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Topic: Decimals

List of Benchmarks for Mathematics

Standard 2. Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers
Level II (Grade 3-5)
Understands equivalent forms of basic percents, fractions, and decimals (e.g., 1/2 is
equivalent to 50% is equivalent to .5) and when one form of a number might be more
useful than another
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Converts fractions to percents
2. Converts percents to decimals
3. Converts fractions to decimals
4. Knows the equivalence of common fractions and percents
5. Knows the equivalence of common fractions and decimals
6. Knows the equivalence of common percents and decimals
Understands the concepts related to fractions (e.g., numerator and denominator,
equivalence, relative magnitudes) and decimals (e.g.,relative magnitudes)
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Understands the concept of numerator and denominator
2. Understands the concept of fractions
3. Understands the concept of decimals
4. Understands the concept of equivelant fractions
5. Understands the relative magnitude of fractions
6. Understands the relative magnitudes of decimals
Uses base ten concepts to represent decimals and fractions in flexible ways (e.g.,
composing and decomposing numbers
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Uses base ten concepts to represent decimals in flexible ways.
2. Uses base ten concepts to represent fractions in flexible ways.
3. Uses base ten concepts to compose decimal numbers.
4. Uses base ten concepts to decompose decimal numbers.
Level III (Grade 6-8)
Understands the relationships among equivalent number representations (e.g., whole
numbers, positive and negative integers, fractions, ratios, decimals, percents, scientific
notation, exponentials) and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Understands the equivalence of decimals and percents
2. Understands the equivalence of whole numbers and fractions
3. Understands the equivalence of fractions and ratios
4. Understands the equivalence of whole numbers and ratios
5. Understands the equivalence of whole numbers and decimals
6. Understands the equivalence of whole numbers and percents
7. Understands the equivalence of whole numbers and scientific notation
8. Understands the equivalence of integers and fractions
9. Understands the equivalence of integers and ratios
10. Understands the equivalence of integers and decimals
11. Understands the equivalence of integers and percents
12. Understands the equivalence of integers and scientific notation
13. Understands the equivalence of integers and exponents
14. Understands the equivalence of fractions and decimals
15. Understands the equivalence of ratios and decimals
16. Understands the equivalence of ratios and percents
17. Understands the equivalence of decimals and scientific notation
18. Understands the equivalence of decimals and exponents
19. Understands the equivalence of scientific notation and exponents
20. Understands the advantages and disadvantages of different number representations
Understands the characteristics and properties (e.g., order relations, relative magnitude,
base-ten place values) of the set of rational numbers and its subsets (e.g., whole numbers,
fractions, decimals, integers)
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Understands the concept of "less than" with rational numbers
2. Understands the concept of "greater than" with rational numbers
3. Understands the concept of base 10
4. Understands the concept of rational numbers
5. Understands the concept of relative magnitude as it relates to rational numbers
6. Understands the concept of relative magnitude as it relates to integers
Standard 3. Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation
Level II (Grade 3-5)
Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides decimals
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Understands the concept of decimal addition
2. Adds decimals
3. Understands the concept of decimal subtraction
4. Subtracts decimals
5. Understands the concept of decimal multiplication
6. Multiplies decimals
7. Understands the concept of decimal division
8. Divides decimals
Solves word problems (e.g., problems that require students to put things into groups or
combine things that come in groups)and real world problems involving number operations,
including those that specify units (e.g., dollars and cents, hours and minutes, cubic units )
Knowledge/skill statements
1. Solves real world problems involving number operations with money
2. Solves real world problems involving number operations with time
3. Solves real world problems involving operations with volume
4. Determines whether a real-world problem can be solved with computation
5. Solves real world problems involving number operations.
6. Solves word problems involving number operations.
7. Solves word problems that require students to put things into groups
8. Solves word problems that require students to combine things that come in groups

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