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AP Biology Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Sergent Rm: 529

Contact Information: Ph#: (407)816-5600 ext: 4560 Email:
Text: !"o#og$ %$ Mc&ra'-("##
1. )o e*+cate t,e st+*ent '"t, t,e genera# r"nc"#es o- %"o#og"ca# sc"ence.
2. )o enco+rage cr"t"ca# t,"n."ng s."##s +s"ng ,an*s-on act"/"t"es.
0. )o re"n-orce c#assroom #earn"ng t,ro+g, rea# 'or#* a#"cat"ons.
4. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
- t,e nat+re o- sc"ence
-matter1 energ$1 an* c,em"ca# #"-e rocesses-ce##s:
- %"o#og$1 rero*+ct"on1 an* comm+n"cat"on-#e/e#s o- organ"2at"on1
c#ass"-"cat"on1 an*
- %"o#og"ca# se#ect"on1 a*atat"ons1 an* c,anges t,ro+g, t"me
-str+ct+re1 -+nct"on1 an* rero*+ct"on o- #ants1 an"ma#s1 an* m"croorgan"sms
-eco#og$: "nter*een*ence o- organ"sms1 ,+mans1 an* t,e en/"ronment
1. 3## st+*ents m+st ,a/e t,e oort+n"t$ to #earn. 3## st+*ents '"## %e ,e#*
acco+nta%#e -or %e,a/"ors t,at '"## .ee ot,er st+*ents -rom #earn"ng.
2. 4#ass art"c"at"on "s essent"a# -or max"m+m %ene-"t an* '"## %e e/a#+ate*.
0. St+*ents m+st t+rn "n quality ass"gnments. 3ss"gnments not *eeme* to %e
5+a#"t$ (rece"/"ng a gra*e o- 696 or #ess) '"## %e ret+rne* -or res+%m"ss"on. 3
st+*ent ,as -"/e sc,oo# *a$s to s+%m"t rewore! ass"gnments -or "artial
4. St+*ents '"## %e execte* to come to c#ass on time an* "re"are!.
5. St+*ents '"## %e resons"%#e -or a## ma.e-+ 'or. m"sse* ',en a%sent. ),ere
'"## %e an 73ss"gnment !oar*8 oste* "n t,e c#assroom ',ere a## re/"o+s
ass"gnments '"## %e oste*.
6. St+*ents '"## %e ass"gne* ,ome'or. -rom 2 9 4 t"mes er 'ee.. :ate
,ome'or. '"## %e ena#"2e* 106 o- t,e gra*e er *a$ t,at "t "s #ate +n#ess t,e
st+*ent 'as a%sent t,e re/"o+s *a$. Most ,ome'or. s,o+#* %e *one e/en
',en a%sent s"nce t,e$ '"## %e ass"gne* "n a*/ance an* *+e on sec"-"c *a$s.
7. ),e c#ass ma$ %e er"o*"ca##$ /"*eotae* to en,ance t,e #earn"ng rocess an*
re"n-orce c#assroom #essons.
Class Profle
Class size is limited to 25 students. The course meets for the
entire academic year, fe !eriods !er wee"#four single$class !eriods
and one single lab. %ach single class !eriod is 52 minutes &'onday,
Tuesday, Thursday and (riday) and 4* minutes on +ednesday for a
total of 24, minutes !er wee".
-P .iology /ummer 0eading
1 Rea* t,e -o##o'"ng %oo.s:
;"#son1 <*'ar* =. The Future of Life ISBN 0-679-45078-5 Knopf, Borzoi
Mayr, Ernst, What Evolution Is ISBN 0-465-04425-5 Basic Books, N! "ork
0 ;r"te a aer t,at co/ers t,e -o##o'"ng "n-ormat"on:
0 1. ),e +n*er#$"ng %"o#og"ca# "*eas -or eac, %oo..
1 2. 4omare an* 4ontrast eac, %oo. to t,e ot,er.
2 0. <x#a"n ',"c, %oo. $o+ t,o+g,t 'as %etter an* ex#a"n ',$ $o+ -e#t t,at 'a$.
5 4. ;,at *o $o+ ,oe to ga"n -rom t,"s co+rse> 3ns'er "n a co+#e o- aragra,s
ex#a"n"ng a#so $o+r "n*"/"*+a# strengt,s an* 'ea.nesses "n sc"ence.
Course Prere1uisites
-P .iology is an o!en enrolment course. 2oweer, the following
!rere1uisites for -P .iology are strongly encouraged: 2onors .iology
win at least a 3.4, .iology with an 4-4, and either chemistry or !hysics
with at least a 3.4. %arth science is o5ered in the intermediate school.
Course 6eriew
;e meet o+r st+*ents -"/e *a$s eac, 'ee. -or 40 'ee.s. Reg+#ar c#ass er"o*s are 52
m"n+tes #ong. :a%s ta.e + at #east 25 ercent o- "nstr+ct"ona# t"me.
St+*ent =%ject"/es
The ob7ecties of the course are that each student shall
1 ? *emonstrate s."##s "n +s"ng /ar"o+s t$es o- %"o#og"ca# "nstr+mentat"on an*
sc"ent"-"c met,o*o#og"es1
2 ? #earn ,o' to rea* an* cr"t"5+e aers 'r"tten %$ sc"ent"sts "n t,e -"e#* o- %"o#og$1
0 ? ract"ce -"n*"ng an* +s"ng atterns "n co##ecte* *ata to so#/e sc"ent"-"c ro%#ems1
4 ? ex,"%"t master$ o- t,e major r"nc"#es o- %"o#og$1 an*
5 ? a#$ %"o#og"ca# .no'#e*ge an* cr"t"ca# t,"n."ng to en/"ronmenta# an* soc"a#
)eac,"ng Strateg"es
St+*ents are ro/"*e* '"t, a /ar"et$ o- teac,"ng tec,n"5+es t,at enco+rage %ot,
"n*een*ent an* gro+ act"/"t"es.
6 ? ),e e"g,t major t,emes -rom t,e AP

Biology Course Description (sc"ence as
rocess@ e/o#+t"on@ energ$ trans-er@ cont"n+"t$ an* c,ange@ str+ct+re an* -+nct"on@
reg+#at"on@ "nter*een*ence@ an* sc"ence1 tec,no#og$ an* nat+re) are stresse*
t,ro+g,o+t t,e co+rse. An art"c+#ar1 e/"*ence o- e/o#+t"on an* t,e *"/ers"t$ o-
organ"sms are em#o$e* as +n"-$"ng t,emes across to"cs. <ac, c,ater "s t"e* *"rect#$
to e/o#+t"on an* *"/ers"t$ t,ro+g, #ect+re an* ,ome'or. ass"gnments
7 ? -ll students who are enrolled in -P .iology are re1uired to
com!lete the summer reading assignment and ta"e the summer
reading 1uiz. They must maintain an organized laboratory data
noteboo", conduct laboratory wor" according to safety rules, and
submit re1uired formal laboratory reports as assigned. They
are e8!ected to com!lete the assigned readings &a!!ro8imately
a cha!ter eery three days !lus su!!lemental readings, case
studies and debate !resentations) with !eriodic cha!ter 1uizzes
and ma7or tests coering two to three cha!ters. %ach ,$wee"
!eriod there is a !ro7ect !resentation. There is a re1uired
midterm e8am and an 3alternate assessment !resentation4 as a
fnal e8am at the end of the fourth mar"ing !eriod, since each
student is re1uired to ta"e the -P %8am.
8 ? (an*s-on act"/"t"es are a sta#e o- t,e co+rse. M$ ,"#oso,$ "s t,at "- st+*ents
are ,a/"ng -+n *o"ng an act"/"t$1 t,e$ '"## %e %etter #earners@ so A attemt to
"nterserse sma##1 ,an*s-on act"/"t"es "n a**"t"on to t,e tra*"t"ona# #a% act"/"t"es.
9 ? ),e S)S< (Sc"ence9)ec,no#og$9Soc"et$9<n/"ronment) aroac, "s t,e %as"s o-
o+r ro/"nc"a# c+rr"c+#+m1 an* t,"s #ea*s to t,e +se o- cross-c+rr"c+#ar *"sc+ss"ons
an* jo+rna#s "n t,e c#assroom. St+*ents are g"/en rea*"ngs -rom c+rrent jo+rna#s
an* ne'saers an* are as.e* to 'r"te jo+rna# art"c#es %ase* on t,e art"c#eBs
content an* t,e et,"ca# concerns t,at ar"se -rom t,e art"c#es.
#ine$wee Pro%ects:
10 ? <ac, gra*"ng er"o* st+*ents m+st a#so 'r"te a major aer *ea#"ng '"t, one t,e
major to"cs "n mo*ern %"o#og$ an* g"/e a 10 m"n+te resentat"on a%o+t t,e"r
to"c +s"ng at #east 12 Co'erCo"nt s#"*es. Dor exam#e:
0 &irst 'aring Perio!: 3 st+*$ "n m"cro%"o#og$
1 Secon! 'aring Perio!: <"t,er et,"ca# "ss+es s+rro+n*"ng genet"c researc,
to*a$ or "n "n-*et, researc, o- a genet"c *"sor*er.
2 Thir! 'aring Perio!: 3n organ s$stem or %o*$ rocess.
0 &ourth 'aring Perio!: Cart"c"at"on "n t,e 3C <xam an* 3 se#ecte* ecos$stem
4 ),ese act"/"t"es "ntro*+ce t,e st+*ents to roer researc, tec,n"5+es +s"ng
tra*"t"ona# #"%rar$ so+rces an* e#ectron"c so+rces. St+*ents #earn to *"scr"m"nate
%et'een mean"ng-+# an* not-so-mean"ng-+# "n-ormat"on.
),e -"na# roject '"## "nc#+*e a aer %ase* on $o+r researc, o- $o+r
ass"gne* ro%#em. 3 4o/er Cage1 3%stract1 )a%#e o- 4ontents1 Reort
!o*$ (at #east 1500 'or*s)1 an* a !"%#"ogra,$ are a## a require! art
o- t,e reort. A- 'or*-rocesse*1 t,e reort must %e *o+%#e-sace*
an* 'r"tten "n %#ac. "n.. A- ,an*'r"tten1 t,e reort must %e *o+%#e
sace* an* written in cursi(e in !ar blue or blac in.
),e -"na# roject "s 'ort, a tota# o- 1000 o"nts t,at are %ro.en *o'n
as -o##o's:
50 - 4o/er Cage
50 - =r"g"na#"t$ an* creat"/"t$
100 - 3%stract
100 - &rammar
100 - Se##"ng an* +nct+at"on
100 - !"%#"ogra,$
175 - E+a#"t$ an* amo+nt o- researc, as s,o'n "n $o+r aer
75 - CrojectFreort content
=ra# Reort:
125 9 Cresentat"on st$#e
125 9 Cresentat"on content.
11 ? ),e a/a"#a%"#"t$ o- com+ters an* a/a"#a%#e so-t'are ,as a#so a##o'e* +s to
mo/e "nto t,e area o- com+ter s"m+#at"on. S"m+#at"ons on genet"c eng"neer"ng1
,otos$nt,es"s1 car*"o/asc+#ar ,$s"o#og$1 o+#at"ons1 an* genet"cs are a##
a/a"#a%#e to +s. ),ese are ,"g,#$ "nteract"/e an* ,a/e %een 'e## rece"/e* %$
st+*ents. An t,ese act"/"t"es1 st+*ents are ro/"*e* '"t, ,an*o+ts *emonstrat"ng
*"--erent #a% s"t+at"ons. ),e st+*ents +se t,e s"m+#at"on so-t'are to a*j+st t,e
n+mero+s /ar"a%#es to ans'er t,e 5+est"ons t,at ,a/e %een ro/"*e*. ),e so-t'are
*oes not re#ace tra*"t"ona# #a%s on t,e to"c %+t *oes ro/"*e a great *ea# o-
%ac.gro+n* s+ort -or t,e st+*ents.
1 ? St+*ents m+st a#so con*+ct an "n*een*ent st+*$ on a researc, to"c. ),e$ m+st
*es"gn an exer"ment1 test t,e /ar"a%#es1 ana#$2e an* *"sc+ss t,e"r *ata1 an* t,en
resent t,e"r -"n*"ngs "n a t,es"s -ormat.
? An a**"t"on to t,e sc"ence sect"ons o- ne'saers an* o+#ar sc"ence maga2"nes1
A em#o$ s+c, jo+rna#s as Science an* Nature as reso+rces t,ro+g,o+t t,e co+rse1
t,+s ma."ng mo*ern en/"ronmenta# an* soc"a# concerns assoc"ate* '"t, %"o#og$ a
cont"n+"ng t,eme.
4am%e##1 Ge"# 3.1 an* Reece1 Hane !. Biology1 7t, e*"t"on (2005) Ge' Ior.1 Cearson
(or the laboratories, 9 use College .oard:s -P .iology ;aboratory 'anual for
/u!!lemental te8ts, used for reference for students and lesson !re!aration,
/chofeld, Carolyn. /tudent 2andout for 0eiewing the *2 -P .iology ;abs.
-P /trategies, 9nc.
Biological Inquiry: A Workbook of Investigative Cases< by +aterman,
'argaret = /tanley, %thel.9/.> ?$@?5A$B*BB$C. This wor"boo" o5ers eight
inestigatie cases correlated to the eight units in <.iology< /eenth %dition
by >eil Cam!bell and Dane 0eece.
Lab Benches for Campbell Biology &CE$06')&F th %dition). Pearson
%ducation, 2??A
0aen, Peter 2. and Dohnson, George. .iology &Fth %dition).
Pures, +illiam, /adaa, Eaid, 6rians, Gordon, and 2eller, 2. Life The
cience of Biology &B th %dition. /inauer -ssociates, 2??4.
Cam!bell, >eil and 0eece, Dane. Biology &B
%dition). Pearson %ducation.
+ilson, %dward 6., The !uture of Life 9/.> ?$FB,$45?B@$5 Hno!f, .orzoi
'ayr, %rnst, What "volution Is 9/.> ?$4F5$?4425$5 .asic .oo"s, >ew Ior"
Course Planner
First Nine-weeks
-nit Information
-nit #ame or Timeframe:
'olecules an! Cells (4,aters 1 t,ro+g, 11)
Content an!.or Sills Taught:
Mo#ec+#ar !"o#og$ (0 'ee.s)
=rgan"c mo#ec+#es: 4ar%o,$*rate roert"es #a%
<n2$mes: &enera# roert"es o- en2$me act"/"t$
4e## !"o#og$ (0 'ee.s)
Re/"e' ce## str+ct+re -rom re-3C co+rse
4e## mem%ranes an* transort mec,an"sms: S+r-ace area to /o#+me act"/"t$
4e## organe##es: Str+ct+re an* -+nct"on
<nerg$ )rans-ormat"on
C,otos$nt,es"s (1 'ee.)
C,oto,os,or$#at"on an* c,em"osmos"s
C,otos$nt,es"s a*atat"ons (43M1 44)
Res"rat"on (1 'ee.)
C,$s"ca# tra"n"ng an* "ts e--ects on ce##+#ar res"rat"on: <--ect on m"toc,on*r"a1 an* -ast- an*
s#o'-t'"tc, m+sc#e -"%ers
Res"rat"on /s. 4,emos$nt,es"s
),e &#o%a# Cersect"/e (2 *a$s)
Re/"e' t,e car%on c$c#e
Amact o- ,otos$nt,es"s
'a%or Assignments an!.or Assessments:
1. 3C :a% 2: <n2$me 4ata#$s"s
2. 3C :a% 1: J"--+s"on an* =smos"s
0. 3C :a% 4: C#ant C"gments an* C,otos$nt,es"s
4. 3C :a% 5 K4e## Res"rat"onK
5. Dermentat"on #a% (ma.e L"m 4,ee)
6. 3C :a% 9 )rans"rat"on
7. Croject Cresentat"ons: 3 st+*$ "n m"cro%"o#og$ (0 *a$s)
Second Nine-weeks
Cell /i(ision an! Genetics (4,aters 12 t,ro+g, 21)
Content an!.or Sills Taught:
4e## J"/"s"on (2 'ee.s)
Antro*+ct"on to c,romosomes an* t,e"r anatom$
Me"os"s an* gametogenes"s
4e## -actors a--ect"ng genet"c /ar"at"on
4rosso/er rat"o act"/"t$
Men*e#"an genet"cs (1.5 'ee.s)
Men*e#"an r"nc"#es '"t, a#"cat"ons to mono,$%r"* an* *",$%r"* crosses
(+man &enet"cs (1.5 'ee.s)
M+tat"ona# c,ange at t,e c,romosome an* mo#ec+#ar #e/e#s
&enet"c con*"t"ons a--ect"ng ,+mans
Lar$ot$e ana#$s"s act"/"t$
Mo#ec+#ar &enet"cs (5 'ee.s)
Antro*+ct"on to t,e str+ct+re o- JG3 an* RG3
JG3 "so#at"on act"/"t$: Aso#at"on -rom on"on ce##s
Reg+#at"on an* -+nct"on o- genes
&enet"c eng"neer"ng
3*/ances "n genet"c tec,no#og$
'a%or Assignments an!.or Assessments:
1. 3C :a% 0: M"tos"s an* Me"os"s
2. 3C :a% 7: &enet"cs o- =rgan"sms
0. (+man &enet"cs :a%
4. 3C :a% 6: Mo#ec+#ar !"o#og$
5. Croject Cresentat"ons: <"t,er et,"ca# "ss+es s+rro+n*"ng genet"c researc, to*a$ or "n "n-*et,
researc, o- a genet"c *"sor*er. (0 *a$s)
6. M"* )erm <xams
Thir! #ine$wees
0(olution (4,aters 22 t,ro+g, 25)
/i(ersity of 1rganisms (4,aters 26 - 04)
Animal &orm an! &unction (4,aters 40 t,ro+g, 44)
Content an!.or Sills Taught:
</o#+t"on (2.5 'ee.s)
("stor"ca# %ac.gro+n* %e,"n* Jar'"nBs t,eor$@ /o$age o- t,e
</"*ences -or e/o#+t"on
</o#+t"on "n act"on to*a$
Gat+ra# se#ect"on1 m"croe/o#+t"on e/ents1 t$es o- se#ect"on1
reser/at"on o- /ar"at"on
J"/ers"t$ o- =rgan"sms (2.5 'ee.s)
Antro*+ct"on to %"o#og"ca# *"/ers"t$ (c,26)
4#a*"st"cs an* taxonom$$otes !acter"a an* 3rc,aea%acter"a) (c, 27)
Crot"sts: rot"sts an* a#gae (c, 28)
C#ant ."ng*om (c, 29 - 00)
D+ng" (4, 01)
3n"ma# L"ng*om: Antro to an"ma# *"/ers"t$ - "n/erte%rates /s
/erte%rates (4, 02 - 04)
Antro*+ct"on to Stress an* (omeostas"s (1 *a$)
Stress an* t,e 4"rc+#ator$ S$stem (2 'ee.s)
),e ro#e o- %#oo* "n t,e %o*$
),e "mm+ne resonse
!#oo* ress+re:
Stress an* t,e res"rator$ s$stem (0 *a$s)
Ger/o+s S$stem Resonse to Stress (1 'ee.)
),e ro#e o- t,e %ra"n "n ana#$2"ng "n+t
=+t+t mec,an"sms: "n/o#+ntar$ an* /o#+ntar$
),e <n*ocr"ne Resonse to Stress (0 *a$s)
),e "nteract"on o- /ar"o+s en*ocr"ne organs "n t,e resonse to stress
'a%or Assignments an!.or Assessments:
1. 3C :a% 8: Co+#at"on &enet"cs an* </o#+t"on1
2. Sec"at"onF4omarat"/e /erte%rate anatom$ #a%: S,ar.1 erc,1 -rog1 an* -eta# "g (e/o#+t"on o-
res"rator$1 *"gest"/e1 an* c"rc+#ator$ s$stems are trace*). ),"s #ace t,ro+g, t,e Str+ct+re
an* D+nct"on o- 3n"ma#s +n"t %+t t"es "n to e/o#+t"on. 3 #a% exam -o##o's.
0. 3C :a% 10: C,$s"o#og$ o- t,e 4"rc+#ator$ S$stem
4. Sensor$ "n+t: 3 #a% #oo."ng at asects o- /"s"ont+nne# /"s"on1 er",era# /"s"on1 co#or /"s"on1
*et, ercet"on
5. Croject Cresentat"ons: 3n organ s$stem or %o*$ rocess. (0 *a$s)
Fourth Nine-weeks
1rgan Systems (4,aters 45 t,ro+g, 49)
2uman Re"ro!uction (4,ater 46)
Plant &orm an! &unction (4,aters 05 t,ro+g, 09)
0cology (4,aters 50 an* 51)
Po"ulation 0cology (4,ater 52 t,ro+g, 55))
Science3 Technology3 an! Society (4o+rse o/er/"e')
Content an!.or Sills Taught:
(omeostat"c Mec,an"sms o- t,e <xcretor$ S$stem
(1 'ee.)
),e ."*ne$ an* ,omeostas"s
L"*ne$ *"a#$s"s (*"--+s"on an* osmos"s are re/"e'e* ,ere)
Mr"ne ana#$s"s #a%
(+man Rero*+ct"on (1.5 'ee.s)
4,anges "n t,e -ema#e %o*$ r"or to an* -o##o'"ng -ert"#"2at"on
<m%r$o#og"ca# *e/e#oment: stages o- -rog an* c,"c. *e/e#oment
Gote: ),"s ent"re +n"t "s ta+g,t '"t, t,e t,eme o- t,e organ"sms resonses to en/"ronmenta# stress.
<nerg$ )rans-er (1.5 'ee.)
<nerg$ -#o's -rom s+n#"g,t to cons+mers.
S$m%"ot"c re#at"ons,"s
Re#at"ons," o- Str+ct+re an* D+nct"on (1.5 ;ee.s)
4#a*"st"cs an* re#at"ons,"s
Mor,o#og"ca# a*atat"ons
Anter*een*ence "n Gat+re (2 'ee.s)
<nerg$ enters an ecos$stem as s+n#"g,t an* ex"ts as ,eat.
Co+#at"on eco#og$.
(ar*$-;e"n%erg ),eorem
Sc"ence1 )ec,no#og$ an* Soc"et$ (1 'ee.)
Ceo#e +s"ng tec,no#og$ ,a/e generate* man$ g#o%a# ro%#ems.
3#ternate energ$ so+rces.
'a%or Assignments an!.or Assessments:
1. 3C :a% 12 J"sso#/e* =x$gen an* 35+at"c Cr"mar$ Cro*+ct"/"t$
2. 3C :a% 11 3n"ma# %e,a/"or
0. (ar*$-;e"n%erg ),eor$ :a%
4. Croject Cresentat"ons: 3 se#ecte* ecos$stem. (0 *a$s)
5. (inal %8am
;ab Com!onent
-fter com!leting my -P .iology class 9 e8!ect my students to be
able to design
and !erform a controlled e8!eriment based u!on obserations made
about a !articular
to!ic. 9n addition, students are also e8!ected to be able to collect and
analyze data, through
basic statistical analysis, and draw conclusions based on their results. 9n
order to be
successful, students hae to "ee! a laboratory 7ournal, in which they
record their
!rocedures, dataJresults, and write their conclusions for each laboratory
they !erform. They
are re1uired to write a re!ort for arious laboratories !erformed, which
they !lace in their
7ournals. These re!orts must include a title, !roblem, hy!othesis &in an
format), !rediction, bac"ground information, data &gra!hs, table, data
analysis, etcK),
conclusion, and sources of error.
A co/er a## o- t,e #a%s "n t,e AP Biology Lab Manual or Stu!ents1 e"t,er exact#$
or mo*"-"e* to -+#-"## m$ co+rse o%ject"/es. ),"s re5+"res at #east one *a$ o+t o- -o+r
*e/ote* to #a% 'or.. 3ct"/"t"es a%o/e an* %e$on* t,e 3C c+rr"c+#+m "nc#+*e -"e#* tr"s1
#ant t"ss+e c+#t+re #a%s1 ,$*roon"cs #a%s1 comarat"/e /erte%rate anatom$ #a%1 an* -oo*
sc"ence #a%s *ea#"ng '"t, car%o,$*rates an* rote"ns1 an* s+r/e$ #a%s.
)o stress %"o#og$ an* sc"ence "n genera# as a rocess1 #a% act"/"t"es em,as"2e
*e/e#oment an* test"ng o- t,e ,$ot,es"s@ co##ect"on1 ana#$s"s1 an* resentat"on o- *ata@
an* a c#ear *"sc+ss"on o- res+#ts. Dorma# reorts are re5+"re* an* m+st "nc#+*e t,e
a-orement"one* e#ements1 as 'e## as roer #a%e#"ng o- ta%#es an* gra,s. Stat"st"ca#
test"ng "s enco+rage* ',ere/er oss"%#e. An man$ cases1 so-t'are an* Anternet s"m+#at"ons
are con*+cte* "n s+ort o- t,e #a% %e"ng +n*erta.en.
=n t,e *a$ o- t,e #a%1 "- a #ot o- e5+"ment "s "n/o#/e*1 A organ"2e st+*ents "nto
#a% gro+s o- no more t,an -o+r an* *"sc+ss t,e set+ so t,e$ +n*erstan* t,e e5+"ment
t,e$ '"## %e +s"ng. A -"n* t,"s re#"m"nar$ ste "s "mortant %eca+se man$ o- m$ st+*ents
come to t,e 3C !"o#og$ co+rse '"t, #"m"te* #a% exer"ence. M"croscoe #a%s are *one
Freedom High School
Student Lab Safety Contract
Please read and discuss with your parent(s) or guardian.
:a%orator$ exerc"ses are /"ta# to #earn"ng "n an$ sc"ence c#ass1 an* can "n/o#/e t,e +se o-
otent"a##$ ,a2ar*o+s mater"a#s. ),+s to en,ance t,e #earn"ng en/"ronment an* ens+re sa-et$1
st+*ents m+st ract"ce ro-ess"ona# stan*ar*s o- %e,a/"or. 3## st+*ents an* /"s"tors "n t,e sc"ence
#a% m+st -o##o' t,e sa-et$ roce*+res #"ste* %e#o': (orse#a$ an* ract"ca# are a ser"o+s
,a2ar* an* are G=) C<RMA))<J.
1. Ge/er eat1 c,e' g+m or *r"n. "n t,e #a% or -rom #a% e5+"ment '"t,o+t erm"ss"on. Ge/er
taste c,em"ca#s.
2. Jo not er-orm +na+t,or"2e* exer"ments '"t, c,em"ca#s or ,a2ar*o+s mater"a#s. Ge/er
con*+ct an exer"ment a#one. Cract"ce sa-et$ "n an* o+t o- t,e c#assroom. K),"n. Sa-e1 Sta$
0. 4on-"ne #ong ,a"r an* #oose c#ot,"ng. ;ear an aron to rotect c#ot,"ng.
4. &ogg#es m+st %e 'orn *+r"ng act"/"t"es t,at ma$ %e *angero+s to t,e e$es.
5. 3## 'or. s+r-aces m+st %e c#eane* a-ter eac, +se. 3## e5+"ment m+st %e c#eane* an* store*
6. Ge/er ,o#* t,e oen en* o- a ,eate* test t+%e to o"nt to'ar*s an$one.
7. ;,en a#co,o# "s ,eate* "t m+st %e "n a 'ater %at,.
8. ;,en ,eat"ng mater"a#s "n g#ass'are '"t, a gas -#ame1 +se a '"re ga+2e.
9. Ge/er to+c, ,eat"ng e5+"ment or ,eate* g#ass'are. Ma.e certa"n a## ,ot #ates an* oen
%+rners are o--.
10. Ge/er "c. + or +se %ro.en g#ass'are. Got"-$ t,e teac,er "mme*"ate#$ o- an$ %ro.en
e5+"ment or g#ass'are. 3 roce*+re -or roer *"sosa# '"## %e *"sc+sse* an* -o##o'e*.
11. Mse a 'a-t"ng mot"on o- t,e ,an* to c,ec. o*ors or -+mes.
12. 3#'a$s -#ame '"re #oos r"or to an* a-ter trans-err"ng an$ m"croorgan"sms.
10. Ge/er -orce g#ass'are "nto r+%%er stoers.
14. Ge/er o+r 'ater "nto ac"*.
15. 3#'a$s 'as, $o+r ,an*s a-ter #a% exerc"ses.
16. )a.e note o- -"re ext"ng+"s,er1 e$e'as,1 s,o'er1 an* ex"t #ocat"ons.
17. R<C=R) 3:: AGHMRA<S )= )(< )<34(<R AMM<JA3)<:I.
18. 3:;3IS :AS)<G D=R 3JJA)A=G3: AGS)RM4)A=GS DR=M I=MR )<34(<R.
19. I=M 3R< DAG3G4A3::I R<SC=GSA!:< D=R 3GI :3! <EMACM<G) =R
M3)<RA3:S )(3) I=M !R<3L =R J3M3&<.
/tudent %aluation
St+*ents are e/a#+ate* "n a n+m%er o- 'a$s t,at re-#ect t,e nat+re o- t,e co+rse. Some o-
t,e t,"ngs A stress are:
1 ? sc"ent"-"c reason"ng t,ro+g, ana#$s"s an* s$nt,es"s@
2 ? researc, tec,n"5+e@ an*
0 ? %e"ng a%#e to resent oneBs o"nt o- /"e' "n 'r"t"ng.
St+*ents are enco+rage* to *e/e#o gro+ an* "n*"/"*+a# 'or. s."##s1 an* t,ese %ecome
art o- t,e #a% e/a#+at"on.
0xams: Man$ o- t,e essa$ 5+est"ons +se* on tests are re/"o+s 3C <xam 5+est"ons. ),e
m+#t"#e-c,o"ce 5+est"ons are -rom t,e text%oo. a+t,orBs test %an* an* are 'r"tten t"n t,e
3C -ormat.
0(aluation: &ra*es '"## %e ass"gne* "n t,e -o##o'"ng manner:
4+5 $ 4#ass'or.
4+5 $ (ome'or.
6+5 - :a%orator$ 3ss"gnments (&ro+ art"c"at"on an* #a% reorts).
,*5 - Sec"a# Crojects (to %e contracte* %et'een st+*ent O teac,er).
,*5 - )ests (Mn"t tests1 5+"22es1 an* c+m+#at"/e tests)
Grading /cale - L *?? M ,?N
! P 89 9 806
4 P 79 9 706
J P 69 9 606
D P 596 an* %e#o'

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