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Third Conditional, tambin -Type III- Refiere a una situacin hipottica del pasado y se

forma segn la estructura : if + past perfect + conditional perfect. Aqu tienes algunos
ejemplos traducidos.
If clause Main clause
If + Past Perfect tense would/could/might + have + past participle
If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.

If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.
Si yo hubiera ganado la lotera, habra viajado por todo el mundo.
If I had seen him, I would have told him about you.
Si lo hubiese visto, le habra contado acerca de ti.
If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand.
Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habra levantado mi mano.
If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her.
Si ella hubiese venido el sbado, la habra visto.
If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time.
Si ellos hubiesen salido ms temprano, habran llegado a tiempo.
If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test.
Si hubisemos estudiado ms duro, podramos haber aprobado la prueba.
If you had gone to Brazil, you would have had lots of fun.
Si tu hubieses ido a Brasil, habras tenido mucha diversin.
If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you.
Si no hubiese estado tan ocupado, te podra haber ayudado.

If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here.
Si tu me hubieses telefoneado, habra sabido que estabas aqu.
If they had invited us, we would have accepted at once.
Si ellos nos hubiesen invitado, habramos aceptado de inmediato.
If she had explained me the problem, I would have understood it.
Si ella me hubiese explicado el problema, lo habra entendido.
If I hadn't forgotten his number, I would have phoned him.
Si no hubiese olvidado su nmero, lo habra llamado.
If it hadn't rained, we would have gone fishing.
Si no hubiese llovido, habramos ido a pescar.
If my sister had been here, she would have enjoyed this.
Si mi hermana hubiese estado aqu, habra disfrutado esto.
If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today.
Si no hubiesen tomado tanto anoche, no se habran sentido enfermos hoy.
If he had worked more, he could have saved more money.
Si l hubiese trabajado ms, podra haver ahorrado ms dinero.

Third Conditional


The third conditional (also called conditional type 3) is a structure used for talking about unreal
situations in the past. This will explain how the third conditional is formed, and when to use it.

El tercer condicional se emplea para hablar de situaciones irreales o ficticias que nos hubiera
(o no) gustado que se dieran en el pasado. A continuacin se expondr como se estructuran
las oraciones en este tiempo.


The structure of a third conditional sentence

Like the other conditionals, a third conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause
and a main clause:

if clause main clause

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

explanation I failed the exam, because I didn't study hard enough.

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If

the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:

main clause if clause

I probably would have passed the exam if I had studied harder.

We use different verb forms in each part of a third conditional:

if clause if + subject + past perfect verb*

main clause subject + would (OR could, OR might) have + past participle

*The past perfect is formed with the auxiliary verb "had", and the past participle (or third form)
of the verb.

Note also that third conditional forms can be contracted:

Full form If I had studied harder, I probably would have passed the exam.

Contracted form If I'd studied harder, I probably would've passed the exam.


Using the third conditional

The third conditional is used to talk about things which DID NOT HAPPEN in the past. If your
native language does not have a similar construction, you may find this a little strange, but it
can be very useful. It is often used to express criticism or regret:
El uso del tercer condicional se emplea para hablar de cosas que no ocurrieron en el pasado,
generalmente se emplea para expresar crtica o arrepentimiento.
Example Explanation

If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.
Criticism: You had an accident because you didn't drive carefully enough.

If we had played a little better, we could have won the game.
Regret: We didn't play well, so we lost the game.

If you had saved your money, you could have bought a computer.
Criticism: You didn't save your money, so now you can't afford a computer.

If it had snowed, we could have gone skiing.
Regret: It didn't snow, so we couldn't go skiing.

Sentence TYPE III

If I had seen him, I would have told him about you
Si lo hubiese visto, le habra contado acerca de ti

If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand
Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habra levantado mi mano

If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her.
Si ella hubiese venido el sbado, la habra visto

If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time.
Si ellos hubiesen salido ms temprano, habran llegado a tiempo

If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test.
Si hubisemos estudiado ms duro, podramos haber aprobado la prueba

If you had gone to Brazil, you would have had lots of fun.
Si tu hubieses ido a Brasil, habras tenido mucha diversin

If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you.
Si no hubiese estado tan ocupado, te podra haber ayudado

If you had phoned me, I would have known you were here.
Si tu me hubieses telefoneado, habra sabido que estabas aqu

If they had invited us, we would have accepted at once.
Si ellos nos hubiesen invitado, habramos aceptado de inmediato

If she had explained me the problem, I would have understood it.
Si ella me hubiese explicado el problema, lo habra entendido

If I hadn't forgotten his number, I would have phoned him .
Si no hubiese olvidado su nmero, lo habra llamado

If it hadn't rained, we would have gone fishing.
Si no hubiese llovido, habramos ido a pescar

If my sister had been here, she would have enjoyed this.
Si mi hermana hubiese estado aqu, habra disfrutado esto

If they hadn't drunk so much last night, they wouldn't have felt sick today.
Si no hubiesen tomado tanto anoche, no se habran sentido enfermos hoy

If he had worked more, he could have saved more money.
Si l hubiese trabajado ms, podra haver ahorrado ms dinero

Verbos May y Might en

Forma afirmativa
e interrogativa
Forma negativa
Forma negativa
may may not mayn't (poco usado)
might might not mightn't
Usos mas importantes de may

1. Permiso, sobre todo en preguntas:

- May I disturb you for a moment? / Puedo molestarle un momento?
- May I put the light on? / Puedo encender la luz?
Para expresar poder de permiso con may, puede utilizarse tambin can y could en
el lenguaje ms informal.

May not puede usarse para denegar permiso y para prohibir en el estilo formal:

Students may not use the staff car park / Los estudiantes no pueden usar el
aparcamiento del profesorado.
Must not tambin se emplea para prohibir. Es ms fuerte y enftico que may not:
Students must not use the staff car park

'May I borrow your car?' 'No, you may not.' / 'Me prestas tu coche?' 'No, no te lo

2. Posibilidad:

We may go to Paris this summer. / Puede que vayamos a Paris este verano.
You may be right. / Puede que tengas razn.
It may not be true. Puede que no sea verdad.
It cant be true. No puede ser verdad. (imposibilidad)

Para preguntar por la posibilidad de algo no se suele usar may, sino can:

Can it be true? - Puede ser verdad?

3. Peticiones corteses:

May I have some more cake, please?
Puedo tomar ms pastel, por favor?/Me das un poco ms de pastel, por favor?

4. Matiz concesivo:

It may be a longer route, but its much quicker.

Puede que sea un camino ms largo, pero es mucho ms rpido.

Usos mas importantes de might

1. Posibilidad: El empleo de might en lugar de may indica que la probabilidad es
ms remota:

I may go to Barcelona tomorrow. (Tal vez una posibilidad del 50%)
Juan might come with me. (Tal vez una posibilidad del 30%)

2. Permiso o peticiones corteses:

Might I open this bottle of wine? / Podra abrir este botella de vino?

En este tipo de expresiones es ms frecuente emplear may

3. Matiz concesivo:

It might be a longer route, but its much quicker.
Puede que sea un camino ms largo, pero es mucho ms rpido.

4. En estilo indirecto, equivalente a may en el directo.

'May I sit down?', she asked? / 'Puedo sentarme?', pregunt
(estilo directo)

She asked if she might sit down Pregunt s poda sentarse.
(estilo indirecto)
Forma afirmativa
e interrogativa
Forma negativa
Forma negativa
must must not mustn't
Para los tiempos que carecen del must, puede emplearse to have to (tener que):

I had to go to the hospital. / Tuve/Tena que ir al hospital. (pasado)
Ill have to go to the hospital. / Tendr que ir al hospital. (futuro)
Usos de must

1. Deber. Una obligacin de hacer algo que se considera necesario o muy importante:

A soldier must obey orders. Un soldado deber cumplir las ordenes.

You must be here before 8 oclock tomorrow. / Debes estar aqu antes de las ocho de
la maana.

La negacin mustnt indica prohibicin.

You musnt smoke here. No deben fumar aqu.


La ausencia de necesidad o de obligacin se expresa con neednt o not have to.

You neednt phone me. No hace falta que me llames.
You dont have to phone me. No hace falta que me llames.

Obligacin en el pasado.

Para indicar obligacin en el pasado, se hace necesario a veces utilizar had to en lugar
de must:

I had to leave early. Tuve/tena que marcharse temprano.

2. Deduccin afirmativa o suposicin.

Maria must have a problem with her boss. / Mara debe tener un problema con su jefe.
He must be at home. / Debe estar en casa.

La deduccin negativa o imposibilidad se expresa con cant:

You cant be hungry, its only 11 oclock. / No puede ser que tengas hambre. Slo son
las once.
She cant be married yet. Shes only 16. / Ella no puede casarse todava. Slo tiene 16

3. Deduccin o suposicin con el aspecto perfecto (con have).

She must have paid already. Debe haberlo pagado ya.

La deduccin negativa o imposibilidad se expresa con cant.

She cant have done it already. / No puede haberlo hecho ya.

I / you / he / she
Choose cant or must. Follow the example.
Elige cant o must. Sigue el ejemplo.

1. Youve been working all day. You
be very tired.
2. Congratulations on passing your driving test. You
be very happy to
have a driving licence.
3. You got here very quickly. You
have walked.
4. Amparo and Santi had terrible weather and they lost their passports and video
camera. They
have had a very nice holiday.
5. The neighbours have just bought a new Porsche. They
be short of
6. Youre going on holiday next week, arent you? You
be looking
forward to it.
7. That new restaurant
be very good. Its always empty.

Read the situations and use the words in brackets to write sentences
with must have/cant have and must be/cant be. Follow the examples.
Lee las situaciones y utiliza las palabras en parntesis para escribir frases con
must have/cant have y must be/cant be. Sigue los ejemplos.

Example 1: Ive been phoning mum and dad all morning, but theres no
They must be out.

Example 2: I saw my boss in the bank yesterday, but he didnt say hello.
He can't have seen me
(not/see me)

1. Carol wasnt at work last week.
2. Im sure we parked the car here. Its disappeared.
(someone/stole it)
3. I only bought that chocolate cake yesterday.
(you/not finished/already!)
4. When I woke up this morning, the computer was still on.
(I/forgot/turn it off last night)
5. They bought their flat for more than 400,000 euros.
(They/not pay/cash)
6. That loud music has been going on for hours next door.
(They/have/a party)
7. I keep seeing the woman next door going into and coming out of her house
with different men.
8. But youve done exactly the opposite of what I asked you to do.
(You/not understand/what I said)
9. I havent seen our neighbours for ages.
(They/go away)
10.I can see a lot of people with umbrellas outside.
1. She must be ill.
2. Someone must have stolen it.
3. You cant have finished it already!
4. I must have forgotten to turn it off last night.
5. They cant have paid cash.
6. They must be having a party.
7. She cant be married.
8. You cant have understood what I said.
9. They must have gone away.
10.It must be raining.

Modal Verbs (Verbos modales)
Los verbos modales son verbos auxiliares que no pueden funcionar como un verbo principal, a
diferencia de los verbos auxiliares "be", "do" y "have" que s pueden funcionar como un verbo
Los verbos modales expresan modalidad. Pueden expresar habilidad, posibilidad, necesidad u
otra condicin. Son verbos auxiliares del futuro y del condicional. Los tiempos verbales ingleses
no son suficientes para expresar ideas de posibilidad o incertidumbre. No existe un tiempo
verbal del condicional en ingls. A la vez, se usan verbos auxiliares para el condicional. Tampoco
hay un tiempo verbal como el subjuntivo en espaol. Por eso, es muy importante entender los
usos de los verbos modales.
Como verbos complementarios que son, los verbos modales no funcionan sin otro verbo. Este
otro verbo siempre va despus del verbo modal y est en la forma de base (el infinitivo sin "to").
No se conjugan los verbos modales y no tienen tiempo.
Los verbos modales son:
ought to
Uses (Usos)
"Can" indica habilidad o posibilidad. En estos casos puede ser traducido como "poder" en
I can speak five languages. (Puedo hablar cinco idiomas.)
We can work late tonight if you need us. (Podemos trabajar hasta tarde esta noche si nos necesitas.)
Bill and Tom can't help you. (Bill y Tom no pueden ayudarte.)
The restaurant can be expensive if you drink a lot of wine. (El restaurante puede ser caro si bebes
mucho vino.)
It can be dangerous to drive if you are tired. (Conducir puede ser peligroso si ests cansado.)
En frases interrogativas, el uso de "can" puede solicitar permiso o preguntar sobre posibilidades.
Can I have a glass of water? (Puedo tomar un vaso de agua?)
Can you help me? (Puedes ayudarme?)
Can they work late tonight? (Pueden trabajar hasta tarde esta noche?)
"Could" es el pasado de "can"; indica posibilidad o habilidad en el pasado.
Joe could speak Spanish when he was young. (Joe poda hablar espaol cuando era joven.)
I couldn't sleep last night. (No pude dormir anoche.)
It could have been worse. (Podra haber sido peor.)
Could you play an instrument when you were a child? (Podas tocar un instrumento cuando eras un
Tambin se puede usar "could" para posibilidades en el futuro.
You could pass the test if you studied. (Podras pasar el examen si estudiaras.)
I think it could rain later. (Creo que podra llover ms tarde.)
Como "can", en frases interrogativas "could" puede solicitar permiso o preguntar sobre las
posibilidades, pero es ms formal.
Could you pass the salt please? (Podra pasarme la sal por favor?)
Could you help me? (Podras ayudarme?)
Could I be wrong? (Podra estar equivocado?)
Nota: Se usa "could" en frases condicionales. Ver la leccin sobre frases condicionales para ms
informacin sobre el uso de "could".
Como "could", se usa "may" para indicar posibilidades en el futuro.
I would bring an umbrella, it may rain later. (Llevara un paraguas, puede llover ms tarde.)
It may be better to finish this now, rather than wait until tomorrow. (Tal vez sea mejor terminar esto
ahora, en lugar de esperar hasta maana.)
Tambin se puede utilizar para dar permisos o instrucciones.
You may leave if you like. (Puede salir si quiere.)
You may use your cell phones now. (Podis usar sus telfonos ahora.)
En frases interrogativas, el uso de "may" es ms educado que "can" o "could".
May I have a glass of water? (Podra tomar un vaso de agua?)
May I leave now? (Podra salir ahora?)
Se usa "might" para indicar posibilidades en el presente o el futuro. En estos casos, es un
sinnimo de "may".
I would bring an umbrella, it might rain later. (Yo llevara un paraguas, puede llover ms tarde.)
It might be better to finish this now, rather than wait until tomorrow. (Tal vez sea mejor terminar
esto ahora, en lugar de esperar hasta maana.)
Tambin se puede usar, al igual que "may", para pedir permisos o hacer peticiones corteses,
aunque este uso es mucho ms comn en el Reino Unido que en los Estados Unidos.
Como hemos visto, se utiliza "will" para formar el tiempo futuro.
Tambin el uso de "will" significa voluntad o determinacin.
I will help you. (Te ayudar.)
We will learn English. (Aprenderemos ingls.)
Se utiliza "will" en frases interrogativas para pedir informacin, un favor o sobre opciones.
Will they find a cure for cancer? (Encontrarn una cura para el cncer?)
Will you help me move? (Me ayudas a mudarme?)
Will he go to Paris by car or train? (Ir a Pars en coche o en tren?)
Se usa "shall" como "will" para formar el tiempo futuro. El uso de "shall" es mucho ms comn
en el Reino Unido y en general es ms educado.
Chris shall be happy to see you. (Chris estar feliz de verte.)
I'll take the 3 o'clock train. (Tomar el tren a las 15h.)
Nota: Las formas cortas de "will" y "shall" son lo mismo. Entonces "I'll" en el ejemplo
anterior puede significar "I will" o "I shall".
Tambin se puede utilizar "shall" para ofertas y sugerencias o para preguntar sobre opciones o
Shall we meet at 10pm? (Quedamos a las 22h?)
Shall we go to the movies or a museum? (Vamos al cine o a un museo?)
"Should" indica una obligacin o recomendacin. Refleja una opinin sobre lo que es correcto.
Se traduce como el condicional de "deber" en espaol.
I should call my parents more often. (Debera llamar a mis padres ms a menudo.)
You shouldn't work so hard. (No debera trabajar tan duro.)
They should practice more if they want to win the championship. (Deberan practicar ms si quieren
ganar el campeonato.)
Se utiliza "should" en frases interrogativas para preguntar si existe una obligacin o para pedir
una recomendacin.
Should we leave a tip? (Deberamos dejar una propina?)
Should I have the steak or the chicken? (Debera comer el bistec o el pollo?)
Where should they meet you? (Dnde deberan encontrarte?)
Ought to
"Ought to" es un sinnimo de "should".
She ought to quit smoking. (Debera dejar de fumar.)
I ought to call my parents more often. (Debera llamar a mis padres ms a menudo.)
They ought to work less. (Deberan trabajar menos.)
Note: Nunca se usa "ought to" en frases interrogativas en ingls americano.
"Must" indica una obligacin, prohibicin o necesidad. Tambin puede emplearse "have to"
(tener que).
You must [have to] read this book, it's fantastic. (Tienes que leer este libro, es fantstico.)
You must [have to] brush your teeth two times a day. (Tienes que cepillarte los dientes dos veces al
We must [have to] leave now or we will be late. (Tenemos que irnos ahora o llegaremos tarde.)
You mustn't drink and drive. (No puedes beber y conducir.)
When must we meet you? (Cundo debemos quedar? )
Tambin se puede usar "must" para indicar probabilidad o asumir algo.
John's not here. He must be sick because he never misses class. (John no esta aqu. Debe estar
enfermo porque nunca pierde clases.)
It must be difficult to learn a new language as an adult. (Debe ser difcil aprender un idioma como
Es posible tambin usar "must" para preguntas retricas.
Must you always be late? (Siempre tienes que llegar tarde?)
Must she talk so much? (Tiene que hablar tanto?)
Se usa "would" para declarar una preferencia y para preguntar por algo educadamente.
She would like to go to New York someday. (Le gustara ir a Nueva York algn da.)
I would like a beer and my wife would like a glass of wine please. (Me gustara una cerveza y a mi
mujer le gustara una copa de vino por favor.)
Would you like some coffee? (Le gustara un cafe?)
Would you help me please? (Me ayudas por favor?)
When would you like to go to the movies? (Cundo te gustara ir al cine?)
Nota: Se usa "would" en frases condicionales. Ver la leccin sobre frases condicionales para
ms informacin sobre el uso de "would".

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