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Applied Technique of the Arabic Parts Essential Dignities

For the beginning we shall discuss the considerations 17, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25 from the paper
De mysterio Dichotomiae.

First of all we determine the essential dignities of the horoscopic Parts, using the planets they
compose them, which are in sect (5 points), gender (4 points), visibility (3 points), compatible
term (2 points) and orientality (1 point). One should pay attention that there must be summed up
the results obtained from both planets.

15 pointsessential dignity; up to 10 points is considered to be an ostracization process.
10 pointscomplete ostracization; up to 5 points appears also the ambiguity, which makes more
difficult the interpretation of the Parts.
5 pointsthe horoscopic interpretation is not accurate; up to 0 points the ostracization is not ac-
curate, too, and the truthfulness of the Parts is completely vanished.
15-20 pointsthe Part is interpreted as what is in relation to other items on the chart.
20-25 pointsthe preponderance of the Part in the interpretation is growing.
25-30 pointsalready the judgments from the part are more prominent in comparison with other
elements and, even if there are more elements in the chart which deny the prediction of the part,
the part is winning.

The accidental dignities of the Part of Fortune are determined as it follows:
- the conjunction with Regulus6 p.
- the conjunction with Spica, Jupiter, Venus; in Taurus, Pisces, Cancer; in the Ascendant or MC
or the lack of the combustion5 p.
- the trine with Jupiter or Venus; in 7
, 4
or 11
Houses; in Libra, Sagittarius, Leo4 p.
- the sextile with Jupiter or Venus; in 2
or 5
Houses; the conjunction with North Node or be-
ing in Gemini3 p.
- in Virgo or in the 9
House2 p.
- in the 3
House1 p.

The accidental debilities of the same Part:
- in Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius; in the 12
house; the conjunction with Saturn and Mars or be-
ing combust5 p.
- in the 6
or 8
Houses; the opposition with Saturn or Mars; the conjunction with Algol4 p.
- the conjunction with the South Node; the square with Saturn or Mars3 p.
- in the limits of Saturn or Mars2 p.

In conclusion, the essential dignities point out what it is (the essence, what is meant to be), the
accidental (what it is happening), the position, the power (the positive or negative quality).
There is no fixed rate, the point system is only indicative. Equally important it is to mention that
an Arabic part is more prominent when it is making an aspect with a planet which is part of its
formula or with its dispositor.

Lets say that the essential score of a part is 10 points. In this case, the Part of Spirit (PoS) is be-
having like Pars Fortunae (PF), so PF is taking hostage the PoS. But if the score is 5 points, it
does not matter anymore, the debility is too big and we will no longer analyze it.
If someone thinks that, in the case PF takes hostage the PoS, it can simultaneously produce the
reverse, then it has to know that is simultaneously happening the possibility, but not the actuali-
ty. Only if a person has a strong power and a living conscience it is producing the actuality, too.
Otherwise the material will dominate the spiritual.
For instance, if Jupiter is in Ascendant and Mars in the MC, the person has a strong will and
therefore is a situation when the PoS has a chance to dominate the PoF.
A part taken hostage can have moments of escape, and this is an exception to the exception. For
example, if it is in a significant House from a significant point. For instance, the Spirit in the 9

or 10
House from the Sun is almost saved by the essential debility... Or the Part of the Father in
the 4
House from the Moon or from the Ascendant (or from Saturn in nocturnal charts).

It is time for a bit of philosophy. The essence is the given, we see what it is, and the polarity
(positive or negative) is determined by accident, we see what is happening. In the PoF case, we
can talk of good luck or misfortune. In the second case, one can have the PoF in a big essential
dignity and accidentally very afflicted. This means that it has to be read with care and to see the
place in which it is afflicted, or which fatality is less fortunate for the native. For instance, PoF in
the same Sign with the bad Partssuch as Necessity, Betrayal or Nemesisis very afflicted.
If there are mixed indications from the Part of Fortune (it means it points out both the good luck
and the misfortune) we can use the essential and accidental points, but the best should be to
make a differentiation. For instance, PF in 8
House in a whole Sign is a negative indication, but
for what is that? For the physical body, but when it comes to money it is positive. So when we
confront ourselves with ambiguities, we can calculate according to fields: for what it is bad, for
what it is good.

During the horoscopic judgment, we must take into account the thrice beware rule: not all that
is judged from the horoscopic point of view is happeningmore clues have to point to the same
thing; there must be minimum three at a medium coefficient. At a higher coefficient it can work
two or even only one.


Matt Damon, Michael Douglas and Johnny Weissmuller are exactly the kind of people that en-
joyed every good thing in life: wealth, success, love, fame etc. We obtained their data from the site, all with AA rating, that is trustworthy time of their birth.

Matt Damon: 8 October 1970, 15:22 (3:22 P.M.), Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

With the Ascendant in Aquarius, the Sun in Libra and in Hayz, he was considered from the be-
ginning as a humanist. With such a Sun in the 9
House, next to Mercury also in Hayz, he could
graduate the well known Harvard University, but one year before graduation he chose to proceed
with the acting career. The acting is a field of the 5
House, which is in Gemini, so we can notice
a connection between Mercury in Hayz and doing a trine with the Ascendant. But how do we
explain the success he had? The Part of Fortune is our help here.

First of all, lets calculate its essential dignity. Any Luminary in Hayz gives us 12 points to begin
with (the sect5 points, the gender of the Sign in which is found the Luminary or the planet
which is participating in the formula of the pars4 points and the position above the horizon3
points). The Sun is in the 16
degree Libra, so is in the term of Jupiter, a diurnal planet, therefore
it has two more points. It is not necessary to give it a point for orientality, because it is not com-
pletely determined in his case. We get 14 points from the Sun. The Moon is in Capricorn, a fem-
inine Sign, so it has 4 points and because is above the horizon, it gets another 3 points. In the 23

degree Capricorn, is in the term of Saturn, a diurnal planet, so it has no points from here. It is
neither oriental, nor in sect. Therefore, the Moon gives 7 points. We gather the obtained points
from the Luminaries, and we get 21 points, which are perfect for the horoscopic analysis of the
Part of Fortune.

But if we want by all means to determine something, we can consider that the term, being diur-
nal, it offers orientality to the Sun and it could have one more point. Anyway, we have to take
into account that the points of the essential dignities are just for information, and they do not rep-
resent the result of exact mathematical calculations.

Pars Fortunae is angular and in conjunction with the Lord of the Ascendant, Saturn, which is the
ruler of the 10
House from the Part of Fortune. We already have a first clue of success, in any
field it would be. At the same time, Saturn is sustained through mutual reception with the Moon
(Saturn is in the Moons exaltation, and the latter is in his residence), thus indicating a harmoni-
ous and resistant physical body, because the reception is accomplished by a trine.
Two roles made him famous: the one of a math gifted boy from Good Will Hunting and the one
of an impostor, sick with jealousy, who murders the subject of his pathological obsession in The
Talented Mr. Ripley. These Ive noticed through the localization of the 5
House after the PoF in
Virgo (people who are fond of details) and the presence of Mars (aggressive and hot blooded
characters) and of the South Node, which has the nature of Saturn and Mars, representing the
malefic character from the second role. Otherwise, it can be said that both fifth Houses (the radi-
cal one and the derived one) are in Mercurial Signs, which points his versatility as an actor, so he
can play almost any character. Another indication of fame can be given by the presence of the
benefics in the radical 10
House, sustained by Mars, which is in term. It is interesting that Ve-
nus and Jupiter are making a mutual reception by term, which strengthens the promised fame.
Mars in this position (in his own term and in the 5
House after PoF, governing the radical 10

House) shows us that the way he gained his position was through creativity, with a fast reaction
doubled by a slight Mercurial aggressiveness (lets not forget it is in Virgo) and it also points us
that he found his vocation in the acting. Also the radical 9
House contributes through the bene-
ficial presence of both the Sun and Mercury, offering him intelligence and gift of writing, which
resulted through Venus (Lady of the 9
House) in the 10
House, ruling and supporting the PoF,
being in triplicity and in face.
Indeed, he had financial success almost instantly when he sold his first script (Good Will Hunt-
ing) for one million dollars. Venus and Jupiter (ruler of the 9
House after PF, where is also lo-
cated the North Node) in the 7
House after PF brought him a very auspicious business partner,
Ben Affleck, the one who helped him to sell his script, this being supported by the presence of
the Lord of 7
House, the Sun in the 9
Househis joy.
As a bonus, the Part of Exaltation (or Eminence) is angular, from both the Ascendant and the
PoF. The Part of Basis is in Cancer, in opposition (within 2 degrees) with the Moon on the axis
of the 3
and 9
Houses from PF. All three Parts (Fortune, the Exaltation and the Basis) are in
benefic aspects with the 10
House. The Part of Spirit is in the penultimate degree of Libra, sup-
porting the role played by Venus in his life. Because all the Water and Earth Signs are ruled by
her through diurnal triplicity and the fact the Sun and Mercury are in her territory, she has extra
power. One should notice that all the elements involved in his success make aspects with the As-
cendant or with the PoF, and the rulers of these pivots are angular, even if the aspect between
them is difficult.

Michael Douglas: 25 September 1944, 10:30 (A.M.), New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.

With the Ascendant in Scorpio and the Suntogether with Mars and Venusin the 12
we can easily imagine that we have to deal with a secretive person. We have the Sun in Hayz, we
have 12 points. In the term of a diurnal planet, we add two more, so 14. The Moon in a feminine
Sign gives another 4 points. In rest, there are no other points from her, so we have a total of 18
essential points for the Part of Fortune. Therefore it is read in an equal footing with other ele-
ments of the chart, and if we want to judge from the horoscopic point of view, we will need at
least 3 evidences to sustain an argument.

The first indication of his fame is provided by the conjunction between Sun (ruler of the radical
House) and Mars (ruler of the 10
House after PF) both doing a trine with the Part of For-
tune. Second, the Part of Exaltation is in Gemini, in the 5
House after PF, sustained by a well
positioned Mercury in Virgo, and in conjunction with Jupiter, the ruler of the radical 5
which shows a vocation well chosen for fame, the 11
House having elevating qualities, being
recognized in the astrological tradition as the luckiest House in the chart.

We have to notice that Mercury has to do with the vocation, just like the other case presented
above, especially because he is a perfect actor on the astrological scene, being feminine or mas-
culine, as appropriate. The third clue: Mercury rules the 10
Sign after the one in which it is.

The opulence can be seen through the fact that Jupiter rules by Sagittarius both the radical 2

House and the 11
House after PF (called the House of Acquisition), and it is in conjunction
with his dispositor, Mercury, who is sustaining him, both being in the radical 11
House. Sec-
ond, the Fortune is not aspected by its dispositor, Saturn, but we can see that it is angular and
Venus mediates between PF and Saturn, meaning Venus makes a trine with PF and square with
Saturn. Third, the 5
and 11
Houses after Mercury are occupied by the Moon and Saturn in mu-
tual reception. Fourth, the Moonthe significatrix of the material lifeis in her joy and trines
the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in the 11

Similarities with the other chart: the Sun is in Libra and in Hayz, the Moon is in Capricorn and in
reception with Saturn, PF is in the 4
House, the Ascendant is in fixed Sign, the 5
House after
PF is ruled by a well positioned Mercury, Mars is in a benefic House after PF and malefic after
the Ascendant etc.

J ohnny Weissmuller: 2 June 1904, 18:00 (6:00 P.M.), Timioara, Romania.

With the Ascendant and Fortune in Water Signs, there is not a big surprise that he likes to swim.
With the Part of Spirit (PoS) and of Basis in Pisces and the 5
House, together with the hardened
nature of the South Node, we can say that he persevered till he fulfilled his wish, that of breaking
down world records and of gaining golden Olympic medals.
The Sun in Hayz gives 12 points, in diurnal term it gives another 2, so we have 14 points, and
from the Moon we have only one point, given by her orientality. It is more difficult, because it is
to the limit of the essential dignity, which means that the Part of Fortune can be judged likewise,
but not from the horoscopic point of view, only if you want to take a risk.
Therefore, we can use other Parts, like the one of Victory: Asc + Jupiter - Part of Spirit in the
diurnal formula, and in this case is in Sagittarius, squaring the items from Pisces and in trine with
Jupiter, the dispositor of all what is in his two Signs. It is important to point that a Part which
makes an aspect with its dispositor always gains more prominence, and the same is happening
when one makes an aspect with a planet which is participating in its formula.
According to his biography, the swimming made him famous, and together with his muscled
body made him to receive an offer to play the character of Tarzan, this sticking on him longer
than on any other actor. That role brought him a fortune and he became one of the most famous
and rich people in Hollywood and he established trends like no one else at that time.
Lets see the sequence of events on his chart. We have already established that what he has in
Pisces and Sagittarius made him a winner, following the Part of Exaltation which is in the same
Sign with the North Node, of Jupiter-Venus nature and the MC, all in Virgo, their dispositor be-
ing Mercury in Taurus and angular, located in the 11
House after PF. Then, the Sun is the ruler
of 10
House (social success) and with that of the Ascendant, Mars, is in conjunction in Gemini,
which is a masculine Sign. Did you understand? If not, you didnt lose anything.

Now we present a well known case, which is an example of a debilitated Part, the one of the
deep reflections.

George W. Bush: 6 July 1946, 07:26 (A.M.), New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

With the Ascendant in Leo and Sun in Cancer, he is the oxymoron of the submissive master.

Taking into account that we have already analyzed Fortune in the other cases, we will go straight
to the Part of deep reflections: Asc + Saturn - Moon in the diurnal chart. This is in Taurus, in the
House, so is very visible. But he is renowned for its opposite. How can we explain this?

First of all, lets calculate the dignity of this Part. Saturn is in sect, we get 5 points. He does not
have the compatible gender, we go to the visibility, meaning we check the position above the
horizon, where he has 3 more points, and hes not in term, so we give 2 more points.

It is a total of 10 points. The Moon has zero. Shes not in sect, not in gender, not visible; shes
not in nocturnal term, not oriental. We have an Arabic Part reduced to 10 points, so it is in essen-
tial debility.

Usually it can be interpreted as being the lack of what is represents. The deep reflections must
show a person who tries to find out the truth. But with such a part in debility we cannot expect
something like this from his deeds.

For the theorys sake, if we could read this Part as it is, we could say that this person has deep
reflections concerning the progress (Venus receives Taurus and is angular from the Part and
from the radical Ascendant) which makes them inherent to his own personality. But because the
Part is in debility, we cannot read as it is. We know this condition makes it hostage to the com-
plementary or opposite Part, respectively the Part of inheritance. We know that he was promoted
in the political life not because of his intellectual qualities, but because of the legacy of the Bush
name (and of everything that comes with this name: money, social relations and influence).

Hypothetical example: 29 January, 1954, 4:30 (A.M.), somewhere in the USA.

Here we have a case where both the Fortune (in Pisces) and the Spirit (in Libra) are debilitated,
so the first takes hostage the second, and this leads to an unusual situation.

First, if we have to take PF as it is, this person is poor, because the planets situated in the 12

House after PF would lead the native to bankruptcy, while the conjunction of NN and Chiron in
the 11
House after the same pivot leads to injurious acquisitions. But this is not the case: PoS
behaves as if it is PF, and this is well aspected by Jupiter (dispositor of PF and angular), is sus-
tained by its ruler, Venus in Cazimi, and more importantly by the Luminaries, because these are
the ones who create the two Parts.
All these point out that the native made huge efforts to build a prosperous material situation, so it
was not just pure luck. Anyway it is clear that PoS is the one that brought him/her prosperity,
and it was not PF, even if the significations are different in this case.


The final conclusion is that the dignities play an important role, which is divided into two cate-
gories: the essential ones talk about the truthfulness, how consistent a Part is acting or a planet
like itself, while the accidental dignities talk about power, how big is the impact of a Part or of a
planet. Furthermore, all these nuances are useful, especially because the nowadays astrology is
in a very sad situation. If these nuances are used, all the philosophical necrosis (which appeared
due to the strictly modern or traditional approaches) will disappear. The Dichotomy Principle
invites us to harmony and balance, and these are the attributes of Saturn in Libra. One cannot
find a better time to present the astrology as it is.

Thank you for your attention,
Andrei Tzadd (pron. zad) and Elendiar
2010 A.D.

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