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Deed of Gift(Draft Copy )

1. Date:
2. Place:
3. Parties:
3.1 _____________________, son of
________________, by faith Hindu, by Nationality
Indian, by occupation __________, residing at
(Donor, includes successors-in-interest and assigns)
3.2 _____________________, son of
________________, by faith Hindu, by Nationality
Indian, by occupation __________, residing at
(Donee, includes successors-in-interest and assigns)
[Donor, Donee collectiely Parties and
indiidually Party.!
DD !" G#"$ %#$N&&& A& "!''!%&:
(. &)*+ect ,atter of Gift:
(.1 &)*+ect 'and: .
(.2 $-e &tr)ct)re:
(.3 !t-er .i/-ts: "ase#ents and all other rights,
liberties, priileges and benefits appurtenant to the
$ub%ect &and and 'he $tructure and all e(uip#ents,
installations, fittings, fi)tures etc. in or about 'he
(.( &)*+ect Property: 'he sub%ect #atter of the *ift is
+.,, +.- and +.. aboe.
0. 1ac2/ro)nd:
0.1 Description of t-e $itle: /hain of title is to be
described in detail here.
0.2 &ale to Donor: 0y a Deed of $ale dated _______,
registered in the 1ffice of the $ub-2egistrar, ________,
in 0oo3 No. I, 4olu#e No. ____, 5ages __ to ___, 0eing
No. ______ for the year __________ (&aid Deed), said
_______ (Na#e of the preious o6ner) sold the
aforesaid plot of land #easuring about 7 Deci#als or .
three Cottahs #ore or less co#prised in Dag No. ______
as aforesaid to the Donor hereto.
0.3 !3ners-ip of t-e Donor:
0.( Constr)ction *y t-e Donor: .
0.0 &aid Property: 'hus the Donor has beco#e the sole
and absolute o6ner in respect of the land.
4. .epresentations and %arranties of t-e Donor:
4.1 A*sol)te !3ners-ip: 'he Donor is the absolute
o6ner of the $ub%ect 5roperty.
4.2 .i/-t5 Po3er and A)t-ority to &ell: 'he Donor
has good right, full po6er, absolute authority and
indefeasible title to gift and8or alienate the $ub%ect
4.3 "ree fro6 nc)6*rances: 'he $ub%ect 5roperty is
free fro# all clai#s, de#ands, encu#brances,
#ortgages, charges, liens, attach#ents, lis pendens,
uses, debutters, trusts, prohibitions, Inco#e 'a)
9ttach#ent, :inancial Institution /harges and liabilities
6hatsoeer or ho6soeer #ade or suffered by the Donor
or any person clai#ing through the Donor and the title of
the Donor to the $ub%ect 5roperty is free, clear and
4.( No Pre+)dicial Act *y t-e Donor: 'he Donor has
not at any ti#e done or e)ecuted or 3no6ingly suffered
or been party or priy to any act, deed, #atter or thing
6hereby the $ub%ect 5roperty or any part thereof can or
#ay be i#peached, encu#bered or affected in title.
4.0 No Personal G)arantee: 'he $ub%ect 5roperty is
not affected by or sub%ect to any personal guarantee for
securing any financial acco##odation.
4.4 No 1ar *y Co)rt !rder: 'here is no order of /ourt
or any other statutory authority prohibiting the Donor
fro# transferring and8or alienating the $ub%ect 5roperty
or any part thereof.
7. 1asic 8nderstandin/: $he $ub%ect 5roperty in faour
of the Donee and the Donee has agreed to accept such
9. Gift:
9.1 :ere*y ,ade: 'he Donor both hereby gift to the
Donee, absolutely and foreer, free fro# all
encu#brances of any and eery nature 6hatsoeer, the
$ub%ect 5roperty, described in the $chedule belo6, being;
;. $er6s of Gift:
;.1 &alient $er6s: 'he gift of the $ub%ect 5roperty
being effected by this Deed is;
;.1.1 Gift: 9 gift 6ithin the #eaning of the 'ransfer of
5roperty 9ct, ,<<-.
;.1.2 A*sol)te: 9bsolute, irreersible and foreer.
;.1.3 "ree fro6 nc)6*rances: :ree fro# all
encu#brances of any and eery nature 6hatsoeer
including but not li#ited to lis pendens, attach#ents,
liens, charges, #ortgages, trusts, debutters, reersionary
rights, residuary rights, clai#s and statutory prohibitions.
;.1.( !t-er .i/-ts: 'ogether 6ith "ase#ents and all
other rights, liberties, priileges and benefits appurtenant
to the $ub%ect 5roperty.
1<. ,iscellaneo)s:
1<.1 Deli=ery of Possession:
1<.2 !)t/oin/s: 9ll =unicipal and other ta)es,
penalties, surcharge, outgoings, liabilities and leies on
or relating to the $ub%ect 5roperty till the 5ossession
Date, 6hether as yet de#anded or not, shall be borne,
paid and discharged by the Donor and thereafter that
shall be borne, paid and discharged by the Donee.
1<.3 :oldin/ Possession: 'he Donor hereby coenant
that the Donee shall and #ay, fro# ti#e to ti#e and at
all ti#es hereafter, peacefully and (uietly enter into,
hold, possess, use and en%oy the $ub%ect 5roperty and
eery part thereof and receie rents, issues and profits
thereof and all other benefits, rights and properties
hereby gifted or e)pressed or intended so to be unto and
to the Donee, 6ithout any la6ful eiction, hindrance,
interruption, disturbance, clai# or de#and 6hatsoeer
fro# or by the Donor or any persons la6fully or e(uitably
clai#ing any right or estate therein fro# under or in trust
fro# the Donor.
1<.( ")rt-er Acts: 'he Donor hereby coenants that
the Donor or any person clai#ing under hi#, shall and
6ill fro# ti#e to ti#e and at all ti#es hereafter, upon
eery re(uest and at the cost of the Donee and8or
successors-in-interest of the Donee, do and e)ecute or
cause to be done and e)ecuted all such acts, deeds and
things for further or #ore perfectly assuring the title of
the Donee to the $ub%ect 5roperty.
1<.0 Prod)ction of &aid Deed: 9s referred
hereinbefore, the $aid Deed and all other title docu#ents
in respect of the $aid 5roperty shall be lying 6ith the
custody of the Donor and unless preented by fire or
other unaoidable accidents fro# ti#e to ti#e and at all
ti#es hereinafter at li3e re(uest and cost of the Donee,
the Donor or his successors-in-interest 6ill produce or
cause to be produced the $aid Deed and8or the said
docu#ents for reasonable re(uire#ent as #ay be
re(uired fro# ti#e to ti#e.
1<.4 Assess6ent of >al)e for t-e p)rpose of
Ad=alore6 &ta6p D)ty: :or the co#putation of sta#p
duty, the alue of the $ub%ect 5roperty is assessed at 2s.
______8- (2upees ________) only.
11. #nterpretation:
11.1 N)6*er: >ords denoting the singular nu#ber
include, 6here the conte)t per#its and re(uires, the
plural nu#ber and ice-ersa.
11.2 :eadin/s: 'he headings in this Deed are inserted
for conenience only and shall be ignored in construing
the proisions of this Deed.
11.3 Definitions: >ords and phrases hae been defined
in the Deed by bold print and by putting the# 6ithin
brac3ets. >here a 6ord or phrase is defined, other parts
of speech or gra##atical for#s of that 6ord or phrase
shall hae corresponding #eaning.
&c-ed)le a*o=e referred to
($ub%ect 5roperty)
[&)*+ect ,atter of Gift!
Detail of t-e &)*+ect Property 3it- *o)ndary
description ????
The Plot is shown on the Plan annexed hereto with
the border Red and the Plan is treated as a part of
this Deed.
12. @ec)tion and Deli=ery:
12.1 #n %itness %-ereof the Donor has e)ecuted and
deliered this Deed of *ift on the day, #onth and year
#entioned aboe.
I accept the *ift #entioned
hereto 6ith pleasure;


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