3er directly is
a better alternati1e, w3ic3 can be done as t3e #syc3ology #rocess is done, t3is #syc3ology #rocess is done to
reco1er t3e trau/a as t3e i/#act of t3e ra#e and t3e #regnancy itself. ,3us, an abortion consideration is not t3e
best solution to sol1e t3e issue
In 3andling t3e ra#e 1icti/s, t3e #syc3ological t3era#y 3as to be t3e #riority, it will not only su##ort
t3eir #3ysic 3ealt3 but also t3eir /ental and s#iritual 3ealt3. ,3e reco1ery #rocess of t3e 1icti/s de#ends on t3at
#syc3ological trau/a itself.
5an a wo/an of t3e ra#e 1icti/ w3o is going to do t3e abortion #ro1e t3at 3er #regnancy is t3e i/#act
of t3e ra#e> ,3is case need /ore in1estigation /edically and also -uridical, it is related to 9ct 2)% Indonesia
5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ t3at regulates t3e law of so/eone w3o do t3e se?ual intercourse 1iolently to a wo/an
t3at is not 3is wife, so t3ey will get t3e cri/inal #unis3/ent of being -ailed wit3 t3e longest #eriod is twel1e
,3e /edic #3ysic in1estigation w3ic3 is t3e first #roof of t3e se?ual 1iolence as e?#lained on act 2)%
Indonesia 5ri/inal 5ode "C0;P$ s3ould be found to #ro1e t3e trut3 of t3e ra#e cri/e. Aesides, t3e
#syc3ological e?a/ination also can su##ort t3e result of #3ysic e?a/ination. If t3e in1estigation is not done
accurately, t3en in its i/#lication t3ere will conduct t3e /isuse of t3e regulation on 9ct F% Law on ;ealt3 2!!&
to do t3e abortion to t3e wo/an w3o is not t3e ra#e 1icti/.
,3e re<uire/ents to do t3e abortion based on Law on ;ealt3 9ct F% 2!!&, are done after t3e 1icti/ gets
t3e counseling andD ad1ise/ent of Pre- 9bortion and ended by counseling #ost abortion w3ic3 will be done by
t3e co/#etent counselor w3o is in c3arge in t3at case. :oreo1er, t3e #regnancy age t3at can be aborted is
deter/ined, it 3as to be less t3an si? /ont3s since t3e first day of #eriod ends.
,3e #rocedure to do t3e abortion does not regulate furt3er, it only regulates t3e #rocedure before t3e
abortion w3ic3 is started by t3e counseling #rocess. +or t3at #rocess, is it necessary to #ro1e t3at t3e #regnancy
is t3e i/#act of t3e ra#e> So t3en, t3e 1erification of t3e a##ro1al of an abortion based on ,3e Law on ;ealt3
9ct F% 2!!& cannot be regarded as t3e trut3 t3roug3 t3e court, but it is only t3e beginning #rocess in t3e le1el of
in1estigation or #rosecution. ,3is is related to t3e #regnancy age "si? /ont3s counted since t3e first #eriod day$
as t3e condition of an abortion action. 'r t3e truly trut3 based on t3e cri/inal law as t3e basic of doing t3e
abortion according to 9cts of Law on ;ealt3 2!!F does need so/e in1estigation first> Is it necessary to #ro#ose
t3e in1estigation first as t3e re<uire/ent t3at 3as to be fulfilled before doing t3e abortion> ,3is situation need
/ore intention in t3e i/#le/entation, because beside to a1oid t3e /isused of t3e certainty of 9ct F% Law on
;ealt3 2!!&, it also to e?ecute t3e selecti1e way in a##ro1ing t3e abortion, es#ecially to t3e ra#e 1icti/.
$3% Abortion on Moral Perpective
6t3ics and /oral 3a1e t3e sa/e /eaning, (custom) or (wa- o, li,e). Aot3 of t3ose are related eac3 ot3er
so w3en #eo#le tal= about et3ics t3ey 3a1e to tal= about /oral too, and w3en #eo#le tal= about /oral t3ey tal=
about et3ics too. Aut t3e ter/inology of K/oral@ refers /ore to re,er to the conuct itsel,) t3at is related 1ery well
wit3 t3e 1alue of rig3t and wrong, or t3e 1alue of goodness and badness. :oral is a ter/ t3at is often related
wit3 et3ics, t3ose 3a1e t3e sa/e connotation wit3 t3e -udg/ent of bad and good assess/ent according to A.
9rief Sid3arta, adala34

2eflection " basic t3in=ing $ of res#onsibility be3a1ior, t3at is done by 3u/an, et3ically it is as ideology
disci#line, t3in= 3ow so/e attitude can be regarded as res#onsible be3a1ior or does not, can be
e?#lained w3y t3at 3as been done or it 3as to be done. ,3ose standards e/erge fro/ t3e inner and /ind

3tt#4DDwww.aborsi.orgDresi=o.3t/ dia=ses tgl 2) Januari 2!**.

Aa3an Culia3 ,eori ;u=u/ dan Il/u ;u=u/ #ada Progra/ .o=tor Il/u ;u=u/-0ni1ersitas .i#onegoro 2!!&D2!*!,
dala/ Aab &ti%a Hu%um, 3l/. 7. ,ida= di#ubli=asi=an.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

of 3u/an, and t3ey are interacted eac3 ot3er wit3 t3e reality in society. ,3us, t3e i/#le/entation of
concrete et3ics are, /oral #rinci#les and its i/#le/entation way "inner attitude and t3e society
be3a1ior$, until so/e 1alues are bounded eac3 ot3er and influenced by so/e c3anges t3at 3a##en in one
,3e synony/ of et3ics is morals,
and t3ose words 3a1e t3e sa/e etiology. 6t3ics is fro/ Gree= HethosI
/eans customs, w3ile based on Latin language, /oral is deri1ed fro/ t3e word HmoresI also /eans custo/. Aut
etiology is not enoug3 to be a good guidance to understand its function /odernly and not enoug3 to understand
t3e #3iloso#3y of et3ics as t3e classic #3iloso#3er creation.
Aased on o#inion abo1e, we can notice t3at t3e relation between et3ics and /oral is so tig3t, because
t3e concrete i/#lication of et3ics is /oral as t3e basic in conducting certain action. :oral is e?#lained as ad1ice,
ser/on, standard, a grou# of rules and deter/inations, bot3 written or orally t3at consists of t3e way of 3u/an
life to be a good indi1idual.
,3us, it is so difficult to se#arate /oral and et3ics, because in so/e ter/s 3a1e
1alues t3at co/#lete eac3 ot3er. :oral is a 1alue conce#t w3ile et3ics is be3a1ior conce#t. ,3e 1alue conce#t
bases t3e be3a1ior 1alue until an action is conducting at t3e end.

6t3ics is as a =nowledge t3at see=s t3e orientation as t3e 3u/an effort in answering t3e funda/ental
<uestion H;ow do I li1e and 3ow do I actI. ,3is is t3e #oint t3at /a=es et3ics studied =inds of be3a1ior, is a
be3a1ior good enoug3 to be conducted or not. ,3e area of et3ics or /orality, began fro/ t3e fact t3at 3u/an not
only conduct so/e actions but t3ey also 3a1e to -udge t3eir action.
9ccording to et3ics in #3iloso#3y disci#line
#oint of 1iew, it is said t3at so/e action can be said as res#onsible act if we assess it fro/ t3e reason w3y t3at
action is conducted or 3as to be done. ,3ose standards e/erged fro/ t3e conscience and t3e 3u/an logic and
t3ose are interacted eac3 ot3er wit3 t3e society fact, so t3at is w3y et3ics and its t3in=ing #roduct are influenced
by religion, t3e 1iew of life, culture, ci1ilization and t3e reality in ot3er society. In conclusion, t3e concrete
i/#lication of et3ics is t3e /oral #rinci#les and t3e way of its a##lication "inner action and t3e be3a1ior of
society$, until in certain degree t3ey are connected eac3 ot3er and are influenced by t3e c3anges w3ic3 is
3a##ening in certain s#ace and di/ension.
6t3ics and /oral are t3e guidance to decide t3e 1alue or t3e /easure of a good life. :oral discusses t3e
rig3t t3ing and t3e wrong t3ing fro/ t3e dee#est as#ect "#3iloso#3y$, w3ile et3ics analyzes is t3e action 3as to
be done or it is good or bad to be conducted by 3u/an according to t3e rational and critical analysis on /oral
2elated to t3e abortion w3ic3 is actually created fro/ t3e argu/ent of w3en a life of indi1idual begins,
t3ose are t3e o#inions t3at refuse and su##ort t3e abortion, is a fetus can be said as 3u/an> 9 few researc3es
stated t3at a fetus is a 3u/an w3ic3 is still in t3e for/ of blood, and in its #rocess it will transfor/ into 3u/an
and based on t3e 1ow of ;i#ocrates, t3e fat3er of /odern doctoral, stated t3at a doctor will always
res#ect a life since its fertilization #rocess. ,3at state/ent is always stated in ,3e .octor (ow, it reflects t3at
doctor is a noble #rofession t3at its =nowledge or 3u/an being.
Scientifically, since t3e s#er/ /eets o1u/ and c3ro/oso/e fusion 3a##ens, a new life is born since
t3at #rocess. If t3e /ulti#lication #rocess is not interru#ted, in t3e end it will be born a new 3u/an being in t3e
world as a creature of God t3e 9l/ig3ty. ,3is 3u/an being will conduct a lot of useful be3a1ior for 3erD3i/self,
ffor t3e fa/ily and #arents, society, t3e world and God.
+etus is a #ros#ecti1e 3u/an t3at is fro/ t3e agglo/eration blood, and it will c3ange as long as its
#rogress #rocess. +ro/ t3at state/ent, it can be concluded t3at an abortion is a /urder of #ros#ecti1e 3u/an
being 1iolently by t3e 3u/an, w3ic3 is actually creating or ta=ing t3e life of 3u/an being is t3e rig3t of God.
+ro/ t3e as#ects of et3ics and /oral e/erged a <uestion, is t3e ra#e 1icti/s will 3ate t3eir own c3ild
alt3oug3 it is t3e i/#act of t3e ra#e> Aasically e1ery wo/an in t3e world is born wit3 t3e gift of /aternity
instinct, and in t3e dee# of t3eir 3eart t3ey 3a1e instinct to lo1e t3eir c3ildren. +reedo/ to ta=e decision to born
t3e c3ild because of t3e ra#e is a wise c3oice w3ic3 is too difficult to ta=e, it is a wise c3oice because t3is sol1e
t3e cri/e in good way. ,3e ra#e itself gi1es #syc3ology burden for t3e 1icti/s, but =ee#ing t3e #regnancy is a
/ar1elous c3oice because by =ee#ing its #regnancy t3e 1icti/s will ta=e t3e res#onsibility of all t3e ris=s,
started by fear and as3a/edness.
:orally, =ee#ing t3e #regnancy of t3e ra#e cri/e is t3e 1ictory fro/ t3e e1il, because basically
/orality is always connected to conscience of 3u/an being, t3at is t3e decision to c3oose t3e action and t3at
action itself is based on its consideration result. ,3e res#onsibility to act /orally is a conscience res#onsibility

)ahan #uliah 'ilsa,at $lmu (+$H6;nip 2009/20<0, =obert >. ?lson alam )ab 4asalah6masalah &ti%a,
hlm. 2<622. Tia% ipubli%asi%an.
:agnis Suseno, #uasa an 4oral, "Ja=arta, Gra/edia, *&))$, 3l/.*4.

9le?andra Indrayanti .ewi, &ti%a an Hu%um #esehatan, "Eogya=arta, Pusta=a Aoo= Publis3er, 2!!)$, 3l/2*.
Nurani Soyo/u=ti, (en*antar 'ilsa,at ;mum, "Eogya=arta, 9r-2uzz :edia, 2!**$, 3l/.2!&.
3tt#4DDwww.aborsi.orgDarti=el2.3t/ dia=ses tanggal 2) Januari 2!**.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

w3ic3 is #ersonality /atter, t3us /oral and religion fields are ta=en #rinci#ally fro/ t3e nation -uridical.

2a#e cri/e basically is t3e biggest unfairness w3ic3 is t3roug3 by t3e 1icti/s, but t3is cri/e will be
bigger and 3ea1ier if t3e #regnancy is aborted. New abortion regulation t3at was legalized on 9ctF% Law on
;ealt3 2!!& 3as to be done tig3tly and carefully in its i/#le/entation by considering et3ics and /oral. It is
because Law is always connected by #3ysical /anner, t3us it also 3as #3ysical res#onsibility, and so/e o#inion
of 3u/an being is not #aid attention by Law.
,3is state/ent is a##ro#riate wit3 t3e 2o/an Law slogan e
internis non iuicat praetor "stated t3at t3e inner life would not be -udged$.
'n Law, et3ics, and /oral #ers#ecti1es w3ic3 are oriented on Goodness of t3e li1ing order of 3u/an
/a=e t3e abortion cannot be agreed. 2elated to Law on ;ealt3 2!!&, es#ecially 9ctF% refers to t3e o#inion of 9d.
Pe#erza=, about Law and :orality, t3at t3e funda/ental analysis le1el in deter/ining t3e goodness and t3e
badness of Law or Law syste/ is in /oral analysis. P3iloso#3y field w3ic3 studied t3e category of /oral le1el
was et3ics.
Good understanding in /oral 1iew is wider conce#t t3an t3e -ustice understanding in /oral 1iew.

t3e regulation of abortion legalization on fetus wit3 congenital /alfor/ations and fetus of ra#e accident
basically contradicts wit3 et3ics and /orality, alt3oug3 it can be agreed fro/ t3e as#ects of #ositi1e law "based
on Law es#ecially on 3ealt3 2!!&$, but on /oral 1iew t3e nor/ substances are still <uestionable, w3y does t3e
li1ing rig3t of t3e fetus as t3e #ros#ecti1e 3u/an being /ust be ta=en away, w3ile t3e fetus itself cannot c3oose
t3e way of its creation in t3is world>
Princi#ally, t3e abortion is done by wo/en w3o are in c3aos situation, t3ey are confused and worried of
t3eir #regnancy and t3is situation gets worst by t3e co/#ulsion and t3reat fro/ #eo#le around t3e/. ,3us, t3e
abortion decision wit3out t3in= first its ris= will lead astray, because an abortion 3as 3ig3 ris=, bot3 for t3e 3ealt3
of t3e 1icti/s or e1en t3e safety of t3e/. ,3e #3ysical and #syc3ology as#ects are not considered, including t3e
life of t3e 1icti/s w3o are constrained to do t3e abortion or e1en t3e 1icti/s w3o do t3e abortion enforcedly.
(ost6abortion s-nrome w3ic3 is caused by t3e abortion can 3a##en in sudden ti/e and e/erge again in anot3er
ti/e. 2unning away fro/ t3e fact and under #ressure situation because of t3e abortion will not be easily a1oided
or forgotten. Guilty and regretful feeling will e/erge if t3e 1icti/s w3o did t3e abortion cannot 3a1e anot3er
#regnancy in t3e future.
It is true t3at t3e 6t3ics source cannot be se#arated fro/ t3e e?istence of nor/s, w3ile t3e strengt3 and
wea=ness of t3e nor/s de#end on t3e o#tion "sub-ecti1e o#tion$ of t3at 3u/an and 3u/an will conduct t3e
action t3at s3eD3e need. 9fter doing t3e abortion, one t3in= t3at 3as to be considered is t3e life of t3e 1icti/s t3at
c3oose abortion and t3e way t3ey forget t3at abortion. .enying t3e reality of life, under #ressure situation to
forget t3eir /e/ories of t3e abortion can be done for a w3ile, but wo/an needs strong /oti1ation to do t3ose

*. #onclusion
9s t3e e?#lanation abo1e, it can be concluded t3at an abortion according to 9ct F% Law on ;ealt3 is
#ro3ibited, but an abortion can be t3e e?ce#tion if4 *$ :edically IndicatedB 2$ fetus suffered fro/ se1ere genetic
diseases and congenital /alfor/ationsB and $ as an i/#act of t3e ra#e.
+ro/ t3ose t3ree e?ce#tions of #ro3ibition to t3e abortion, an abortion for t3e #regnancy t3at t3reats t3e
life of t3e e?#ectant /ot3er and t3e fetus can be agreed fron t3e et3ics and /oral #ers#ecti1eB w3ile t3e abortion
for fetus suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ations cannot be agreed fro/ t3e et3ics
and /oral as#ectsB and t3e abortion for t3e 1icti/s of ra#e only can be done if t3e i/#act of t3e ra#e dangers t3e
#syc3ological safety or gi1e tre/endous trau/a to t3e 1icti/s.
5onsidering t3e effects of t3e abortion, t3at is not only related to t3e as#ects of /oral, et3ics, religion,
and law but t3ose effects also gi1e disad1antages to #3ysic and #syc3ology to 1icti/s, t3us to do t3e abortion it
3as to be considered furt3er. Aesides, t3e i/#le/entation of 9ct F% Law on ;ealt3 2!!& t3at will be arranged
furt3er in t3e go1ern/ent regulations 3as to /a=e so/e tig3t re<uire/ents, so t3ere will not be an o##ortunity
for irres#onsible abortion.

+. Reco'andation
Aased on researc3 and analysis in order to answer t3e law issues abo1e, t3en as t3e reco//endation in t3is
researc3 is t3at based on /oral and law as#ects t3e certainty in legalizing t3e abortion on Laws of ;ealt3 for
fetus suffered fro/ se1ere genetic diseases and congenital /alfor/ationsB and also as an i/#act of t3e ra#e 3a1e
to be re/o1ed. 9n abortion only can be acce#ted for e/ergency /edical Indication.

,3eo ;ui-bers, 'ilsa,at Hu%um +alam Lintasan 3e5arah, "Eogya=arta, Canisius, *&)2$, 3l/.F%.

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dala/ Aab &ti%a Hu%um, 3l/. 2. ,ida= di#ubli=asi=an.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
ISSN 2224-24! "Pa#er$ ISSN 2224-2%& "'nline$
(ol.2), 2!*4

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