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Nottingham Trent University

Module Specification
Basic module information
1 Module Title:
Security Technologies
2 Module Code:
3 Credit Points:
4 Duration:
Full Year
Science and Technology
! Ca"#us:
% Date:
March 2012
& Pre, Post and Co-requisites
These are "odules that you "ust ha'e studied #re'iously in order to ta(e this "odule) or
"odules that you "ust study si"ultaneously or in a su*se+uent acade"ic session
Pre) Co) Post Module Code Module Title
n,a n,a n,a

- Courses containing the module
.e'el Core,O#tion Mode Code Course Title
3 Core
0Sc 12ons3 Co"#uter Syste"s 1Forensic and
3 O#tion
0Sc 12ons3 Co"#uter Syste"s 14et5or(s3
3 O#tion
0Sc 12ons3 Co"#uter Syste"s 6ngineering
3 O#tion
0Sc 12ons3 7n$or"ation and Co""unications
10 !vervie" and #ims
7n$or"ation security "eans #rotecting in$or"ation and in$or"ation syste"s $ro"
unauthori8ed access) use) disclosure) disru#tion) "odi$ication or destruction9
Technologies are used to #rotect con$identiality) integrity and a'aila*ility) 5hich are
three (ey conce#ts o$ security9 This "odule is ai"ed at introducing $unda"ental
#rinci#les o$ security and #ro'ides you 5ith so"e core technologies o$ in$or"ation
security 5hich are e:tensi'ely used in *oth industry and acade"ia9 This "odule also
de'elo#s your understanding o$ security a##lications9 This 5ill *e $urther e:tended
into the $ield o$ *io"etrics) 5hich is the in'estigation) de'elo#"ent and a##lication o$
"ethods $or uni+uely recogni8ing hu"ans *ased u#on one or "ore intrinsic #hysical
or *eha'ioural traits9 7t is used as a $or" o$ identity access "anage"ent and access
11 Module Content
Bac$ground % ;ttac(s) security "anage"ent) ris( and threat
#ccess Control % 7denti$ication) authentication) authorisation) access o#erations)
o5nershi#) #er"issions and #ri'ileges) role<*ased access control
Cryptography = Conce#ts and *ac(ground) cry#togra#hic diagra"s) integrity chec()
encry#tion and decry#tion) (ey "anage"ent) #u*lic (ey in$rastructure
System Security % 4et5or( security) $ire5alls) intrusion detection) #hishing)
o#erating syste" security) so$t5are security
Biometrics % Finger#rint and hand geo"etry) hand5riting and signature) $ace and
'oice recognition) 7ris and retina recognition) D4; identi$ication
Security &maging % Perce#tion o$ $lic(er) colour) si8e "o'e"ent and the cues to
de#th) using e:a"#les o$ ><ray scanning and 3D syste"s9
12 &ndicative 'eading
Dieter ?oll"ann = 2010 Computer Security) 3
edition) /iley
@oss ;nderson 200& Security (ngineering) 2
edition) /iley
;nil Aain) Patric( Flynn and ;run @oss) 16ds3 = 200& )and*oo$ of Biometrics)
Aehuda Yinon = 200% Counterterrorist +etection Techniques of (,plosives)
13 -earning outcomes
.earning outco"es descri*e 5hat you should (no5 and *e a*le to do *y the end o$ the "odule
Bno5ledge and understanding9 ;$ter studying this "odule you should *e a*le to:
19 De"onstrate an ad'anced understanding o$ (ey conce#ts o$ security9
29 De"onstrate solid (no5ledge o$ access control) including identi$ication)
authentication) authorisation) and access o#eration9
39 7denti$y the #rinci#les o$ cry#togra#hy) including cry#togra#hic diagra"s)
integrity chec(ing) digital signature) encry#tion,decry#tion) (ey "anage"ent9
49 Critically assess technologies regarding net5or( and syste" security) including
net5or( threat) net5or( security #rotocol design) $ire5all) intrusion detection)
anti<#hishing technology) o#erating syste" security9
9 De"onstrate an ad'anced understanding o$ the role o$ 'isual #erce#tion 5ith a
security screening a##lication) e9g9 ><ray i"aging syste"9
!9 Critically e'aluate 5idely used *io"etric technologies9
S(ills) +ualities and attri*utes9 ;$ter studying this "odule you should *e a*le to:
%9 7denti$y and descri*e security threats and #otential attac(s in current syste"s9
&9 Ma(e #ersuasi'e design decisions $or #ractical security a##lications9
-9 6$$ecti'ely co""unicate security<related conce#ts and designs) using 5ritten and
oral #resentation9
14 Teaching and -earning
Range of modes of direct contact
This indicates the range o$ direct contact teaching and learning "ethods used on this "odule)
e9g9 lectures) se"inars
The sessions 5ill *e deli'ered as lectures and se"inars su##orted *y a##ro#riate
de"onstrations o$ e+ui#"ent9 Discussion grou#s *ased around the directed reading
5ill #ro'ide additional interaction 5ith student #eers and hel# $or" tea" 5or(ing
2! : 1hr .ecture
1- : 1hr Se"inar
Total contact hours: 4
Range of other learning methods
This indicates the range o$ other teaching and learning "ethods used on this "odule) e9g9
directed reading) research
7n order to #er$or" acti'ely in se"inars and co"#lete the assign"ents) you 5ill *e
re+uired to underta(e e:tensi'e directed reading and literature re'ie5) e'idence o$
5hich 5ill $or" #art o$ the assess"ent9 C.P to #ro'ide directed instructions) lecture
notes) co""unication and discussions9
Pre#aration o$ a re#ort and an oral #resentation $or"s #art o$ the learning #rocess9
Total non<contact hours: 1
1 #ssessment methods
This indicates the ty#e and 5eighting o$ assess"ent ele"ents in the "odule
/eighting Ty#e Descri#tion
1 0D Course5or( @e#ort on security technologies
1 0D 6:a"

+iagnostic. formative assessment
This indicates i$ there are any assess"ents that do not contri*ute directly to the $inal "odule
For"ati'e $eed*ac( is e:tensi'ely used during se"inars to "onitor ho5 5ell you are
#er$or"ing9 Students 5ill *e encouraged to sel$,#eer<assess their 5or( through
colla*orati'e discussions and #ositi'e 'er*al $eed*ac( $ro" the tutor9
/urther information on assessment
This section #ro'ides $urther in$or"ation on the "oduleEs assess"ent 5here a##ro#riate
The course5or( 5ill in'ol'e a $or"al re#ort discussing and analysing a security
technology,a##lication9 This 5ill assess learning outco"es 1) 2) 3) 4) ! and -9
The e:a"ination 5ill assess your le'el o$ (no5ledge and understanding o$ security
technologies9 This 5ill assess learning outco"es 1) 2) 3) 4) ) !) % and &9
+ocument Management
1! Module Title: Security Technologies
1% Module Code:
1& Su*Fect 1A;CS3 Code
1- Cost Centre
20 School: Science and Technology
21 ;cade"ic Tea" Co"#uting and Technology
22 Ca"#us Cli$ton
23 Other institutions #ro'iding
Please complete in box 23 a-d - if applicable
7nstitution D
23a Other GB 2igher 6ducation or
Further 6ducation 7nstitution<
Please na"e
Percentage not taught *y 4TG

23* Other #u*lic organisation in the
GB< Percentage not taught *y

23c Other #ri'ate organisation in the
GB < Percentage not taught *y

23d ;ny other 4on<GB organisation <
Percentage not taught *y 4TG

24 Date o$ a##ro'al:

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