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Claudia Schiffer

25 August 1970
Your personal numerological forecasts........................................................................3
The 3 Cycles of your life...............................................................................................4
Pinnac lesorCy c le sofLi fe ’sAc hi e ve me nt s.................................................................5
Personal Year Number. ................................................................................................5
January 2006................................................................................................................7
February 2006............................................................................................................10
March 2006 ................................................................................................................13
April 2006...................................................................................................................16
May 2006....................................................................................................................19
June 2006 ...................................................................................................................22
July 2006 ....................................................................................................................24
August 2006................................................................................................................27
September 2006 ..........................................................................................................30
October 2006..............................................................................................................33
November 2006...........................................................................................................36
December 2006...........................................................................................................39

Your personal numerological forecasts
Due to your personal numerological calendar, you will be in a position to know the type of situations
which will confront you during this year. This will allow you to manage your professional, private and
sentimental calendars according to your specifications. However, you must adapt or situate these
forecasts to the personal area of your life in order to obtain beneficial information. It is also profitable
to re-situate these forecasts in the context of your present Cycle of Life, your Pinnacle and understand
that the vibrations of your Personal Day Number are registered or included in the vibrations of your
Personal Month Number which is in turn registered in your Personal Year Number. Understand that the
vibrations described in these numerological forecasts inform you on the type of events that you are
goi ngt omeet ,butt heycannotdes cri
bet hem pr ecisel
y( i
t’supt oyou to make the connection with
your personal universe) or promise the future in an absolute way. With a little practice you will come to
realise that the vibrations described are real and that the impact of each one can be eased or
reinforced by other influences which cannot be foreseen from the classic information of Numerology
(in this case refer to Tarot and I-Ching). These "external" influences can be of different natures :
unexpected events, sentimental disorder, births, bereavements, accidents, illnesses, grief, severe
annoyance, obstinacy etc. A fracture for example, will restrict you to your bed and certainly prevent you
from making the predicted meeting forecast in your numerological calendar ; unless it is the doctor or
nurse who comes to visit you. A sentimental split taken badly can have prolonged effects with some
people, which will completely hide the good vibrations forecast for the following days or months. Often
the impact of a forecast will be linked to your reaction. Your behaviour, good or bad, can raise the
echo or deaden it ! Yet in all cases these vibrations exist and you are bathed in their influence.
Generally, the rate of verified forecasts is about 70%. Note that if your numerological calendar speaks
of an exceptional period professi onall
ybuty oudon’ twor katt hemome ntory et,obv ious l
yitwi llnot
concern or benefit you.

So you have free-will !Youa ret hecapt ai

nofy ours hip;i t’
supt oy out ona vigat e,i
fpos s i
blewitht he
help of your numerological calendar which will give you an idea of the marine currents that you will
come across. Use this excellent tool to plan your life better ; when to invite people, when to go out,
when to arrange meetings at work and when to go on holiday. You are only limited by your
imagination. In the case of "black" hours or day, if you are prepared psychologically it often makes the
uat i
onal otl essdel i
cate.Tr y,y ou’llsee! With a bit of training, little by little you will master the
quality of your life better and your destiny.

Your calendar is composed of a description of your Personal Year Number followed by your Personal
Month Numbers and Personal Day Numbers. You will find a strip where the acronyms describe, hour
by hour, the favourable periods to act and approach, as well as the more delicate periods where you
must be careful not to lose your temper or to commit yourself too lightly.
Here are the hourly acronyms significations :

 Excellent period to undertake something, to find new clients, to intervene.

 Good period for initiatives.
 Prudence, not everything works as forecast.
 Take a back seat, retreat, interventions are inopportune.

The text of your daily forecasts describes the atmosphere and climate in which you are bathed. When
there is an apparent contradiction between the hourly strip and descriptive text, understand that the
text describes a climate and the hourly periods indicate the opportunities for action or the hours
requiring prudence or calm. In a Personal Month Number you can only live 9 different Personal Day
Numbers, this means that the same vibration (linked to a Personal Day Number) can be found 3 or 4
times in the same month. To avoid repetitions we have matched the date with reference indicating the
Personal Day Number and the Personal Month Number, for exampl e3/2( don’tconf uset hiswi th
March 2nd or February 3rd) to allow you to report to the appropriate text.

January - April 2006

The 3 Cycles of your life

In Numerology, the life is divided into 3 Cycles (formative, productive, harvest). Each corresponds to
the vibration of a particular number and will give a general orientation of a rather psychological nature
during the period where it takes place. A Cycle tells us about our tastes, our priorities or centres of
interest, as it were, for the orientation of our personality and projects during this period. These tastes
of course change with the appearance of a new life Cycle. We consider that the Yang (masculine)
vibration of this Cycle is more outstanding for an individual than that of the Pinnacle (Yin-feminine)
whi ch does n’ tconc er
ni deasori ncli
nat i
onsbutt hec oncreteas pe cts.Ea ch oft heset hreeCy cles
corresponds approximately to 356 lunar months, in other words 28 years and 4 months. The third
Cycle or harvest Cycle will last until the end of your lifetime. The passage from one Cycle to the next
happe nspr ogr essi
vel y
.Acer ta i
na cclimat i
zationisne ces s
ary.Onecoul ds aythataCy cleisn’treall
yi n
place until the beginning of the Personal Year Number 1 which is the closest to the start of a Cycle.
The formative Cycle (the 1st) corresponds to the reduced number of the month of birth, the 2nd Cycle
called productive, corresponds to the reduced number of the day of birth, the harvest Cycle (3rd),
corresponds to the reduced number of the year of birth.

You are in a productive cycle 7

You are in productive Cycle 7. A tranquil period, often studious where the inner life will have a great
importance. Your centres of interest will be in the direction of reflection, ideas, observation, meditation,
possible studying, philosophical or scientific research, intellectual work, writing, computer science and
sometimes the spiritual or religious world. A phase where progress is sometimes slow, independent
and often solitary. You will advance regularly by proving your ability for analysis and observation. Your
mi ndwi llal way sstayont hel ookouti ni t
’shungerf orknowl edgeandope ni ngswi t
hinnumer ous
areas. It is a favourable Cycle for all intellectual activities, but also for originality and you will certainly
be pus hedt odet achy ours el
ffrom t hemas ses.Don’ tbeundul ys urpr i
se dify ourpr ecursorat ti
tudei s
badly understood by certain people.

Because of your intellectual options and your taste for introversion and reflection, the emotional and
sentimental area will not be the place that you excel the most. Others will find it difficult to define you
and due to this, the attempts of expression of your warm spirit (more irregular in this Cycle but still
pr es ent)won’ talway sbeeas y.Mar riagesar er e lat
yr arein a number 7 cycle. Will be favoured
instead friendships or relationships (including marital) where intellectual communication is dominant.
Butke epc onfident.Ther eisnof ate.Don’ tforcet hings.Don’ tl ookt ocreater omant icme eti
ngs .Wor k
a bit on your image, change your attitude, shine more, show your joy of living and let the positive
oc casionspr esentt hems elvesbyt he ms elves.Beamagnet ,that ’
sal l.Duringt hisk eyper iodofy our
life, you have a path of wisdom, intuition and intellectual or spiritual progress. This signifies that black,
hazy, fanatic or sterile ideas have no place here. Neither do inner tensions. On the contrary, develop
your lucidity, your practical sense, your spontaneity and your well-being. Become an example of
balance and self-confidence. Avoid getting involved in large financial investments before having
reached this level. Otherwise you would certainly make some errors of calculation.

The lesson of this vibration : Wisdom means using practical applications of observation and semantic
reflection, to find balance and clarity. It is not a matter of throwing yourself into the arms of the first
appealing theory.

The possible excesses will be melancholy, sadness, excessive daydreaming, detachment from practical
or warm activities,notenoughs porti
nga cti
,i l
lusionsandobs ess
supt oy out oov ercome
these limitations.

Your life is divided into four cycles of achievement which correspond to your actions and your ideas
which have been put into concrete form. Pinnacles are a more tangible register (of type Yin, feminine)
than the Life Cycles (Yang), relating to your projects and psychological options or inclinations. The first
cycle of achievement will last until age 27 to 35 (it varies depending on the person). The second and
third each have a duration of 9 years, and the final cycle will accompany you for the rest of your life.
The following explanations associated to those of your Life Cycle will allow you to identify better the
influence of your Personal Year Number and thus understand more easily the stages of evolution in
your behaviour.

The calculation is made as follows :

Cycle 1 = day of birth + month of birth; Cycle 2 = day of birth + year of birth; Cycle 3 = Cycle 1 +
Cycle 2; Cycle 4 = month of birth + year of birth.

In 2006, you are in your 2 pinnacle of value 6

Pinnacles with the value of 6

Periods of activity centred on responsibility, duty and obligation (mainly within the family). Love, the
arts, material and bodily comfort are favoured. A period of success and good fortune in view.

However if the number 6 is found to be difficult to live within (perhaps related to a karmic number or
not accepted) there is a risk of family conflicts, that will continue until you learn to live in harmony with
this number that destiny has imposed on you.

You are in a number 6 cycle of achievement. It is the time of responsibilities (generally at work or
within the family), love, harmony in relationships (or the necessity to harmonise the people around
you). This vibration placed in this cycle of achievement is destined to aid practical applications of the
warmth and sensibility of the 6 for example in the artistic creativity. In a certain way, financial activities
(especially those linked to the home, architecture and interior decoration), ecology, everything that is
linked to the arts, selling luxury and body products as well as dietary will be favoured. If the number 6
plays a large part in your theme, it will be necessary to make more independent choices and not
become hesitant so as not to hurt other peoples feelings (or because you are afraid what others might
say). At the opposite, a total absence of the number 6 can be synonymous to tense relationships
(especially between couples) with the obligation to learn to be more reconciling in order to vibrate in
harmony with your Pinnacle vibration.

Personal Year Number.

The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with
during the course of your life. Numerology calculates your Personal Year Number by adding (vertically)
your date and month of birth to the current year. In reducing this number we will end up with a figure
between 1 and 9. Each year is thus individualised and it is interesting to know this basic element in
order to understand the DOMINANT VIBRATION which will always accompany you during this period
and in order to help you to chose the best course of action. It is necessary, nevertheless, to keep in
mind that dominant vibration does not signify fate or destiny. The explanation of a Personal Year
Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of
how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is,
our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.

The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes, indeed the biggest faced with yet ; 4
and 8 are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties ; as for big losses (theft,
trials, friends), they will attach themselves to the numbers 8 and 9. The vibrations 7 and 9 can be

linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, are in general the
mos tpos iti
venumber s .One’sl ove-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5 and 6.
Without a doubt, your best times are during the years which have a compatible vibration with one of
your four principal numbers (Desire Number, Expression Number, Intimate Number and Birthday
vibration). To arrive at a good interpretation of your Personal Year Number, it is necessary to look at
your present life Cycle (i.e. phase of life and mental orientations) and your Pinnacles (concrete
achievements). To complete the interpretation, certain minor elements can also be considered such as
Astrological Houses, Passing Letters of the name, Year Essence or Transit.

Your Personal Year Number is 5. FREEDOM, NOVELTY, EXPANSION.

Summary : Break free. A very varied period, generally positive. Charm and flirts. A year of short term
things. Favourable for the finances, travelling and change.

It is a year of pleasures, of change, of liberty in the aim of self-expansion, but also to allow you to learn
to use your free-wi l
l.Inef f
ect ,t
henumber5s ymbol isestheawar enessofone ’sf r
eedom orpos si
bi l
(you begin to use these possibilities with whatever degree of wisdom). This period will be full of life.
There can be a number of changes, mutations, an awakening of your personality, travelling, flirting,
some meetings and sometimes some unexpected adventures. If you envisage a move, an expansion of
your activities or a trip abroad, this is a good year for it. If there were not any significant changes in
year number 1, there might be this year. The changes will turn out well if you have lived positively
through the four previous years. Otherwise, it is time to adopt a more healthy attitude. In all cases, all
the weight carried over the past four years can be removed now.


This is a year when new horizons will open up for you. If decisions are taken with care, they will come
out onto a profitable future. You will only have to prove how you can adapt and how resourceful you
are. This should not pose too many problems because your mind, imagination, intuition and curiosity
will be brilliant this year. Use this desire for vivacity to be more flexible than your competitors, to easily
adapt to the unexpected (and the unexpected will turn up this year, especially if your Key number is 2
or 6), and do not hesitate to try out the most promising options. You will have luck on your side and
money matters are favoured. Increase your personal capital. The more reckless among you should
increase your investments or develop your activities. Without a doubt, there will be more moves and
contracts than usual. But keep in mind that projects and outcomes can take unexpected directions
during this year of big changes. So, try not to be too euphoric or hasty (especially Keys 2, 3, 7 & 9).


This year is full of short term things, movement and charm. You certainly feel the urge to search for
pleasure, in all forms. The routine of last year has no interest for you now, in fact it irritates you. You
have the desire to move and to feel as free as the wind. A great need to enjoy the present moment and
to become rich with some of the marvellous experiences that life can offer. This period is full of riches
of all kinds. Love, sexuality and personal radiance seem to take a more important place for you this
year. For some of you, it is the season of new adventures or conquests (often short-lived), an other way
to take advantage of this vibration number 5. The year of sensual and sexual searching, the year in
whi chy oulov et obes educt iv
ej ustforit’sowns ak e.Acc ordingl y,av eryst
rongi mpul seca npus hy ou
to run away from smothering situations and fight against those who want to hold you back or block
your path. Advice for the partner of someone in a Personal Year Number 5 : to avoid the desire that is
in year number 5 people to look elsewhere, put your vivacious side forward, show your coolness and
accentuate your eroticism.

Variations according to your Key Number (day of birth + month of birth).

Key 1 : Magnetism, sensuality, fertility. Fickle emotional life.

Key 2 : A good period for couples. If your relationship started last year, be careful of the trap of this
vibration that push you to excesses or suddenly make you feel tired of your partner. Do not make your
partner suffer.

Key 3 : Numerous meetings for single people. But if you envisage a shared life, the course will be
rough (to start with anyway). Select your partners carefully. Be sure that you both have the same
intentions. Couples will have a strong libido. You will want to devote time to your partner.

Key 4 : A lot of passion and sensuality.

Key 5 : A serious meeting (followed by a marriage, but not before next year) is envisaged before
October. Be careful that your slightly «over the top» sensuality does not lead you to make unwise
choices. Do not be excessive. A good period for couples until the summer.

Key 6 : Single people will be able to bring themselves pleasure (in a limited way), but try not to create
illusions. A romantic time for couples.

Key 7 : Harmony for those living as part of a couple. The single people who feel at ease have a
possible meeting waiting for them, which will be happy and lasting. But you could ruin or disturb it by
your desire for freedom and easy pleasures. Be responsible.

Key 8 : Passionate year.

Key 9 : Love, passion and adventure for single people. A slightly heavy atmosphere for couples. Let
yourself breath and get out of the routine.

The rhythm of this year will be strong. Vibration number 5 is going to confront you with new
experiences, even temptations. You can make the most of your freedom, but do not be careless and
always try to remember the lessons that you have already learnt. Excesses will either be paid for
immediately or during year 7. This year can be pleasant and enriching if we act intelligently.


You will be in good shape this year. But be careful if your Key number is 3 or 8 because there is a risk
of blows, bumps and sometimes an accident. Think about what you do. Keep calm. Do not put
excessive strain on yourself physically. Be cautious when it comes to sex and eating (you will look for
pleasure in this area). Check the quality of the food that you eat and do not consume to much sugar.


Watch your irritability, instability, your tendency to be excessive and be on guard for jealousy in others.

January 2006
A jagged period. From the beginning, the month will seem to have interesting prospect. You will
perhaps be entrusted with new responsibilities. After the 7th, the atmosphere will become strained and
you will perhaps have some demanding conflicts with your superiors, your collaborators or your clients.
From the 14th you will progressively become master of the situation and finally you will certainly
decide( beyondt he21s t
)nott ocont i
nuewi thassociati
onsorc ontract
swhi c hdon’ tpleaseormot ivate
you. If you cannot sort things out you will probably become disinterested with your work.

Contradictions and the necessity to institute a new harmony (especially during the first 15 days). When
the situation is normal again, you will be happy to find the serenity and you will want to start up a new
understanding with the one you love. Single people will have a good chance of finding romance this

Tendency for inflammations and a certain renal fragility (drink a lot of water).

This is a favourable month for recuperating money that you are owed, particularly from the 1st to the
7th and the 14th to the 21st. For inves tment s,youwi l
lhav egoodi de asbuti
heot herswhowon’ t
be up to it. You would do well to be vigilant or patient for two months.

01 January 2006 7/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day will make you a bit bizarre and possibly irritated. A certain impatience or
animosity will mark your actions and gestures. Perhaps this will be related to the difficulties that you
are going to meet to find respect in your professional activities or in succeeding with your tasks.
Today, it would be better to avoid delicate tasks. relationship conflicts, risks of all sorts (for example
investing money, buying or selling). Try to do things on a small scale or even better abstain. If you
succeed staying in the background, being calm and getting on with your work, you will have a peaceful
eveningwher ey ouca nfindhar monyagai n.Ifnot ,itispr obablet hatt heday ’sincident swi llmul t
would be a good idea to do something that makes you feel good in the morning (sport, intellectual,

02 January 2006 8/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very favourable morning for investments or buying. If you have such intentions, they will work out
well. In the afternoon things will be rather bad. The atmosphere will be unstable. Avoid haste
compl et
ely.Don’ tgeti nvol
vedi not
herpe ople’
saf fai
rs,occupyy oursel
fwi thy ourownqual i
The evening atmosphere risks getting heavier and tensions are possible. Opt for escape, sport, the
open air, and let the storm pass.

03 January 2006 9/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The atmosphere of this day will be rather bad. Neither the spiritual or the material will be good until
about 6 PM. It would be desirable to take a back seat as much as possible, to avoid getting involved
andgi vi
ngy ouropi nion.Don’ ttakeanyr i
sks,av oi
dhav ingt omakei mpor tantdeci s
ions .Ifyouav oid
the traps and preserved your credibility, you will approach the evening in very good conditions and you
will know the joys of friendship and authenticity.

04 January 2006 1/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

Des piteamor ningwi ths ever alscr
apesors mal lquar r
el(patience,don’ tpus hi t),y ouwillhaveav ery
positive climate for this day. You will be motivated, audacious and everything will seem to succeed for
youunt ill at
eint heev ening.Howe v er
si sont hecondi t
iontha tyoudon’ tl ingeront hecont rary
events of the morning.

05 January 2006 2/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

An interesting day for relationships. You will have influence. The day will be favourable for developing
new projects, envisaging new associations or establishing contacts. Good ideas will surge in the
afternoon. They can come in an indirect way thanks to your collaborators (for example). The evening
atmosphere will favour putting your affairs and ideas in order. You will have the possibility to re-find
yourself. An activity which is necessary for avoiding dispersion, stress and sometimes illusions.

06 January 2006 3/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

A climate of dispersion, superficiality and instability will mark this day. You will be carried along by
superficial situations or relationships (society small talk) with their hypocrisy, bad advice, etc. Nothing
concr eteorl astingwi llcomef rom thisdayi fy oudon’ ttakepr event at
iveme as ur
es.Mak es urey ouar e
organised and respect a strict timetable (not to loose time), and the evening will be a little better. The
onlypos i
tivev i
br at
ionher econc er
nsy ourcr eativ
y,s odon’ twas teitbys cat t
er i
ngy ourself.

07 January 2006 4/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

A day placed under the sign of energy and independence. These vibrations will raise your assurance
and that will positively influence those around you. You will radiate and take things in hand. Your
practicalsens ewi llbepr esentalldayandi fyoudon’ tneglecta nydet ai
lss uccessca n be expected.
Somef r
ionsar epos siblei ntheaf t
ernoon,butdon’ tcare.Conc ent r
ateonmov ingfor ward.Aftera
power fulanda ct
iveday ,y ouwi l
ywantanaf f
eev ening.I t
’supt oy out ogett ogetherwi t
those you love. The passing from one cycle to another could perhaps be accompanied by a falling of
tension and a brusque (but momentary) rise in your emotions.

08 January 2006 5/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

After the very good vibrations of this morning will come a contrary afternoon. This morning will be one
of the best for tying contracts, convincing, conquering, seducing and engaging your future (especially
professional). In the afternoon you risk seeing the change of vibration meeting quite a few annoyances
and hitches as far as relationships and request are concerned. Certain stifling situations will become
mor eac utea ndy ouwon’ tbeabl et odi se nt
angl eyour selffrom t hem y et.From mi ddayt o6PM i t
would be better to occupy yourself with minor tasks. Be careful if you opt for other activities. The
calmer evening will allow you to prepare to resolve current problems and coming obligations.

09 January 2006 6/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The morning will be favourable to friendship, discussion, company and artistic activities. People will be
attracted by you. This period can be fruitful and will help you in an interesting way with your activities.
The atmosphere changes in the afternoon and will stimulate you more to regulate administrative tasks
withef fi
cie ncy
,ev eni ft hisdoes n’
yenc hanty ou.Ony ourwayy our i
s kapproac hingt heev eni ng
badl yandy ouwi l
lbeabi tintol er
antordema ndingwi tht hos earoundy ou.Youwon’ tacc eptcer tai
attitudes from your partner very well for example. Possible conflict. Also be careful of the unexpected
and your lack of ability to adapt.

10 January 2006 see day 7/6

11 January 2006 see day 8/6
12 January 2006 see day 9/6
13 January 2006 see day 1/6
14 January 2006 see day 2/6
15 January 2006 see day 3/6
16 January 2006 see day 4/6
17 January 2006 see day 5/6
18 January 2006 see day 6/6
19 January 2006 see day 7/6
20 January 2006 see day 8/6
21 January 2006 see day 9/6
22 January 2006 see day 1/6
23 January 2006 see day 2/6
24 January 2006 see day 3/6
25 January 2006 see day 4/6
26 January 2006 see day 5/6
27 January 2006 see day 6/6
28 January 2006 see day 7/6
29 January 2006 see day 8/6
30 January 2006 see day 9/6
31 January 2006 see day 1/6

February 2006
A rather difficult period with lateness and oppositions which will check your spirit. The only advice
consists in verifying all the details and being clear in order to minimise possible problems or
misunderstandings. In acting with method and calm, solutions will gradually appear allowing you to
advance normally again.

A tendency to withdraw and keep your feelings inside. Unfortunately, this lack for clarity is not to your
advantage faced with those close to you and you would do well to adopt a more open attitude, less
complicated. Make the most of the week from the 14th to the 21st to get closer to your partner.

Be careful not to carry with you the disappointments or dissatisfactions linked to your present
situation. You risk heading for a feeling of rejection which is not necessarily good for your health.
Unwind through sport, let go of your troubles, they do not deserve such importance. It is you who is
the most important !

Qui t
eat est
ingmont h.Don’ tt ryt oa ctt oomuc horf
orce the situation. If possible avoid financial
transactions and wait patiently for next month ; but not absolutely passively : be a magnet. Who
knows, you could perhaps attract a nice surprise !

01 February 2006 8/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

Thismor ningy ouwi l

lhav ee x t
raordi narypunc h.Youwon’ thav eanyt imet olos
eandy ouwi l
tempted to take unusual or daring initiatives. Master of yourself, you will have the tendency to
denounce injustices and speak your mind. It is a good time to undertake tasks, invest or make
decisions. From midday it would be wise not to take important decisions. Better concentrate on your
defence. In effect, you risk meeting frustrations, annoyances that you will only overcome after
numerous efforts at the end of the afternoon. The evening will be positive again.

02 February 2006 9/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

You are going to be in a very delicate cycle today. The ground will be undermined, propositions
doubtful and promises not kept. Affective engagements in particular but also other things, will only
lead to insatisfaction. You also risk meeting coldness and even a harmful will. Keep yourself away from
all that and concentrate on activities of reflection, meditation or reading. Otherwise try to be more
subtle than these obstacles. The evening will bring less unpleasant vibrations but the affective area will
remain a little fragile.

03 February 2006 1/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very happy day where you will benefit from excellent vibrations for everything linked with the material
and financial. Make the most of it for negotiating, haggling, speculating or investing. These vibrations
will also have a positive effect on your relationships and you will be appreciated. On the other hand, the
evening is placed under a different climate and it will be your turn to make concessions.

04 February 2006 2/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

Today you will benefit from a double positive vibration. Not only will you have good, efficient, intelligent
ideas, but also your radiance and your influence will be particularly active. So make the most of it !
Give advice, gain an advantage, achieve. The afternoon and evening climates will be equally favourable
for affective relationships, feelings and pleasure.

05 February 2006 3/7

0h 6h 12h 18h


The afternoon will be a little vague and delicate when it comes to making advancements but the
overall the day will be positive. Cheerfulness and vivacity will accompany you from the moment you
wake up. At the end of the afternoon you will have quite an exceptional energy and imagination which
will make you radiate and show your talent. Try to manage your time well to take advantage of this
vibration that will be repeated during this month.

06 February 2006 4/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibration of this day will incite you to take every detail into consideration. You will quickly realise
that forgetfulness and negligence will bring problems. You will understand that even the obvious things
don’ tr es ol
vethems el
v es.Itisne cessar yt
obeor der l
yandc ons cienti
ous .Themor ni
ngwi l
lbene gative
for all attempts at co-operation with others. Expect nothing from others this morning, you will only be
disappointed. Fortunately, the afternoon is placed in a more constructive cycle. This will be a good
time for making undertakings with respect to your future. During the evening the cycle will be negative
for relationships and material things. All that you undertake has a strong risk of going badly. It would
be better to stay in retreat this evening.

07 February 2006 5/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

An extremely favourable atmosphere will mark your day. You will have an enthusiasm and success
such that nobody and nothing will seem able to resist you. All of your actions will be fruitful. Things will
roll with a disconcerting ease. All areas will be impregnated with this magic, particularly friendship and
sentimental. New contacts will be favoured, you will have the desire to please and to charm,
particularly during the second part of the day.

08 February 2006 6/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

It is advised to make the most of this very favourable morning for your professional activities.
Ev erythi
ngwi l
lsmi l
eaty ou.Ify oune eds upporttoachi evey ourpr oj
s,don’ thes itatet oas kt he
influent people. Their reaction will certainly be positive. The afternoon and evening vibrations will
influence your mood a little. You will be less concentrated on work and more interested in the affective.
If you already have someone, you will have moments of happiness. Otherwise it is in your interest to
accept invitations or evening out.

09 February 2006 7/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

Intuition and analysis will be honoured today. If you pose questions about life, your strategy, you will
certainly find answers. Your clairvoyance and capable mind will perform and help you to construct
good things. This day will be very favourable to your growth. If intuition and inspiration are already
some of your qualities, this will be a marvellous day for you. However, you must avoid getting too
involved in outside actions or activities. Let things come to you rather that you going to them. Also
watch out for financial transactions, they are not in a good cycle.

10 February 2006 see day 8/7
11 February 2006 see day 9/7
12 February 2006 see day 1/7
13 February 2006 see day 2/7
14 February 2006 see day 3/7
15 February 2006 see day 4/7
16 February 2006 see day 5/7
17 February 2006 see day 6/7
18 February 2006 see day 7/7
19 February 2006 see day 8/7
20 February 2006 see day 9/7
21 February 2006 see day 1/7
22 February 2006 see day 2/7
23 February 2006 see day 3/7
24 February 2006 see day 4/7
25 February 2006 see day 5/7
26 February 2006 see day 6/7
27 February 2006 see day 7/7
28 February 2006 see day 8/7

March 2006
Make the most of this month to energetically regulate the problems which have been hanging around
too long. The first 15 days and after the 21st are favourable periods to succeed. On the other hand,
from the 14th to the 21st you will be confronted by obstacles tending to destabilise your position.
Def endy ourself,don’ tleavey ourpr oj ect
s.Tr yt os taymas teroft hegr ound,di s cretelyi fpossible.I
the month to come you will have to be capable of keeping your assets secret until the last minute.

Tensions and conflicts can arise this month. Watch out, there is a risk of a break. You will have the
tendency to be too demanding and too perfectionist this month.

A great dynamism all through this month except for the 14th to the 21st where you will be very tired. A
rest and a mineral cure and trace elements are vital. If possible, avoid surgical intervention in this
period of the 14th to the 21st.

A month sufficiently favourable for you to envisage with all serenity straightening out your financial
situation. You can invest and speculate from the 1st to the 7th and after the 21st. On the other days it
would be better to be prudent in all business that is proposed to you. Look at the daily calendar, use I-
Ching or Tarot.

01 March 2006 9/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A relatively testing day, sprinkled with struggles and efforts. Fortunately providential support will help
you to finally resolve this confusion. So you will approach the evening in a very good state of mind.
Brilliant and satisfied, you will feel particularly good about yourself. The evening will be rich with
friendships, people will be unconsciously attracted by your well-being, which will give you great

02 March 2006 1/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

This day has a positive atmosphere. You will feel a lot more confident and mature than usual. You will
be respected and listen to more. If you generally hes it
at e,don’ t,t hi
swi l
lbet hemome nttol eaveal l
thatbe hi ndy ou.Itisimper ativet haty ouma ket hemos toft hemor ni
ng’spos i
vev i
onst oex press
yourself. "Ask and you will receive". The afternoon is a little less favourable (keep your head) but the
evening will see harmony again.

03 March 2006 2/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A delicate morning in view ! You will have choices to make, and you will have to act with discernment
and efficiency. No question of sneaking off or postponing everything. Look at the problems, this will
help you to act with lucidity. The afternoon will be different and very favourable for friendships,
approach, thought processes and diplomacy. If your mind is at rest after having taken the appropriate
decisions this morning, you will have a successful afternoon. During the evening your interest will go in
the direction of the good moments of life and even adventure.

04 March 2006 3/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Do you know how to make the most of these exceptional vibrations for conquering and succeeding ?
Know t haty ouwi l
lbel uckyt oday .Puty ourconv ict
ioni nal lyourunder t
ouwon’ tbe
disappointed. Financial and relational perspectives are also good today. The day will end with a very
favourable evening for invitations, enriching discussions, reflection and friendship.

05 March 2006 4/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations today will be favourable for organisation, order and basic work. Concentrate on simple
tas ksal ldayand wat ch outt haty ou don’ tdi v
e rtbecaus ea n addi t
ionalv ibrati
on wi l
lma key ou
emot i
onal l
yuns table.Ify oudon’ ttakecar e,y ouc ouldlety ours el
ftobecons tantlycar riedalongto
change your opinion or your place. This affective instability could also lead you to be admiring or to
criticise too easily. Deception is assured, so watch out ! In the evening, the cycle will be favourable to
your well-being, spiritually and physically. Relax, do some sport or meditate.

06 March 2006 5/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Themor ni
ngr is
ksnotgoi ngass moot hlyasy oue x
pect ed.Don’ tbedi sappoint edbe causee ve ryt
hi ng
will turn out right in the afternoon, with some unexpected things (with the condition that you have a
supple mind to accept certain concessions). The notions of freedom and great possibilities will
impregnate your mind. Make the most of this positive cycle for communication, undertakings,
negotiating and requests for support. You will approach the evening with a desire for luxury, well-being.
Probably a good atmosphere and the possibility of meeting new people (if evening out).

07 March 2006 6/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A difficult day which can finish in a convivial atmosphere if you arrange things well. Today, you will
probably meet numerous obstacles and difficulties of communication. Be patient and diplomatic.
Establish a good dialogue allowing everyone to express their desires in order to avoid tensions and
mi sunder st
andings .Youmayhav ene wr es pons ibil
iesorobl i
onst oas s
ume.Abov eal ldon’tl et
yourself get upset. Act with determination and efficiency. If all goes well, you will approach the evening
with serenity and you can dedicate yourself to close ones or friends in a good and authentic

08 March 2006 7/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Adel i
cat edaywher eact i
oni snotr ecomme nde d.Don’ ttrytopr ovok e events. Let things come to you.
If you know how to be patient and confident, you will be surprised with the benefits that Providence will
give you. If you force things on the other hand or hod resentment, it is probable that things will go
badly. If you cannot reduce your activities, try at least to keep your distance and survey your path. The
evening will be favourable for discussions and the resolution of problems (other peoples) thanks to
your knowledge.

09 March 2006 8/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Conditions today will be particularly hard and demanding. Nonchalance, passivity, a lowering of
vigilance and a lack of consistence will quickly be sanctioned. You must be on the look out to show
your precision as well as your courage, combativeness and intelligence. The results of this day will
equal your efforts, your desire to master events and your capacity not to lose sight of things which are
important to you. The morning will be a source of hitches and having to start again while the
afternoon, more favourable, will help you move your affairs forward. In the evening, the atmosphere
will be a little electric.

10 March 2006 see day 9/8

11 March 2006 see day 1/8
12 March 2006 see day 2/8
13 March 2006 see day 3/8
14 March 2006 see day 4/8
15 March 2006 see day 5/8
16 March 2006 see day 6/8

17 March 2006 see day 7/8
18 March 2006 see day 8/8
19 March 2006 see day 9/8
20 March 2006 see day 1/8
21 March 2006 see day 2/8
22 March 2006 see day 3/8
23 March 2006 see day 4/8
24 March 2006 see day 5/8
25 March 2006 see day 6/8
26 March 2006 see day 7/8
27 March 2006 see day 8/8
28 March 2006 see day 9/8
29 March 2006 see day 1/8
30 March 2006 see day 2/8
31 March 2006 see day 3/8

April 2006
A slightly delicate situation. Be confident and calm, then you will be able to master the situation. Be
attentive to details as well as new opportunities. Avoid being guided by worry. The months to come will
then offer a good perspective.

A certain solitude, be patient.

A sort of depression will dominate the first 15 days then your vital spirits will get rid of it. This will help
you to take things in hand once again in all areas.

Thinkaboutpr ojectsbutdon’ tdoany t
hingaboutt hem be
ethe21s t. Study the propositions but
decide nothing for the moment. At the end of the month you will have good ideas and this will allow
you to envisage your financial future more serenely.

01 April 2006 1/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

An eventful, an action packed day is promised ! New happenings, multiple contacts, plans, relationship
tension, with the result that things will escape you a little. The evening will be welcome (relaxation), it is
above all a good omen in the affective area. Some agreeable meetings and new friendships will be

02 April 2006 2/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

A difficult day where the general atmosphere will be inert. You could also suffer a lack of consideration
for you from others. However, you must keep confidence in yourself and not doubt just because others
lacke nthus iasm.Itwi llbeupt oy oual onet ojudgei fyouri deasaswel lfounded.Don’ tallowy our self
to be influenced or discouraged. Avoid implicating yourself emotionally and keep a certain reserve. If
you know how to keep your good mood and your smile faced with unfavourable circumstances or
unexpected obligations it can only reinforce your image.

03 April 2006 3/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

Thev i
brat i
onsoft hes tartoft hemor ni
ngwi llgiv eaconf useda ndv agueat mosphere.Don’ ttryt o
unravelitf ort hemoment .St aycal m,don’ tdispe rsey our selfus
el essly,doj us
twhatisne c essary
turbulence will cease towards midday. This will allow you to face the numerous obligations that wait for
you this afternoon. Even if everything is difficult, stay calm and show a sense of conciliation or
goodwill, because it will help you to adapt and finally overcome all the problems.

04 April 2006 4/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

From the morning, you will enter into a cycle where your sensitivity will be aggravated. This can be
positive or negative according to your character. You could be tempted to let yourself go, to ignore
your obligations and get sucked into a spiral of mood swings. If you are very creative, this state could
help you a lot. Although the best way to succeed with this day is to make concessions, efforts and put
yourself forwar d.Don’ tgiveup y ourmood cha nges .St aypos iti
veand s traightforwar d.Don’ tbe
stopped by the first snag or misunderstanding. Avoid investing money or spending today because you
are too emotional.

05 April 2006 5/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

Today you will benefit from a new enthusiasm which will enlarge your world if you know how to make
the most of it. As soon as you feel this current, seize the occasion to move things forward, take
decisions, assert yourself and flaunt your serenity (especially in the afternoon). This will be a period
where despite everything, you will have to prove your ability, ingenuity and perseverance. The
circumstances will be quite demanding but can drive you towards a beneficial renewal and a positive
evolution. To approach the evening in the best possible way and avoid probable relationship tensions
or possible strong decompressions after this arduous day, take the time to do a little sport in order to
liberate the accumulated tension. In this way you will have a relaxed evening.

06 April 2006 6/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

An exhausting morning, followed by a pleasant and harmonious afternoon. The first part of the day will
be very charged. You will be very much in demand. Responsibilities, stress and dispersion. Also people
will no longer have respect or consideration for you and you will feel a little ill-treated or exploited.
Watch out for stress and appearances in the morning. Hold yourself back a little and observe. In the
afternoon this agitated atmosphere will stop to make way for something more pleasant and enriching.
Your affairs and your initiatives will be favoured, your relationships will be friendly and you will at last

have time for yourself. If you have any relationship problems to sort out make the most of this cycle
because it is favourable for reconciliation's.

07 April 2006 7/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

Certain vibrations will make you melancholy this morning. You will be a bit psychologically saturated.
Everything will slow down. Your vision of things will be negative. Rather than sinking in this pessimism,
keep serene and be delighted because the afternoon will bring a new glow which will erase the memory
of the morning. You will want open space, freedom, adventure, sensations and even affection. If you
know how t omoder atey ours uddenpas si
onal ittl
e,thisper iodwi l
lgowel landk ee pi t’
spos i
dynamism. Your receptivity, creativity and sense of contact will be on the front line. This will perhaps
drivey out owar dsenr ichi
ngmeet ingsori nteresti
ngr ealis
ations .Don’ tt rytof orcethi ngsbeca us ethe
atmos pher eis n’tready .

08 April 2006 8/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

A black day in view. The atmosphere will be electric and strained. Avoid implicating yourself, whether
in discussion, interview or tasks. Watch out for conflicting interests or points of view. Be diplomatic,
polite and if you can, stay away from annoyances by concentrating on an activity which brings you
something, orderliness or sport for example. When the evening arrives, you will then have a good
mental disposition to make the most of this beneficial cycle for studying, reflection, art, reading or the

09 April 2006 9/9

0h 6h 12h 18h

Watch out, this vibration is very strong ! It can be beneficial and marvellous for willing, generous and
inspired people, all those who do a little for the good of t hewor ldandi t
’sev olution.Thei rtaskswi ll
have unhoped success today. This vibration being at the end of the cycle, can also be that of outcome,
giving account, collapse, deceptions and ordeal for all those who are too materialistic, uncooperative,
hierarchical and who build their world regardless of universal laws. To succeed with this delicate day as
well as possible, it is advised to prepare yourself several days in advance, by changing (if necessary)
your strategy in order to become in harmony with this vibration. You must be able to approach a
relationship without egoism or the desire to dominate and without comparing yourself to others. You
must be capable of finding the good side in people, giving sincere compliments, opening your mind,
being tolerant and above all generous, nice, available and respective of life. All this with the greatest
naturalness !

10 April 2006 see day 1/9

11 April 2006 see day 2/9
12 April 2006 see day 3/9
13 April 2006 see day 4/9
14 April 2006 see day 5/9
15 April 2006 see day 6/9
16 April 2006 see day 7/9

17 April 2006 see day 8/9
18 April 2006 see day 9/9
19 April 2006 see day 1/9
20 April 2006 see day 2/9
21 April 2006 see day 3/9
22 April 2006 see day 4/9
23 April 2006 see day 5/9
24 April 2006 see day 6/9
25 April 2006 see day 7/9
26 April 2006 see day 8/9
27 April 2006 see day 9/9
28 April 2006 see day 1/9
29 April 2006 see day 2/9
30 April 2006 see day 3/9
May - August 2006

May 2006
A period to negotiate in all refinement. You must show prudence, especially from the 7th to the 14th
and after the 21st. You could have the impression that everything has been acquired already and be
impulsive, particularly during the middle of the month. Take more account of the advise from others
because this could inspire you with some original ideas which will then give you the advantage between
the 14th and 21st.

Dull area this month. During the first fifteen days you even risk coming across affective tensions. But
you will forget them very quickly thanks to the return of sympathy or new relationships which give you
self-confidence again and bring you a little comfort.

le nta
go well.

Your desire to succeed with important projects is strong. In order to do the maximum it will be in your
interest to use the advice or criticism that others give you. This will serve to moderate your impatience.
Wait until at least the 14th before engaging in an important project.

01 May 2006 2/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very positive vibration for relationships, which sets the tone for this day. You will feel ready to make
the first step (even with people with whom you wouldn’ tdarebef or ehand) .Ne wmeet i
ngs( pr
of ess
or affective) will be possible in this way. They are likely to be quite special and often beneficial. If

propositions are made to you, you are advised to simply take note and reflect on them rather than
making a decision for the moment. The afternoon will bring emotional instability.

02 May 2006 3/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A lot of creativity an ingenuity on your part but not many positive reactions (or rather slow) from
others.Abov eal ldon’tletyour sel
fbedemor al
edori rr
ed.Don’ ttrytofor cethings.Conc entr
at eon
your source of creativity and others will end up listening to you and following. A harmonious and
pleasant evening.

03 May 2006 4/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

Very strong vibrations will push you towards perfectionism and the desire to multiply your contacts in
order to improve your image. These two strategies cannot always be reconciled, that is why you will
have a lot to do today. In order to finish the day well, opt for a relaxing evening where you can let go of
your professional responsibilities.

04 May 2006 5/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A double tinted day because you will constantly hesitate between prudence and the desire to rush
ahead, to innovate or to go towards the unknown. It seems wiser to be prudent during the morning
and to avoid uncertainties. On the other hand, the afternoon with be favourable for audacity. Good
ideas will come by themselves and the new and unusual will attract you. Be daring ! You will be
enthusiastic until late in the evening, you will want to meet people and move. Your sensuality will also
be awake. Use this favourable cycle if you want but always keep your good sense !

05 May 2006 6/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

The day will start with an atmosphere of limitations. Some big obstacles will get in your way and rather
than tiring yourself out by trying to overcome them, it would be better to show patience and prudence.
From midday you will penetrate a new cycle where all will go well until about 6 PM. Why not profit by
moving things forward and gaining an advantage over your interlocutors which is possible thanks to
your serenity and assurance. In the evening, you can relax and make the most of this very favourable
cycle with regards to the affective area.

06 May 2006 7/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A charged day where you will be worried about financial or administrative problems. The cycle will be
unfavourable to speculation and new affairs, especially in the morning. Administrative tasks will
mobilise you for a good part of the day. It is only during the evening, after having sorted things out,
that you will feel better, with perhaps a regained energy to continue with... planning and organising !

07 May 2006 8/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A hyper active day opens itself to you. From the morning you will be motivated by efficiency. You will
want to sort out your affairs. Your motto will be something like 'straight to the goal with no side tracks",
which promises discussions or initiatives a bit peremptory. In the afternoon, this energy will soften and
all will appear vague, unstable and uncertain. You must be prudent and keep your distance in order to
see more clearly. It would be better to organise yourself so as not to have any important decisions to
make this afternoon. Avoid engagement, especially financial, until the evening when the cycle will
become positive again for business.

08 May 2006 9/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

Thi si st hedayof“cleaning ” .You wi llbepus hed to cl ean up y ours i

ion,par t
icularly where
relationships are concerned (private or professional). You can make the most of these vibrations to
modify a forced relationship which you have been unhappy with for some time. If you know how to be
flexible and available, unexpected solutions will come, to your great relief. You could also meet new
peopl eandhav es uc cess.Strangera reof tenfrie ndsthatwedon’ tknowy et! This energy will continue
until the evening when you will be motivated by arranging things and tidying up lose ends.

09 May 2006 1/1

0h 6h 12h 18h

A fresh and initiating mind will animate you during this day despite the possible sullen mood or the
discouraging i ner ti
a oft hos e ar ound y ou.Don’ tl ety oursel
fbe come des tabili
sed.The evening
atmosphere will be more difficult.

10 May 2006 see day 2/1

11 May 2006 see day 3/1
12 May 2006 see day 4/1
13 May 2006 see day 5/1
14 May 2006 see day 6/1
15 May 2006 see day 7/1
16 May 2006 see day 8/1
17 May 2006 see day 9/1
18 May 2006 see day 1/1
19 May 2006 see day 2/1
20 May 2006 see day 3/1
21 May 2006 see day 4/1
22 May 2006 see day 5/1
23 May 2006 see day 6/1
24 May 2006 see day 7/1
25 May 2006 see day 8/1

26 May 2006 see day 9/1
27 May 2006 see day 1/1
28 May 2006 see day 2/1
29 May 2006 see day 3/1
30 May 2006 see day 4/1
31 May 2006 see day 5/1

June 2006
Favourable period for contacts, allowing a profession climb or finding a job. However, you must reach
out to others, communicate and renew old relationships rather than waiting for others to come to you.
In this way, results are possible. Some lateness from the 1st to the 7th. Good period of creativity from
the 7th to the 14th and after the 21st.

Favourable month for new friendships, co-operation, sharing and invitations. Not to be refused ! A
fresh outbreak of your affective needs will take place between the 14th and 21st.


No new projects or investments this month ! Observe and wait. Even the fruits of past investments will
bealongt imec omi ng.Butdon’ twor ry
,theyar es i
mpl yri
peningmor es lowl y.Pat ience!

01 June 2006 3/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

An excellent day in view. You will be in a good mood, have original ideas and easily make others
andy ou.Ev eni ni
eswhi char eabi tex t r
avagantwi llbeac cepted.Don’ the si
tatet omak e
the most of such an advantage. New friendships will be possible. Only the evening will be a tone lower.

02 June 2006 4/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A pleasant day, rich in nice surprises. You will approach your activities in a conscientious way. You will
have lucky initiative or a new manner of organising yourself. This will be a constructive cycle. During
the afternoon you will have to face unexpected events which will be positive if you know how to
approach them correctly. Unplanned things or new obligations will be a part of the end of the day and
it is worth taking them with a smile and willingness.

03 June 2006 5/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day will favour a certain emotional fragility and even a tendency for illusions.
Take precautions. Not all meetings will be advantageous. Watch out for obstacles. They can teach you
something but also create an inner storm according to your attitude towards them. This aspect will

stop around midday to leave the place for a very positive cycle with respect to your activities. You will
be very creative. Friends will give you good advice. You will have good opportunities. Your vivacious
mind will be a supplementary asset for achievements and the day will definitely be fruitful (and
favourable for communication).

04 June 2006 6/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very dynamic day opens itself to you. You will be very awakened and the morning will be rather good
for your projects. Unfortunately, this energy risks being transformed to tension and agitation in the
afternoon.I fyoudon’ tt
akepr eca uti
ons,y ouwi l
ndi tdif
ttoor gani seyour sel
fort owor kcor rectl
especially with the responsibilities and obligations (more than usual). The evening will be orientated to
affection, love and the family. A really nice cycle from which you will continue to feel the effects over
the next few days.

05 June 2006 7/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

An ideal day for introspection, reflection, intuition and research. If your activities concern the
intellectual, scientific or spiritual areas, you will be fulfilled. Your inspiration will be quite powerful and
enable you to discover inner treasures or answers to questions. Allow yourself to observe, meditate or
analyse. You will obtain results. All other tasks (material, affective, commercial or financial) will be in a
really negative cycle. Be prudent, and if possible abstain from getting involved in these areas.

06 June 2006 8/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A delicate and tiring day. You program strongly risks becoming disturbed by some unexpected events.
You will find yourself in strained situations with uncooperative people. It would be better to avoid taking
risks, moving around, travelling or asking for support this afternoon. Concentrate only on your work,
orderliness, the office, organisation or reflection in order to resolve current problems. It is useless to
throw yourself into new projects for the moment. If you get over the hurdles, you will have a rather
pleasant evening in excellent company.

07 June 2006 9/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A delicate day with regard to the material and affective. Tensions and conflicts are feared in the
morning. Negotiations, conversations or requests for support will not be welcome during this period.
Although this cycle persists after lunch, a new vibration will be added to it favouring creators, inventors
and artists. This powerful inspiration will be maintained until the end of the evening and you will be
pushed to run away from noise and the agitation of the world in order to find yourself again, re-center
yourself, create and understand.

08 June 2006 1/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A positive day where you will be in demand from all angles. This will be the moment to advance, to
take the initiative (especially in the morning and evening). People will easily trust you. Favourable
circumstances will present themselves to you from 6 PM. If there is an invitation, accept it, it could
prove to be enriching.

09 June 2006 2/2

0h 6h 12h 18h

A testing day where you may live extreme situations in relation with the emotions (anger followed by
reconciliation). You will meet opposition and inertia, but you will always end up pulling through.
However, be careful of slipping and remarks which could injure or disturb your relationships for a time.
Moderate your emotions,don’ tfl
yof fthehandl eins pit
eoft hevibrationsoft hisday .Theev eningwi l
be distinctly more peaceful. You will receive complete calm from affection and gentleness.

10 June 2006 see day 3/2

11 June 2006 see day 4/2
12 June 2006 see day 5/2
13 June 2006 see day 6/2
14 June 2006 see day 7/2
15 June 2006 see day 8/2
16 June 2006 see day 9/2
17 June 2006 see day 1/2
18 June 2006 see day 2/2
19 June 2006 see day 3/2
20 June 2006 see day 4/2
21 June 2006 see day 5/2
22 June 2006 see day 6/2
23 June 2006 see day 7/2
24 June 2006 see day 8/2
25 June 2006 see day 9/2
26 June 2006 see day 1/2
27 June 2006 see day 2/2
28 June 2006 see day 3/2
29 June 2006 see day 4/2
30 June 2006 see day 5/2

July 2006
The vibration of this month will especially favour all those who are gifted with creativity and an inventive
mind. If this is the case, you can give the go ahead to your imagination. Overall, this period is
favourable for projects but not to approaches or interviews. The best moments will be situation during
the first 15 days and after the 21st.

From your professional growth, your affective life will be a bit abandoned. You will prefer friendship
because it will contribute to your emotional balance. For couples, possible disturbance in your
relationship between the 14th and 21st, but nothing serious.

Your organism is a little fragile. It is at the levels of relaxation, balance and the joy for living that you
must work. These will be your best antidote. Watch out not to keep negative feelings inside.

A certain vigilance is recommended. Purchases and investments are possible but it would be more
judicious next month. On the other hand, sales mean interesting benefits, particularly if they are before
the 7th or after the 21st. These same periods will be favourable for all your financial approaches as
long as you stay pernickety.

01 July 2006 4/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

Without a doubt this day is difficult. The vibrations will be contrary and will limit you in your
approaches and initiatives. With such a climate, it would be better to take a back seat and abstain from
doing too much. Content yourself with simple things. You will be tempted by promising appearances
but be aware that the vibration of this day interferes with success. Choose leisure activities, simple
happiness and forget these troubles.

02 July 2006 5/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

Considering the vibrations of this day, the best strategy would be to take on several different activities.
The good atmosphere will stimulate you and if you like activity, vivacity or combativeness, you will get
it. Success will be on your side in the morning but towards midday it will be necessary to struggle. The
end of the day will be marked by a new vibration inciting a philosophical and dispassionate view of
things in opposition to this dynamic and certainly enriching cycle that you have lived this morning. You
will want to centre yourself and reflect more. Do it !

03 July 2006 6/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

A delicate day ! You will feel in demand, your sensitivity and willingness will be played on, used by
others. Think twice before making promises or taking on new responsibilities because it is certain that
you will accept them too easily. Also the vibrations of this day are not favourable for getting mixed up
in the peoples affairs, so be careful ! It would be better not to accept or ask for thinking time so that
you can see things more clearly. In fact, this is not a good day for important business, especially in the
afternoon when you will lack lucidity. The evening will start with the impression of overwork, so the
best thing would be to relax, to think about yourself before going to bed (quite early).

04 July 2006 7/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

A day rich in the unexpected. You must improvise and not make too rigid plans so that you can make
the changes that will be necessary. Stay s
yt or efuset hi
sev oluti
onoft hingsory oucoul d
run into problems. Use it to your advantage. The afternoon risks being quite hard concerning the
mat e r
ialorf inancial
.St ayi mpas siveanddon’ tbecomedi scour aged.Obv iousl
yitwoul dbebet ter to
avoid investing money or buying, in these conditions because you would regret it ! If you make the
right manoeuvres and stay calm, you will be rewarded with a pleasant evening made for company and

05 July 2006 8/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

If you are working to build a big project, the vibrations of this morning will give you an important and
perhaps decisive momentum. Try to make the most of it to raise the number of your supports and
reinforce yourself. The afternoon will be less easy and you could come across restricting or
embarrassing aspects. Appearances will be quite deceptive so it would be a good idea not to engage in
new things, sign contracts or take risks. Show a minimum of prudence in only occupying yourself with
what you already know. In this way all will go well !

06 July 2006 9/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

Thedaywon’ tstartverywel lf
lt hatismat eri
al.Itwoul dbebet t
ernott oi nves tmoney( ortake
important decision). This day will be equally difficult in the affective area. Tensions, conflict,
clarification and rupture are possible. But be reassured that it will end up positively, especially in the
evening thanks to the intervention of a kind and diplomatic person who will contribute to a
reconciliation or clear up the misunderstanding. Seize this helping hand ! Furthermore, creativity and
sensitivity will be good today.

07 July 2006 1/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

A zenith moral will accompany you from first thing in your rather favourable day. Providence will be on
yours ide.It
’supt oy outomak ethemos tofi tbyaf fi
rmingy ours elforadv ancingy ourpr ojects.Wat ch
out for opportunities.

08 July 2006 2/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day are rather negative. You will be in a bad mood. You will feel alone but in the
samet i
mey ouwon’ twantt hepr esenc eofot her s.Ev eny ouri nt
uitionwi l
ocre.So, it is wise to
hold back, to avoid delicate or tedious tasks such as discussions, interview or engaging thoughts about
your future. You will see more clearly over the next few days. For the moment occupy yourself with
your health and try to take a back seat. This will help you to find a little smile.

09 July 2006 3/3

0h 6h 12h 18h

The morning will have a positive atmosphere. Certainly a lot of inspiration, ideas, a new strategy and
initiatives. However, the afternoon will have quite a heavy atmosphere for your love life. Watch out for
melancholy or images that you could get in your head ! This is absolutely useless. The evening will be
positive for new things and you will probably forget the previous bad moments. Possible evening out
andgoodmood,butdon’ tov erdoit!

10 July 2006 see day 4/3

11 July 2006 see day 5/3
12 July 2006 see day 6/3
13 July 2006 see day 7/3
14 July 2006 see day 8/3
15 July 2006 see day 9/3
16 July 2006 see day 1/3
17 July 2006 see day 2/3
18 July 2006 see day 3/3
19 July 2006 see day 4/3
20 July 2006 see day 5/3
21 July 2006 see day 6/3
22 July 2006 see day 7/3
23 July 2006 see day 8/3
24 July 2006 see day 9/3
25 July 2006 see day 1/3
26 July 2006 see day 2/3
27 July 2006 see day 3/3
28 July 2006 see day 4/3
29 July 2006 see day 5/3
30 July 2006 see day 6/3
31 July 2006 see day 7/3

August 2006
Quite a beneficial period which requires changes of rhythm on your part. From the 1st to the 7th is a
very constructive week where it will be in your interest to know how to be orderly and have a sense of
organisation. From the 7th to the 14th you will continue on your way but you must expect a slowing
down and patience will be necessary. From the 14th until the 21st you will have an excellent week to
raise your professional standing, your relationships and your confidence. After the 21st, a calmer
period devoted to harvesting. You will have to take a backseat for a little while to think about possible
administrative steps and to avoid throwing yourself into new projects. One thing after another.

Tranquil period, even « absences »asl
necessarily appreciate this.

Work a lot but avoid getting stressed.

Investments possible. Then the benefits will come in the middle to long term and often after
overcoming some difficulties. Overall, you will have the impression of limitation holding back your
financial ambitions.

01 August 2006 5/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

A day marked by the call for freedom. You will feel carefree, audacious, as if you were protected. You
will want to live to 100% (prudence all the same). Your aspirations will be for wide open spaces,
trav el l
ing,freedom andnew t hings
.Et iquet
teands oci
alpr ess urewon’ tconc ernyouasmuch.The
morning will be favourable for business and travelling, but in the afternoon it would be better to refrain
a little from this hunger for freedom, because obligations (affective or family it seems) will progressively
sur geasy ouneart hee ndoft heevening.Thisda ycoul dpr ovei nteres t
ingf ory ourfutur ei fyoudon’ t
hesitate to go in front of others.

02 August 2006 6/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day will make you amorous, or in all cases sensitive to affection and charm. The
wor kingwor l
dandi t’smat eriali
ccons t
raintswi llseem ana chroni sti
ct oy ouev e nifyoudon’ tlose
your good sense. Strangely you wi l
lwantt oex pressy ourfeel
ngsbuty ouwon’ tfinditeas ytodos o.
You will have difficulties to communicate and to share your sentimental desires, especially in the
afternoonwheny oumus tn’tmakecommi tme nt s
,t alkt oomuchort rytof orcet hings.Otherwise,
errors are a strong possibility in work as well as heart matters. Act in the morning or the evening but
don’ tpus ht hi ngsincas eofdi f
culties.Ift her earenos nagsoft histype,t hisdaywi llbeoneof
happiness and you will feel the effects for several days.

03 August 2006 7/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day favour the search for truth and indirectly happiness. You will be attracted by
reflection, analysis and listening. The morning will be rather favourable for sharing ideas, discussions
and intense relationships. The afternoon and the evening need rather isolation and tranquillity.
Everything that is superficial or noisy will make you run away. Finally, the day will be a success and
ver ybe nefi
cialfory ouri nnerbal ancei fy ouknow how t os tayawayf r
om ev erydayagi tat
ionandi t’
possible annoyances.

04 August 2006 8/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

An excellent day for those whose activities concern artistic or creative sectors. A day which favours
harmony, success and recognition. Your assets will be a very fertile imagination (morning and evening)
as well as an undeniable brilliance which brings you influence over others. If you know how to keep
your tact and flexibility you will certainly convince all the people around you. However, use these
abilities of communication honestly and avoid becoming too harsh or intolerant because the charm

would vanish. To make the most of these good aspects avoid dispersion and going too slowly
(daydreaming, stroll). Concentrate on one important activity with flexibility and determination, and you
will be surprised with the positive results. Only the afternoon will be a little delicate due to the rapidity
of events.

05 August 2006 9/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

This is the ideal day to conclude family or administrative affairs. If you can release yourself from
burdensome obligations, you will have a mind free for thinking about new projects which will certainly
succeed in the future. In the evening, you will want to escape, to change horizons and share your
enthus ias
m witht hosey oulove.Thi sdaywi llbepos i
v ef ormat eri
alaf fai
rsaslongasy oudon’ tbuyor
invest !

06 August 2006 1/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

A magnificent day where you will be radiant and dynamic. Communicative enthusiasm, human
warmth, new ambitions and even euphoria will characterise the climate of this day. It would be a pity
not to make the most of it for gaining an advantage, formulating demands or setting up new projects.

07 August 2006 2/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

A strong inspiration will accompany you today. You will have a lively mind and a great lucidity with the
result that you can seize opportunities, especially in the afternoon. Your fervour, your good rhythm and
your intuition will be precious assets which will help you to overcome all possible obstacles. You are
advised to act in an honest, unselfish way to avoid a reverse of fortune at the end of the day, because
the evening is a lot more delicate (prudence necessary). The most favourable time for the affective or
relational aspects is the morning.

08 August 2006 3/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

A morning placed in a climate of annoyance, dissatisfaction and even discouragement. Be prudent,

avoid trips or actions presenting risks. From lunchtime, positive vibrations will make the rest of the day
mor eat tr
active.Don’ twa st
et hem byl i
ngont hemor ni ngspr oblems .Youwi l
lnot ices y mpa thy
and attention come in your direction. Make the most of these good aspects and this quite unusual
recognition to gain an advantage, to appeal for support and to give your projects and image value.

09 August 2006 4/4

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very delicate day. The vibrations are such that all will stagnate, events as well as undertakings.
Nothing will succeed. With such an atmosphere it would be better to think twice before getting
nvolvedi ns omet hi
ngi mpor tant,beca us ey ouwi l
llackt hemea nsa ndy ouwon’ tbeabl
engagements. The evening will have a monotonous and studious atmosphere, so it would be wise to
devote yourself calmly to putting things in order and to your obligations (of all types).

10 August 2006 see day 5/4
11 August 2006 see day 6/4
12 August 2006 see day 7/4
13 August 2006 see day 8/4
14 August 2006 see day 9/4
15 August 2006 see day 1/4
16 August 2006 see day 2/4
17 August 2006 see day 3/4
18 August 2006 see day 4/4
19 August 2006 see day 5/4
20 August 2006 see day 6/4
21 August 2006 see day 7/4
22 August 2006 see day 8/4
23 August 2006 see day 9/4
24 August 2006 see day 1/4
25 August 2006 see day 2/4
26 August 2006 see day 3/4
27 August 2006 see day 4/4
28 August 2006 see day 5/4
29 August 2006 see day 6/4
30 August 2006 see day 7/4
31 August 2006 see day 8/4
September - December 2006

September 2006
A happy month where everything seems to work out. Confused situations become clear, your initiatives
succeed, new propositions will accelerate your progression at the end of the month. Voyages or
professional trips are also favoured.

A period with a good omen, harmonious, intense and passionate. Single people could meet some
captivating new people between the 14th and 21st.

A beautiful energy ! Know how to manage it (watch out for abuses).

Your sense of business and your 6th sense are your guides. You can succeed in business if it's your
activity. Make the most of it in order to invest and speculate at the beginning of the month because the
gains will be very satisfying afterwards. The 5th and the 17th will be the best days.

01 September 2006 6/5
0h 6h 12h 18h

This morning, you could benefit in a providential way for your heart matters. Communication and
loving sharing will be perfect. This is the moment to gain advantages, to act intelligently and sincerely
before these favourable vibrations soften and the situation becomes confused. The afternoon will be
less idyllic for the affective and it would be a good idea not to talk too much. Be content with a
minimum and some smiles because slips are possible. On the other hand the cycle is very favourable
to the professional side of things. Your ideas will be clearer. In consequence, use the afternoon to
organise and realise your thoughts, initiatives, analyses, investments or profits.

02 September 2006 7/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

The day is going to start well ! Your magnetism will wake up and allow you to profit in the relational
and creative areas to gain advantages. The afternoon will be a little strained and your routine
disturbed. All will calm down at about 6 PM and the evening will be peaceful but instructive, with
discussions and exchanging ideas which will enlighten you, perhaps so as to renew your image and
strategy for the future.

03 September 2006 8/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

Wi t
hs uchv i
onsi twoul dbeagoodi deat obeonguar d.Appearanc eswi llbedecepti
v e.Don’ tput
people on a pedestal this morning. The afternoon cycle will be happier. You will benefit from
favourable conditions to improve your affairs and finances. This positive cycle will continue into the
evening with regard to the affective and relational aspects. A good end to the day !

04 September 2006 9/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this morning cycle favour all that concerns business, travelling and visiting with a view
to tie up current affairs. Make the most of your dynamism during the morning. Take advantage of your
vivacious mind, your ability for communi cat
ioni nt heaf ternoon.Inef fect,t hisper i
odwon’ tbev er
favourable to travelling but will suit meetings better (discussions and requests for support). You will be
convincing during this period and you will get very satisfying results. Organise yourself with a view to
this. Financial transactions and speculations should be avoided today.

05 September 2006 1/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

You will feel good about yourself today. Your interest will not only be in the material but also the
sentimental or relational areas. If you want to gain an advantage with the one elected by your heart,
choose the morning or the evening because it is at these times that you will have the most
magnetism... On the plan of action, approach and thought processes will be a little impeded in the
afternoon, so be careful, it would be better to avoid all new things during this period.

06 September 2006 2/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

A difficult morning. You will feel isolated and confronted with hitches. The afternoon great change. The
vibrations will be favourable with the result that practically everything you touch will be positive. Even
mewi llworki ny ourf avour ,s odon’ tgetcar ri
eda way,bepat ient. Only the affective aspect will not be
under the charm during the day (but it will be excellent in the evening).

07 September 2006 3/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

Your imagination and your sense of communication will be very witty today. This will help you to
persuade others. You will be brilliant in this area. You will feel that it is easier to bring others round to
your point of view, to attract them, rather than demanding or trying to force their choices, seduced by
the enthusiasm and the confidence that you put in your suggestions. There is a possible invitation for
thee vening,butdon’ tgett oocar ri
edaway ,cont actswills tays uperfici al.

08 September 2006 4/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

You will be animated with a great determination and you will want to show off your moral qualities and
your know-how. Only two time periods will make this day difficult : Towards midday and the end of the
afternoon. You will be lead to change your plans then, so it would be a good idea to do the important
things in the morning. Despite your determination, circumstances are not good for long term
investments today. The day will end up well with a more pleasant atmosphere.

09 September 2006 5/5

0h 6h 12h 18h

The atmosphere of this day is new. It will be rich in changes and surprises. Your particularly lively mind
today will allow you to adapt quickly to all situations. You will find solutions to problems that have been
hanging around for several days. All will evolve very quickly in the morning. If you have steps to take,
approach or interview to do, take them because everything is still very beneficial. In the afternoon,
everything will not always end up positive and you will find it difficult to concentrate and stabilise
yours elf
.Thi sagitati
onwi l
ls t
opar ound6PM andapos i
ve,dy na miccy cl
ewi l
’splac e,sot ake
advantage of it. You will be brimming with vitality, be enthusiastic, have influence over others as well as
charm. So you will have a passionate evening. The ideal would be to break up this day with a bit of
sport in order to prepare yourself for the evening.

10 September 2006 see day 6/5

11 September 2006 see day 7/5
12 September 2006 see day 8/5
13 September 2006 see day 9/5
14 September 2006 see day 1/5
15 September 2006 see day 2/5
16 September 2006 see day 3/5
17 September 2006 see day 4/5

18 September 2006 see day 5/5
19 September 2006 see day 6/5
20 September 2006 see day 7/5
21 September 2006 see day 8/5
22 September 2006 see day 9/5
23 September 2006 see day 1/5
24 September 2006 see day 2/5
25 September 2006 see day 3/5
26 September 2006 see day 4/5
27 September 2006 see day 5/5
28 September 2006 see day 6/5
29 September 2006 see day 7/5
30 September 2006 see day 8/5

October 2006
A jagged period. From the beginning, the month will seem to have interesting prospect. You will
perhaps be entrusted with new responsibilities. After the 7th, the atmosphere will become strained and
you will perhaps have some demanding conflicts with your superiors, your collaborators or your clients.
From the 14th you will progressively become master of the situation and finally you will certainly
decide (beyond the 21st) nott ocont i
nuewi thassociati
onsorc ontract
swhi c hdon’ tpleaseormot ivate
you. If you cannot sort things out you will probably become disinterested with your work.

Contradictions and the necessity to institute a new harmony (especially during the first 15 days). When
the situation is normal again, you will be happy to find the serenity and you will want to start up a new
understanding with the one you love. Single people will have a good chance of finding romance this

Tendency for inflammations and a certain renal fragility (drink a lot of water).

This is a favourable month for recuperating money that you are owed, particularly from the 1st to the
7th and the 14th to the 21st. For investments, you will have good ideas but it ist
heot herswhowon’ t
be up to it. You would do well to be vigilant or patient for two months.

01 October 2006 7/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations of this day will make you a bit bizarre and possibly irritated. A certain impatience or
animosity will mark your actions and gestures. Perhaps this will be related to the difficulties that you
are going to meet to find respect in your professional activities or in succeeding with your tasks.
Today, it would be better to avoid delicate tasks. relationship conflicts, risks of all sorts (for example
investing money, buying or selling). Try to do things on a small scale or even better abstain. If you
succeed staying in the background, being calm and getting on with your work, you will have a peaceful

eningwher eyouca nf indhar monyagai n.Ifnot,i
tispr obabl ethattheday ’
sincident swi llmul ti
would be a good idea to do something that makes you feel good in the morning (sport, intellectual,

02 October 2006 8/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very favourable morning for investments or buying. If you have such intentions, they will work out
well. In the afternoon things will be rather bad. The atmosphere will be unstable. Avoid haste
compl et
ely.Don’ tgeti nvol
vedi not
herpe ople’
saf fai
rs,occupyy oursel
fwi thy ourownqual i
The evening atmosphere risks getting heavier and tensions are possible. Opt for escape, sport, the
open air, and let the storm pass.

03 October 2006 9/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The atmosphere of this day will be rather bad. Neither the spiritual or the material will be good until
about 6 PM. It would be desirable to take a back seat as much as possible, to avoid getting involved
andgi vi
ngy ouropi nion.Don’ ttakeanyr i
sks,av oi
dhav ingt omakei mpor tantdeci si
ons .Ifyouav oi
the traps and preserved your credibility, you will approach the evening in very good conditions and you
will know the joys of friendship and authenticity.

04 October 2006 1/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

Des piteamor ningwi ths ever alscr

apesors mal lquar r
el(patience,don’ tpus hit ),y ouwillhaveav ery
positive climate for this day. You will be motivated, audacious and everything will seem to succeed for
youunt ill at
eint heev ening.Howe v er
si sont hecondi t
iontha tyoudon’ tl ingeront hecont rary
events of the morning.

05 October 2006 2/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

An interesting day for relationships. You will have influence. The day will be favourable for developing
new projects, envisaging new associations or establishing contacts. Good ideas will surge in the
afternoon. They can come in an indirect way thanks to your collaborators (for example). The evening
atmosphere will favour putting your affairs and ideas in order. You will have the possibility to re-find
yourself. An activity which is necessary for avoiding dispersion, stress and sometimes illusions.

06 October 2006 3/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

A climate of dispersion, superficiality and instability will mark this day. You will be carried along by
superficial situations or relationships (society small talk) with their hypocrisy, bad advice, etc. Nothing
concr eteorl astingwi llcomef rom thisdayi fy oudon’ ttakepr event at
iveme as ur
es.Mak es urey ouar e
organised and respect a strict timetable (not to loose time), and the evening will be a little better. The
onlypos i
tivev i
br at
ionher econc ernsy ourcr eativ
y,s odon’ twas teitbys catter i
ngy ourself.

07 October 2006 4/6
0h 6h 12h 18h

A day placed under the sign of energy and independence. These vibrations will raise your assurance
and that will positively influence those around you. You will radiate and take things in hand. Your
practicalsens ewi llbepr esentalldayandi fyoudon’ tneglecta nydet ai
lss uccessca nbee xpected.
Some frictions are possible i ntheaf t
ernoon,butdon’ tcare.Conc ent r
ateonmov ingfor ward.Aftera
power fulanda ct
iveday ,y ouwi l
ywantanaf f
eev ening.I t
’supt oy out ogett ogetherwi th
those you love. The passing from one cycle to another could perhaps be accompanied by a falling of
tension and a brusque (but momentary) rise in your emotions.

08 October 2006 5/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

After the very good vibrations of this morning will come a contrary afternoon. This morning will be one
of the best for tying contracts, convincing, conquering, seducing and engaging your future (especially
professional). In the afternoon you risk seeing the change of vibration meeting quite a few annoyances
and hitches as far as relationships and request are concerned. Certain stifling situations will become
mor eac utea ndy ouwon’ tbeabl et odi se nt
angl eyour selffrom t hem y et.From mi ddayt o6PM i t
would be better to occupy yourself with minor tasks. Be careful if you opt for other activities. The
calmer evening will allow you to prepare to resolve current problems and coming obligations.

09 October 2006 6/6

0h 6h 12h 18h

The morning will be favourable to friendship, discussion, company and artistic activities. People will be
attracted by you. This period can be fruitful and will help you in an interesting way with your activities.
The atmosphere changes in the afternoon and will stimulate you more to regulate administrative tasks
with efficiency
,ev eni ft hisdoes n’
yenc hanty ou.Ony ourwayy our i
s kapproac hingt heev eni ng
badl yandy ouwi l
lbeabi tintol er
antordema ndingwi tht hos earoundy ou.Youwon’ tacc eptcer tai
attitudes from your partner very well for example. Possible conflict. Also be careful of the unexpected
and your lack of ability to adapt.

10 October 2006 see day 7/6

11 October 2006 see day 8/6
12 October 2006 see day 9/6
13 October 2006 see day 1/6
14 October 2006 see day 2/6
15 October 2006 see day 3/6
16 October 2006 see day 4/6
17 October 2006 see day 5/6
18 October 2006 see day 6/6
19 October 2006 see day 7/6
20 October 2006 see day 8/6
21 October 2006 see day 9/6

22 October 2006 see day 1/6
23 October 2006 see day 2/6
24 October 2006 see day 3/6
25 October 2006 see day 4/6
26 October 2006 see day 5/6
27 October 2006 see day 6/6
28 October 2006 see day 7/6
29 October 2006 see day 8/6
30 October 2006 see day 9/6
31 October 2006 see day 1/6

November 2006
A rather difficult period with lateness and oppositions which will check your spirit. The only advice
consists in verifying all the details and being clear in order to minimise possible problems or
misunderstandings. In acting with method and calm, solutions will gradually appear allowing you to
advance normally again.

A tendency to withdraw and keep your feelings inside. Unfortunately, this lack for clarity is not to your
advantage faced with those close to you and you would do well to adopt a more open attitude, less
complicated. Make the most of the week from the 14th to the 21st to get closer to your partner.

Be careful not to carry with you the disappointments or dissatisfactions linked to your present
situation. You risk heading for a feeling of rejection which is not necessarily good for your health.
Unwind through sport, let go of your troubles, they do not deserve such importance. It is you who is
the most important !

Qui t
eat est
ingmont h.Don’ tt ryt oa ctt oomuc horf
orcet hes ituati
on.I fpos si
df i
transactions and wait patiently for next month ; but not absolutely passively : be a magnet. Who
knows, you could perhaps attract a nice surprise !

01 November 2006 8/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

This morning you will hav ee x t

raordi narypunc h.Youwon’ thav eanyt imet olos
eandy ouwi l
tempted to take unusual or daring initiatives. Master of yourself, you will have the tendency to
denounce injustices and speak your mind. It is a good time to undertake tasks, invest or make
decisions. From midday it would be wise not to take important decisions. Better concentrate on your
defence. In effect, you risk meeting frustrations, annoyances that you will only overcome after
numerous efforts at the end of the afternoon. The evening will be positive again.

02 November 2006 9/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

You are going to be in a very delicate cycle today. The ground will be undermined, propositions
doubtful and promises not kept. Affective engagements in particular but also other things, will only
lead to insatisfaction. You also risk meeting coldness and even a harmful will. Keep yourself away from
all that and concentrate on activities of reflection, meditation or reading. Otherwise try to be more
subtle than these obstacles. The evening will bring less unpleasant vibrations but the affective area will
remain a little fragile.

03 November 2006 1/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

A very happy day where you will benefit from excellent vibrations for everything linked with the material
and financial. Make the most of it for negotiating, haggling, speculating or investing. These vibrations
will also have a positive effect on your relationships and you will be appreciated. On the other hand, the
evening is placed under a different climate and it will be your turn to make concessions.

04 November 2006 2/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

Today you will benefit from a double positive vibration. Not only will you have good, efficient, intelligent
ideas, but also your radiance and your influence will be particularly active. So make the most of it !
Give advice, gain an advantage, achieve. The afternoon and evening climates will be equally favourable
for affective relationships, feelings and pleasure.

05 November 2006 3/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

The afternoon will be a little vague and delicate when it comes to making advancements but the
overall the day will be positive. Cheerfulness and vivacity will accompany you from the moment you
wake up. At the end of the afternoon you will have quite an exceptional energy and imagination which
will make you radiate and show your talent. Try to manage your time well to take advantage of this
vibration that will be repeated during this month.

06 November 2006 4/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibration of this day will incite you to take every detail into consideration. You will quickly realise
that forgetfulness and negligence will bring problems. You will understand that even the obvious things
don’ tr es ol
vethems el
v es.Itisne cessar yt
obeor der l
yandc ons cienti
ous .Themor ningwi l
lbene gative
for all attempts at co-operation with others. Expect nothing from others this morning, you will only be
disappointed. Fortunately, the afternoon is placed in a more constructive cycle. This will be a good
time for making undertakings with respect to your future. During the evening the cycle will be negative
for relationships and material things. All that you undertake has a strong risk of going badly. It would
be better to stay in retreat this evening.

07 November 2006 5/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

An extremely favourable atmosphere will mark your day. You will have an enthusiasm and success
such that nobody and nothing will seem able to resist you. All of your actions will be fruitful. Things will
roll with a disconcerting ease. All areas will be impregnated with this magic, particularly friendship and
sentimental. New contacts will be favoured, you will have the desire to please and to charm,
particularly during the second part of the day.

08 November 2006 6/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

It is advised to make the most of this very favourable morning for your professional activities.
Ev erythi
ngwi l
lsmi l
eaty ou.Ify oune eds upporttoachi evey ourpr oj
s,don’ thes itatet oas kt he
influent people. Their reaction will certainly be positive. The afternoon and evening vibrations will
influence your mood a little. You will be less concentrated on work and more interested in the affective.
If you already have someone, you will have moments of happiness. Otherwise it is in your interest to
accept invitations or evening out.

09 November 2006 7/7

0h 6h 12h 18h

Intuition and analysis will be honoured today. If you pose questions about life, your strategy, you will
certainly find answers. Your clairvoyance and capable mind will perform and help you to construct
good things. This day will be very favourable to your growth. If intuition and inspiration are already
some of your qualities, this will be a marvellous day for you. However, you must avoid getting too
involved in outside actions or activities. Let things come to you rather that you going to them. Also
watch out for financial transactions, they are not in a good cycle.

10 November 2006 see day 8/7

11 November 2006 see day 9/7
12 November 2006 see day 1/7
13 November 2006 see day 2/7
14 November 2006 see day 3/7
15 November 2006 see day 4/7
16 November 2006 see day 5/7
17 November 2006 see day 6/7
18 November 2006 see day 7/7
19 November 2006 see day 8/7
20 November 2006 see day 9/7
21 November 2006 see day 1/7
22 November 2006 see day 2/7
23 November 2006 see day 3/7
24 November 2006 see day 4/7
25 November 2006 see day 5/7
26 November 2006 see day 6/7

27 November 2006 see day 7/7
28 November 2006 see day 8/7
29 November 2006 see day 9/7
30 November 2006 see day 1/7

December 2006
Make the most of this month to energetically regulate the problems which have been hanging around
too long. The first 15 days and after the 21st are favourable periods to succeed. On the other hand,
from the 14th to the 21st you will be confronted by obstacles tending to destabilise your position.
Def endy ourself,don’ tleavey ourpr oj ect
s.Tr yt os taymas teroft hegr ound,di s cretelyi fpossible.I
the month to come you will have to be capable of keeping your assets secret until the last minute.

Tensions and conflicts can arise this month. Watch out, there is a risk of a break. You will have the
tendency to be too demanding and too perfectionist this month.

A great dynamism all through this month except for the 14th to the 21st where you will be very tired. A
rest and a mineral cure and trace elements are vital. If possible, avoid surgical intervention in this
period of the 14th to the 21st.

A month sufficiently favourable for you to envisage with all serenity straightening out your financial
situation. You can invest and speculate from the 1st to the 7th and after the 21st. On the other days it
would be better to be prudent in all business that is proposed to you. Look at the daily calendar, use I-
Ching or Tarot.

01 December 2006 9/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A relatively testing day, sprinkled with struggles and efforts. Fortunately providential support will help
you to finally resolve this confusion. So you will approach the evening in a very good state of mind.
Brilliant and satisfied, you will feel particularly good about yourself. The evening will be rich with
friendships, people will be unconsciously attracted by your well-being, which will give you great

02 December 2006 1/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

This day has a positive atmosphere. You will feel a lot more confident and mature than usual. You will
be respected and listen tomor e.I fyouge nerallyhes it
at e,don’ t,t hi
swi l
lbet hemome nttol eaveal l
thatbe hi ndy ou.Itisimper ativet haty ouma ket hemos toft hemor ni
ng’spos i
vev i
onst oex press
yourself. "Ask and you will receive". The afternoon is a little less favourable (keep your head) but the
evening will see harmony again.

03 December 2006 2/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A delicate morning in view ! You will have choices to make, and you will have to act with discernment
and efficiency. No question of sneaking off or postponing everything. Look at the problems, this will
help you to act with lucidity. The afternoon will be different and very favourable for friendships,
approach, thought processes and diplomacy. If your mind is at rest after having taken the appropriate
decisions this morning, you will have a successful afternoon. During the evening your interest will go in
the direction of the good moments of life and even adventure.

04 December 2006 3/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Do you know how to make the most of these exceptional vibrations for conquering and succeeding ?
Know t haty ouwi l
lbel uckyt oday .Puty ourconv ict
ioni nal lyourunder t
ouwon’ tbe
disappointed. Financial and relational perspectives are also good today. The day will end with a very
favourable evening for invitations, enriching discussions, reflection and friendship.

05 December 2006 4/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

The vibrations today will be favourable for organisation, order and basic work. Concentrate on simple
tas ksal ldayand wat ch outt haty ou don’ tdi v
e rtbecaus ea n addi tionalvibrati
on wi llma key ou
emot i
onal l
yuns table.Ify oudon’ ttakecar e,y ouc ouldlety ours elf to be constantly carried along to
change your opinion or your place. This affective instability could also lead you to be admiring or to
criticise too easily. Deception is assured, so watch out ! In the evening, the cycle will be favourable to
your well-being, spiritually and physically. Relax, do some sport or meditate.

06 December 2006 5/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Themor ni
ngr is
ksnotgoi ngass moot hlyasy oue x
pect ed.Don’ tbedi sappoint edbe causee ve ryt
hi ng
will turn out right in the afternoon, with some unexpected things (with the condition that you have a
supple mind to accept certain concessions). The notions of freedom and great possibilities will
impregnate your mind. Make the most of this positive cycle for communication, undertakings,
negotiating and requests for support. You will approach the evening with a desire for luxury, well-being.
Probably a good atmosphere and the possibility of meeting new people (if evening out).

07 December 2006 6/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

A difficult day which can finish in a convivial atmosphere if you arrange things well. Today, you will
probably meet numerous obstacles and difficulties of communication. Be patient and diplomatic.
Establish a good dialogue allowing everyone to express their desires in order to avoid tensions and
mi sunder st
andings .Youmayhav ene wr es pons ibil
iesorobl igati
onst oas s
ume.Abov eal ldon’tl et
yourself get upset. Act with determination and efficiency. If all goes well, you will approach the evening
with serenity and you can dedicate yourself to close ones or friends in a good and authentic

08 December 2006 7/8

0h 6h 12h 18h


A delicate day where act i

oni snotr ecomme nde d.Don’ ttrytopr ovok ee vents.Letthingscomet oy ou.
If you know how to be patient and confident, you will be surprised with the benefits that Providence will
give you. If you force things on the other hand or hod resentment, it is probable that things will go
badly. If you cannot reduce your activities, try at least to keep your distance and survey your path. The
evening will be favourable for discussions and the resolution of problems (other peoples) thanks to
your knowledge.

09 December 2006 8/8

0h 6h 12h 18h

Conditions today will be particularly hard and demanding. Nonchalance, passivity, a lowering of
vigilance and a lack of consistence will quickly be sanctioned. You must be on the look out to show
your precision as well as your courage, combativeness and intelligence. The results of this day will
equal your efforts, your desire to master events and your capacity not to lose sight of things which are
important to you. The morning will be a source of hitches and having to start again while the
afternoon, more favourable, will help you move your affairs forward. In the evening, the atmosphere
will be a little electric.

10 December 2006 see day 9/8

11 December 2006 see day 1/8
12 December 2006 see day 2/8
13 December 2006 see day 3/8
14 December 2006 see day 4/8
15 December 2006 see day 5/8
16 December 2006 see day 6/8
17 December 2006 see day 7/8
18 December 2006 see day 8/8
19 December 2006 see day 9/8
20 December 2006 see day 1/8
21 December 2006 see day 2/8
22 December 2006 see day 3/8
23 December 2006 see day 4/8
24 December 2006 see day 5/8
25 December 2006 see day 6/8
26 December 2006 see day 7/8
27 December 2006 see day 8/8
28 December 2006 see day 9/8
29 December 2006 see day 1/8
30 December 2006 see day 2/8
31 December 2006 see day 3/8

We hope that your numerological report have brought you a new lighting on your personality and your
life, that it opened you with the benefits of this science. No doubt that by becoming aware of your
potentials and the " dominant winds " that you will meet on your way, you will be able to advantage
from it for a better quality of life.

Principal numbers summary

Claudia Schiffer

25 August 1970

Intimate number 7
Expression number 8
Desire number 1
Life path 5

Cycle 1 (1970-2001) 8
Cycle 2 (2002-2028) 7
Cycle 3 (2029-....) 8


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