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Darby O'Gill & the Little People was excellent--the only good leprechaun

movie ever made, in fact. The special efects employed were truly awesome,
especially for the time. Pre-computer era and all. The Banshee, the death
cab, and the way Darbys horse !"leopatra, # thin$% loo$ed when he initially
fell down into the leprechauns world &'( )uite creepy--# can see how the
movie would have been a really scary one to see as a $id. 'nd # loved the
accompanying *&onderful &orld of Disney* episode, where &alt heard the
legend of how leprechauns are actually fallen angels who chose to live in
#reland...and how Darby, +ing Bryan, and everyone else ,ust portrayed their
real selves and adventures in the -lm !wonder how they got the old
douchebag Pony to agree to it. Paid him enough, # guess/% The only thing #
found $ind of disturbing about the whole thing was that they never showd
Bryan returning to his people...hed said that the coach could never return
empty, and he appeared to stay in it after pushing Darby out. 0ow, # -gured
that the wily little +ing of the 1eprechauns wouldnt let himself be $ept in the
land of the dead forever...he can obviously teleport, so maybe he ,ust rode in
the coach til it had returned to its departure point, then left. 1i$e, he tric$ed
death itself. !"ause is he immortal, or ,ust lives for many thousands of years.
'nd immortal in the sense of not dying naturally, or immortal as in "'002T
die.% 'nyway, # guess the law of the fourth wish reversing3undoing the efects
of the -rst three would supersede the need for the death carriage to ta$e
someone to the other side--whether it was the person originally intended to
be ta$en or not. 2bviously the leprechaun magic has (245 power over
death, because Bryan was able to ma$e the cab ta$e Darby instead. But it
wasnt going to come bac$ for +atie because a% she was cured as soon as
Darby sacri-ced himself for her, and b% the wishes dont get obliterated as if
theyd never been made. 6e still 4'D5 the third wish7 he ,ust lost the efects
of it and the prior two by ma$ing the fourth. !(o if you ever happen to
seriously screw things up with a wish, try ma$ing four...7%
Carrie8 &ell, # have to say that the rema$e was pretty darn good. #t very much
followed the original, which closely matched the boo$--so it remains one of
the most faithful boo$-to-screen adaptations. The appearance and
atmosphere of the house was particularly similar. The only 4'92: diferences
between the two -lms were the absence of (ues nightmare at the end of the
rema$e, and the fact that that one clearly ta$es place in the present-day due
to the addition of the smartphone and ;ouTube video of "arries period
mishap. They also utili<ed technological advancements for the efects of her
powers, and embellished the script somewhat with a few new lines and
scenes--mainly to deepen the characters of "hris and (ue. They also switched
from volleyball to swimming in the opening scene, and showed "arries mom
giving birth to her. !'nd immediately wanting to $ill her. Dx%
Poor "arrie...what a sympathetic character. The only three people who got
exactly what they had coming, though, were her mother !the woman was
clearly abusive and psychotic3mentally ill, and needed help, so she either had
to die or be thrown into a padded room in a straight,ac$et%, the despicable
"hris, and her pig-murdering boyfriend. 6ow incredibly satisfying it was to
see them perish so gruesomely// (ue felt by far the most remorse, while the
rest of the girls did their penance probably for some mix of remorse and
desire to attend the prom. Than$fully she survived...but her boyfriend
de-nitely didnt deserve to get $illed. 0either did many other students and
faculty members who didnt get out of the =aming gymnasium alive that
night !especially the gym teacher who had ta$en it upon herself to loo$ out
for and defend "arrie/% 2f course, to "arrie it must surely have loo$ed as
though (ue and her boyfriend 6'D been trying to tric$ her into further
humiliation all along, after all--and that pretty much everyone else was
supporting them, determined to torment her endlessly. # cant exactly blame
her for unleashing all that fury. #ts ,ust so sad that she then had to commit
suicide by destroying her house as well. 8! #ts li$e, *;our moms always been
a cuc$oo-cra<y whac$o nut,ob bitch, dont feel bad for $illing her after she
tried to $ill you//* But seriously, as soon as that pig blood hit her, she became
such a badass. #t was li$e a macabre *1et #t >o* se)uence--and the way she
conducted her power was very 5lsa-li$e. "rushing people in the
bleachers...smashing "hris ugly, evil face through the windshield and then
blowing them up and dropping a pole on them for good measure, lol. #t was
great. Poor girl, though, truly. >rowing up with such a nutty, over-sheltering,
obsessively religious, deranged mom at home and bullies at school...not one
person willing to be her friend, so a total social pariah...what a tragic
story// 7??7 'nd a very efective anti-bullying message. !#rl, this would
correspond to a miserable bullied $id bombing his3her school or something.%
'lso, "arrie is basically the :-rated 4atilda. >irl with unbelievably horrible
experiences at school and at home !due to entirely un-t, abusive parent3s%
discovers that she has tele$inetic powers she can use against her tormenters.
2ne particular teacher ta$es a personal interest in loo$ing out for the girl. Big
climax at the school. Then one has a happy ending, and the other a tragic

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