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Sarahs Secret

Teachers Notes
Assessment Task: Sarahs Secret
Level: Key Stage 2
Related Basic Competency (BC) escriptors
Part 1 (Reading strategies)
!sing a range o" reading strategies to #nderstand the meaning

o" simple te$ts %ith the help o"
Part 2 (Reading aloud)
Sho%ing a &asic #nderstanding o" simple and "amiliar te$ts &y reading alo#d the te$ts %ith
comprehensi&le pron#nciation and generally appropriate pace' stress' rhythm and intonation
Part 3 (Writing)
!sing common p#nct#ation mar(s in simple te$ts %ith some degree o" acc#racy
)riting and*or responding to simple te$ts %ith relevant in"ormation and ideas (incl#ding
personal e$periences' imaginative ideas and eval#ative remar(s) %ith the help o" c#es
)riting simple te$ts #sing a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns' cohesive devices
and ver& "orms "airly appropriately %ith the help o" c#es despite some spelling and grammatical
Part 4 (Seaking ! Sharing ersonal e"eriences)
+rono#ncing "amiliar %ords comprehensi&ly
+roviding and*or e$changing (as(ing and ans%ering) simple in"ormation and ideas (incl#ding
personal e$periences' imaginative ideas and eval#ative remar(s)' and attempting to provide some
ela&oration %ith the help o" c#es
!sing a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices to convey simple
in"ormation and ideas "airly appropriately %ith the help o" c#es despite some grammatical mista(es
Part # (Reading aloud o$n te"t)
Sho%ing a &asic #nderstanding o" simple and "amiliar te$ts &y reading alo#d the te$ts %ith
comprehensi&le pron#nciation and generally appropriate pace' stress' rhythm and intonation
Part % (&istening)
!sing a range o" strategies to #nderstand the meaning o" simple te$ts on "amiliar topics %hich
are delivered clearly in "amiliar accents
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part 1A Reading Strategies
Time Re'uired: 3# minutes
Pre(assessment (#(1) minutes)
,- .ntrod#ce the te$t to the p#pils &y disc#ssing the title and cover ill#stration %ith them- /old it #p
or sho% it on the vis#aliser- 0et them to predict %hat it might &e a&o#t-
2- 0ive each p#pil a copy o" the te$t- 1s( the p#pils to read it silently so that they can "ind o#t %hat
Sarahs secret is and %hether it is a real secret-
2- Lead a short disc#ssion %ith the class %hen the p#pils have read the te$t silently' so that they can
thin( and tal( a&o#t:
)ho is in the story3 4Sarah' 5amie' 6#m78
)hat is #nder Sarahs &ed3 4sentence 278 and
oes 5amie agree %ith her3 4paragraph 27-
Assessment (a*out 2# minutes)
,- Be"ore they start' e$plain the instr#ctions- ." necessary' sho% them ho% to ans%er the 9#estions &y
%riting the "ollo%ing e$amples on the &oard and disc#ssing them:
+"amle 1: Ticking the correct answer
)ho is Sarah3
1- She is a &oy-

She is a girl-
C- She is the mother-
41s( the p#pils :)hich ans%er do %e tic(3 (:She is a girl)' then p#t a tic( in the &o$7
+"amle 2: Putting a circle around key words
. am happy-
41s( the p#pils :)hich is the (ey or most important %ord in this sentence3 (:happy)' then p#t a
circle aro#nd it7
+"amle 3: Writing down the right answer
)rite do%n the %ord that tells %hat 6#m does in the "inal paragraph-
40et the p#pils to "ind the %ord (:la#ghs) and %rite it in the space7
2- 0et the p#pils to ans%er the 9#estions in the p#pil %or(&oo(- )hile they are doing the 9#estions'
yo# sho#ld rove aro#nd the classroom and ans%er 9#estions that they as( in relation to the
instr#ctions- B#t yo# m#st not give them ans%ers to the 9#estions in the %or(&oo(-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
T,+ T+-T
The te$t is availa&le to p#pils in &oo(let "orm- ;ach p#pil sho#ld have access to an individ#al copy o" it-
They sho#ld hand this &oo(let &ac( to the teacher a"ter each lesson-
Sarah has a secret- 1 tiger lives #nder her &ed- Shes never seen it &#t she (no%s
its there &eca#se it eats soc(s' toys and notes "rom school- Sarah has to <#mp into
&ed li(e a cat so that the tiger cant reach o#t and gra& her %ith its cla%s- /er
&rother 5amie doesnt &elieve her-
=Tigers dont live #nder &eds'> he e$plains- =Tigers live in <#ngles and ?oos-
They R.AR and snarl->
=This tiger lives in the dirt' d#st and dar('> says Sarah-
=1"ter school .ll sho% yo# theres not a tiger living #nder yo#r &ed'> says 5amie-
1"ter school 6#m says' =0randma is coming to stay so %e moved yo#r &ed to
ma(e more room->
=id yo# "ind a tiger3> Sarah as(s-
=No' not a tiger &#t lots o" other things'> la#ghs 6#m- =Some soc(s' toys and
notes "rom school->
+lease also note that each p#pil sho#ld have access to an individ#al copy o" the p#pil %or(&oo( that goes
%ith this te$t-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 1 Reading strategies
1%ard , score "or each correct ans%er-
1%ard @ score "or each incorrect ans%er-
,- )hat is the story a&o#t3
1- Sarahs secret a&o#t the tiger
B- )here tigers live
C- 0randma coming to stay
4This 9#estion relates to s(imming "or in"ormation A identi"ying main points in the te$t7
2- )hat happens "irst in the story3
1- Sarah tal(s to 5amie-
B- Sarah tal(s to hersel"-
C- Sarah tal(s to 6#m-
2- )hat happens ne$t in the story3
1- Sarah tal(s to 5amie-
B- Sarah tal(s to hersel"-
C- Sarah tal(s to 6#m-
4These 9#estions relate to se9#encing events properly7
B- )hat does 6#m "ind #nder the &ed3
1- 1 tiger
B- 0randma
C- Soc(s' toys and notes "rom school
4This 9#estion relates to identi"ying details in the te$t7
C- )hy does Sarah thin( there is a tiger #nder her &ed3
.t is &eca#se DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD-
1- she gets eaten
B- things go missing and she ma(es it #p
C- she hears lo#d noises
E- /o% does Sarah "eel a&o#t the tiger3
1- She loves it-
B- She thin(s it is silly-
C- She is a"raid o" it-
4These 9#estions relate to ma(ing in"erences7
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
F- )hat do yo# thin( might happen ne$t in the story3
1- 6#m gets angry %ith Sarah-
B- 1 real tiger arrives-
C- Sarah helps 6#m get the room ready "or 0randma-
4This 9#estion relates to ma(ing predictions in the te$t7
G- Circle the TW. main %ords in each o" these sentences-
a- Sarah has a secret-
&- 1 tiger lives #nder her &ed-

4This 9#estion relates to identi"ying (ey %ords in the te$t7
Ha- .s 5amie a &oy or a girl3
a &oy
&- )rite do%n the sentence that gives yo# this in"ormation-
/er &rother 5amie doesnt &elieve her-
4These 9#estions relate to scanning "or in"ormation7
,@- )hat so#nds do tigers #s#ally ma(e3 )rite do%n the t%o %ords-
a- roar
&- snarl
,,- )here do tigers #s#ally live3 )rite do%n the t%o %ords-
a- ?oo
&- <#ngle
4These 9#estions relate to "inding voca&#lary in the te$t7
,2- )rite do%n any %ords in the story that <oin ideas together-
&#t * &eca#se * and * so that * so
4This 9#estion relates to identi"ying a range o" cohesive devices7
,2- )rite do%n the gro#p o" %ords that is repeated in the story-
soc(s' toys and notes "rom school
4This 9#estion relates to recogni?ing repetitive lang#age patterns7
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part 2 Reading aloud
Time Re'uired: # minutes
Share read :Sarahs Secret again %ith all the p#pils at least t%ice' so that those %ho #nderta(e the
tas( can &ecome more "amiliar %ith the te$t-
The assessor gets each p#pil to read the te$t alo#d independently- 1s the p#pil reads it alo#d' the
assessor %ill listen "or the p#pils a&ility to:
read the te$t comprehensi&ly' i-e- the meaning o" the te$t is %ell #nderstood8
read %ith pa#sing' intonation and*or stress that adds reasona&ly good meaning to the te$t8
prono#nce the (ey content %ords "airly acc#rately8 and
prono#nce the &asic sight voca&#lary "airly acc#rately-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 2 Reading aloud
Score o" B
Read "l#ently and clearly-
Read %ith appropriate pa#sing and intonation-
6a(e "e% or no pron#nciation mista(es-
Score o" 2
Read "l#ently and clearly-
Read %ith appropriate pa#sing or intonation-
6a(e "e% or no pron#nciation mista(es-
Score o" 2
Read 9#ite clearly-
Read %itho#t any pa#sing or intonation-
6a(e some mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" ,
Read hesitantly-
Read %itho#t any pa#sing and intonation-
6a(e many mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" @
1&le to read only a "e% %ords-
S(ip many %ords or phrases-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part 3 Writing
Time re'uired: 0) minutes (2 lessons)
Pre(assessment (3# minutes)
,- Tell the p#pils that they are going to retend that the1 are Sarah and $rite a letter to /randma-
.n the letter' they m#st tell 0randma:
a&o#t the tiger #nder the &ed8 and
%hat Sarah and 6#m have done to get ready "or 0randmas visit-
2- +repare the p#pils "or the activity &y g#iding them on the possi&le content o" the letter- Thro#gh a
class disc#ssion' get them to thin( a&o#t %hat they co#ld %rite in the letter- Jo# sho#ld remind
them that it co#ld indicate:
%hat Sarahs secret is8
%hat 5amie &elieves8
%hat 6#m has done to prepare "or 0randmas visit8
ho% Sarah "eels a&o#t 0randmas visit8 and
any other interesting or imaginative details that co#ld &e incl#ded in the letter' e-g- %hat
Sarah thin(s her tiger might &e a&le to do-
2- 0et them to tal( a&o#t each o" these points' either in pairs or in small gro#ps or as a class- 1s they
do this' they %ill &e planning the letter in their minds- Jo# might even get them to %rite do%n a
"e% ideas "or the letter on a piece o" paper-
B- Remind the p#pils that they m#st say some nice things to 0randma in the letter as Sarah loves her
0randma very m#ch-
C- Remind them that yo# %ill &e loo(ing "or these "eat#res in their %riting:
some interesting and imaginative ideas
a clear &eginning' middle and end
some interesting %ords
sentences %ith clear meaning
good attempts at spelling
clear p#nct#ation
E- Tell them that a"ter they have "inished %riting the letter' they sho#ld #se the chec(list on page C o"
their %or(&oo( to see i" improvement can &e made-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Assessment (3# minutes)
1s( the p#pils to &egin %riting their letter- They sho#ld do this on page B o" their %or(&oo(- They
sho#ld %or( 9#ietly at this- 1s they do this' yo# sho#ld rove aro#nd the room and ans%er any
9#estions that they have- B!T K yo# m#st not do any o" the %riting "or them' nor m#st yo# change
their %or( in any %ay' e-g- correct spelling mista(es' tell them that a sentence does not ma(e sense-
Correct p#pils %riting in terms o" sense*meaning' grammar' spelling and p#nct#ation and hand it
&ac( to the p#pils so that they can #se it to prepare "or +art C (Reading alo#d o%n te$t)-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part 3 Writing
No%' pretend that yo# are Sarah- )rite a letter to 0randma-
.n the letter' yo# m#st tell 0randma:
a&o#t the tiger #nder yo#r &ed8 and
%hat 6#m and yo# have done to get ready "or 0randmas visit-
)rite % S+2T+23+S or more-

3hecklist 4or = A &etter to /randma5
See i" yo# have done the "ollo%ing "or yo#r letter to 0randma- ." not' improve yo#r %or(-
1ns%er each 9#estion &y p#tting a tic( in the right col#mn-
ear 0randma'
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
6uestions 7es 2o
,- id . incl#de some interesting and imaginative ideas3
2- id . sho% a clear &eginning' middle and end3
2- id . #se some interesting %ords3
B- id . %rite sentences %ith clear meaning3
C- id . ma(e good attempts at spelling3
E- id . #se p#nct#ation clearly3
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 3 Writing
Score o" 2
)rite E sentences or more %ith "e% or no mista(es in #sing capitali?ation and common p#nct#ation
Score o" 2
)rite B sentences or more %ith some mista(es in #sing capitali?ation and common p#nct#ation
Score o" ,
)rite B sentences or more %ith many mista(es in #sing capitali?ation and common p#nct#ation
Score o" @
6a(e no attempt at all-
6ar( :N1 i" less than B sentences are %ritten-
6ar( :.R i" the in"ormation or ideas provided are irrelevant to the topic-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 3 Writing
Score o" 2
)rite the letter %ith the correct sender-
!se "orm#laic e$pressions to &egin and end the letter' incl#ding p#tting the date in the right place-
+rovide relevant ideas on &oth o" the g#iding points sho%ing some originality-
Comm#nicate ideas clearly-
Score o" 2
)rite the letter %ith the correct sender-
!se "orm#laic e$pressions to &egin and end the letter' incl#ding p#tting the date in the right place-
+rovide some relevant ideas on &oth o" the g#iding points-
Comm#nicate ideas clearly-
Score o" ,
)rite the letter %ith the correct sender-
!se some "orm#laic e$pressions to &egin or end the letter' incl#ding p#tting the date in the right
+rovide some relevant ideas on either o" the g#iding points-
Comm#nicate ideas 9#ite clearly-
Score o" @
!na&le to e$press ideas clearly-
+rovide totally irrelevant ideas-
6a(e no attempt at all-
o not penali?e p#pils "or %rong #se o" capitali?ation' grammatical or spelling mista(es that do not
inter"ere %ith the comm#nication o" ideas-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 3 Writing
Score o" 2
!se a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith "e% or no grammatical
and spelling mista(es-
Score o" 2
!se a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith some grammatical and
spelling mista(es-
Score o" ,
!se a very limited range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith many
grammatical and spelling mista(es-
Score o" @
6a(e no attempt at all-
6ar( :.R i" the in"ormation or ideas provided are irrelevant to the topic-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part 4 Seaking ! Sharing ersonal e"eriences

Time Re'uired: 4 minutes
,- To start %ith' as( the p#pils %hether they li(e the story :Sarahs Secret- 0o on to as( the p#pils
a&o#t their o%n e$periences &ased on the 9#estions s#ggested &elo%:
Jo# have read the story :Sarahs Secret- o yo# li(e the story3
o yo# have a secret li(e Sarahs secret3
)ho %ill yo# tell yo#r secret to3 )hy3
." the person tells yo#r secret to others' ho% %ill yo# "eel3 )hat %ill yo# do3
/ave yo# got any &rothers or sisters3
." yes' do yo# li(e them3 )hat do yo# #s#ally do %ith them3
." no' do yo# li(e to have a &rother or a sister3 )hy or %hy not3
2ote: The teacher should A8.9: asking ;7+S<2. 'uestions onl1= ,e<She
should tr1 to elicit uils resonse as much as ossi*le *1 gi>ing aroriate
romts or guiding 'uestions=

2- The assessor sho#ld &e listening "or these "eat#res in the p#pils ver&al ans%ers:
a&ility to spea( sentences that ma(e sense
a&ility to spea( sentences that are generally grammatically correct
a&ility to add detail to their responses
a&ility to #se some cohesive devices to <oin ideas
intelligi&le pron#nciation o" most %ords
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 4 Seaking ! Sharing ersonal e"eriences
Score o" 2
Spea( clearly %ith "e% or no mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" 2
Spea( 9#ite clearly despite some mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" ,
Spea( #nclearly %ith many mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" @
6a(e no attempt at all-
6ar( :.R i" the in"ormation or ideas provided are irrelevant to the topic-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 4 Seaking ! Sharing ersonal e"eriences

Score o" B
+rovide relevant ans%ers to most o" the 9#estions readily and give ela&oration to some o" the
Score o" 2
+rovide relevant ans%ers readily to most o" the 9#estions %ith little or no prompting-
Score o" 2
+rovide relevant ans%ers 9#ite readily to some o" the 9#estions %ith little or no prompting-
Score o" ,
+rovide relevant ans%ers to some o" the 9#estions %ith prompting-
Score o" @
+rovide no comprehensi&le responses to the 9#estions-
+rovide totally irrelevant ans%ers to the 9#estions-
+rovide :yes*no ans%ers only-
6a(e no attempt at all-
o not penali?e p#pils "or pron#nciation or grammatical mista(es that do not inter"ere %ith the
comm#nication o" ideas-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part 4 Seaking ! Sharing ersonal e"eriences
Score o" 2
!se a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith "e% or no grammatical
Score o" 2
!se a small range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith some grammatical
Score o" ,
!se a very limited range o" voca&#lary' sentence patterns and cohesive devices %ith many
grammatical mista(es-
Score o" @
6a(e no attempt at all-
6ar( :.R i" the in"ormation or ideas provided are irrelevant to the topic-
o not penali?e p#pils "or pron#nciation mista(es that do not inter"ere %ith the comm#nication o"
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part # Reading aloud o$n te"t
Time Re'uired: # minutes
,- 0et the p#pils to practise and read alo#d to an a#dience the %riting that they have completed on
the te$t- Tell them that yo# %ill &e especially loo(ing to see %hether they can:
prono#nce all the %ords so that they are easily #nderstood8
#se ver&al devices s#ch as pa#sing and intonation to convey meaning clearly8 and
#se nonIver&al devices s#ch as "acial e$pressions and gest#res to convey meaning clearly-
2- These are the "eat#res that yo# sho#ld &e loo(ing "or as the p#pils read their %riting alo#d to an
2- Jo# may need to demonstrate these to p#pils &y reading alo#d the set te$t (:Sarahs Secret) #sing
all o" the a&ove "eat#res and disc#ssing them- The p#pils need to &e given time to practise
delivering their %riting orally &e"ore presenting it to yo#-
2.T+: .t may &e necessary "or the teacher to correct the p#pils %riting &e"ore
they start to read it alo#d- This %ill ens#re that the p#pils do not read alo#d
#ngrammatical %riting- The teacher may also %ish to give p#pils an opport#nity to
practise delivering their %riting orally as part o" the classroom programme-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part # Reading aloud o$n te"t
Score o" B
Read "l#ently and clearly-
Read %ith appropriate pa#sing and intonation-
6a(e "e% or no pron#nciation mista(es-
Score o" 2
Read "l#ently and clearly-
Read %ith appropriate pa#sing or intonation-
6a(e "e% or no pron#nciation mista(es-
Score o" 2
Read 9#ite clearly-
Read %itho#t any pa#sing or intonation-
6a(e some mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" ,
Read hesitantly-
Read %itho#t any pa#sing and intonation-
6a(e many mista(es in pron#nciation-
Score o" @
1&le to read only a "e% %ords-
S(ip many %ords or phrases-
o not penali?e p#pils "or grammatical mista(es that do not inter"ere %ith the comm#nication o"
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part % &istening
Time Re'uired
Part %A and Part %?: 3# minutes
Part %A
,- Tell p#pils that they are going to listen to an a#dio version o" :Sarahs Secret and ans%er some
2- Let the p#pils read the 9#estions on pages E and F o" their %or(&oo(- ;nco#rage them to ans%er
as many 9#estions as they can at this stage-
Part %?
,- Tell p#pils that they are going to listen to some instr#ctions- They are the instr#ctions "or dra%ing
a place %here a tiger lives &y #sing some straight lines and simple shapes-
2- Tell them that there are C instr#ctions to "ollo%- Tell them that yo# %ill &e loo(ing to see ho% %ell
they can listen to and "ollo% instr#ctions' not ho% %ell they can dra%-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part %A &istening
1%ard , score "or each correct ans%er-
1%ard @ score "or each incorrect ans%er-
,- )here does the story ta(e place3
1- Sarahs &edroom
B- 5amies &edroom
C- Sarah and 5amies &edroom
2- oes 5amie (noc( on the door %hen he comes into Sarahs room3
1- Jes
B- No
C- +ro&a&ly
2- )hy does 5amie come into Sarahs room3
1- To see her tiger
B- To tal( %ith her
C- To tell her to come to dinner
B- oes Sarah %ant 5amie in her room3
1- Jes
B- No
C- +ro&a&ly
C- oes 5amie &elieve that there is a tiger #nder Sarahs &ed3
1- Jes
B- No
C- +ro&a&ly
E- )hat colo#r are the tigers eyes3
1- 0rey
B- Red
C- 0reen
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
1 score
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
F- /o% does Sarah "eel3
1- 1"raid
B- Sad
C- 1ngry
G- )hat is the conversation a&o#t3
1- 5amie and Sarah having dinner
B- 5amie and Sarah having an arg#ment
C- 5amie and Sarah "inding a tiger
4These 9#estions relate to #sing a range o" strategies to #nderstand the meaning

o" simple te$ts on "amiliar
topics %hich are delivered clearly7
1 score
1 score
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Scoring /uide
Part %? &istening
Listen to the instr#ctions and dra% the place %here the tiger lives in the &o$ &elo%-
4This 9#estion relates to #sing a range o" strategies to #nderstand the meaning

o" simple te$ts on "amiliar
topics %hich are delivered clearly7
3ircle ( 1 score
S'uare ( 1 score
% lines ( 1 score
line (on
the le4t)
( 1 score
line (on
the right)
( 1 score
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Assessment Task
Sarahs Secret
Part %A &istening
Jo# are going to listen to a conversation &et%een Sarah and 5amie- )hile yo# are listening' ans%er
M#estions ,IG- The tape %ill &e played t%o times- Jo# no% have , min#te to read the 9#estions-
(a pause of 1 minute)
The tape %ill &egin no%-
S: Sarah 5: 5amie
4 S: )hat do yo# %ant 5amie3 Jo# sho#ld (noc( on the door &e"ore yo# come into my &edroom- .ts
5: . %ant to see yo#r tiger Sarah-
S: Jo# cant- .t lives #nder the &ed and . %ont let yo# see it-
5: )hy not3
S: Beca#se it might eat yo#-
5: B#t yo# said it only eats soc(s and toys and notes "rom school-
S: Jeah- B#t it %o#ld eat yo# i" . told it to- 1nd i" yo# dont leave my room no% .m going to tell it to-
5: . dont &elieve yo#ve got a tiger #nder yo#r &ed- )ill yo# tell me %hat its li(e3
S: .ts got eyes as green as emeralds and it gro%ls all thro#gh the night-
5: . dont &elieve yo#-
S: .ts got h#ge horri&le teeth and a tail that s%ishes-
5: Jo#re a mad sad person-
S: No' yo#re mad- No% leave my room &e"ore my tiger eats yo# #p- 7
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
(a pause of 20 seconds)
Listen to the tape again and chec( yo#r ans%ers- (Repeat the tapescript [ ])
This is the end o" +art E1-
Sarahs Secret
Teachers Notes
Part %? &istening
Listen to the instr#ctions and dra% the place %here the tiger lives in the &o$ &elo%- The tape %ill &e
played t%o times-
The tape %ill &egin no%-
4 .nstr#ctions "or dra%ing the place %here the tiger lives:
ST;+ ,: ra% a s9#are in the centre o" the &o$- ;ach side m#st &e appro$imately ,@ centimetres long-
(a pause of 15 seconds)
ST;+ 2: ra% E lines in the s9#are- ;ach line m#st go "rom the top o" the s9#are to the &ottom o" the
s9#are- They m#st "ill #p the %hole s9#are and &e the same distance apart-
(a pause of 15 seconds)
ST;+ 2: ra% a straight line "rom the &ottom le"t hand corner o" the s9#are to the &ottom o" the &o$-
(a pause of 5 seconds)
ST;+ B: ra% a straight line "rom the &ottom right hand corner o" the s9#are to the &ottom o" the &o$-
(a pause of 5 seconds)
ST;+ C: ra% a circle on top o" the s9#are-
(a pause of 5 seconds) 7
(a pause of 20 seconds)
Listen to the tape again and chec( yo#r ans%ers- (Repeat the tapescript [ ])
This is the end o" +art EB-


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